6 minute read
Cover Story Jany Le Pen

I’ve always had a great interest in promoting equality, human rights and trying to help the less fortunate in this world, especially children, no matter what their race, religion or colour. Some years ago a good friend of mine, Souad Boudairi, invited me over for coffee.
She said that she would like to introduce me to a very special lady; someone who is sincere, of great intelligence and possesses an even greater heart. I was intrigued but, before I agreed, I urged her to tell me more about this mystery person. Souad told me of the multiple missions of mercy and kindness that this woman had participated in and, in many cases, even organised herself. She said that she presides over a number of humanitarian organisations including ‘The Children of Iraq’ , aimed at relieving the poverty bestowed on Arab children, due to the sanctions imposed on that country. She has published a book of the same name whose profits are donated to this desperately sad cause.
Souad gave me an address in the suburbs of Paris and I headed over, intrigued and excited about meeting this special person. I could not have been more surprised when I entered the house to see Jany le Pen striding confidently towards me with a warm and welcoming smile.
Surely, the wife of the right wing politician and activist, Jean Marie le Pen could not be the living, breathing Angel whom my friend had described? However, Jany has proved to be just that - and so much more.
On this occasion, we spent much time talking about the amazing projects which she champions and also new projects planned for the future.
Hi Jany! Thank you so much for welcoming us into your beautiful home, and giving us the chance to speak with you! We truly are honoured. Can you tell us a little bit about where your passion comes from and how you transmute that passion into action? How did it all begin?
So nice to see you again Mr. Rhiti! It’s always a pleasure to speak with you, and now your readers! I guess I’ve always had it in me! I can’t stand to see the suffering of the innocent; in particular children. I believe everyone deserves a fair chance at life, and I’m here to create awareness for those who cannot speak up for themselves - almost like a voice for the voiceless. I just want to see fairness for all, and I took that passion within me to make at least a little bit of change, within a much more complex issue. This is an issue that must be dealt with on a global scale, but I know that if I can be one more person contributing to that change, it’s an extra strength on the team, you know? So that’s why I do what I do
*Jany smiles warmly.
It’s wonderful to hear there are still individuals who want to contribute to the greater good - it’s very inspiring! The world has made it difficult to care for others, when everyone is focused on their own struggles, so it’s amazing to see the work you do!
Thank you! I do believe that people can change the way they look at things, and again that’s why I try to speak out, so others can find the path.

Your husband, Jean Marie le Pen, is a former right-wing politician and activist. Does that ever interfere with your mission? Is he supportive towards your cause?
My husband 100% supports everything I do and all my work. There has been much speculation about my husbands’ views and beliefs when it comes to diversity and inclusion. Being in the political world is tough, you support your party and may say things that are controversial, but my father was a migrant from Greece, and my mother was of French-Dutch origin, so how could Jean be the racist that all his critics think he is?
He is clearly a patriot, but that roots from an ageb bereft of confusing political correctness. He’s also a very direct man he says things as he sees them, but this doesn’t make him racist.
*Jany replies instantly, without any hesitation.
Later on, after Jany prepared us some wonderful Greek food, I had a chance to speak with Jean Marie le Pen himself, as he confirmed how proud he is of Jany and the work she does.
I’m so proud of Jany! She puts in so much effort to help the oppressed - both abroad and here, in France! She’s a walking angel and I can’t phantom how one person can do so much. I support her all the way, and I’m humbled by her purity and great heart.
In fact, many of Frances’ homeless are of all creeds, colours and nationalities, yet he gives his wife every encouragement to alleviate their hunger. Even some of their staff are from Arab countries.
I myself am an Anglo-Morocco, and can honestly say that I have never been treated with more kindness and grace than that shown to me by Jany, and Jean Marie le Pen. Next we spoke of a new reality show being produced for television by a talented Russian producer, Marie Liss.
The concept is to film interviews and follow up the day-to-day life of major politicians’ wives, making a change in the world - starting with myself. What makes this new show unique is that, at the end of each episode, the person being interviewed nominates the next guest for the show.
It is a revolutionary idea that keeps the audience, the cameraman, and even the producer guessing as to who will be interviewed next. We’re super excited for this new project!
The time passed all too quickly; I could easily have chatted to Jany for hours. Regarding Jany’s infamous husband, it is true that some people of their generation can, on occasion, say things that can be misconstrued, or even appear insensitive. But actions speak louder than words.
From the Children of Iraq, to the homeless in France, and many other oppressed people around the globe, I think I speak for us all when I say that the world would be a far better place if there were more people like Jany le Pen.
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As busy mums, we get very reliant on our natural responses. We often don’t even think about what we are doing. Be it packing lunches, vacuuming, putting washing away. It all becomes second nature.

What’sscaryiswhen thesamething happenswithourself talk.Weveryquickly becomereliantonour “ normal”responses. Westopthinking aboutwhatweare sayingtoourselves. Herearesomemoreexamples,doanyofthesesound familiar? •I’mnotgoodenoughtodoxyz •Ican’tdothatanymore •Whatifitdoesn’twork? •Whatwillpeoplethinkofme? •I’mnotworthit •There’snouse •Othersarebetterthanme