Many soda drinkers find it hard to kick their soda drinking habit. They find themselves wanting to consume this beverage during most parts of the day, particularly after eating, when they get thirsty, or when they have nothing else to do. So, why is it that many people are addicted to soda?
Its sweet taste and fizzy consistency is one thing, but if you know the health repercussions of this drink, you probably will stay away from it right away. But, what is it about soda that makes people come back for more?
The answer is caffeine. Caffeine is an addictive substance that makes people develop dependence and can even lead to significant withdrawal symptoms. But, even if you think you’re already addicted to soda, you can still put a stop to it by practicing these helpful tips.
There is a wide array of healthier alternatives out there that you can drink in lieu of soda. One option is fruit juice, which has the same sugary taste, without the harmful caffeine chemical. You can make your own or buy bottled fruit juice in all supermarkets nationwide.
Fruit juice is packed with vitamins and nutrients that can help keep you in good health. Moreover, this drink is rich in antioxidants that help curb cell degeneration caused by the harmful free radicals found in the environment today.
Chocolate and milk shakes are also wonderful alternatives to soda. Opt for dark chocolate drinks that have less calories and fats compared to white or milk chocolate.
Go for low-fat milk drinks that will provide your body with the sufficient calcium you need to keep your bones strong and healthy.
Making your own soda is another possibility. This will allow you to enjoy the same fizzy consistency of soda without having to suffer the consequences of consuming too much caffeine.
To avoid withdrawal symptoms for those with severe addiction to soda, what you can do is to slowly reduce the amount of caffeine that you put into your own soda so that you can kick the habit effectively and permanently.
To make your own soda, you will need to buy soda chargers and a soda siphon. These devices are widely available online. Just see to it that you find a reputable store that sells high quality soda chargers and soda siphons.
Prevent addiction before it kicks in
An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure — this clichÊ is very much applicable to soda drinking addiction. Prevent addiction even before it happens.
Avoid drinking commercialized soda as much as you can, even if you think you are not yet or will not get addicted to it. You can opt for the suggestions above or just drink plain water to quench your thirst every time you need to do so.
Getting addicted to soda can be a serious problem. It will have negative implications on your weight, fitness, and health. So, be sure to follow these tips above so that you can kick this habit for good.
Do you want to prepare your own soda? All you need is a soda charger and a soda siphon to taste a delicious juice prepared by you.