Creative Crafting - February 2019

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You will be in good company at the PCG! Erika Price Ar

tisan Jewellery

~Sapphire M ember

The Professional Crafters Guild was established in 2011 to provide small craft businesses with the recognition that they deserve. Join our community of professional crafters and gain support, advice, workshops and publicity for your business. Add your unique guild badges to your websites and display your membership certificate on your craft stalls to show the world you mean business! Be part of an international network of Professional Crafters and Small Business owners ry K.D Jewelle Member ~Sapphire

Helenka White Design

~Sapphire Member

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Welcome Here we are again in Month 2 of 2019! It’s whizzing past again isn’t it! We’ve been busy on the website again and have met some wonderful creative people. Spring has definitely sprung and our focus is now turning to outdoor pursuits. Over the next month we will be adding back our Gardening and Cooking segments so if you would like to get involved with either of those please let us know. We are particularly looking for keen gardeners who would like to contribute.

We are ready to publish you and your fabulous creations. So how can you help? Well we would love to hear from you if you’d like to: ● Write an article, how to guide, feature, your story etc. ● Have products that you would like us to review or promote. ● Would like to be Interviewed. Click this image in our magazine to visit the online version of the

● Would like to work with us at Creative Crafting.

article to share.

We have lots of ideas but always have room for more so get in touch. Email us at or visit our website

This Month Features:

CreativeCraftingMagazine CreativeCraftin CreativeCraftingMagazine

Hooks and Dragons Oops a Daisy Misa/ssortments Hugo’s Workshop Moonbrush Wood Studios Gert Lush Designs Treasured Buttons Makingmart Sophie Stanley Illustration Adventure Accessories Michael Harrigan Blended Valley Craft Bloggers

ADVERTISING Anna-Marie Miles Tel: 07763 566636 ARTICLE SUBMISSION To: Creative Crafting publishes articles, features and projects provided to us by crafters and suppliers. By submitting articles to be published the author grants Creative Crafting copyright of each piece.



We love your beautiful creations, tell us a bit about the artist behind them. Hello there, I'm Tracey, otherwise know online as Mrs A. I'm the person behind the crafting blog Hooks and Dragons. I live in the Forest of Dean with my husband, eldest son and two crazy cats. For most of my adult life I've suffered from depression. 7 years ago I experienced a particularly bad relapse and subsequently developed a general anxiety disorder. As part of managing my anxiety I began to look at mindfulness techniques on the Internet. Crochet was something that lots of people said helped them. I remembered my Nan taught me to crochet when I was a girl and I wasn't too bad at it, so decided to pick up a hook again. Initially I made random hats and gloves that ended up being stored unloved in a bag in my craft corner. Then in 2016 my sister-in-law announced she was expecting and I decided to make 'Dave The Bump' a crochet unicorn using a free pattern I found online. I posted pictures of 'Dave The Unicorn' on Facebook and Twitter when he was finished and was amazed when other friends asked me to make them one. These days I design and publish my own patterns for crochet softies. I love the amazing variety items of people ask me to create out of yarn, things I would never think of making myself. In the last year I've designed everything from a squid hat, the full set of Queen members complete with instruments and a 5 foot long Hogwarts Express.

Have you always been creative or did your talent evolve over time? I've never really considered myself to be particularly creative or artistic. I think that comes from having a ridiculously talented family. I've always felt my own attempts to draw, sculpt or paint don't compare to their work. And I've always had the mindset that if I can't do something really well there's no point in trying to do it at all. Nevertheless once I started crocheting I realised I have a particularly useful skill. This is the ability to break an object down in my head into its constituent shapes and and I understand what sort of patterns are needed to create those shapes. A lot of my designing is trial and error though. That's the great thing about crochet, it's easy to rip back and start again when things go pear-shaped.

What is it that you enjoy most about your work? I love unveiling newly designed items and seeing peoples reactions to them. However I think the greatest satisfaction I get is when people from different places around the world share photos of items they've made using my published patterns. The idea that these creations exist because of something that came out of my head is really very cool.

Have you achieved anything in your crafting life that you are particularly proud of? Well as I said above I love knowing people around the world are crocheting using my published patterns. In the last year two of my patterns, a viking hat and Winnie The Pooh have ranked #2 and #3 in Googles keyword searches. Basically anyone in the world who googles a search including the words crochet viking hat or crochet Winnie The Pooh are going to come up with my patterns.


Other than crafting what else do you like to do? I'm a steampunk. I spend many weekends in the summer at steampunk fayres and markets. Steampunks dress up in amazing outfits that can include top hats, Victorian dresses, mock military outfits, goggles and corsets. I also partake in several unique steampunk sports. One of which is teapot racing is as the name might suggest a sport where people race teapots mounted on remote control vehicles over a specially designed course. I have my own teapot racer called The Full Mon-Tea which has a fabulous crocheted teapot and crocheted steampunk driver.

If you had to choose your favourite from your creations, which would it be? Oh, that is a really hard question. Like many crafters I say that every new creation I make is my favourite to date, but I guess if I had to choose one it would be my dragons.

What advice would you offer to someone new starting out in the craft world? Craft because it makes you happy. If you make money out of your crafting then that's an added bonus, but if you craft just to make money it will soon become a chore and you will lose your love of it.

If you could change one thing about what you do, what would it be? I wish more of the general public valued the time, effort and skills crafters put into their work. So often people try to devalue our work, comparing it to mass-produced items they can buy on the high street, or only thinking about the basic material costs of the item.

What do you think has helped your business the most? The imagination of the wonderful people who commission items from me. Their requests have allowed me to develop a huge range of items, and branch of in ways I would never have thought of myself. For example one friend asked me to make a small crocheted version of the legend David Bowie. People loved him and this has led to the development of my mini-me famous softies. One of my mini-me's has actually been seen by the famous person they were based on. Last year the 80's pop icon Midge Ure was given a mini-me crochet version of himself (in his 80's heyday) and has Tweeted several photos of himself with it over the past few months.

Has any person helped or supported you more than any other? One person comes to mind. A Twitter friend, she was someone who encouraged me to develop my crochet hobby into a small business. Where other people told me my work was good enough to sell, she put her money where her mouth was. She had commissioned a wide range of items off me over the past few years.

Tell us a random fact about yourself. I love brightly coloured hair. Last year I've had pillar box red, bright blue and deep purple hair (although it's a rather normal shade of brown at the moment).

How would our readers find you? My blog is where you can find my free published crochet patterns. I'm on Twitter as Mrs A or Facebook on


My journey to bullet journaling started with a childhood love of stationery. I was never happier than when perusing the shelves of WHSmiths or Memo. My favourite part of school was getting my new pencil case and supplies organised at the start of term. I LOVE the smell of a new pencil case. Fast forward 20 years and very little has changed. A new project for me is an excuse to get a new notebook, where else will I put all my notes and to-do lists? I am a life long list-oholic, (no project could ever be completed without one), so in some ways I’ve been bullet journaling my whole life. Having said that, bullet journaling is so much more than just lists. When I first read about Bullet Journaling (whilst browsing Pinterest) I just knew it was for me. Somewhere to plan and organise my life, set goals and track progress, but also a place to be creative. An excuse to get out my colouring pencils and pens and have a fabulous couple of hours letting my creativity run wild.

For me it is a hybrid of a diary, a planner, a journal and a notebook. It’s whatever I need it to be. To someone new to the hobby there can be a lot of confusing terminology. I have popped a glossary of terms you may come across at the bottom of the article. Terms included in the glossary are marked with *.

Technically all you need is a notebook and a pen/pencil. However as a stationery lover I have a few favourite pens and pencils that I use to embellish my journal. (I’ve written a blog post all about my journaling kit if you want to take a look the link is at the bottom of this article). Most people opt for a dot-grid journal, this allows for flexibility to draw/create on the pages with the dot’s giving guidelines for creating boxes on your spreads or writing in a straight line!

Each bullet journal starts for me with a future log*. This is important as your monthly/weekly/daily pages are usually created as you go, so the future log gives you somewhere to store this information until it is needed. After the future log I create a monthly spread*. This contains the important dates/goals etc for the month. Creating my monthly spread lets me think about what I want to achieve and how I am progressing with my goals. At the start of each week I create a weekly spread. This generally contains my “to-do’s” for the week, along with my habit tracker*.


Sprinkled in between these pages are any number of additional spreads depending on my needs. *TV trackers for Netflix binges, *Savings trackers for financial goals *Quote pages (just because) *Project to-do lists The best part about bullet journaling is that it is the ultimate flexible tool. If I have time then I enjoy nothing better than creating detailed embellished pages. But if time is short then a simple to-do list for the busy day ahead is just as important. Some weeks I create a page (or ‘spread’) every day, other times a weekly spread is sufficient. I can plan my weeks meals, track exercise, log savings and make travel plans, all depending on what my life looks like at any one time. It was not long after starting my first Bullet Journal that I started thinking how I could make the process simpler. It is then that I created my first Bujo* stencil to help me create my monthly spread quickly and without having to count dots! I shared my creation on social media and got so much fantastic feedback that I opened an Etsy shop selling my stencils - and that’s how Oops a Daisy was born! I have since launched my own website where I share Bullet Journal tips and tricks, journal videos and the Oops a Daisy Blog. My online shop is now also on the website as well as my brand new #LoveDaisy Journal Subscription Box. Bullet Journaling really has changed my life! Running my own business is challenging and rewarding, it demands that I am organised and creative... my bullet journal is now more important than ever! My advice to anyone thinking about starting a Bullet Journal would be to JUST DO IT! Please don’t worry about rules or what other peoples pages look like. Its your journal and it will evolve with you, create a few pages and see what works for you. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Most of all enjoy it!

Jo - aka Oops a Daisy

- somewhere to store all future commitments/events/important dates for your diary for the next 6-12 months.

- a journaling term for a page set up, ie a daily spread/weekly spread/monthly spread.

- a place to track your completion of certain habits. For example hitting a daily step goal. Generally there will be a box for every day that it filled if the habit is completed. - A shortened version of the term Bullet Journal


GIVEAWAY! Oops a Daisy UK is a site dedicated to all things Journaling, Stationery, Organisation, Planning and Craft. Oops a Daisy UK are based in Essex, UK, and are proud to be part of the international planning community. We love hearing from Journal fans from all around the globe and ship our stencils and accessories world wide on a daily basis. Our journal stencils were created through a love for journaling, and while we don’t create one off bespoke stencils (as the set up time is too long for just one…), if you do have an idea for a stencil that we aren’t currently making please drop us a message. Many of our designs have been born out of an idea sent to us from the Oops a Daisy worldwide #squad! Read all about Jo from Oops a Daisy and her love of journaling in our Bullet Article on the previous page and find out what all the fuss is about Bujo. As well as telling us all about her Journal Journey Jo has very kindly offered us one of her LOVE DAISY Stationery Boxes as a GIVEAWAY. is a subscription service run by Jo.

It will contain 10 surprise items, including: 3 x NEW and EXCLUSIVE Oops a Daisy Stencils 2 x Oops a Daisy Sticker Sheets 1 x Journal Project Set 4 x Journal Accessories How much does it cost? Each box is £20, with UK delivery £2 and worldwide delivery £5. The value of box will always exceed £30 and you will be receiving exclusive NEW stencil designs found FIRST in the Love Daisy box. Many of these designs will NEVER go on general sale. You can find out more information and purchase a subscription HERE

You can enter in a variety of ways which will give you more than one entry. To Maximise your chances of winning enter using ALL of the options for multiple entries. You can enter on our Website here



Bullet Journal Goodies If you are a stationery addict like myself then BE WARNED! This post includes some gorgeous goodies that you may not be able to resist


From £4.25 £1.75

Created by LittleBirdSinging

Sold by CallabyCrafts

Created by babymoon




Created by rowantreessupplies

Created by StickyBunnyCo


Created by SprattsDesigns



Created by VersusPrints

Created by ArtemisInk

Created by SundaraSoul

*This article includes affiliate links


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I'm Misa and I'm the wrong side of 40, married with three grown up children and two teens. We live in a village just outside Bolton with two rabbits.

I've always been creative. My Mum taught me to knit when I was around 7 or 8, and art supplies were a frequent gift. I vividly remember having a hair styling head and a fashion design doll.

I love the portability of crochet - I can take it everywhere! This is really important right now, as my husband is in hospital after a stroke so I'm doing a LOT of bus journeys. It's also nice to sit on the sofa and watch TV as I create.

I wrote and published a crochet pattern in 2017. I hope to do more, but right now I'm concentrating on building my business.

I write. I'm actually a published author, though I've not had a book out for a while. It's something I'm slowly getting back into.

Try everything once. I got the chance to try woodturning and am SO glad I took it! I only get to go once a week, but I love it. You never know what might click for you.

Networking. I'm very active with the Craft Blog Club and they have been super supportive of me, both business-wise and personally - I received a few little gifts after my husband was hospitalised that really helped lift my spirits at a very hard time.

I have a geeky tattoo on my left upper arm!

My blog is and I can be found on both Twitter and Instagram as My shop is


Probably the first question I get asked is ‘Who is Hugo?’! Perhaps it’s because most people assume that anything to do with woodwork and carpentry takes place in a dusty old workshop by a man in scruffy overalls with a pencil tucked behind his ear. The reality couldn’t be further than the truth! Hugo is actually the name of my eldest little boy. The whole business idea started when I was at home with him on maternity leave. Like lots of mums, I found myself wondering if I wanted to go back to my nine to five job in the office and was starting to think about how I could make it happen. I was a bit sceptical, I mean, a lot of people want to make a living working from home but you need to have a really fantastic idea, and you need to make something that’s a little bit different, something that people will really love.

I’m a 36 year old mother of two boys. I’m originally from London but now I live in Maidenhead, Berkshire. I love running and listening to heavy metal!

I was always creative at school, I particularly enjoyed art and drama but when I left school I just went into a series of normal jobs and my creative side was neglected. It wasn’t until my husband came home from a trade show one day with an engraving machine that I rediscovered my enjoyment of making things!

I love getting feedback from my customers. They love giving and receiving things that I have made. I like to think that I am making people happy with my work.


In the past year I have won three awards! The most recent being a #WOW Award from Jacqueline Gold CBE. This is what Jacqueline Gold CBE said about me:

I love running (even though I’m not very fast). It is great exercise and really helps me clear my head.

My favourite creations are my engraved solid oak medal display boards. They are pretty unique and are always well received by my customers. They were even featured in Women’s Running Magazine which was so exciting for me as it is one of my most favourite publications!

Don’t undervalue yourself. Think of all the hours you are putting into one piece and make sure that you charge enough.

I would like another couple of hours in the working day please so I don’t need to work at night!

Social Media!! I wouldn’t have half the business I do without Facebook! It has been invaluable to me for marketing purposes.

It’s going to have to be my husband. Firstly he started me off on this journey by bringing the engraving machine home! He supports me by picking up the slack around the house when I am working late nights and long hours to fulfil orders at my busy times (i.e Christmas!). He listens to me going on and on about my latest product ideas and marketing plans – I find I tend to talk about my work almost all the time!

Last year I ran a half marathon dressed as a banana to raise money for Tommy’s the baby charity.


Moonbrush Wood Studios Needlefelt crafts and sculptures

Moonbrush Wood is a fantastical place from the imagination of Antoinette Bix. Tell us a bit about the artist behind your beautiful creations. Where to start! I've always had a love of the countryside and everything in it. I've lived in a small town in Norfolk all my life, and it's really a great place to enjoy nature and the great outdoors. There are beautiful beaches and ancient woods to explore which inspires my art. I've always had a love of creating and design of any type, and love trying new things - from growing things in my garden to using the plants and flowers I grow to dye wool. I started doing little needlefelt creations and animals after I got a kit for Christmas a few years ago. I posted some of the pictures that I took of them onto Facebook, and things kind of took off from there. It started with pocket sized dragons and quickly moved onto full size owls. I also now run classes in needlefelting and crochet at a local craft cafe in our town.

Have you always been creative or did your talent evolve over time? I have always painted and made things. I suppose it's like most things that you have a great interest in. When you start you are just getting to know what you can do. I have always been a creative type of person, but everything certainly has evolved over time. I don't think I could have done a full size dragon head when I picked up the felting needles, but that's kind of where you end up. What is it that you enjoy most about your work?

The variety of things that I can make. I have just started doing flat felt pictures, which is a very new thing. It's completely different from the sculptures, it's like painting with wool. It's also a really lovely feeling when you have presented somebody with something that they really love. There was a little girl who we saw at a few fairs around Norfolk who loved a really big bumble bee I made. She just dropped out of reality when she saw it. That kind of reaction will always be amazing!


Have you achieved anything in your crafting life that you are particularly proud of? I have a full size needle felt hare that many people have thought was either real, or stuffed! Its been my best work so far, but who knows what will come up in a years time.

Other than crafting what else do you like to do? My fiance and I do like a wander in the great outdoors, exploring lovely surroundings, ruins and woods, and if there is a cup of Lady Grey tea and a slice of cake there then that's even better. I love growing veg and fruit in the garden, which I then cook and inflict on the family and anyone else who'll accept my offerings. It can't be too bad as everyone always come back for seconds. We have recently moved to a house with a much larger garden which we are trying to turn into a mini nature reserve, gardening more with the wildlife in mind to attract as much as we can.

If you had to choose your favourite from your creations, which would it be? It's got to be the big hare, which I mentioned earlier. He's so lovely!

What advice would you offer to someone new starting out in the craft world? Just to do what you like best, and to practice. Be yourself and remember that it's for the love of making and not to please everyone else. There is someone in the world for everything that you create, it's just finding that person.

If you could change one thing about what you do, what would it be? A bigger workspace with everything to hand. It's a bit mad to have to try and find everything dotted around the house, but we are working on a studio so that will be lovely when its all done.

What do you think has helped your business the most? A couple of things really. It went from a hobby to a business so it's always been fun to do, it's just I now do it a little bit more than I did. Also that no matter how many times you make the same thing they are always different in slight ways. A facial expression here, or a shape of face there, they all seem to have their own personality. It never gets tiresome because everything is different.

Has any person helped or supported you more than any other? My fabulous fiance who basically does everything for me because he's so ace. He may have written the answer for this question too! He busses me about to shows and classes, he books the stalls and helps set them all up, and is generally my P.A.

Tell us a random fact about yourself. I am a cheese addict, and also I had a heart operation when I was young. These facts however, are not linked :)


Do you love to read craft blogs? I love to discover new ones but it can be a bit of a job to track them down. So I am starting a list of Craft Blogs To Follow in 2019. Do you think you should be on it? Visit the January list post HERE and leave a comment or contact me by email. Thank you to everyone who has already submitted their blogs to me.

Cottage Notebook I’m Nadia a freelance writer, podcaster and virtual assistant. On the blog, you will find stories on craft, lifestyle, gardening and creativity. I’m always fueled by coffee, so grab a cup and come join me.


Treasured Buttons My name is Lucy and I love all things crafty – in a nutshell! I am a mummy to two beautiful boys who are my world and who have taken over my life since their arrival.



Perfidious Jewellery Explore the blog for thoughts on creativity, latest news, and special offers, or head right to browsing and buying.


MISA/SSORTMENTS Hi! My name is Misa and I’m the crazy creative behind Misassortments. I’ve always been the creative sort – my Mum taught me to knit aged around 7 and I clearly remember getting a hair dressing head and a fashion design kit as presents. I love pretty much anything that requires me using my hands, be it baking, crocheting, jewellery making, macrame, embroidery, weaving, or needle felting!


Thimble & Twig I have too many plans, thoughts and adventures that I cannot keep them in my head and so I began writing this blog to capture life’s loveliness that I would otherwise forget in a heartbeat. It’s a place to remember anything and everything about family life. So I can look back on our memories when I’m losing my marbles (which could be anytime very soon).


These City Days It's funny writing about yourself, and not as easy as it sounds, but here I am with my little piece of the interweb, a logo, and a love for blogging. I created 'These City Day's to share all the things I might not get a chance to in my day job, and other things besides.



Evercrafts Evercrafts is full of useful crafting reviews


Helenka White Design I am originally a journalist based in Cardiff and discovered jewellery making in the run-up to my wedding in 2007. I was on a tight budget and wanted to wear something that was unique, so I taught myself how to make my own tiara. I ended up with three designs and created necklaces and earrings for my bridesmaids. Only three years later I launched Helenka White Design.

VISIT HELENKA WHITE DESIGN While Darcey Sleeps I started my business in December 2014 because my disabilities make it hard to hold down a full time job. I now make crochet creatures and keyrings.


Adventure Accessories Award-winning Adventure Accessories combines my passion for the outdoors with my love of crafts. I create unique handmade gifts for outdoor enthusiasts. I am a keen adventurer and wanted funky yet functional accessories for my outdoor activities, so I set about making my own and also help you to have the same.


Made By Me Craft Parties A Made by Me craft party is all about having fun and creating something fabulous! I can teach a new skill or create craft activities to fit your party theme. I understand that planning a party can be a stressful business and the choice of themes and activities out there is mind-boggling! A craft party gives people a chance to bond, relax and create something a little bit different to take home. All you need to do is provide food and a venue.



Evin OK I started designing my own knitting patterns in 2009 soon after learning to knit. I had limited skills and adapted ideas to suit my skill level while also catering to the particular yarn I was using. I didn’t even know I was designing for a few years, but by then I knew more about knitting so my designs were more cohesive and thorough. But looking back to my early designs, I am impressed with my innovative approach in the face of a new craft. I’ve had failed designs, but those are learning experiences!

VISIT EVIN OK Louise Tilbrook Designs My name is Louise and I'm an enthusiastic (some would say obsessed) sock knitter. Fortunately I have a husband and two young boys who will wear as many stripy socks as I care to make. They are equally tolerant of my ever expanding yarn stash - which threatens to take over our small home in rural Essex.


If you write a Craft Blog why not submit it for our March List!



Gert Lush Designs creates Unique and Limited Edition Hand Made Jewellery, Bags, Home Decor & Artwork.

Tell us a bit about the artist behind your creations I am Sharon, chief creator of all things Lush here at Gert Lush Designs, I live in Bristol with my boyfriend and I'm a bit of a creative butterfly that flits from one thing to another depending on how my mood or health dictates. I specialise in wirework jewellery with a bit of fused glass here and there. I also dabble in painted artwork, mainly acrylics and have a flair for doodle artwork (I used to work as a henna artist so my doodles tend to have a bit of a henna feel to them) currently developing my own grown up colouring products which I will be releasing soon! I also love to create bright funky colourful bags as I am a firm believer that the world needs more colours to make people smile, I use the offcuts from bag making to create little chicks...because I don't like to waste anything!

Have you always been creative or did your talent evolve over time? I come from a very creative family so have always been encouraged to be creative from an early age, whatever my mum was playing with always made me want to have a go plus birthday and Christmas gifts that give you a nudge in the right direction always help! I started my crafting business back in 2011 after doing a 365 days of creativity experiment. I had seen family members doing one with photography where they take a photo each day but I didn't want to be limited to just photography so decided I needed to create something each day. At the end of that year I felt lost not making and had so many lovely creations I decided it was time to start trying to sell them. I am self taught in everything, I was told I was not creative enough to do GCSE art so I guess that put me off pursuing any arty type qualifications!

What is it that you enjoy most about your work? I love the happiness it brings others, either through a simple card to make someone smile or a colourful product that brightens someones day. The world needs more happy!! I especially love working on wedding products, it is such an hour to be chosen to add those finishing touches to someones big day. The freedom is nice too!

Have you achieved anything in your crafting life that you are particularly proud of? Nothing of note to be fair, I have not won any awards or had any great achievements but I guess I am proud I am still here and still making, working for myself is one of the hardest jobs I have ever had, you put your soul on the line with each creation but that happy dance you get with each sale keeps me going!


Other than crafting what else do you like to do? I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in January 2018 and as part of trying to work through that I have been trying to 'move more' If I am not making then I am more than likely out in the woods at Westonbirt Arboretum indulging my love for photography and enjoying blue skies. I grew up in Rural Sussex so although I am now a city dweller I will always have a love for nature and the countryside. I also like to dabble a little in graphic design.

If you had to choose your favourite from your creations, which would it be? My favourite creation to date is The Kraken.‌ a beast of a necklace I created as a flight of fancy while flexing my creative muscles and not necessarily making with a view to sell. I might list it in my shop one day but it would have a rather large price tag due to the work involved!!

What advice would you offer to someone new starting out in the craft world? Be yourself and your tribe will find you! Don't be overly concerned with numbers on social media and ignore the 'hike your likes' kind of posts, they may boost your numbers but don't always bring you people who are actually interested in what you offer (took me a while to learn that lesson myself!!) Also remember if you get negative feedback on something that sometimes it is just one persons view. Most importantly HAVE FAITH and keep making!!

If you could change one thing about what you do, what would it be? I would have more faith in my own abilities! Self doubt gets to all of us at times.

What do you think has helped your business the most? Being myself on social media. People like to get to know the person behind the business and what sets our souls on fire, this was quite daunting at first but has really helped me find my tribe!

Has any person helped or supported you more than any other? I joined Conscious Crafties as a seller in September last year and it was the best decision I ever made. It is such a super supportive community and each maker has been affected, like me, with chronic illness and/or disability. Working from home and dealing with illness can be so isolating, I have met a lot of like minded souls and we work together to lift each other up. The Professional Crafter's Guild has also been a huge help with learning more about the business side of things.

Tell us a random fact about yourself. I worked as a professional face and body painter for 6 years alongside working as a Nanny.



Meet Lucy

From Treasured Buttons

Crafting With Lucy

My name is Lucy and I have been writing my craft blog, Treasured Buttons for almost a year now. I enjoy dabbling in a variety of crafts as well as discovering new ones, with many lessons learnt along the way!

My crafting journey didn't really begin until my early 20's when I first discovered the art of card-making. Myself and a group of friends who I worked with at the time shared similar interests and we would each take it in turns to host an evening of card-making and natter! We would share materials and ideas, each making our own cards for upcoming occasions as well as putting the world to rights at the same time. Over time however, our get-togethers became more about catching up rather than actually making anything but my interest in crafts continued to grow. I discovered the wonderfully therapeutic art of cross-stitch and became interested in trying new crafts. My first introduction to a sewing machine of my own allowed me to explore basic patch working and I was keen to learn how to make use of all it's bells and whistles – this continues to be a work in progress! Fast- forward to early 2018 and I was due to return to work after having my 2nd son. However after considering several child care options, this was no longer viable and it was decided that I would become a stay-at-home mum. This is not something that I necessarily thought I would be but I knew that if it was going to work, I would also need to find my own personal outlet. A friend suggested that I get into blogging and that I should use my passion for craft as my subject. At first I was reluctant as I didn't know anything about blogging but after a little research and a few gentle nudges from my friend, I began to seriously consider starting a blog of my own and the rest, as they say is history! Over the past year I have featured a variety of crafts on the blog, ranging from bunting for my eldest's pirate-themed birthday party to a cat bed and many more in between. Items that I have made for other people and more specifically the handful of nappy cakes that I have created are made all the more special when they can be personalised and this is a part of crafting that I really enjoy. While it is often a challenge to find the time to develop the blog, it does give me a reason and excuse for completing all the many craft projects that I have wanted to try over the years, plus those that I have started but not finished! Despite this, I am always on the look out for new things to create. If something catches my eye, my first reaction is to think 'But could I make that myself?' - hence why I have a list of projects a mile long!

Look out for my crafting projects as I work alongside Creative Crafting over the coming months.

A bed fit for a Mer-cat!



Makingmart, the UK’s only online craft social marketplace, was founded by designer and maker Claire Garside-Kenny in 2019. My name is Claire and I am the founder of Simple Sew Patterns and more recently the social marketplace for craft lovers (think Etsy blended with Facebook). I wanted to share my story with you, fellow craft lovers and creatives because I hope in some small way it might inspire you to pursue your own crafting enterprises and projects. I have been lucky enough to have enjoyed success in my creative career, and I think that is mainly due to a growth mindset and a sheer grit determination to see things through! Though absolutely, my love for creativity is the driving force behind what I do and the belief that without creativity life is just too barren. My first and most enduring craft love will always be sewing even though most of my time is now spent trying out lots of other crafts for (all in the name of research of course). I remember the early days when I fell in love with the miracle that is a piece of fabric and some thread. I loved it so much that I found a way to share my own sewing pattern designs with other people so they could also experience the joy of sewing up a swing dress that was easy to make! But before I found a way, there were times when I really thought I never would. One of my first orders which was really big, took me by surprise, and unbelievably my friend and I stayed up all night hand tracing around master patterns one by one because I didn’t have a way to print them out. Obviously this was total madness and thankfully I knew a man who owned a local printers who took pity on me and let me use his wide format printer. I hadn’t anticipated the demand for my patterns, and the lesson I learned from that was, I suppose, an obvious one - sort out your production suppliers before you start marketing! I was fortunate really because in those days, around 8 years ago, there weren’t any companies offering wide format short run pattern printing for indie designers. There were just the big companies in America and China with large print run demands. For a small label that is way too much too soon and is just not viable. Not least because you don’t want to get stuck with 1000’s of patterns if the design doesn’t take off like you’d hoped. But you know what they say, where there’s a will there’s a way, and creative people generally think outside of the box to get things done. I would say without a doubt that networking and collaborations have always been my biggest route to market, two heads are much better than one. That’s not to say that I haven’t been through the grind that is trying to market a craft business, it is definitely not an easy thing to do. There are so many things to think about, not least learning how to work smart as well as hard to avoid burn out. So that is why I have spent the last 18 months building and developing a social network that has the potential to make things SO much easier and much more streamlined for those of us building and running craft businesses. Imagine a place that is dedicated to craft lovers, that has all of your social media tools on one platform that is a space for encouragement and collaboration between both makers and craft , the name really says it all. A market for makers. lovers. I believe that place to be gives buyers and sellers the chance to help each other through whichever journey they are each personally travelling, be it a personal creative development journey or a business growth journey, or a blend of the two. The platform can offer support and scaffolding to every creative person in some way through connectivity and community. The tools are there, we just need to use them.



Discover the fabulous illustrations of Sophie Stanley. Tell us all about Sophie, the lady behind the beautiful creations. Well I am 24 years old, currently live in Ascot and started my business after dropping out of university at 19. I have always marched to the beat of my own drum so to speak. Once finding out uni life wasn’t for me I started thinking more about what I wanted from life. After a lot of reflecting I knew that 2 things made me happy. Creating beautiful things for people and being my own boss.

Have you always been creative or did your talent evolve over time? I have always really loved drawing ever since I could hold a pencil. However I think even when someone is naturally gifted a lot of work is still required to perfect their craft. For example I didn’t start using paint until a lot later on in life and had to learn a lot about colour theory, shading and what the different brushes could do.

What is it that you enjoy most about your work? For me painting is a very relaxing and meditative process. I notice that if I spend the majority of the day painting I have a lot more mental clarity. It is also such great fun to have a creative outlet.

Have you achieved anything in your crafting life that you are particularly proud of? I love looking back at old projects I have worked on and seeing how far I have progressed. I would advise others to keep old work as it can really show growth and development. I am very proud of how much my art has improved in such a short amount of time.



Other than crafting what else do you like to do? I like to read, cook vegan dishes and walk my dog, Suki.

If you had to choose your favourite from your creations, which would it be? Oh that’s not fair, It’s like choosing a favourite child! If I really had to pick though I think it would be this bridal bag. I just love all the details.

What advice would you offer to someone new starting out in the craft world? I would say choose wisely where you get your advice from, many people will want to give you their opinion. Seek mentors that are actually in the industry and are doing what you want to do. Your 'Aunt Sally' may mean well but might not know what she’s talking about!

If you could change one thing about what you do, what would it be? I would love to change the perception others sometimes have for small business’ and crafting. It can be easy to undervalue someones creations when we don’t directly see the amount of hours someone has lovingly poured into it-especially in todays society when everyone is on the hunt for the cheapest option.

What do you think has helped your business the most? I think social media is such a great way to connect with people who are like minded. When it comes to networking nothing has been more advantageous than Instagram and Facebook.

Has any person helped or supported you more than any other? My partner of 7 years has been there from day one through the ups and downs of running a business. However there are so many wonderful people out there that have help me, my supportive friends, my loyal returning customers and of course other crafter who are in the same boat.

Tell us a random fact about yourself. My favourite time of year is Halloween.

How would our readers find you? I have an Instagram account-SophieStanleyIllustration where I post daily personal stories about life as an artist, what goes on behind the scenes from a very real standpoint. I also have a Facebook page-Sophie Stanley Illustration where I showcase all my complete work.


I am from a creative family, mum was an avid knitter and seamstress. My dad enjoys painting, lace work and macramĂŠ. My sister and I started cross stitch together which she still does when I've moved on to crochet. My grandmother was also a painter and enjoyed embroidery work. I am the first to turn my hobby into a career.

I taught myself to crochet 6 years ago watching YouTube videos I think having a creative background and growing up enjoying lots of different arts and crafts helped with the mindset of learning a new craft later in life. I also taught myself basic bookbinding to make my traveller notebooks which I love doing and inherited my mum's sewing machine which I use to make fabric hair scrunchies.

Creating something from nothing. I can lose myself for hours in my crochet which has helped my mental health immensely. I never dreamed that my crafts were good enough to sell let alone turn into a small business. I love creating for others and it + still warms me to know my products are in so many other people's households now. When you start with a piece of fabric or a ball of yarn you're never quite sure how it is going to turn out. Sometimes there are mistakes when you have to undo your work start again and as frustrating as that it is it's still a fun part of the creative process. Experimenting and trying different things working with different media.

To be able to turn my hobby into a business and fit it around caring for my youngest son while he goes through his third year of cancer treatment is an achievement. I can do what I love and love what I do. Not many people get to say that about their work.

As well as being from a crafting family, we are also an outdoor loving family. I grew up with scouting, my father is still involved with Scouts in his 70s. I married an ex TA, so we spend our free time hiking and camping. We are lucky to call the Brecon Beacons National Park our home, so have an endless supply of adventures on our doorstep and as our backyard.


My favourite creation to make are my signature Traveller Notebooks. I have loved working with customers and their amazing imaginations to create some truly fantastic unique gifts. I am looking forward to trying out cork notebooks in the future to add to the faux leather ones I currently offer.

Connect with other creatives and small business owners. It is not about competition as there is room for us all, but having the advice, knowledge and guidance of others that can relate to the path you are on. Don’t try to do it all alone. The creative community is genuinely welcoming and supportive I have not faced any animosity even from creatives that crochet themselves. We are all so wonderfully diverse and everyone is supportive to each other.

I would love to have a work space away from the house. There is convenience to being able to work on a laptop whilst in pyjamas on the sofa, but I would like, in the future, to run craft workshops and to have a small shop space where I can sell other creatives makes. Like a craft collective. It would also give me a better separation of work/life balance. My conservatory is my craft room and it is great that I can shut the door in the evenings, but it is difficult to truly switch off sometimes. When you know there is stuff to be done, it is too easy to grab the laptop and work.

Support from the creative community and connecting with customers on social media. Having an online presence is a must to any small business. You need to be genuine and show your personal side while staying professional. Support from family and friends is also vital to help you start off.

My wonderful, loving and supportive husband. He has worked tirelessly to convert our conservatory into my craft room. He built my beautiful workbench and shelf units. He gives me the space and belief to give my small business idea a try.

I can play the saxophone and clarinet although I have not played in years. I am enjoying spending my time creating all my Adventure Accessories.



Travel, knitting, becoming a Master Hand Knitter Let's meet Michael My name is Michael Harrigan and I’m a knitwear accessory designer based in Bangkok, Thailand. In 2017 I was certified by The Knitting Guild Association ( ) as a , and later as a and a . Over the past few years I have designed lace patterns for accessories, such as scarves, shawls and other types of wraps. Many have been self-published on Ravelry ( ). Several have been produced for Cascade Yarns, and others have featured in online magazines, including Cast On, the educational journal for knitters published by The Knitting Guild Association, and Knit Now. My main areas of interest are lace and stranded colorwork knitting. During the last two years I participated in a Shetland Lace Project to help determine whether some written 19thcentury patterns actually originated in the Shetland Islands. Along with a number of other volunteers, I worked swatches from the original written instructions. The work was later displayed at the Shetland Museum and Archives in Lerwick. This interest in knitting began when I was about 10 years old and my mother showed me the basics of knitting and crocheting. I read knitting and crochet magazines and learned how to knit some basic baby items and scarves – and to crochet doilies – which was the beginning of my fascination with lace. I grew up in the US, in a rural part of very northern New York State, near the Canadian border, 5 miles from a village of around a thousand people. Living on a farm, in that area and at that time, knitting was not one of the approved pastimes for a young boy, so the needles and crochet hooks were put aside. Fair Isle Scarf In my mid-30s I picked up knitting again and made a few garments before putting the needles aside once more. I picked them up again about 4 years ago and I’m not sure now why I ever stopped.


Drummie Bees and Snowflakes Knit Lace Shawl


Leafy Transitions Top-Down Lace Wrap

In Due Time Rectangular Lace Knit Wrap

PROJECT My focus was soon on lace and eyelet knitting. Although this may have something to do with the hot and humid climate here in Thailand it does reflect a real love of lace. I enjoy travelling and often pick up the work of local artisans on trips abroad. For example, I came up with a simple eyelet and texture design based on a painted cloth I found in South Africa several years ago (my Tribal Traces African Sampler Shawl). Soon afterward I began trying to recreate what I was seeing in nature using a variety of lace stitch patterns. Over the past few years I have continued interpreting elements of nature, landmarks, and textiles I encounter on my travels. We travel extensively in Asia, make it to Europe at least once a year, and lately have been visiting South America annually as well. I tend to spend time in historic urban settings, visiting local artisan markets and bazaars, and admiring landscapes and natural features. I find inspiration everywhere. I'm particularly drawn to geometric shapes and to color, and keep thinking about combining lace knitting and stranded colorwork. Master Hand Knitter Final Project Fair Isle Gansey worn by recipient

On Point Rectangular Lace Knit Wrap

In late 1998 I moved to Thailand for work and have stayed on into retirement, now splitting my time between Bangkok and our house by the sea. Thailand’s natural environment, iconic images, and architecture add inspiration for my designs.

Traditional Fishermans Kep Woodland Lace Asymmetrical Lace Panel Shawl View from where I knit in Thailand


Are you interested in essential oils and natural skincare? The fabulous folk at Skinz22 have been kind enough to send us a selection of wonderful smelling goodies! Some are for us to play with (and we are going to smell awesome) and some are for us to GIVE AWAY to you! I am no stranger to essential oils as my mum swears by them. From being a young teenager (eons ago) I was often being covered in oils when I had issues. They did work though so it was worth it. Aromatherapy is very popular and a vast subject if you look into it. Skinz22 are a small UK based company who currently offer products by two labels, Blended Valley and Sinivalia. Blended Valley create a lovely range of essential oils. Elemental Oils, Chakra Oils and Healing Oils.

In this review I will be discussing:


Blended Valley Heart Chakra Oil Blended Valley Sleep Oil Sinivala Aloe Vera and Lavender Body Lotion Sinivala Carrot Face and Body Oil Sinivala Rosehip Oil

A Blended Valley Wellbeing Aromatherapy Gift Set Blended Valley Goddess, Attraction and Love and Mediation Oils

Heart Chakra Oil A blend of Rose, Lavender, Lemon, Sandalwood and Neroli essential oils in Apricot Kernel Oil and is suitable for chakra healing and chakra cleansing. A few drops can be placed on an aromatherapy diffuser or oil burner, or can be placed on jewellery and healing stones. As a retired Healing Jewellery designer the last option sounds very interesting to me. The oil comes in a bright, colour box and is a good sized bottle (30ml) It is a glass bottle with a lovely big pipette dropper. This makes it idea for use as oils that have open topped bottles just go everywhere. Before long the entire bottle is greasy and unpleasant. Kudos to you Blended Valley! The smell of the oil is lovely and fruity, you can definitely smell the gorgeous Neroli and Lemon in there.

Sleep Essential Oil An essential oil blend to help you sleep better. This aromatherapy oil is a natural sleeping aid with bergamot, chamomile, lavender and vetiver essential oils in apricot kernel oil. Sleep Oil can be applied to a sleeping mask for better rest and relaxation, or simply used with an aromatherapy diffuser, oil burner or vaporiser. As with the Heart Chakra Oil above it comes in a lovely box and a great glass bottle with dropper. Once again, this is a bonus. This oil has a much lighter aroma than the previous one. The smell is predominantly lavender which is understandable as it is such a well known sleep aid. I will be updating you on how effective this one is.


SINIVALIA Carrot Oil for Skin, Hair, Massage and Tanning Carrot Oil Moisturiser and Anti -Ageing Cream For Dry, Oily and Sensitive Skin. It can be used on the face, hair and body as a massage oil and hair treatment. It always advertises itself as a tan accelerator. Now I found this one to be very interesting. It's in a lovely big 100ml bottle with another useful dropper which is an absolute must as this stuff is seriously ORANGE! Not really surprising as it is made from carrots but I was surprised at how orange it was. I think it is also to be used cautiously in very (very) small amounts as it does seem to stain. I was concerned that I'd end up looking like a tangerine but with a really really light application it doesn't seem to. It did go into my skin really well and I can see that it may be a very good nourisher. Just be careful around your clothes and watch your application size.

SINIVALIA Aloe Vera and Lavender Body Lotion Bringing together the potent richness and quickly absorbed hydration of Aloe Vera and the calming effects of lavender. This lotion has a lovely lavender smell and isn't too greasy. It absorbs well into the skin. My only issue with it is the bottle. It is a fairly thin moisturiser and every time I used it I ended up with too much.

SINIVALIA Organic Rosehip Oil Hydrates and plumps parched skin. Corrects dark spots and evens skin tone. Reduces the appearance of Scars. Ant ageing oil to reduce fine lines and spur tissue regeneration. Fights free radical photodamage.Sounds fabulous doesn't it! This one is going to be an ongoing review I think as it won't work overnight. Once again it is in a glass bottle with the ever useful dropper. It doesn't seem to have any smell to speak of at all. Look out for updates on whether this one works.

You can purchase all of the products above at and Handmade Aromatherapy salt lamp oil burner By OneWorldCompany BUY HERE

Handmade LED Essential Oil Diffuser By HarmonizeYourSoulss BUY HERE


Handmade ceramic oil diffuser By Sallyamoss BUY HERE


Double Giveaway! We have two fabulous GIVEAWAYS for you thanks to the awesome folk at Skinz22 Giveaway No 1 - A Blended Valley Wellbeing Aromatherapy Gift Set – four natural blends for a better Lifestyle. – help concentration, focus, alertness and cognition. – fight stress and fatigue, invigorate mind and body, relieve tiredness and lighten mood. – for better sleep, rest and relaxation.Relaxation oil – for relaxation, stress relief and better sleep as well as mood lifting. Worth £25.00


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Closing Date - 15th April 2019

Giveaway No 2 - Blended Valley Essential Oils Share Three 30ml Blended Valley Essential Oils

An essential oil blend for love, grace and self empowerment meditations.A blend of frankincense, lavender, rose, jasmine and sandalwood essential oils in apricot kernel oil, in tune with female empowerment. Can be used with an aromatherapy diffuser, oil burner or vaporiser.


Worth £15

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Closing Date - 15th April 2019

An attraction and love oil blend containing the aphrodisiac perfumes of Rose and Lemon essential oils which promote relaxation and mood lifting. Use with an aromatherapy diffuser, oil burner or vaporiser.Can also be used on charms, jewellery or talismans. Worth £15


More Information

A meditation aid to promote a state of relaxation and wellbeing. A blend of Lavender, Nutmeg, Geranium and Apricot Kernel Oil can be used during mindfulness practices and to aid meditation. Use with an aromatherapy diffuser, oil burner or vaporiser. Worth £15

More Information

w e N e h t Join ub l C g n i t f a r C e v i t a Cre What better time to start a Club than New Year! So that’s exactly what we’ve done. We now have a Creative Crafting Club. A place to hang out and talk crafts, do fun activities, meet goals and if you would like, contribute to us here at Creative Crafting Magazine. As well as Club posts and fun on our blog we also have our Facebook Group which is the best place to join in with the crafting talk. Anyone can join and you are welcome. Find us here at and do bring your friends along.



Opportunities for you to get involved In March!


WANTED! Garden/Outdoor Crafts and Gardeners

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