Creative Fresno Board Nomination Form 2010

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Get involved for a better community.

Dear Fresno Community Member: It is important for us to “Get involved for a better community.” Joining Creative Fresno provides opportunities to foster cultural, artistic and economic activities conducive to the enrichment of the creative movement in the Fresno area. It is Creative Fresno’s goal to keep its membership informed of issues vital to the health of the greater Fresno community; increase public awareness of creative opportunities in housing options, downtown revitalization, small business development, smart growth, business and the arts; to create fresh ideas for the City of Fresno and surrounding communities to retain its Creative Class; and to promote community through social and educational activities. Your participation can be limited to being a dues-paying member, or you can be actively involved in creating a better community. Now is your chance to get (or remain) involved.

MEMBERSHIP UPDATE FIRST NAME: _________________________________ LAST NAME: __________________________________ OCCUPATION: ________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________ CITY: _______________________________________ STATE: ______________________________________ ZIP: ________________________________________ TELEPHONE: _________________________________ FAX: ________________________________________ E-MAIL: _____________________________________ CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: ________________


I nominate: (FIRST NAME): ________________________________

Creative Fresno will hold its annual Meeting of the Minds on May 15, 2010. At that time new board members will be installed. If you are interested in becoming a board member or would like to nominate someone, the deadline for nominations is April 16, 2010. Board elections will be during the week of April 18 – 23, 2010. What should you do? Submit the board nomination form (to the right). Write-in your name or the name of another person you would like to nominate for the Creative Fresno Board. You can also submit a nomination online by visiting and clicking on the Board Member Nominations group.

(LAST NAME): ________________________________ (PHONE): ____________________________________ (EMAIL): _____________________________________

for the Creative Fresno Board.

Statement of Nomination On the back of this form, on an additional page or separate email, please describe in 200 words or less why this individual would be a good board member. This Statement of Nomination will be communicated on our web site and at the April 17, 2010 board meeting.

Please submit nomination forms by April 16, 2010 to: Creative Fresno c/o Fresno Arts Council 1245 Van Ness Ave. Fresno, CA 93721 or by email:

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