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Contents REFERENCES Applied Physics ......................................................3 Astronomy & Astrophysics ....................................6 Atomic & Molecular Physics ..................................7 Page 6
Page 9
Biophysics ..............................................................8 General & Introductory Physics ..........................10 Condensed Matter & Materials Science ..............11 Medical Physics ....................................................14 Page 14
Page 15
Particle & High Energy Physics ............................17 Lasers, Optics, & Optoelectronics ........................19 TEXTBOOKS Applied Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, & Biophysics ........................................................25
Page 17
Page 20
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Biophysics, Chemical Physics, & Computational Physics ........................................26 Introductory Physics, Condensed Matter, Materials Science, & Medical Physics ..................................27 Medical Physics/Nuclear, Particle, & High Energy Physics/Optics ......................................................28 Optics & Optoelectrics ........................................29 Optoelectronics/Quantum & Plasma Physics/Statistical Physics ....................................30 Study Aids & General Interest..............................31
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Applied Physics New!
Green Nanotechnology
Coming soon!
Solutions for Sustainability and Energy in the Built Environment
Handbook of Magnetic Measurements
Geoffrey B. Smith
Slawomir Tumanski
University of Technology, Broadway, Australia
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Claes-Goran S. Granqvist
Compiling state-of-the-art knowledge from information scattered throughout the literature, this handbook presents an up-to-date, accessible account of magnetic materials and sensors, modern magnetic measurement techniques, the testing of magnetic materials, and applications of magnetic measurements. The book discusses the fundamentals of magnetism and covers contemporary magnetic materials and sensors, such as nanocrystalline alloys and SQUID sensors. It also explores applications of magnetic diagnostics in medicine, magnetoarcheology, and magnetic imaging.
Uppsala University, Sweden
“Both Smith and Granqvist … are eminent optical scientists. … All technoscientists, not only physicists and materials researchers, would do well to read the list of 17 characteristics that the Smith–Granqvist vision possesses. … Remarkable features of this book are the bridges built throughout the volume with contemporary research topics through call-out boxes. … Another remarkable feature of this book is its price. …Other academic publishers should take note. …” —Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Pennsylvania State University, Journal of Nanophotonics, Vol. 5, 2011
Catalog no. 85328, January 2011, 472 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-8532-7, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K11451, June 2011, c. 408 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-2951-6, $169.95 / £108.00
Applications of FieldProgrammable Gate Arrays in Scientific Research Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Jinyuan Wu Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, USA
Focusing on resource awareness in FPGA design, this work covers the principle and functionality of FPGAs. It discusses the use of FPGAs in data acquisition, signal processing, and transmission and contains many hands-on examples drawn from diverse fields, such as high-energy physics and radiobiology. The authors emphasize sound design practices that encourage the saving of limited silicon resources and power consumption. A supporting website provides VHDL code, detailed schematics of selected projects, photographs, and more. Catalog no. K11921, January 2011, 167 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-4133-4, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Infrared Detectors Second Edition Antonio Rogalski Institute of Applied Physics, Warsaw, Poland
“This second edition is fully revised and reorganized, with new chapters concerning third generation and quantum dot detectors, THz detectors, cantilever and antenna coupled detectors, and information on radiometry and IR optics materials. Part IV concerning focal plane arrays is significantly expanded. This book, resembling an encyclopedia of IR detectors, is well illustrated and contains many original references … a really comprehensive book.” —F. Sizov, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine
Catalog no. 7671X, January 2011, 898 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-7671-4, $179.95 / £114.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Applied Physics New!
Structural Sensing, Health Monitoring, and Performance Evaluation
Configurational Forces
D. Huston
Gerard A. Maugin
University of Vermont, Burlington, USA
Written by a highly respected expert in the field, this book provides the first comprehensive coverage of SHM. It reviews the various types of sensors currently used in SHM and explains the processing and interpretation of data from a number of sensors working in parallel to form rational assessments and prognoses. After considering issues related to the structures themselves, the author surveys the design of a tailor-made SHM system. He also presents a collection of case studies, many of which are drawn from his own experiences. Catalog no. IP678, January 2011, 662 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7503-0919-6, $169.95 / £108.00 Also available as an eBook
Thermomechanics, Physics, Mathematics, and Numerics Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
Exploring recent developments in continuum mechanics, this book presents the general framework for configurational forces and covers a range of applications in engineering and condensed matter physics. The author, a long-time researcher in mechanical engineering, provides examples of standard linear and nonlinear, recoverable, and thermodynamically irreversible behaviors. He also presents applications of shock waves, metallurgy problems, contemporary continuum mechanics, and generalized continuum mechanics. The text includes an extensive list of references as well as numerous illustrations, with some in color. Catalog no. K12064, January 2011, 562 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4612-4, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook
Coming soon!
Resistive, Capacitive, and Inductive Based Sensing Technologies
Computational Fluid Dynamics Edited by
Frédéric Magoulès
Winncy Du
École Centrale Paris, Châtenay Malabry, France
Based on design principles and exploited physical phenomena, this book presents a new approach to sensors and sensing technologies. The author reviews the necessary physics, discusses numerous modern sensor technologies, and examines their applications in various industries. Each chapter describes a range of sensors and phenomena, giving greater insight into the functioning and applications of the sensors. The text covers electronic circuitry, signal analysis, and material and manufacturing methods. It also includes problems, worked examples, exercises, and solutions.
Exploring new variations of classical methods as well as recent approaches appearing in the field, this book demonstrates the extensive use of numerical techniques and mathematical models in fluid mechanics. It covers finite volume, finite difference, finite element, spectral, smoothed particle hydrodynamics, mixed-element-volume, and free surface flow methods, along with many real-world applications. The contributors describe the solution of complex flow problems via direct numerical simulation, Reynolds-averaged Navier– Stokes equations, and large eddy simulation.
Catalog no. K10628, October 2011, c. 275 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-1244-0, $89.95 / £57.99
Catalog no. K12660, May 2011, c. 396 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-5661-1, $119.95 / £76.99
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Applied Physics Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems, Compressible Flows, and Waves Vishnu D. Sharma Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Filled with practical examples, this book presents a self-contained discussion of quasilinear hyperbolic equations and systems with applications. It emphasizes nonlinear theory and introduces some of the most active research in the field. The author elucidates all necessary mathematical concepts in the first three chapters. He highlights the application of various approaches, such as singular surface theory, asymptotic methods, and selfsimilarity, to solve practical physical problems from areas, including gasdynamics, radiation gasdynamics, magnetogasdynamics, nonequilibrium flows, and shallow water theory. Catalog no. K11669, 2010, 282 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3690-3, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Coming soon!
Metal Oxide Nanostructures as Gas Sensing Devices G. Eranna With an emphasis on gas (vapor) detection techniques using metal oxide nanomaterials, this book presents the complete list of nanostructured metal oxides and their syntheses. From aluminum to zinc, it analyzes metal oxides and their response to different gaseous vapor) species. It also analyzes gaseous species from acetic acid to toluene. Numerous tables highlight the synthesis, operating range, responding gases, and response time of various metal oxides. The author details their nanostructures and shapes and explores active devices that use these materials. Catalog no. K12935, September 2011, c. 350 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-6340-4, $99.95 / £76.99
Computational Hydrodynamics of Capsules and Biological Cells
Coming soon!
Edited by
Vinod Kumar Khanna
C. Pozrikidis University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
A roadmap to the state of the art in computational cellular mechanics and biofluiddynamics, this volume provides a comprehensive and rigorous introduction to the fundamental concepts, mathematical formulation, alternative approaches, and predictions of this evolving field. It covers advanced numerical methods for simulating the motion of rigid particles (platelets) and the flowinduced deformation of liquid capsules and cells enclosed by viscoelastic membranes. MATLAB® code and other data are available on the book’s website. Catalog no. K11057, 2010, 327 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2005-6, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Nanosensors Physical, Chemical and Biological Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute/Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, India
Because many chemical, biological, and physical sensors depend on interactions occurring at the nanoscale, the impact of nanotechnology on the sensor world is significant. Addressing research areas and challenges, this book describes nanosensor development from the viewpoints of materials, device structures, and functionalities. It starts from preliminary ideas and proceeds to state-of-the-art nanosensors. The book provides readers with information on the current state of nanotechnology-enabled sensors as well as their advantages, uniqueness, and limitations. It also indicates future research directions. Catalog no. K11336, October 2011, c. 664 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2712-3, $129.95 / £82.00
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Astronomy & Astrophysics Coming soon!
The Astronomy Revolution 400 Years of Exploring the Cosmos
Lunar Settlements Edited by
Edited by
Haym Benaroya
Donald G. York, Owen Gingerich, and Shuang-Nan Zhang
Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA
Exploring research domains involved with astronomy and cosmology, this interdisciplinary volume investigates and explains how the field has affected human life and perceptions of the universe. Chapters cover the historical background of the field, past and current research, the science behind astronomy, and open question raised by modern astronomical and cosmological research. Many contributors offer unique overviews of the field, covering creativity and technology in discovery, the impact of telescopes, challenges in astronomy, and questions raised by new knowledge. Catalog no. K11625, October 2011, c. 472 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3600-2, $79.95 / £49.99
This volume addresses the many issues that surround the concept of humans returning to the Moon. It covers political and economic aspects, potential medical problems, and lunar resources. The book also discusses using the Moon as a platform for astronomy applications, explores the outpost sites of Shackleton Crater and Malapert Mountain, and shows how greenhouses can make agriculture possible. In addition, former astronaut and U.S. Senator Harrison H. Schmitt discusses how to maintain deep space exploration and settlement. Catalog no. 83325, 2010, 801 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8332-3, $149.95 / £89.99 Also available as an eBook
Coming soon!
Extra-Solar Planets
Advances in Machine Learning and Data Mining for Astronomy
The Detection, Formation, Evolution and Dynamics of Planetary Systems
Edited by
Edited by
B.A. Steves, M. Hendry, and A.C. Cameron Extra-Solar Planets presents powerful analytical tools and methods for investigating extra-solar planetary systems. It discusses new theories on planetary migration and resonant capture that elucidate the existence of “hot Jupiters.” It also examines the astrophysical mechanisms required to assemble gas giant planets close to their parent star. In addition, the expert contributors describe how mathematical tools involving periodicity, chaos, and resonance are used to study the diversity and stability of observed planetary systems. Catalog no. C8344, January 2011, 307 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8344-6, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook
Michael J. Way, Jeffrey D. Scargle, Kamal Ali, and Ashok Srivastava This book provides a comprehensive overview of data mining tools and techniques that are increasingly being used by researchers in the international astronomy community. Leading contributors explore this new problem domain, discussing how it could lead to the development of entirely new algorithms. They introduce data mining methods and then describe how the methods can be implemented into astronomy applications. The last section of the book discusses the Redshift Prediction Competition, an astronomy competition in the style of the Netflix Prize. Catalog no. K11942, October 2011, c. 400 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4173-0, $89.95 / £57.99
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Atomic & Molecular Physics New!
Coming soon!
Dynamical Tunneling
Quantum Theory of Resonant Scattering, Spectroscopy and Signal Processing
Theory and Experiment Edited by
Srihari Keshavamurthy Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Peter Schlagheck Universite de Liege, Belgium
In this volume, international experts discuss the considerable progress that has been achieved in this arena in the past two decades. Highlights include a historical introduction and an overview of dynamical tunneling, an emphasis on the semiclassical theory of tunneling, developments in tunneling with cold atoms and molecular manifestations, advances in our ability to perform delicate and precise experiments in atomic systems, the visualization and control of photonic tunneling, and the role of dynamical tunneling on energy flow and localization in large molecules. Catalog no. K10855, March 2011, 436 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1665-3, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
Dzevad Belkic Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
This interdisciplinary book presents a joint framework with the unified quantum-mechanical theories of resonant scattering, spectroscopy, and signal processing. It deals with S- and R-matrices, variational principles, complex coordinate scaling, wave packet propagation, Fredholm determinants, finite-rank separable expansions, filter diagonalisation, the Lanczos algorithm, and the Padé methodology. Mathematically and physically rigorous, the book can be successfully used in optimally quantifying resonances in physics, chemistry, biology, and medical diagnostics as well as in the applied area of signal processing. Catalog no. C7745, December 2011, c. 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-774-4, $99.95 / £63.99
Coming soon!
Equilibrium Molecular Structures
Handbook for Highly Charged Ion Spectroscopic Research
From Spectroscopy to Quantum Chemistry
Edited by
Edited by
Y. Zou and R. Hutton
Jean Demaison, James E. Boggs, and Attila G. Csaszar
Fudan University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
Balancing quantum theory with practical experiments, this book focuses on the theory involved in determining and converting measured and computed data sets into accurate and well-defined equilibrium structures. It discusses quantum chemistry, the method of least squares, and computational aspects of determining semi-experimental equilibrium structures. It also explains the determination of moments of inertia from spectra as well as the determination of diatomic molecular potentials using semi-classical and quantum mechanical methods. A CD-ROM contains additional examples.
Highly charged ions are key research objects in atomic physics. Precision spectroscopy of these ions provides a powerful tool for exploring relativistic and quantum electrodynamics effects. With a wide range of international contributors, this volume provides a complete overview of modern methods for those studying or using highly charged ions. Chapters cover everything from the essential background physics to theoretical descriptions and industrial applications. Catalog no. C7904, September 2011, c. 528 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7904-3, $139.95 / £89.00
Catalog no. K10566, January 2011, 302 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1132-0, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Biophysics New!
Structure, Function, and Motion
Handbook of Physics in Medicine and Biology
Amit Kessel
Edited by
Es-is Technologies Ltd., Givatayim, Israel
Robert Splinter
Introduction to Proteins
Nir Ben-Tal Tel Aviv University, Israel
“The book by Kessel and Ben-Tal offers a unique combination of structure, thermodynamics and biology. I was impressed both by the breadth of the topics covered and by the depth in which they are treated. General principles are made intuitively clear based on well-chosen examples, many of them having relevance to disease. The book could fit well as a textbook in structural biology and molecular biophysics courses.” —Barry Honig, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA
Catalog no. K10533, January 2011, 654 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1071-2, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
“The handbook includes hundreds of diagrams, images and tables, making it a useful tool for both medical physicists/engineers and other medical/biology specialists … includes materials that are rarely combined together, which strengthens its interdisciplinary approach.” —Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55 (2010)
“… an excellent work by a highly competent team. … keep this book close at hand and do not hesitate to use it frequently.” —BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2010
Catalog no. 75241, 2010, 548 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7524-3, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Coming soon!
Cell Mechanics
Vibrational Spectroscopy for Tissue Analysis
From Single ScaleBased Models to Multiscale Modeling
Ihtesham Ur Rehman and Zanyar Movasaghi Queen Mary University of London, UK
Arnaud Chauvière University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA
Luigi Preziosi Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Shazza Rehman St. George’s Healthcare NHS Trust, West Yorkshire, UK
This book presents a variety of vibrational spectroscopic techniques, focusing on Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and their use in noninvasive optical tissue diagnosis. Based on the authors’ many years of experience with various applications, it covers the most recent research in this area to create a unique database of different chemical bands and their assignments of spectral bands. The text explores the spectroscopic investigation of different tissues and samples, including breast tissue, lung tissue, and brain tissue. Catalog no. K11629, October 2011, c. 432 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3608-8, $159.95 / £99.00
Edited by
Claude Verdier Université Joseph Fourier and CNRS, Grenoble, France
This book brings together new insight and research on mechanical, mathematical, physical, and biological approaches for simulating the behavior of cells, specifically tumor cells. It illustrates how phenomena occurring at various scales can be modeled and coupled to account for multiscale aspects. The text links subcellular effects to cellular properties, covers the modeling of cell migration and multicellular systems, and examines cell interactions with the environment. Catalog no. C4548, 2010, 482 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9454-1, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Biophysics New!
Multiscale Cancer Modeling Edited by
Thomas S. Deisboeck Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Georgios S. Stamatakos Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
With contributions from top in silico modeling groups in the United States and Europe, this volume discusses the scientific and technical expertise necessary to conduct innovative cancer modeling research across scales. It presents modeling methods and results at the forefront of cancer simulation at all levels of biocomplexity and explains how combinations of multilevel cancer models can enhance our understanding and optimize treatment. The book explores computational cancer research from hypothesis generation and cross-scale data integration to patient-specific prognosis and treatment.
Polymer Translocation M. Muthukumar University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
“It is a truly outstanding book! The author has covered a surprisingly broad range of physical questions that refer to both polymers and ion channels. The contents quickly but carefully ascend from the beautifully presented basics up to … advanced theoretical treatments. This book is a must read for everyone who wants to get a steadfast grip over the physics of channelfacilitated polymer transport.” —Sergey M. Bezrukov, NICHD, National Institutes of Health
Catalog no. 75160, May 2011, c. 372 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7516-8, $99.95 / £63.99
Catalog no. K10739, January 2011, 484 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1440-6, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Coming soon!
Cancer Systems Biology Edited by
Edwin Wang National Research Council of Canada and McGill University Center for Bioinformatics, Montreal, Quebec
“… wonderful and significant collection … . This is a timely attempt as more and more researchers and pharmaceutical companies are looking into a systems biology approach to treat cancer patients and to find drugs that can be effectively used for cancer patients. At the same time, readers may realize the breadth of subjects that are involved in cancer systems biology.” —From the Foreword by Hiroaki Kitano, The Systems Biology Institute and Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
Catalog no. K10596, 2010, 455 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1185-6, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Chirality in Biological Nanospaces Reactions in Active Sites Nilashis Nandi University of Kalyani, India
The chirality of the reactants in large biological macromolecules has a strong influence on biological processes, but its importance in such biological reactions has only recently begun to be understood. This book explores the influence of chirality on reaction mechanisms in such biological nanospaces. It addresses ribosomal architecture and the influence of the chirality of amino acid and sugar in the active sites of transferase, oxidoreductases, hydrolases, lysases, isomerase, ligases, and other systems. Catalog no. K11852, July 2011, c. 234 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4002-3, $119.95 / £76.99
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
General & Introductory Physics Coming soon!
100 Years of Superconductivity Edited by
Horst Rogalla University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, and University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
Peter H. Kes University of Leiden, The Netherlands
This introductory book reviews the progress in superconductivity since its discovery 100 years ago. It provides details of the development of superconductivity and an evaluation of the present status of the field, including superconducting materials and their applications. Ideal for those working in the field or in allied subjects as well as for students meeting the topic for the first time, the book covers theory, materials, sensors, digital electronics, microwave applications, metrology, medical applications, wires and tapes, and largescale applications.
Science for the Curious Photographer An Introduction to the Science of Photography Charles S. Johnson, Jr. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
“A much needed science book for photographers…” —Steve Berardi, PhotoNaturalist, April 2010
“Johnson’s book combines the knowledge of an experienced scientist and educator with the passion of an accomplished photographer. He introduces the scientific foundations of photography and provides interested photographers with the information and practical advice that will help improve their craft. This is also a must read for those interested in computational photography.” —Ramesh Raskar, MIT Media Lab, April 2010
Catalog no. K12240, November 2011, c. 864 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4946-0, $99.95 / £63.99
Catalog no. K00694, 2010, 190 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-56881-581-7, $44.95 / £28.99 Also available as an eBook
Coming soon!
A Concise Handbook of Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Sciences
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Andrei D. Polyanin Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Alexei I. Chernoutsan Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow
With numerous examples throughout, this handbook presents the basic notions, formulas, equations, problems, theorems, methods, and laws that most frequently occur in scientific and engineering applications and university education. The authors pay special attention to issues that many engineers and students find difficult to understand and avoid special terminology whenever possible. Several features, including font highlighting and extensive references, help readers find the desired information. Catalog no. K10319, January 2011, 1125 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0639-5, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
92nd Edition Edited by
W.M. Haynes National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Now in its 92nd edition, this handbook continues to be the most accessed and respected scientific reference in the world. Among a wealth of enhancements, this edition analyzes, updates, and validates molecular formulas and weights, boiling and melting points, densities, and refractive indexes in the physical constants of organic compounds table through comparisons with critically evaluated data from the NIST Thermodynamics Research Center. Catalog no. K12569, June 2011, c. 2659 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-5511-9, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available on DVD
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics on DVD Catalog no. K13559, August 2011 ISBN: 978-1-4398-7661-9, $169.95 / £108.00
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Condensed Matter & Materials Science Coming soon!
An Introduction to Metamaterials and Waves in Composites
Understanding Quantum Phase Transitions
Biswajit Banerjee
Lincoln D. Carr
Industrial Research Limited, Auckland, New Zealand
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA
Engineered to create devices with unique properties when interacting with waves, metamaterials are a relatively new field. Presenting the theory behind these materials, this invaluable book discusses the interaction of metamaterials (layered, periodic, and composite) with electromagnetic and elastic waves. It describes equations that govern acoustic, electrodynamic, and elastodynamic waves in inhomogeneous media. The author shows how these can predict behaviors, such as negative and anisotropic density, perfect lensing, and cloaking, in engineering applications.
This book focuses on quantum phase transition (QPT), a frontier area of research. It takes a look back as well as a look forward to the future and the many open problems that remain. The book covers new concepts and directions in QPT and specific models and systems closely tied to particular experimental realization or theoretical methods. The text also presents recent advances in the numerical methods used to study QPTs.
Edited by
Catalog no. K10133, January 2011, 756 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0251-9, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K11934, June 2011, c. 376 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4157-0, $89.95 / £57.99
Hume-Rothery Rules for Structurally Complex Alloy Phases Uichiro Mizutani Nagoya Industrial Science Research Institute, Japan
Written by a renowned authority on HumeRothery rules, this book focuses on the stability mechanism of structurally complex phases, beginning with the history, development, and final approach to the goal. It begins with a description of the history of the establishment of the Hume-Rothery rules from 1920s to 1930s and introduces basic theories for allow phase stability. The author describes the long-lasting controversial issues regarding the rules, examining the questions that have been solved and those that have not. Catalog no. 90585, January 2011, 356 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9058-1, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Metallic Systems A Quantum Chemist’s Perspective Edited by
Thomas C. Allison and Carlos A. Gonzalez NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
Orkid Coskuner University of Texas, San Antonio, USA
Although there is considerable literature documenting the use of quantum chemistry calculations in the study of metallic systems, there are few books that collect and present this information in a comprehensive format. This volume focuses on state-of-theart quantum chemical methodologies, emphasizing application to a wide variety of chemical systems containing metal atoms. The book explains the theory underpinning the methodologies, presents a practical set of modalities for studying metallic systems, assesses the current technological barriers, and examines future challenges and possibilities. Catalog no. 60775, April 2011, 432 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6077-5, $149.95 / £95.00
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Condensed Matter & Materials Science New!
Coming soon!
Cross-Linked Liquid Crystalline Systems
Handbook of Spin Transport and Magnetism
From Rigid Polymer Networks to Elastomers
Evgeny Y. Tsymbal
Edited by
University at Buffalo, New York, USA
Dirk J. Broer, Gregory P. Crawford, and Slobodan Zumer With rapidly expanding interest in liquid crystalline polymers and elastomers among the liquid crystal community, researchers are currently exploring the wide range of possible application areas for these unique materials, including optical elements on displays, tunable lasers, strain gauges, microstructures, and artificial muscles. This volume presents the most significant systems in the field. It covers carefully selected topics in an accessible way for a diverse selection of readers. Catalog no. 46225, January 2011, 629 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4622-9, $189.95 / £121.00 Also available as an eBook
Organic Spintronics
Edited by University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
Igor Zutic With an introductory chapter by Nobel Prize laureate Albert Fert, this seminal handbook provides a comprehensive, balanced account of the state of the art in spintronics. It discusses diverse physical phenomena discovered in hybrid structures of ferromagnetic and normal metals, describes impressive breakthroughs in spin-dependent tunneling, and reviews the challenges and opportunities for controlling spin and magnetism in semiconductors. The book explores the phenomena characteristic of nanostructures made from metals, superconductors, molecular magnets, carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, and graphene. Catalog no. K10210, August 2011, c. 800 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0377-6, $149.95 / £95.00
Nanocrystal Quantum Dots Second Edition
Edited by
Edited by
Zeev Valy Vardeny
Victor I. Klimov
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA
Reflecting the main avenues of advancement in this arena, this volume explores spin injection and manipulation in organic spin valves, the magnetic field effect in OLEDs, and the spin transport effect in relation to spin manipulation. It also examines organic magnets as spin injection electrodes in organic spintronics devices, the coherent control of spins in organic devices using electronically detected magnetic resonance, and the possibility of using organic spin valves as sensors.
Exploring recent advancements in colloidal nanocrystals and quantum-confined nanostructures, this second edition focuses on the semiconductor nanocrystals known as nanocrystal quantum dots. This edition includes new chapters on carrier multiplication, doping of semiconductor nanocrystals, and applications of nanocrystals in biology. The book also covers synthesis and assembly, spectroscopy of inter- and intraband optical transitions, single-nanocrystal optical and tunneling spectroscopy, transport properties, and nanocrystal applications in photovoltaics, light emitting technologies, lasing, bioimaging, and biosensing.
Catalog no. K10326, 2010, 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0656-2, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. 79263, 2010, 485 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7926-5, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Condensed Matter & Materials Science New!
Chemistry of Discotic Liquid Crystals
From Monomers to Polymers
C. Suryanarayana
Sandeep Kumar Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India
Bulk Metallic Glasses University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA
A. Inoue Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Discotic liquid crystals find functional applications as one-dimensional conductors, photoconductors, light emitting diodes, photovoltaic solar cells, field-effect transistors, and gas sensors. Compiling the scattered literature into a single work, this book describes the basic design principles, synthesis, and mesomorphic properties of discotic liquid crystals. It highlights the scientific concepts behind the hierarchical self-assembly of these disc-shaped molecules alongside their commercial production and experimental and applied use in nanotechnology and other emerging fields.
“… interesting results, as well as all fundamental and applied topics, are systematically described in this book … This book is suitable for young researchers in materials science and applied physics who are interested in learning about bulk metallic glasses and are looking for a guidebook to launch research into this exciting materials field. Also, this book can be perfectly used as a textbook for students in graduate schools.”
Catalog no. K10571, January 2011, 519 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1143-6, $189.95 / £121.00 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. 85964, January 2011, 565 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8596-9, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
III–V Compound Semiconductors
The MOCVD Challenge
Integration with Silicon-Based Microelectronics
A survey of GaInAsPInP and GaInAsPGaAs for photonic and electronic device applications, Second Edition
Edited by
Tingkai Li, Michael Mastro, and Armin Dadgar This book covers the scientific and technological exploration of the applications, properties, and processes of GaN, GaAs, and other III-V compound semiconductor devices within Si-based technology. It includes a broad range of topics, from fundamental material properties and materials integration to demonstration and industrial devices. The book also contains discussions relating to materials and devices, such as their basic physical and chemical properties, their mechanisms, how to measure their properties, and how to fabricate them. Catalog no. K10780, January 2011, 603 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1522-9, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
—From the Foreword by C.T. Liu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Auburn University, Alabama, USA
Manijeh Razeghi Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA
“… a comprehensive review of GaInAsP-InP and GaInAsP-GaAs materials, III-V semiconductor compounds used for photonic and electronic device applications. This second edition represents the combined updated versions of the MOCVD Challenge. The author addresses a variety of relevant topics, including growth technology, in situ characterization during MOCVD, ex situ characterization techniques, … optical devices, GaAs-based layers, optoelectronic integrated circuits, and optoelectronic devices on quantum structures.” —SciTech Book News, February 2011
Catalog no. K10357, January 2011, 799 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-0698-2, $199.95 / £108.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Medical Physics Coming soon! New!
Nuclear Medicine Physics Edited by
Joao Jose De Lima IBILI Biophysics Institute, Coimbra, Portugal
“… The data contained here will no doubt prove vital to researchers in multiple disciplines (physics, nuclear medicine, oncology) looking for ways to expand and upgrade patient care (specifically, oncologists charged with diagnosing and treating various forms of cancer will immediately benefit from learning how nuclear imaging techniques can enhance the patient experience in the clinical setting).” —The Electric Review, January 2011
Catalog no. C7958, January 2011, 524 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-795-9, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Stem Cell Labeling for Delivery and Tracking Using Noninvasive Imaging Edited by
Dara L. Kraitchman Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Joseph C. Wu Stanford University School of Medicine, California, USA
Describing the use of MRI to track stem cells as they repair damaged tissue in the body, this comprehensive work covers from the basic biology of cell therapeutic choices to preclinical and clinical applications of cell therapy. It emphasizes the use of medical imaging for therapeutic targeting and delivery, determination of therapeutic efficacy, and cell tracking. It also discusses different methodologies of stem cell labeling, the benefits of using multiple imaging modalities, and the application of techniques to specific diseases in clinical trials. Catalog no. K10383, August 2011, c. 454 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0751-4, $129.95 / £82.00
Signal Processing in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy with Biomedical Applications Dzevad Belkic and Karen Belkic Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Addressing the critical need in clinical oncology for robust and stable signal processing in MRS, this book explores cutting-edge theory-based innovations for obtaining reliable quantitative information from MR signals for cancer diagnostics. By defining the natural framework of signal processing using the well-established theory of quantum physics, it illustrates how advances in signal processing can optimize MRS. The book examines the remarkable ability of the FPT to unambiguously quantify isolated, tightly overlapped, and nearly confluent resonances. Catalog no. K10321, 2010, 468 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0644-9, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook
Quality and Safety in Radiotherapy Edited by
Todd Pawlicki, Peter B. Dunscombe, Arno J. Mundt, and Pierre Scalliet The first text to focus solely on quality and safety in radiotherapy, this work encompasses not only traditional technically oriented quality assurance activities, but also general approaches regarding quality and safety. Experts from inside and outside the field discuss the processes and people delivering the service. They examine lean thinking; reactive and prospective error management techniques; techniques to monitor, assure, and improve quality; and details of quality control relating to equipment and patient-specific issues. Catalog no. K10241, January 2011, 643 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0436-0, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Medical Physics New!
Adaptive Radiation Therapy Edited by
X. Allen Li Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA
“The editor and authors are to be commended for putting together this excellent book describing the rationale, technologies, implementation, and future research for ART. … The book contains a wealth of useful information ranging from practical workflow issues to directions of future research. I recommend this book for medical physicists and radiation oncologists … .” —James C.H. Chu, Rush University Medical Center
Catalog no. K10840, January 2011, 427 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1634-9, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Radiopharmaceuticals Introduction to Drug Evaluation and Dose Estimation Lawrence E. Williams City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, California, USA
“The book covers a very important topic and fills a gap not covered by others. I believe that it will be very valuable in our education of Ph.D. students and also very valuable for researchers in this area. …” —Sven-Erik Strand, University of Lund, Sweden
“The book is written in a very clear style, and is accessible not only to physicists, but to any professional involved in radiopharmaceutical development and clinical or preclinical experiments. …” —Manuel Bardies, Director of Research, INSERM
Catalog no. K10532, January 2011, 326 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1067-5, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
PACS and Digital Medicine Essential Principles and Modern Practice Yu Liu St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Science Edited by
Valery V. Tuchin
Jihong Wang
Saratov State University, Russia
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA
This handbook analyzes achievements, new trends, and perspectives of photonics in its application to biomedicine. World-renowned experts describe advanced biophotonics methods and techniques intensively developed in recent years, enabling readers to become familiar with major, state-of-the-art results in biophotonics science and technology. The text covers finite-difference time-domain simulation, photothermal therapy, nanoparticle photonic technologies, and much more. It also elucidates the advanced spectroscopy and imaging of normal and pathological tissues.
This useful guide presents key principles and practical steps for PACS and EHR implementations and maintenance. It explains how PACS are used in radiology, teleradiology, cardiology, pathology, and radiation oncology. The authors cover PACS system components, quality control, IT infrastructures, networks, and data storage technologies. They also describe industry standards; security, privacy, and safety regulations; and the replacement of legacy systems. Discussions are supplemented with more than 130 illustrations, along with case studies of implementation in two organizations. Catalog no. C8365, January 2011, 367 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8365-1, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K10313, 2010, 868 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0628-9, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Medical Physics Coming soon!
Informatics in Medical Imaging
Essentials of Forensic Imaging
Edited by
Angela D. Levy
George C. Kagadis University of Patras, Rion, Greece
Steve G. Langer Mayo Clinic, Rochester, New York, USA
Reflecting advances in radiology, this book provides a comprehensive survey of the field of medical imaging informatics. It also addresses other specialties that have adopted the use of digital images, such as pathology, cardiology, dermatology, and surgery. The text discusses basic imaging informatics protocols, picture archiving and communication systems, and the electronic medical record. It also details key instrumentation and data mining technologies used in medical imaging informatics as well as practical operational issues, such as procurement, maintenance, teleradiology, and ethics. Catalog no. K11526, September 2011, c. 504 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3124-3, $149.95 / £95.00
A Text-Atlas Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, D.C., and Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
H. Theodore Harcke, Jr. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C., and Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
“The work is very well done and makes a significant contribution to the literature on the topic …” —Joel Lichtenstein, University of Washington
“… The book is unusually well illustrated through correlation of photographs and radiological images of the highest quality. … The book is certain to find extended use in training programs and daily death investigation and documentation.” —William A. Murphy, Jr., University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Catalog no. 91115, January 2011, 282 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-9111-3, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Coming soon!
Quantitative MRI in Cancer Edited by
Thomas Yankeelov Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Ronald R. Price and David R. Pickens Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
This volume explains the biophysics and theory behind many MRI techniques and gives example of how these techniques are applied in cancer diagnosis and treatment. The first section of the book presents the basics of MRI physics, background on hardware, and sources of error. The next three sections cover image processing and characterizing tissue properties using endogenous and exogenous contrast mechanisms. The book concludes with an overview of emerging areas in the MR characterization of cancer.
Coming soon!
Essentials of Functional MRI Patrick W. Stroman Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
“A comprehensive book, combining a strong theoretical background with profound practical hints for the use of fMRI in medical research … represents a major step forward.” —Massimo Filippi, Scientific Institute HSR, Italy
“I find the book packed with information. It will be useful for both a clinical audience and MR technologists.” —W. Einar Mencl, Haskins Laboratories and Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Catalog no. K10992, June 2011, c. 304 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-1878-7, $79.95 / £49.99
Catalog no. K11087, September 2011, c. 368 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2057-5, $129.95 / £82.00
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Particle & High Energy Physics Coming soon!
Compound Semiconductor Radiation Detectors Alan Owens European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Semiconductor detectors offer unique capabilities, higher resolution, and better performance. Compound Semiconductor Radiation Detectors describes all aspects of radiation detection and measurement that use compound semiconductors, including crystal growth, detector fabrication, and spectroscopic performance. A comprehensive reference source for researchers in various disciplines as well as graduate students in specialized courses, the text outlines the potential and limitations of semiconductor detectors. The author covers growth techniques, detector fabrication, contacting systems, current radiation detection systems, and performance improvements.
Features • Provides comprehensive, practical coverage of compound semiconductor radiation detectors • Covers fabrication methods as well as performance issues • Includes key data tables and references • Presents a wide range of applications
Contents Semiconductors. Growth Techniques. Detector Fabrication. Contacting Systems. Radiation Detection and Measurement. Present Detection Systems. Improving Performance. Catalog no. K13387, November 2011, c. 400 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7312-0, $129.95 / £82.00
Advanced Particle Physics Two-Volume Set O.M. Boyarkin Belarus State Pedagogical University, Minsk
Providing a complete foundation to comprehend the physics of the microworld, this two-volume set develops the models, theoretical framework, and mathematical tools to understand current experiments and make predictions for future experiments. All intermediate mathematical steps are derived and numerous application examples help readers gain a thorough, working knowledge of the subject.
The first volume covers: • The mathematical foundation of quantum field theory • The interactions and particles of the Standard Model • How accelerators, detectors, and neutrino tele scopes are used in particle physics experiments • The technique of renormalization in quantum electrodynamics
The second volume discusses: • The technique of renormalization in QCD • The status of current QCD experiments • Physics beyond the Standard Model, including composite models and a left-right model • How solar and atmospheric neutrinos are detected and analyzed The books in this two-volume set enable readers not only to perform complicated and skilled calculations, but also to propose and elaborate new theories. Catalog no. K10227, February 2011, 1224 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0412-4, $169.95 / £108.00 Also available as an eBook Also available as individual volumes
Volume I: Particles, Fields, and Quantum Electrodynamics Catalog no. K10229, February 2011, 655 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0414-8, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Volume II: The Standard Model and Beyond Catalog no. K10230, February 2011, 565 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0416-2, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Particle & High Energy Physics Coming soon! Coming soon!
Neutrino Physics
An Introduction to Beam Physics M. Berz
Second Edition Kai Zuber Dresden University, Germany
This new edition of a pioneering work has been updated with current research and experiments on neutrinos and their applications in particle physics and astrophysics. It includes an extended section on neutrino factories and a new section on geoneutrinos. The author discusses experimental results in the context of theoretical models as well as potential developments. Topics covered include neutrino cross sections, neutrino mass measurements, double beta decay, solar neutrinos, neutrinos from supernovae, high energy neutrinos in astrophysics, and neutrinos in cosmology. Catalog no. C647X, July 2011, c. 466 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6471-1, $129.95 / £82.00
Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
K. Makino University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Weishi Wan Suitable for researchers and graduate students, this book covers the principles and applications of differential algebra. The authors discuss the computation of transfer maps for all kinds of particle accelerators or any weakly nonlinear dynamical system, such as planetary orbits. The book discusses transfer matrices, mechanics and electrodynamics, nonlinear motion, the structure of the classes, computer implementations, nonlinear maps, one pass systems, and repetitive systems. Catalog no. IP127, November 2011, c. 294 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7503-0263-0, $129.95 / £82.00
Exploring Fundamental Particles
Coming soon!
Lincoln Wolfenstein
Thomas Binoth and Philip James Clark
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
LHC Physics Edited by
University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Joao P. Silva
Craig Buttar
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa and Centro de Física Teórica de Partículas, Portugal
University of Glasgow, Scotland
A clear picture of the historic breakthroughs and latest findings in the particle physics community, this book presents the theories and experiments surrounding fundamental particles and the main forces between them. It traces the development of this fascinating field, from the discoveries of Newton, Fermi, and Feynman to the detection of CP violation and neutrinos to the quest to observe the Higgs boson and beyond. The authors also discuss the importance of the LHC and ILC. Catalog no. K11632, January 2011, 291 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-3612-5, $49.95 / £31.99 Also available as an eBook
Written by an international team of well-known scientists, this volume covers a broad spectrum of experimental and theoretical activity in particle physics. The expert contributors provide a solid academic review of the relevant physics and computing behind the LHC. Each chapter presents a detailed discussion of a relevant topic, such as electroweak physics, BSM phenomenology, heavy ion physics, forward physics, statistical methods, Monte Carlo tools, and LHC grid computing. The text features an accessible introductory style and includes worked examples and problems. Catalog no. K11714, November 2011, c. 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3770-2, $119.95 / £76.99
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Lasers, Optics, & Optoelectronics Coming soon!
Tutorials in Metamaterials Optical Mineralogy
Edited by
Mikhail A. Noginov
Edited by
Norfolk State University, Virginia, USA
Pramod Kumar Verma
Viktor A. Podolskiy
University of Delhi, India
University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA
Optical Mineralogy covers advances in instrumentation and includes illustrations of minerals as seen through petrological microscopes. The initial chapters familiarize readers with essential concepts in optics and optical mineralogy while questions at the end of each chapter provide insight into practical issues. With tables that make important information easily accessible, the book highlights the importance of optical mineralogy in extracting information about the interior of crystals. Catalog no. AB7758, 2010, 350 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7758-2, $129.95 / £82.00
An introduction to electromagnetism in metamaterials structures, this begins covers the major challenges of improving fabrication approaches. Each chapter presents a tutorial on a specific metamaterials system, ranging from plasmonics and active systems to negative refraction and photonic crystals. Every tutorial provides a thorough treatment of basic theory, computer simulations, fabrication, and experimental studies of the physical properties. The book also explores microwave applications of metamaterials and photonic crystals research. Catalog no. 92189, August 2011, c. 344 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9218-9, $79.95 / £49.99
Coming soon!
Handbook of Biomedical Optics Edited by
David A. Boas, Constantinos Pitris, and Nimmi Ramanujam Taking a broad yet detailed approach, this comprehensive handbook covers light-based diagnostic methodologies and light-mediated therapeutics as well as concepts and cutting-edge optical methods used in research and practice. Extensively illustrated, the book presents the theory and fundamentals, along with state-of-theart applications. The expert contributors also discuss advantages and disadvantages of various techniques. The book focuses on spectroscopic methods, tomographic imaging, microscopic imaging methods, molecular probe development, and phototherapy. Catalog no. 90364, June 2011, c. 852 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9036-9, $149.95 / £95.00
Nanoscopy and Multidimensional Optical Fluorescence Microscopy Edited by
Alberto Diaspro The Italian Institute of Technology and University of Genoa, Italy
“This book certainly appears at the right time … . The book should be useful for senior research students in optical microscopy and biophotonics.” —Min Gu, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
“A very useful book for the microscopy field. Alberto Diaspro has done a great job as editor, and I’m sure this book will be appreciated by its readers.” —Peter Saggau, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas, USA
Catalog no. C7886, 2010, 448 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7886-2, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Lasers, Optics, & Optoelectronics Coming soon! New!
Light Sources Technologies and Applications Spyridon Kitsinelis Athens, Greece
“… this book offers a good overview of all current light sources from the older technologies up to the most current. … As a reference book for the lighting professional, it is a very good ‘refresher’ on all areas of lighting, which explains why and where we are in the story of lighting. … it will undoubtedly teach you a thing or two that you did not know about the subject.” —Lighting Journal, February 2011
Catalog no. K11102, January 2011, 226 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2079-7, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Handbook of Luminescent Semiconductor Materials Edited by
Leah Bergman University of Idaho, Moscow, USA
Jeanne L. McHale Washington State University, Pullman, USA
From the ultraviolet to the visible spectrum, this book provides comprehensive coverage of the basic concepts of photoluminescence phenomena in semiconductors and spectroscopy instrumentation as well as a detailed presentation of related optical devices. The book covers wide and narrow bandgap semiconductors, optical materials for energy conversion, the photoluminescence of nanoscale materials, and the development of emerging technologies. It also focuses on photoluminescence phenomena, photoluminescence spectroscopy, and versatility for the study of material characteristics. Catalog no. K11562, September 2011, c. 472 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3467-1, $149.95 / £95.00
Thin Film Optical Filters Fourth Edition H. Angus Macleod Thin Film Center Inc., Tucson, Arizona, USA
Written by a world-renowned authority of optical coatings, this bestselling book explores the design, manufacture, and performance of optical filters, along with applications in several areas, including astronomy and atmospheric temperature sounding. The preeminent author also discusses the fundamental theory and techniques of thin film optics. He provides the basic mathematics needed to perform thin film calculations. This edition contains a new chapter on color in optical coatings as well as a new section on gain in optical coatings. Catalog no. C7302, 2010, 800 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7302-7, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
Nitride Phosphors and Solid State Lighting Rong-Jun Xie, Yuan Qiang Li, Naoto Hirosaki, and Hajime Yamamoto Drawing on the authors’ extensive experimental work, this book provides an in-depth introduction to the crystal chemistry, synthesis, luminescence, and applications of phosphor materials for solidstate lighting, including new nitride phosphors and standard phosphors. It collects the latest data and trends on LED phosphors and discusses the use of new white LED lamps for general illumination and LCD backlighting. Covering novel luminescent materials, the book brings readers up to date on the evolving field of solid-state lighting. Catalog no. K11473, May 2011, c. 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3011-6, $139.95 / £89.00
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Lasers, Optics, & Optoelectronics Coming soon!
Optical Techniques for Solid-State Materials Characterization Edited by
Rohit P. Prasankumar Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
Antoinette J. Taylor Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA
This volume provides a detailed look at basic and advanced optical techniques used to characterize complex solid-state materials. It begins with an introduction to light-matter interactions and nanoscale properties of semiconductors, metals, and other materials. The book then examines linear optical spectroscopy, including photoluminescence, followed by a discussion of time-resolved optical spectroscopy. Several subsequent chapters focus on spatially resolved optical spectroscopy. A final section looks at recent developments, emphasizing techniques that integrate temporal and spatial resolutions.
Principles of Adaptive Optics Third Edition Robert Tyson University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA
“When Bob Tyson’s Principles of Adaptive Optics was first published in 1991, it immediately became the reference text for everyone working in the field. … This completely revised and updated third edition retains the strengths of the original text. Everyone involved in AO should have a copy on the shelf, and like the original, the extensive list of references (more than 900) provides an excellent pointer to the original literature.” —From the Foreword by Christopher Dainty, National University of Ireland, Galway
Catalog no. K10425, January 2011, 314 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0858-0, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K10737, June 2011, c. 756 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1537-3, $129.95 / £82.00
Handbook of Optofluidics Edited by
Aaron R. Hawkins Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA
Holger Schmidt University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
“This excellent reference provides broad coverage of the emerging and developing field of optofluidics. The book will be extremely useful for professionals and graduate students working on nanotechnologies that deploy optofluidic designs such as the lab on a chip and optofluidic transport mechanisms. … Those interested in waveguides will find useful information about photonic crystal waveguides and integrated optofluidic waveguides.” —OPN Optics & Photonics News, November 2010
“I’ve found this book to be very useful …” —Graham A. Turnbull, University of St. Andrews, Scotland
Catalog no. 93541, 2010, 664 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9354-4, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
Optical Tweezers Methods and Applications Edited by
Miles J. Padgett, Justin Molloy, and David McGloin Bringing together many landmark papers on the field, this compendium covers Arthur Ashkin’s initial work on radiation pressure and the immediate progress following his seminal demonstration. Expert contributors explore recent biological, colloidal, and microfluidic applications. They analyze the mechanisms underpinning basic tweezer force and the interaction among many particles held within multiple tweezer systems. In addition, they explain the conversion of optical tweezers into optical spanners as well as the creation of holographic tweezers using spatial light modulators. Catalog no. C7412, 2010, 508 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7412-3, $149.95 / £83.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Lasers, Optics, & Optoelectronics New! New!
Fundamentals of Attosecond Optics
Ultra-Fast Fiber Lasers Principles and Applications with MATLAB® Models
Zenghu Chang
Le Nguyen Binh
University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA
The European Research Center of Hua Wei Technologies GmbH, Munich, Germany
This book’s coverage builds from basic underlying theory to more complex ideas related to attosecond optics. It shows how the generation of attosecond optical pulses requires knowledge of femtosecond laser technologies but is also quite distinct from femtosecond laser technologies. The author elaborates on this point using semi-classical models and quantum mechanics theories. He explains generation of attosecond pulse train and gating methods for extracting single isolated pulses and presents illustrative examples of attosecond applications. Catalog no. 89374, February 2011, 547 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8937-0, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Nam Quoc Ngo Nayang Technological University, Singapore
Based on recent research and the latest developments, this book presents techniques and applications of ultra-short pulse lasers. It describes principal methods for mode-locking of lightwave and provides the operations of the laser source in both linear and nonlinear regimes. The book discusses the fundamental aspects for understanding the phenomena of lightwave pulse sequence whose width is extremely short. It also covers applications of such laser sources in high speed communication systems and networks. Catalog no. K10564, January 2011, 438 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1128-3, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Coming soon!
Building ProjectionBased VR Systems
Thin-Film Organic Photonics
Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, Bruno Rodrigues de Araujo, Luciano Pereira Soares, Alberto Barbosa Raposo, Jose Miquel de Oliveira Dias, and Rafael Afonso Chiquelho Alves Bastos Building a multi-projection system is a complex integration task, challenging even virtual reality (VR) specialists. This book provides an introduction to the issues to consider when planning the installation of a multi-projection environment for researchers and professionals not only in the computer graphics and virtual reality field but also in any other area using multi-projection displays. The book takes a practical approach, offering guidance on how to create a multi-projection environment. Catalog no. K13071, September 2011, c. 300 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56881-440-7, $69.95 / £38.99
Molecular Layer Deposition and Applications Tetsuzo Yoshimura Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
“… deals with interesting topics about a new technique for highly-ordered structures and highperformance optoelectronic properties of organic molecules…” —Atsushi Kubono, Shizuoka University, Japan
This book describes how photonic/electronic properties of thin films can be improved by precise control of atomic and molecular arrangements and demonstrates the prospect of artificial materials with tailored structures. It also examines a self-organized lightwave network and a heterogeneous integration process. The author assesses applications in computers, optical switching systems, solar energy conversion systems, and bio/medical photonics. Catalog no. K11038, March 2011, 370 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1973-9, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Lasers, Optics, & Optoelectronics Coming soon!
Laser Technology Second Edition Lan Xinju Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China
Laser Technology, Second Edition offers a unique systematic presentation of current types of laser technology. The book discusses the transmission of information using optical waves with modulating technology. It looks at how to enhance beam energy or power through Q switching, mode-locking, and amplification and shows how mode selection and frequency stabilizing technology can improve light beam directionality or monochromaticity. The text also covers nonlinear optical techniques for obtaining new frequencies and light waves. Catalog no. 9081X, 2010, 431 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9081-9, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Molded Optics Design and Manufacture Michael Schaub, Jim Schwiegerling, Eric Fest, R. Hamilton Shepard, and Alan Symmons
Computational Photography Mastering New Techniques for Lenses, Lighting, and Sensors Ramesh Raskar MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Jack Tumblin Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA
This book provides a practical guide to topics in image capture and manipulation methods for generating compelling pictures for graphics, special effects, scene comprehension, and art. The computational techniques discussed cover topics for exploiting new ideas in manipulating optics, illumination, and sensors at time of capture. In addition, the authors describe sophisticated reconstruction procedures from direct and indirect pixel measurements that go well beyond the traditional digital darkroom experience. Catalog no. K00370, September 2011, c. 350 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56881-313-4, $59.00 / £37.99
Electromagnetics of Time Varying Complex Media Frequency and Polarization Transformer, Second Edition Dikshitulu K. Kalluri University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA
While several available texts discuss molded plastic optics, none provide information on all classes of molded optics. Filling this gap, Molded Optics presents detailed descriptions of molded plastic, glass, and infrared optics. Since an understanding of the manufacturing process is necessary to develop cost-effective, producible designs, the book extensively covers various manufacturing methods, design guidelines, trade-offs, best practices, and testing of critical parameters. It also discusses topics that often arise when designing systems with molded optics, such as mitigating stray light.
This second edition of a bestseller remains the only electromagnetic book to cover time-varying anisotropic media, frequency and polarization transformer based on a switched magnetoplasma medium in a cavity, and FDTD numerical simulation for time-varying complex medium. Early chapters use a mathematical model with one kind of complexity—eliminating the need for highlevel mathematics. Using plasma as the basic medium to illustrate the transformation of an electromagnetic wave by a complex medium, the text highlights the effects of each kind of complexity in the medium properties.
Catalog no. K11536, April 2011, 272 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3256-1, $129.95 / £82.00
Catalog no. K10882, 2010, 556 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1706-3, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Explore the frontiers of nanoscience Breakthroughs in nanotechnology require a firm grounding in the principles of nanophysics. Providing the framework to achieve these advances, Handbook of Nanophysics is the first comprehensive reference to cover both fundamental and applied aspects of physics at the nanoscale. Pioneering scientists from preeminent academic institutions, R&D companies, and research laboratories pave the way for new innovations in nanotechnology.
Each volume includes: • Introductions in each chapter—useful to nonspecialists and students • Chapters extensively peer reviewed by senior scientists in nanophysics and related areas of nanoscience • A didactic treatment of the physics underlying the nanoscale materials and applications along with detailed experimental results • State-of-the-art scientific content enriched with fundamental equations and illustrations, some in color
Edited by Klaus D. Sattler • University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, USA
Catalog no. 75381, January 2011, 5670 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-7538-0 Set Price: $950.00 / £600.00 Also available as an eBook
— Volumes are also available separately —
Applied Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, & Biophysics New!
Physics of Continuous Matter
Quantitative Understanding of Biosystems
Exotic and Everyday Phenomena in the Macroscopic World, Second Edition
An Introduction to Biophysics
Benny Lautrup The Niels Bohr International Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark
This text provides an introduction to the basic ideas of continuum physics and their application to a wealth of macroscopic phenomena. It emphasizes the importance in understanding the physical principles behind equations and the conditions underlying approximations. This edition includes three new chapters on elasticity of slender rods, energy, and entropy. It also offers more illustrations, improved physics arguments and mathematical presentations, and expanded problem sets. Ancillary materials can be found on a companion website. A solutions manual is available for qualifying instructors. Catalog no. C7007, March 2011, 696 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7700-1, $79.95 / £36.99
Thomas M. Nordlund University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
“A versatile textbook that also serves as a good introduction to quantitative biology …” —Yuri Gartstein and Stephen Levene, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
With a CD-ROM of interactive material, this color text clearly describes the biological physics of macromolecules, subcellular structures, and whole cells. It provides a hands-on understanding of the movement of microorganisms, reviews the necessary mathematics, discusses quantum mechanics in biosystems, and describes the transition from discreet random walks to continuum diffusive motion. Catalog no. 89772, March 2011, 583 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8972-1, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Coming soon! New!
An Introduction to Planetary Atmospheres
Introduction to Experimental Biophysics Biological Methods for Physical Scientists
Agustin Sanchez-Lavega
Jay Nadeau
University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
“This comprehensive textbook on planetary atmospheres is versatile and well organized … . It is an invaluable reference for any student of atmospheres.”
A practical companion for physical scientists investigating wet laboratory experiments and biological research areas, this book gives a clear understanding of what is experimentally feasible. Introducing basic terminology and concepts, the text begins with simple, fundamental methods and builds gradually to more advanced techniques. It presents a straightforward structure, allowing readers to follow the process involved in the production of nucleic acids and proteins and the different levels of purification required for each type of analysis.
—Timothy E. Dowling, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA
“… Finally, instructors and students have a book with in-depth coverage of a wide range of topics … . The book’s wide scope expertly uses what’s currently known about different planetary atmospheres to demonstrate the underlying physical processes in a comparative way. …” —David Catling, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Catalog no. C6732, January 2011, 629 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6732-3, $89.95 / £39.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K11452, July 2011, c. 674 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-2953-0, $89.95 / £57.99
For a textbook evaluation copy, visit www.crctextbooks.com
Biophysics, Chemical Physics, & Computational Physics New!
Introduction to Complexity and Complex Systems
Coming soon!
Robert B. Northrop
Donald Shillady
University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA
Suitable for students in biomedical engineering, systems biology, biophysics, and physiology, this unique text covers complexity issues within living systems. It discusses human responses to coping with complex systems, the Law of Unintended Consequences, the relation of complexity to evolution, and the complexity inherent in invertebrate immune systems and economic systems. A comprehensive glossary provides acronyms and terms relating to complex, nonlinear biological systems. Dynamic models and homework questions are included to aid in understanding.
Particularly well-suited for students not pursuing a traditional chemistry curriculum, this undergraduate text presents a stand-alone approach to teaching physical chemistry in a one-semester course. It succeeds in inspiring a thorough understanding rather than merely exposing students to what they all too often perceive as a painful and confusing experience. The author includes realworld applications, worked examples, end-ofchapter problems, key solutions, thermodynamic data, and much more to assist in the teaching and learning of physical chemistry.
Catalog no. K11775, January 2011, 551 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3901-0, $79.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K11901, July 2011, c. 510 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4097-9, $79.95 / £27.99
Essentials of Physical Chemistry
Biological Computation Tel-Aviv University, Israel
FiniteDimensional Linear Algebra
Ron Unger
Mark S. Gockenbach
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, USA
“I read this book in one breath—it opens vistas on how the fields of computation and biology can inspire each other. …”
This text provides a solid foundation for the study of advanced mathematics and covers many interesting applications of linear algebra. The book demonstrates linear algebras’ vital role in diverse areas such as combinatorics, differential equations, optimization, and approximation. The book discusses important concepts and methods from numerical linear algebra and contains a range of exercises in each section, including some that can be solved using a computer package such as MATLAB®. It incorporates mini-projects that encourage students to develop topics not covered in the text. A solutions manual is available for qualifying instructors.
Ehud Lamm
—Uri Alon, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, and author of An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological Circuits
This text presents a unified overview of computer science ideas inspired by biology. In the book, readers discover profound ideas about computer science through biological examples. Each chapter presents the biological background, computational techniques, examples of applications, variants of the techniques, exercises, and solutions. Catalog no. C7959, May 2011, c. 352 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-8795-6, $79.95 / £49.99
Catalog no. K10803, 2010, 672 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1563-2, $99.95 / £48.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Introductory Physics, Condensed Matter, Materials Science, & Medical Physics
From Atoms to Galaxies A Conceptual Physics Approach to Scientific Awareness
Coming soon!
Physical Properties of Materials Second Edition
Sadri Hassani
Mary Anne White
Illinois State University, Normal, USA
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
“Intellectually inspirational, comprehensively informational and tangibly consistent in title, substance and organization respectively. … the book demonstratively stands out as one of the most friendly guides for recognising many interconnected strands of natural philosophy … Last but not least, especially for students and instructors, … [the book] provides study help by writing and explaining formulas along with explanatory linedrawn figures, other exhibits, conceptual exercises, mathematical notes, numerical and other examples, glossaries, and review questions. …”
This second edition of a bestseller introduces principles of materials science from the perspective of various properties, including optical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, and mechanical, and highlights the relationships among the properties from an atomic approach. The book covers timeless principles along with exciting contemporary materials science concepts. Covering the breadth of materials science, it is ideal for a one-semester introductory course in materials chemistry, materials physics, or materials engineering.
—Zia Khan, Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2010
Catalog no. K12969, July 2011, c. 480 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6651-1, $79.95 / £49.99
Catalog no. K10421, 2010, 753 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0849-8, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Coming soon!
Magnetics, Dielectrics, and Wave Propagation with MATLAB® Codes
Physics for Diagnostic Radiology
Carmine Vittoria
Addenbrookes NHS Trust, Cambridge, UK
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
A comprehensive description of wave propagation in magneto-dielectric materials, this textbook presents qualitative and quantitative arguments to calculate magnetic parameters from first principles. The book’s theoretical approach combines macroscopic free magnetic energy with Maxwell’s equations to yield wave propagation characteristics of magneto-dielectric materials. The author provides a clear understanding of the origin of magnetic parameters and how to calculate these parameters as the dimensionality of materials is reduced toward the microscopic scale. Catalog no. K11955, January 2011, 472 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4199-0, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Third Edition Edited by
P.P. Dendy
B. Heaton Aberdeen Radiation Protection Services, UK
“This is the third edition of a well-established and popular textbook on physics of diagnostic radiology. It is a textbook written in a clear and concise style, supported by excellent illustrations. The textbook describes recent state-of-the-art advances in medical imaging in a way radiologists, radiographers and medical physicists will find easy to understand. It is internationally recognised as one of the key textbooks in its field.” —Keith Faulkner, North East Strategic Health Authority, UK
Catalog no. 83155, June 2011, c. 710 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8315-6, $79.95 / £49.99
For a textbook evaluation copy, visit www.crctextbooks.com
Medical Physics/Nuclear, Particle, & High Energy Physics/Optics New!
Applied Medical Image Processing A Basic Course Wolfgang Birkfellner
Group Theory for the Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond
Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Ken J. Barnes
“[A]n outstanding work that will be of interest to virtually all biomedical engineers. The text is easy to follow, supposing only that the reader has a modest knowledge of linear algebra, basic engineering principles, and computer programming. I was impressed by the content as well as by amount of information that is packed on each page. … This is a well-written, coherent, and comprehensive work covering the major topics in the field, suitable as a standalone text … “
“… a welcome addition to the available texts in the area. … The presentation of difficult topics is clear and suitable for a reader new to the subject, while enough material is included to make this book useful as a reference for more experienced researchers. … The material is a pleasure to read and enlightening. … every student and researcher in high energy physics should read this excellent book.”
—Edward J. Ciaccio, Columbia University, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2011
Catalog no. K11176, January 2011, 403 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2444-3, $69.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
University of Southampton, UK
—Robert Appleby, Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2010 Solutions manual for qualifying instructors
Catalog no. C7874, 2010, 255 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7874-9, $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook
Measurement and Detection of Radiation
Coming soon!
Nicholas Tsoulfanidis
Introduction to Holography
University of Nevada, Reno, USA
Vincent Toal
Sheldon Landsberger
Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Third Edition
University of Texas, Austin, USA
Continuing in the tradition of its bestselling predecessors, this third edition illustrates the fundamentals of nuclear interactions and radiation detection with a multitude of examples and problems, offering a clearly written, accessible introduction to nuclear instrumentation concepts. This edition provides a new chapter on the latest applications of radiation detection, including nuclear medicine, dosimetry, health physics, homeland security, and nuclear nonproliferation. It also incorporates many new references and a completely updated bibliography.
An accessible introduction to holography, this book covers its use in optical storage, retrieval, and information processing as well as its wide range of applications in the physical and life sciences. The text supplies a complete overview of underlying concepts, including optical diffraction, coherence, and interference. It addresses fundamental optical phenomena and basic principles of holography, followed by tools for the successful use of holography in the laboratory. Catalog no. K10987, September 2011, c. 448 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1868-8, $99.95 / £63.99
Catalog no. 91859, January 2011, 518 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9185-4, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Optics & Optoelectrics Coming soon!
Optics for Engineers
Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics Peter E. Powers University of Dayton, Ohio, USA
“This book fills a longstanding need for a nonlinear optics textbook at an advanced college/ introductory graduate level. One of its best features is inclusion of many of the subtleties that are often glossed over in other books on the subject. … Another excellent feature is the provision of a large number of problems at the end of each chapter.” —Mark Cronin-Golomb, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, USA
“The book is very well written. … choice of topics is excellent …” —C.L. Tang, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
Charles A. Dimarzio Northeastern University, Boston Massachusetts, USA
“This book is an excellent resource for teaching any student or scientist who needs to use optical systems. I particularly like the addition of MATLAB scripts and functions. Highly recommended.” —James C. Wyant, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
“…I have been teaching optics to engineers for many years and have often longed for a text aimed at my students … covers all the important issues from basic theory through lasers and photodetectors to the vital topic of radiometry and measurement.” —John Watson, University of Aberdeen, UK
Catalog no. K10366, August 2011, c. 360 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0725-5, $89.95 / £57.99
Catalog no. 93517, May 2011, c. 331 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9351-3, $79.95 / £49.99
An Introduction to Quantum Optics
Photon and Biphoton Physics
An Introduction, Second Edition
Yanhua Shih
Graham Saxby
University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
University of Wolverhampton, UK (retired)
Designed for senior undergraduate and graduate students, this text presents the theoretical concepts and experimental techniques involved in modern quantum optics. It reviews basic theory and experimental evidence for the quantization of light, addressing such advanced concepts as entanglement and two-photon phenomena. It examines the devices and experimental procedures used to test theories and considers higher-level ideas, including coherent and squeezed states, atom-field interaction, electromagnetically induced transparency, and lasing without inversion.
Updated and expanded to keep pace with the digital revolution, the new edition of this critically acclaimed work provides a comprehensive exploration of imaging science. Extensively illustrated, the second edition covers the fundamental laws of physics as well as the cutting-edge techniques defining current and future directions in the field. This accessible introduction highlights essential formulas, while keeping the complex mathematics to a minimum.
Catalog no. IP833, January 2011, 484 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7503-0887-8, $69.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook
The Science of Imaging
Catalog no. K10653, January 2011, 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1286-0, $69.95 / £36.99 Also available as an eBook
For a textbook evaluation copy, visit www.crctextbooks.com
Optoelectronics/Quantum & Plasma Physics/Statistical Physics New!
Electronic, Magnetic, and Optical Materials
Plasma Physics and Engineering
Pradeep Fulay
Alexander Fridman
University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
This text takes a materials science and engineering approach for teaching the fundamentals of electronic, magnetic, and optical properties of materials. It integrates the physics, chemistry, materials science, and engineering concepts with the technological aspects of materials used by the electronics, magnetics, and photonics industry. The book features applications in nanoscience and technology and includes numerous realworld technology examples, from computers to credit cards to optic fibers. It also refers to electronic teaching aids available for download online.
Reflecting recent developments in plasma science and technology, this second edition continues to be one of the best textbooks in the field. It covers plasma chemistry and engineering, combustion, chemical physics, lasers, electronics, methods of material treatment, fuel conversion, and environmental control. Along with many new topics, this edition includes two new chapters on microdischarges and discharges in liquids. It contains a database on plasma kinetics and thermodynamics, numerical formulas for practical calculations, and many problems and concept questions.
Catalog no. 9564, 2010, 436 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9564-2, $99.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
Second Edition
Catalog no. K10619, February 2011, 941 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1228-0, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
New! Coming soon!
Quantum Principles and Particles Walter Wilcox Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA
Inspired by the work of Nobel Prize laureate Julian Schwinger, this book provides a clear, extensively illustrated introduction to quantum mechanics. It uses a combined approach of wave mechanics and spin analysis to explain the concepts of particle physics. The author’s pedagogical approach employs special process diagrams as tools for visualizing the states and operators as well as for illustrating ways to compute amplitudes for quantum mechanical processes. Problem sets build from the text and reinforce key principles. Catalog no. K11590, July 2011, c. 512 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-3525-8, $69.95 / £44.99
Statistical and Thermal Physics An Introduction Michael J.R. Hoch Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA, and University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Developing microscopic statistical physics and macroscopic classical thermodynamic descriptions in tandem, this comprehensive introduction provides insight into basic concepts at an advanced undergraduate level. It introduces the concepts of temperature, internal energy, and entropy using ideal gases and ideal paramagnets as illustrative models. It also discusses quantum gases in depth and presents advanced topics, including the Legendre transform, the density matrix, chemical reactions, and irreversible thermodynamics. Highly detailed and profoundly thorough, the book includes exercises within the text as well as end-of-chapter problems. Catalog no. K12300, May 2011, c. 450 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-5053-4, $69.95 / £44.99
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Study Aids & General Interest
Commonly Asked Questions in Thermodynamics Marc J. Assael, Anthony R.H. Goodwin, Michael Stamatoudis, William A. Wakeham, and Stefan Will This clearly written, easy-to-follow guide allows even nonscientists considering the use of alternative fuel sources to achieve a solid grounding in thermodynamics. The authors cover topics spanning from energy sources to the environment to climate change. Catalog no. 86952, March 2011, 368 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4200-8695-9, $39.95 / £25.99 Also available as an eBook
A Student’s Guide to the Study, Practice, and Tools of Modern Mathematics Donald Bindner and Martin Erickson An accessible introduction to the world of mathematics, this book offers tips on how to study and write mathematics as well as how to use various mathematical tools, from LaTeX and Beamer to Mathematica ® and Maple™ to MATLAB® and R. Catalog no. K12061, January 2011, 280 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-4606-3, $39.95 / £25.99 Also available as an eBook
Coming Soon!
A Cultural History of Physics Károly Simonyi This classic and comprehensive history of physics has been translated and updated to encompass a wide-ranging, in-depth account of the science of physics as well as an insightful interpretation of the cultural context in which these experimental discoveries and conceptual interpretations developed. Catalog no. K00315, September 2011, c. 600 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56881-329-5, $59.00 / £37.99
For a textbook evaluation copy, visit www.crctextbooks.com
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