1 minute read

On Confidence

Can you believe it’s May already? It feels likeyesterday we said goodbye to our old name(you may remember us as the HealthBloggers Community) and we welcomedCreative Impact.

In the last 5 months, the whole world wasshaken in a way that we could not expect.


On a professional note, I pushed myselfand Creative Impact into new, unchartedterritory. We completely changed andadapted our online platform, ran a full newseason of our podcast (Make an Impactshow, check it on your favourite podcastapp), we launched a new IGTV series -make sure you check the Good Feed on@creativeimpactco.

I have a confession to make. I often thoughtI was not “ENOUGH”. British enough. That Ihad the right equipment. Skills. Confidence.Or certifications (lol that was a biggie).

English is not my first language, and I haveno polished British Oxfordian accent going.I learned marketing through experience,rather than MBAs.

When I saw the first episode of our IGTV series, I actually cried a little. It’s not perfect, but it’s me. It’s raw, a bit goofy, hopefully, funny and a true representation of myself as the founder of my own business.

To quote cover-girl Grace Beverley:

Productivity does NOT mean working non-stop and never having time for yourself, downtime is equally as important.

This is a win and also a bloody big AHA (and smack on my own head). I hope it can give YOU the confidence to get out of your comfort zone just a tiny little bit more.

This is truly what this whole magazine issue is about. Confidence. The confidence that stems from believing in yourself, but also loving your body, nurturing your soul and just turning that crazy business idea into reality.

Take the time to ask yourself questions that can prompt you to try something new.

If could do something, anything, to really push yourself out of your comfort zone, what would you do? What can you take on this month and challenge yourself?

Cover girl Grace Beverley and her business journey are a great example of overcoming challenges and building the confidence to go after your dreams.

Get out there and chase that dream, regardless of how cringe and cheesy it may sound. If you do not dare to try anything new, you’ll never know.

Fab Giovanetti - Editor in Chief

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