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FEATURES - April 2014
3 Editors
“Be, Know, Do”.
CynDe Clack Tara Goodson
William D. Corlew, III Ramon M. Maisonet Kyle Rauch Jessica Ryan Jennifer Sztalkoper Lisa Taylor Mary Thompson Marie Towner
Lifeliners DFAC Yep! That good!
10 Rough & Tough Hiking Tour Exhaustion, fatigue, excitement and satisfaction guaranteed.
12 Rivers & Spires
Creative ink
A free local festival you’ll love.
Creative Director Sears Hallett
14 Foul Start
We’re talking about drag racing.
18 Center Stage
Thinkstock pg 4, 20, 26
Beemer to Mars Heidi Beemer talks about her prospects to travel to Mars.
CynDe Clack Tara Goodson Paula Hallett Kyle Rauch Clarksville Speedway Santa’s Pub, Nashville
Your Job – Surviving or Thriving
Are you brave enough to hit the spotlight?
18 That Guy Girl That Guy Nashville.
Shutterstock pg 3, 10, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28
20 Are You a Match? A personal story from a bone marrow donor.
24 Giving Back in a Time of Austerity The OSC is not just a social lunch club!
25 It’s Time to Talk about Sexual Violence What can you do to help?
25 Louisiana Recipes We went south this month for some yummy recipes to share.
28 ECFT Record Store Day Notable record stores in the local area.
28 Urban Orienteering A mental and physical challenge for everyone!
Disclaimers: Fort Campbell’s MWR Life Magazine is a monthly magazine produced by the Fort Campbell MWR Marketing Department under the authority of AR 215-1. Facilities and activities publicized are open to authorized patrons.The mention or appearance of commercial advertisers, commercial sponsors and/or their logos does not constitute endorsement by the Federal Government. The information in this issue is current at the time of publication; activities and events are subject to change. MWR Marketing is located at 5663 Screaming Eagle Blvd, Fort Campbell, Kentucky. For more information, call 270-798-7535 or log on to 24 hr. event line - 270-798-3172
Perspective Management
YOUR JOB Surviving or Thriving By Ramon M. Maisonet
It was 3:44 in the afternoon when my desk phone rang. With the kind of day I was having, I admit that I was a tad irked. It was the end of what had been a trying day and I had just found a nice rhythm in getting some reports done. With some reservations, I picked up the phone. “Hi, Ramon. This is so and so from such and such, I thought you were going to get back to me.” Yikes! I realized that I had gotten so engrossed in my tasks that I had completely forgotten that I was researching an issue for this customer and found myself fumbling for any excuse that would avoid an Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) complaint!
of people in the workforce are simply tolerating and enduring their jobs as a means of keeping food in the refrigerator and the lights on at home? I bet if you ventured into the theater of your mind, back to that day that you were sitting in the interview, you were probably just hoping for an opportunity to get that job! Most would argue that you never imagined you’d find yourself simply “enduring” and laboring just to get through the day.
Do I love my job? Absolutely! Do I count the hours until quitting time? I don’t. I enjoy my job immensely. Do I have my days when I’d rather be fishing? I would be lying if I said I didn’t.
of your life pouring yourself into a job that you despise. Life is too short to be miserable at work—and worse, it is impossible to thrive if you don’t like what you are doing. At the core of what I believe about life and work and marriage and Family and everything else that makes up what we call life—I don’t believe that it is in our
Did you know that in our respective lifetimes, we will spend about 40% of our waking hours at work and that a majority
I’m going to share something with you, something that should shake awake the fact that you don’t have to spend 25%
respective blueprints to just “survive.” I believe that we were designed to thrive! I will not, for a single moment, believe that one must accept struggling to scrap and claw through the week, through the work day with nothing left for our Families and loved ones. I will not, for a second, believe that you are trapped with no hope for promotion or pathway to a satisfying career doing something you love. I refuse to give into the notion that you have to live with and be handcuffed by worry, hopelessness, and apprehension about your professional future. No you, my friend, were built to achieve more. This isn’t some motivational article, I promise. But I am imagining standing over you screaming, “Come on you! Give me 5 more!” I believe that there is more to you than what you allow yourself to see, and it has kept you from thriving at work. Aren’t you tired of just surviving? Aren’t you tired of just making it to the end of the day? In fact, if you are starkly honest with yourself and peer into the backyard of your past, ask yourself how many things you’ve “survived.” School, friendships, marriages and obligations to others. As a matter of fact, some of you reading this article are doing everything in your power right now to survive. I hear you: If I can just make it to Friday... If I can just stretch this till payday... If I can just make it to graduation... If I can just make it to lunch... If I can just get one more sick day... If I can just get this loan that I don’t need... If I can just get my kids to the daycare...
I’m far from perfect. I remember just a few months ago looking at the clock in a classroom where I was taking some mandatory training and thinking, Only fifteen more minutes and I’m outta here! If I can just make it to eleven o’clock, the rest of my day will be a breeze. While I admit to that, those occasions are far and few between, I don’t always think like that. In fact, my mind is usually geared to flush out those parts of my day that add value to who I am and what I can do to better enhance myself professionally. This kind of approach has to be done on purpose. Looking to thrive at work is a choice, and with the right kind of attitude, it can be done. The alternate, I’m afraid, is that you can and will find
yourself trapped and adapting the mindset of what I’ll call the Tom Hanks “cast-away” syndrome; in other words, adapting a survival attitude. If you want to develop great character at work, great work habits and be respected, I believe you have to start with becoming consistent in your job. It means you must dedicate yourself to your profession and approach it with the study habits that you had when you first got the job. Don’t allow shortcuts to cheat you out of thriving at work! Bette Davis once said, “To fulfill a dream, to be allowed to sweat over lonely labor, to be given a chance to create, is the meat and potatoes of life. The money is the gravy.” That said, if what you are giving your sweat to is giving you no satisfaction, than I suggest you do what John Maxwell has advised in his Leadership books: change your attitude or change your work address. Finally, I would ask you this most dangerous question: Do you have a motto for your life? I do, and it drives me most every day. It is “Be, Know, Do.” How this motto changed my behavior was in its revelation (once I fully understood it). That is, if you change what you know, you will ultimately change what you do and what you can be. Be what you ultimately see. When I was first hired to work for the Department of Defense, I was hired at a very low pay grade
and position. That did not stop me from dressing, speaking and acting like an executive. I remember once, I was at a meeting with our agency director and we had been invited to another agency to talk about our program. I spoke with such authority that at the end of the meeting, the agency representative said to me, “Ok Sir, we will send this proposal to you for approval.” I kindly and humbly stated that they should direct that correspondence to my boss (who was a little embarrassed by the confusion). Know the end from the beginning. One of the most powerful habits that you can ever incorporate into your everyday living is Stephen Covey’s 2nd Habit, “Begin with the end in mind.” To begin something already knowing what you want your outcome to look like is the most effective way to begin anything you want to do. “Do or Do not. There is no try.” Who knew that the Jedi Master Yoda would provide one of the more insightful quotes that I have ever had the pleasure of reading, but fits into my message to you today. You owe yourself the respect to either do it, or not, but you have to set this standard first in your mind, in your daily thoughts and in everything that you set your eyes to. To “try” to do something is to already begin preparing your excuse for failure. Don’t have a motto? Try this one: “No more excuses.” Now, let’s get to work!
Beemer to Mars
By Lisa Taylor
“By refocusing our space program on Mars for America's future, we can restore the sense of wonder and adventure in space exploration that we knew in the summer of 1969. We won the moon race; now it's time for us to live and work on Mars…” ~Buzz Aldrin In recent years, the world is witnessing a renewed interest in space exploration. Although this mission will be hard, laced with separation, sacrifice and danger - for one Fort Campbell Soldier, this perilous mission is worth the opportunity to explore the uncharted lands of Mars. First Lieutenant Heidi Beemer’s 17 year dream to be one of the first humans to colonize Mars may soon come to fruition as she enters the third round of selections for the Mars One Mission. Beemer was selected out of a pool of 200,000 candidates who applied for this program and joins the ranks of 1,058 candidates who will enter round three of selections. Out of the 1,058 selected to enter round three, only 45 candidates will be chosen to participate in the program, with current plans for only 24 candidates to colonize Mars.
Beemer has long dreamed of being one of the first humans to inhabit Mars since she first read about the Mars robot, Sojourner, in the
Virginian-Pilot newspaper in 1997, sharing that, “Ultimately, this is the greatest thing mankind has ever done. The curiosity of the unknown; that is something I am passionate about. Learning about new things and answering the questions of why we exist? What happened on Mars? What happened on the surface? If we can go to a place that is entirely different from Earth, the discoveries are endless.” Preparation for the Mars One mission is something Beemer has been training for her entire military career. After graduating from the Virginia Military Institute, she was commissioned as an officer in the U. S. Army. Serving as a Chemical Specialist with the 63rd Chemical Company on Fort Campbell, Beemer is no stranger to working in harsh environments surrounded by deadly chemicals, “We do extensive training in full chemical masks and suits and we go down range to environments that are hostile to humans. I have actually been in a facility that had live chemical agents, where if you took your mask off you would become severely sick. Knowing that I can keep a level head and be calm during a training situation like that lets me know that I am going to be okay in situations I may face where it is life or death.” There will be a considerable amount of self satisfaction for those chosen to go to Mars, however, Beemer insists, “This isn’t 100 percent about me. This is something that humanity needs
Hometown Hero and we need people who are willing to volunteer for this mission to say hey, I’m going to leave everything behind and go do this.” Since completing round two of selections Beemer has taken to sharing her deep passion for space exploration through public outreach, stating, “I have been able to go to elementary schools, middle schools and high schools to talk to kids and get them more excited about not only the Mars One program but space exploration in general. This is their future, something they will one day have to take care of.” In addition to providing leadership to her Soldiers and training to qualify for the Mars One Mission, Beemer is a volunteer coach for the Royals Futbol Club saying that, “Soccer has been an outlet I have used my entire life. I played Division One soccer with the Virginia Military Institute, and I learned so much about leadership and myself. This is the first year that I actually have teams. Working with kids, seeing them look up to me and being able to share with them the love I have for this sport has been an awesome experience.” 2024 is the target year for humans to take their next step forward in the universe by landing the very first team on the Red Planet. Phase three of the selection process will begin in April of this year. Keep an eye on Beemer as she is sure to make a steady climb towards achieving this milestone in human history. Find Heidi on Twitter at beemer2mars
“I think this is fulfilling a lifelong dream. This is something I have wanted to do my whole life! It is almost to the point where everything is unfolding and I almost feel like maybe I really am made to do this.” ~Heidi Beemer
Down the Block
Lifeliners DFAC By CynDe Clack
On a recent Thursday, around lunch time, I took a short car ride with a couple of friends and had the best catfish I have ever had! Did I get your attention? I meant to, because I want you to know how good this meal was. You already know that Tara and I have been trying out all of the Dining Facilities on post so that we could tell you about them. When it came time to choose which one we would eat at this month, she suggested this one - the 101st Sustainment Bde “Lifeliners” DFAC. When she told me that they had some really great catfish on Thursdays, I thought, yeah – ok – so it’s probably good, but that good? Yep! That good! The first thing I noticed as we walked in the door (other than the really yummy
aromas) was a plaque they have hanging to the right. It’s the Commanding General’s Best Dining Facility Award for 4th Qtr FY13. I can certainly see why they received this award. The entire facility was clean and uncluttered, everyone was very friendly and helpful and the food was great. Three of us went to lunch together. Normally, we will try to get different items so we can try more of the selections – and that was our intent as we walked in the door. Well, that didn’t happen. We all had the catfish, we all had the collard greens, I had rice and the others both had mac and cheese. The only thing we all had different was dessert. It’s not that the other selections weren’t appealing – it’s that the catfish looked PERFECT. We went on a Thursday which has a Soul Food theme, but there are plenty of choices to pick from if you don’t want the “theme of the day.” They have a hot grill, a large salad bar, a sandwich bar and I’m pretty sure I saw soup and I definitely saw plenty of desserts. If you get a chance to give this Dining Facility a try – it will be worth your time!
6755 A Shau Valley Road (270) 412-4127 Weekday hours: Breakfast: 8 – 9:30 a.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dinner: 4:30 – 6 p.m. Weekend/Holiday hours: Breakfast: 8:30 – 10 a.m. Lunch: 12 – 1:30 p.m. Dinner: 4 – 5:30 p.m. Please call (270) 412-DFAC (3322) to confirm weekend DFAC operations.
Spotlight on MWR
Rough & Tough Hiking Tour By Kyle Rauch
The Rough & Tough Hiking Tour is a series of hikes designed to get adventurous souls out into some of the most wild and beautiful country in our area. It kicked off with an 11 mile hike on March 8 at Land Between the Lakes. Fort Campbell Outdoor Recreation will be leading five more “Rough & Tough” hikes during the spring and fall seasons. The combined mileage of the hikes will be over 60 miles! Each hike will take you to a different location in Tennessee, Illinois, or Alabama to see waterfalls, mountains, old-growth trees, rocky gorges, and many more splendors of the natural world.
accomplishment when they return to the trailhead after a good day on foot. Outdoor Recreation Adventure Programs has chosen some of the most wild and unique locations for your hikes. With trail names like the Fiery Gizzard, Savage Gulf, and Walls of Jericho, participants can expect some of the toughest hiking in the South, but will be rewarded with experiences that few others are willing to trek for. Along the way, you’ll be considering the cultural and natural history of these places to add to your experience. Expect to ponder everything from shear rock walls and rattlesnakes to old moonshine stills and graveyards that are encountered along the crooked trail. The spring hikes are headed to locations that highlight raging waterfalls, spring wildflowers, and fresh air. The fall hikes will visit places with astounding views of fall foliage and dry creek beds where you can explore the rocky gorges. Rough & Tough Hiking Tour Schedule April 12 – Virgin Falls 10 miles Virgin Falls is a 10 mile hike located near Sparta, TN. It features several waterfalls and scenic vistas within the wilderness area and is rated as difficult. The spring thaw and rains will hopefully have the waterfalls roaring and wildflowers blooming in this natural area.
March 8th Tough Hike at Land Between the Lakes
If you enjoy hiking, exploring, getting fresh air and good exercise, seeing new places or just want to spend the day with some like-minded people, then the Rough & Tough hiking tour is for you. We will be doing all these things as we make our way along the 2014 tour. Participants should be aware that these will be long strenuous day hikes on rough and uneven terrain. There is a chance of mud, bug bites, rain, and sprains. There is a guarantee of exhaustion, fatigue, excitement, and satisfaction. Proper footwear, clothing, food, water, and attitude are required. Participants will feel a great sense of
May 10 – Savage Gulf 11 miles Savage Gulf is a 15,590 acre natural area carved into the western edge of the Cumberland Plateau in Grundy and Sequatchie Counties. The sheer sandstone cliffs and canyons make it one of Tennessee’s most rugged and scenic areas rivaling even the Smoky Mountains. Old moonshine stills and wandering black bears could be spotted along the trail or beside a rushing waterfall.
September 20 – Bell Smith Springs 8 miles Bell Smith Springs is located in Shawnee National Forest. It contains a series of clear rocky streams and scenic canyons bordered
by high sandstone cliffs and an abundance of prairie vegetation unique to Illinois. During the hike you will see wonderful rock formations such as Devil’s Backbone, Boulder Falls and a natural rock bridge. October 25 – Fiery Gizzard 13 miles Fiery Gizzard Trail is located near Tracy City, TN and is considered one of the best day hikes in the country. It features waterfalls, vistas, rock formations and is recommended for the true adventurer. November 22 – Walls of Jericho 9 miles The Walls of Jericho in Jackson County, Alabama (just below the Tennessee state line) is often called “The Grand Canyon of the South”. In the late 1700’s, Davy Crockett explored the area. A traveling minister came upon the Walls of Jericho in the late 1800s and was so captivated by the cathedral-like beauty that he declared it needed a biblical name and the name stuck. With all these great hikes to offer – there is something for everyone! For more information about these or any other Outdoor Recreation Adventure Programs, please call (270) 412-7854.
The choice to pursue your degree is one of the best investments you can make in yourself, and at Jones International University we are serious about empowering you to accomplish your goals and achieve the career you envision. Top 10 Military Friendly University First fully accredited online institution Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) member Military Tuition Assistance—including reduced tuition rates, no academic and application fees, undergraduate book program and approved for GI Bill Benefits including the Yellow Ribbon Program
Jones International University !33/#)!4% 3 s "!#(%,/2 3 s -!34%2 3 s $/#4/2!4% s #%24)&)#!4%3 *2-week trial is available for new students and is subject to change without notice.
This ‘n That from Chiptune Rock to Soul, R&B, Funk, Gospel and everything in-between. Saturday at 7 p.m., the Public Square Stage will feature headliner, Randy Houser. Expect Randy to perform some of his biggest hits such as “Goodnight Kiss”, “How Country Feels”, “Boots On”, and “Runnin’ Outta Moonlight”. If you dream of being the one on stage giving the performance, then you may have a By CynDe Clack chance to give it a try. There are three Fort Campbell is very lucky to be opportunities designed to give you the stage. On Thurssurrounded by supportive communities. Not every day, Z97.5 will host a Last Band Standing military post has the opportunities we have to enjoy Contest on the Strawberry Alley Stage starting at 6 p.m. great local activities, festivals, and entertainment – often Last Band Standing will continue on Friday starting at free – that we do. One such festival is coming up at the 5 p.m. with the Finals on Saturday starting at 4 p.m. On end of this month. Clarksville will hold their 12th annual Saturday, the youth have a chance to take the spotlight Rivers & Spires festival on April 24, 25 and 26. This FREE with ‘Aspire to Stardom.” Aspire to Stardom is a youth festival has won numerous awards, the latest being five talent show for ages 3 to 20. Talented youth who sing, awards received at the Festivals & Events Association dance or have a hilarious comedy act may get a chance (IFEA) Convention for the 2013 Festival. Winning an to perform on the Courthouse Stage starting at 5 p.m. award at the IFEA convention is no small thing. On Saturday, Q108 has teamed up with the Rivers & Festivals from countries around the world compete for Spires Festival to hold “Clarksville’s Got Talent.” There these awards. The Rivers & Spires Festival has also been will be five audition stops prior to the April 26 finals named a top 100 Event in North America for 2014 by where you will perform before a panel of judges. The the American Bus Association. top three selected at each audition stop will compete in The Festival is held in Historic Downtown the finals. If you are a singer, dancer, musician, Clarksville and will include five stages of entertainment with over 100 entertainers performing, children’s activities, arts & crafts, car shows, military exhibits, shopping and much more. Admission to the Festival is free including all concerts and many games and activities. The weekend will kick off on April 24 with “Throwback Thursday.” Head downtown for some great music of the 80’s by cover bands Rubiks Groove on the Public Square Stage at 6:30 p.m. and Slippery When Wet at 8:30 p.m. Slippery When Wet is the ultimate Bon Jovi tribute band while Rubiks Groove does everything from Prince to The Cure. The musical entertainment doesn’t end on Thursday – it just gets bigger and comedian, juggler, magician, member of a better! Various stages will feature a plethora of artists performance group, or master of your own unique including local and regional bands that play everything talent – they want to see you perform. One finalist or group will be declared the winner and receive a cash prize. The most popular area, the award-winning Family Fun Zone, has great activities for kids from toddlers to teens and everyone in-between. This year, the Festival has combined Toddler Town, Kids Zone, Teen Zone and Green Zone into one Family friendly area, located along Hiter and Commerce Streets. There you will find over 60 free events for kids of all
ages to enjoy, including music, inflatables, performers, demonstrations, face painting, carnival games and numerous kids of interactive entertainment. “Dragon Scales and Faily Tales” will be the featured kids’ entertainer this year. Toddler Town will also offer rotating featured entertainers as well as soft play mats and inflatables geared especially for the little ones. For the hard-core gamer, CDE Lightband will host their inaugural Gig City Gaming Area. The underground parking garage located off of Franklin Street will be transformed into a modern day arcade packed full of virtual reality and multiplayer games. There will be several different types of gaming consoles set up for participants to play. The Gig City Gaming Area will be open to all ages at certain times of the day. As the maturity level of the games increases, so will the age limit (age limits to enter the area will be strictly enforced). I’ve barely scratched the surface of all the great events that will be taking place. Check out their website at for more information.
Thursday, April 24, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. (limited activities on Thursday) Friday, April 25, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, April 26, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
All Revved Up By William D. Corlew, III
In a world where methanol and diaper collide; when you discover chaos disrupting the humdrum: one thrill seeker will embark on an epic breakout journey that will outwit the common speed trap and take deep stage to energize the illumination of every Christmas tree. One clutch will rise and one dropped cylinder will fall. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you: Foul Start … and this time, it’s Eliminations! I know, it sounds like a cheesy announcement of a new movie from that “movie trailer guy”, Don LaFontaine (1940 – 2008) introducing a complicated new action thriller. But wait, don’t change the channel (or the page) and you’ll see later how Mr. LaFontaine is related to this adventure. However, for the moment, we’re talking about drag racing!
According to the National Hot Rod Association (NHRA), in the United States, drag racing has been around since at least the 1930s; although, many argue over who originated it and where it began. Most historians attribute drag racing to Wally Parks who worked as a military tank test-driver for General Motors while serving in the U.S. Army in the South Pacific during World War II ( In 1947, Wally became the general manager for the Southern California Timing Association and organized the first Speed Week held at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah, in 1949 ( However, the first official drag strip was located on an airfield and dubbed the Santa Ana Drags in Santa Ana,
California, 1950. Nonetheless, wherever there were thrill seekers, fast cars, fans, and inconspicuous locations; whether legal or illegal, drag race enthusiasts have been around for some time. According to, the term drag racing comes from a simple challenge of “drag your car out of the garage and race me” to the largest street in a city typically is named or referred to as Main Street, hence the “main drag”. Drag racing is popularized in cinema from movies such as Rebel Without a Cause, American Graffiti, and Grease to the Fast and Furious series. Today, the NHRA is the world’s largest motorsports sanctioning body with 80,000 members, 140 member tracks, more than 35,000 licensed competitors, and more than 5,000 member track-events ( There are more than 200 classes of vehicles featured in NHRA competitions, from categories such as Top Fuel, Funny Car, and Pro Stock to Pro Stock Motorcycle, Super Stock, and Super Street; average speeds and times for these vehicles can range in excess of 195-mph in less than seven seconds for the motorcycle category to 330-mph in 4.4 seconds in the Top Fuel categories – all over a quarter-mile track. Most people associate drag racing with the Top Fuel and Funny Car categories. The Top Fuel Cars are 25-feet long and kicks a whopping 7,000-horsepower; the Funny Car with minor differences, is a shortened version of the Top Fuel Cars. So, if you forgot to list California and Utah in your travel plans this year, don’t
fret, Clarksville, Tennessee has a drag strip. The Clarksville Speedway and Fairgrounds is located at 1600 Needmore Road and their website lists their schedule of events. Therefore, if you are searching for a quick inexpensive getaway, insert, or copy and paste the Clarksville Speedway to your calendar this weekend. But before you go, if you are a first-time fan, here are a few tips to make your trip more pleasurable. First, arrive early and wear comfortable clothes: consider bringing earplugs, a hat and blanket, sunscreen, and sunglasses; second, be prepared to move around, you may be able to receive autographs and coax a local fan favorite into taking a photo; plan your exit time; and lastly, learn the lingo. As with any sport, each event has its special terminology that keeps the competition moving and action interesting. Drag racing may not yield an intentional grounding call, the hapless holding penalty, the continuous crowd-chant of “defense, defense”, a faceoff, goaltending, or the baritone “Boo”; but it is sure to provide a holeshot, dail under, full tree, and a pro tree (as well as the above drag race lingo strategically placed in the opening). Additionally, since drag racing has Army ties, that “movie trailer guy” I mentioned earlier - Don LaFontaine was also enlisted in the United States Army as a recording engineer for the Army Band and Chorus in the late 1950s to early 1960s. Therefore, go out this weekend and enjoy a new adventure starring the one and only – “you” at Foul Start: have fun, Fort Campbell community!!
1. 101st Airborne Division Headquarters 2. 19th Hole (Cole Park) 3. Army Community Service (ACS) & ACS Director Director 4. Army Education Center 5. Arts and Crafts Center, Center, Guenette 6. ASYMCA Backdoor Boutique 7. ASYMCA Family Center 8. Auto Service Center, Center, Air Assault Auto 9. Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers Program Program (BOSS) 10. Blanchfield Army Community Hospital 11. Bowling Center, Center, Hooper 12. Civilian Personnel Advisory Center 13. Commissary 2. Community Activities Center (Cole Park) 30. CYSS, Parent Parent Central Services (Central Registration) 30. CYSS, School Liaison 38. CYSS, SKIESUnlimited Center 14. Dog Kennels 17. Dawg Haus (Dining) 18. Estep W Wellness ellness Center (Gear-to-Go) 19. Equipment Rental (Gear-to-Go) 20. Exchange/Food Court/Mall Resource Center (FRC) 21. Family Resource 22. Financial Readiness (Army Emer Emergency gency Relief)
(270)798-9793 (270)798-4610x106 (270)798-9322 (270)798-3201 (270)798-6693 (270)956-1566 (270)798-7422 (270)956-1101/1100 (270)798-7858 (270)798-8055 (270)798-5887 (270)798-7161 (270)798-3663 (270)798-4610 (270)798-0674 (270)798-9874
23. Fryar Stadium, Sports Admin Office Office 2. Golf Course (Cole Park) 15. Joe Swing (Rental Recreation Recreation Facility) 20. Leisure Travel Services Leisure Travel 26. Library, R.F. F.. Sink Memorial Library, R.F 27. MWR Director Director F. Pratt 28. Museum, Don F. Recreation Main Building 29. Outdoor Recreation 31. Pool, Baldonado 32. Pool, Dolan Gardner Indoor 33. Pool, Gardner 34. Pool, Single Recreation Center, Center, Dale Wayrynen Wayrynen 9. Recreation 14. Riding Stables (SFAC) 39. Soldier and Family Assistance Center (SFAC) Buffet (Cole Park) 2. Southern Buffet
(270)798-3094 (270)798-4906 (270)798-4610x119 (270)798-7436 (270)798-5729 (270)798-9953 (270)798-3215/4986 (270)798-2175 (270)798-5207 (270)798-5350 (270)798-6310 (270)798-4247 (270)798-7391 (270)798-2629 (270)412-6000 (270)798-4610
(270)412-5811 (270)798-5590 (270)798-0766 (270)798-4664/4023 (270)798-6806 (270)439-1841 (270)956-2935 (270)798-5518
41. Sportsman’ Sportsman’ss Lodge (Dining) 42. T Teen een Club 24/7 43. The Zone 44. T Tricare ricare 45. V Veterinary eterinary Services 46. Wilson Theater 42. Y Youth outh Center (T (Taylor) aylor) 42. Y Youth outh Sports
(931)431-4140 (270)956-1033 (270)461-0603 1-877-874-2273 (270) 798-3614 (270) 798-6857 (270)798-3643 (270)798-6355
Off the Beaten Path
By Tara Goodson
We know there is no shortage of musical talent just an hour down the road in Nashville. What may surprise you is the talent in the karaoke bars on any given night of the week. You don’t have to stick to the downtown area to sing your heart out, but you do have to be able to carry a tune and to do it well. I’ve been to my share of karaoke places in the time I’ve lived here, but have never once stepped onto the stage. I’m smart enough to know that even with a copious amount of liquid courage, I will still sound like a cat screeching on the back fence. If you are brave and talented enough to hit the spotlight, these are a few of my favorite spots. I’m not alone in my choices, as the first three locations have been voted the top in Nashville Scene’s Best of Nashville poll for the past several years. Santa’s Pub 2225 Bransford Avenue, Nashville, TN 37204 Cash only Karaoke nightly at 7 p.m., and 9 p.m. on Sundays. The doors open at 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 1 p.m. Friday through Sunday. This dive bar has been voted one of the best in America and has been the setting of several music videos. If you want to check out the look of the place, watch Toby Keith and Jimmy Buffett’s video Too Drunk to Karaoke. Lonnie's Western Room 208 Printers Alley, Nashville, TN 37201 Minimum $20 for debit/credit card transactions, cash. Karaoke nightly from 6 p.m. Nashville Star got its start at Lonnie’s. That should give you a good clue about the level of talent you can see here. In fact, the only fancy thing about Lonnie’s is the singing here. Bare bones tables, chairs, and a limited bar don’t stop this place from getting packed on the weekends. The KJs and staff are fun and
will call you out for being a wallflower, so be prepared to be in the spotlight. No heckling allowed, so this is a great place to build your confidence. The Lipstick Lounge 1400 Woodland Street, Nashville, TN 37206 Credit/debit cards, cash Karaoke every Tuesday through Saturday at 9 p.m., and Sunday at 8 p.m., closed Mondays. It really doesn’t matter if you are new to the area or a regular, the owners and staff have a knack for remembering faces and welcome everyone. Trivia, dirty bingo, a great patio and “…suspiciously good karaoke…”according to The Tennessean, and I have to agree. Put your assumptions aside and check out this “peoples’ bar.”
Honorable mentions: Wanna B’s 305 Broadway, Nashville, TN 37201 Troubadours 423 Broadway, Nashville, TN 37201
Santa’s Pub, Nashville
Healthy Living
Are You A Match? By Tara Goodson
When I was 15, my 11 year old brother, James, almost died. Not because of stupidity, or carelessness, but by a sheer unlucky statistic. April is National Donate Life month. According to, “Organ procurement organizations, transplant centers, national donation organizations and other organizations sponsor special awareness events and donor recognition ceremonies to promote donation awareness and registration. National Donate Life Month was established in 2003. Every day in April, people across the U.S. make a special effort to celebrate the tremendous generosity of those who have saved lives by becoming organ, tissue, marrow, and blood donors and to encourage more Americans to follow their fine example.” Normally Christmas break is a grand time for kids, but James had been complaining of not feeling well and running a low grade fever. Christmas morning, he wasn’t very enthusiastic about opening presents and went to take a nap after we cleaned up. Later, as we sat down to dinner, I made a snide comment about him getting a hold of a highlighter. My mom, dad and sister all turned to look at him and we realized the yellow tone was coloring more than just his skin. The whites of his eyes, his fingernails, even his gums had a yellow tinge. My parents quickly bundled him off to the emergency room of the hospital at our local base.
I don’t recall when they finally got home that evening, only that James looked terrible and my normally stoic dad’s hands were shaking as he reached for a coffee cup. My talkative mom was very quiet as she called my sister Jen and me to the table. It turned out that James had hepatitis and his liver was failing. His bilirubin count was so low that he wouldn’t be able to attend school until it increased. A few blood tests later determined no one else in my Family had the condition. My parents had to notify the school system, the health department and anyone James had been in contact with during the last few months. Eventually he was diagnosed as having Non A/Non B Hepatitis of unknown origin. With strict orders to take it easy and a recurring doctor appointment to check his bilirubin count, we thought this would eventually become something to joke about as our Family history. You know…remember the time Tara thought James colored himself with a highlighter? Instead it was the beginning of a journey that changed our Family dynamic. Weeks went by and the jaundice had subsided. James was able to go back to school and he was anxious to play spring sports. He’d occasionally complain of being tired and having headaches, but we thought it was hormones. During a sports physical, Dr. Bowers noticed bruises all over his body and it triggered several other questions. continued on page 21
Are You A Match? continued Dr. Bowers ordered a full work up and rushed James to the lab. While he was undergoing what became a regular process at the lab, Dr. Bowers made a phone call to a local oncologist. One thing that hasn’t changed in the years of military hospital care is the referral process, so the knowledge of securing a same day referral was an indicator of how sick James really was. Its funny how recollection works; I don’t remember the hospital trips my brother and parents made. I don’t recall things in our house being vastly different. I wonder if it’s my body’s response to dealing with a stressful situation, or more than likely, how amazing my parents were at keeping the “normal” going in our house. My dad was active duty Air Force and my mom worked at the NCO club and they maintained a normal schedule. School was normal, extracurricular activities were normal, even the fights my brother, sister and I had were normal. Military Families have been resilient, long before it became the key word. The appointment day came for James at the oncologist, and very quickly Dr. Ward recommended a bone marrow biopsy. He explained it would be extremely painful but would give him the answers he needed to provide the best care for James. James remembered two things about this doctor - he was very short and had the worst razor burn that he’s ever seen. My mom and dad remember thinking Dr. Ward was just a kid, and how would he be able to help James? “It’s not cancer, but we have to treat it like it is.” The final diagnosis was Aplastic Anemia. In our Family history, there are no hereditary markers for it; he hadn’t undergone radiation or chemotherapy treatment, didn’t have an autoimmune disorder or any of the other factors other than the Non A/Non B Hepatitis. After weighing the pros and cons, a bone marrow transplant was
deemed the best choice. Dr. Ward was extremely concerned about how quickly James’ blood cell count was decreasing. With Aplastic Anemia, all three blood cell types are damaged. Aplastic refers to the inability of the stem cells to generate the mature blood cells. The other choice at the time was steroid treatments, but the survival rate was not good in my brother’s case. My parents approached my sister,
Lackland AFB in San Antonio would become home to James, my parents and I for the next 100 days. He would need to stay in a sterile flow room for 30 days minimum, and the remaining days would include doctor appointments and tests. Everything is a blur from the time we got the results back saying I would be the donor, to actually arriving in Texas. We flew there via a medavac flight, held
Jennifer, and me about possible donation. In my 15 year old mind, Jennifer was the obvious choice; after all she was his twin. There was never any doubt about donating although my parents made it clear it was our choice. A simple cheek swab determined I was the better match for James with five of the six markers needed and Jennifer only having three. It seems naive now, but shock rippled through our Family. Decisions about where to seek treatment needed to be made quickly as James became weaker with each passing day. Wilford Hall Medical Center at
specifically for James for more than three hours on the tarmac at Malmstrom, to Scott AFB. My mom recalls the crew and other medical emergencies on board looking shocked when my deathly ill brother walked onto the plane held specifically for him, wearing headphones and “cutting up” like a normal 11 year old boy would do. He had undergone a blood transfusion earlier that day and appeared healthy. The medavac flight was loud and we weren’t sure what would happen when we caught the next leg of the flight. We deplaned at Scott AFB and were told that our next flight was waiting
for us. The only aircraft on the tarmac was a Leer Jet. Sick or not, James and I were beyond thrilled to be able to fly on a private plane! With all the medical equipment needed to the flight, we were confined to a small area, but it didn’t dampen my enthusiasm. After all I was just 15 and this was by far, the coolest thing I had ever gotten to do. An ambulance waited for us on the flight line to whisk us to the hospital. I lost count of how many vials of blood that were drawn from me while my brother was admitted. In the haze of exhaustion I realized I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to him, and how worried I was that the next time I saw him would be in a coffin. In the ambulance his face was so pale, we could see his veins and his eyes had glazed over and looked sunken. I hadn’t experienced the loss of someone I loved and I was scared to pieces. Through a maze of hallways and doors, the nurse escort chatted to keep him awake. James remembered the escort telling him that two adults had died because he was prioritized over them and he had less than six months to live if he didn’t get the transplant. In hindsight, the nurse was probably trying to get my brother to realize how fortunate he was to be able to get a transplant. Within hours of arrival James was admitted to surgery to implant a Hickman catheter (define this?), was given a “super bath” to kill any organisms living on his skin and subjected to so many tests he lost count. Imagine being 11 years old, not understanding the medical jargon and not even getting to hug your Family before you wake up behind a thick sheet of plastic, noise everywhere from airflow and looking to see two large rubber gloves sticking out of a wall. Not knowing if you would even be able to leave the room, or feel the touch of a person without the rubber gloves between your skin and theirs. He was given a year’s worth of chemotherapy treatments over a five day period. I remember sitting outside the room, waiting to see if he would wake up, watching his hair fall off
his head and being so very quiet because I didn’t want to stress my parents out. I wandered the hallways and noticed there were many more males than females and the ages varied. There were two women that passed away shortly after our arrival because they didn’t have a match for a transplant. James was the youngest patient and statistics didn’t look good. Drs. Long and Mather didn’t care about statistics; “Never mind about the numbers, every patient is different” was a common phrase they said to each of us. After the fifth day, we were given the ok to proceed with the donation because James now had no living bone
marrow in his body. Bone marrow is harvested from the back side of the pelvis with a long hollow needle. I remember being scared but not once ever doubting the choice. For me it was a minor surgery with the worst complication being the morphine induced nausea. For James, it was the determining factor between life and death. Afterward, walking the halls to speed along recovery, watching what looked like a simple red bag of cherry slush drip into his arm and thinking it looked like nothing and wondering, hoping, wishing it would work. At the time, James was one of the youngest patients to be treated at Wilford Hall. He was the only Aplastic Anemia patient, and responded well to the marrow donation and the drugs given to ensure his body did not reject my marrow. Five years of annual appointments to Wilford Hall, anti-rejection drugs flown from Lackland to Malmstrom specifically for James, a long year of homeschool sessions and many tears later, he was given the remission status. Statistically, siblings have a one in four chance of matching during an organ transplant. Non-Family members have a much lower rate, but what if you are the one person that can save somebody’s life? Would you be so quick to turn your back knowing you can save someone’s life by simply filling out a form or marking a box? Check the box when you get a new driver’s license, register at or even donate blood. Save someone’s life. Had I not donated bone marrow to James, odds are he wouldn’t be the man my daughters get to call Uncle Weirdo today. He wouldn’t be father to my beautiful niece, husband to my sister-in-law. Brother to Jen, son to my parents. He just wouldn’t be. Who he is today is an amazing survivor that provides for his Family. He deals with survivor’s guilt because of the simple sentence the nurse said to him. He wonders what happened to the men and women that saved his life, he worries about his daughter. He is my brother.
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Giving Back
Community Connections
in a Time of AusterityBy Marie Towner & Jennifer Sztalkoper
Today’s Army Spouses’ lives are both rewarding and challenging. Army Spouses are honored to serve alongside their service members in support of their country while also negotiating frequent moves, deployments, careers, households, and raising their Families. They are often doing this on their own, but they are not alone. The Spouse community provides the encouragement to not only survive, but to thrive and give back to other military Families and our local communities. The Fort Campbell Officers’ Spouses’ Club (OSC) offers an authentic way to connect with other military Spouses while focusing on helping others. That is right, the OSC is not just a social lunch club! The Fort Campbell OSC hosts entertaining events that raise considerable donations for military Families and the communities surrounding Fort Campbell as well as national organizations, such as the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) and the National Military Family Association (NFMA). Last year, the OSC raised a sum equal to $20,000 in scholarships and $63,000 in grants. As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, the OSC offers scholarships to Family Members of active-duty, retired or deceased military personnel of all ranks who are going to attend their first year of college or are continuing their education. Plus, the OSC
supports the Fort Campbell and surrounding communities through grants to organizations, such as the Armed Services YMCA, the Fisher House, Roxy Regional Theatre, Pennyroyal Arts Council, The Food Initiative, St. Luke Free Clinic of Hopkinsville, school sports and activities, Special Olympics, Humane Society of Clarksville, and Loaves and Fishes, just to name a few. Events hosted by the Fort Campbell OSC bring Spouses together as well as support a greater good. With plenty of original ideas that are a sure recipe for fun, the OSC’s luncheons,
dinners and special events are must attend events. Whether the OSC hosts a Spa Day luncheon or an Oktoberfest celebration, the OSC finds any excuse to enjoy the festivities while raising funds. The Fort Campbell OSC’s largest fundraisers come from their annual Craft Fair, and our Very Important Charity Event (VICE) Night. During the OSC’s 2014 “Boots & Pearls” themed VICE Night, guests will be entertained by a country music artist, indulge in a barbecue dinner, be able to participate in a bidding war in both silent and live auctions for items ranging from small baskets to gift packages valued up to thousands of dollars, and enjoy more country themed recreational activities. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased via the website,, or at the door. Break out your cowboy hats and boots and mark your calendars for April 11, at 6 pm, at The Wilma Rudolph Event Center in downtown Clarksville and support the Fort Campbell OSC. You never know, you may just end up riding that mechanical bull that you have dreamed of all these years or demonstrate your prowess on the shooting range to all your friends!
The members of the Fort Campbell OSC enjoy and experience such gratification as a part of an organization that takes a festive affair to the next level, while offering a legacy of friendship and goodwill to all members and Fort Campbell’s communities for years to come. With a legacy that goes back over 40 years, the Fort
Campbell OSC continues to carry the torch forward for the next generation of military Spouses. Fort Campbell OSC thrives when military Spouses say, “Count me in!”, and get involved. Becoming a Fort Campbell OSC member demonstrates a Spouse’s commitment to her/himself, the Army, and Fort Campbell and the surrounding communities. Any affiliates can show their support of OSC’s mission by donating generously and being OSC’s guests throughout the year. 2013-2014 has been a landmark year for the Fort Campbell OSC and the organization would love to grow their OSC Family even more. For more information about joining the Fort Campbell OSC or their upcoming events, please
visit their website at The OSC welcomes your support and lasting friendship this year and moving on into the future!
In the Know
It’s Time to Talk about Sexual Violence By Mary Thompson
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and this year the 2014 National Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) campaign focuses on healthy sexuality and young people. How can you play a role in promoting a healthy foundation for relationships, development and sexual violence prevention? SAAM 2014 engages adults in supporting positive youth development, and encourages young people to be activists for change. This April, use your voice to impact our future. A topic like sexual violence can feel overwhelming and unsettling. No matter what the circumstances are today, we can all create positive change for the future and prevent sexual violence. Social change is the process of shifting attitudes, values and actions to address social problems in a positive way. Anyone at any age can be an agent of social change. Being an agent of social changes is an active way to create a safer, healthier future for you, our community, and our world.
Healthy sexuality is a vision to end sexual violence. It means having the knowledge and power to express sexuality in ways that enrich our lives. It’s about every person being able to make consensual, respectful, and informed choices. There is no room for pressure, violence or control. Sexuality is more than sex. Healthy sexuality affects us on emotional, cultural, physical and social levels. Sexuality is part of each person but it doesn’t stop there. Communities and society as a whole are impacted by the ways we talk about sex. Think about the messages that you’ve heard. Do you think this information has been positive and helpful? Consider unhealthy messages and behavior you have heard or seen. Take time to recognize that negative or unhelpful information that you might need to unlearn or challenge. You can be an agent of change. It’s about taking small, sustainable steps to positively
influence the world around you. Understanding what healthy sexuality looks and feels like is an important part of creating a vision for social change. Creating a vision for social change can inspire us to act in positive ways. How do you become an agent of change? Know your power. Your voice is valuable and influential. Take a stand again oppression. Social change is about shifting dynamics and challenging oppression which can be based on race, gender, sexual orientation. Use your creativity. Think how your interests and skills can educate and inspire others. Connect with your community. Discover the resources. Uncover opportunities to volunteer and participate. Read more at NSVRC - National Sexual Violence Resource Center - Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) campaign.
Other online resources available:
Local Resources available: The official Army's Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) website. The program exists so the Army can prevent sexual harassment and sexual assaults before they occur. Our goal is to eliminate sexual harassment and sexual assaults by creating a climate that respects the dignity of every member of the Army Family.
Fort Campbell Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) 24/7 Hotline (270) 498-4319 RAINN - Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network The nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization
DoD Safe Helpline: 1-877-995-5247 Fort Campbell Military & Family Life Consultant Program (270) 205-1917 Off Post - Sanctuary, Inc. Provides victims of domestic violence and sexual assault with services including 24 hour Crisis Line, Crisis Counseling, Victim Centered Support, Emergency Shelter Crisis Line (270)886-8174 - Business Line (270) 885 4572
Louisiana Recipes
In the Kitchen
We thought we would go south for some yummy recipes this month. We decided to share recipes for a salad, entrée, side and dessert. Try these out and let us know how you like them. You can send photos and comments to
Spicy Shrimp Salad with Mango Dressing *courtesy of
Ingredients: 1 mango • 2 tsp lemon or lime juice • 1 pound of large shrimp • 1 tsp chicken stock • 1 tsp chili powder 1 tsp Louisiana Gold hot sauce • 1 1⁄2 c pineapple chunks (fresh or canned) • 1 c chopped tomato 1 red onion, thinly sliced • Mixed lettuce Directions: Puree peeled mango with lemon or lime juice, reserve. In a sauce pan, combine shrimp, stock, chili, and hot sauce. Cook until the shrimp are done. Remove from heat, add tomatoes, pineapple and onion. Chill. Arrange on lettuce, spoon mango dressing over and serve.
Slow Cooker Blackberry Pork Tenderloin *courtesy of
Ingredients: 1 (2 pound) pork tenderloin • 1 tsp salt • 1 tsp ground black pepper • 1 Tbl dried rubbed sage 1 Tbl crushed dried rosemary (or to taste) • 1 (16 ounce) jar seedless blackberry jam ¼ cup honey • 2 Tbl dry red wine Sauce: ½ cup dry red wine • 2 Tbl honey • 2 cup fresh blackberries Directions: Season the pork tenderloin on all sides with salt, pepper, sage and rosemary. Place the tenderloin into a slow cooker and spoon the blackberry jam, ¼ cup honey and 2 tablespoons of red wine over the pork. Set the cooker to low and cook until very tender – 4 to 5 hours. About 15 minutes before serving, pour ½ cup red wine, 2 tablespoons of honey and the fresh blackberries into a saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-low heat and simmer until the sauce thickens slightly and some of the berries burst (about 15 minutes). To serve, slice the tenderloin and spoon blackberry-wine sauce over slices
Creole Macaroni and Cheese *courtesy of
Ingredients: 1 (8 ounce) package elbow macaroni • 1 cup andouille sausage, diced • 4 Tbl butter • ¾ cup bread crumbs • ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese • 1 onion, chopped • 2 stalks celery, chopped • 1 Tbl all-purpose flour ½ tsp paprika • ½ tsp prepared mustard • 1 ½ cup milk • 1 cup grated Gruyere cheese • 1 ½ cup shredded Cheddar cheese • Kosher salt to taste • Black pepper to taste Directions: Cook macaroni in a large pot of boiling water until al dente. Drain. In a small pan, cook the andouille sausage over medium heat until done. Set aside. In the same pan, melt 1 tablespoon butter over medium heat. Add bread crumbs and stir to coat. Cool, and then mix in Parmesan. Set aside. In a medium saucepan, melt 1 tablespoon butter. Saute onions and celery until translucent. Transfer to a bowl. In the same saucepan, melt 1 tablespoon butter over medium heat. Whisk in the flour to make a white roux. (Try not to let the roux brown at all.) Mix in paprika and mustard then stir in the milk. Bring to boil over medium heat then add Gruyere and Cheddar cheese. Simmer, stirring often, until thick enough to coat the back of a spoon (about 10 minutes). Season with salt and pepper to taste. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 9”x13” pan or similar sized casserole dish. Transfer cooked macaroni to the dish and toss in the andouille sausage. Stir in the cheese mixture. Sprinkle the breadcrumb and Parmesan mixture evenly over the top. Bake for 20 minutes or until crust turns a golden brown.
Sour Cream Pound Cake
*courtesy of
Ingredients: 1/2 pound butter • 2 cups sugar • 2 eggs • ½ tsp vanilla • 2 cups cake flour 1 tsp baking powder • ¼ tsp salt • 1 cup sour cream • ½ cup chopped pecans 1 ½ tsp cinnamon • 2 Tbl sugar Directions: Cream the butter with 2 cups sugar, eggs and vanilla. In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder and salt. Alternately fold sour cream and dry ingredients into the butter mix. Mix pecans, cinnamon and 2 tablespoons sugar. Grease a Bundt pan. Pour in half of the mix. Sprinkle with half the pecan mix, pour in remaining batter and finish with remaining nuts. Bake at 350 degrees F for 55 minutes.
Record Store Day
By Jessica Ryan April 19 is Record Store Day. The day that celebrates independently owned record stores around the world. In the past, musical artists have put out special vinyl record releases as well as performed concerts at local record stores. Here are some notable record stores in the local area: Oddball Music & Media 1631 Fort Campbell Blvd, Clarksville • (931) 920-0051 203 Griffin Bell Rd, Hopkinsville • (270) 887-0051 Formerly known as CD Warehouse, the distinct building on Fort Campbell Blvd is the only record store in Clarksville. For Kentucky residents, a new location opened in Hopkinsville. The store has a large collection of CDs, DVDs, records, action figures, video games and other electronics. Patrons can sell their old items for cash or store credit.
Grimey’s and Grimey’s Too has a large collection of new and preloved CDs, vinyls and DVDs. Patrons can buy, sell and trade these items. The record stores also sell tickets for select concerts at local music venues including Cannery Ballroom, Mercy Lounge, Marathon Music Works, Exit/In, High Watt and Music City Roots at the Loveless Café Barn. Ticket sales are cash only. Grimey’s also hosts special in-store events throughout the year. During previous Record Store Days, notable artists such as Paramore performed at the store.
Third Man Records 623 7th Ave South, Nashville • (615) 891-4393 Founded by Jack White, of White Stripes and Raconteurs fame, Third Man Records opened in Nashville in 2009. According to their website, Third Man Records strives to “bring a spontaneous and tangible aesthetic back into the record business.” Almost all of the records are recorded, printed and pressed locally and produced by the store’s famous owner. In addition to the store, there is also a music venue and vintage analog recording booth where visitors can pay to record music or audio messages. Similar to Grimey’s, the Third Man Records store hosts live performances on Record Store Day.
Grimey’s and Grimey’s Too 1604 8th Ave South, Nashville, (Grimey’s) (615) 254-4801 1702 8th Ave South, Nashville,(Grimey’s Too) (615) 254-4801
To get the latest information on Record Store Day releases, promotions, and events, please check out each store’s website or Facebook page.
Urban Orienteering By CynDe Clack
The next Eagle Challenge Fitness Tour event is Urban Orienteering on April 5. Urban Orienteering will challenge you both mentally and physically. You will be provided with a basic satellite image map that you must use to navigate throughout the urban (on-post) environment. Your mission will be to locate as many navigation points as you can and return to the starting point within the two hour time limit. This event is designed for all ages to participate. All ECFT events are open to everyone in our communities, both inside and outside the gates of Fort Campbell. You can enter as an individual, Family or team. Individual categories are male, female, male wounded warrior
and female wounded warrior. Families can consist of up to 5 total immediate Family members. Teams must consist of three individuals age 18 and older. The event will begin at 9 a.m. If you haven’t crossed the finish line by 11 a.m. you will receive a one point per minute penalty between 11 and 11:30 a.m. The timer will be stopped at 11:30 a.m. Choose your route wisely! Packet pick-up for those who pre-register will be at Cole Park Commons (Kandahar Room) from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Friday, April 4. Preregister online at, just click on the ECFT logo from our home page and select your event. Late registration will be held on Saturday, April 5 from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. at the Town Center Park. The cost for the Urban Orienteering ECFT event is $10 for an individual and $25 for a Family (up to 5 total immediate Family members) or team if you preregister online no later than April 3. If you register in person on the day of the event, the cost will be $15 for an individual and $35 for a Family or team. You can purchase the 2014 Tour t-shirt online or at onsite registration on the day of the event.
Save the date for these upcoming ECFT events: May 17
Little River Days 5K Run and Bike Tour, Hopkinsville, KY
June 21
Warrior Challenge Obstacle Course
July 19
Functional Fitness Challenge
August 30
Sunrise Century Bike Tour, Clarksville, TN
September 13 Trot for the Troops 10K, 5K and Fun Run, Hopkinsville, KY October 18
Go Commando Half Marathon, 5K and Fun Run, Clarksville, TN
November 15 The Culminator 10K, 5K and Fun Run If you can’t make these events, check our website for alternate choices for you and your Family. You can always find more information about the Eagle Challenge Fitness Tour on our website, on our Facebook page,, by subscribing to our eNews or by emailing questions to