Nano, MEMS, & NEMS

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Contents Nanoscience & Technology ........................................3 Nano Materials ..........................................................10 MEMS & NEMS ........................................................17 Bionanotechnology....................................................21 Page 3

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Nanoscience & Technology


Nanotechnology Ethical and Social Implications Edited by

Ahmed S. Khan DeVry University, Addison, Illinois, USA

This book spans the full range of nanotech topics. It focuses on how advances in science and the convergence of multiple technological disciplines in nanotechnology impact society at individual, community, national, and international levels. Exploring this technology’s positive and negative aspects in the face of today’s complex social issues, the author addresses how it can benefit society and meet the demands of new skill sets in the workforce. Written using an interactive format, the book employs case studies, scenarios, and web exercises to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and to enhance stakeholders’ awareness of the challenges posed by nanotechnology. Features: • Provides an introduction to nanotechnology and nanoscience • Clarifies social and ethical ramifications of nanotechnology • Analyzes impact of nanotechnology in medicine, healthcare, manufacturing, and other areas

Portraits in Carbon, T. Neff Nanotechnology: Environment and Ecology, D. Newberry Our Biopolitical Future: Four Scenarios, R. Hayes Nanotechnology in Food and Agriculture, A.S. Khan The Future of Food: An Introduction to the Ethical Issues in Genetically Modified Foods, M.R. McLean Titanium Dioxide (TiO2): A Versatile Semiconducting Material for Environmental and Antibacterial Applications, M.A. Shah What Are the Social Implications of Our Delay in Teaching Nanoscience Education to K–12 Students in the United States? J. Light Feather Nanotechnology Research and Science, Technology, and Society Education at Bilkent University, H.M. Ozaktas

Contents (abridged):

Application of Simulation for Emulating Nanotechnology and Emerging Technologies in Education, A.S. Khan

Nanotechnology: An Introduction to Applications and Ethical and Social Issues, A.S. Khan

Predicting the Future: Review of PublicPerception Studies of Nanotechnology, M. Siegrist

What’s Different, Ethically, About Nanotechnology? Foundational Questions and Answers, R.E. McGinn The Beginning of Ethics: Confucius and Socrates, J. Yu

Nanotechnology: The Size of the Cosmos Versus the Size of Human Knowledge, A.S. Khan

Ethics: A Conservative Christian Perspective, G. Anderson Nanotechnology: Ethical and Social Issues, F.M. Salinas, D.M. Smith, and S. Viswanathan The Unanticipated Consequences of Technology, T. Healy

May 2012, 365 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5953-7, £49.99

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Nanoscience & Technology

Nanotechnology Understanding Small Systems, Second Edition Ben Rogers Reno, Nevada, USA

Sumita Pennathur University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Jesse Adams Nevada Nano, Inc., Reno, USA

"Ever since Richard Feynman gave his classic talk in 1959, ‘There Is Plenty of Room at the Bottom,’ there has been a steadily increasing buzz in manipulating matter at the atomic scale--nanotechnology. This updated work (First ed., 2008) takes the revolutionary concepts and techniques that have traditionally been fodder for graduate study and makes them accessible for all. Covering subjects ranging from materials science to mechanics and biotechnology to photonics, [the authors] deftly introduce the reader to each topic and quickly explain why it is important on the nanoscale. An exciting feature is the ‘back-of-theenvelope’ examples, where the reader is walked through ‘quick and dirty’ calculations to illustrate and understand (mathematically) the complex concepts discussed. The end of each chapter includes traditional problem sets and short answer questions to test understanding. While not a comprehensive text in any specific area of nanoscale science or engineering, this outstanding introduction to the broad field of nanotechnology provides a solid foundation for further study.” “Summing Up: Highly recommended … " —N. M Fahrenkopf, University at Albany, in CHOICE, 2011

Praise for the First Edition: "… It is written in an easily understandable manner, not requiring from the reader deep knowledge in the related topics of physics and mathematics before reading this book. It uncovers the most important things about nanotechnology explained in a very illustrative manner with many simple examples, figures, and ‘back-of-the-envelope’ calculations, so that the reader can get a good feeling for the numbers of nanotechnology." —Zentralblatt MATH, 1185

This book works from the ground up to provide a detailed yet accessible introduction to one of the world’s fastest growing fields, understandable to members of a variety of disciplines. It contains a


clear presentation of real-world examples and original illustrations, as well as hundreds of homework problems of varying types, including multiple choice, true-false, in-depth calculation, and essay (with complete solutions manual). This book uses a systems-based approach that illustrates how underlying areas of nano are assembled to create systems with unique functions and characteristics, comparing nanoscale and macroscale systems to reveal the complex and fundamental differences between phenomena at different scales and uncover the specific challenges and opportunities of nano. Features: • Comprehensive glossary serves as a nanotech dictionary, helping students review concepts and book material as well as understand other more complex texts • Suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter give readers a portal into deeper study of nanotech topics • Numerous updates and improvements to the text and figures, based on user feedback • Many simple examples, figures, and ‘back-ofthe-envelope’ calculations, so that the reader can get a good feeling for the numbers of nanotechnology Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged): Big Picture and Principles of the Small World. Introduction to Miniaturization. Introduction to Nanoscale Physics. Nanomaterials. Nanomechanics. Nanoelectronics. Nanoscale Heat Transfer. Nanophotonics. Nanoscale Fluid Mechanics. Nanobiotechnology. July 2011, 421 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4920-0, £63.99

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Nanoscience & Technology

Computational Electronics Semiclassical and Quantum Device Modeling and Simulation Dragica Vasileska Arizona State University, Tempe, USA

Stephen M. Goodnick Arizona State University, Tempe, USA

Gerhard Klimeck Birck Nanotechnology Center, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

Starting with simple semiclassical approaches and ending with the description of complex fully quantum-mechanical methods, this book provides a complete overview of essential techniques and methods for analyzing transport in semiconductor devices. The first part examines semiclassical transport methods and provides details regarding numerical implementation and sample code as templates for sophisticated simulation software. The second part introduces the density gradient method, quantum hydrodynamics, and the concept of effective potentials used to account for quantum-mechanical space quantization effects in particle-based simulators. Numerous problems and examples supply readers with the understanding required to create their own simulators. Features: • Introduces advanced simulation methods for proper modeling of state-of-the-art nanoscale devices • Explores semi-classical transport modeling and quantum transport modeling • Includes numerous problems and examples throughout the text Contents (abridged): Introduction to Computational Electronics Si-Based Nanoelectronics Heterostructure Devices in III–V or II–VI Technology ... Introductory Concepts Crystal Structure Semiconductors Band Structure ... Semiclassical Transport Theory Approximations for the Distribution Function Boltzmann Transport Equation Relaxation-Time Approximation ... The Drift-Diffusion Equations and Their Numerical Solution

Drift-Diffusion Model Derivation Drift-Diffusion Application Example Hydrodynamic Modeling Introduction Extensions of the Drift-Diffusion Model Stratton’s Approach Hydrodynamic (Balance, Bløtekjær) Equations Model ... Particle-Based Device Simulation Methods Direct Solution of Boltzmann Transport Equation: Monte Carlo Method Multi-Carrier Effects .. Modeling Thermal Effects in Nano-Devices Some General Aspects of Heat Conduction Classical Heat Conduction in Solids Form of the Heat Source Term ... Quantum Corrections to Semiclassical Approaches One-Dimensional Quantum-Mechanical Space Quantization Quantum Corrections to Drift-Diffusion and Hydrodynamic Simulators ... Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Systems Tunneling General Notation Transfer Matrix Approach ... Far-From-Equilibrium Quantum Transport Mixed States and Distribution Function Irreversible Processes and MASTER Equations The Wigner Distribution Function Green’s Functions Nonequilibrium Keldysh Green’s Functions ... Conclusions Appendix A: Electronic Band Structure Calculation Appendix B: Poisson Equation Solvers Appendix C: Computational Electromagnetics Appendix D: Stationary and Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory June 2010, 782 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6483-4, £80.99

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Nanoscience & Technology

Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Gabor L. Hornyak NanoThread, Inc., Golden, Colorado, USA

H.F. Tibbals University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA

Joydeep Dutta Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand

John J. Moore Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA

The maturation of nanotechnology has revealed it to be a unique and distinct discipline rather than a specialization within a larger field. Its textbook cannot afford to be a chemistry, physics, or engineering text focused on nano. It must be an integrated and multidisciplinary nano textbook. The archetype of the modern nano textbook, this text builds a solid background in characterization and fabrication methods while integrating the physics, chemistry, and biology facets. The remainder of this color text focuses on applications, examining engineering aspects as well as nanomaterials and industry-specific applications in such areas as energy, electronics, and biotechnology.


December 2008, 1,640 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4779-0, £96.00

With qualifying course adoption, instructors receive online access to ample teaching material for a one- or two-semester course.

• Provides a complete and integrated introduction to the science and applications of the modern nano landscape • Takes a nano-centric approach rather than discussing nano-related topics from other fields such as chemistry or physics • Presents all illustrations in full vibrant color • Offers material ideally suited to a two-semester introductory course in nanoscience and nanotechnology for students from any discipline • Discusses the unfolding business landscape of nanotechnology to guide future entrepreneurs

Also available in two course-specific volumes: WINNER 2009 CHOICE AWARD OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC TITLE

Introduction to Nanoscience

Fundamentals of Nanotechnology

Gabor L. Hornyak NanoThread, Inc., Golden, Colorado, USA

Gabor L. Hornyak

Joydeep Dutta

NanoThread, Inc., Golden, Colorado, USA

Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand

John J. Moore

H.F. Tibbals

Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA

H.F. Tibbals

Anil Rao Metropolitan State College of Denver, Colorado, USA

"The figures are engaging and instructive, and the chapter reference lists are outstanding, containing the most up-to-date and important literature ... This volume exposes students to the complete scope of nanoscience, allowing them to bring their disciplinary knowledge to the table and to understand the science, language, and techniques used in allied fields so they can develop a big picture interdisciplinary view, something needed to


University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA

Joydeep Dutta Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand

“ … an outstanding, essential resource for anyone in the field, student or otherwise. It covers the entire spectrum of nanotechnology including nanoelectronics, photonics, nanocomposites, and thin films … This comprehensive, highly readable book with extremely high production values can be read and appreciated by experts and non specialists

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Nanoscience & Technology Introduction to Nanoscience, cont. effectively engage and make major new contributions in this revolutionary field. Summing Up: Highly recommended." —B. Ransom, formerly, University of California- San Diego, in Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries

"...extremely easy reading for students... In terms of the ease of usage for the teacher, it is refreshing to see a textbook that is written from a biomedical perspective in an area customarily frequented by material scientists and physicists and their customary dry writing. The authors do a very good job of contextualising the field and the reading is made ever more pleasant by the use of magnificent figures of superlative clarity . . . This book would certainly be used by me personally..." —Dipak Kumar Sarker, School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Brighton, in Reviews

Features: • Offers a thorough and integrated introduction to the salient aspects of nanoscience with regard to the major underlying disciplines • Presents all illustrations in full vibrant color • Divides each section into basic and advanced sections that flow together seamlessly • Includes numerous examples, problem sets, and illustrations • Serves as an ideal text for a first course in nanoscience for both undergraduate and graduate students Online access to instructional materials available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged): Perspectives Introduction Societal Implications of Nano Nanotools Characterization Methods ... Physics: Properties and Phenomena Materials, Structure, and the Nanosurface Energy at the Nanoscale The Material Continuum ... Chemistry: Synthesis and Modification Carbon-Based Nanomaterials Chemical Interactions at the Nanoscale Supramolecular Chemistry Chemical Synthesis and Modification of Nanomaterials Natural and Bionanoscience Natural Nanomaterials Biomolecular Nanoscience May 2008, 856 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4805-6, £59.99

Fundamentals of Nanotechnology, cont. alike. A revolutionary book in a revolutionary field.” —B. Ransom, formerly, University of California- San Diego, in Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries

“ … meets the goal of providing an accessible introduction of this highly interdisciplinary subject to a very diverse group of readers. … I highly recommend this textbook for an upper division college seminar course in nanotechnology. It can also serve as a reference book for scientists and engineers, policy makers, and venture capitalists who would like to be introduced broadly to nanotechnology. “ —Liang Tang writing in IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine

Features: • Provides a complete and integrated introduction to the engineering and application aspects of nanotechnology • Addresses the business and societal aspects of nanotechnology • Presents all illustrations in full vibrant color • Follows a consistent format of basic and advanced topics, examples, illustrations, exercises, and a summary Includes access to instructional materials with qualifying course adoption Online access to chapter-by-chapter ancillary material available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged): Perspectives Introduction Nanometrology: Standards and Nanomanufacturing Electromagnetic Engineering Nanoelectronics Nano-optics Nanomagnetism Mechanical Nanoengineering Nanomechanics Nanostructure and Nanocomposite Thin Films Applications of Thin Films Chemical Nanoengineering Nanocatalysis Nanocomposites and Fibers Biological and Environmental Nanoengineering Nanobiotechnology Biomimetics Medical Nanotechnology Environmental Nanotechnology December 2008, 786 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4803-2, £59.99

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Nanoscience & Technology

Quantum Principles & Particles

Introduction to Spintronics

Walter Wilcox

Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA

Supriyo Bandyopadhyay

Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA

“This text contains many innovative features, tricks, and other material not usually found in an undergraduate introduction to quantum mechanics. From beginning the text with simple two state systems to ending it with an introduction to the standard model of particle physics, clearly Wilcox has rethought considerably how an introduction to the field can best be conveyed to undergraduates, and his book is a very welcome addition.” —Professor Donald N. Petcher, Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia, USA

Features: • Emphasizes basic quantum principles deduced from fundamental experiments • Presents quantum theory in a novel way by using process diagrams as a visual tool • Guides readers from elementary quantum mechanics to aspects of particle physics • Incorporates extensive problem sets to reinforce key principles • Uses simplified bra-ket notation throughout • Includes extensive illustrations • Contains helpful appendices on notation, lattice models, weak flavor mixing, and numerical simulations Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged): QUANTUM PRINCIPLES: Perspective and Principles. Free Particles in One Dimension. Some One-Dimensional Solutions to the Schrödinger Equation. Hilbert Space and Unitary Transformations. Three Static Approximation Methods. Generalization to Three Dimensions. QUANTUM PARTICLES: The Three-Dimensional Radial Equation. Addition of Angular Momenta. Spin and Statistics. Quantum Particle Scattering. Connecting to the Standard Model. Appendix: Notation Comments and Comparisons. Appendix: Lattice Models. Appendix: 2-D Harmonic Oscillator Wave Function Normalization. ... April 2012, 546 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3525-8, £44.99


Marc Cahay University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

This practical, self-contained text builds the knowledge vital for conducting independent research in spintronics. It explains the use of spin for encoding information in both classical and quantum systems, and how spin-orbit interaction forms the basis for spintronic field effect transistors and spin-based devices. It also discusses the advantages of spinbased devices over conventional electronic devices. Coverage spans active hybrid, monolithic, and passive spintronic devices as well as some based on the giant magnetoresistance effect. The final chapters introduce spin-based reversible logic gates, spintronic models of quantum computers, and advanced applications. Features: • Provides a comprehensive introduction to spintronics, the fastest growing area of electronics • Compares the advantages of spin versus charge for electrical devices such as transistors and logic systems • Assumes little prior background, only basic device physics and quantum mechanics • Contains numerous examples and problems for practical illustration of the wide range of topics presented • Includes solutions to sample problems within the text Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged): The early history of spin. The quantum mechanics of spin. The Bloch sphere. Evolution of a spinor. The density matrix. Spin orbit interaction. Magneto-electric subbands in quantum confined structures in the presence of spin-orbit interaction. Spin relaxation. Exchange interaction. Spin transport in solids. Passive spintronic devices and related concepts. Hybrid spintronics. Monolithic spintronics. Quantum computing with spins. A quantum mechanics primer. March 2008, 536 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3133-6, £61.99

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Nanoscience & Technology

Nanoelectronic Devices Byung-Gook Park and Young June Park Seoul National University, South Korea

Sung Woo Hwang Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

This book provides readers with knowledge in fundamentals of nanoelectronic devices. The authors build the principles of nanoelectronic devices based on those of microelectronic devices wherever possible and introduce the inherently nanoelectronic principles gradually. They briefly review quantum mechanics and solid-state physics that can form the basis of semiconductor device physics. The book also covers the basics of electron transport and p–n junctions, develops the operations of MOS capacitors and MOSFETs, and introduces some basic CMOS circuits. The last chapter is devoted to the nano-biotechnology application of field-effect transistors. Features: • Covers a broad spectrum from the basic concepts to the current research topics • Intuitive and qualitative explanation of device concepts before the use of quantitative analysis • Illustrated with excellent figures and 3D plots • Includes circuit and system concepts that are rarely dealt with in books on devices • Discusses nano-biotechnology application of field-effect transistors Contents (abridged): Quantum Mechanics for Nanoelectronic Devices. Electron Transport and Device Physics. MOS Structure and CMOS Devices. Quantum Well Devices. Quantum Wire Devices. Quantum Dot Devices. MOSFET as the Molecular Sensor. February 2012, 400 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4364-00-3, £63.99

Nanocomputing Computational Physics for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Jang-Yu Hsu National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, People’s Republic of China

“Following an extensive motivating introduction laced with gentle humor, Hsu guides the reader of Nanocomputing on a journey through the realms of the nano-world. Addressing primarily students and scientists knowledgeable in quantum mechanics and some level of programming, he uses sample MATLAB® programs to let the engaged reader experience and quantitatively reproduce many nanoscale phenomena explored by current frontier research in physics, chemistry and biology.” —Prof. David Tomanek, Michigan State University, USA

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the computational physics for nanoscience and nanotechnology. Based on MATLAB and the C++ distributed computing paradigm, the book gives instructive explanations of the underlying physics for mesoscopic systems with many listed programs that readily compute physical properties into nanoscales. Many generated graphical pictures demonstrate not only the principles of physics, but also the methodology of computing. The book starts with a review of quantum physics, quantum chemistry, and condensed matter physics, followed by a discussion on the computational and analytical tools and the numerical algorithms used. With these tools in hand, the nonlinear many-body problem, molecular dynamics, low dimensionality and nanostructures are explored. Special topics covered include the plasmon, the quantum Hall effect, chaos and stochasticity. The applications explored include graphene, the carbon nanotube, water dynamics, and the molecular computer. Contents (abridged): Little Big Science. Tools for Analysis. Mesoscopic Systems. Analytical Chapter. Numerical Chapter. Nonlinear Many-Body Physics and Transport. OOP, MPI and Parallel Computing. Low Dimensionality and Nanostructures. Special Topics. Applications. March 2009, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4241-26-7, £89.00

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Nano Materials

Understanding Nanomaterials Malkiat S. Johal Pomona College, Claremont, California, USA

“ … physical chemists will enjoy building their teaching around the well-explained material in this book … students will find it clear and informative. In particular, the end-of-chapter questions are valuable.” —Chemistry World

“ … will serve students well in their goal to gain a greater understanding of why nanoscaled systems are of great interest, how they are fabricated, and how they are characterized using a wide variety of analytical instrumentation very commonly found in university and industrial settings.” —Marcus D. Lay, University of Georgia, Athens, USA

“The writing is very fluid. The problems and figures are good. Overall, I learned a great deal about surface science techniques from this manuscript.” —Lisa Klein, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA

This textbook provides a coherent overview of the fundamental principles underlying nanomaterials fabrication, as well as a discussion of the characterization and application of these materials. The author takes an interdisciplinary approach, highlighting the theory and tools contributed by chemistry, biology, physics, medicine, and engineering. The book includes real-world examples related to energy, the environment, and medicine throughout the text, underscoring presented technological applications. Features: • Discusses the principles of nanomaterials fabrication • Describes the characterization and application of nanomaterials • Contains real-world examples, application notes, and a glossary of technical terminology • Includes worked examples, end-of-chapter problem sets, and exercises for self-study to strengthen conceptual understanding


Contents (abridged): A Brief Introduction to Nanoscience The Need for Nanoscience Education The Nanoscale Dimension and the Scope of Nanoscience Self-Assembly ... Intermolecular Interactions and Self- Assembly Chapter Overview Intermolecular Forces and Self- Assembly Electrostatic Forces between Surfaces: The Electrical Double Layer... Rudiments of Surface Nanoscience Chapter Overview Fundamentals of Surface Science Adsorption Phenomena: Self-Assembled Monolayers ... Characterization at the Nanoscale Chapter Overview Surface Tensiometry: The Surface Tensiometer Quartz Crystal Microbalance Ellipsometry Surface Plasmon Resonance Dual Polarization Interferometry Spectroscopic Methods Nonlinear Spectroscopic Methods ... Types and Uses of Some Nanomaterials Chapter Overview Supramolecular Machines Nanowires Carbon Nanotubes Quantum Dots Langmuir-Blodgett Films Polyelectrolytes . Model Phospholipid Bilayer Formation and Characterization ... Appendix Glossary Index April 2011, 327 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4200-7310-2, £38.99

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Nano Materials Biomaterials A Nano Approach Seeram Ramakrishna National University of Singapore

Murugan Ramalingam University of Strasbourg, France

T .S. Sampath Kumar Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Winston O. Soboyejo Princeton University, New Jersey, USA

From a multi-disciplinary point of view, this book examines basic concepts, various processing methodologies, and techniques involved in the preparation and characterization of nanobiomaterials that are specific to biomedical applications. It spans their historical development and reviews recent advances in the field. It describes how basic concepts in nanotechnology are applied to the processing of novel nanobiomaterials, including nanostructured metals and alloys. Presenting illustrative examples and a variety of applications, this text offers a solid framework for understanding present and future trends of biomaterials in human health care systems. Features: • Focuses on the application of nanobiomaterials as a key component in next-generation biomaterials • Covers a range of nanobiomaterials and their potential applications • Discusses materials used for biomedical applications, including tissue engineering and drug delivery • Describes the biological and environmental effects of nanomaterials • Presents case studies that demonstrate the vital role of nanobiomaterials • Includes exercises, illustrative examples, and useful tables • Provides a summary, glossary, and references at the end of each chapter Contents (abridged): Overview of Biomaterials Introduction Biomaterials: From Then to Now Impact of Biomaterials ... Basics of Human Biology Introduction Structure and Function of the Human Body Chemical Level Cellular Level Tissue Level ... Degradation and Corrosion of Biomaterials Introduction

Surface Properties Degradation of Biomaterials Corrosion of Biomaterials Methods of Corrosion Testing ... Failure and Tribology of Biomaterials Introduction Deformation Mechanics Deformation Analysis of Biomaterials Fracture Mechanics Classification of Fracture Brittle to Ductile Transition of Biomaterials Fracture Toughness ... Nanoscale Phenomena Introduction Nanoscale Phenomena Processing of Nanostructured Materials ... Metallic Biomaterials Introduction Metallic Biomaterials Nanostructured Metallic Implants Case Study Ceramic Biomaterials Introduction Bioceramics... Polymeric Biomaterials Introduction Polymers as Biomaterials Classification of Polymeric Biomaterials ... Composite Biomaterials Introduction Classification of Composite Biomaterials Biological Responses to Composite Biomaterials Biomedical Applications of Composite Biomaterials ... Nanobiomaterials for Tissue Regeneration Introduction Concept of Tissue Engineering The Promise of Stem Cells Nanobiomaterials: A New Generation Scaffolding Material ... June 2010, 372 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4781-3, £69.99

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Nano Materials

Nanoscale Physics for Materials Science Takaaki Tsurumi, Hiroyuki Hirayama, Martin Vachax, and Tomoyasu Taniyama Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Although there are many books available on the preparation, properties, and characterization of nanomaterials, few provide an interdisciplinary account of the physical phenomena that govern the novel properties of nanomaterials. Addressing this shortfall, Nanoscale Physics for Materials Science covers fundamental cross-disciplinary concepts in materials science and engineering. It presents a comprehensive description of the physical phenomena and changes that can be expected when macroscopically sized materials are reduced to the nanometer level. The text is divided according to physical phenomena and interactions. After reviewing the necessary theoretical background, the authors address the electrical, optical, and magnetic properties as functions of size and distance. They discuss the energy spectrum, the charging effect, tunneling phenomena, electronically induced stable nanostructures, absorption and scattering, electromagnetic interactions, magnetism, ferromagnetic domain-wall-related phenomena, and spin transport in magnetic nanostructures. Problem sets are included at the end of each chapter. Providing an excellent treatment of physical phenomena not covered in similar books, this text explores the electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of materials at the nanoscale level. It delves into the dramatic physical changes that occur on scales where the quantum nature of objects starts dominating their properties.


• Links physical phenomena with recent scientific and technological developments • Takes a unified approach to materials science, rather than focusing on inorganic, organic, semiconductor, ceramic, and metallurgical materials separately • Presents an overview of quantum mechanics and the band structure of solids • Follows the changes in physical properties from macroscale to atomic levels • Describes the physical phenomena occurring at the nanoscale • Includes homework problems at the end of each chapter Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged): Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics and Band Structure Electronic States and Electrical Properties of Nanoscale Materials Optical Properties and Interactions of Nanoscale Materials Magnetic and Magnetotransport Properties of Nanoscale Materials Index December 2009, 287 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0059-1, £61.99

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Nano Materials Optics of Nanomaterials Vladimir I. Gavrilenko Norfolk State University, Virginia, USA

“Vladimir Gavrilenko has developed an extremely useful book for scientists who are interested in the rapidly developing field of nanomaterials with emphasis on the optical properties of these materials. Of particular importance is that the book covers many different kinds of optical properties (linear and nonlinear, coherent and incoherent), and many different kinds of materials (carbon and silicon-based, metals, semiconductors, and biological nanomaterials). For each topic there is a careful discussion of fundamental theory as well as specific applications that have proven important to the development of the field. There are also extensive citations to recent papers.” —Prof. George C. Schatz, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA

While the chemistry, physics, and optical properties of simple atoms and molecules are quite well understood, this book demonstrates that there is much to be learned about the optics of nanomaterials. Through comparative analysis of the sizedependent optical response from nanomaterials, it is shown that although strides have been made in computational chemistry and physics, bridging length scales from nano to macro remains a major challenge. Organic, molecular, polymer, and biological systems are shown to be potentially useful models for assembly. Our progress in understanding the optical properties of biological nanomaterials is an important driving force for a variety of applications. Contents (abridged): Fabrication and Classification of Nanomaterials A Brief Overview of Basic Fabrication Techniques Nanomaterials Based on Pure Carbon Metallic and Metal-Based Nanoparticles Semiconductor Nanoparticles ... Basics of Nanomaterials Optics Electrons in a Quantum Well Electrons under One-Dimensional Confinement Particle in Spherically Symmetric Potential ... Nanoscale Optics Plasma Excitations in Optics Plasmon Resonance in Spherical Nanoparticles Effective Medium Approximations in Optics of Nanomaterials ... Optical Absorption and Fluorescence of Nanomaterials Metallic Nanoparticles Nanostructures Based on Metallic Alloys

Metallic Nanowires ... Excitons in Quantum Confined Systems Excitons in Bulk Materials Two-Dimensional Excitons on Surfaces and Interfaces One-Dimensional Excitons in Quantum Wires ... Raman Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials Basics of the Raman Scattering Light Scattering Mechanisms Raman Scattering of Quantum Dots Exciton Raman Scattering ... Coherent Optical Spectroscopy of Quantum Dots Interaction of Quantized Optical Field with Atomic System ... Nonlinear Optics of Nanomaterials and Nanostructures Nonlinear Optical Response from Nanocrystals Second Harmonic Generation from Surfaces and Interfaces Electro-Optical Modulation Spectroscopy of Nanostructures ... Optics of Organic Nanomaterials Organic Molecules and Molecular Aggregates Molecular Nanocrystals Inorganic-Organic Nanocomposites Nanocomposite Conjugated Polymers ... Optics of Biological Nanomaterials Optical Labeling of Biological Nanomaterials Fluorescent Nanocrystals for Optical Labeling Single-Molecule Fluorescence as Biolabels ... Appendix A: Thomas–Fermi Approximation and Basics of the Density Functional Theory Appendix B: Evaluation of Optical Functions within the Perturbation Theory Appendix C: Local Field Effect in Optics of Solids from the First Principles Appendix D: Optical Field Hamiltonian in Second Quantization Representation Appendix E: Surface Plasmons and Surface Plasmon Polaritons December 2010, 329 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4241-09-0, £89.00

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Nano Materials Materials Characterization Techniques

Physical Properties of Materials

Sam Zhang and Lin Li

Second Edition

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Mary Anne White

Ashok Kumar

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

University of South Florida, Tampa, USA

Features: • Presents an atomic and molecular approach to understanding the properties of materials • Introduces the principles underlying a wide variety of physical properties of materials • Provides tutorials that encourage students to discover the physical principles behind such important advances as fiber optics, heat storage, memory metals, and more • Includes 300 end-of-chapter problems as well as numerous real-life examples and illustrations • Offers many ancillary resources for students and instructors on a companion website New to the Second Edition: • Coverage of materials sustainability, structure of materials, nanomaterials, carbon nanotubes, graphene, quantum dots, spintronics, magnetoresistance, and polymer classifications • Tutorial on the materials science of cymbals • More than 60 new problems, updated end-of-chapter references, and revised diagrams Solutions manual and electronic figure files available qualifying course adoption

With an emphasis on practical applications and realworld case studies, this volume presents the principles of widely used advanced surface and structural characterization techniques for quality assurance, contamination control, and process improvement. The book reviews the most popular and powerful analysis and quality control tools, explaining the appropriate uses and related technical requirements. The text features coverage of a wide range of topics, including Auger electron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, gel electrophoresis chromatography, laser confocal scanning florescent microscopy, and UV spectroscopy. It presents the fundamentals of vacuum as well as X-ray diffraction principles. Features: • Discusses a variety of advanced characterization techniques for understanding micro and nanoscale properties • Covers such topics as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy • Presents the fundamentals of vacuum as well as X-ray diffraction principles

Contents (abridged):

• Examines chromatographic methods

INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Materials Science. COLOR AND OTHER OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS: Atomic and Molecular Origins of Color. Color in Metals and Semiconductors. Color from Interactions of Light Waves with Bulk Matter. Other Optical Effects. THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS: Heat Capacity, Heat Content, and Energy Storage. Thermal Expansion. Thermal Conductivity. Thermodynamic Aspects of Stability. Surface and Interfacial Phenomena. Other Phases of Matter. ELECTRICAL AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS: Electrical Properties. Magnetic Properties. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS: Mechanical Properties.

Contents (abridged): Contact Angle in Surface Analysis. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Auger Electron Spectroscopy. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy. X-ray Diffraction. Transmission Electron Microscopy. Scanning Electron Microscopy. Chromatographic Methods. Infrared Spectroscopy and UV/Vis Spectroscopy. Macro and Micro Thermal Analyses. Laser Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy. December 2008, 344 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4294-8, £69.99

June 2011, 469 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6651, £49.99


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Nano Materials Optical Properties of Nanostructures Ying Fu Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Min Qiu

Introduction to Nanoelectronic Single-Electron Circuit Design Jaap Hoekstra

Royal Institute of Technology, Kista, Sweden

Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

"This book offers an excellent insight into the optical property of functional nanostructures that is one of the frontiers of photonics, materials, physics, chemistry and nanotechnology. The elegant treatment of electrons and photons in nanostructures using the first-principles quantum mechanical theories, as well as the broad coverage from basic structures to passive components and active devices, makes it a unique reference for scientists and students interested in this area."

"… This book offers an insight into an original and outstanding effort to bridge the gap between device physics and engineering of nanoelectronic integrated architectures. Original equivalent circuit models of metallic single-electron tunneling (SET) junctions and efficient analysis and synthesis techniques of nanoelectronic circuits are presented. This book is recommended to researchers and students interested in nanoscience and nanotechnology, especially in nanoelectronics."

—Prof. Limin Tong, Zhejiang University, China

—Arpad I. Csurgay, Budapest University of Technology, Hungary and University of Notre Dame, USA

This book discusses electrons and photons in and through nanostructures by the first-principles quantum mechanical theories and fundamental concepts (a unified coverage of nanostructured electronic and optical components) behind nanoelectronics and optoelectronics, the material basis, physical phenomena, device physics, as well as designs and applications. The combination of viewpoints presented in the book can help foster further research and cross-disciplinary interaction needed to surmount the barriers facing future generations of technology design. Features: • Introduces graduate students to the fast-developing field of nanoscience • Helps researchers in the field to understand/analyze their experimental data • Provides basic principles to optimize existing devices, as well as to design and develop new systems for various specific applications/demands Contents (abridged): Electrons in Nanostructures. Light-Matter Interactions. Exciton and Exciton Photogeneration. Exciton Polariton. Optoelectronic Devices. Basics of Plasmonics. Surface Plasmonics Devices. August 2011, 312 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4303-26-2, £95.00

This book examines single-electron circuits as an introduction to the rapidly expanding field of nanoelectronics. It discusses both the analysis and synthesis of circuits with the nanoelectronic metallic single-electron tunneling (SET) junction device. The basic physical phenomena under consideration are the quantum mechanical tunneling of electrons through a small insulating gap between two metal leads, the Coulomb blockade and Coulomb oscillations — the last two resulting from the quantization of charge. The author employs an unconventional approach in explaining the operation and design of single-electron circuits. Contents (abridged): Tunneling Experiments in Nanoelectronics. Current in Electrodynamics and Circuit Theory. Free Electrons in Quantum Mechanics. Current and Tunnel Current in Quantum Physics. Energy in Circuit Theory. Energy in the Switched TwoCapacitor Circuit. Impulse Circuit Model for Single-Electron Tunneling — Zero Tunneling Time. Impulse Circuit Model for Single-Electron Tunneling — Nonzero Tunneling Times. Generalizing the Theory to Multi-Junction Circuits. Single-Electron Tunneling Circuit Examples. Circuit Design Methodologies. More Potential Applications and Challenges. October 2009, 301 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4241-93-9, £76.99

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Nano Materials Nanometer CMOS

Science at the Nanoscale

Juin J. Liou University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA

An Introductory Textbook

Frank Schwierz Technische Universitat Ilmenau, Germany

Andrew T. S. Wee, Chorng Haur Sow, and Chin Wee Shong

Hei Wong City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon

National University of Singapore

This book presents the material necessary for understanding the physics, operation, design, and performance of modern MOSFETs with nanometer dimensions. It offers a brief introduction to the field and a thorough overview of MOSFET physics, detailing the relevant basics. The authors apply presented models to calculate and demonstrate transistor characteristics, and they include required input data (e.g., dimensions, doping) enabling readers to repeat the calculations and compare their results. The book introduces conventional and novel advanced MOSFET concepts, such as multiple-gate structures or alternative channel materials. Other topics covered include high-k dielectrics and mobility enhancement techniques, MOSFETs for RF (radio frequency) applications, MOSFET fabrication technology. Contents (abridged): The Evolution of Silicon Electronics Introduction The Early Days of Semiconductor Electronics ... MOSFET Theory Introduction MOS Fundamentals ... Nanoscale MOSFETs MOSFET Scaling Theory Nanoscale MOSFET Concepts — An Overview ... MOSFETs for RF Applications Introduction RF Transistor Figures of Merit ... Overview of Nanometer CMOS Technology Introduction ... Outlook Introduction ... Appendix A: Frequently Used Symbols Appendix B: Physical Constants and Unit Conversions Appendix C: Important Properties of Si and SiO2 Appendix D: Carrier Concentrations, Energy, and Potential Appendix E: Frequently Used Abbreviations February 2010, 340 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4241-08-3, £99.00


“This book provides a very detailed and interesting overview of the fundamental principles of nanoscience, discusses the background of several nanoscience experimental techniques, and sheds light on some of the visionary and important applications in the truly interdisciplinary area of nanotechnology. This book will be a useful reference book for graduate students and is expected to attract a lot of attention, not only from new graduate students, but also from more senior scientists interested in the fascinating area of nanoscience and nanotechnology, and those who are involved in a wide spectrum of disciplines ranging from physics, chemistry, surface science, spectroscopy, materials science, engineering to medicine.” —Wael Mamdouh and Flemming Besenbacher, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Features: • Draws on the authors’ teaching and research experiences • Discusses how nanotechnology is being used in the developing world • Explores developments in spintronics and carbon electronics • Offers further reading and exercises at the end of each chapter Contents (abridged): Introduction and Historical Perspective Classical Physics at the Nanoscale Brief Review of Quantum Mechanics From Atoms and Molecules to Nanoscale Materials Surfaces at the Nanoscale Low-Dimensional Nanostructures Formation and Self-Assembly at the Nanoscale Nanotools and Nanofabrication Future Trends July 2009, 228 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-981-4241-03-8, £57.99

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Introduction to BioMEMS Albert Folch University of Washington, Seattle, USA

“The field has been waiting for a true textbook that provides a practical, historical, authoritative and comprehensive introduction to bioMEMS. It has finally arrived, courtesy of Albert Folch, complete with PowerPoint lectures and thoughtful homework questions. I highly recommend it.” —David J. Beebe, University of Wisconsin–Madison

“A comprehensive, colorful textbook on the important field of bioMEMS. I will definitely recommend to my students!” —Albert van den Berg, University of Twente, Enschede-Noord, Netherlands

Features: • Focuses on the essentials of microfabrication • Presents in-depth coverage of the techniques of cell/protein micropatterning • Gives a thorough presentation of microfluidics, including theory, designs, and historical perspective • Explains how bioMEMS technology can increase the biochemical and biophysical complexity of cell culture microenvironments • Discusses how bioMEMS devices can improve fluid handling and increase experimentation throughput • Provides a good overall vision of how implantable microdevices have evolved, covering the origin of the field and the newest devices • Highlights fundamental concepts and defines them in an extensive glossary • Includes over 400 color figures, problem sets, design challenges, and key references • Offers downloadable PowerPoint slides for instructors Contents (abridged): How Do We Make Small Things? Micropatterning of Substrates and Cells. Microfluidics. Molecular Biology on a Chip. Cell-Based Chips for Biotechnology. BioMEMS for Cell Biology. Tissue Microengineering. Implantable Microdevices. August 2012, 528 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1839-8, £57.99

BioMEMS Science and Engineering Perspectives Simona Badilescu and Muthukumaran Packirisamy Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

Covering often overlooked areas in the field of bioMEMS, this volume spans topics associated with biomolecules and complex biological entities, as well as subjects directly linked to the design, fabrication, and characterization of devices. Unlike other references, this book aids in the fundamental physiochemical understanding of biological processes relevant to the performance of various biosensing devices. Useful for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in engineering programs, the book includes problems in each chapter, in addition to case studies that provide real-life examples. Features: • Provides a concise overview of bioMEMS principles • Incorporates modern applications • Covers fabrication techniques • Includes examples and problems in each chapter • Offers references, review questions, and case studies to aid with reader application Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged): Substrate Materials Used in BioMEMS Devices Biomolecules and Complex Biological Entities: Structure and Properties Engineering of Bioactive Surfaces Methods of Study and Characterization of Surface-Modified Substrates Biosensing Fundamentals. Fabrication of BioMEMS Devices Introduction to Microfluidics BioMEMS: Life Science Applications April 2011, 368 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1699-8, £63.99

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New Edition of a Bestseller!

Fundamentals of Microfabrication and Nanotechnology Third Edition, Three-Volume Set Marc J. Madou

University of California, Irvine, USA

Thoroughly revised and updated, this perennial bestseller lays the foundation for comprehensive theoretical and practical understanding of MEMS and NEMS. Expanded to three volumes to reflect the substantial growth in the field, this edition features recent developments in nano- and micromanufacturing techniques, DNA and protein arrays, fluidics, photonics, and actuators. Illustrated in color throughout, the text includes endof-chapter problems and worked-out examples, with many culled from recent literature and the author’s own work. Ancillaries are available upon qualifying course adoption.

Features • Features recent developments in nano- and micromanufacturing techniques, DNA and protein arrays, fluidics, photonics, and actuators • Provides theoretical foundation for understanding the science behind MEMS and NEMS • Explores the latest manufacturing techniques, including rapid prototyping and a wide variety of novel nanomanufacturing approaches • Offers thorough coverage of bioMEMS and bioNEMS • Contains worked-out example problems and end-of-chapter problems • Includes color illustrations integrated throughout the text July 2011, 1992 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-3180-0, £159.00

Save £32.97 When you purchase as a set! Follow Marc Madou on Facebook for the latest developments in Micro- and Nanofabrication


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Also available as individual volumes Solid-State Physics, Fluidics, and Analytical Techniques in Micro- and Nanotechnology Contents (abridged): Historical Note: The Ascent of Silicon, MEMS, and NEMS. Crystallography. Quantum Mechanics and the Band Theory of Solids. Silicon Single Crystal is Still King. Photonics. Fluidics. Electrochemical and Optical Analytical Techniques. July 2011, 656 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-5511-5, £63.99

Manufacturing Techniques for Microfabrication and Nanotechnology Contents (abridged): LITHOGRAPHY: Photolithography. Next-Generation Lithographies and Lithography Research. PATTERN TRANSFER WITH SUBTRACTIVE TECHNIQUES: Dry Etching. Wet Chemical Etching and Wet Bulk Micromachining—Pools as Tools. Thermal Energy-Based Removing. Mechanical Energy-Based Removing. PATTERN TRANSFER WITH ADDITIVE TECHNIQUES: Physical and Chemical Vapor Deposition—Thin Film Properties and Surface Micromachining. Chemical, Photochemical and Electrochemical Forming Techniques. Thermal Energy-Based Forming Techniques—Thermoforming. Micro-Molding Techniques—LIGA. July 2011, 670 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-5519-1, £63.99

From MEMS to Bio-MEMS and Bio-NEMS Manufacturing Techniques and Applications Contents (abridged): FROM TRADITIONAL MANUFACTURING TO NANOTECHNOLOGY: Nonlithography-Based (Traditional) and Lithography-Based (Nontraditional) Manufacturing Compared. Nature as an Engineering Guide Biomimetics. Nanotechnology: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Manufacturing Approaches Compared. Packaging, Assembly, and Self-Assembly. Selected Materials and Processes for MEMS and NEMS. Metrology and MEMS/NEMS Modeling. SCALING LAWS, ACTUATORS, AND POWER AND BRAINS IN MINIATURE DEVICES: Scaling Laws. Actuators. Power and Brains in Miniature Devices. MINIATURIZATION APPLICATION: MEMS and NEMS Applications. July 2011, 650 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-5516-0, £63.99

Solutions manual, PowerPoint lecture slides, and electronic figures available upon qualifying course adoption.

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Microrobotics Methods and Applications

Biomedical Microsystems

Yves Bellouard

Ellis Meng

From conception to realization, this book covers all aspects of miniaturized systems that physically interact and manipulate objects at the microscale. Focusing on design-oriented multidisciplinary activities, the author describes how to implement various methods for solving microrobotics problems and designing mechanical systems at the microscale. He discusses actuators and sensing technologies that are applicable to an array of microsystems. With an overview of emerging applications, the book envisions the future of microrobotics and explores its potential contributions to technology. Ancillary materials are available on a CD-ROM.

Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA

Written by an active researcher named one of Technology Review’s Young Innovators Under 35, this book begins with an introduction to the benefits of miniaturization. It introduces materials, fabrication technology, and the necessary components of all bioMEMS. The author covers fundamental principles and building blocks, including microfluidic concepts, lab-on-a-chip systems, and sensing and detection methods. The final chapters explore several important applications of bioMEMS, such as microdialysis, catheter-based sensors, MEMS implants, neural probes, and tissue engineering. Detailed examples, exercises, and illustrations help clarify the concepts. Features: • Presents a rigorous, in-depth treatment of bioMEMS materials, methods, processes, and concepts • Emphasizes practical knowledge useful for application to real-world problems • Describes research and commercialized bioMEMS devices as well as emerging applications • Includes detailed examples, laboratory exercises, and a variety of homework problems • Contains numerous illustrations of concepts, processes, and devices • Offers downloadable original images for qualifying instructors at Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged):

• Presents a multidisciplinary, design-oriented approach that integrates important concepts of applied physics with engineering • Discusses actuators and sensing technologies that are applicable to a broad array of microsystems • Provides an overview of emerging applications, along with the current status of the field from both research and industrial points of view Pedagogical Features: • Includes learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter and exercises at the end of many chapters • Recommends educational activities for students taking a microrobotics course • Offers supplementary material, including PowerPoint slides and videos, on a CD-ROM Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged):

BioMEMS Materials. Microfabrication Methods and Processes for BioMEMS. Microfluidics. Lab-on-a-Chip or Micro Total Analysis Systems. Sensing and Detection Methods. Applications to Cells, Nucleic Acids, and Proteins. Clinical Monitoring. MEMS Implants and Bioelectric Interfaces. September 2010, 408 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5122-3, £59.99



PREREQUISITES: Fundamental Concepts of Linear Elasticity. Fundamental Concepts of Kinematics. CORE TECHNOLOGY: Applied Physics for Microrobotics. Flexures. Actuators. Sensors. IMPLEMENTATION, APPLICATIONS, AND FUTURE PROSPECTS: Implementation: Integration and Fabrication Aspects. State of the Art and Future Directions in Microrobotics. Appendices. Index. November 2009, 464 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6195-6, £89.00

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Bionantechnology Coming Soon!

Learning BioMicro-Nanotechnology Mel I. Mendelson Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California, USA

A primary text for undergraduate nanotechnology courses, this book is designed for students who lack a cross-disciplinary background and knowledge of micro- and nanotechnology. Clearly and concisely written, it contains many examples, questions, and problems divided into three hierarchical learning skills: understanding, analyzing, and evaluating the concepts. The author attempts to break down the boundaries between biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and ethics. He accomplishes this by co-mingling the vocabulary and concepts of these disciplines around bioapplications. Copiously illustrated, this new text leans heavily towards biological and biomedical applications and includes a comprehensive chapter on ethics. Features: • Breaks down the barriers between biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and ethics with cross-disciplinary coverage • Emphasizes ethics throughout the text • Includes extensive references at the end of each chapters Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged): Thinking Small and Big Bit of Technology History Tera-to-Pico Multipliers Size of Things What Is "Small Technology?" Memory Lane in Electronics ... Biomolecules and Cells Science of Evolution Powers of "10" Revisited Building a Human Cell Biomolecules Protein Folding ... Molecular Chemistry Periodic Table Some Chemical Definitions Chemical Bonding ... Bit of Physics Size Matters Working toward the Bottom Definitions at the Bottom ... Engineering Bits and Bytes Electronics-on-a-Chip Computer Applications

Control Systems ... Seeing Small Things Human Eye Some Microscope Definitions Light Microscopes ... Nanoelectronics Computer Applications Lithographic Tools Recent Chip Developments ... Microelectromechanical Systems Overview Microsensors Microactuators ... Nanotechnology and Cancer What Is Cancer? Discovery: L Detection: I ... Risks: Nano or Mega? Bit of Anatomy Definitions Relating to Risk Chemical and Physical Factors ... Ethics and Social Relevance Some Ethics Definitions Ethics Algorithm Some Ethical Issues ... Self-Assembled Future Definition: Self-Assembled Future Geometric Proportions Chemical Assembly ... Appendix A: Math Review: Multiplying and Dividing Exponents Appendix B: Math Review: Dimensional Analysis Appendix C: Math Review: No. of Ways and Probability Appendix D: Formulae of Various Geometrical Shapes Appendix E: Group Learning Guidelines Appendix F: Glossary of Terms October 2012, c. 606 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8203-6, £57.99

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Bionantechnology Colloids and Interfaces in Life Sciences and Bionanotechnology


Understanding Nanomedicine An Introductory Textbook

Second Edition

Rob Burgess Medical Nanotechnologies Incorporated, Richardson, Texas, USA

This book comprehensively covers a broad range of therapeutic and diagnostic applications of nanotechnology, providing descriptions of cuttingedge discoveries along with historical perspectives. The text focuses on nanomaterials and nanoparticles, the sectors that hold the most promise for the future of medicine. The author looks at how nanotechnology can impact cancer treatment, clinical neuroscience, tissue engineering, drug delivery, and diagnostics. He also discusses the worldwide governmental regulatory impact on nanomedicine. The book addresses the latest findings and intriguing possibilities in nanomedicine, drawing on real data and published research from the medical sciences. June 2012, 524 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4316-38-5, £95.00


Willem Norde Wageningen University, The Netherlands, and University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands

This classroom-tested reference presents a concise introductory treatment of the physicochemical principles that determine interrelated colloidal and interfacial phenomena and their relevance to various life sciences. The book focuses on concepts that form the basis for understanding this behavior. Whether deciphering the spontaneous assembly of amphiphilic molecules or the intentional fouling of surfaces for the immobilization of cells in bioreactors, this book devotes special attention to reversible and soft colloids, and discusses the colloidal domain in a historical perspective, the size and distribution of particles, and electrokinetic phenomena, and more. June 2011, 495 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1718-6, £39.99


Molecular Motors in Bionanotechnology

Technical Writing

Keith Firman and James Youell

A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists

University of Portsmouth, England, UK

Phillip A. Laplante

This book describes a wide range of molecular motors, ranging from chemical motors to biological motors, in a manner that updates, or reviews, both classification of the type of motor and the grouping into families. Many techniques have evolved to study and characterise molecular motors at the single-molecule level (e.g. use of molecular tweezer devices for single-molecule studies) and the reader is introduced to the concepts and benefits of each technique. In addition, the book looks at structural information and how this helps to understand function and finally, how some of these motors are being used or may be used in the future as part of a synthetic biology approach to building devices and sensors.

The Pennsylvania State University, Malvern, USA

August 2012, 300 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4267-02-1, £95.00

July 2011, 250 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-2085-8, £25.99


Written by a renowned engineer and widely published technical author, this guide enables readers to write, edit, and publish materials of a technical nature, including books, articles, reports, and electronic media. Complementing the traditional writer’s reference manuals and other books on technical writing, it helps readers understand the practical considerations in writing technical content. Drawing on his own work, the author presents many first-hand examples of writing, editing, and publishing technical materials. These examples illustrate how a publication originated as well as various challenges and solutions.

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Page 18-19

Marc J. Madou

Third Edition, Three-Volume Set

Fundamentals of Microfabrication and Nanotechnology

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