Power Engineering Books - November 2010

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Contents Power Electronics ..................................................3

Power Engineering ................................................7

Power Distribution ..............................................16 Page 3

Page 17, 27

Systems and Control Engineering........................17

Vehicular Technology and Power Engineering ....18

Renewable Energy................................................20

Photovoltaics and Solar Power Engineering ........22 Page 7

Page 17, 27

Industry Applications............................................24

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Power Electronics New!

Coming Soon!

Power-Switching Converters

Latest Edition of a Bestseller!

Third Edition

Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook

Simon Ang University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA

Alejandro Oliva Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina

This third edition details the many advances that have emerged since the second edition. It also addresses new subjects, including LED drivers, and DC-DC converters both for solar panels and for fuel cells. This book covers converter power management, phase-shift PWM, and low-noise and bidirectional DC-DC converters, featuring a non-linear discrete model of the DC-DC converter itself. The text discusses new simulation tools such as PSIM, LTSPICE, and POWERESIM, and provides additional and updated information on digital control of DCDC converters, switched capacitor converters, and power factor controllers.

Features • Details advances in power switching converter technology with design-related case studies and applications • Includes a new chapter on applications of switching converters • Updates information on switched capacitor converters

Contents Introduction to Switching Converters. Basic Switching Converter Topologies. Resonant Converters. Isolated Switching Converters. Control Schemes of Switching Converters. ContinuousTime Modeling of Switching Converters. Analog Control of Switching Converters. Discrete-Time Modeling of Switching Converters. Digital Control of Switching Converters. Interleaved Converters. Switched Capacitor Converters. Simulation of Switching Converters. Applications of Switching Converters. Switching Converter Design Case Studies. Catalog no. K10785, November 2010, 651 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1533-5, $119.95 / £76.99

Fourth Edition Colonel Wm. T. McLyman K.G. Magnetics, Inc., Idyllwild, California, USA

"Not only would the expert working on a specific design benefit from this handbook, but also the general reader would get a very good working knowledge on transformer design because the book covers fundamentals and magnetic material characteristics in a very clearly written, easy-to-read style. … Along with all of the practical design examples, the book is filled with clear and well-annotated illustrations and circuit schematics that provide great insight; the many references make this book a must-have for anyone designing transformers or inductors." —IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

"This book is a must for engineers doing magnetic design. Whether you are working on high "rel" state of the art design or high volume, low cost production, this book will help you." —Robert G. Noah, Application Engineering Manager (retired), Magnetics Division, Spang and Company

This latest edition of a classic text on transformers and inducers serves as a design manual that begins by providing the basic fundamentals of magnetics. It follows by explaining design using the Kg or Ap approach, and it also covers topics such as laminations, tape cores, powder cores and ferrites, and iron alloys. The author offers practical coverage on designing transformers, providing step-by-step directions and several comparison tables and graphics.

Features • Includes design examples, comparison tables, and hundreds of illustrations, tables, and design examples • Contains many new and revised chapters

Contents (abridged) Fundamentals of Magnetics. Magnetic Materials and Their Characteristics. Magnetic Cores. Window Utilization, Magnet Wire and Insulation. Transformer Design Trade-offs. TransformerInductor Efficiency, Regulation, and Temperature Rise. Power Transformer Design. DC Inductor Design Using Gapped Cores. DC Inductor Design Using Powder Core. AC Inductor Design… Catalog no. K11667, January 2011, 618 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3687-3, $189.95 / £121.00

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Power Electronics Third Edition of a Bestseller!

Permanent Magnet Synchronous and Brushless DC Motor Drives R. Krishnan Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA

Permanent Magnet Motor Technology Design and Applications, Third Edition Jacek F. Gieras

This book is a comprehensive overview of power electronic converters for permanent magnet synchronous machines and control strategies for variable-speed operation. It introduces machines, power devices, inverters, and control, and addresses modeling, implementation, control strategies, and flux weakening operations, as well as parameter sensitivity, and rotor position sensorless control. Suitable for both industrial and academic audiences, this book also covers the simulation, low cost inverter topologies, and commutation torque ripple of PM brushless DC motor drives. Simulation of the motor drives system is illustrated with MATLAB® codes in the text.

Hamilton Sunstrand, Glastonbury, Connecticut, USA

This book is divided into three parts—fundamentals of PM synchronous and brushless DC machines, power devices, and inverters; PM synchronous motor drives, and brushless DC motor drives. With regard to the power electronics associated with these drive systems, the author:

This third edition of a bestseller has been thoroughly revised to include:

• Explores use of the standard three-phase bridge inverter for driving the machine, power factor correction, and inverter control • Introduces space vector modulation step by step and contrasts with PWM • Details dead time effects in the inverter, and its compensation

Reflecting modern innovations in the development of PM motors for electromechanical drives, this expanded edition of a bestselling reference demonstrates the construction of PM motor drives and supplies ready-to-implement solutions to common roadblocks. The book supplies fundamental equations and calculations for determining and evaluating system performance, efficiency, reliability, and cost. It explores modern computer-aided design of PM motors and explains how to select PM motors to meet the specific requirements of electrical drives. Numerous examples, solutions, models, and diagrams are included to promote understanding.

• Chapters on high speed motors and micromotors • Advances in permanent magnet motor technology • Additional numerical examples and illustrations • Information that bridges the gap between theory and industrial applications • Key research results


This reference is dedicated exclusively to PM AC machines, with a timely emphasis on control and standard, and low-cost converter topologies. Widely used for teaching at the doctoral level and for industrial audiences both in the U.S. and abroad, it will be a welcome addition to any engineer’s library.

Permanent Magnet Materials and Circuits. Finite Element Analysis. Permanent Magnet DC Commutator Motors. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors. DC Brushless Motors. Axial Flux Motors. High Power Density Brushless Motors. High Speed Motors. Brushless Motors of Special Construction. Stepping Motors. Micromotors. Optimization. Maintenance. Appendix A: Leakage Inductance of AC Stator Windings. Appendix B: Losses in AC Motors. Symbols and Abbreviations.

Catalog no. DK2091, January 2010, 611 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-5384-9, $169.95 / £108.00

Catalog no. 64401, January 2010, 608 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6440-7, $199.95 / £127.00

• Discusses new power converter topologies being considered for low-cost drive systems in PM brushless DC motor drives


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Power Electronics Electrotechnical Systems Calculation and Analysis with Mathematica® and PSpice®

Power Electronics Advanced Conversion Technologies Fang Lin Luo and Hong Ye

Igor Korotyeyev and Radoslaw Kasperek

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

University of Zielona Gora, Poland

To meet the need to develop renewable and energy-saving power sources, green energy source systems require large numbers of converters. New converters, such as the Vienna rectifier and z-source inverters, are designed to improve the power factor and increase power efficiency. Analyzing more than 150 converters, this book discusses and offers ways to solve and correct problems associated with them. The authors analyze new converter circuits that have not been widely examined, and they also offer the correct methods to determine accurate solutions and examples to design converters for industrial applications.

Valerii Zhuikov National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnical Institute”

Thanks to advances in mathematical methods and computer technology, labor productivity during the analysis and development of electrotechnical devices has increased. This book explores the possibilities of the Mathematica® and PSpice® program for analyzing processes in power electronic systems. The author discusses the formulation of problems and the steps in their solution. He focuses on the analysis of transient, steady-state processes and their stability in nonstationary and nonlinear systems with DC and AC converters. All problems are solved by Mathematica® and program codes are presented. The PSpice program is used for comparison of results obtained with Mathematica and illustrates the special issues regarding its use.

Catalog no. 94297, January 2010, 744 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9429-9, $129.95 / £82.00

• Presents characteristics of useful mathematical programs, such as Mathematica, describing the niche of each

Integrated Power Electronic Converters and Digital Control

• Details the calculation of transition and steady state processes and stability in closed loop systems

Ali Emadi, Alireza Khaligh, and Young Joo Lee

• Focuses on application of Mathematica 4.2 in analyzing electromagnetic processes in electrotechnical systems

Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA

• Addresses analysis of processes in systems with converters

Inductoheat, Inc., Madison Heights, Michigan, USA


• Covers modeling of processes using ORCAD (PSpice)

Contents Characteristics of the Mathematica® System. Calculation of Transition and Steady-State Processes. The Calculation of the Processes and Stability in Closed-Loop Systems. Analysis of Processes in Systems with Converters. Modeling of Processes Using PSpice. Catalog no. 87096, March 2010, 268 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8709-3, $129.95 / £82.00

Zhong Nie In response to the demand for higher efficiencies, smaller output ripple, and smaller converter size for modern power electronic systems, pioneering experts in electronic engineering describe various integrated electronic converters. Designed for professionals working in power electronics as well as advanced students, the book covers boost type, buck type, and buck-boost type integrated topologies as well as other integrated structures. It discusses concepts behind their operation, specific applications, and trends in power electronics around digital control based on digital signal processors (DSPs). Catalog no. K10057, 2009, 350 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0069-0, $149.95 / £95.00

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Power Electronics Alternative Energy Systems Design and Analysis with Induction Generators, Second Edition M. Godoy Simões Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA

Felix A. Farret UFSM-CT-DPEE, Santa Maria, Brazil

Focusing on renewable energy applications and fundamentals of induction generators, this book covers the design, operation, and overall analysis of such systems. This second edition includes definitions of generated power and efficiency, aspects of the Danish concept, methodology, including the magnetization curve representation for induction generators, and technology of doubly fed induction generators. With computer simulation examples, problems, and solutions in each chapter, it also offers a section on how to best choose an induction generator as compared to synchronous or other types of electrical machines. Catalog no. 55321, 2008, 456 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5532-0, $106.95 / £69.99

Coming Soon!

III-V Compound Semiconductors Integration with Silicon-Based Microelectronics Edited by

Tingkai Li, Michael Mastro, and Armin Dadgar A discussion of recent advances, this book covers the scientific and technological exploration of GaN, GaAs, and III-V compound semiconductor and devices with silicon microelectronics. It includes a broad range of topics, from fundamental material properties and materials integration to demonstration and industrial devices. The book also addresses the basic physical and chemical properties and mechanisms of materials and devices, how to measure their properties, and how to fabricate them. The material also details applications, properties, and processes of the typical Gan, GaAs, and III-V compound semiconductors and devices with Si microelectronics. Catalog no. K10780, December 2010, c. 616 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1522-9, $159.95 / £99.00


Thermal Computations for Electronics Electronic Components and Technology Third Edition Stephen Sangwine University of Essex, Colchester, England, UK

Covering the properties, behavior, fabrication, and use of electronic components, this third edition reflects advancements in technology from the past decade. It also addresses the changes that have occurred in the construction and packaging of electronic circuits and introduces instruments and measurements used in electronics. Promoting sound engineering practice with in-depth discussions on reliability and safety, it features more globalized terminology and international standards, and it emphasizes the importance of design and consideration of parasitic effects. Catalog no. 7497, 2007, 232 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-8493-7497-5, $55.95 / £35.99


Conductive, Radiative, and Convective Air Cooling Gordon N. Ellison Portland State University, Oregon, USA

This book covers mathematical calculation, prediction, and application methods for conductive, radiative, and convective heat transfer in electronic equipment. It provides complete mathematical derivations, supplements formulae with design plots, and offers exercise solutions and lecture aids, including PDFs and downloadable Mathcad™ worksheets. The author covers topics such as methods for multi-surface radiation exchange, conductive heat transfer in electronics, and finite element theory with a variational calculus method explained for heat conduction. Offering mathematical descriptions of large thermal network problem formulation, he discusses theory of comprehensive thermal spreading resistance, and includes steady-state and time-dependent problems. Catalog no. K12281, November 2010, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5017-6, $119.95 / £76.99

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Power Engineering New Edition of a Bestseller!

Digital Protective Relays Problems and Solutions Vladimir Gurevich Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa

This book focuses on the problems and disadvantages associated with use of digital (microprocessorbased) protection relays (DPR) dominating the global market—from manufacturing, transportation, and communication to banking and healthcare. While there is already a massive amount of literature documenting the benefits of using digital relays, devices as sophisticated as DPR obviously have crucial faults and drawbacks that need to be understood but go largely unexamined. Delving into the less familiar inner workings of DPR, this book fills a critical literary void and helps decision makers and specialists in the field of protection relays find their way out of the informational vacuum. The book provides vital information to assist them in evaluating relay producers’ claims and then choose the right product.

Tearing away the informational “curtain” that exists today, this book: • Describes construction of functional modules of existing relays • Analyzes drawbacks and problems of digital relays • Details specific technical problems and their solutions • Shows how to assess danger from intentional destructive electromagnetic intrusions • Discusses alternative (non-microprocessor-based) protection relays, and problems related to international standards Focusing on practical solutions, this book explains how to correctly choose digital relays and ensure their proper use while avoiding the many problems they can present. The author eschews mathematics, theory, and other basics in favor of more practical, tangible information not easily found elsewhere. Setting itself apart from other books on the subject, this volume shines a light into the long hidden “black box” of information on DPR, giving users a valuable tool to help them anticipate possible problems—something sorely lacking in the literature. Catalog no. K11721, October 2010, 422 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3785-6, $129.95 / £82.00

Transformer Design Principles With Applications to Core-Form Power Transformers, Second Edition Robert M. Del Vecchio, Bertrand Poulin, Pierre T. Feghali, Dilipkumar M. Shah, and Rajendra Ahuja Completely revised, this second edition of a bestseller includes a general treatment of multi-terminal transformers. It provides a unified discussion of oil electrical breakdown in various geometries, as well as coverage of testing, life extension, maintenance issues, and the use of 3D finite element calculations in design. The book presents the theory of transformers, starting from first principles. This way, readers can understand the fundamentals of the formulas and procedures that are later developed for use in the design process and adapt the results to new developments as they occur. The material also emphasizes transformer model development, enabling evaluation of their performance under a variety of conditions.

Features • Covers the important aspects of transformer design which must be addressed to insure that the transformer will pass the required tests and function well in service • Treats the common transformer types in addition to more complex types such as phase shifting, zig-zag, and rectifying transformers • Develops the necessary mathematical tools to analyze transformers, such as phasor notation, symmetrical components, matrix methods, and finite elements techniques • Discusses thermal, mechanical, and electrical failure criteria, including detailed formulas and methods for ensuring that the transformer design meets specifications • Describes specialized methods for obtaining leakage reactances, short circuit forces, mechanical stresses, winding capacitances, impulse voltage distributions, electric stresses, and temparature distributions in the windings and oil

Contents (Abridged) Magnetism and Related Core Issues. Circuit Model of a Two-Winding Transformer with Core. Reactance and Leakage Reactance Calculations. Catalog no. K10298, June 2010, 636 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0582-4, $129.95 / £82.00

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Power Engineering Zero Emissions Power Cycles E. Yantovsky Independent researcher, Aachen, Germany

J. Gorski

Computational Methods for Electric Power Systems

Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland

Second Edition

M. Shokotov

Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, USA

Independent researcher, Chemnitz, Germany

Focusing on fossil-fueled, nonpolluting power generation systems, Zero Emissions Power Cycles presents alternative solutions to the severe emissions problems of power plants. Along with a description of new thermodynamic cycles and the results of computational analyses, this volume provides modern analytical tools and equations to evaluate exergy and introduce "currentology". The authors explore various aspects of zero emissions power plant (ZEPP) technology, including carbon dioxide sequestration, ion transport, and oxygen enrichment. They show that ZEPP technology can: • Provide affordable, clean power to meet expanding energy demand • Solve critical environmental problems, such as eliminating carbon dioxide and pollutant emissions • Address energy security issues by supporting the use of diverse fossil fuels, including integrated coal gasification and pulverized coal combustion • Ease the economic cost of sustainable energy supplies primarily through the use of cogenerated carbon dioxide for enhanced oil recovery Addressing the significant human contribution to global warming, this book presents reasonable and effective approaches to minimize the harmful pollution that results from fossil fuel emissions. It shows how to create and operate ZEPPs, making our energy future clean, secure, and inexpensive.

Contents Controversial Future. Cycles Review. Zero Emission Quasicombined Cycle with External Oxygen Supply. Oxygen Ion Transport Membranes. The ZEITMOP Cycle and Its Variants. Detailed Simulation of the ZEITMOP Cycle. Zero Emissions Piston Engines with Oxygen Enrichment. Solar Energy Conversion through Photosynthesis and Zero Emission Oxy-Fuel Combustion. Associated Tool for Calculations. Catalog no. 87916, 2009, 282 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8791-8, $149.95 / £95.00


Mariesa L. Crow

In today’s deregulated environment, the nation’s electric power network is forced to operate in a manner for which it was not designed. As a result, system analysis is essential to estimate current power flows, determine stability limits, and minimize costs. This book presents computational methods that form the basis of analytical studies of power systems. It covers developments in methods such as interior point, generalized minimal residual, secant, homotopy, continuation, and matrix pencil. New chapters address function approximation and finite element analysis. Additional examples, problems, and solutions are also included. Catalog no. 8660X, January 2010, 305 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8660-7, $99.95 / £63.99

Electric Machines Steady State, Transients, and Design with MATLAB® Ion Boldea and Lucian Tutelea University Politehnica of Timisoara, Romania

In an era of energy-versus-environment concerns, and issues of power electronics and DSP embedded control, this book takes into account developments in informatics technologies. It separates power electronics and control of electric machines as key elements in electric energy conversion and savings, concisely and expertly exploring these devices. This comprehensive, unified treatment includes numerous worked numerical examples and a plethora of MATLAB® digital simulation codes. It covers steady state and transient operation, Finite Element (FE) analysis and optimal design of electric transformers and induction, synchronous, permanent magnet DC brush and brushless motors and generators. Catalog no. 55720, January 2010, 797 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5572-6, $129.95 / £49.99

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Power Engineering Fuel Cells Green Energy Sustainable Electricity Supply with Low Environmental Impact

Modeling, Control, and Applications Bei Gou University of Texas at Arlington, USA

Woon Ki Na

Eric Jeffs

Caterpillar, Inc. Peoria, Illinois, USA

Buckinghamshire, UK

Bill Diong

The green argument for conservation is a contradiction in that although they produce no emissions, because renewable systems are composed of a large number of small units, a considerable amount of energy is required to produce, erect, and maintain them. Written by an international journalist with 40 years of experience reporting on power-generating technologies and global energy policies, this book addresses the question of how to build an electricity supply system that meets the demands of a growing population without accelerating global warming or damaging the environment.

Texas Christian University, San Antonio, USA

Defining a green energy system as one whose construction, installation, and operation minimally impact the environment, this book answers key questions, such as: • How can renewables be exploited to contribute the greatest energy input? • Should coal be used for clean fuel and chemical production rather than for power generation? • How quickly can we start to build the Green Energy system?


Fuel Cells: Modeling, Control, and Applications describes advanced research results on modeling and control designs for fuel cells and their hybrid energy systems. Filled with simulation examples and test results, it provides detailed discussions on fuel cell modeling, analysis, and nonlinear control.

Features • Introduces fuel cells and their power systems, including fundamentals and components • Presents the linear and nonlinear modeling of fuel cell dynamics, and typical approaches of linear and nonlinear modeling and control design methods • Explores the Simulink® implementation of fuel cells, including the modeling of PEM fuel cells and control designs • Covers the applications of fuel cells in vehicles, utility power systems, stand-alone systems, and hybrid renewable energy systems • Concludes with the modeling and analysis of hybrid renewable energy systems, which integrate fuel cells, wind power, and solar power

• Addresses issues relating to global warming and the energy systems best suited to reducing it


• Presents ideas for a sustainable electricity supply with less environmental damage

Fundamentals of Fuel Cells. Linear and Nonlinear Models of Fuel Cell Dynamics. Linear and Nonlinear Control Design for Fuel Cells. Linear and Nonlinear Control Design Strategies for Fuel Cells. Simulink Implementations of Fuel Cell Models and Controllers. Applications of Fuel Cells in Vehicles. Application of Fuel Cells in Utility Power Systems and Stand-Alone Systems. Control and Analysis of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems.

• Focuses on the increasing energy demand of a growing world population • Comments on energy policies around the world

Contents Global Warming. Carbon Capture and Storage. The End of Coal? A Nuclear Energy Revival. Combined Cycle. The New Technologies. The Renewable Uncertainties. The Truth About America. What is in the Future?

Catalog no. 71610, January 2010, 248 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7161-0, $99.95 / £63.99

Catalog no. K10998, January 2010, 236 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1892-3, $99.95 / £63.99

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Power Engineering Carbons for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Systems

Electric Power System Applications of Optimization

Edited by

Second Edition

François Béguin

James A. Momoh

CNRS University, Orleans, France

Howard University, Washington, D.C., USA

Elzbieta Frackowiak Poznan University of Technology, Poland

Written in collaboration with prominent scientists in carbon science and its energy-related applications, this book covers carbon materials for application in electrochemical energy storage and conversion. The text studies different carbon materials and their detailed physicochemical properties, reviewing their wide-ranging applications—including lithium-ion batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells, and primary cells. Complete with an abundance of figures, tables, equations, and case studies, this book is the ideal one-stop reference for researchers, engineers, and students working on developing the carbonbased energy storage and conversion systems of tomorrow.

A broad survey of theoretical and application aspects regarding power systems operation and planning, this second edition presents newer functions involving market programs, pricing, reliability, and advances in intelligent systems, providing implemented algorithms and illustrative examples. Useful as a academic text or professional reference resource, this comprehensive book introduces investigated systems applications for optimization and control, as well as estimation and control concepts. Revised and expanded since the first edition, it features additional case studies and problems. Catalog no. 65886, 2009, 602 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6586-2, $121.95 / £51.99

Features • Considers various energy storage systems based on carbon material • Discusses carbons for capacitors, industrial Li batteries, fuel cells, and applications for vehicles • Describes the relation between electrochemical properties and the structure and texture of carbons • Covers carbons in industrial systems and in the manufacturing of carbon for batteries • Explains the principles of electrochemistry and the general properties of carbons

Vladimir Gurevich Israel Electric Corp, Haifa

Contents Principles of Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Methods. Structure and Texture of Carbon Materials. Carbide-Derived Carbons and Templated Carbons. Porous Texture of Carbons. Surface Chemical and Electrochemical Properties of Carbons. Electronic Structures of Graphite and Related Materials. Carbon Materials in Lithium-Ion Batteries. Electrical Double-Layer Capacitors and Pseudocapacitors. Fuel Cell Systems: Which Technological Breakthrough for Industrial Development?. Carbon in Batteries and Energy Conversion Devices. Industrial Production of Double-Layer Capacitors. Advanced Battery Applications of Carbons. Catalog no. 53078, January 2010, 529 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5307-4, $149.95 / £95.00


Electronic Devices on Discrete Components for Industrial and Power Engineering Providing a smooth transition from theory to application, this book covers operating principles and examples of functional units for automation devices. It provides detailed descriptions of different functional units and automation devices for industry and power engineering that have been implemented with modern discrete electronic elements instead of microelectronics or microprocessor-based technologies. It includes information on modern components including miniature vacuum and high power reed switches, high-voltage bipolar transistors, thyristors, and dinistors as well as new high-voltage IGBT and FET. Catalog no. 69829, 2008, 432 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6982-2, $146.95 / £93.00

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Power Engineering

Power System Transients

Edited by

Electromechanical Systems and Devices

Juan A. Martinez-Velasco

Sergey E. Lyshevski

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, USA

Despite the powerful numerical techniques and graphical user interfaces available in present software tools for power system transients, a lack of reliable tests and conversion procedures generally makes determination of parameters the most challenging part of creating a model.

Recent trends in engineering have increased emphasis on integrated analysis, design, and control. With a focus on high-performance systems, this book integrates comprehensive studies and designs of electromechanical systems and motion devices and demonstrates the application of theoretical results in the analysis and design of electromechanical systems. The book also covers traditional topics, such as electromechanical motion devices, power electronics and sensors, and advanced software and hardware of engineering importance. It also includes practical worked examples, problems, and exercises using MATLAB® demonstrations.

Parameter Determination

Power System Transients: Parameter Determination summarizes current procedures and techniques for the determination of transient parameters for six basic power components: overhead line, insulated cable, transformer, synchronous machine, surge arrester, and circuit breaker. An expansion on papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, this text helps those using transient simulation tools (e.g., EMTP-like tools) to select the optimal determination method for their particular model. Catalog no. 65297, January 2010, 644 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6529-9, $139.95 / £89.00

Catalog no. 69721, 2008, 584 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6972-3, $99.95 / £46.99

Electric Energy Systems Analysis and Operation Edited by

Antonio Gómez-Expósito

Protective Relay Principles Anthony F. Sleva Sleva Associates, Hillsboro, Oregon, USA

This book provides an understanding of various power system components and their failure modes, as well as the various types of protective relays used to detect and isolate abnormal power system conditions. The author shows readers how to recognize conditions and system configurations in which power system protection can be optimized. He also discusses applications and control schemes used to ensure proper protective relay actuation and considers set points for protective relays intended to detect short circuits on distribution lines, transmission lines, transformers, and buses. Additionally, the text examines several schemes used to detect that a circuit breaker has failed to interrupt the flow of a fault current. Catalog no. DK1456, 2009, 368 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-5372-6, $149.95 / £95.00

University of Sevilla, Spain

Antonio J. Conejo University Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad-Real, Spain

Claudio Cañizares University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

“…highlights the rich experience of various experts who have conducted seminal work in this area.” — IEEE Power & Energy Magazine

Integrating technical and economic analysis from international specialists, this text covers electric generation and transmission systems, addressing diverse regulatory issues. It analyzes fundamental background topics, such as load flow, short circuit analysis, and economic dispatch. It also discusses advanced topics, including harmonic load flow, state estimation, voltage and frequency control, and electromagnetic transients. A wide range of worked examples, exercises, and solutions are provided to enhance understanding. Catalog no. 7365, 2009, 684 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7365-7, $135.95 / £86.00

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Power Engineering

Second Edition of a Bestseller!

The Induction Machines Design Handbook

Electric Energy

Second Edition

An Introduction, Second Edition

Ion Boldea

Mohamed A. El-Sharkawi

Syed A. Nasar

University of Washington, Seattle, USA

“…I would recommend it to the undergraduate student beginning to explore … electrical engineering, and equally so to nontechnical professionals … in the power and energy industry … I truly enjoyed reading this book.” —Pouyan Pourbeik, IEEE Power & Energy Magazine

Emphasizing modeling, analysis, and real-world issues, this revised bestseller provides an overview of topics related to electric energy. It covers advancements in electromechanical conversion, transformers, and three-phase systems and features expanded coverage on power electronics and various electric safety designs. The author looks at the role of electricity in the production of renewable energy, as well as the societal impact of blackouts, and the environmental impact of electric generation. Catalog no. 62190, 2009, 496 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6219-9, $99.95 / £46.99

Computer-Aided Power Systems Analysis

University Politehnica of Timisoara, Romania University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA

Developments in power electronics and digital control have made the rugged, low-cost, high-performance induction machine the popular choice of electric generator/motor in many industries. As the induction machine proves to be an efficient power solution for the flexible, distributed systems of the near future, the dynamic worldwide market continues to grow. It is imperative that engineers the complex issues of analysis and design associated with these devices. The Induction Machines Design Handbook, Second Edition is a comprehensive, self-contained, and up-to-date reference on single- and three-phase induction machines in constant and variable speed applications. Picking up where the first edition left off, this book taps into the authors’ considerable field experience to fortify and summarize the rich existing literature on the subject. Without drastically changing the effective logical structure and content of the original text, this second edition acknowledges notable theoretical and practical developments in the field that have occurred since the first publication. It makes corrections and/or improvements to text, formulae, and figures.

New material includes:

Second Edition

• Introduction of more realistic specifications and reworked numerical calculations in some of the examples

Dr. George Kusic

• Changes in terminology

University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

This volume presents the basic principles of power systems from the point of view of the central control facility. It introduces computational methods and provides understanding of electric utilities. Chapters cover key areas of power systems analysis, including elements, bus reference frame, network fault and contingency calculations, power flow on transmission networks, generator base power setting, and state estimation from on-line measurements. This book can be used as a professional reference and as a comprehensive text for upper-level undergraduate students. It features problems to test readers’ comprehension and a solutions manual for qualifying instructors who choose to adopt the book for a course.

• Discussion of some novel issues, with illustrative results from recent literature • New and updated photos • Data on new mild magnetic materials (metglass) • An industrial “sinusoidal” two-phase winding • Illustrations of finite element method airgap flux density • Enhanced presentations of unbalanced voltage and new harmonic-rich voltage supply IM performance • Discussion of stator (multiconductor) winding skin effect by finite element method Catalog no. 66684, January 2010, 845 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6668-5, $189.95 / £121.00

Catalog no. 61062, 2009, 388 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6106-2, $121.95 / £79.99


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Power Engineering

The Electric Power Engineering Handbook Second Edition (Five-Volume Set) Edited by

Leonard L. Grigsby Professor Emeritus, Auburn University, Alabama, USA

A Quick and Easy Reference with a Tutorial-Style Approach Still the definitive guide to power engineering, the first edition of Grigsby’s The Electric Power Engineering Handbook rose to become the standard among references in the field. With its coverage of power generation, transmission, and distribution, as well as modeling, analyzing, planning, designing, monitoring, and controlling power systems, it presents the wide range of developments in the field. This second edition contains so much important material that it had to be presented as a set of five books, each focused on a particular area of power engineering. Nearly every chapter was revised and updated from the first, several were completely rewritten, and 19 chapters were added.

Topics covered include: • Environmental effects of transmission systems • Substation commissioning and asset management • Distribution system characteristics and protection • Wide area dynamic measurements and distribution system state estimation • Real-time control of distributed generation, and flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) controllers

SAVE WHEN YOU BUY THE ENTIRE SET! Catalog no. 9293, 2007, 2320 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-9293-1, $219.95 / £140.00

Or purchase volumes individually:

Electric Power Substations Engineering Second Edition Catalog no. 7383, ISBN: 978-0-8493-7383-1

Electric Power Transformer Engineering Second Edition Catalog no. 9186, ISBN: 978-0-8493-9186-6

Power Systems Catalog no. 9288, ISBN: 978-0-8493-9288-7

Power System Stability and Control Catalog no. 9291, ISBN: 978-0-8493-9291-7

Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Catalog no. 9292, ISBN: 978-0-8493-9292-4

Suggested price for each volume: $109.95 / £69.99

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com


Power Engineering Latest Edition of a Bestseller!

Electrical Power Equipment Maintenance and Testing

The Vacuum Interrupter

Second Edition

Paul G. Slade

Paul Gill

Eaton Electrical, Horseheads, New York, USA (retired)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., USA

This definitive bestseller covers all aspects of testing and maintenance of the equipment found in electrical power systems serving industrial, commercial, utility substations, and generating plants. It addresses practical aspects of routing testing and maintenance and presents both the methodologies and engineering basics needed to carry out these tasks. It is an essential reference for engineers and technicians responsible for the operation, maintenance, and testing of power system equipment. Comprehensive coverage includes dielectric theory, dissolved gas analysis, cable fault locating, ground resistance measurements, and power factor, dissipation factor, DC, breaker, and relay testing methods.

Theory, Design, and Application

“…a classic book. It contains all the essential background needed for a reader to become wellversed in vacuum interrupter technology and it will be referenced for many years to come ...“ —IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

With more than 90 tables, 400 figures, and 850 references, this book covers the theory, design, and application of the modern vacuum interrupter. It addresses design considerations for a high-voltage application and illustrates how the proper contact materials and a design analysis are essential for the development of successful vacuum interrupters. Catalog no. 9091, 2008, 528 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9091-3, $173.95 / £110.00

Catalog no. DK4058, 2009, 1000 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57444-656-2, $157.95 / £99.00

Electrical Energy Systems Second Edition

Industrial Power Systems

Mohamed E. El-Hawary

Shoaib Khan

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Shoaib Khan Consultants, Inc., Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Reflecting modern trends, this book redirects coverage of electrical energy and electric power toward a sustainable paradigm. The author prepares readers for real-world challenges by including numerous examples, problems, and MATLAB® scripts, teaching them to use industry-standard problem-solving tools. This edition also features an entirely new chapter on the present and future of electric energy systems, which highlights new challenges facing system designers and operators in light of modern events and transformations impacting the field. This book is useful as a professional reference, but in its capacity as a textbook, it features ancillary materials, including a solutions manual and an instructor's manual available for qualifying instructors.

Based on the author’s 40 years of hands-on experience in industry, this book provides a modern look at the planning, design, and installation of industrial electrical supplies. The author emphasizes the role power systems play in the continuity of operations and quality of products. The text covers salient engineering features and design procedures, covering power system studies, grounding, instrument transformers, and medium voltage motors. The book includes practical tables, including European voltage standards, standards and design principles for substation design, and IEEE Standards for Harmonic Distribution Levels.

Catalog no. 9531, 2008, 408 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9531-4, $109.95 / £44.99


Catalog no. DK3172, 2008, 488 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-2443-6, $152.95 / £97.00

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Power Engineering

Power Quality VAR Compensation in Power Systems

Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering

Consultant, Australia

Analysis and Design, Second Edition

Mulukutla S. Sarma

Turan Gönen

Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

California State University, Sacramento, USA

Illustrating concepts with a wide selection of case studies, this book provides comprehensive coverage of power quality, harmonics, and static VAR compensators. Among the various compensators, it considers STATCOM, used for transmission systems and single-phase traction load compensation, as well as for flicker compensation in arc furnaces. The authors present an in-depth discussion of harmonics, including sources, design, standards, analysis, measurement, monitoring, and filtering. The material also addresses single-pole autoreclosing and the design of neutral reactors in four reactor schemes, which proves highly useful for improving reliability of supply.

Drawing from the author’s 31 years of teaching and power industry experience in the U.S. and abroad, this self-contained text on modern power transmission engineering includes ample numerical examples and problems. The author makes a special effort to familiarize readers with vocabulary and symbols used in the industry. Divided into two sections—electrical and mechanical design and analysis—the book covers topics ranging from transmission system planning and analysis of balanced and unbalanced faults, to construction of overhead lines and factors affecting transmission line route selection.

R. Sastry Vedam

Catalog no. 64800, 2009, 304 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6480-3, $167.95 / £104.00

Surface Impedance Boundary Conditions

Catalog no. K10135, 2009, 876 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0254-0, $129.95 / £49.99

The Smart Grid

A Comprehensive Approach

Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

Sergey V. Yuferev

Clark W. Gellings, P.E.

Nokia, Inc, Tampere, Finland The University of Akron, Ohio, USA

Electronic Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, USA

This book provides an explanation of surface impedance boundary conditions (SIBCs) that helps practitioners to select, use, and develop impedance boundary conditions for their own applications. It presents theoretical arguments and mathematical relationships, but the focus of the text remains practical. The book includes well known numerical techniques and formulations of SIBCs and demonstrates implementation in new or existing code. The authors include simple decision tools—which enable readers to decide if and how an SIBC can be used—as well as theoretical and experimental validation of the proposed SIBCs.

Available technologies and intelligent systems can now significantly enhance the overall functionality of power distribution to meet the needs of the 21st century. This book explains how sensors, communications technologies, computational ability, control, and feedback mechanisms can be effectively combined to create this new, continually adjusting “smart grid” system. It provides an understanding of both IntelliGridSM architecture and EnergyPortSM as well as how to integrate intelligent systems to achieve the goals of reliability, cost containment, energy efficiency in power production and delivery, in addition to end-use energy efficiency.

Catalog no. 44893, January 2010, 410 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4489-8, $129.95 / £82.00

Catalog no. N10113, January 2010, 250 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1574-8, $125.00 / £82.00

Nathan Ida

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com


Power Distribution

Electric Power Distribution Reliability Second Edition Richard E. Brown Vice President, Quanta Technology, Cary, North Carolina, USA

Praise for the first edition “… highly recommendable… anybody lecturing on power-system reliability or on distribution systems should read it.” — International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education

Presenting a wealth of useful knowledge, Electric Power Distribution Reliability remains the authoritative reference on distribution system reliability. Expanded and revised, this edition features a history of reliability indices, updated benchmarking information, guidelines for using the IEEE 2.5 Beta methodology, comprehensive treatment of storm hardening, and a detailed section on overhead to underground conversion. It also contains a new chapter on aging infrastructure.

Electric Power Distribution, Automation, Protection, and Control James A. Momoh Howard University, Washington, D.C., USA

Ideal for both students and professionals, this text works systematically through basic distribution principles, renewable energy sources, computational tools and techniques, reliability, maintenance, distribution automation, and telecommunications. Numerous examples, problems, and case studies offer practical insight into the concepts and help build a working knowledge of protection schemes, fault analysis and synthesis, reliability analysis, intelligent automation systems, distribution management systems, and distribution system communications. The author details different renewable energy sources and guides readers in evaluating them in terms of size, cost, and performance. Catalog no. 6835, 2008, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-6835-6, $116.95 / £75.99

Features • Includes updated benchmarking information • Provides coverage of the new IEEE 2.5 Beta method for storm exclusion • Addresses aging infrastructure, with an extensive discussion on how to effectively manage equipment when it nears the end of its useful life • Contains more than 300 tables, figures, and equations

Contents Distribution Systems. Reliability Metrics and Indices Interruption Causes Component Modeling System Modeling System Analysis System Optimization Aging Infrastructure Catalog no. 7567, 2009, 504 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7567-5, $135.95 / £86.00

Electric Power Distribution System Engineering Second Edition Turan Gönen California State University, Sacramento, USA

“An outstanding technical reference for [senior and graduate] power engineering students and working professionals…[provides] excellent insight into the practical aspects… Well worth the investment.” —Electrical Insulation Magazine

With numerous examples and problems in each chapter, this book addresses topics such as distribution system planning and load characteristics. It covers applications of distribution transformers and capacitors, harmonics on distribution systems, distribution system protection, voltage regulation, and reliability, as well as electric power quality, line design, and distribution. Industry terms and symbols are clearly defined in a glossary. Catalog no. 6200X, 2008, 856 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6200-7, $136.95 / £51.99


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Systems and Control Engineering Coming Soon!

The Control Handbook, Second Edition (Three-Volume Set) Edited by William S. Levine, University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Once cited by the AAP as the Best Engineering Handbook, this collection has long been the definitive resource for engineers working with modern control systems. Augmented from one to three full volumes, the second edition organizes cutting-edge contributions from more than 200 of the world’s leading experts, covering everything from basic closed-loop systems to multi-agent adaptive systems used to ensure safe operation of automobiles, fighter jets, and spacecraft. Documenting technical advances from the critical multidisciplinary perspective, this updated, timesaving resource contains essential formulae, models, methods, and innovative answers and ideas. It will prove invaluable to engineers, physicists, biologists, mathematicians, researchers, and students who develop or improve products and systems in diverse fields including electronics, aeronautics, and biomedicine and more.

SAVE WHEN YOU BUY THE ENTIRE SET! Catalog no. 73664, December 2010, c. 2096 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-7366-9, $189.95 / £121.00

Or purchase each volume individually:

Control System Fundamentals, Second Edition An overview of control systems that covers mathematical fundamentals, principles, and basic system approaches, this volume — • Details essential equations, transforms, and complex variables • Includes mathematical and graphical models used for dynamical systems • Explores analysis and design methods and stability testing for continuoustime and nonlinear systems • Covers digital control discrete-time systems, including real-time software for feedback control and programmable controllers Catalog no. 73621, c. 664 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-7362-1, $89.95 / £57.99

Control System Applications, Second Edition With 35 entirely new applications organized by subject area, this volume discusses cutting-edge design and use of control systems, emphasizing variable agents. It details applications associated with: • Automobiles and PEM fuel cells • Aerospace, emphasizing safety mechanisms • Industrial control of machines and processes • Biomedical uses, including robotic surgery and drug discovery/development • Electronics and communication networks • Construction of financial portfolios • Earthquake response control for civil structures Catalog no. 73605, c. 768 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-7360-7, $89.95 / £57.99

Control System Advanced Methods, Second Edition This volume includes design and analysis methods for MIMO linear and LTI systems, Kalman filters and observers, hybrid systems, and nonlinear systems. It covers advanced concepts regarding— • Stability • Stochastic control • Adaptive controls • Control of distributed parameter systems • System identification • Networks and networked controls Catalog no. 73648, c. 760 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-7364-5, $89.95 / £57.99

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com


Vehicular Technology and Power Engineering New!

AC Motor Control and Electrical Vehicle Applications Kwang Hee Nam Postech University, South Korea

Features Integral MATLAB® Files Available for Download An essential introduction to AC motor control and its application in electric vehicles, this book explains first principles, presenting information in a concise and logical manner with excellent transitions between theoretical and practical examples of AC motor control. Each chapter focuses on a specific topic and is supplemented by a detailed bibliography of related research in the area. The mathematical theory contained in this book comes from actual research, and each section features detailed diagrams and illustrations, which help readers link presented mathematics to practical results.

Features • Presents the basics of DC machines and motor control theories • Demonstrates synthesis of magnetomotive force (MMF) and defines inter-frame coordinate maps • Details classical theories on induction motors • Illustrates dynamic modeling, field-oriented control, and advanced techniques for induction motors • Explores the trend toward the use of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) and related sensorless control techniques—including back EMF and signal injection-based methods • Includes experimental results and solutions to the problems

Contents Preliminaries for Motor Control. Rotating Field Theory. Induction Motor Basics. Dynamic Modeling of Induction Motors. Field Oriented Controls of Induction Motors. Permanent Magnet AC Motors . PMSM High Speed Operation. Loss Minimizing Control. Sensorless Control of PMSMs. Pulse Width Modulation and Inverter. Vehicle Dynamics. Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Battery EVs and PHEVs. EV Motor Design Issues Catalog no. K11033, May 2010, 449 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1963-0, $129.95 / £82.00

Latest Edition of a Bestseller!

Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles Fundamentals, Theory, and Design, Second Edition Mehrdad Ehsani and Yimin Gao Texas A&M University, College Station, USA

Ali Emadi Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA

... an outstanding job of updating and improving what was already the world’s leading introductory textbook on the topic. ... The new edition couldn’t have come at a better time. … If hybrid R&D in the United States is moving beyond Michigan, it is due in part to the efforts of the three authors. … This book, and the courses based on it, could transform the design and system integration of vehicles.” —James Gover, IEEE Fellow and Professor of Electrical Engineering, Kettering University, Flint, Michigan, USA, in IEEE Spectrum

Electric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell-powered drive train technologies offer the most promising solutions to resource and environmental issues affecting the automotive industry. Building on the bestselling first edition, this text delivers expanded and detailed coverage on these continually emerging technologies. It provides a case study appendix that breaks down the Toyota Prius hybrid system, three chapters on drive train design methodology and control principles, and a completely rewritten chapter on fundamentals of regenerative braking.

Features • Presents comprehensive overview of hybrid electric vehicles including series, parallel, and mild hybrid drive trains • Compiles a wealth of information from technical papers and reports • Displays design examples with simulation results in every chapter • Describes design methodology in mathematical terms, step by step

Contents (abridged) Environmental Impact and History of Modern Transportation. Fundamentals of Vehicle Propulsion and Brake. Internal Combustion Engines. Electric Vehicles. Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Electric Propulsion Systems. Design Principle of Series (Electrical Coupling) Hybrid Electric Drive Train… Catalog no. 53981, January 2010, 557 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5398-2, $129.95 / £82.00


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Vehicular Technology and Power Engineering New!

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles


Modeling, Control Design, and Simulation

Design Fundamentals, Second Edition

Sabiha Wadoo

Iqbal Husain

New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury, USA

University of Akron, Ohio, USA

Pushkin Kachroo University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA

Highlighting the unique and difficult design and control problems related to autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), this book explains the impact of nonlinear dynamics, uncertain models, and unforeseeable environmental interferences and disturbances that affect AUV control. It emphasizes the importance of vehicle adherence to a precise trajectory whether that trajectory is preprogrammed, derived by a knowledge-based system in response to the environment, or specified by a human supervisor. Contributions consider motion planning, nonlinear controllability, and nonlinear feedback controller design systems, and they emphasize highlevel planning and reliance on dynamic control to guarantee stability and consistent performance.

Features • Presents design of feedback controllers for both kinematic and dynamic models of AUVs in the same book

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

Written by the founder of the University of Akron Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Program “Dr. Iqbal Husain takes his new edition of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals to the next level, adding substantial depth to the coverage of vehicle architectures and components while maintaining a comprehensive systems-level approach. The book presents a thorough and well-organized multidisciplinary perspective, excellent for undergraduate and beginning graduate-level courses, and as a resource for practicing engineers interested in the latest developments in electric and hybrid vehicles. The technical content, examples, and case studies are laced with the author’s significant hands-on design experience.” —Annette von Jouanne, Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA

“…it seems that the author has covered all materials related to hybrid vehicles. …I rank this book among the best on the subject matter. …does an excellent job in defining the problem and analyzing all its components.”

• Offers a new approach to nonlinear robust feedback control for AUVs

—Hamid A. Toliyat, Raytheon Endowed Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, USA

• Discusses the strategies for control of AUVs in different motion planning tasks, such as pointto-point stabilization and trajectory tracking


• Includes MATLAB® simulations

Contents Motion Planning of Autonomous (AUV) Uuder Water Vehicles. Mathematical Modeling and Controllability Analysis of an Underwater Vehicle. Control Design using Kinematic Model and Simulation Results. Control Design Using Dynamic Model. Robust Feedback Control Design. Catalog no. K10961, November 2010, 165 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1831-2, $139.95 / £89.00

• Presents the fundamental design guidelines of electric and hybrid vehicles • Describes alternative vehicle architectures • Explores the choices of powertrain components and accessories • Discusses alternative vehicle control strategies and communications • Includes many design examples, worked out problems, and exercises • Offers the option of using MATLAB® to develop models and solve problems • Provides PowerPoint slides for classroom presentations at www.crcpress.com (coming soon) Catalog no. K10593, August 2010, 523 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1175-7, $99.95 / £49.99

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com


Renewable Energy Solar Energy Wind Energy Renewable Energy and the Environment Vaughn C. Nelson West Texas A&M University, Canyon, USA

Focusing on a cost-effective option for the generation of electricity, Wind Energy illustrates the need for a shift to renewable energy by discussing energy use and the order of magnitude estimates for the lifetime of fossil fuels. It examines wind characteristics, measurement and siting of individual wind turbines, and wind farms. The author then presents the aerodynamics, operation, control, applications, and types of wind turbines. He describes the design of wind turbines and system performance for single wind turbines, water pumping, and wind farms, exploring political and economic factors of wind energy.

Features • Illustrates the need for a shift to renewable energy by discussing energy use and the order of magnitude estimates for the lifetime of fossil fuels • Examines the design of wind turbines • Explores different kinds of wind turbines, including utility-scale wind farms, small wind turbines, and distributed, wind-diesel, and wind hybrid systems • Discusses the interconnection between wind turbines, utility grids, regulations on installation and operation, and environmental concerns • Presents important economic considerations for the development of wind farms • Provides numerous examples that highlight the real-world advantages of wind energy over fossil fuels • Includes end-of-chapter problems with solutions at the back of the book

Contents Energy. Wind Characteristics. Wind Resource. Wind Turbines. Design of Wind Turbines. Electrical. Performance. Siting. Applications and Wind Industry. Institutional. Economics. Wind Solutions. Catalog no. 75683, 2009, 328 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7568-7, $119.95 / £72.99

Renewable Energy and the Environment Robert Foster MSC WERC, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA

Majid Ghassemi New Mexico Tech, Albuquerque, USA

Alma Cota Drawing on the authors’ extensive research and project implementation around the globe, this book provides detailed knowledge for converting solar radiation into a suitable energy supply. It presents technical fundamentals to give a clear understanding of how solar energy can be captured for later use. The authors examine thermosolar collectors, photovoltaics modules, and other important types of solar receivers, as well as cover typical cost-effective applications, including water pumping, residential electrification, lighting, small-scale irrigation, and more. Examples, case studies, and lessons learned from technical failures illustrate how to best implement solar energy projects. Catalog no. 75667, January 2010, 382 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7566-3, $119.95 / £72.99

Encyclopedia of Energy Engineering and Technology Three-Volume Set Edited by

Barney L. Capehart University of Florida, Gainesville, USA

With contributions from more than 300 researchers and practitioners in the field, this encyclopedia presents nearly 200 topics related to the generation, production, consumption, and conservation of power, heat, and lighting. It covers energy efficiency and conservation opportunities, renewable and alternative energy sources, the financial analysis of energy systems, performance contracting, environmental regulations, global climate change, green development, hydrogen-fueled vehicles, and much more. Sponsored by the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), this dynamic resource provides precise information that can make a difference in today's quest for energy efficiency. Catalog no. DK653X, 2008, 1936 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3653-9, $1523.00 / £970.00 Also available as an online subscription


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Renewable Energy New!

Geothermal Energy Renewable Energy and the Environment William E. Glassley The Energy Institute, University of California, Davis, USA and Geologisk Institut, Aarhus University, Denmark

Focusing on geothermal energy systems, this book examines the background, theory, power generation, applications, strengths, weaknesses, and practical techniques for implementing geothermal energy projects. The author explains geosciences principles, drilling operations, techniques, types of well pumps, and other equipment. The text focuses on the links between acquisition and consumption and the environment, providing numerous real-world case studies, and delineating practical implementation steps. The book includes figures, graphs, and formulas with problems included in each chapter.

Features • Provides key background, theory, and practical applications for geothermal energy • Explains geosciences, drilling operations and techniques, types of well pumps, and more • Offers a useful comparative look at several different renewable technologies, and weighs options, costs, practicality, etc. • Examines the spectrum of geothermal applications, from large industrial power to agricultural uses and small-scale heating • Includes examples and case studies provided throughout

Contents Sources of Geothermal Heat: Earth as a Heat Engine. Thermodynamics and Geothermal Systems. Subsurface Fluid Flow: The Hydrology of Geothermal Systems. Chemistry of Geothermal Fluids. Exploring for Geothermal Systems. Resource Assessments. Drilling. Generating Power Using Geothermal Resources. Low Temperature Geothermal Resources: Ground Source Heat Pumps. Direct Use of Geothermal Resources. Use of Geothermal Resources: Environmental Considerations. Use of Geothermal Resources: Economic Considerations. The Geothermal Energy Future: Possibilities and Issues.

Energy Harvesting Solar, Wind, and Ocean Energy Conversion Systems Alireza Khaligh and Omer C. Onar Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA

Advanced technical methods must be developed to increase the efficiency of devices in harvesting energy from environmentally friendly, "green" resources and converting them into electrical energy. Recognizing this need, Energy Harvesting: Solar, Wind, and Ocean Energy Conversion Systems describes various energy harvesting technologies, different topologies, and many types of power electronic interfaces for stand-alone utilization or grid connection of energy harvesting applications. Along with providing all the necessary concepts and theoretical background, the authors develop simulation models throughout the text to build a practical understanding of system analysis and modeling.

Features • Focuses on solar, wind, ocean wave, ocean tidal, and ocean thermal energy harvesting • Discusses power electronic interfaces for energy harvesting components, including PVs, turbines, and generators • Presents simulation models of the systems • Assesses the environmental impact of generating energy from the ocean • Explores the design of applications, such as a solar-powered boat, satellite energy system, and unmanned aerial vehicle

Contents Solar Energy Harvesting Wind Energy Harvesting Tidal Energy Harvesting Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting Ocean Thermal Energy Harvesting Catalog no. K10773, January 2010, 382 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1508-3, $129.95 / £82.00

Catalog no. 75705, June 2010, 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7570-0, $119.95 / £76.99

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com


Photovoltaics and Solar Power Engineering

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaics Edited by

Loucas Tsakalakos General Electric—Global Research Center, Niskayuna, New York, USA

As a result of resurgent interest in renewable energy systems, the application of nanotechnology to photovoltaics has seen major advances in recent years. This book describes such efforts with an emphasis on practical demonstrations and discussions of the associated technical challenges. Each chapter offers a brief review of the nanostructure class considered, key applications beyond photovoltaics, and synthetic methods. The text also addresses the advantages and disadvantages of each nanostructure approach. Chapters dealing with physics and the properties of nanostructures provide sufficient background to understand the basic principles underlying current and future strategies.

Features • Describes the latest efforts in applying nanotechnology to photovoltaics with an emphasis on practical aspects • Provides the necessary background principles, such as the properties of nanostructures as related to photovoltaic technologies • Reviews the development, major applications, advantages, and disadvantages of each nanostructure class • Demonstrates how nanotechnology in photovoltaics impacts performance and cost • Discusses the challenges ahead with particular attention to scale-up and nanomanufacturing issues

Solar Cell Technology and Applications A.R. Jha, Ph.D. Jha Technical Consulting Service, Cerritos, California, USA

Presenting a well-balanced mix of theory and applications, this volume addresses critical design aspects representing cutting-edge solar cell technology. For those engaged in the design and development of low-cost, high-efficiency solar cells, this book offers complete coverage of the latest advances in the field—including low-cost, high-efficiency elements and new approaches in solar cell designs. Using conventional nomenclature, a consistent set of symbols, and identical units that make the material easy to comprehend, this time-saving resource gives readers the understanding needed to spark the advancements that will help maximize the economic and environmental benefits of this relatively untapped and abundant renewable energy resource. Catalog no. AU1772, January 2010, 304 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8177-0, $129.95 / £82.00


Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cells Edited by

Arvind Shah Institute of Microtechnology, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland

Introduction to Advanced Solar Cells and Photovoltaics. Optical Properties of Nanostructures. Electrical Properties of Nanostructures and Contacts. Photovoltaic Physics at the Nanoscale. Bulk Inorganic Nanocomposite Solar Cells. Nanostructured Organic Solar Cells. Quantum Well Solar Cells. Nanowire Solar Cells. Quantum Dot Solar Cells. Nanoparticles and Quantum Dots for Solar Spectrum Conversion. Nanoplasmonics for Photovoltaic Applications. Processing and Manufacturing Methods for Nanostructured Photovoltaic Devices.

This volume provides a comprehensive treatment of thin-film silicon in terms of its semiconductor nature, beginning with fundamental physical properties and then concentrating on device applications. It emphasizes amorphous silicon and microcrystalline silicon as photovoltaic materials and provides a model that enables these systems to be physically described in the simplest manner possible. The main part of the book deals with solar cells and modules by illustrating the basic functioning of these devices, along with their limitations, design optimization, testing, and fabrication methods. Among the manufacturing processes discussed are plasma-assisted and hot-wire deposition, sputtering, and structuring techniques.

Catalog no. 76744, March 2010, 458 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7674-5, $119.95 / £76.99

Catalog no. EF6674, August 2010, 440 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6674-6, $99.95 / £63.99



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Photovoltaics and Solar Power Engineering Latest Edition of a Bestseller!

Photovoltaic Systems Engineering

Post-Oil Energy Technology

Third Edition

The World's First Solar-Hydrogen Demonstration Power Plant

Roger A. Messenger

Bela Liptak

VB Engineering, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Liptak Associates, Stamford, Connecticut, USA

Jerry Ventre Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, Florida, USA

Thoroughly updated, Photovoltaic Systems Engineering, Third Edition presents a comprehensive engineering basis for photovoltaic (PV) system design, exploring the what, how, and especially the why associated with the electrical, mechanical, economic, and aesthetic aspects of PV system design. Building on the popularity of the first two editions, the esteemed authors focus on design from the outset, exploring the significant growth and new ideas in the PV industry. They integrate their experience in system design and installation gained since publication of the last edition, which is reflected in design examples and problems. This edition also includes additional material on incentives, structural design and the use of ASCE 7, with emphasis on array layout, wind loading, and shade analysis.

This cutting-edge book presents: • An updated overview of energy production and consumption

Examines Solutions to the Climate and Energy Crisis Demonstrating the feasibility of a clean, renewable global energy future, Post-Oil Energy Technology describes the detailed technical design of the first 1,000-megawatt solar power plant with hydrogen storage. The preeminent author looks at how to solve the energy crisis, eliminate global warming, reduce starvation, and improve the world’s economy through a solar-hydrogen economy that is technically possible and cost-effective. He presents a pragmatic and realistic strategy of transitioning from a fossil fuel- and nuclear-based economy to an economy based on solar hydrogen, with discussion of the technical plant design, process control and energy conservation.

Features • Looks at how to solve the energy crisis, eliminate global warming, reduce starvation, and enrich the economy

• Mathematical background for understanding energy supply and demand

• Presents a pragmatic and realistic strategy of transitioning from a fossil fuel- and nuclearbased economy to an economy based on clean, renewable solar hydrogen

• A summary of the solar spectrum and how to optimize the capture of the sun’s energy

• Incorporates process control and optimization techniques for energy conservation

• A modified top-down approach to building an optimized PV system


• Analysis of the components used in PV systems

The Case for Renewable Energy Processes. Control and Optimization of Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Processes. Sensors and Analyzers for Renewable Energy Processes.The Design of the World’s First Full-Size SolarHydrogen Demonstration Power Plant.

• Economic and environmental issues in PV design criteria The book elucidates the design of PV systems so that when engineering judgment is needed, the engineer and students in the field can make intelligent decisions based on a clear understanding of the parameters involved. This goal differentiates it from the many design and installation guides that simply train readers how to make design decisions but never explain why. Here, the authors explain the reasons why a PV design is executed a certain way, and how the design process is actually implemented.

Catalog no. 70258, 2009, 536 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7025-5, $104.95 / £66.99

Catalog no. K10154, February 2010, 527 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0292-2, $99.95 / £41.99

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Industry Applications Electricity Pricing Engineering Principles and Methodologies Lawrence J. Vogt, P.E. Mississippi Power, Gulfport, USA

Explore Business Functions and Engineering Principles Associated with Electricity Pricing This timely and accessible guide aids those involved in the engineering and financial operations of electric power systems to ensure reliable electric service at a fair and reasonable cost. A "how to do it" guide, it examines the relationship between electricity, customers, and service providers as it relates to pricing. It clarifies valuable mathematical analysis techniques, realistic examples, and unique lessons passed along from those inside the industry, presenting details that are generally not found in contemporary literature. This book integrates information, methodologies, and techniques from accounting, economics, engineering, finance, and marketing.

Features • Presents mathematical methods and techniques used to establish electricity prices, determine cost causation, and evaluate pricing structures and mechanisms • Examines pricing from the viewpoints of both customers and the utility • Covers ways to translate and integrate cost elements into practical pricing structures • Explores key issues that utilities will confront as they develop future electricity pricing methodologies • Details how engineering concepts are used to apportion production, delivery, and associated costs to determine cost of service and to support all aspects of ratemaking strategy, design, analysis, and decision making

Contents Overview of Electricity Pricing. Prerequisite Concepts. Electric End Uses. Customers: Electric Service Requirements. Power Delivery Systems: Transmission and Distribution. Electric Power Production. Revenue Metering and Billing. The Rate Schedule: Pricing Methods and Risk. The Mathematics of Rates. Billing Data Statistics and Applications. Cost-of-Service Methodology. Translating Costs to Prices. Catalog no. DK2471, January 2010, 696 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-2753-6, $139.95 / £89.00


Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation for Engineers Robert D. Hunter Robert D. Hunter Associates, Austin, Texas, USA

Presenting information in a way that is easy to understand, this book discusses conformity assessment and accreditation as defined in a new set of standards by the ISO/IEC. Written by a licensed professional engineer with more than 25 years of experience, it provides the tools to easily understand and comply with new standards. This accessible resource not only addresses the technical areas of standardization but also the legal, economic, management, and education aspects. It covers required vocabulary and gathers references from the substantial yet scattered literature on standards.

Features • Presents an up-to-date treatment of important terminologies in standards, conformity assessment, and accreditation • Covers economic, trade, legal, government, and management aspects • Discusses standards at the international, regional, national, state, and company levels • Includes some little known historical background on several selected topics • Contains website and literature references on organizations and their methods of standards development

Contents ISO/IEC Guide 2 Standardization and Related Activities—General Vocabulary. ISO/IEC 17000 Conformity Assessment—Vocabulary and General Principles. Standards. Standards Development. Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs)—ISO/IEC 17011. International Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation. Regional Standards and Conformity Assessment. National Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation Bodies. Provincial (State) and Local Standards and Conformity Assessment. Legal Issues in Standards and Conformity Assessment. Federal Roles in Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation. Management Aspects of Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation. Catalog no. K10074, 2009, 232 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-0094-2, $69.95 / £44.99

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Industry Applications


Reverse Engineering Technology of Reinvention Wego Wang University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA

Written to advance the technology of reinvention and improve the competitiveness of commercial parts in the aftermarket, this volume discusses the proper measuring and analyses required to reproduce or repair an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) part using modern reverse engineering technologies. It also covers regulations that govern the practice. Offering numerous real-world examples, the book helps readers determine if a duplicated or repaired part can meet the design functionality of the original. Going beyond industrial manufacturing, the book also looks at the use of reverse engineering in academic research and legal and forensic analyses.

Features • Compares machine design with reverse engineering • Introduces the applications of modern metrologies used in reverse engineering • Makes dimensional and geometric measurement easy to understand and apply

Business Essentials for Utility Engineers Richard E. Brown Vice President, Quanta Technology, Cary, North Carolina, USA

It is no longer acceptable for utility engineers to make spending decisions solely because they make good engineering sense. In today’s environment, they must also demonstrate solid business acumen and show that recommendations make good business sense. With this goal in mind, Business Essentials for Utility Engineers systematically presents each business topic to arm engineers with the tools and vocabulary necessary to be more effective when interacting with senior management, and for promotion to senior management. This book covers all business concepts important to utility engineers, including regulation, ratemaking, accounting, finance, risk management, economics, budgeting, and asset management. Chapters are organized to build sequentially upon each other, and take advantage of the mathematical sophistication and deductive nature of engineers when presenting material. Suitable for self-study, undergraduate study, graduate study, or as a desk reference, this book provides a robust framework for correct business thinking and a solid foundation for further learning.

• Discusses how to analyze the relevant properties for materials identification


• Explains the necessary data required for manufacturing process verification

• Uses mathematics and analytical geometry to describe and demonstrate business concepts • Describes how business skills can be applied to typical engineering decisions made by utility employees • Provides a solid foundation of business theory, describes how to properly apply this theory to utilities, and teaches specific business skills that can be used by utility engineers • Enables utility engineers to combine good technical analysis with good business analysis and to communicate to executives in a language that they understand • Includes summary and study questions at the end of each chapter

• Covers statistical applications in data processing for reverse engineering • Examines legal precedents on intellectual property and proprietary

Contents Geometrical Form. Material Characteristics and Analysis. Part Durability and Life Limitation. Material Identification and Process Verification. Data Process and Analysis. Part Performance and System Compatibility. Acceptance and Legality. Catalog no. K10314, September 2010, 357 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0630-2, $139.95 / £89.00

Contents Utilities. Accounting. Economics. Finance. Risk. Financial Ratios. Ratemaking. Budgeting. Strategy. Asset Management. Catalog no. K10601, February 2010, 353 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1196-2, $69.95 / £44.99

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