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Goddess Guidance:

Divine Inspirations Journal “Celebrating a Woman’s Heart & Soul”

Cyndi M. Harris

Cyndi M. Harris Copyright Š 2014 by Cyndi Harris All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means graphic; electronic; or mechanical; including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author and publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the internet or via any other means without permission of the publisher or author is illegal and punishable by law. Purchase only authorized versions of this book and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated. Names, characters, places, and incidents are based on the author’s own personal experience therefore names of persons and entities remain unnamed to protect the integrity of the story and the privacy of those involved. Any group or organization listed is for informational purposes only and does not imply endorsement or support of their activities or organization. For ordering, booking, permission, or questions, contact the author: Cyndi Harris email: website: ISBN-13:978-1500783969 Printed in the United States of America by Create Space


Goddess Guidance: Divine Inspirations Celebrating a Woman’s Heart & Soul

Other Books by Cyndi M. Harris (Aka: Cyndi Harris)

Creating Sacred Space: The Art of Living an Abundant & Peaceful Life… Sacred Ceremonies For Women Who Do Too Much Kiss Less Frogs: Fun & Fabulous Steps to Create a Better Romance Joyfully Create Your Dream Life The Big Book for Fabulous, Fun, & Healthy Weight Management: “Bigger is Better”


Cyndi M. Harris


DEDICATION This journal is dedicated to every woman who has finally reached a point in her life where she knows it is time to finally reconnect with the feminine wisdom of the ages to live her best life. For the woman who has decided it is time to rediscover the authentic, deep, and sensational information that waits within and has the capacity to encourage, heal, and love her back to life; remembering how well-loved, cherished, and appreciated she truly is. This book is for everyone who is ready to live a life based on the truth that being in a state of serenity is one of the cornerstones to create a wonderful life that flows easily; revealing Divine guidance and answers they have been searching for.

Goddess Guidance: Divine Inspirations Celebrating a Woman’s Heart & Soul

"Change is a fact of life. Embrace it and allow yourself to be even better; live life with no regrets and with personal grace. Cherish your personal evolution." - Rev. Cyndi Harris, HP


Goddess Guidance: Divine Inspirations Celebrating a Woman’s Heart & Soul

"Your opinion of yourself is the only one that matters. Stop allowing others to decide how much or little you will receive from living your life. It has been and always will be your choice to be, do, and receive more from life. Be fearless and go for more." Rev. Cyndi Harris


INTRODUCTION Quick questions: 1. When was the last time you had the opportunity to sit peacefully with your own thoughts? 2. When was the last time you allowed the Divine to speak to your heart with its gentle whispers of comfort, inspiration, hope, & priceless guidance? 3. “Goddess Guidance - Divine Inspirations” what does this mean to you? Most women are so dedicated to the rat race of living that they have forgotten how to live. Or maybe they were never taught how to relax into the richness of the feminine companion energy of the mighty masculine image of God that has been “drilled” into our psyche over thousands of years of conditioning. This cycle of ignorance and misunderstanding has done so much damage to the psyche of women. We have suffered; emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Losing track of the spiritual connection we already possess independent of organized religions and other sources that consistently ignore the dual nature of God. We constantly underestimate our personal value and the gifts we bring into the lives of others. We are often unaware of how precious we truly are. Instead we get lost in the never-ending cycle of not being or doing enough. Lost in the cycle of serving others before we serve our own needs. Burning out and trying to fulfill the needs of others even when there is nothing left to pour from our “pitcher” into what feels like a bottomless cup being placed in front of us from others. Enough… we were created to enjoy life and be the gateway to Divine love and wisdom that uplifts others without depleting ourselves. We were created to be part of a team, not the dumping grounds for others. It always amazes me how easily an indigenous culture allows for the wisdom and guidance of women to enrich the lives of their families and tribes; while our so called sophisticated religions continue to shutdown a 11

Cyndi M. Harris Divine truth. Regardless of the misconceptions, myths, and outright lies… Women are equally important in the evolution and especially in the existence of this world and beyond. Even God, the standard version of masculine divinity, mentions in the beginning text of Genesis that as He looks over one of his masterpieces the Garden of Eden that Adam seems lonely and God says, “It is not good for man to be alone.” This is a clear cut and simple statement. So, God in all of his wisdom and loving ways pulls Eve out of Adam and creates a companion, friend, helpmate, lover, and partner who he can relate to and enjoy the beauty and bounty of God’s love. Someone he can share life, appreciate, love, and support as well. Why is this information relevant to this discussion? Because, what most people forget or may not know is: The Adam you read about in more recently edited version of the Christian bible is Adam 2.0. Meaning God had created a version of man before him. And according to what I read many years ago in a more in-depth minister/pastor’s teaching bible. The first Adam was androgynous; meaning he was masculine/feminine combined. The masculine and feminine coexisted in a yin/yang symbolic way. Even when God decided to separate Adam and Eve. They, the Divine energy of God/Goddess, understood that in order for both to be happy and survive; they needed each other to experience life at a deep level of happiness, love, and peaceful coexistence. Now, I am sharing this information to make a point. Let’s put aside the doctrines of organized religion for a moment and be open minded to a simple truth. Regardless of who is telling the story. The energy of the Divine Feminine has been involved with the creation and success of everything and when She is set aside or ignored things follow an eventual path of destruction. Life as we know it falls apart. It is impossible to enjoy life fully by ignoring the truth. The energy of Yang/Masculine needs the energy of Yin/Feminine to do more than survive. We need each other to truly thrive. 12

Goddess Guidance: Divine Inspirations Celebrating a Woman’s Heart & Soul

And no matter how often men, society, even women has tried to diminish this Divine and Sacred truth. It shows up in a very simple yet profound way. The Divine decided that every human life must be created, nurtured, and birthed through a woman. The ultimate container of human creation is inside each of us. Women were gifted with a micro universe within our beautiful and heavenly-crafted bodies. A micro universe that contains within itself the wisdom of the ages. Wisdom that we have the privilege of tapping into once we learn how to “listen” and honor the sacred truth of who we are. Yes, women are the adored and cherished vessels that the source of all creation has deemed worthy of cradling its best and most sensational secrets and guidance. Whether you choose to have children or not; you still possess this ability to create, cultivate/nurture, and birth the most amazing of the Divine’s blessings and miracles. Men are sacred in their own way, but this book was created for a woman’s inner wisdom not a man’s. Now, you may be thinking; this sounds all wonderful and magical Rev. Cyndi, but how do I let go and live this truth. I am: • • • • • •

Angry Confused Discouraged Exhausted Lonely And at times, feel unworthy of this blessing.

My life is anything, but enjoyable. I have moments, but nothing long lasting. I feel like I am on a hamster wheel that spins yet goes nowhere. I keep giving, pushing, and striving only to come out the other side with less instead of more enjoyment and satisfaction. How do I step lovingly and joyfully back into our hidden truth and bring back the balance that is missing? First, you will need to embrace the remembrance of who you truly are. You will need to have faith in and trust this “new” information which is 13

Cyndi M. Harris unlocking the doors to a Divine truth long forgotten in recent human history. We are the gatekeepers of a sacred wisdom that encourages, heals, loves, and graciously surrenders to the compassion & truth of Divine Love. We are the gentle yet powerful strength that balances the aggression and headstrong components of the masculine. Divine Love, whose glorious example, once freed from all the clutter, confusion, doctrines, and deceit; will passionately yet peacefully light the way for you to return Home. Celebrating your return to greatness, peace, and joy that has never been fully enjoyed or understood in the chaos and mayhem of modern life and living. “Goddess Guidance: Divine Inspirations – Celebrating a Woman’s Heart & Soul” was given to me as a gift for you. I am living proof that when you allow yourself to let go and let God/Goddess guide you; unexpected answers and wisdom appears. There is no struggle or fear. Life simply flows in the direction of your unique gift which is divinely cultivated within your partnership with the Creators of all that is abundant, good, loving and joyful. The struggles we live out in our day to day life are created by us in an effort to feel safe and secure. Even when Divine has offered a solution to an issue that is causing us to lose sleep at night. We are so conditioned to ignore the guidance and fight our own battles; we miss out on an opportunity to partner with the All Knowing and Unconditional Loving Creators who lovingly deposited Their wise answers within us. Remember, you are heavenly made and loved beyond your wildest and most cherished dreams. My request is, as you enjoy this book, you will: • • • • •

Use this journal to assist you on your path of reconnection. Use this journal to enhance your meditations and prayers; using the pages to write down the words that pop into your head. Write down the answers to prayers. And write down your deepest desires and dreams which will give the universal law of “Ask & You Shall Receive” the opportunity to take effect in your life. Use this journal and all of its inspired wisdom to be the key to enjoy freedom in a way you have never experienced; allow yourself to be courageous. 14

Goddess Guidance: Divine Inspirations Celebrating a Woman’s Heart & Soul

Reread your writings; incorporating your personal wisdom into changing the direction of your life if you are currently unhappy with your habits and results.

As you become more aware of your personal needs, desires, and dreams that will lead to more abundance, joy, and love in your life… Dream big… then, ask for more. You are loved and it is time for you to share your unique gifts and talents with a world desperate for what you have to offer. Allow your “voice” to join the essence of others who are also awakening to the Divine Goddess within. You are in good hands… Allow yourself to enjoy this journey. You deserve the blessings and miracles that are waiting for you. Write, read, laugh, enjoy! Namaste – Rev. Cyndi


Cyndi M. Harris

Goddess Guidance: Divine Inspiration “Celebrating a Women’s Heart & Soul” Journal Sheets “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.” – Maya Angelou


Goddess Guidance: Divine Inspirations Celebrating a Woman’s Heart & Soul

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