Our ancestors knew how to work with the sacred secretion. They realized & taught the one truth, that “Christ” is a substance in our own bodies. Christ is the oily substance or oil, the “ointment” mostly contained within the liquid of our spinal cord, known as cerebro-spinal fluid [CSF]. Every nerve in our body is directly or indirectly connected with this “river [spinal cord CSF] that flows out of Eden [the upper brain] to water the garden [your body/church]." In the 1300’s, Ramon Llull called this substance or essence, found in every human’s body, SEMEN. This substance has been recorded throughout history as manna, chrism, Krishna, cristos, dew, honey, etc. ~JJ
Q: "There is no name under Heaven whereby ye may be saved except Jesus Christed & then crucified" (This is the correct Greek text) All huMANs have a [womb]man within, regardless of their gender. Every twenty eight & one-half days, when the moon is in your sun sign [insert your zodiac sign here], there is a seed, a fish, a psycho physical germ, a mustard seed, born in your manger,” your spleen, your Bethlehem [house of bread], your solar plexus area [yellow chakra], your womb. If this seed is saved & protected, it is taken up by the branches of your pneumo-gastric nerves & becomes the "fruit of the tree of life.” When you choose to save this moonthly seed, you allow it to be "cast upon the waters" [circulated in your bodily fluids] to ultimately be purified & reach your pineal gland. This seed or fish was called Jesus, which comes from Ichtos, which is Greek for fish & Nun, which is Hebrew for fish. Thus, "Joshua the son of Nun," "I am the bread of life;" "I am the bread that came down from heaven [the heaved up place; your head];" "Give us this day our daily bread." Ieosus Christos = Fish Oil/Oil of the Fish. The Greek spelling Iesous ησο ς), from which, through the Latin IESVS/Iesus, comes the English spelling Jesus. The Hebrew spelling Yēšūa עושי) appears in some later books of the Hebrew Bible. ~JJ 2
Your 33rd vertebra is at the base of your skull at the back of your neck, where your ida & pingala nerves cross. X marks the spot where these 2 fluid nerves end in a cross [at the medulla oblongata]. These nerves are in direct contact with your brain [cerebellum] at the back of your skull. Jesus was crucified on a cross at 33 on Golgotha = Jesus [the fish oil substance] was crucified [magnified by 1000%] on a cross [crossing point of the 2 nerves] on Golgotha [the place of the skull] at age 33 [the 33rd vertebra]. Once your monthly CFS fluid is refined, as it is lifted up [mercury rising] the spine in a healthy alkaline environment. The alkaline environment allows this oil to run at a higher rate of motion [resonance] & the oil (ointment) is crucified [increased a thousand fold] as it enters into the base of the skull. The fluid/seed/oil/fish enters the head & goes up & to the right. Hence, Cast thy net to the right to catch the 153 fish.” ~JJ
You kill your own moonthly” seed/germ/fish/oil if you ] choose to get angry/upset, as it would run acidic emotional chemicals throughout your body; ] engage in sexual acts [which would expel this salty oily substance out of your body]; ] drink alcohol or overeat, both actions cause acid built up & fermentation in your gut [body], thus "No drunkard can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven” [at least not this month]. Acids & alcohol cut [chemically split] this oil in your body that would normally unite with the 12 mineral salts to produce & activate your monthly seed.
Note: Adding 12 mineral salts to your daily regime will optimize this process. ~JJ
Our ancestors knew that if they watched & tracked the position of the sun during the day & the moon during the night, then they could identify when the sun & moon would be at the same spot in the sky during each month. God’s [celestial] clock was created from these events. The NEW moon occurs each month when the sun & the moon are together in the sky as the 2024 eclipse just demonstrated by emphasizing this by placing the moon in front of the sun during the day time hours on the day of the New Moon in Pisces, the Fish/Seed. The FULL moon occurs when the sun & moon are farthest apart from one another and this cycle repeats every 15 days. On an individual level, the ancestors knew that, each month, when the moon was in THEIR OWN PERSONAL zodiac sign, the thick oily & salty fish/seed substance was being created/born in their lower body [sacral/sacred chakra]. This thick oil, the "Cauda Equina," (tail of the horse) begins as a crude oil [petroleum: petra, mineral, or salt & oleum: Latin for oil). This oil is only allowed to rise in your body when you choose not to kill it or squander it. As it rises, it thins out & this thinner oil substance is carried up [mercury rising] the spine to the base of your skull & eventually connects with the milky white fluid from your pituitary gland & the golden honey fluid from your pineal gland. and thus Solomon s Temple will light up as it flows with Milk & Honey]. ~JJ
There are 28 days a month, 13 months a year and 1 and 1/3 moons a year. The seed, born every twenty eight and one half days, allows you to make 13 seeds in the 365 day year of 13 months. The refined, crucified & magnified seed/fish/oil remains in the tomb [cerebellum] for two days & a half (the moon's period in your sun sign) & on the third day, it ascends to the Pineal Gland that connects your cerebellum with the Optic Thalmus. The Optic Thalmus is your Central Eye [Throne of God]. It is in the chamber overtopped by the hollow (hallowed) caused by the curve of the cerebrum (the "Most High" of the body), which is the "Temple of the Living God" the living, vital substance, which is a precipitation of the "Breath of Life" breathed into man. God is HE. He means breathe in Hebrew. Therefore the "Holy (whole) Ghost" or breath. Hallow Wed = the marriage [chemistry] of the FATHER, the pineal fluid, the positive red shift male charge from the pingala nerve; also the FAT.HER, the pituitary fluid, the negative blue shift female charge from the ida nerve - the SON, the fish, seed, jesus, oil – and the Holy Spirit, the breathe, the aether, the 5th element. Breath is translated as "soul" over 500 times in the Bible, therefore soul is precipitated air [spirit/ghost], which may be lost & wasted in physical expression of sex desire, anger, alcohol or gluttony. Sin means to “miss the mark” or “fall short,” thus to waste your sacred seed. ~JJ 6