Branding Brief Sample

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P r o m o t i o n s

i n t r o d u c t i o n The purpose of this Branding Brief is to support our marketing and communication goals with resources and tools that portray a consistent image. This will give JD Promotions a uniform corporate identity, greater visibility and more powerful marketing possibilities. It highlights our interaction as a team with tips on both how to portray our company internally and communicate about our company externally. Above all else, this tool will allow us
 to become familiar with JD Promotions’ brand, which will inform all of our communication decisions, and will be essential for developing authentic, distinctive materials that resonate with our target audience.

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o p e n

l e t t e r

Brands are promises that consumers are led to believe in by creating trust and emotional attachments. Great brands aren’t just known, they are trusted. When people are aware of your brand, they are aware of the positive characteristics for which you stand. Long before they get ready to make a purchase, they feel they know who you are and what unique value they can count on your company to deliver. Consistency is essential to maintaining an identity like this; thereby enhancing the overall image of an organization. This is particularly true for an organization such as yours with widespread partners around the globe. A cohesive brand is an important tool with which you can foster your sense of mission and community, and also relay to your external audiences that you are a well-run and integrated organization.

Brands grow from the top down, and from the inside out. What that means is the JD Promotions brand needs commitment from the highest levels of leadership, as well as support from employees in every department and at every point of the organizational chart. Great brands are expressions of the vision, mission and core values established by leaders. Therefore, leaders need to head-up the branding effort. This manual is not expected to be an overnight change, however, we urge you to adopt the new guidelines as soon as is practical so that you begin signaling a reinvigorated and updated organization. The more consistently the brand is applied, the more value it conveys to all your current and potential customers. We hope these guidelines will prove useful and convenient to utilize, as we believe they will help your organization create the best possible communications.

Sincerely, Justin Lawler, Owner- The Creative Bar u n d e r s t a n d i n g


P r o m o t i o n s

t ab l e

o f

c o n t e n t s

B r a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ................................................................................................. 6 Branding Phase One .................................................................................................................. 6 Must-Have Checklist ................................................................................................................... 7

m a r k e t p e r c e p t i o n c h a r t ..................................................................................8 a r c h e t y p e s .........................................................................................................................9 l o g o s t y l e g u i d e ......................................................................................................12

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Brand Development At The Creative Bar, we believe that the design process is a collaboration that fuses our creative strengths with our client’s in-depth understanding to produce communications that are top-shelf. Our approach to branding and marketing JD Promotions applies a honed methodology to ensure that all efforts are reaching the intended demographic.

Branding Phase ONE. Understanding - Where the brand came from and where It should be In this initial stage we form the foundation of the new brand. This important step has involved key Creative Bar team members working directly with key stakeholder Jason Hope, in the Creative Bar office. The Creative Bar has looked at the current brand’s position in the industry and has evaluated the current competitive situation, advertising and messages, environment, and perceptions of influencers. This phase involved indepth interviews, branding exercises, and ended with the enclosed discoveries.

u n d e r s t a n d i n g


P r o m o t i o n s

J D P r o m o t i o n s M u s t - H a v e Ch e c k l i s t • Remain active in the community as a business owner and citizen • Maintain an approachable and friendly demeanor while relating to the client on a personal level through shared interests • Confidently and effectively address client crisis, while taking steps to prevent future problems • Create a seamless process by positioning oneself as a knowledgeable resource and offering only quality products • Offer education for the benefit of the client and relationship while offering relief from the need to research promotional services or products • Speak to businesses of any nature by understanding the needs and strategies of each

Pa r t 1 . P r o b l e m + J D P r o m o t i o n s = S o l u t i o n The majority of promotional product companies in the area compete on price while giving little thought to the long term satisfaction or the customer or their best interest as a whole. Additionally, while many companies service a variety of clientele, they do not take the time to educate themselves on the business at hand in order to better forecast their needs. JD Promotions offers only quality products that are researched and tailored to their clients’ needs, and guarantees a personal experience that is both enjoyable and relevant to each individual customer.

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c o mm u n i c a t i o n

c ha r t

Pa r t 2 . S o l u t i o n + B r a n d p o s i t i o n i n g = O r g a n i z at i o n I n c o m e Our new brand is clear about its positioning and how it wants to be perceived to the market. Every communication uses a consistent voice and evolves from a central brand idea. Clear and consistent are the qualities that ensure all the pieces hold together in a way that feels seamless to the customer. Once a solid brand positioning is set, the consumer will be delivered awareness of what products/services they should purchase and why, resulting in customer loyalty. u n d e r s t a n d i n g


P r o m o t i o n s

A r c h e t y p e s

W HO J D P r o m o t i o n s IS e v e r y ma n Driven by a need to feel a sense of belonging, the Everyman believes that everyone matters equally, regardless of status, age, ethnicity or creed. Like a good neighbor, the Everyman seeks to do the right thing, with no need for heroics or adventure. Possessing a charming sincerity, the Everyman embodies this acronym WYSIWYG—“what you see is what you get”—and has a casual approach to life, preferring to be understated, nonthreatening and helpful to all.

W H at J D P r o m o t i o n s d o e s caregiver The one-word description for the Caregiver is altruism: the unselfish concern and/ or devotion to nurture and care for others. This archetype is motivated to provide reassurance, service, advice, listening and an open heart to support the welfare of others. The Caregiver is compassionate, generous, efficient, selfsacrificing, patient, highly competent and an excellent multitasker. Able to find the silver lining in any cloud, the Caregiver remains calm in a crisis, makes friends with everyone, and radiates the lightness of optimism.

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P r o m o t i o n s

How JD Promotions does it shap e sh i f t e r A chameleon at heart, the Shapeshifter can move in and out of any situation with ease and style. Sometimes acting as a catalyst to help others get past their obstacles, the Shapeshifter challenges them to question their assumptions and beliefs. Changing roles and personality characteristics are hallmarks of this archetype. The Shapeshifter is highly adept to molding into whatever a given situation requires in order to energetically move people and circumstances toward greater understanding or resolve.

mentor The Mentor is a teacher in whom trust can be placed. With a great curiosity about what makes people tick, ARCHETYPES HELP GUIDE BRANDS IN TELLING THEIR STORY WITHIN THEIR

gratification is found by supporting others’ empowerment.


Becoming a partner toward the realization of higher order


goals, the Mentor is motivated by the desire to be a rising


tide that lifts all boats and to share wisdom for the benefit of all.


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o u r

l o g o

The JD Promotions logo reflects a premium marketing company with the ability to professionally service businesses of all sizes.

It maintains a minimalist design

and color palette that showcases strength, liability, and expertise.

full color The preferred JD Promotions logo is the full color version combining the




specified colors listed below, with gradients and shadows to create a more dimensional logo. Different Media and


printing specifications require different interpretations of the logo type colors. The pantone, 4-color, and websafe RGB equivalents are listed beside each color.


















We b -sa fe RG B #993333 BRANDING

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P r o m o t i o n s


A l t e r n a t e

u s e s

In the event that alternative layouts or colors







are needed for marketing collateral, the following are approved for use.

V e r t i c a l F o r m at The preferred vertical JD Promotions logo is the full color version combining the specified colors listed on the previous page, with gradients and shadows to create a more dimensional logo. Different Media and printing specifications require different interpretations of the logo type colors. The pantone, 4-color, and websafe RGB equivalents are listed beside each color on the aformentioned page.

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one color - white

one color - black

When the occasion calls for a white

When the occasion calls for a black + white

application against a dark background,

application, such as a newspaper ad or

such as a sponsor banner or magazine

faxable stationary, the above option may be

ad, the above option may be used. Avoid

used. Avoid grayscale interpretations.




grayscale interpretations.

u n d e r s t a n d i n g




P r o m o t i o n s


do not’s Please adhere to the following logo guidelines when using the JD Promotions logo in application. For examples of correct logo usage, please refer to application examples below:


1) Do not, under ANY circumstance, use the logo without the “strapline“.



3) Do not alter the logo color. Always adhere to approved logo colors on previous page.



2) Do not place the logo on busy or poorly contrasted areas of a photograph. Select an area that provides easy readability. BRANDING





4) Do not skew or alter the logo to fit into spaces Always size proportionately. { p 1 5 }

r e s o u r c e

c e n t e r

wh o sh o u l d u s e t h i s g u i d e ? This guide is intended for all JD Promotions employees and their creative vendors especially those businesses marketing the organization. wh e r e c a n i g e t e l e c t r o n i c a r t w o r k o f t h e J D P r o m o t i o n s l o g o ? The JD Promotions logo and tagline artwork can be emailed to you by JD Promotions. Please contact JD Promotions at (951) 675-9240 or email them at

c a n i u s e t h e J D P r o m o t i o n s l o g o w i t h o u t t h e i r p e r m i ss i o n ? Yes, although any application of the JD Promotions logo should follow the graphic standards set forth in this guide. JD Promotions asks you to carefully consider how you intend to use the logo—does it reinforce the organization’s brand position? Consult with JD Promotions if you have questions about the appropriateness of your planned logo application.

a r e t h e r e t i m e c o n s t r a i n t s o n u s i n g t h e g r aph i c s t a n d a r d s ? No. Applying these graphic standards in a consistent manner over time will help develop a recognizable brand for the organization.

u n d e r s t a n d i n g


P r o m o t i o n s

can i use the brand positioning statement as copy in my marketing materials? Using the brand positioning statement copy (or portion thereof) is not recommended. The statement was written for an internal audience of the JD Promotions organization members and marketers.

wh e r e c a n i g e t t h e ph o t o g r aph y a n d o t h e r e l e m e n t s u s e d i n t h e b r a n d s ta n d a r d s g u i d e ? Some items in this guide can be provided by JD Promotions. Contact JD Promotions for more details.

Your JD Promotions contact: If you have questions about this guide or would like to request a copy (printed or PDF versions available), please contact JD Promotions at (951) 675-9240 or email them at

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