1 minute read
by CreateTVT
Three of the Town Deal renewal projects central to the town centre are the Market Hall, Victoria Pleasure Ground (VPG) and the Leisure Centre
All are considered key anchor points that have an important role to play in drawing people into the town.
The aim is for Goole Market Hall to become a thriving multi use cultural venue inclusive of eateries and flexible events space, it requires commitment and ambition to deliver and drive investment into the arts and culture sector. VPG improvements aim to bring the ground up to a standard Goole can be proud of and increase user numbers both for sports participation, visiting spectators and new events. The Leisure Centre was scheduled for a refresh by East Riding of Yorkshire Council, by boosting the budget available, the Town Deal contribution is ‘buying added value’ by expanding the leisure and recreational offer to include activities such as a bowling and tag active, responding to what the early surveys told the Town Deal should be considered. Each of the ten projects continue to progress through the individual Business Case stage, with all due to be completed during 2022. Although time consuming, thorough Business Cases are vital to identify and resolve delivery challenges and reduce the risks of failure for a project. Exhibitions and publicity will take place to ensure the community and stakeholders can comment on the finer details of each project. The Town Deal Board hope to see projects starting to be delivered later in 2022 with completion by March 2026. For more information visit www. gooletowndeal.co.uk Email any questions or comments to gooletowndeal@eastriding.gov.uk Visit our Twitter page @gooletowndeal or join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ gooletowndeal/