Creative Lives’ in-house magazine

Congratulations to Seonaid and everyone who worked on the application for Phase 2 of the Creative Places, Edenderry project - we’ll now be working in the town for another year. Activity there continues to blossom and bloom, including four upcoming Artists Commissions in the form of a community mural doodle, a radio project capturing the stories of local people, a theatrical Halloween event in a primary school, and an intergenerational performance celebrating life in Edenderry.
“We’ve also just launched our 'Alternative Evaluation Exhibition' at Edenderry Library,” says Seonaid. “We asked each artist to respond to their interaction with Creative Places, Edenderry over the past three years, and we were overwhelmed by their beautiful creations! The exhibition will be up for the rest of July.”
[Pictured: Local artists at the Alternative Evaluation Exhibition launch]


In June we held five focus group meetings in Essex, as part of our project working with Essex County Council and freelancers Natasha Richards-Crisp and Damian Hebron, to learn more about creative health activity across the county.
The events explored current creative health practice, research and evaluation, and commissioning. One participant said: "This was extremely useful A great event that enabled networking and sharing," and another said: "I am very interested in this project and am hoping the outcome will make a difference to my work."
Last year we received a grant from Awards for All Wales to set up 'Creative Community Boxes' - boxes of arts and crafts materials - for community groups meeting in libraries in Cardiff.
Our friends at 'Pub is the Hub' were keen on this idea, so we've working with them to provide boxes in rural pubs in Wales, with a grant from the Royal Countryside Fund.
In late June, Gareth delivered two boxes to pubs in South Wales to meet the recipients, and others are being couriered further afield. Gareth said: "It's great that this small project has led to new and unexpected developments: it enabled us to set up an arts & crafts swap in one library; to work with refugees and asylum seekers in another; and now this work in isolated rural communities."


OurBarrierstoBankingsurveyisproducingsomegood evidenceaboutthechallengescreativegroupshavehadtryingto setupandrunabankaccount.
Ithasbeensenttoallourgrantrecipientsinrecentyears,and Awardsshortlists,butpleasecontinuetocirculatethissurveyto othergroupsyoumightbeawareof.ACreativeNetworkabout bankingisbeingplannedforlaterthisyear.
Judging panels are currently meeting across the organisation to choose the national winners of this year’s Creative Lives Awards.
Once the winners and runners-up for England, Ireland/N.Ireland, Scotland and Wales have been chosen, and the Celebrating Diversity panel has met, we’ll close the People’s Choice Awards voting on 29 July and let all our winners know.
We’ve already had over 5,000 votes but please continue to encourage people to choose their favourite via our website - and save the date for the ceremony in London on Thursday 26 September 2024.

Creative Network: Permission to Play - Tuesday 9 July (online). Beverley Ward (founder of The Writers Workshop) discusses writing, exploration, and giving yourself permission to play.
Creative Learning: How AI can help your creative group - Thursday 11 July (online) . A practical learning session demystifying artificial intelligence
Creative Network: AI and Everyday Creativity - Thursday 18 July (online). How could artificial intelligence support, or impact, creative groups?
Robin says: “In June David Bryan and I persuaded Sir Nicholas Serota, Council England, to join us at the 2024 Everyday Creativity Conference House in London on 26 September where he will give a presentation a and aims of ACE’s Let’s Create strategy and the importance of everyda our lives.
“On 22 July I will be at the Houses of Parliament in London for the laun the Arts' - a major new report revealing the state of the arts in the UK, and how the public feels about it, produced by the Campaign for the A with the University of Warwick.”

Shortlisted group, Citizens of the World Choir
Research Intern
What’s your first memory of being creative?
When I was in primary school, my gran and I would come up with short comedy sketches that I would perform at the school talent show. It was great spending time with her creating them and making others laugh (one involved pretending to be a flatscreen TV!).
If you could click your fingers and be proficient at any art/craft form, what would it be?
Pottery. It looks really relaxing and meditative.

Which do you prefer: river walk, beachside stroll or hill climb?
Hill climb, definitely. I love the challenge and the views are such a treat, especially in Scotland where we have some beautiful scenery.
You’re planning a day of live music and can book any 5 artists (living or dead) –who’s on the bill?
Tenacious D, the HU, Marina and the Diamonds, Cher, Burna Boy. A nice eclectic mix.
What inanimate object in your home most sums you up? Either the stacks of books or my walking boots.
What’s your favourite quality in a person?
Humour, it brightens any situation.
Which do you prefer – chocolate bar, slice of cake or biscuit?
Slice of cake.
If you could choose any work of art to hang in your home, what would it be? If I could have it in the garden, I’d love something by Phillip Frank. He creates beautiful moving art installations that fit with the natural landscape.
Which country have you never visited but would love to? or the fascinating culture and amazing food ing scenery, great walks and, of course, Lord

es would be surprised to learn about you eek.
Each month, we ask a colleague to capture an aspect of their life, at home, or out and about.
"I took this photo at Cork School of Music after a recent concert with the local Operatic Society.

I am blessed to call this my workplace; and by "workplace", I mean the space I have been entrusted with to play, create, challenge, dare, dream and do." Tom Doyle, Trustee