1 minute read
by CreateTVT


(20th Jan-18th Feb)
Your spending has been out of control for a little while now. It’s time to start saving and putting money away for upcoming projects you want to start.

(19th Feb-20th March)
After indulging and partying this past month, your body is crying out for a detox. Put some nutrients and goodness back into your body.
(21st March-19th April)
Working at 100mph each day is taking its toll on your wellbeing. No-one expects you to put your work before your health, slow down!
(20th April-20th May)
You have given up on love, but things are about to change! A special someone is about to walk into your life when you least expect it.
(21st May-20th June)
Struggling to manage all your responsibilities? Take a deep breath, priorities the most important, and worry about the rest at a later date.
(21st June- 22nd July)
Friendships that have always been secure are going to become challenging and new friendships are going to be born.
(23rd July-22nd Aug)
That one person you have never stopped having feelings for is about the reappear. Stay reserved until you it’s the right time to lay your cards out.

(23rd Aug-22nd Sept)
This month is all about celebrating but remember to keep a check on your finances. Don’t enter the month in a debt you cannot manage.

(23rd Sept-22nd Oct)
A new hobby is going to bring so much fulfilment to your life that you have been missing.
(23rd Oct-21st Nov)
Make note of those who make time for you and stop relying on those who don’t give you a second thought.
(22nd Nov-21st Dec)
Believe in yourself and stop doubting what you a capable of. You have come a long way and don’t forget the journey you have been on.
(22nd Dec-19th Jan)
Stop trying to please everyone every day.
Sometimes you are never going to keep everyone happy.