Nueroscience / Animal Models / Diseases

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CRC Press


Taylor & Francis Group

Stereotaxic and Chemoarchitectural Atlas of the Brain of the Common Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) Developing better therapies for neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases remains an enduring problem for 21st century medicine. The testing of novel therapies will continue to require a robust experimental animal model. The marmoset is an ideal animal model for modern neurological research because of the species’ convenient body size, ease of handling, and the fundamental similarity of its neuroanatomy to the human brain. The Stereotaxic and Chemoarchitectural Atlas of the Brain of the Common Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) is the most detailed atlas of the marmoset brain available. An essential tool for researchers developing more effective therapies for disabling and debilitating neurological disorders, the book contains: • Fully delineated, high-quality (400x magnification) images of Nissl-stained, acetylcholinesterase histochemically-stained and parvalbumin, calbindin and neurofilament immunohistochemicallystained coronal and sagittal sections, as well as structural magnetic resonance images (MRI) for direct comparisons • Line diagrams with delineations of all cortical and subcortical structures, with grid overlays so the precise position of each structure can be located stereotaxically relative to the interaural line and infraorbital margin • Quantitative data regarding volume and cell number of many of the structures delineated in the atlas, regularly updated on an accompanying website

Craig D. Hardman and Ken W.S. Ashwell

• Standard nomenclature widely used in the Paxinos group of atlases, allowing users to compare and contrast homologous nuclei in different species using the major available atlases The book combines modern imaging (MRI) with an accurate stereotaxic and chemoarchitectonic section atlas, making the fullest use of available technologies. The companion DVD includes all the images in full color. Designed by publishing neuroanatomists, this book/DVD will be a cornerstone in marmoset brain research for years to come.



• Provides the first comprehensive stereotaxic atlas of all parts of the brain of marmosets

Introduction: Ecology, Behavior and Evolution of the Common Marmoset The Marmoset in Neuroscience Research

• Combines stereotaxic, Nissl staining, and immunohistochemical data • Uses standard nomenclature widely used in the Paxinos group of atlases

Key Features of this Book Animals and Ethical Considerations Methods: MRI, Perfusion and Tissue Processing Imaging, Principles of Delineation and Abbreviation

• Includes a DVD containing all images from the text in full color

Quantitation of Volumes and Neuronal Populations of Motor Nuclei Bases for Delineation of Specific Regions and Nuclei References Named Structures and Abbreviations Index of Atlas Plates Atlas Plates

Catalog no. K11718 January 2012, c. 515 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3778-8 $179.95 / £114.00

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NEUROSCIENCE / ANIMAL MODELS / DISEASES Translational Pain Research From Mouse to Man

Methods of Behavior Analysis in Neuroscience

Edited by

Second Edition

Lawrence Kruger

Edited by

University of California, Los Angeles, USA

CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group

Jerry J. Buccafusco

Alan R. Light

Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA

Bringing together recent advances in modern neuroscience regarding genetic studies in mice and humans and the practicality of clinical trials, this cutting-edge work effectively bridges the gap between basic research and patient care by humanely examining rodent models for pain associated with bone cancer, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and cardiac episodes. Among other topics, it addresses groundbreaking technical advances in tract tracing, endocannabinoids, cannabis, gene therapy, siRNA gene studies, and the role of glia, cytokines, P2X receptors and ATP.

With contributions from more than 40 field specialists, this work reflects six years worth of updates to the first bestselling edition and elucidates new behavioral approaches that are quickly becoming field standards. Each chapter presents theoretical background, methodology, and data interpretation, and many chapters include real-world examples of experiments that incorporate the models.

Uses Animal Behavior Models to Examine Effects of Therapeutic Treatments on Human Cognition

This sharply focused work also discusses unexpected discoveries derived from brain-imaging studies related to thalamic pain. Featuring a distinguished team of international contributors, this volume covers the progress made toward bringing laboratory science (much of it at the molecular level) to our understanding of pain phenomena in humans.

• Features widely accepted behavioral paradigms used most frequently by behavioral neuroscientists


• Provides an efficient mechanism for choosing and implementing the appropriate tasks for an application

Painful Multi-Symptom Disorders: A Systems Perspective

• Requires no prior training in animal behavior or behavioral science

Neurotrophic Factors and Nociceptor Sensitization

• Incorporates methods specific to animal subjects ranging from invertebrates through non-human primates

The Role of Visceral Afferents in Disease Cancer Pain: From the Development of Mouse Models to Human Clinical Trials Therapeutic Targeting of Peripheral Cannabinoid Receptors in Inflammatory and Neuropathic Pain States Molecular Strategies for Therapeutic Targeting of Primary Sensory Neurons in Chronic Pain Syndromes

• Assesses the behavior of zebra fish and c. elegans, two non-traditional animal models rapidly gaining importance in neuroscience and in drug development

Contents Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease: Behavioral Testing and Considerations Cued and Contextual Fear Conditioning for Rodents Drug Discrimination

Transgenic Mouse Models for the Tracing of "Pain" Pathways

Conditioned Place Preference

Cytokines in Pain

Anxiety-Related Behaviors in Mice

Glial Modulation in Pain States: Translation into Humans

Behavioral Assessment of Antidepressant Activity in Rodents

On the Role of ATP-Gated P2X Receptors in Acute, Inflammatory, and Neuropathic Pain

Assessing Attention in Rodents

Myalgia and Fatigue: Translation from Mouse Sensory Neurons to Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndromes Reflex Autonomic Responses Evoked by Group III and IV Muscle Afferents Central Pain as a Thalamocortical Dysrhythmia: A Thalamic Efference Disconnection?

The Behavioral Assessment of Sensorimotor Processes in the Mouse: Acoustic Startle, Sensory Gating, Locomotor Activity, Rotarod, and Beam Walking Intravenous Drug Self-Administration in Nonhuman Primates Contextually Induced Drug Seeking During Protracted Abstinence in Rats Operant Analysis of Fronto-striatal Function in Rodents

What Can Neuroimaging Tell Us about Central Pain?

Working Memory: Delayed Response Tasks in Monkeys

Human Brain Imaging Studies of Chronic Pain: Translational Opportunities

Spatial Navigation (Water Maze) Tasks

Consideration of Pharmacokinetic Pharmacodynamic Relationships in the Discovery of New Pain Drugs

Water Maze Tasks in Mice: Special Reference to Alzheimer’s Transgenic Mice

Large Animal Models for Pain Therapeutic Development

Model for Initial Screening and Mechanistic Evaluation of Potential New Drugs for Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease

Drug Discovery and Development for Pain Catalog no. K10609, November 2009, 432 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1209-9, $164.95 / £102.00

Behavioral Neuroscience of Zebrafish

The Revival of Scopolamine Reversal for the Assessment of Cognition-Enhancing Drugs Catalog no. 52349, October 2008, 360 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5234-3, $157.95 / £99.00

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NEUROSCIENCE / ANIMAL MODELS / DISEASES Biodefense Research Methodology and Animal Models

CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group

Animal Models of Diabetes

Second Edition

Second Edition, Frontiers in Research

Edited by

Edited by

James R. Swearengen

Eleazar Shafrir

National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center, Frederick, Maryland, USA

Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel

Praise for the Previous Edition

“ … provides excellent background and specific information on each model … .” —Leanne Alworth, in Laboratory Animal Practitioner

“ …Dr. Swearengen's qualifications as the editor are matched only by the world-class assembly of contributors … This book should be one of those few dog-eared, ready references on your desk.” —Donald L Noah, DVM, MPH, DACVPM, in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA), Vol. 229, No. 12, December 2006

“ … The main value of this text is the concise overview of each agent, with significant experimental data and extensive references.” —Mark T. Whary, DVM, Ph.D., DACLAM, in the Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (JAALAS), Vol. 45, No. 5, September 2006

See What’s in the Second Edition:: • A history of biological agents as weapons, from the use of corpses to contaminate water supplies to modern day anthrax attacks • Concepts and strategies involved in biowarfare and bioterrorism • The development, validation, and importance of animal models in biodefense research • Infectious disease aerobiology • Studies involving anthrax, glanders, plague, tularemia, Q fever, alphaviruses, orthopoxviruses, and a new chapter on brucellosis

“… Overall, this book is a good guide when selecting diabetic model animals. I recommend those veterinary pathologists read this book before beginning experiments using diabetic model animals.” —Akira Yabuki, Laboratory of Veterinary Anatomy, Kagoshima University, Japan, in Veterinary Pathology, 2007

“… will certainly serve as a valuable resource. I would recommend this book to anyone with an interest in learning more about current research in the field of diabetes.” —In Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, November 2007, Vol. 46, No. 6

Features • Addresses the findings on the pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications in relation to human disease • Provides extensive references for further information on each model • Contains a review on nutritionally induced diabetes in the gerbil Psammomys obesus


History of Biological Agents as Weapons Bioterrorism and Biowarfare: Similarities and Differences Scientific and Ethical Importance of Animal Models in Biodefense Research Development and Validation of Animal Models Infectious Disease Aerobiology: Aerosol Challenge Methods Characterization of New and Advancement of Existing Animal Models of Bacillus anthracis Infection Glanders Plague Tularemia Q Fever Brucellosis Alphaviruses Orthopoxviruses Animal Models for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers Botulinum Toxins Ricin Staphylococcal and Streptococcal Superantigens: In Vitro and In Vivo Assays Index

Rat Models of Type 1 Diabetes, Genetics Environment, and Autoimmunity The NOD Mouse and its Related Strains Obesity/Diabetes in Mice with Mutations in Leptin or Leptin Receptor Genes The Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) Rat—Lessons from a Leptin Receptor Defect Diabetic Model The Goto–Kakizaki Rat The New Zealand Obese Mouse: Polygenic Model of Obesity, Glucose Intolerance, and the Metabolic Syndrome The JCR:LA-cp Rat: Animal Model of the Metabolic Syndrome Exhibiting Micro- and Macrovascular Disease The SHROB (Koletsky) Rat as a Model for Metabolic Syndrome OLETF Rats: Model for the Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetic Nephropathy in Humans Neonatally Streptozotocin-Induced (n-STZ) Diabetic Rats: A Family of Type 2 Diabetes Models The Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatta) Manifests all Features of Human Type 2 Diabetes Pigs in Diabetes Research, with Special Focus on Type 2 Diabetes Research Psammomys Obesus: Nutritionally Induced Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, and Beta Cell Loss The Spontaneously Diabetic Torii (SDT) Rat with Retinopathy Lesions Resembling Those of Humans Cohen Diabetic Rat KK and KKA y Mice: Models of Type 2 Diabetes with Obesity Animal Models to Study Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Induced by Diet Index

Catalog no. K11643, February 2012, 415 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3632-3, $129.95 / £82.00

Catalog no. 9534, April 2007, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9534-5, $195.95 / £125.00

• Animal models for viral hemorrhagic fevers • Botulinum and Ricin toxins • Staphylococcal and streptococcal superantigens


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A Color Atlas of Comparative Pathology of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group

Toxoplasmosis of Animals and Humans

Edited by

Franz Joel Leong, Veronique Dartois, and Thomas Dick

Second Edition J.P. Dubey

Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases, Singapore

USDA/ARS, Beltsville, Maryland, USA

“… an excellent introduction … a concise resource for researchers working in the field and the laboratory to evaluate the pulmonary pathologic response to the Mycobacterium organism and design more successful treatment and disease eradication for human and animal species. … well written, organized in an easy to read format, and well-referenced for further research."

In the two decades since the publication of the first edition, there has been an explosion of knowledge concerning T. gondii and toxoplasmosis. Still used extensively as a cell model, the publication of its genome making it a subject of even greater scientific interest. Keeping the organizational style that made the previous edition so popular, this second edition has been completely revised and updated to include:

—Sandra L. Jex, DVM, in

Written by notable authorities from the several disciplines involved with tuberculosis research, this book is the first pictorial histopathology atlas with annotations on tuberculosis. Addressing serious and growing concerns over the outbreak and treatment of TB, the atlas introduces TB histopathology to students, scientists, and doctors. The atlas takes the unusual approach of covering multiple species histopathology. It provides a simple, annotated, and visual presentation of the comparative histopathology of TB in human and animal models. The editors have compiled information that helps TB scientists distinguish among the features of all major animal models available. They provide guidance for selecting the best animal model(s) to answer specific questions and to test the efficacy of drug candidates.

Features • Provides a starting point for non-histopathologists to understand the histopathology of TB and how it relates to their research work • Reviews the basic features necessary to understand the functional and pathological changes that can occur in this organ • Summarizes new microbiological and histological observations in the Wistar rat TB model

• Expanded information on the cultivation, maintenance, and preservation of T. gondii • Expanded information on the cell biology and molecular biology of the parasite • Reviews of all literature from the past 20 years for each domestic animal • Summarized information on the worldwide prevalence of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women Written by one of the pioneers of the field, the book provides unique information on all known host types for this parasite. It distills the voluminous and potentially confusing scientific literature that has grown geometrically in the 20 years since the publication of the first edition into a comprehensive resource. The single author approach ensures a strong foundation in the biology and a seamless integration of topics. The new edition of this groundbreaking work is the only volume to cover toxoplasmosis of animals and humans thoroughly in one source. It supplies an entry point to further research by cutting through the morass of literature to identify the most relevant references.


• Focuses on general aspects of drug discovery in addition to specific points relating to TB

General Biology

• Includes 100 color photographs and illustrations

Toxoplasmosis in Humans

Laboratory Techniques Toxoplasmosis in Sheep


Toxoplasmosis in Goats

Introduction to Tuberculosis

Toxoplasmosis in Pigs

Tuberculosis Drug Discovery and the Role of Animal Models

Toxoplasmosis in Cattle

Basic Histology of Human Lung

Toxoplasmosis in Cats

Histopathological Manifestations of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Humans

Toxoplasmosis in Dogs Toxoplasmosis in Horses

Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Monkey

Toxoplasmosis in Camels and Buffaloes

Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Rabbit

Toxoplasmosis in Chickens

Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Guinea Pig

Toxoplasmosis in Non Human Primates

Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Rat

Toxoplasmosis in Wild Birds

Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Mouse

Toxoplasmosis in Wild Mammals

Catalog no. K11591, August 2010, 236 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-3527-2, $119.95 / £76.99

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Catalog no. 92367, November 2009, 336 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9236-3, $145.00 / £93.00

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