Contents Applied Physics ................................................3 Astronomy and Astrophysics ............................6 Biophysics ........................................................7 General and Introductory Physics....................10 Condensed Matter and Materials Science ......14 Page 6
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Medical Physics ..............................................16 Nonlinear and Nuclear Physics........................19 Particle and High Energy Physics ....................20 Optics, Lasers, and Photonics..........................22 Quantum Physics ............................................26 Plasma Physics ................................................27 Statistical Physics ............................................28
Page 11
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Nanotechnology and Mesoscale Physics ........29 Fisher-Cripps Companion Series......................30
Many of these books are well-suited for instructional use and include ancillary materials upon qualified course adoption. For more information visit: Page 3
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Applied Physics New!
Green Nanotechnology
Configurational Forces
Solutions for Sustainability and Energy in the Built Environment
Thermomechanics, Physics, Mathematics, and Numerics
Geoffrey B. Smith
Gerard A. Maugin
University of Technology, Broadway, Australia
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
Claes G. Granqvist
Exploring recent developments in continuum mechanics, this book presents the general framework for configurational forces and covers a range of applications in engineering and condensed matter physics.
Uppsala University, Sweden
A first step in developing a clean and sustainable future is to think differently about everyday products, in particular how they influence energy use. Green Nanotechnology explores the science and technology of tiny structures that have huge potential to improve quality of life while simultaneously reducing use of fossil fuels. The book examines energy flows in nature and how the optical properties of materials can be designed to harmonize with those flows. It then discusses the properties that can be achieved in real materials to take advantage of nature’s energy flows. The authors cohesively examine a number of topics, highlighting their applications and the significance of their nano features. They provide a cursory discussion of well-reviewed subjects such as nanostructured solar cells and then turn their attention to timely topics such as methods for preventing excessive temperature and approaches to passive cooling. The book identifies key materials and elucidates how their properties can be understood in terms of contemporary materials physics and chemistry. It concludes with a detailed description of a scenario for future buildings that use much less energy while also providing better comfort. Contents Nanotechnology and Environmental Challenges. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Environment. Nanomaterials for “Green” Systems. Windows, Skylights, and Lighting. Paints, Roofs, Walls, and Cooling. Solar Thermal Energy and Photovoltaics. Desalination and Purification of Water. Fuels and Energy Storage. Conclusion.
The author presents the fundamentals of accepted standard continuum mechanics, before introducing Eshelby material stress, field theory, variational formulations, Noether’s theorem, and the resulting conservation laws. In the chapter on complex continua, he compares the classical perspective of B.D. Coleman and W. Noll with the viewpoint linked to abstract field theory. He then describes the important notion of local structural rearrangement and its relationship to Eshelby stress. After looking at the relevance of Eshelby stress in the thermodynamic description of singular interfaces, the text focuses on fracture problems, microstructured media, systems with mass exchanges, and electromagnetic deformable media. The concluding chapters discuss the exploitation of the canonical conservation law of momentum in nonlinear wave propagation, the application of canonical-momentum conservation law and material force in numerical schemes, and similarities of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics. Written by a long-time researcher in mechanical engineering, this book provides a detailed treatment of the theory of configurational forces—one of the latest and most fruitful advances in macroscopic field theories. Through many applications, it shows the depth and efficiency of this theory. Catalog no. K12064, November 2010 c. 544 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-4612-4 $119.95 / £76.99
Catalog no. 85328, September 2010, 472 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8532-7, $79.95 / £49.99
For more information and complete contents, visit
Applied Physics
Infrared Detectors Second Edition Antonio Rogalski
Thermal Imaging Cameras Characteristics and Performance
Institute of Applied Physics, Warsaw, Poland
Thomas L. Williams
Written by an internationally recognized pioneer, this book presents each topic with a brief summary of historical background followed by clear explanation of key principles underlying performance, overview of properties, and analysis of the state of the-art. The four sections cover introductory aspects, infrared thermal detectors, infrared photon detectors, and focal plane arrays. The text covers novel developments, such as type II superlattice detectors and quantum dot infrared detectors.
Providing detailed descriptions of the equipment and techniques that can be used for testing complete thermal imagers as well as their main subunits, this reference provides a sound quantitative basis for evaluating the suitability of various thermal imagers for particular applications. Keeping theory and mathematics to a minimum, the text reviews important performance parameters for industrial, laboratory, and surveillance applications.
Catalog no. 7671X, December 2010, 898 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7671-4, $179.95 / £114.00
Bromley, Kent, UK
Catalog no. C7185, 2009, 238 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7185-6, $99.95 / £60.99
Applied Mechanics of Solids
Structural Sensing, Health Monitoring, and Performance Evaluation
Allan F. Bower
D. Huston
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
University of Vermont, Burlington, USA
“It’s an impressive piece of work. It covers an immense amount of material and is well written.”
Providing the first comprehensive coverage of SHM, this book first reviews the various types of sensors currently used in SHM, including point sensors and noncontact systems. Subsequent chapters explain the processing and interpretation of data from sensors working in parallel. The author surveys the design of a tailor-made SHM system and presents a collection of case studies, many of which are drawn from his own experiences.
—James R. Barber, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
“A valuable treatise in mechanics of solids.” —David L. McDowell, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
“…With both in-depth discussion and authoritative summary, it will be widely used in teaching and research in theoretical and computational mechanics of materials.” —Yanfei Gao, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
Catalog no. IP678, September 2010, 662 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7503-0919-6, $169.95 / £108.00
Catalog no. K10131, January 2010, 820 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0247-2, $89.95 / £57.99
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Applied Physics New!
Applications of FieldProgrammable Gate Arrays in Scientific Research Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Jinyuan Wu Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, USA
This work presents an introduction to applications of FPGAs in various fields of research. It covers the principle of FPGAs and their functionality. The book explores how FPGAs work and how they are programmed to specific areas of applications in physics. Many figures and hands-on examples are included to show why FPGAs are so popular. Supporting material is available on the book’s website.
Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems, Compressible Flows, and Waves Vishnu D. Sharma Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
Filled with practical examples, this book presents a self-contained discussion of quasilinear hyperbolic equations and systems with applications. It emphasizes nonlinear theory and introduces some of the most active research in the field. The author elucidates all necessary mathematical concepts in the first three chapters and highlights the application of various approaches to solve practical physical problems from areas, including gasdynamics, nonequilibrium flows, and shallow water theory. Catalog no. K11669, April 2010, 282 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3690-3, $99.95 / £63.99
Catalog no. K11921, December 2010 c. 184 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-4133-4 $129.95 / £82.00
An Introduction to Gravity Currents and Intrusions Marius Ungarish Technion, Haifa, Israel
“…Ungarish provides a useful summary of the requisite mathematical tools in the appendices and does not shy away from putting these to purposeful employ. … a helpful reference in guiding future research. … Ungarish’s consideration of different geometries, flow regimes, etc. is broad, making his book of potential interest to researchers from disparate fields, including oceanography, atmospheric science, hydraulic engineering, and others.” —M.R. Flynn, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2010
Catalog no. C9039, 2009, 512 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-903-8, $89.95 / £54.99
Computational Hydrodynamics of Capsules and Biological Cells Edited by
C. Pozrikidis University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
This volume provides a comprehensive and rigorous introduction to the fundamental concepts, mathematical formulation, alternative approaches, and predictions of this evolving field. It covers advanced numerical methods for simulating the motion of rigid particles (platelets) and the flowinduced deformation of liquid capsules and cells enclosed by viscoelastic membranes. MATLAB® code and other data are available on the book’s website. Catalog no. K11057, June 2010, 327 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2005-6, $129.95 / £82.00
For more information and complete contents, visit
Astronomy and Astrophysics Coming soon!
Extra-Solar Planets The Detection, Formation, Evolution and Dynamics of Planetary Systems Edited by
Physics of the Sun
Bonnie Steves
A First Course
Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland
Dermott J. Mullan
Martin Hendry
University of Delaware, Newark, USA
University of Glasgow, Scotland
Andrew C. Cameron University of St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland
Now that we are able to go beyond the discovery of gas giants to locate smaller planets, the hunt is on for a planet that exhibits those just right conditions for supporting life. With contributions from recognized world leaders, this text offers the solid foundation required by graduate students, yet also encourages further study by looking at advanced topics. In addition, it considers the most recent theories about the creation and development of planets. Catalog no. C8344, December 2010, c. 307 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8344-6, $119.95 / £76.99
With an emphasis on numerical modeling, this text presents a quantitative examination of the physical structure of the Sun and the conditions of its extended atmosphere. It enables a practical appreciation of how various physical processes determine the variation of physical parameters from the center of the Sun to the surface. The author gives step-by-step explanations for calculating the numerical models of the photosphere, convection zone, and radiative interior. Catalog no. C3074, January 2010, 390 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8307-1, $79.95 / £49.99
An Introduction to Planetary Atmospheres
Lunar Settlements
Agustin Sanchez-Lavega
Haym Benaroya
University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain
Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA
“This comprehensive textbook on planetary atmospheres is versatile and well organized, with an exposition that is sensitive to different audiences and equally at ease explaining the chemical, dynamical, and empirical foundations of this multidisciplinary field. It is an invaluable reference for any student of atmospheres.”
Lunar Settlements addresses the many issues that surround the permanent human return to the Moon. Numerous international contributors offer their insights into how certain technological, physiological, and psychological challenges must be met to make permanent lunar settlements possible. They cover political and economic aspects, potential medical problems, lunar resources, and much more. Former astronaut and U.S. Senator Harrison H. Schmitt also discusses how to maintain deep space exploration and settlement.
—Timothy E. Dowling, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Catalog no. C6732, September 2010, 629 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6732-3, $89.95 / £39.99
Edited by
Catalog no. 83325, February 2010, 801 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8332-3, $149.95 / £89.99
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Biophysics Coming soon!
Handbook of Physics in Medicine and Biology Edited by
Robert Splinter University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
This handbook covers materials associated with replacement or repair of tissues or entire tissue structures. It offers readers a foundation in relevant physical principles and technology critical to understanding biological functioning for application to biomedical research and healthcare. The book begins with a description of specific biological features and delves into the physics of explicit anatomical structures starting with the cell. The contents are then organized by organ type and biological function. In addition to physical descriptions, each chapter discusses principles of related diagnostic methods and technological aspects of therapeutic applications. A final section on regenerative engineering emphasizes biochemical and physiochemical factors important in improving or replacing biological functions. Features • Provides a comprehensive treatment of the physics and physical chemistry of biological organisms as well as the physics of imaging and diagnostics • Offers detailed coverage of physics related to human physiology alongside quantitative aspects of diagnostic and therapeutic technologies • Covers physics related to normal and pathological physiological functions, including fluid dynamics, mechanisms, and electronics • Discusses the state of the art in technology used in medical practice with attention to growing emphasis on regenerative approaches Catalog no. 75241, April 2010, 548 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7524-3, $149.95 / £95.00
Multiscale Cancer Modeling Edited by
Thomas S. Deisboeck Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Georgios S. Stamatakos Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Drawing on an interdisciplinary group of distinguished international experts, Multiscale Cancer Modeling discusses the scientific and technical expertise necessary to conduct innovative cancer modeling research across scales. It presents contributions from some of the top in silico modeling groups in the United States and Europe. The ultimate goal of multiscale modeling and simulation approaches is their use in clinical practice, such as supporting patient-specific treatment optimization. This volume covers state-of-the-art methods of multiscale cancer modeling and addresses the field’s potential as well as future challenges. It encourages collaborations among researchers in various disciplines to achieve breakthroughs in cancer modeling Features • Presents modeling methods and results at the forefront of cancer simulation at all levels of biocomplexity • Explores computational cancer research ranging from experimentally testable hypothesis generation and cross-scale data integration to patient-specific prediction of progression and treatment planning • Fosters transnational research interactions by bringing together many leading in silico modeling groups from around the world • Explains how combinations of multilevel cancer models can enhance our understanding of cancer and can help optimize its treatment Catalog no. K10739, December 2010 c. 384 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-1440-6 $89.95 / £57.99
For more information and complete contents, visit
Biophysics Coming soon!
Quantitative Understanding of Biosystems An Introduction to Biophysics Thomas M. Nordlund University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
This intermediate-level text covers the biophysics of macromolecules and subcellular structures interactions with light from a quantitative perspective. It emphasizes mathematical and computational approaches to study the properties and physical behavior of biomolecules and nanostructures. The author provides detailed coverage of key principles of statistical mechanics and quantum effects that are important for biological function, as well as light interactions with supramolecular structures. He incorporates learning tools, such as problem sets, exercises, review material, and learning objectives, and includes discussions of topics that are often neglected, such as structural hierarchy.
FLIM Microscopy in Biology and Medicine Edited by
Ammasi Periasamy University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA
Robert M. Clegg University of Illinois, Urbana, USA
“…a clear presentation of the theory, instrumentation, and data analysis of FLI microscopy and is enhanced by the critical discussions of assumptions, limitations and confounding elements… .” —Barry R. Masters, MIT, Microscopy and Microanalysis
“An amazingly comprehensive reference—I can’t imagine anyone looking for information there and not finding what they need. It is quite essential for any lab doing FLIM.” —Guy Cox, University of Sydney, Australia
Catalog no. C7890, January 2010, 472 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7890-9, $99.95 / £63.99
Features • Presents a quantitative approach to the study of biomolecules, nanostructures, and light using modern mathematical and computational tools • Covers biomedical applications of the theory • Discusses statistical mechanics in the context of spectroscopy, highlighting the statistics of the interaction of light with matter • Employs a diagrammatic approach to understanding quantum effects in biological systems • Includes boxed advanced sections for deeper treatment of core topics, along with end-ofchapter problem sets and suggestions for further reading Catalog no. 89772, December 2010, c. 864 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8972-1, $79.95 / £49.99
Introduction to Proteins Structure, Function, and Motion Amit Kessel Es-is Technologies Ltd.
Nir Ben-Tal Tel Aviv University, Israel
“… I was impressed both by the breadth of the topics covered and by the depth in which they are treated. General principles are made intuitively clear based on well-chosen examples …” —Barry Honig, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA
“…useful for newcomers to the protein structure field who want to catch up quickly. … [also] easy for experts to dive into the more specialized aspects quickly. … The publisher’s website provides exercises on both theory and practice. …” —Burkhard Rost, Technische Universität München, Germany
Catalog no. K10533, October 2010, 644 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1071-2, $79.95 / £49.99
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Biophysics New!
Cell Mechanics
Introduction to Complexity and Complex Systems
From Single Scale-Based Models to Multiscale Modeling
Robert B. Northrop University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA
Edited by
Exploring complexity issues within living systems, this unique work covers human responses to coping with complex systems, the Law of Unintended Consequences, the relation of complexity to evolution, and the complexity inherent in invertebrate immune systems and economic systems. The text includes a comprehensive glossary of acronyms and terms relating to complex, nonlinear biological systems. It also presents dynamic models and homework questions to further aid in understanding.
Arnaud Chauvière
Catalog no. K11775, December 2010 c. 568 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-3901-0 $79.95 / £44.99
The University of Texas, Houston, USA
Luigi Preziosi Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Claude Verdier Université Joseph Fourier and CNRS, Grenoble, France
This book brings together new insight and research on mechanical, mathematical, physical, and biological approaches for simulating the behavior of cells, specifically tumor cells. It illustrates how phenomena occurring at various scales can be modeled and coupled to account for multiscale aspects. The text discusses experimental and theoretical topics, including biological and complex modeling issues. Catalog no. C4548, January 2010, 482 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9454-1, $119.95 / £76.99
An Introduction
Structure and Function of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
Daniel M. Zuckerman
Peter Tompa
University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
This text brings “down to earth” some of the most intimidating but important theories of molecular biophysics. Readers build understanding by focusing on topics such as probability theory, lowdimensional models, and the simplest molecular systems. The book’s accessible development of equilibrium and dynamical statistical physics makes this a valuable text for readers with limited physics and chemistry backgrounds.
“Tompa’s masterly compendium on intrinsically disordered proteins arrives at just the right time to fill a conspicuous void on this important topic. …”
Statistical Physics of Biomolecules
Catalog no. 73788, June 2010, 356 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7378-2, $89.95 / £46.99
—George Rose, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
“… This book demonstrates Tompa’s considerable command of the field, providing appropriate examples and ample details in every respect. …” —From the Foreword by Professor Sir Alan Fersht, University of Cambridge, UK
“The book is just superb—a thorough, comprehensive and lucid discussion of intrinsically disordered proteins.” —Joel L. Sussman, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Catalog no. C7892, January 2010, 359 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7892-3, $99.95 / £63.99
For more information and complete contents, visit
General and Introductory Physics New!
A Student’s Guide to the Study, Practice, and Tools of Modern Mathematics Donald Bindner and Martin Erickson Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, USA
Ideal for newcomers to the field, this guide provides a comprehensive reference to key topics in modern mathematics. With an introduction to MATLAB®, Mathematica®, Maple™, Maxima, LaTeX, and R, the text explains how to study mathematics, how to write proofs, how to conduct mathematical research, and how to give presentations on mathematics. In addition, the authors detail how to get started with various programming languages, including Beamer, Octave, HTML, PostScript, and open source software. They also discuss how Geometer’s sketchpad is a useful tool for drawing illustrations. Features • Provides a guidebook to the field of mathematics • Presents the various systems of Tex, PostScript, and Maple • Covers Geometer’s sketchpad as a useful tool for drawing various illustrations • Includes introductory chapters on MATLAB, Mathematica, Maple, Maxima, and R
Commonly Asked Questions in Thermodynamics Marc J. Assael, Anthony R.H. Goodwin, Michael Stamatoudis, William A. Wakeham, and Stefan Will Every scientist and engineer encounters problems that may be solved at least in part using the principles of thermodynamics. The importance of thermodynamics is often so fundamental to life that we should all have a fairly detailed understanding of this core field. This clearly written, easy-to-follow guide allows even nonscientists considering use of alternative fuel sources to achieve a solid grounding in thermodynamics. The authors cover topics spanning from energy sources to the environment to climate change. A broad audience of general readers, students, industry professionals, and academic researchers will appreciate the answers found in this book. Features • Answers the most commonly asked questions relating to thermodynamics, such as the difference between entropy and enthalpy and the first name of Maxwell’s demon • Precedes each group of related questions with an introductory overview • Emphasizes qualitative understanding • Includes many illustrative materials throughout to reinforce key concepts
Contents How to Learn Mathematics. How to Write Mathematics. How to Research Mathematics. How to Present Mathematics. Getting Started with LATEX. Getting Started with Beamer. Getting Started with Mathematica, Maple, and Maxima. Getting Started with MATLAB and Octave. Getting Started with R. Getting Started with HTML. Getting Started with Geometry Software. Getting Started with PostScript. Getting Started with Computer Programming Languages. Catalog no. K12061, November 2010 c. 280 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-4606-3, $39.95 / £25.99
Coming soon!
• Requires no prior background in the subject Contents Introduction. What Is Statistical Mechanics?. Second Law of Thermodynamics. Phase Equilibria. Reactions, Electrolytes, and NonEquilibrium. Power Generation, Refrigeration, and Liquefaction. Where Do I Find My Numbers?. Index. Catalog no. 86952, February 2011 c. 280 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4200-8695-9, $39.95 / £25.99
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General and Introductory Physics New!
From Atoms to Galaxies A Conceptual Physics Approach to Scientific Awareness Sadri Hassani Illinois State University, Normal, USA
“…I will be teaching a physics/art history hybrid course and will be using either Superstrings and Other Things: A Guide to Physics, Second Edition or From Atoms to Galaxies: A Conceptual Physics Approach to Scientific Awareness. … both are great books. … I really feel that for conceptual physics courses, CRC Press currently has the three strongest titles. I anticipate a fun teaching experience while using these texts and hope to use them again in the future.” —Steve Zides, Wofford College, Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA
Features • Presents the foundation of the laws that govern our universe in a nontechnical way requiring minimal mathematics • Defines the often obscured difference between science and technology, discussing how this confusion taints both common culture and academic rigor • Explores the various philosophies of science, demonstrating how errors in our understanding of scientific principles can adversely impact humankind’s well-being • Exposes how pseudoscience advances unproven conjectures as dangerous alternatives to proven science • Includes a glossary, review questions, and exercises in each chapter, along with asides that debunk misconceptions, clarify the nature of science, and explore the history of physics as it relates to the development of ideas • Includes a CD that provides algebraic details for those who have the background and desire to see concepts of physics expressed through the poetry of mathematics • Offers ancillary materials at and includes a solutions manual and test book for qualifying instructors Catalog no. K10421, May 2010, 753 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0849-8, $89.95 / £57.99
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 91st Edition Edited by
William M. Haynes National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Praise for the 89th Edition “The ultimate book of facts about chemistry and physics. This is a book that covers virtually every element, every physical formula, and every mathematical table imaginable. It is hard to imagine any library, laboratory, or university that doesn’t have a copy.” —Books-On-Line, February 2009
Mirroring the growth and direction of science for a century, the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, now in its 91st edition, continues to be the most accessed and respected scientific reference in the world used by students and Nobel Laureates. This edition includes new and updated tables in at least six sections spanning from fluid properties to analytical chemistry and spectroscopy to solids and polymers properties. It also contains a Foreword by John L. Hall, a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2005. Catalog no. K11100, July 2010, 2610 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2077-3, $149.95 / £95.00
Also available on CD-ROM The CD-ROM offers practical utilities that include the ability to search by structure, formula, or properties; cross-table searching; interactive data management; and data selection tools that allow readers to customize the display and export data as needed. This version contains revisions, updates, expansions, archival material, and a plethora of mathematical tables. Also ask about our interactive online version. Catalog no. K12086, August 2010 ISBN: 978-1-4398-4654-4, $169.95 / £108.00
For more information and complete contents, visit
General and Introductory Physics
Physics of Sailing
Understanding Solid State Physics
John Kimball
Sharon Ann Holgate
University of Albany, New York, USA
Visiting Fellow, University of Sussex, UK
“… an excellent introduction to the forces that enable sailboats to perform … . John Kimball has contributed a readable explanation of the physics behind sailing that will appeal to a wide range of technically oriented readers.”
“The book is written in a very user-friendly and engaging style … the author succeeds in making the material approachable and interesting. … What I like most of all is that it brings solid-state physics up-to-date, introducing modern topics and showing how the core ideas in condensed matter physics underpin so much of the technology we use today.”
—James Harper, University of New Hampshire, Durham, USA
“The book is very well written and informative.” —Guy Vandegrift, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA
“I like the book very much. It is well written and … fills a nice gap between my very introductory book and an even more detailed, mathematical approach.”
—Andrew Boothroyd, Oxford University, UK
Ancillary resources are available at
Catalog no. IP662, January 2010, 367 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7503-0972-1, $79.95 / £48.99
—Bryon D. Anderson, Kent State University, Ohio, USA
Breaking down the complicated concepts of speed, acceleration, torque, fluid mechanics, and surface physics, this book provides an easily accessible introduction to the basic science underlying the sport of sailing. It illustrates how physics can be used to understand the principles of sailboat propulsion and how a scientific understanding of the boat, wind, and water can lead to more skillful sailing. The author discusses the difficulties of upwind sailing, compares the advantages of different sail and hull shapes and surfaces, and covers the dimensional analysis of turbulence and the structure of wakes. He also explores how the spectrum, reflection, and polarization of light lead sailors to “see” wind on the water. Catalog no. 73761, January 2010, 296 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4200-7376-8 $49.95 / £31.99
Superstrings and Other Things A Guide to Physics, Second Edition Carlos I. Calle Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA
Fully illustrated, this edition continues to clearly explain basic concepts of motion, energy, and gravity and explore the latest theories about the structure of matter, the origin of the universe, and the beginning of time. The book covers major discoveries and the scientists behind them and presents numerous examples of physics in everyday situations. This edition includes the newest development in string theory—the far reaching M-theory. Catalog no. K10534, January 2010, 567 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-1073-6 $59.95 / £24.99
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General and Introductory Physics
Measured Tones The Interplay of Physics and Music, Third Edition
Exploring Integrated Science
Ian Johnston
Belal E. Baaquie and Frederick H. Willeboordse
University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
National University of Singapore
Exceptionally accessible and now updated to consider modern technology, the new edition of this critically acclaimed bestseller shows the evolution of both theory and application at the intersection of physics and music. Along with a greater examination of MP3 design, this edition includes information on the gamelan and other Asian instruments and discusses binary notation, digitization, and electronic manipulation of music. A complementary website provides sound files and instructional support.
This richly illustrated volume shows how the simplest questions can lead us through a chain of reasoning that explains some of the most fascinating principles of science. Each chapter begins with a question that forms the basis for explaining a scientific principle. Step by step, the text then delves into the more sophisticated scientific matter necessary for providing insight into the question presented. Catalog no. 87932, January 2010, 594 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8793-2, $99.95 / £42.99
Catalog no. 93479, 2009, 454 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9347-6, $59.95 / £36.99
Magnetics, Dielectrics, and Wave Propagation with MATLAB® Codes
The Silicon Web Physics for the Internet Age Michael G. Raymer University of Oregon, Eugene, USA
Carmine Vittoria
“… a text perfect in itself and perfect for its time …” —Physics Today
“[A] stunningly rich story about the Internet and its associated technologies … an elegant and elaborate textbook, one that examines the science underlying the current revolution in communications technology. … All the important physics is here, but presented in an engaging way, with modern examples.” —From the Foreword by Louis A. Bloomfield, author of How Things Work
Catalog no. K10173, 2009, 600 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0311-0, $89.95 / £39.99
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
This text presents qualitative and quantitative arguments to calculate magnetic parameters from first principles. The book’s theoretical approach combines macroscopic free magnetic energy with Maxwell’s equations to yield wave propagation characteristics of magneto-dielectric materials. The author provides a clear understanding of the origin of magnetic parameters and how to calculate these parameters as the dimensionality of materials is reduced toward the microscopic scale. Catalog no. K11955, September 2010, 472 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4199-0, $129.95 / £82.00
For more information and complete contents, visit
Condensed Matter and Materials Science New! New!
Edited by
Hume-Rothery Rules for Structurally Complex Alloy Phases
Lincoln D. Carr
Uichiro Mizutani
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA
Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute, Japan
Bringing together 48 well-known physicists involved with the theory and observation of QPTs, this unique work organizes our current understanding of QPTs with an emphasis on examples from condensed matter physics. Each chapter takes readers through past discoveries right up through the latest research results and then ends with open questions and unsolved problems.
Written by the top authority on Hume–Rothery rules, Hume-Rothery Rules for Structurally Complex Alloy Phases focuses on the stability mechanism of structurally complex phases. It covers the history and important findings for the development of new alloys.
Understanding Quantum Phase Transitions
Features • Considers new concepts and directions in QPTs, from dynamics through dissipation and entanglement • Explores specific models, systems, and aspects of QPTs, including topological order, the Kondo lattice, the Jaynes–Cummings lattice, reduced dimensionality, finite-size effects and metastability, and QPTs in Bose–Einstein condensates • Covers experiments motivated by a deeper understanding of QPTs, including quantum dots, 2D electron systems, frustrated lattices in molecular antiferromagnets, heavy fermions, and ultracold atoms in optical lattices. • Presents advances in numerical methods used to study QPTs, such as cluster Monte Carlo and the worm algorithm, matrix-product-state methods, and dynamical mean-field theory • Looks at the relevance of QPTs beyond condensed-matter physics, including their occurrence in neutron stars, the quark-gluon plasma, cavity QED systems, and string theory Catalog no. K10133, October 2010, 756 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0251-9, $119.95 / £76.99
The book begins with a description of the history of the establishment of the Hume–Rothery rules from the 1920s to 1930s. In addition, the author describes the long-lasting controversial issues regarding the rules, examining the questions that have been solved with the discovery of quasicrystals in 1984 and those that have not. Contents Introduction. Chemical Bonding and Phase Diagrams in Alloy Phase Stability. Early Theories of Alloy Phase Stability. First-Principles Band Calculations Using the Muffin-Tin Potential. Hume–Rothery Electron Concentration Rule Concerning the α/β Phase Transformation in Cu-X (X=Zn, Ga, Ge, etc.) Alloy Systems. Structure of Structurally Complex Metallic Alloys. Stabilization Mechanism of Gamma-Brasses Characterized by a FsBz-Induced Pseudogap. Stabilization Mechanism of Gamma-Brasses Characterized by Increasing Orbital Hybridizations: Role of d-States-Mediated-FsBzInteractions. Stabilization Mechanism of 1/1-1/11/1 Approximants. The Interplay and Contrasts Involved in the Chemistry, Physics, and Crystal Structures of Alloys and Compounds. Conclusions. Appendices. Catalog no. 90585, November 2010 c. 324 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-9058-1 $89.95 / £57.99
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Condensed Matter and Materials Science
Nanocrystal Quantum Dots Second Edition
Organic Spintronics
Edited by
Edited by
Victor I. Klimov
Zeev Valy Vardeny
Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
Reflecting recent advancements in colloidal nanocrystals and quantum-confined nanostructures, this second edition focuses on the semiconductor nanocrystals known as nanocrystal quantum dots. This edition includes new chapters on carrier multiplication, doping of semiconductor nanocrystals, and applications of nanocrystals in biology. The book also covers synthesis and assembly, spectroscopy of inter- and intraband optical transitions, single-nanocrystal optical and tunneling spectroscopy, transport properties, and nanocrystal applications in photovoltaics, light emitting technologies, lasing, bioimaging, and biosensing.
This volume explores spin injection and manipulation in organic spin valves, the magnetic field effect in organic light-emitting diodes, and the spin transport effect in relation to spin manipulation. It also examines organic magnets as spin injection electrodes in organic spintronics devices, the coherent control of spins in organic devices using electronically detected magnetic resonance, and the possibility of using organic spin valves as sensors. Catalog no. K10326, April 2010, 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0656-2, $129.95 / £82.00
Catalog no. 79263, April 2010, 485 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7926-5, $149.95 / £95.00
Coming soon!
Computational Electronics
Cross-Linked Liquid Crystalline Systems
Semi-Classical and Quantum Device Modeling and Simulation
From Rigid Polymer Networks to Elastomers
D. Vasileska and S.M. Goodnick
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
G. Klimeck Birck Nanotechnology Center, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
This work examines simulation methods for proper modeling of new nanoscale devices. With a focus on semi-classical transport methods, the first part offers details regarding numerical implementation and includes sample code as templates for sophisticated simulation software. The second part on quantum transport approaches introduces the density gradient method, quantum hydrodynamics, and the concept of effective potentials used to account for quantum-mechanical space quantization effects in particle-based simulators. Catalog no. 64835, June 2010, 782 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6483-4, $119.95 / £49.99
Edited by
Dirk Broer Gregory P. Crawford Slobodan Zumer University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Researchers are currently exploring the wide range of possible application areas for the unique materials of liquid crystalline polymers and elastomers, including optical elements on displays, tunable lasers, strain gauges, micro-structures, and artificial muscles. Written by respected international scientists from academia and industry, this volume presents the most significant systems in the field. It covers carefully selected topics in an accessible way for a diverse selection of readers. Catalog no. 46225, January 2011, c. 608 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4622-9, $189.95 / £121.00
For more information and complete contents, visit
Medical Physics New!
Quality and Safety in Radiotherapy Edited by
Todd Pawlicki, Peter B. Dunscombe, Arno J. Mundt, and Pierre Scalliet One of the first to focus solely on quality and safety in radiotherapy, this work highlights benefits of quality techniques, approaches to implementation, and guidelines for specific quality assurance steps related to equipment and procedures used in radiotherapy. It addresses quality and safety issues in radiotherapy from the physician and physicist viewpoints. The book also offers guides to quality in radiotherapy for vendor- and patientspecific quality assurance procedures. Catalog no. K10241, December 2010 c. 656 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-0436-0 $129.95 / £82.00
Applied Medical Image Processing A Basic Course Wolfgang Birkfellner Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Using real medical images and techniques, this book provides a truly practical introduction to medical image processing. It covers image representation, signal representation in the Fourier domain, and tomographic volume reconstruction. The author combines clearly written textual explanations with numerous tables, diagrams, and figures as well as illustrative examples and exercises using MATLAB® and Octave. The accompanying CD-ROM contains sample images and files that can be used with either program. Catalog no. K11176, September 2010, 403 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2444-3, $69.95 / £44.99
New! Coming soon!
Adaptive Radiation Therapy Edited by
X. Allen Li Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA
This comprehensive book—the first focused on this evolving therapy—explores ways to optimize radiation plans, including the use of patient-specific 3D and 4D morphological and biological information to help define targets and individualize post-treatment assessment. World-class experts discuss technologies for the delivery of treatments across various modalities. They also review clinical examples that demonstrate modern applications of ART for various cancers. Catalog no. K10840, January 2011, c. 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1634-9, $149.95 / £95.00
Methods in Medical Informatics Fundamentals of Healthcare Programming in Perl, Python, and Ruby Jules J. Berman Columbia, Maryland, USA
With examples using Perl, Python, and Ruby, this user friendly, step-by-step practical guide shows how to apply basic informatics algorithms to medical data sets. The author demonstrates how easy it is to master the wide variety of data types encountered in a healthcare setting with just a few simple programming commands. He discusses building blocks, medical data resources, primary tasks of medical informatics, and medical discovery. Catalog no. K11946, September 2010, 413 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4182-2, $79.95 / £49.99
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Medical Physics New!
Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Science
Edited by
Joao Jose De Lima
Valery V. Tuchin
IBILI Biophysics Institute, Coimbra, Portugal
Saratov State University, Russia
This handbook analyzes achievements, new trends, and perspectives of photonics in its application to biomedicine. World-renowned experts describe advanced biophotonics methods and techniques intensively developed in recent years, enabling readers to become familiar with major, state-of-the-art results in biophotonics science and technology. The text covers finite-difference timedomain simulation, photothermal therapy, nanoparticle photonic technologies, advanced spectroscopy and imaging of normal and pathological tissues, and much more.
Nuclear Medicine Physics Edited by
Covering nuclear medicine imaging physics and methodology, this useful reference presents the basic physics of and various applications in medicine and imaging systems. It provides advanced knowledge of relevant physical aspects behind modern nuclear imaging techniques, from radioisotope production to data acquisition and processing. The book emphasizes the physics of biological functions from the perspective of their study with radioisotopes and the biological effects of radiation.
Catalog no. K10313, May 2010, 868 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0628-9, $149.95 / £95.00
Catalog no. C7958, November 2010 c. 534 pp., ISBN: 978-1-58488-795-9 $149.95 / £95.00
PACS and Digital Medicine
Essentials of Forensic Imaging
Essential Principles and Modern Practice
A Text-Atlas
Yu Liu
Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, and Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Jihong Wang University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA
This book presents key principles and practical steps for PACS and EHR implementations and maintenance. It explains how PACS are used in radiology, teleradiology, cardiology, pathology, and radiation oncology. The authors cover PACS system components, quality control, IT infrastructures, networks, and data storage technologies. They also describe industry standards; security, privacy, and safety regulations; and the replacement of legacy systems. Discussions are supplemented with more than 130 illustrations and implementation case studies. Catalog no. C8365, October 2010, 368 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8365-1, $129.95 / £82.00
Angela D. Levy
H. Theodore Harcke Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC, and Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
With more than 300 color images, this groundbreaking work emphasizes a practical, technical, and interpretive foundation for understanding the diagnostic use of modern imaging in forensic autopsy. It covers advanced imaging techniques, such as radiography, multidetector computed tomography (MDCT), angiography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The authors focus on images derived from MDCT and MRI that are likely to replace or limit conventional autopsy dissection. Catalog no. 91115, December 2010, c. 152 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9111-3, $149.95 / £95.00
For more information and complete contents, visit
Medical Physics New!
Radiopharmaceuticals Introduction to Drug Evaluation and Dose Estimation Lawerence E. Williams
Introduction to Physics in Modern Medicine Second Edition Suzanne Amador Kane
City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, California, USA
Haverford College, Pennsylvania, USA
This comprehensive overview details the process of radiopharmaceutical development, from cellular studies to animal experiments to the design and implementation of clinical trials. It compares various radiopharmaceuticals and provides guidance on dose estimation and agent selection. Backed by examples from clinical trials, the text discusses two- and three-dimensional estimation processes, including the use of modern hybrid scanners, such as SPECT/CT and PET/CT.
Fully updated, this second edition builds on the bestselling original to provide readers with an exploration of the physics-related applications found in state-of-the-art medical centers. Requiring very little physics, biology, or chemistry knowledge and keeping mathematics to a minimum, the applications-dedicated chapters adhere to simple and self-contained qualitative explanations that make use of examples and illustrations. Supporting material is available on the author’s website.
Catalog no. K10532, December 2010 c. 322 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-1067-5 $129.95 / £82.00
Catalog no. C9438, 2009, 448 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-58488-943-4, $59.95 / £38.99
Signal Processing in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy with Biomedical Applications
Handbook of Anatomical Models for Radiation Dosimetry
Dzevad Belkic and Karen Belkic
Xie George Xu
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Edited by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA
Keith F. Eckerman
Addressing the critical need in clinical oncology for robust and stable signal processing in MRS, this book explores cutting-edge theory-based innovations for obtaining reliable quantitative information from MR signals for cancer diagnostics. By defining the natural framework of signal processing using the well-established theory of quantum physics, it illustrates how advances in signal processing can optimize MRS. The authors also apply the fast Padé transform to several problems in oncology diagnostics.
This pioneering handbook presents the major anatomical and physical models for human body radiation protection, diagnostic imaging, and nuclear medicine therapy. It explores how these models have evolved and the role that modern technologies have played. The book also discusses applications for these models and addresses technical aspects of human modeling and computer simulations. Related data sets can be downloaded from the authors’ website.
Catalog no. K10321, January 2010, 468 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0644-9, $119.95 / £76.99
Catalog no. C5979, January 2010, 757 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5979-3, $129.95 / £78.99
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA
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Nonlinear and Nuclear Physics New!
Measurement and Detection of Radiation
Experiments in Nuclear Science
Third Edition
Sidney A. Katz
Nicholas Tsoulfanidis
Rutgers University, Camden, New Jersey, USA
University of Nevada, Reno, USA
Sheldon Landsberger The University of Texas, Austin, USA
The research and applications of nuclear instrumentation have grown substantially since publication of the previous editions. With the miniaturization of equipment, increased speed of electronic components, and more sophisticated software, radiation detection systems are now more productively used in many disciplines, including nuclear nonproliferation, homeland security, and nuclear medicine. Continuing in the tradition of its bestselling predecessors, this edition illustrates the fundamentals of nuclear interactions and radiation detection with a multitude of examples and problems. It offers a clearly written, accessible introduction to nuclear instrumentation concepts. New to the Third Edition • A new chapter on the latest applications of radiation detection, covering nuclear medicine, dosimetry, health physics, nonproliferation, and homeland security • Updates to all chapters and subtopics within chapters, as needed • Many new references and a completely updated bibliography This third edition of a classic book continues to serve readers entering the nuclear science and engineering fields. It enables them to select the proper detector, analyze the results of counting experiments, and perform radiation measurements that follow proper health physics procedures. Catalog no. 91859, November 2010, c. 808 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9185-4, $129.95 / £82.00
Jeff C. Bryan University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, USA
Based on experiments performed by hundreds of students, this laboratory manual provides handson opportunities for developing insights into the origins and properties of nuclear radiations, their interactions with matter, their detection and measurement, and their applications. Each of the 32 exercises includes an overview of the scientific phenomenon; instructions for conducting the experiments, recording and analyzing the data, and reporting the results; specific questions relating to the experiments; and several relevant problems. Catalog no. K11568, August 2010, 198 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3481-7 $49.95 / £31.99
Charged Particle and Photon Interactions with Matter Recent Advances, Applications, and Interfaces Edited by
Yoshihiko Hatano Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Yosuke Katsumura University of Tokyo, Japan
A. Mozumder University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
This volume presents new directions on the basic studies of charged particle and photon interactions with matter and their applications. It discusses the latest theoretical and experimental studies on the physical, physicochemical, chemical, and biological stages of the interactions. It also explores a host of application areas, including health physics, cancer therapy, nanopolymers, space science, environmental conservation, biotechnology, and nuclear engineering. Catalog no. K10592, November 2010, c. 1064 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1177-1, $299.95 / £191.00
For more information and complete contents, visit
Particle and High Energy Physics New!
Group Theory for the Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond Ken J. Barnes University of Southampton, UK
Based on the author’s well-established courses, this text explores the use of symmetries through descriptions of the techniques of Lie groups and Lie algebras. It develops the models, theoretical framework, and mathematical tools to understand these symmetries. The author works through the mathematics of angular momentum, explains how Lagrangian formalism provides a natural framework for the quantum mechanical interpretation of symmetry principles, and examines the elusive Higgs boson and supersymmetry. He also introduces new techniques based on extending space–time into dimensions described by anticommuting coordinates.
Exploring Fundamental Particles Lincoln Wolfenstein Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
João P. Silva Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa and Centro de Física Teórica de Partículas, Portugal
The search for the elementary constituents of the physical universe and the interactions between them has transformed over time and continues to evolve today, as we seek answers to questions about the existence of stars, galaxies, and humankind. Integrating both theoretical and experimental work, Exploring Fundamental Particles traces the development of this fascinating field, from the discoveries of Newton, Fermi, and Feynman to the detection of CP violation and neutrinos to the quest to observe the Higgs boson and beyond.
The book provides succinct yet complete coverage of the group theory of the symmetries of the standard model of elementary particle physics. It will help readers understand current knowledge about the standard model as well as the physics that potentially lies beyond the standard model.
A clear picture of the historic breakthroughs and latest findings in the particle physics community, this book guides readers through the theories and experiments surrounding fundamental particles and the main forces between them. It sets the stage for the next transformation in modern science.
• Explores the modern framework of special relativity, including Lorentz covariance and the Poincaré group
• Explores the latest answer to the question, “What are we made of?”
• Describes Lie group techniques for the standard model and beyond • Provides a stepping-stone to Einstein’s work on general relativity • Goes beyond the standard model to explore supertransformations, superspace methods, and more • Includes many worked examples and problems in each chapter Catalog no. C7874, March 2010, 255 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7874-9, $59.95 / £38.99
• Describes the development of the standard model • Presents the four interactions of nature and the building blocks of matter • Covers topics important for future experiments, including CP violation, neutrinos, and the Higgs boson • Sheds light on past experiments and recent discoveries • Discusses the importance of the LHC and ILC Catalog no. K11632, September 2010 292 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3612-5 $49.95 / £31.99
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Particle and High Energy Physics
Neutrino Physics Second Edition Kai Zuber Dresden University, Germany
Written by the renowned Kai Zuber, the new edition of this pioneering work contains current research and experiments on neutrinos and their applications throughout physics. The author discusses experimental results in the context of theoretical models. This edition includes an extended section on neutrino factories and a new section on geoneutrinos. Catalog no. C647X, November 2010 c. 466 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-6471-1 $129.95 / £82.00
An Introduction to Particle Physics and the Standard Model Robert Mann University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Emphasizing the connections between particle physics and the rest of the physics field, this book provides an organizational framework for understanding modern particle physics. The author presents a standard model of strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions. He covers conservation laws, quantum electrodynamics, and wave equations. The final chapter offers a perspective on the future of particle physics. Catalog no. 82981, January 2010, 614 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8298-2, $79.95 / £49.99
The Standard Model and Beyond Paul Langacker
Coming soon!
Advanced Particle Physics Volume I: Particles, Fields, and Quantum Electrodynamics Oleg Boyarkin Belarus State Pedagogical University, Minsk
This volume covers the mathematical foundation of quantum field theory, elucidates the interactions and particles of the Standard Model, and discusses the technique of renormalization in quantum electrodynamics. Along with a host of problems and references at the end of each section, the book includes all necessary derivations and calculations and offers numerous application examples. Catalog no. K10229, January 2011, c. 640 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0414-8, $99.95 / £63.99
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
“… substantial … gives a detailed and lucid summary of the theoretical foundations of the Standard Model, and possible extensions beyond it. … I heartily recommend it to particle physicists … . It also provides a firm, graduate-level foundation for theoretical physicists … .” —Philip Burrows, Oxford University, CERN Courier
Catalog no. C7906, January 2010, 675 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7906-7, $79.95 / £49.99
The Large Hadron Collider Edited by
Lyndon Evans CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Written by the lead scientists working on the LHC. In full color. Visit us online for complete information. Catalog no. N10061, January 2010, 360 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0401-8, $79.95 / £48.99
For more information and complete contents, visit
Optics, Lasers, and Photonics
Coming soon!
Fourth Edition
Fundamentals of Attosecond Optics
H. Angus Macleod
Zenghu Chang
Thin Film Center Inc., Tucson, Arizona, USA
University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA
Praise for the Third Edition
A discussion of fundamental concepts, basic techniques, and state-of-the-art applications, Fundamentals of Attosecond Optics builds coverage from basic underlying theory to more complex ideas related to attosecond optics. The author explains generation of attosecond pulse train and gating methods for extracting single isolated pulses, before providing illustrative examples of attosecond applications.
Thin-Film Optical Filters
“… essential reading for all those involved in the design, manufacture, and application of optical coatings. … a valuable addition to many bookshelves.” —Materials World, September 2001
For more reviews of the third edition, visit
Written by a world-renowned authority of optical coatings, Thin-Film Optical Filters, Fourth Edition presents an introduction to thin-film optical filters for both manufacturers and users. The preeminent author covers an assortment of design, manufacture, per¬formance, and application topics. He also includes enough of the basic mathematics of optical thin films to enable readers to carry out thin-film calculations. This new edition of a bestseller retains most of the descriptions of older design techniques because of their importance in understanding how designs work. However, this edition includes a substantial amount of new material as well. A new chapter on color takes into account the increasing importance of color in optical coatings. In addition, a new section discusses the effects of gain in optical coatings. This comprehensive yet accessible book continues to offer valuable insight into the principles, techniques, and processes of successful coating design. It provides the sound foundation required to make further advances in the field. Catalog no. C7302, March 2010, 800 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7302-7, $139.95 / £89.00
The book shows how the generation of attosecond optical pulses requires knowledge of femtosecond laser technologies but is also quite distinct from femtosecond laser technologies. It elaborates on this point using semiclassical models and quantum mechanics theories. Features • Explains the distinct mechanisms of attosecond pulse generation using femtosecond laser technologies • Covers semiclassical models and quantum mechanics theories • Introduces the technique for generating attosecond train because of its connection with high harmonic generation Discusses methods for extracting single isolated pulses • Offers illustrative examples of attosecond applications • Provides a standalone section with real examples of experimental applications of attosecond pulses • Includes answers to selected problems as well as a table of atomic units and units in laser technology Catalog no. 89374, February 2011, c. 560 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8937-0, $89.95 / £57.99
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Optics, Lasers, and Photonics New!
Principles of Adaptive Optics
Third Edition
Technologies and Applications
Robert Tyson
Light Sources
University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA
Spyros Kitsinelis
With over 900 references that encompass recent papers, major contributions, and seminal papers, this third edition offers a comprehensive guide to the systems, components, and processes of adaptive optics. It covers the background and history of adaptive optics technology and highlights applications in astronomy, communication systems, and medical imaging. It also details important equations for atmospheric turbulence, optical compensation, and laser guide stars.
This book covers the use of modern light sources in a range of sciences and industries as well as the relevant scientific and engineering principles. The author discusses incandescent and discharge sources along with more modern lasers and solid state light sources. He also explores various applications across a range of areas, from general lighting to specialized uses, such as in sterilization, health science, medicine, food processing, and spectroscopy.
Catalog no. K10425, September 2010, 314 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0858-0, $89.95 / £57.99
Catalog no. K11102, November 2010 c. 216 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-2079-7 $129.95 / £82.00
Handbook of Optofluidics Edited by
Aaron R. Hawkins Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA
Athens, Greece
Nanoscopy and Multidimensional Optical Fluorescence Microscopy Edited by
Holger Schmidt
Alberto Diaspro
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
The Italian Institute of Technology and University of Genoa, Italy
“I’ve found this book to be very useful, and am delighted that the project has been so successful. From my own perspective, the part on optical elements and devices is a great reference, and the data in the appendices will save my students a lot of time in the future!” —Graham A. Turnbull, University of St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland
Catalog no. 93541, March 2010, 664 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9354-4, $139.95 / £89.00
“This book certainly appears at the right time … . The book should be useful for senior research students in optical microscopy and biophotonics.” —Min Gu, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
“A very useful book for the microscopy field. Alberto Diaspro has done a great job as editor, and I’m sure this book will be appreciated by its readers.” —Peter Saggau, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas, USA
Catalog no. C7886, April 2010, 448 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7886-2, $129.95 / £82.00
For more information and complete contents, visit
Optics, Lasers, and Photonics New!
Optical Tweezers Methods and Applications
Edited by
The Science of Imaging
Miles J. Padgett
Second Edition
University of Glasgow, Scotland
Graham Saxby
Justin Molloy
University of Wolverhampton, UK (retired)
MRC National Institute for Medical Research, London, UK
David McGloin University of Dundee, Scotland
Bringing together many landmark papers on the field, this compendium covers the techniques and applications of optical tweezers. It covers Arthur Ashkin’s initial work on radiation pressure and the immediate progress following his seminal demonstration. The expert contributors also explore recent biological, colloidal, and microfluidic applications, from the manipulation of bacteria to the treatment of DNA. Catalog no. C7412, June 2010, 508 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7412-3, $149.95 / £83.00
Updated and expanded to keep pace with the digital revolution, the new edition of this critically acclaimed work presents a comprehensive exploration of imaging science. Extensively illustrated, the second edition covers the fundamental laws of physics as well as cutting-edge techniques. Starting with the fundamentals of light and basic cameras, the author journeys through television and holography to advanced scientific and medical imaging. Catalog no. K10653, November 2010 c. 346 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-1286-0 $69.95 / £36.99
An Introduction to Quantum Optics Photon and BiPhoton Physics Yanhua Shih University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Presenting the theoretical concepts and experimental techniques involved in modern quantum optics, this book reviews basic theory and experimental evidence for the quantization of light. It also addresses such advanced concepts as entanglement and two-photon phenomena. The author examines the devices and experimental procedures used to test theories as well as higher-level concepts, such as atom-field interaction, electromagnetically induced transparency, and lasing without inversion. Catalog no. IP833, December 2010, c. 538 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7503-0887-8, $69.95 / £38.99
Laser Technology Second Edition Lan Xinju Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China
Laser Technology, Second Edition offers a unique systematic presentation of current types of laser technology. The book discusses the transmission of information using optical waves with modulating technology. It looks at how to enhance beam energy or power through Q switching, mode-locking, and amplification. It also shows how mode selection and frequency stabilizing technology can improve light beam directionality or monochromaticity. Catalog no. 9081X, February 2010, 431 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9081-9, $129.95 / £82.00
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Optics, Lasers, and Photonics New!
Coming soon!
Ultra-Fast Fiber Lasers
Thin-Film Organic Photonics
Principles and Applications with MATLAB® Models Le Nguyen Binh Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
Nam Quoc Ngo Nayang Technological University, Singapore
Molecular Layer Deposition and Applications Tetsuzo Yoshimura Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
Based on recent research and the latest developments, this book presents techniques and applications of ultra-short pulse lasers. It describes principal methods for mode-locking of lightwave and examines the operations of the laser source in both linear and nonlinear regimes. The book discusses the fundamental aspects for understanding the phenomena of lightwave pulse sequence with extremely short width.
This book describes how photonic/electronic properties of thin films can be improved by precise control of atomic and molecular arrangements. It also demonstrates the prospect of artificial materials with tailored structures. The text describes a self-organized lightwave network and a heterogeneous integration process. It also looks at applications in computers, optical switching systems, solar energy conversion systems, and bio/medical photonics.
Catalog no. K10564, July 2010, 438 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1128-3, $129.95 / £82.00
Catalog no. K11038, January 2011, c. 370 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1973-9, $139.95 / £89.00
Polarized Light Third Edition Dennis H. Goldstein Polaris Sensor Technologies, Inc., Niceville, Florida, USA
This third edition includes more than 2,500 figures and equations along with chapters on polarization elements, anisotropic materials, Stokes polarimetry, Mueller matrix polarimetry, and the mathematics of the Mueller matrix. It features two new chapters on polarized light in nature and on birefringence. This edition also presents a completely revised review of the history of polarized light and contains a new appendix on conventions used in polarized light. Catalog no. K11493, December 2010 c. 806 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-3040-6 $199.95 / £121.00
Electromagnetics of Time Varying Complex Media Frequency and Polarization Transformer, Second Edition Dikshitulu K. Kalluri University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA
This second edition of a bestseller remains the only electromagnetic book to cover time-varying anisotropic media, frequency and polarization transformer based on a switched magnetoplasma medium in a cavity, and FDTD numerical simulation for time-varying complex medium. Using plasma as the basic medium to illustrate the transformation of an electromagnetic wave by a complex medium, the text highlights the effects of each kind of complexity in the medium properties. Catalog no. K10882, April 2010, 556 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1706-3, $149.95 / £95.00
For more information and complete contents, visit
Quantum Physics
Quantum Reality Theory and Philosophy
Quantum Trajectories Edited by
Jonathan Allday
Pratim Kumar Chattaraj
The Royal Hospital School, Holbrook, Ipswich, UK
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Quantum theory allows us to come closer than ever to understanding where science leaves off and the mystery begins. Written by Jonathan Allday, a well-known physics author and teacher, this text cuts through much of the confusion to provide readers with an exploration of quantum theory that is authoritatively comprehensive and intriguingly comprehensible.
Quantum Trajectories brings together the expertise of an international panel of experts who focus on the epistemological significance of quantum mechanics through the quantum theory of motion. The book emphasizes a classical interpretation of quantum mechanics as developed by de Bröglie and Bohm
Requiring no more than school level physics and mathematics background, the book is accessible to anyone possessing a quest for knowledge and a sense of awe. It requires only an interest in understanding how quantum theory came to be and the myriad ways it both explains how our universe functions and extends the reach of human knowledge. Features • Presents a thorough grounding in the theoretical machinery of quantum physics • Offers a whistle-stop tour through the early part of the 20th century when the founding fathers of quantum theory forever altered the frontiers of human thought • Provides an example-filled interpretation of the theory, its applications, and its pinnacle in quantum field theory, so crucial in shaping ideas about the nature of reality • Separates fact from speculation regarding quantum physics’ ability to provide a starting point for philosophical queries into ultimate understanding and the limits of science Catalog no. C7036, 2009, 590 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-58488-703-4, $49.95 / £30.99
The popularity of using the quantum trajectory as a computational tool has exploded over the last decade, bringing this methodology to the level of practical applications. Many of the experts in the field who have either developed the methodology or have improved upon it have contributed chapters to this volume, making the book a state-ofthe-art expression of the field as it exists today and providing insight into the future of this technology. Features • Introduces the concept of the quantum theory of motion • Explains the connection with conventional quantum mechanics • Presents various numerical techniques generated from the Bohmian approach • Describes the epistemological significance of quantum trajectories • Provides an authoritative account of the foundations of quantum mechanics vis-à-vis that of Bohmian mechanics Catalog no. K11224, October 2010, 429 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2561-7, $129.95 / £82.00
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Plasma Physics Laser-Plasma Interactions Edited by
D.A. Jaroszynski University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
R.A. Bingham CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire, UK
R.A. Cairns University of St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland
Collecting contributions from a host of international experts, this compendium presents novel diagnostic methods, experimental techniques, and simulation tools used to study and model laser-plasma interactions. After discussing the basic theory of the interaction of intense electromagnetic radiation fields with matter, the book covers three applications of intense fields in plasma: inertial fusion, wakefield accelerators, and advanced radiation sources. Catalog no. C7788, 2009, 450 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-778-2, $139.95 / £85.00
Complex and Dusty Plasmas From Laboratory to Space
Computational Methods in Plasma Physics Stephen Jardin Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, New Jersey, USA
Largely self-contained, this text covers the computational mathematics and techniques needed to simulate magnetically confined plasmas in modern magnetic fusion experiments and future magnetic fusion reactors. The author explores many of the algorithms used today in enough depth so that readers can analyze their stability, efficiency, and scaling properties. He focuses on mathematical models where the plasma is treated as a conducting fluid. Catalog no. K10512, June 2010, 372 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1021-7, $79.95 / £49.99
Vladimir E. Fortov
Plasma Physics and Engineering
Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Second Edition
Gregor E. Morfill Max Planck Institute of Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, Germany
This book describes unique experimental and theoretical results received in microgravity conditions and ground-based experiments. It discusses the properties of magnetized, cryogenic, ultraviolet, and nuclear-induced plasmas as well as plasmas with nonspherical particles. The book emphasizes astrophysical aspects of complex plasmas and the numerical simulation of its properties. It also evaluates possible applications and interdisciplinary aspects. Catalog no. 83112, January 2010, 440 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8311-8, $129.95 / £82.00
Alexander Fridman University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
This book provides a clear, fundamental introduction to virtually all aspects of modern plasma science and technology, including plasma chemistry and engineering, combustion, chemical physics, lasers, electronics, methods of material treatment, fuel conversion, and environmental control. It contains an extensive database on plasma kinetics and thermodynamics, many helpful numerical formulas for practical calculations, and an array of problems and concept questions. Catalog no. K10619, December 2010 c. 926 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-1228-0 $129.95 / £82.00
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Statistical Physics
Concise Chemical Thermodynamics
Introduction to Statistical Physics
Third Edition
Second Edition
A.P.H. Peters
Kerson Huang
Hogeschool Zuyd, Heerlen, The Netherlands
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
With its concise explanations and clear examples, this text has clarified one of the most complicated branches of science for the past 40 years. Following in the tradition of its predecessors, this third edition continues to offer a practical, example-based exploration of a critical topic, maintaining academic rigor but eschewing complicated calculations.
Written by a world-renowned theoretical physicist, Introduction to Statistical Physics, Second Edition clarifies the properties of matter collectively in terms of the physical laws governing atomic motion. This second edition expands upon the original to include many additional exercises and more pedagogically oriented discussions that fully explain the concepts and applications.
Keeping pace with new technology and the shift in emphasis to green chemistry, this edition provides an up-to-date treatment of a foundational topic. It has been updated throughout to reflect new concerns in the 21st century.
Assuming some background knowledge of classical and quantum physics, this updated edition thoroughly familiarizes readers with the different aspects of statistical physics. It continues to provide the tools needed to understand and work with random processes.
New to the Third Edition • An extensive outlook on the world’s current energy consumption and the role of renewable energy in the future • An example of an exothermic reaction through a discussion of the Mond process for extracting and purifying nickel • The use of Mathcad® to calculate a plot of Gibbs energy for a reaction mixture versus the extent of reaction
Features • Offers pedagogically oriented discussions that fully explain the concepts and applications • Expands discussion of phase transition in thermodynamics • Presents the classical ensembles of statistical mechanics • Covers stochastic processes in greater depth
• An explanation of the Lambda sensor, which reduces vehicle emissions
• Emphasizes the difference between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics—the quantum phase
• The use of FactSage software to calculate and describe the production of silicon in an arc (oven) furnace
• Reflects current research and emerging technology dealing with Bose–Einstein condensation
• Additional problems and an updated list of suggested readings
• Makes the Ginsburg–Landau theory of the order parameter accessible to most readers
Catalog no. K10683, July 2010, 234 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-1332-4 $49.95 / £29.99
• Illustrate the methodology with applications in the stock market, semiconductors, and more • Includes new end-of-chapter exercises Catalog no. C7902, January 2010, 333 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7902-9, $59.95 / £38.99
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Nanotechnology and Mesoscale Physics Coming soon! New!
Second Edition
Nanoscience Education, Workforce Training, and K-12 Resources
David J. Whitehouse
Judith Light Feather
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
The Nanotechnology Group, Inc., Nacogdoches, Texas, USA
David J. Whitehouse, known as the father of digital metrology, helped pioneer the use of nanotechnology in surface science and surface metrology, and he continues to move the field forward. In this heavily revised and expanded edition, he addresses the many paradigm shifts occurring in the field.
Miquel F. Aznar
Handbook of Surface and Nanometrology
The book explains the incorporation of physics to develop optimum solutions for manufacture and performance and provides mechanical engineers with accessible explanations of essential concepts along with the higher mathematics that is now required of those working in the field. Emphasis is placed on systems wherever possible and the connection between nano surface geometry characterization and instrumentation.
Designed for nano-aware individuals in the public and private sectors, this volume—the first of its kind—provides a concise, readable resource for enhancing awareness, reviewing facts, and fabricating a platform from which to launch a plan. Aimed at helping K-12 students acquire the skills to understand and evaluate emerging technologies, the book offers plans of action and links to sustainable development tools. Catalog no. 53949, December 2010 c. 343 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4200-5394-4, $49.95 / £31.99
Features • Provides the mathematics and physics needed for engineers to stay relevant in the field • Explains general theory and techniques in a way that offers readers a framework for keeping abreast of rapid and dramatic developments • Offers insight and instruction from one of the field’s most respected researchers and teachers • Expands its perspective to look at surface applications beyond engineering • Addresses the key paradigm shifts of the last five years that are revolutionizing the field • Includes updated standards and newer computational approaches Catalog no. 82019, December 2010 c. 1015 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-8201-2 $299.95 / £191.00 Special introductory pricing: $240.00 / £158.00 Call to receive special introductory pricing.
Nanoscale Physics for Materials Science Takaaki Tsurumi, Hiroyuki Hirayama, Martin Vacha, and Tomoyasu Taniyama Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Exploring the electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of materials at the nanoscale, this text covers fundamental cross-disciplinary concepts in materials science and engineering. It presents a comprehensive description of the physical phenomena and changes that can be expected when macroscopically sized materials are reduced to the nanometer level. The authors also present an overview of quantum mechanics and the band structure of solids. Problem sets are included at the end of each chapter. Catalog no. K10051, January 2010, 287 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0059-1, $89.95 / £57.99
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Quick Reference Guides from A.C. Fischer-Cripps, CSIRO (CTIP), New South Wales, Australia
The Mathematics Companion Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineers “This is an interesting and useful little book … . it is very well done, and everything that might be expected to be there is there … it will serve those who wish to have quick access to all those formulae that seem to be so readily forgotten.” —J.M. Hill, Australian Physics, Vol. 43, No. 1, March/April 2006
Catalog no. IP721, 2005, 210 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-7503-1020-8, $30.95 / £19.99
The Materials Physics Companion “It is a straightforward and easy-to-read book with many examples that clearly illustrate many different concepts … It can really help to explain principles that often are not so easy to understand in traditional physics text…” —Electrical Insulation Magazine, September-October 2008
Catalog no. C6803, 2008, 208 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-58488-680-8, $30.95 / £19.99
The Electronics Companion The Electronics Companion provides a logical and consistent account of the way in which basic electronic circuits are designed and how they work. The author illustrates key concepts and principles of electronic devices in clear, one-page, figure-rich descriptions. The book contains many worked examples and review questions throughout, along with a laboratory section that describes experiments. Catalog no. IP704, 2005, 288 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-7503-1012-3, $30.95 / £19.99
The Physics Companion “… great quick reference guide for professional physicists … easy to quickly find those equations that you don’t frequently use but suddenly need. You will find it quicker in this book than you will find it in a textbook.” —The Physicist
“Fischer-Cripps has produced a gem of an alternative to conventional undergraduate textbooks. … a more than useful reference tool for professional physicists, especially those who teach. …” —Alan Michette, Physics World, July 2003
Catalog no. IP737, 2003, 384 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-7503-0953-0, $30.95 / £19.99
The Chemistry Companion Catalog no. K11517, July 2011, c. 250 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3088-8, $29.95 / £18.99
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Explore the frontiers of nanoscience Handbook of Nanophysics is the first comprehensive reference to cover both fundamental and applied aspects of physics at the nanoscale. Pioneering scientists from preeminent academic institutions, R&D companies, and research laboratories pave the way for new innovations in nanotechnology.
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Each volume includes: • Introductions in each chapter—useful to nonspecialists and students • Chapters extensively peer reviewed by senior scientists in nanophysics and related areas • A didactic treatment of the physics underlying nanoscale materials and applications with detailed experimental results • State-of-the-art scientific content enriched with fundamental equations
Catalog no. 75381, September 2010, 5670 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-7538-0 Set Price: $950.00 / £600.00
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