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[New] January


(20th Jan-18th Feb)
New year, new start, so why not take up a new hobby? Try something you have always wanted to do and see how you get on.

(19th Feb-20th March)
Friends are excited to hear about your project. You feel certain something good is going to happen. People are inspired by your optimism.
(21st March-19th April)
If you’re looking for something that is desperately needed to add a little change to your life, you will find it just as your about to give up.
Taurus (20th April-20th May)
Turn your attentions toward resolving unfinished business today. Is there a project you left half finished? Is someone waiting to hear from you?
(21st May-20th June)
Use this month to enjoy yourself and do something you have always wanted to do. Remember, life is for living.
(21st June- 22nd July)
If you’re growing bored with a job that is repetitive, you would do better to find someone else to help you or to take over this responsibility.
(23rd July-22nd Aug)
You have a big celebration coming up, and you are beginning to get stressed out with the plans. Take a deep breath and ask for help.

(23rd Aug-22nd Sept)
Finally a weight has been taken off your shoulders. Now focus on moving forward and concentrate on things that make you happy.

(23rd Sept-22nd Oct)
As much as it vexes you to have to wait for other people to make decisions, you have no choice but to be patient. You won’t be disappointed.
(23rd Oct-21st Nov)
At the minute romance will be available all the time and all because you’re making an extra effort to please your significant other.
(22nd Nov-21st Dec)
This probably isn’t the moment to quit your day job, especially if you don’t have a stable financial foundation. Don’t be hasty.
(22nd Dec-19th Jan)
You need to come out of your shell and make as many calls as it takes to reconnect with the people you need to speak with.