Enneagram - 27 Subtypes

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One to One Sexual




Values safety, provision and comfort above all else. The need/focus is to survive through reserving, gaining or needing resources


Values intensity of experience and chemistry [attraction/draw], the need/focus is deep intimacy above all else


Values social hierarchy and the way they fit into it’s structure. The need/focus is to contribute to society and be known in a communal way.



First Subtype of Type 1 Self-Preservation: responding to perceived threats & needs Self-Preservation: Anxiety – The Pioneer Self-preservation subtypes have to do with how one responds to perceived threats and needs [it governs our needs for material supplies and security, including food, shelter, warmth and family relations]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: How am I? I am my body. I sacrifice for myself. I must make it on my own. Ones who have a self-preservation subtype, experience anxiety. They are either very anxious or self-controlled, this subtype channels concerns about survival and security into material achievements, to be a good person and do the right thing. It seems important to subdue nature and to impose order on the natural world. Family, home, food preparation, etc. take precedence over other needs. However, too much self-sacrifice can fuel physical tension and resentment.

Second Subtype of Type 1 Social: creating social structures within communities Social: Inadaptability – The Social Reformer Social subtypes have to do with creating social structures within communities [it governs our needs for belonging and membership within the larger group and community]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: Who am I? I am my group. I sacrifice for the group. We can make it if we all cooperate. Ones who have a social subtype, experience inadaptability. They are comfortable with a secure social role and a clear set of rules. This subtype is usually quite friendly and gregarious on one’s own turf. But an emphasis on doing things the right way can make it hard to adapt to new situations and can also generate resentment or criticism toward others who may be acting “incorrectly.”

Third Subtype of Type 1 One-to-One: primary relationships or coupling One-to-One: Jealousy/Zealousness – The Evangelist One-to-one subtypes have to do with primary relationships or coupling [it governs our sexuality, intimate relationships and close friendships, and the vitality of the life force within our bodies]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: What am I? I am my relationship. I sacrifice for my relationship. It’s you and me against the world. Ones who have a one-toone subtype experience jealousy and zealousness. They have clear rules and standards for correct behavior. This subtype keeps a highly charged instinctual center under strict self-control, leading at times to over zealousness in everything. Keeping a partner’s attention is vital to avoid self-recrimination.



First Subtype of Type 2 Self-Preservation: responding to perceived threats & needs Self-Preservation: Privilege – The Nurturer Self-preservation subtypes have to do with responding to perceived threats and needs [it governs our needs for material supplies and security, including food, shelter, warmth and family relations]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: How am I? I am my body. I sacrifice for myself. I must make it on my own. Twos who have a selfpreservation subtype, experience privilege. They excel with creating warm, personable relationships with many kinds of people. They spend much attention on supporting and nurturing others, which can lead to a feeling of entitlement when it comes to getting one’s own needs met. This can contribute to a prideful attitude, or an insistence on going last, which supports another kind of specialness, as in false

Second Subtype of Type 2 Social: creating social structures within communities Social: Ambition – The Ambassador Social subtypes have to do with creating social structures within communities [it governs our needs for belonging and membership within the larger group and community]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: Who am I? I am my group. I sacrifice for the group. We can make it if we all cooperate. Twos who have a social subtype, experience ambition. They gain self-esteem through both social approval and visible accomplishments. They empathize and attune to other’s needs to create an important, even indispensable role within an organization or cause. Being allied with the right people is usually more important than taking center stage.

Third Subtype of Type 2 One-to-One: primary relationships or coupling One-to-One: Seduction/Aggression – The Lover One-to-one subtypes have to do with primary relationships or coupling [it governs our sexuality, intimate relationships and close friendships, and the vitality of the life force within our bodies]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: What am I? I am my relationship. I sacrifice for my relationship. It’s you and me against the world. Twos who have a one-to one subtype, experience seduction and aggression. They use all their capacity for interpersonal attunement to make a connection and win the approval of selected people in a one-to-one relationship, even a brief one. The use of body language and feeling tones can be experienced as seductive, although not necessarily in a sexual sense. The same capacity also can show up in a more aggressive style that demands personal attention and recognition.



First Subtype of Type 3 Self-Preservation: responding to perceived threats & needs Self-Preservation: Security – The Company Man/Woman Self-preservation subtypes have to do with how one responds to perceived threats and needs [it governs our needs for material supplies and security, including food, shelter, warmth and family relations]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: How am I? I am my body. I sacrifice for myself. I must make it on my own. Threes who have a self-preservation subtype, experience the ability to work hard, perform well and maintain the right image. With considerable drive and energy, this subtype can accomplish goals of financial security, a nice home, etc. The danger is losing contact with one’s real self and becoming overly identified with one’s role at work.

Second Subtype of Type 3 Social: creating social structures within communities Social: Prestige – The Politician Social subtypes have to do with creating social structures within communities [it governs our needs for belonging and membership within the larger group and community]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: Who am I? I am my group. I sacrifice for the group. We can make it if we all cooperate. Threes who have a social subtype, experience prestige. Their drive for success is directed toward winning social approval, knowing the right people, and achieving power in social institutions, whether in government, business or community groups. There can be genuine social leadership or simply self-aggrandizement through propaganda and image-making.

Third Subtype of Type 3 One-to-One: primary relationships or coupling One-to-One: Femininity/Masculinity – The Movie Star One-to-one subtypes have to do with primary relationships or coupling [it governs our sexuality, intimate relationships and close friendships, and the vitality of the life force within our bodies]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: What am I? I am my relationship. I sacrifice for my relationship. It’s you and me against the world. Threes who have a one-toone subtype, experience strong femininity or masculinity. They can create a successful image that is focused on gender identity and issues. Personal power or charisma rests on being attractive as a woman or man. Yet underneath, there may be confusion about one’s real sexuality. This subtype tends to stay in the performer role, whether on stage or in personal relationships.



First Subtype of Type 4 Self-Preservation: responding to perceived threats & needs Self-Preservation: Dauntlessness – The Creative Individualist Self-preservation subtypes have to do with responding to perceived threats and needs [it governs our needs for material supplies and security, including food, shelter, warmth and family relations]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: How am I? I am my body. I sacrifice for myself. I must make it on my own. Fours who have a selfpreservation subtype, experience dauntlessness. They are willing to jump into new situations, to pack up and move, to get going or take risks when the preservation instinct is triggered, or when an authentic life seems elsewhere. To others, these actions may seem reckless, like throwing caution to the wind, but it can work well with an unorthodox, creative or artistic style. The tension here is between wanting to acquire material security and feeling

Second Subtype of Type 4 Social: creating social structures within communities Social: Shame/Honor – The Critical Commentator Social subtypes have to do with creating social structures within communities [it governs our needs for belonging and membership within the larger group and community]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: Who am I? I am my group. I sacrifice for the group. We can make it if we all cooperate. Fours who have a social subtype, experience shame and honor. Their feelings of deficiency can be provoked by social situations, with envy directed toward other people’s status or appearance of belonging. This subtype seeks to establish an acceptable social role, possibly as the emotional truth-teller for the group, and often feels a need to resolve the tension between the quest for individual authenticity and social expectations.

Third Subtype of Type 4 One-to-One: primary relationships or coupling One-to-One: Competitiveness – The Dramatic Person One-to-one subtypes have to do with primary relationships or coupling [it governs our sexuality, intimate relationships and close friendships, and the vitality of the life force within our bodies]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: What am I? I am my relationship. I sacrifice for my relationship. It’s you and me against the world. Fours who have a one-toone subtype, experience competitiveness. Competition with others helps to overcome feelings of inner deficiency and creates motivation for a personal agenda. This subtype takes the power or strength of others as a personal challenge, and one’s own value tends to rise and fall in comparison.



First Subtype of Type 5 Self-Preservation: responding to perceived threats & needs Self-Preservation: Home – The Castle Defender Self-preservation subtypes have to do with responding to perceived threats and needs [it governs our needs for material supplies and security, including food, shelter, warmth and family relations]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: How am I? I am my body. I sacrifice for myself. I must make it on my own. Fives who have a self-preservation subtype, experience “home.” Home is one’s castle and a place to retreat from the world and feel safe. This subtype is concerned about having enough supplies, which can lead to hoarding. Or the opposite may be a true, with a lack in allegiance to any geographical location, forever traveling or moving from place to place.

Second Subtype of Type 5 Social: creating social structures within communities Social: Totem/Symbols – The Professor Social subtypes have to do with creating social structures within communities [it governs our needs for belonging and membership within the larger group and community]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: Who am I? I am my group. I sacrifice for the group. We can make it if we all cooperate. Fives who have a social subtype, experience totem/symbols. This subtype has a hunger for knowledge and mastery of the sacred symbols and language of the group or society (totems). Yet at the same time, this subtype can become trapped in the role of observer or learned teacher by over-emphasizing analysis and interpretation, which can get in the way of participating with others.

Third Subtype of Type 5 One-to-One: primary relationships or coupling One-to-One: Confidentiality – The Secret Agent One-to-one subtypes have to do with primary relationships or coupling [it governs our sexuality, intimate relationships and close friendships, and the vitality of the life force within our bodies]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: What am I? I am my relationship. I sacrifice for my relationship. It’s you and me against the world. Fives who have a one-to-one subtype, experience confidentiality. They will share confidences from the inner, private world in one-to-one relationships. A secretive quality or profound reserve can reflect some of the tension between the need to make contact and the need to preserve autonomy.



First Subtype of Type 6 Self-Preservation: responding to perceived threats & needs Self-Preservation: Warmth – The Family Loyalist Self-preservation subtypes have to do with responding to perceived threats and needs [it governs our needs for material supplies and security, including food, shelter, warmth and family relations]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: How am I? I am my body. I sacrifice for myself. I must make it on my own. Sixes who have a selfpreservation subtype, experience warmth. They overcome fear by making connections and agreements with others through personal warmth, this subtype doesn’t want to be left out in the cold. Experiencing a lack of warmth or a threat to their security early in life can create a fear of taking risks and a need to stay within well-known boundaries.

Second Subtype of Type 6 Social: creating social structures within communities Social: Duty – The Social Guardian Social subtypes have to do with creating social structures within communities [it governs our needs for belonging and membership within the larger group and community]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: Who am I? I am my group. I sacrifice for the group. We can make it if we all cooperate. Sixes who have a social subtype, experience duty. They need to be clear about their role in the group or society is an overriding concern. To overcome fear and avoid rejection, this subtype needs to know the rules and create clear agreements with friends and colleagues. Yet there may be ambivalence about belonging. Doing one’s duty can be both a calling and a burden.

Third Subtype of Type 6 One-to-One: primary relationships or coupling One-to-One: Strength or Beauty – The Warrior One-to-one subtypes have to do with primary relationships or coupling [it governs our sexuality, intimate relationships and close friendships, and the vitality of the life force within our bodies]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: What am I? I am my relationship. I sacrifice for my relationship. It’s you and me against the world. Sixes who have a one-to-one subtype, experience strength or beauty. The first style of strength is based on overcoming or avoiding fear through willpower and feats of physical strength and bravery, or through the strength of one’s intellect and fierce ideological positions. In the second style of beauty, fear and self-doubt are handled by channeling one’s idealism and keen perceptiveness into creating beauty in their environment.



First Subtype of Type 7 Self-Preservation: responding to perceived threats & needs Self-Preservation: Family – The Gourmand Self-preservation subtypes have to do with responding to perceived threats and needs [it governs our needs for material supplies and security, including food, shelter, warmth and family relations]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: How am I? I am my body. I sacrifice for myself. I must make it on my own. Sevens who have a self-preservation subtype, experience family. They enjoy an abundant lifestyle within family and a circle of friends. The emphasis is on sharing good ideas and conversation, preparing elaborate meals or dining out, and planning fun projects. This subtype can have problems with over-talking, over-eating, and over-stimulation.

Second Subtype of Type 7 Social: creating social structures within communities Social: Limitation/Sacrifice – The Utopian Visionary Social subtypes have to do with creating social structures within communities [it governs our needs for belonging and membership within the larger group and community]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: Who am I? I am my group. I sacrifice for the group. We can make it if we all cooperate. Sevens who have a social subtype, experience limitation and sacrifice. A paradox exists for the social seven who needs friends and group projects to express both social idealism and love of life. Harnessing oneself to the greater good of the group or community creates a sense of sacrifice, as participation with others requires limitations to personal expansiveness and planning for future outcomes.

Third Subtype of Type 7 One-to-One: primary relationships or coupling One-to-One: Suggestibility/Fascination – The Adventurer One-to-one subtypes have to do with primary relationships or coupling [it governs our sexuality, intimate relationships and close friendships, and the vitality of the life force within our bodies]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: What am I? I am my relationship. I sacrifice for my relationship. It’s you and me against the world. Sevens who have a one-toone subtype, experience suggestibility and fascination. Suggestibility works both ways. This subtype can be influenced easily by the attraction of new ideas, adventures and people, falling into a state of fascination or entrainment. The one-to-one seven also has great powers of suggestion and can use personal charm to lead people into a new paradigm, a new purchase or a new relationship.



First Subtype of Type 8 Self-Preservation: responding to perceived threats & needs Self-Preservation: Satisfactory Survival – The Survivalist Self-preservation subtypes have to do with responding to perceived threats and needs [it governs our needs for material supplies and security, including food, shelter, warmth and family relations]. Some themes they subscribe to are: How am I? I am my body. I sacrifice for myself. I must make it on my own. Eights who have a self-preservation subtype, experience satisfactory survival. Their aggressiveness and excess are channeled into physical survival and material security. In a hostile world, their self-preservation will either win or go down fighting. Fiercely protective of friends and family, this subtype can establish more territory and stockpile more supplies than anyone, but in a friendly world, may miss the boat altogether.

Second Subtype of Type 8 Social: creating social structures within communities Social: Friendship/Social Causes - The Group/Gang Leader Social subtypes have to do with creating social structures within communities [it governs our needs for belonging and membership within the larger group and community]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: Who am I? I am my group. I sacrifice for the group. We can make it if we all cooperate. Eights who have a social subtype, experience friendship and social causes. Their sense of powerlessness or injustice is overcome by being part of an aligned group, usually in a leadership role. This subtype’s anger and aggression are mediated by the group’s needs and harnessed for a common agenda. Loyalty to friends and social causes take precedence over personal feelings and needs.

Third Subtype of Type 8 One-to-One: primary relationships or coupling One-to-One: Possession/Surrender – The Commander One-to-one to one subtypes have to do with primary relationships or coupling [it governs our sexuality, intimate relationships and close friendships, and the vitality of the life force within our bodies]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: What am I? I am my relationship. I sacrifice for my relationship. It’s you and me against the world. Eights who have a one-to-one subtype, experience possession and surrender. They use forcefulness and self-assertion to possess (or control) a partner or significant others. At times they are unable to adapt or let go, a strong enough yearning to be met fully, yet can help them let go of control and turn it over to a partner.



First Subtype of Type 9 Self-Preservation: responding to perceived threats & needs Self-Preservation: Appetite – The Collector Self-preservation subtypes have to do with responding to perceived threats and needs [it governs our needs for material supplies and security, including food, shelter, warmth and family relations]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: How am I? I am my body. I sacrifice for myself. I must make it on my own. Nines who have a self-preservation subtype, experience appetite. They excel at creating the practical infrastructure and the daily rhythms that support instinctual life. But there is a tendency to fall asleep to personal needs or narcotize oneself with food and other kinds of material consumption. (They are often collectors.) A life of material abundance and comfort can preclude efforts toward personal growth.

Second Subtype of Type 9 Social: creating social structures within communities Social: Participation – The Community Benefactor Social subtypes have to do with creating social structures within communities [it governs our needs for belonging and membership within the larger group and community]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: Who am I? I am my group. I sacrifice for the group. We can make it if we all cooperate. Nines who have a social subtype, experience participation. They blend well with the style and agenda of their friends and different social groups, this subtype can show great leadership and selfless contribution for the common good (on the high side) but tends to fall asleep to personal priorities in a comfortable social role or through indiscriminate activities (on the low side).

Third Subtype of Type 9 One-to-One: primary relationships or coupling One-to-One: Union – The Seeker One-to-one subtypes have to do with primary relationships or coupling [it governs our sexuality, intimate relationships and close friendships, and the vitality of the life force within our bodies]. Some of the themes they subscribe to are: What am I? I am my relationship. I sacrifice for my relationship. It’s you and me against the world. Nines who have a one-toone subtype, experience union. They have a longing to merge, either with a partner, nature or Spirit. This can be indiscriminate or heedless at times, but also can be a doorway into a transcendent state. In daily life, this can become problematic with keeping personal boundaries and focus, since it’s so easy to be pulled outside of oneself.


Trainer, speaker, conference facilitator… Jody Janati has a Doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership, and a Masters degree in Speech Communication. She has taught in higher education for over 20 years and offers a variety of public and professional workshops on conflict reduction tactics and effective communication skills. During her academic career she worked in various leadership roles, and taught for over a decade at both the University of Minnesota and across the MN state prison system. She currently trains for numerous organizations throughout the US. Dr. Janati is also the author of six books and DailyOm’s best-selling class, Protect Yourself from Control Dramas. Dr. Jody Janati findyourconversationpeace.com findyourconversationpeace@gmail.com

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