Strategy MaEers…
Prepared for Stuart Li)le » MD Bri,sh Thornton
THE BIG BANG PROJECT | Copyright 2013
SeGng the scene... Dear Stuart, Thank you again for the, now tradi,onal, hospitality that I’ve become accustomed to. Pleased that the Fat Rascals were well received! I appreciated the open and honest insight into the business and in par,cular, the recent restructure, how this is currently performing and affec,ng the previous and conven,onal dynamic between yourself and Gary's’ rela,onship with the wider business. Naturally, at this stage; I’m only part qualified to share my observa,ons, thoughts and ideas. No doubt, should we decide to work together – the detail will emerge over ,me. That said; I am hopeful that you will find enough in this document to provoke your interest in further exploring poten,al opportuni,es for us to work together to help deliver some important goals for the management team and the wider business. There are essen3ally three elements to what I do: I. Side by Side and ‘inside’ collabora,on with you and your team – specifically, to bolster or beef up aspects of the business where you wish to see addi,onal energy, capability, skills, experience and know-‐how to help deliver some important wins for the business. EG: Fine tuning what is a perfectly reasonable aspira3on to have your directors opera3ng in such away that they complement your and Gary’s involvement and skills and make a posi3ve ‘over and above’ contribu3on to culture, thinking, strategy and performance. II.
‘The Academy’. A bespoke and ac,on based Con,nuous Development Programme (CPD) the scope of which is designed to extend across the whole of the business. The leadership, management fundamentals and strategy components look to me to address some of what we discussed
III. Bring what I am and can do to the table as a Strategic Partner by taking on or suppor,ng special projects and, where appropriate, introducing other, hand picked and trusted leaders in a given field – supply chain, crea,ve/brand development and manufacturing excellence/automa,on robo,cs are very strong areas of my network.
SeGng the scene...Virtuous Circle Vision , values & culture Succession, low maintenance/high producing teams
Again, without knowing the deep down detail, I took the away some of the themes set out in the Virtuous Circle as being poten,al hotspots for the business… …I have ventured a few more areas where you may well turn your aEen,on to over ,me.
Developing strategic and tac,cal thinking.
Value enhancing Marke,ng and PR
The insulate/escalate model
Account development strategies
Business structure, ownership and accountability
Results, agility and = sustainability
Labour plan, talent management & people development
Poten,al cornerstones… • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • •
Behaviours for successful leadership The Vitality Curve -‐ the A’s, B’s and C’s in business and what to do about it. Managing up performance of all, becoming an employer of choice. Posi,ve change management Prac,cal mo,va,onal theory People and culture strategies ‘We are one’ – ownership, alignment and individual contribu,ons to the Vision Planning for THE Goal. Developing guiding principles, mission, values and vision.
Iden,fying and unlocking the real value within the Bri,sh Thornton brand. The best of the best – what’s different? Measuring and benchmarking ‘the difference’. Building brand value through CSR and wider engagement. Iden,fying, profiling and approaching fer,le markets Opera,onal, tac,cal and strategic marke,ng. Further evolving the Bri,sh Thornton profile through high impact PR strategic marke,ng plan marke,ng.
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Leadership, talent management, culture, CI and sustainability
Vision and strategy and a defini,ve business plan
Brand, technology, sales and marke,ng strategy, digital roadmap
People, teams, structure and con,nuous professional development
• •
• • • • • • • •
The 1, 3 and 5 year MUST achieve opera,onal, tac,cal and strategic goals – IE: con,nuing to challenge Havelock Europa Plc Business re-‐engineering, ‘Halos and coffins’, burning plamorm and Bri,sh Thornton SWOT Scaling up, organic/M&A, diversifying and innova,ng to add value. Development of the senior management/ leadership team[poten,al future junior board/succession strategy?] ‘The Goal’ – MBO/MBI/Exit/trade sale/JV succession – something else?
Mentorship for SMT and others in exis,ng/ emerging management/leadership roles Dedicated Bri,sh Thornton MPD (Management Development Programme) Barriers or Breakthrough – problems solved! Evolving Internal and external communica,ons. Progression and succession in the context of MDP. Low maintenance, self managing, high performing teams. Individual and team projects. Teambuilding – beEer together thinking and doing.
Delivery and what involvement might look like… In light of what we discussed – the components from the Leadership for Growth and Management Fundamentals strike me as being topical and poten3al areas where you might feel worthy of inves3ng to get the results that the business is working to achieve.
1:1/group coaching and mentorship Special projects -‐ growth/ problem solving
Ac,on based learning and development
Associate/ NED
Company logo
Side by Side in the role and on the job collabora,on
Retained as a strategic partner
Interim and targeted interven,ons
• • • • • • •
Mastering personal produc3vity and effec3veness Coaching for performance Situa3onal leadership We are one – building effec3ve teams Finding and keeping the best people Inci3ng ownership in others Crea3ng low maintenance/high producing teams
• • • • • • •
Behaviours for successful management Posi3ve change management Risk, crisis and reputa3on management Crea3ng a vision for the business Prac3cal mo3va3onal theory People and culture strategies Introduc3on to strategic thinking
What is The Big Bang Academy? For Execu,ve and Owner Managers
Reputa,on and Crisis Management
Management Fundamentals
The Big Bang Academy
Finding and Keeping the Best People
Step Change Sales and Marke,ng
Essen,al Leadership for Growth
Dynamic Account Management
The Big Bang Academy creates, develops and delivers bespoke and ac3on based learning programmes designed to quickly delivering improvement to bo)om line performance. The Academy is all about s3mula3ng more profitable thinking, behaviour and ac3vity whilst equipping the organisa3on with the tools, aTtude, confidence and mo3va3on to independently sustain the gains achieved.
Performance is in the DNA Hopefully its reassuring to learn that what The Big Bang Academy offers formed part of the DNA of a business where the technique, resources and know-‐how delivered, amongst others – the following results: »
From 30k seed capital grew a mul,-‐million £, award winning recognised sector innovator
Generated over £140 million revenue in one of the most crowded sectors in our economy
» »
Enjoyed margins at +10% over the industry average Over 15 years of year on year growth
Featured in the Fastest 50 growing businesses in the UK
Developed self-‐managing, low maintenance/high produc,vity management teams
» »
Made the business the preferred choice of some of the worlds leading brands and Blue Chips Achieved over 95% reten,on of high value key accounts during the life of the business
Secured more than 40% of the average market mul,ple value for the business on exit through highly successful trade sale
So, back to you and your business -‐ there is much at stake and much to consider;
» » »
The business, quite rightly, needs to see a return on its investment Bringing in ‘outsiders’ can be a sensi,ve subject and needs to be trusted by all stakeholders It’s perfectly natural and right that the business asks itself whether this is the best use of its hard-‐earned cash
The Big Bang Academy works side by side and inside your business to design, create, and deliver ac3on based learning and development programmes that become an integral part of the business’s thinking and behavior -‐ trusted, natural, effec3ve, fun and energising. We believe that it’s simple human nature to want to share the best, most effec,ve and most rewarding aspects of what we have discovered with others on a similar journey.
Step Change Sales and Marke,ng
• Developing real compe33ve edge • Strategic sales management • Managing the sales process • The psychology of selling • Campaign project management • Developing business & social media • GeTng to ‘Yes!’ nego3a3on skills • Developing a digital marke3ng strategy
Dynamic Account Management
• Understanding the key rela3onships • Legisla3ng for the unexpected • Maximising value up and downstream • Strategy and innova3on in key rela3onships • Advanced communica3on skills • Understanding the client agenda • A ring of steel around your key accounts
Management Fundamentals
• Mastering personal produc3vity and effec3veness • Coaching for performance • Situa3onal leadership • We are one – building effec3ve teams • Finding and keeping the best people • Inci3ng ownership in others • Crea3ng low maintenance/high producing teams
Essen,al Leadership for Growth
• Behaviours for successful management • Posi3ve change management • Risk, crisis and reputa3on management • Crea3ng a vision for the business • Prac3cal mo3va3onal theory • People and culture strategies • Introduc3on to strategic thinking
Finding and Keeping the Best People
• Winning the talent arms race • Becoming an employer of choice • Grow your own talent • What really mo3vates people • Being an Employer of Choice • Con3nuous professional development • Why culture and leadership ma)ers
Reputa,on and Crisis Management
• Recovery and turnaround • Emergency finance and re-‐capitalisa3on • Key account rescue • Managing communica3on in a crisis • Essen3al intensive care for your business • Leadership when the pressure’s on • Crea3ve thinking and redirec3on
The Execu,ves and Owner Managers Toolbox
• Structuring and re-‐structuring your business • Which way next – essen3al strategies • Succession, MBO/MBI and exit planning • Execu3ve well being • Crea3ve thinking for the board • Taking control of the beast • Smart finance for business • Developing your digital road map
Steve Street » Quick profile Founding Partner of The Big Bang Project and successful hands on business owner/leader, with a proven track record of delivering consistently excellent results in my own enterprises and in those of my clients. Working with the board, I led a planned for and successful exit -‐ achieved through the outright commercial sale of RRGL to SPL in February 2011 and in doing so, maximised earnings & value for the shareholders. Retained by the acquiring business to manage the people, cultural and commercial integra,on of the businesses, and to successfully undertake the transfer of assets, including an impressive, high value client base. Non-‐execu,ve director mentor and strategic partner to other business principals and owners, helping them to develop their business strategies, evolve their management & leadership teams' capabili,es, to improve their performance and contribu,on and in doing so, help drive growth and change. Special3es Strategic direc,on, accelera,ng top and boEom line growth, turnaround work, troubleshoo,ng, improved efficiencies and ROI, re-‐modelling, posi,ve change, individual and group mentoring, business leadership, building progressive/sustainable businesses through a combina,on of above and beyond ownership of the goals, trust, empathy and 'can do'. Personal mission To launch planned community enterprise, suppor,ng young people with Au,sm, Aspergers and addi,onal needs into work, work placements, internships and work experience.
Community Fundraiser for pupils from the Chellow Heights Special School in Heaton.
Steve Street » Academic and Voca,onal » New start in 1996 with seed capital; grew to £mul3-‐ million, award winning and recognised sector innovator, that delivered significant growth year on year un3l trade sale in 2011.
The Ins3tute of Directors | Director Development
Featured in the Catalyst Top 50 Fastest Growing Businesses by sector in 2010, and
Successful Strategies for Sales Accelera,ng Company Growth and Harnessing Tools for Expansion Strategic Sales Direc,on Master Class in Managing Change Powerful Presenta,ons Understanding the board Keys to personal effec,veness The role of The Board
• • • • • •
At the vanguard of technological change -‐ reposi3oning and remodeling the business from mul3 opera3on retail plahorm to online/onsite hybrid model, taking over £440k of cost out and growing earnings by over 35%.
Led highly successful strategic exit in 2011 and in doing so, maximised value for shareholders. Engineered and executed highly successful succession and integra3on plan to protect the investment for the acquirers.
• •
preferred strategic partner to some of the most respected brands and Blue Chips.
Strategic Thinking Finance for non-‐financial directors Leading change Corporate Governance Business Performance Improvement
• • • • •
Experienced and trusted advisor and NED to tech, manufacturing, online retail, business services, supply chain and crea3ve and marke3ng businesses.
In a nutshell » Return on investment
More focused, energised and produc,ve people and teams
Improved competency, capability and enhanced skills sets
Leadership, management and communica,on strategy
A marke,ng strategy designed to Iden,fy and securing more value opportuni,es
More ideas, less problems and self managing/high performance people
Thanks for taking the ,me to read Lee; if you need any addi,onal informa,on at this ,me – don’t hesitate to call. I’ll give you call over course of the next few days and agree how we take things forward. Speak soon. Regards,
Clear strategy, structure, sustainability plan and Vision – succession/exit.
The best people, the best performance and an iden,ty to be proud of…
Plenty of businesses know ‘what’ they are aiming for – some know ‘how’ – the essen,al and final ingredient of course, is ‘want’. The desire and passion that dis,nguishes an ordinary business from a great business, comes directly from the people. The fact is however you can’t simply ‘do’ mo,va,on to someone. Having a driven, focused and energised team is achieved through a combina,on of; shared values, trust, culture, an ‘in it together’ philosophy, exemplary communica,ons and extraordinary leadership. • Execu3ve and Management Coaching and Mentoring • High Impact Learning and Development Programs • Search and headhun3ng • Peer2Peer Exper3se • Team Building • Keys to Personal Effec3veness • Labour Strategy and Labour Provider Service Improvement
We are all about quickly delivering improvement to boEom line performance, s,mula,ng more profitable thinking, behaviour and ac,vity. Our goal is to equip organisa,ons with the tools, aGtude, confidence and mo,va,on to independently sustain the gains achieved. • Harnessing technology and innova3on • Recovery and Turnaround Interven3on • Business Development Strategy • Remodelling, Restructuring • Posi3ve Change Management
Is it not the case that in life, our most meaningful and longstanding rela,onships are underpinned and sustained by shared values, interests, trust, lifestyle and even sense of humour? We believe that a business can, and should work to connect with its customers on an emo,onal level, in a way that allows the customer to iden,fy with the business as something more than a corporate en,ty, brand or provider. GeGng up close and personal, builds passion and profit! • Corporate Iden3ty • Culture and Mission • Sales and Marke3ng Strategies • Brand Development • Communica3ons and PR • Social Media and Web