Prophecy Given to Enoch

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The Original Prophecy given to Enoch Qur’an 15:16 “AND, INDEED, We have set up in the heavens great constellations, and endowed them with beauty for all to behold;” Qur’an 23:50 “And We made the son of Mary and his mother a sign, and We gave them refuge on a lofty ground having meadows and springs.” [their signs are Aries and Virgo]

Qur’an 41:53 “In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages through what they perceive in the utmost horizons of the universe and within themselves, so that it will become clear unto them that this revelation is indeed the truth.”

Qur’an 81:15-19 “Nay, I call to witness the stars, running their course and setting, and the night when it departs, and the morning when it brightens, surly it is the word of a bountiful Messenger,”

Psalms 147: ‘God determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name’ . Isaiah 40:26 ‘Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name’

… God gives the stars their names for a very specific reason…The twelve Zodiac signs divide into four (4) seasons by splitting them into 90 degree sections. Each section or season has three (3) signs. The four seasons are created by two intersecting lines that divide the night sky into four parts. The charts below show the Four Seasons of the Zodiac. The First Season is; Virgo, Leo, and Cancer. The Second Season is; Gemini, Taurus, and Aries. The Third Season is; Pieces, Aquarius, and Capricorn. The Fourth Season is; Sagittarius, Scorpio, and Libra.

How the Zodiac divides into the Four Seasons

Drawing of Albumazer’s Zodiac divided into the Four Seasons.

Drawing of the Dendera Zodiac divided into the Four Seasons.

The Beginning of the Zodiac Prophecy is Virgo

The constellation Virgo with three Deacons VIRGO Virgo begins the First Season of the Zodiac Prophecy. Virgo is called ‘Bethulah’ in the Hebrew language, ‘Addarah’ in the Arabic language, and ‘Parthenos’ in the Greek language. All three of these languages translate Virgo to the same word, ‘virgin’. Virgo portrays a virgin woman. Virgo is holding a wheat branch in her Left Hand, and an olive branch in her Right Hand. The star Spica is located in the corn of wheat held in the virgin’s Left Hand. In Arabic, Spica is called ‘Al Zimach’, which means Branch. In Hebrew the star Spica is called ‘Tsemech’, which also means Branch. There are several words in Hebrew that can be translated into branch. But there is one word for branch that was used to represent ‘a special branch that is prophesied to come’ and that word is ‘Tsemech’. If this star is called Tsemech, it must be portraying a Messiah. The star Spica, aka Tsemech, is portraying a Messiah who will come to the Jewish people. Spica is the star, which represents the corn of wheat being held in the virgin’s Left Hand. The Deacon for Virgo known as Coma is a picture of a young woman sitting in a chair, lifting up her newborn baby. The woman is looking at her baby and admiring him because she knows that he is the Messiah. Coma in the Egyptian Zodiac is a picture of a child standing on the tail of Leo. Coma means ‘the desired’. The Bible prophet named Haggai speaks about the coming of the

desire of all nations. 2:7; And I will shake all nations, and The Desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory. The Egyptian name for this constellation is Shesnu, which means ‘the Desired’. The child brought forth from Virgo is the Desire of all the nations in the world. Middle of the First Season

Leo with the three Deacons, Hydra, Crater, and Corvus. LEO Leo is Latin for Lion. The star named Regulus is the brightest star in Leo and it is a Royal Star. In Greek, Regulus means ‘treading underfoot’ and it is located in the chest of the lion, right where the heart is located. The two stars in sickle-shaped head of Leo are; Al Giebha meaning ‘the exaltation’ and Al Dafera meaning ‘the enemy put down’. The three stars that form the rear triangle are called; Denebola, Chertan and Zosma. Denebola is the star located at the tip of the Leo’s tail and it means ‘the judge who comes’ in Hebrew. The star named Zosma means ‘the shining forth’. Arabic names for the stars are; Deneb Aleced means ‘the judge cometh who seizes’, and Al Defera means ‘the enemy put down’. The meaning of the star names portray… a judge will come, seize the enemy, and put the enemy down. The symbol of a lion was used to portray the tribe of Judah in the Bible. This is the tribe where the Messiah would come from. The Lion that comes from the tribe of Judah is the only one worthy to open the Book and loose the seven seals in #Revelations. In chapter 5 it says; ‘Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? And no man in heaven, nor in earth,neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book

neither to look thereon. And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.’ The only one who can open ‘The Book’ and loose the seven seals is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The brightest star Regulus portrays Leo treading the enemy under its feet. In the Babylon language Regulus is called Sharru, meaning King of Kings. The stars in Leo portray a King coming from the heart of the tribe of Judah. The three Deacons for Leo are Hydra, Crater, and Corvus. Hydra is large serpent that is shaped like a huge snake and it is known as ‘the Great Serpent’ and it represents a very evil entity. In Hebrew the name Hydra means ‘the abhorred’. In Arabic it is called Al Drian which means ‘the abhorred’. Hydra snakes its way below the 3 Zodiac constellations of Virgo, Leo, and Cancer. These 3 are linked together to portray the First Season. The head of the Great Serpent is being tread on by Leo. Leo is pouncing on the head of the serpent showing the lion has power over this Great Serpent. Crater is a Golden Cup located on the back of Hydra the Great Serpent. Two stars form the bottom of the golden cup and they are part of the body of Hydra. Crater and Hydra are inseparable. The Golden Cup of Crater is filled with the wine of apostasy and fornication. It is being carried on the back of this Great Serpent who is ready to deceive and corrupt all who drink from its cup. There are thirteen stars in the constellation Crater. Six of them are easy to see. On a clear night the other seven stars become visible. As they become visible, the golden cup of Crater transforms into the woman Babylon riding on a scarlet beast. The seven stars in Crater, which are hard to see transform the Golden Cup into the great whore called Babylon. The whore Babylon is riding on a horse and she portrays the forbidden cup of humankind’s unquenchable thirst. The Golden Cup and the great whore Babylon are one in the same and they will eventually become the wrath of humanity. In her cup are all the worldly lusts and desires for humankind to consume. It is the cup from which we have all drank. Psalm 75:8; For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and He poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them’. This is not a cup that

a person wants to be drinking out of. But for many known and unknown reasons we all drink from it. It is the cup of wine that God gives to Babylon. But when she drinks the wine it turns into God's wrath. Revelations 16:19; ‘And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath’.

Last sign for the First Season

Cancer with three Deacons, Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, and Argo. CANCER The third sign for the First Season of the Zodiac is Cancer. An interesting thing about Cancer is that the sign originally was not a crab. Originally it was the sacred Scarab beetle in the ancient records. The Roman and Oriental Zodiacs changed it to a crab. They did not understand the importance of what the Scarab beetle represented. The symbolic importance of a Scarab beetle is ancient. The ancient Egyptians considered the Scarab beetle as very sacred. The beetle gets its name from the Egyptian word Scarabacus, which means ‘sacred’. Very early on in the Egyptian culture the Scarab beetle was used as a priestly seal at important Egyptian marriage ceremonies. It was the seal of a Scarab beetle that gave

authority to the most important Egyptian ceremonies. This is what gives the meaningfulness to Cancer. The Arabic name for the constellation is ‘Al Sartan’ and it means ‘who holds and binds’. The Scarab beetle was the seal of authority. The crab never had any authority to seal anything. The seal of authority is a big part of Cancer’s character. Cancer holds and binds a special group of travelers together. Cancer is Latin and comes from two root words, Khan and Cer. Khan means ‘the traveler’s rest’ and Cer means ‘encircling’. In Arabic the star Al Sartan means ‘who binds together’. Cancer is encircling and binding together of a special group of travelers. It provides protection for the Believers on their temporary journey through this world. The star Nepa means ‘lifted up’. The star Acubene means ‘the sheltering’ in both Hebrew and Arabic. The star Ma’alaph means ‘thousands assembled’. Cancer is portraying the sheltering of many, many people. They are being assembled together and one day they will be lifted up. There is a nebulous cluster referred to the Bee Hive in Cancer. In the Greek language, this nebulous cluster is called ‘Presepe’ and it means ‘the manager’. A good manager stands up for their people. Presepe portrays a good manager protecting his travelers. The Presepe is known in many languages and some of its meanings are; the Innumerable Seed, the Multitude, the Offspring, the Assembled…it goes on. But they are all describing a special group of people who are resting in a temporary place. The good manager watching over a special group of travelers is portraying how the Spirit of God is watching over humanity. The star called Tegmine, means ‘holding’. The star Acubene means ‘the sheltering’. The names of the stars for Cancer describe it’s as: The protector and holder of a special group of travelers that provides them with a safe shelter on their journey home. The Spirit of God is watching over and protecting the Believers. This is what Cancer is portraying. Cancer’s three Deacons are Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, and Argo. The first Deacon of Cancer is called Ursa Minor, the Small Bear. But there are no records of a bear found in any of the ancient Zodiacs for the Chaldeans, Egyptians and Persians for this constellation. The ancient descriptions for Ursa Minor are a small assembly of redeemed people.

The star Al Pherkadain mean ‘the redeemed assembly’. It can also mean ‘the young calves’ in Arabic. The star Cynosura means ‘the center’ or ‘the base’. The Little Dipper is portraying a redeemed assembly that is a base camp. The star Polaris or the North Star has been leading the people of the world for a long time. In Arabic it means ‘the turned’ or ‘ridden on’. The North Star represents the center piece of heaven, which is the world’s guiding light. The second Deacon for Cancer is Ursa Major or the Big Bear. The Egyptian Zodiac portrays it as the hind leg of an animal. It portrays the concept of a great harvest that is bountiful. The area around the Big Dipper is a large green meadow with herds of animals grazing on tall grass. Ten of the stars in Ursa Major have ancient names that describe a flock of sheep or a herd of animals. Whether the names of the stars are in Hebrew, Arabic, or Greek, they all basically describe the constellation as a large sheepfold of Believers. In Hebrew; Merarch, means ‘the flock’, Talith, means ‘the fold’, Phaeda, means ‘guarded’. Phaeda is portraying the sheepfold is guarded. In Arabic; Al Naish, means ‘the assembled together’, Dubhe, means ‘a herd of animals’, El Alcola, means ‘the sheepfold’. Cab'd al Asad, means ‘the multitude’, Dubeh Lachar, means ‘the last herd’. In Greek the stars; Helike, means ‘company of travelers’, Calisto, means ‘the sheepfold appointed’. The company of travelers means the sheepfold will all travel there together. The sheepfold appointed means there is an appointed time when the travelers leave. The third Deacon for Cancer is Argo, a large ship that is preparing to sail. In Hebrew it means ‘the company of travelers’. The star Sephina means ‘the multitude’, Tureis means ‘the possession’, Canobus means ‘of him who cometh’, Asmidiska means ‘the released who travels’ and Subilon means ‘the branch’. Argo portrays a large company of travelers who are released. They are also the Branch. The names describe a special group of pilgrims on a journey home.

The FIRST SEASON of the Zodiac

The First Season has the three signs Virgo, Leo, and Cancer. THE FIRST SEASON The three Zodiac signs in the First Season of the Original Prophecy are Virgo, Leo, and Cancer. Each season has 3 signs and each sign portrays a characteristic that repeats itself to show how they change over time. The three repeating portrayals are: 1) the Word of God, 2) the Spirit of God, and 3) the People of God. Each season combines these three characters to tell the Zodiac Prophecy. The three will show different elements about themselves as they travel through the four seasons of the Zodiac. For the First Season, Virgo portrays the Word of God, Leo portrays the People of God, and Cancer portrays the Spirit of God. The First Season begins with Virgo portraying the Word of God through the Prophets and the Messiah. Jesus was the last prophet/Messiah for the Jews and Muhammad was the last prophet for the world. Virgo is holding a wheat branch (portrays Bible message) in her Left Hand, and an olive branch (portrays Qur’a message) in her Right Hand. The Messiah was prophesized in the Torah and the Gospel is the fulfillment of the Messiah. The Torah and the Gospel are the Word of God and the Messiah is the messenger for The Gospel. The stars describe Virgo as a time when a seed will come down from Heaven and fall into a virgin women. The virgin will give birth to a male child. The child shall be known as a glorious branch and he will

grow to be righteous. The child is the Desire of all nations. He will be pierced and he will bruise the enemy. The first Deacon for Virgo is Coma and it portrays the Messiahs birth. The Messiah is born from the Tribe of Judah. The stars for Leo describe the character of Leo as the chosen people of God. Leo is the Tribe of Judah going forward in the world and shining forth as a bright light. The Messiah will come from these people. He will be called the Lion from the Tribe of Judah and only he can open The Book of Life. During the First Season the People of God have the enemy below their feet. They have the strength of a mighty Lion. A judge will come out of the Lion and he will be forever in the hearts of his people. They will put the enemy under their feet. The mighty Lion will tread on the head of the Abhorred One and protect the People of God. The heart of the Lion is the Royal Star called Regulus. It is one of the Four Cornerstones shining in the heavens above. Leo portrays the Tribe of Judah, the chosen people of God. Cancer portrays the Spirit of God. Cancer is a sacred seal that will hold and bind a special group of travelers together. Cancer will provide the travelers rest on their long journey home. The Unseen Spirit of God holds the believers securely and provides a wall of protection to shelter them. The believers have a safe place to rest because they are protected by the Spirit of God. Cancer is a witness to the birth of the Lion into the Tribe of Judah. When looking up at the stars in the night sky Cancer is seen looking back at Leo to portray this sacred seal. Cancer portrays the Holy Spirit sealing a covenant between the Messiah and the chosen people of God. The First Season is over and several things have occurred. The stars paint this picture in the night sky and it is an amazing scene. The Virgin is seen in her white garments gliding along the heavens. Then she is sitting on a throne holding her new born baby. The Virgin is holding the child and they are sitting in a beautiful garden. Virgo and Coma are portraying the birth of Jesus. The Messiah is then placed on top of Leo. He is in the heart of the Lion. The Lion goes out into the world charging forward. As the Lion goes out into the world it

is seen leaping on the head of the Serpent. Cancer looks back at Leo and seals the covenant between the Word of God and the People of God.

Gemini starts the Second Season

Gemini and three Deacons, Lepus, Canis Major, and Canis Minor. GEMINI In the Egyptian Zodiac of Denderah the constellation Gemini is known as ‘ Claustrum Hor’, which means ‘the Place of him Who cometh’. The “Who” that is coming is the Messiah and the Place he is coming to are the “People of God”. The Hebrew name for Gemini is ‘Thaumim’, and it means ‘the united’ or ‘joined together’. The old Coptic name for Gemini is ‘Pi Mahi’ and it means ‘common fellowship’ or ‘the united’. The two warriors in Gemini portray the People of God joined together. They are bound together to bring the Bible (Torah and Gospel) to the world. The two warriors portray Mosses and Jesus. God made an everlasting covenant with Moses and Jesus as messengers for The Word of God. Moses represents the Torah and Jesus represents the Gospel. They both faithfully delivered the Word of God to the world. The three Deacons for the Zodiac sign of Gemini are Lepus, Canis Major, and Canis Minor. The first Deacon, Lepus, is portrayed as a rabbit, which is located at the feet of the constellation Orion. The star in Lepus named Arnebo means ‘the enemy of him that cometh’. The enemy that the rabbit represents is Satan. The star named Sugia means ‘the deceiver’, the star named Nibal means ‘the mad’, the star named Rakis means ‘the bound’, the star named Amebeth

means ‘the enemy of what cometh’. These are all portraying a mad deceiver that is the enemy of him that cometh. The second Deacon for the Zodiac sign of Gemini is called Canis Major. ‘the Greater Dog’. The Egyptian Zodiac portrays this Deacon as a Hawk, which is named Sirius, which means ‘the prince’. The brightest star for this constellation is located in the mouth of the dog. This star is called Sirius and in Hebrew it means ‘the prince’. The star Mirzam, means ‘the prince and ruler’, the star Al Shira Al Femeniya, means ‘the prince of the right hand’, the star Al Habor, means ‘the mighty’, and Muliphen, means ‘the leader’. The star names together describe; ‘the Mighty prince of the Right Hand is the leader and ruler’. They portray a mighty prince that will come into this world as the leader and ruler of the Right Hand. The third Deacon for the sign of Gemini is the constellation called Canis Minor and it means ‘the smaller dog’. The brightest star in Canis Minor is called Procyon, which is ‘the redeemer’. Some of the names of the stars in Canis Minor are; Al Gomeisa, which means ‘the burdened one’, Al Mirzam, which means ‘the prince’, Al Shemeliya, which means ‘the prince of the left hand’, and Al Gomeyra, which means ‘who completes and perfects’. When the names of these stars are combined together they describe ‘the Redeemer Prince of the Left Hand who completes and perfects the burden is victorious’. This portrays the Prince of the Left Hand will have a burden. It also says he completes his burden and is victorious. In the three Deacons of Gemini there is a beautiful spiritual picture of the Hands of God. The image is portrayed in the night sky by two dogs and a rabbit. The dogs are symbolic and represent man’s best friend. They are perfect for guarding and protecting people. The rabbit symbolizes the enemy of God The names combined for Canis Major say… The Mighty Prince of the Right Hand is the leader and ruler!... And the names for Canis Minor say… The Redeemer Prince of the Left Hand who completes and perfects the burden is victorious!... These two constellations are star pictures of the two Hands of God! (they are also the two witnesses for God.) The two Hands of God are releasing the third Deacon of Gemini, which is Lepus, the rabbit portraying God' enemy. The portrayal of the two Hands of God letting the enemy run free is truly an amazing scene to see when looking up at the night sky. Satan was bound and then released.

Middle of the Second Season

The three Deacons for Taurus are; Orion, Eridanus, and Auriga. TAURUS The second sign in the Second Season of the Zodiac is the constellation Taurus, which means ‘the Bull’ in Greek. It is a star picture of a bull with long horns charging forward. The horns are piercing into Auriga, the third Deacon of Taurus. Taurus is charging in the reverse direction that the Zodiac is read. There are four constellations, which have their bodies facing in this direction. These four signs provide an important element to the Zodiac prophecy. The four signs which face backwards and the signs they are facing back at are; Cancer faces at Leo (1st season), Taurus faces Gemini (2nd season), Aquarius faces Pisces (3rd season), and Libra faces Scorpio (4th season). Each one of these special face offs occurs in their own time and season. There is one in each season of the Zodiac and these face offs all have a common bond. The common bond is they all portray the Spirit of God working on the People of God in the world.

The night sky portrays a picture of Gods Spirit continually watching over the People of God in each one of the Four Seasons. The star named Al Debaran is located in the eye of the bull and Al Debaran means ‘the Governor’ in Arabic. It portrays the ‘Ever Watching Eye of God’. It is the Governor of the Heavens! The Governor is right in the bull’s eye and sees all things. The bull’s eye sees all things in this world just like the Spirit of God sees all things in this world. The star Al Debaran in the bull’s eye is also one of the four Royal Stars that creates the four cornerstones of the heavens. The First Season had the Royal Star, Regulus, located in the heart of Leo. The second Season is marked with the star Al Debaron located in the eye of Taurus. There is a Royal Star located in the middle of each of the Four Seasons of the Zodiac. One of the more significant star formations in the constellation of Taurus is the cluster of stars known as the #Pleiades. The meaning of Pleiades is ‘The Congregation of The Judge’. The concept of being a judge is an important part of Taurus. The concept of a judge is also portrayed by the second Deacon of Taurus, Eridanus, which means ‘The River of The Judge’. The authority of a judge is a recurring theme in the stars. The judge knows all and sees all. Nothing is hidden! The Pleiades in the neck of Taurus is referred to as the Seven Sisters and sometimes the Seven Sailors. The name Pleiades in Hebrew means ‘the Congregation of the Judge’. The name implies; there will be a congregation somewhere, and there will be a judgment some day. Both of these concepts are in the Bible. The Bible even refers to the Pleiades directly by name. In the Book of Job, God asks; ’Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion’. Pleiades comes from the Greek word plein, which means to sail. But what do the Seven Stars portray in the Bible? In Amos 5:8 it says; ‘Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The Lord is his name”. Revelation 1:20; ‘The mystery of the sevenstars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The sevenstars are the angels of the sevenchurches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the sevenchurches. ‘And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; The Pleiades portrays the Seven Spirits watching over the seven churches of the world.

The three Deacons for Taurus are; Orion, Eridanus, and Auriga. Orion is a mighty warrior charging forward, his right arm is raised high holding a club. His left arm is extended out holding his shield. Orion’s shield is the head of a Judean lion. Judean lions had large heads with extremely hard skulls. They were superior shields and lasted the longest in battle. In Greek, Orion means ‘Coming Forth as Light’ and in Egyptian Orion means ‘this is He Who Triumphs’. The names for Orion portray it as a shining light coming forth into the world that will be victorious. The brighter stars in Orion’s belt are Al Nitak and Mintaka in Arabic. Nitak means ‘the wounded one’, and Mintaka means ‘a sacrifice’. The star in Orion’s right leg is called Saiph and it means ‘bruised’. The constellation Orion is portraying a star picture of something coming forth as Light that is wounded, bruised, and sacrificed. The star Betelgeuse means ‘The Coming Branch’ and it is same Branch that is portrayed in Virgo’s left hand. The star in Orion’s raised foot is called Rigel and it means ‘the foot that crushed’. These stars are telling the world: a Light will come forth to the world and grow into a Branch. Then it gets wounded and bruised in a sacrifice and then goes on to crush his enemy with his foot. This is explaining how the People of God bring the Word of God to the world. First it goes forth as a pure true light, then it gets bruised and wounded (corrupted), but then it grows back to crush its enemy. Revelation 12:14; ‘And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.’ The woman in this verse portrays the People of God being protected by the Great Wings of Gods Spirit. Gods people were being nourished. They needed to be strengthened in order to bring the Word of God to the world. It is a time when the Serpent/Satan is attacking the Churches in the world that are trying to bring the true Gospel message. The second Deacon for the sign of Taurus is the constellation Eridanus and it means ‘The River of the Judge’. Orion’s left foot is stepping on Eridanus, the River of the Judge, a flowing river of fire. Psalm 50: 3; ‘Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before Him’…,. The third and final Deacon for the sign of Taurus is called Auriga. The name Auriga is from the Hebrew root word that means ‘a shepherd’.

End of the Second Season

The three Deacons for Aries are Cassiopeia, Perseus, and Cetus. ARIES The third sign for the Second Season is Aries. In Greek, the word Aries means either ‘ram’ or ‘lamb’. The Hebrew name is Taleh and it means ‘the lamb sent forth’. Most of the ancient drawings of Aries portray it as a ram with a golden fleece. The ancient Akkadians called Aries ‘Bara Ziggar’. The root word bar means ‘a sacrifice’ and the root word ziggar means ‘making right’. The ancient meaning for the sign of Aries is ‘the sacrifice of making right’. This is the most accurate portrayal of the golden ram called Aries. It portrays a sacrifice to make everything right. The concept of a sacrifice and what was made right is what the sign of Aries portrays. The star located in the center of the ram’s forehead in Aries is called El Nath and in Hebrew it means ‘wounded or slain’. This star is portraying the intent of the Ram and what is on the center of its mind. The Ram is about to be slain and it is a portrayal of God making a sacrifice.

In Arabic the star located in the Ram’s left horn is called Al Sheratan, and it means ‘bruised’. This is showing that God will not completely kill the sacrifice, God will only bruise it. Aries portrays the sign of Jesus and his testimony became the Gospel message. As such, this sacrifice is portraying how God only wounded and bruised the Word of God. The Word of God can not die. The star located in the head of the Ram is called Mesartim in Hebrew and this means ‘the binding’. This star portrays a binding agreement that can not be changed. The Messiah was the last chance that God would reach out to his Chosen People. It was their last chance to receive the Truth as a nation and it is a binding covenant. The sign of Aries is pointing to a time when God sacrificed the Truth coming from the Torah. It was the last chance God would reach out to his Chosen People of the Torah and bless them as a nation. God sacrificed his First Love. The Torah would no longer bring people to God. God needed to divorce them so that he could give his Gospel to his next group of believers, the Church. The star in the Ram’s forehead and the star in its left horn tell an amazing story. These two stars mark the exact time in history when Jesus was crucified. During the same time that Jesus was being crucified, the sun ascended from the star El Nath to the star Al Sheratan. The star El Nath is located in the center of the Ram’s forehead. The star Al Sheratan is located in the Ram’s left horn. The sun passed through them on the same time Jesus was crucufied. The purpose of the Golden Ram was revealed in the stars above. This is not a casual coincidence that the stars and the sun proclaimed this amazing event to the world. Aries is the sign of Jesus in the night sky. The signs of Jesus (Aries) and Mary (Virgo) both have lofty places among the stars. Jesus is the Messiah, was anointed with the authority to teach the perfect wisdom, understanding and knowledge of God. God continually reminded the People of God with prophets to worship God and God alone. But, even though many prophets had been sent, the People of God always turned away from God. Jesus delivered Gods message, but amazingly enough many rejected the message. Jesus gave his life teaching the message that God gave him to bring. When Jesus died, God cut off His Chosen People. God divorced them and cut them off as a nation. This is the sacrifice that God made. The three Deacons for Aries are Cassiopeia, Perseus, and Cetus. The first Deacon for Aries is Cassiopeia. In Hebrew it means ‘the enthroned’ or ‘the

beautiful’. Cassiopeia portrays a beautiful queen seated on a heavenly throne. The meaning of the star Shedar is ‘the freed’. The meaning of the star Caph is ‘the branch’. She is the beautiful branch that was freed. In her hands she is holding an olive branch, which is used to represent a great victory. Cassiopeia is seated next to Cepheus, the King of Heaven. In Arabic, Cassiopeia means ‘the freed’. Cassiopeia portrays the People of God freed from the chains that bound them. She portrays God's new bride, the Gospel Church. Cassiopeia is the pure bride for the King at the wedding ceremony. Revelations 19:7; ‘Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready.’ The second Deacon of Aries is Cetus. Cetus is a nasty constellation and it is called ‘the great enemy bound’. The Hebrew name is Menkar and it means ‘the chained enemy’. It is portrayed in the stars as a furious sea monster. The name Cetus means ‘the great enemy bound’ and this is a portrayal of Satan. Satan is also represented by several other constellations. They are Draco, Hydra, and the Serpent. Isaiah 21:1; ‘In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent,even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.’ Cetus is leviathan! The star Mira means ‘the repel’. The star Diphda means ‘overthrown’ or ‘thrust down’. Cetus is the world’s enemey who is overthrown by God. The third Deacon of Aries is Perseus, which means ‘the ‘Breaker of Chains’. Perseus is a warrior that can break chains. The star called Al-Ghul means ‘the Demon Star’. It portrays the eye of the Medusa. Perseus is holding the head of Medusa in his left hand.

The Second Season of the Zodiac

The Second Season has the three Zodiac signs of Gemini, Taurus, and Aries. THE SECOND SEASON The Second Season has the three Zodiac signs of Gemini, Taurus, and Aries. Gemini portrays the God's People, Taurus portrays God's Spirit, and Aries portrays God's Word. The season begins with the two warriors in Gemini being bonded together. They are fighting for the Word of God. The Torah and the Gospel are joined together and they form the Bible. They are spreading the Torah and the Gospel to the world. Gemini portrays the Word of God spreading like a mighty Branch by the People of God, as they go out in the world two by two. The second covenant with God's people is finalized at the beginning of the Second Season. God makes the Christian Church the second bride. The Messiah taught the Gospel to the People of God. Some followed the Messiah’s teachings and they became the Church. The Church is the place of him who cometh. In the Second Season the Messiah taught the Church what it needed to know. Jesus taught the People of God and they became the true Church. Taurus portrays the Church being nourished during the Second Season to gain strength before it is allowed to be assaulted by Satan. When the Church is being nourished with Truth, it is being protected by the Spirit of God. The Serpent is trying to assult the Church but the Church is being protected so it

can grow. The second covenant between the Word of God and the Church is finalized. That is when the Christian Church becomes God's second bride. The Church is pure and clean. She is a faithful and truthful bride. She has not been out in the world long enough to be mislead or to be corrupted by all the worldly lusts that awaits it. The Church is a common fellowship of Believers going forward with the protection and guidance of God's Unseen Spirit. Aries portrays the Messiah as the Word of God. Jesus delivered the true Gospel message. Jesus delivered a faithful message. The chosen people rejected the message, as they rejected the prophets before Jesus. Jesus portrays the Lamb that is slain. What is slain; is the Torah. The Torah will be cut off and no longer provide the Truth. God cuts off the first bride and marries a new bride. The first bride was unfaithful and turned away from God many times. The first part of Gods Word went to the chosen people, but they turned away from God again and again. But in the Third Season the Great Serpent will be allowed to assault God’s second love. The Church will be tried and tested. The two hands of God will release the enemy into the world. And God allows the Church to be tested by Satan. Taurus portrays the Spirit of God in the world. The bull is charging forward and protecting the Church. The Spirit of God is next to the Church. The Spirit of God is the ‘Ever Watching Eye of God’ and the ‘Governor of the Heavens’. The Royal Star,Aldebaron is the eye of the bull and it portrays the Spirit of God. Gods Spirit sees all things. The Royal Star in the eye of Taurus marks the middle of the Second Season.

Beginning of the Third Season

The three Deacons for Pisces are; The Band, Andromeda, and Cepheus. PISCES The first sign for the Third Season of the Zodiac Prophecy is Pisces and Pisces means ‘the Fishes’ in Latin. The sign portrays two fish, one swimming to the North Star and the other swimming on the celestial equatorial line. This is currently the spot in the night sky where the ecliptic line begins to fall below the equatorial

line. At first appearance every thing looks fine with the sign of Pisces. However, the two fish have ropes tied to their tails. One of the Deacons of Pisces is called The Band. The Band(s) are the ropes tied to the tails of the two fish. One end of the Band is tied to a fish and the other end connects to a sea monster called Cetus, who portrays Satan. The fish are alive, but neither of the fish can swim freely because they are both bound to the sea monster, Cetus. The binding of the fish to the sea monster portrays the Bands of Wickedness. The reigns of evilness are binding the fish. The reigns controlling the fish portray the Bands of Wickedness taking control over the People of God. The ancient Egyptian name for this constellation is Pisces Hori and it means ‘the fishes of him that cometh’. This name describes that the fish belonged to somebody who will be coming back to do something to them. The star Okda means ‘the united’ and it portrays the fish being united, just like the two warriors in Gemini are united. The star Al Samaca means ‘the upheld’ and it portrays the fish being supported by someone who is trying to lift them up. The fish are important to their owner who will come back. In Hebrew the star Dagim means ‘the multitudes’. The star Nuno (Snsk) means ‘the fish lengthen out‘. This portrays the fish have reached their end. The fish are coming to the end of their mission and can not swim much further with ropes tied to their tails. The stars describe Pisces as a multitude of important fish that are bound. The fish are in the grasp of the sea monster’s Bands of Wickedness. The fish are under the reign of a deadly sea monster. It is controlling and directing the fish in the Third Season. The fish in Pisces can not swim freely or get away from the sea monster’s deadly hold. In the early days of the Church the believers in Jesus were called Echthues, which means fish. Jesus sent the Apostles to be fishers of men. They are fishing for the souls of the lost. Peter and Andrew were casting their net in the Sea of Galilee, Jesus said, ’Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men’. Jeremiah 16:15; ‘I will send for many fishers, and they shall fish them.’ The First Fish portrays the People of God from the Torah. That is God’s first bride, the chosen people who turned away. God sent many prophets to show them the way home again and again, but many rejected the prophet’s messages. God sent a perfect messenger to the chosen people, the Messiah. Jesus the son of Mary was anointed with the perfect knowledge of God. If they did not listen to the Messiah they never would. And most rejected the Messiah’s message. So God sacrificed his first bride and married a second bride to the Gospel. The Gospel that Jesus taught was given to the Church, the Second Fish portrays the Christian Church. The

Church was given the mission to faithfully deliver the true message of God to the world the Gospel. The Torah (first fish) and the Gospel (second fish) are the first and second parts of the Word of God. Jesus was sent to the Jews as their Messiah and the Christians made him their god. The two fish in Pisces portray God’s first and second bride. God married the first bride to the Torah. The second bride is married to the Gospel. The two brides are portrayed by the two fish in Pisces, which are bound to a deadly sea monster. This is a vivid portrayal of the people of God being controlled by Satan. The Bible has several similar comparisons to the Church being under the control of an evil force. During the early days of the Church Peter talks about false prophets being among them, even at that time! Peter II, 2:1: ‘But there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.’ Peter is describing false prophets during his time. There are many false teachers among the People of GOD. The fish bound to the sea monster are following the lead of Satan. The false prophets are in the Churches teaching lies. The Church People do not know the Truth. Pisces portrays the Torah and the Gospel being controlled by Satan’s false prophets. The fish can not get away. The false gospels are the ropes that bind the fish to the sea monster Cetus. There are many, many references in the Bible that describe the Church members being lied to by false prophets. Jeremiah 14; ‘Then the Lord said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination,’ Mathew 7:15; ‘Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.’ Mark 13:22; ‘For false christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.’ The three Deacons for Pisces are; The Band, Andromeda, and Cepheus. The first Deacon is the Band, which are the two ropes binding the two fish to the sea

monster, Cetus. The binding of the fish to the sea monster portrays the Bands of Wickedness used by Satan to control Pisces. There are many warnings of false prophets deceiving many people in many Churches. The second Deacon of Pisces is Andromeda, which means ‘the woman in chains’. Andromeda’s arms and feet are bound heavily in thick chains. Andromeda portrays the Church. The chains binding Andromeda are the same ropes that bind the fish in Pisces. They are bound with Satan’s lies. The Church is weak and easy prey for Satan. In Hebrew the two stars named, Mirach and Mizar, both mean ‘the weak’. The star Adhil, means ‘the afflicted’ and the star Sirra means ‘the chained’. In Arabic the stars, Al Phiratz means ‘the broken down’ and Al Maach, means ‘the struck down’. Andromeda portrays the queen of heaven being bound in chains and afflicted. Andromeda is weak and broken down and is portraying the Church being destroyed. The truth has been replaced with false teachings. The third Deacon Cepheus, means ‘the Royal Branch’ in Greek. The star Alphirk in Cepheus’s belt means ‘the Redeemer’. Cepheus sits on a throne holding a scepter in his hand. He is wearing a golden crown and a royal robe. Cepheus is portraying the King a Royal Branch. The King shall redeem his Truthful bride.

Middle of the Third Season

Aquarius with three Deacons; Southern Fish, Pegasus, and Cygnus. AQUARIUS Aquarius is the second sign of the Third Season. It is a star picture of an old man pouring water out of a large jar. Flowing out of the jar is a never ending river of water that flows into the mouth of a great fish. The great fish that the water is flowing into is the Southern Fish. It is the first Deacon for the sign Aquarius. The star in his right shoulder of the strongman is Sa’ad al Melik and it means ‘the

record of the pouring out’. The star in his left shoulder is Saad al Suud means “who goeth and returneth”, or “pourer out a stream”. God pours out the Word of God by the Prophets and the Messiah. The Word of God flows like a river into the hearts of the Believers. Aquarius is portraying the Third Part of the Word of God being poured out into the world. The first part is the Torah, the second part is the Gospel, and the third part is the Qur’an. The star Al Sa’ad al Bula means ‘the good fortune of the swallower’. It portrays the person who drinks the water flowing out of the jar will have a good fortune. The best fortune a person can have is in an everlasting world. It is good to have a place in heaven. The star in the elbow of the strongman Al Sa’ad Ahbiyah means ‘the lucky star of hidden things’. The working of the Word of God is hidden from people. Only God knows all things. The luck and good fortune a person receives is not seen. It is an unseen gift from God. The lucky star of hidden things portrays how lucky a person is when the gift of eternal life is poured into them. The sign Aquarius portrays the pouring forth of water, the Third Part of the Word of God, the Qur’an. Revelation 22:1; …And he showed me a pure river of Water of Life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God… This pure river of water is called the ‘Water of Life’. The Torah-Gospel-Qur’an is the Water of Life. The Word of God is the “Torah-Gospel-Qur’an”. But the first two parts “TorahGospel” has been corrupted by Satan’s lies. Jesus delivered the Gospel to guide and correct the people of the Torah. Muhammad delivered the Qur’an to guide the world to Truth and to correct the Gospel lies. Jesus and Muhammad are brothers in God. They both delivered God’s true message. But the Bible became bruised. The first time the Word of God flowed out to the world was the Bible, but the Bible becomes corrupted by Satan’s lies. The new water the strongman pours out flows into the mouth of the great Southern Fish. A very important change happens in the Zodiac Prophecy during the Third Season. There is a new fish receiving the Word of God. The Truth is not poured into the first or the second fish anymore. This change is not good for the two fish in Pisces. The first and second fish are bound to Satan. A Royal Star marks the middle of each season. There are Four Seasons and Four Royal Stars. Only three of the four Royal Stars are in a Zodiac sign on the ecliptic line. One of the Royal Stars is not in a Zodiac sign.

The Royal Star not in a Zodiac sign is in the Third Season. It is far below the ecliptic line in the Third Fish. Aquarius is pouring the crystal clear water into the mouth of the third fish, the Southern Fish, portrays Islam. The Royal Star, Fom al Haut, portrays the mouth of the fish and it means‘the mouth of the fish’. The water is not being poured into the fish bound by the ropes in Pisces to help them. There is no help for them. The first and second fish do not receive the new water poured out by Aquarius. The Southern Fish gets all of the new Water of Life. The 1st and 2nd fish in Pisces completed their mission and will soon become dead. There is a change in who the Water of Life is poured into during the Third Season. It is portrayed by the third fish receiving the Water of Life. There are three fish in the Zodiac message. The first and second fish in Pisces are bound by the Bands of Wickedness and the third fish, the Southern Fish swims free. Two fish are bound to Satan and the third fish receives the new Water of Life, which is the Qur’an. The third fish is the Southern Fish and it portrays Islam. This was prophesied by the prophet Zechariah 13: 7-9; “Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones. And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, TWO parts therein shall be CUT OFF and die; but the THIRD shall be left therein. And I will bring the Third Part through the fire, and will REFINE them as silver is refined, and will TRY them as gold is tried, they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, it is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.” This same message is portrayed by the two fish in Pisces and the third fish portrayed by the Southern Fish. The Third Part of the Word of God is poured out in the Third Season and it is the Qur’an. It is the pure Word of God. The same message is told by the prophet Ezekiel 5: 1-2; “And thou, son of man, take thee a sharp knife, take thee a barber’s razor, and cause it to pass upon thy head and upon thy beard: then take thee balances to weigh, and divide the hair. Thou shalt burn with a fire a third part in the midst of the city, when the days if the siege are fulfilled: and thou shalt take a third part, and smite about it with a knife: and a third part thou shall scatter in the wind; and I will draw out a sword after them.” The first third is burned showing the Torah getting cut off, then the second third is pierced which is the Gospel becoming corrupt, and then the last third is scattered showing the Qur’an going around the world. After the third part is fully scattered, God sends the sword of judgment on the world. And all three parts are weighed & balanced.

The first two parts (Torah & Gospel) have the truth cut off by God and the third part (Qur’an) is spread around the world and remains Truthful till the end. The new water is poured into the Southern Fish. This event is marked by the Royal Star not in a Zodiac sign. The Strongman in Aquarius portrays the Spirit of God pouring out the new Water of Life, the Qur’an into Islam. The Third Fish portrays Islam and it has a Royal Star in its mouth. The three Deacons for Aquarius are the Southern Fish, Pegasus, and Cygnus. The first Deacon is the Southern Fish. It is the third fish receiving the last water poured out. This great fish is absorbing all of the pure water being poured out by the Spirit of God. All of the water is poured into the Southern Fish and none of it will be lost. The pure water is the final part of the Word of God being poured into the body of Believers. The Southern Fish receives and drinks freely all of the pure water being poured out. This water will last forever and the people who drink it freely shall never be thirsty again. The second Deacon for Aquarius is Pegasus and it portrays a great white horse with wings. Pegasus has the Milky Way Galaxy in the background and the Milky Way portrays a pathway. The star Markab means ‘returning from afar’ and the star Scheat means ‘who goeth and returneth’. The star Al Genib means ‘who carries’ and the star Homan means ‘the water’. These stars are portraying the Water of Life being carried to the world by the angels. Pegasus portrays the angels going back and forth between heaven and the earth carrying the Water of Life. The last Deacon Cygnus is a beautiful swan. The name Azel means ‘who goes and returns’. The swan is seen soaring through the midst of the Milky Way Galaxy. The star Cycnos means ‘the swan’ or ‘circling’. The star Cygnus means ‘who comes and goes’ or ‘circles’. The star Fafage means ‘shining forth’ or ‘glorious’. The star Adige means ‘flying swiftly’. The background behind these stars is the center axis of the Milky Way Galaxy. Cygnus and Pegasus portray the angels flowing back and forth between Heaven and Earth carring the crystal clear Water of Life.

End of the Third Season

The three Deacons for Capricorn are Sagitta, Aquila, and Delphinus. CAPRICORN

The third sign of the Third Season is Capricorn. Around two thousand years ago the Winter Solstice was in Capricorn. That is how the Tropic of Capricorn got its name. However, due to precession this point now occurs in Sagittarius. Capricorn is a slain animal. It has the upper body of a goat and the lower body of a fish. The dead head of a goat is placed on a dead fish. A very old Egyptian name for Capricorn is Hupenius and it means ‘the place of sacrifice’. This is the second sacrifice God makes for the Word of God. The first sacrifice was portrayed by Aries when the Torah was cut off. That is when God cut off the first bride, the Chosen People of God. The sign of Capricorn portrays the second time God cuts off the truth. The truth coming from the Gospel is also cut off by God. That is when God divorces the second bride, the Christian Church. Capricorn is a cut off goat head placed on top of a fish. It portrays the truth coming from the Gospel being cut off. The star Al Gedi located in the horn of the goat means ‘the goat cut off’. The head of the goat is cut off. The horn represents the nation of the goat and the act of being cut off represents an end to something very important. The star Sa’ad al Naschira means ‘the record of the cutting off’ and the star named Al Ma’asad means ‘the slaying’. Another meaning for the star named Al Ma’asad is ‘the sacrifice slain’. The star Deneb Al Gedi means ‘the sacrifice that cometh’. The Truth coming from the Gospel is cut off and that is the sacrifice that God makes. The People of God in the Churches are being told lies. The false prophets have taken over the “Christian’ Churches and the people listen and believe the lies. The Truth is Cut Off !!! God cutting off the Truth from the Church is what the sign of Capricorn portrays. God’s second bride is a harlot. Capricorn has two animals portrayed in it. The fish portrays the lower body and the goat portrays the head. The fish portrays the People of the Gospel. They are the ones who received the second part of the Word of God. The fish are used by God to represent their need to live in water. Believers need to drink the pure water of God. Revelation 21:6; ‘I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the Water of Life freely’. The Water of Life is free for anyone to drink. It is a pure river that is crystal clear and it flows from the Throne of God. The Water of Life is the Torah-Gospel-Qur’an, the Word of God. But the 1st & 2nd parts are polluted with Satan’s lies. The goat portrays the people on the Left Hand of God. Mathew 25:31- 46; Jesus tells a parable about the sheep and goats. The parable is summarized as follows: “When the Servant of man shall come in His glory…He shall separate them one from another,… as a shepherd

divideth his sheep from the goats: and He shall set the sheep on His Right Hand, but the goats on the Left…Then shall the King say unto them on His Right hand, Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom…Then shall He say on the Left Hand, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for Satan and his evil spirits’. The sheep receive life and the goats are cursed. Note: the fire is prepared for Satan and his evil spirits to burn forevermore in, not humans. Humans will perish in the fire. Satan and the evil spirits burn for eternity in hell because they are made from fire. The purpose for the Right Hand and the Left Hand is also portrayed by Virgo. The right hand of Virgo has the olive branch and the left hand of Virgo has the wheat branch. The wheat branch in her Left hand portrays the Torah & Gospel. That is what the Messiah faithfully completed. The olive branch in Virgo’s Right hand portrays the Qur’an. The olive branch provides the only True Light left in the world and it is blessed by God. The Light of the world is the Qur’an. The three Deacons for Capricorn are Sagitta, Aquila, and Delphinus. They are all grouped together right above Capricorn’s head. All three have the Milky Way Galaxy as the background portraying the conduit between this world and heaven. Sagitta in Latin means ‘the Arrow’. It is also known as Scham in Hebrew, which means ‘destroying’. It portrays the arrow shot by the Archer to destroy the enemy of God. Zechariah 9:14: ‘And the Lord shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning…’. God’s arrow will go like a lighting strike at His enemy. The second Deacon Aquila, means eagle in Latin. It is a wounded eagle. Aquila is pictured as a wounded eagle that has been pierced by an arrow from God. The stars Tarared means ‘the wounded’, Al Cair means ‘the piercing’, Al Okab means ‘wounded in the heel’. The Word of God is only wounded in the sacrifice when God cuts off the Truth from His people. The Book, Torah-Gospel-Qur'an does not die, but the first two parts are wounded. The third Deacon Delphinus means dolphin and it is a dolphin jumping out of water. In Hebrew, Dalaph means ‘pouring out of water’. In Arabic Dalaph means ‘coming quickly’. It is jumping above the waters as it dances around on the Milky Way Galaxy. The dolphin has all the characteristics of a fish, but it also has the ability to rise above the water. The dolphin jumping out of the water is a celebration of victory that has come quickly.

The Third Season of the Zodiac Prophecy

The Third Season has the three Zodiac constellations; Pisces, Aquarius, and Capricorn. THIRD SEASON The Third Season has the three Zodiac constellations; Pisces, Aquarius, and Capricorn. It begins with Pisces portraying the People of God. Pisces portrays them being infiltrated by false teachings. The Word of God is under a full assault by Satan in the Third Season. It is portrayed by the ropes tied to the tails of the two fish in Pisces. The fish portray the Jewish and Christian nations. The ropes connect to a deadly sea monster. The sea monster is portraying Satan and Satan is the one controlling the two fish. The sea monster will never let go of its deadly grasp. The fish are bound to the sea monster by the Bands of Wickedness. The fish bound to the sea monster portrays the People of God from the Torah & Gospel being bound to the enemy of God. The fish have lengthened out and have gone as far as they can. The two fish in Pisces portray the People of God in serious trouble. Every year more false teachers flow into and control the Church. The concept of false teachings is a very hard thing to see if you believe the lies. Aquarius portrays the Spirit of God pouring out the gift of eternal life into the world. As the fish in Pisces are being shut down, the Third Part of the Word of God, the Qur’an, is poured out to the third fish. The first two parts are cut off and the third part is refined. The first two parts of God’s word are the Torah and the Gospel. The truth from them both is cut off. The third part of God’s word is the Qur’an. All three of these Books are the Word of God, but only the Qur’an

remains Truthful. The pouring out and recording of the Qur’an is portrayed by the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius portrays the Spirit of God pouring out the Word of God into a new people. They are the Southern Fish and they receive the Water of Life. The two fish in Pisces are bound to Satan by the Bands of Wickedness. There is a clear sign in the night sky for this and it is marked by the Third Season’s Royal Star being in the Southern Fish. There are four Royal Stars and each one of them marks the middle point of the season that they are in. The one Royal Star, which is not on the ecliptic line or in a Zodiac constellation, is in the Third Season. The strongman is pouring the new Water of Life into the Southern Fish and the Royal Star is in the mouth of the third fish. The Third Season ends with Capricorn, which is a cutoff goat placed on top the body of a fish. The goats are placed in the Left Hand and the Sheep are placed in the Right Hand. The Left Hand is cursed and the Right Hand is blessed. The goat is cutoff and slain. Capricorn portrays God sacrificing the second bride. The second part of the Word of God is cut off because it has become corrupted with Satan’s lies. Capricorn portrays God cutting off the truth to His second bride. God’s first bride received the Torah and the second bride received the Gospel. The Torah and Gospel together are the Bible. The Qur’an is the third and final message form God to be recorded. The Last Messenger from God is Muhammad and Muhammad is God’s Truthful and Final Prophet. There are two witnesses is Revelation 11:3; ‘And I will give power unto my Two Witnesses, and they shall prophesy….’ God’s Two Witnesses for humanity are the Bible and the Qur’an. The Bible is the witness for the first and second part of God’s Word. The Qur’an is the witness for the third and final part of God’s Word. The Bible is portrayed as the two candlesticks and the Qur’an is portrayed as the two olive trees that will be standing before the Throne of God on the Last Day. During the Third Season; Pisces portrays the People of God under the control of Satan, Aquarius portrays the Spirit of God pouring out the Qur’an, and Capricorn portrays the Truth of the Bible being cut off.

Beginning of the Fourth Season

Sagittarius with the three Deacons; Lyra, Ara, and Draco. SAGITTARIUS The Fourth Season of the Zodiac Prophecy begins with Sagittarius portraying the Word of God. The lower body of Sagittarius is a horse and the upper body is a man. He is a mighty centaur who has come back. The Centaur is pulling back on his arrow and getting ready to fire it at the Zodiac sign Scorpio. Sagittarius is aiming the arrow at the star Antarez in Scorpio, it portrays the scorpion’s heart. Sagittarius in Latin means ‘the archer’. An older name for Sagittarius is Semivir and it means ‘half man’. One of the ancient names for Sagittarius is Nunki, and it means ‘the prince of the earth’. In the Egyptian Zodiac of Denderah, Sagittarius is called Pimacre and it means ‘the graciousness one coming forth’. One of the brightest stars in Sagittarius is called Naim, and it means ‘the gracious one’. The star Pimacre means ‘the gracious beauty of the coming forth’ and the star Naim means ‘the gracious one’. The star Nehushta means ‘the going, or sending forth’and the star Ruchba er rami means ‘the riding of the bowman’. Sagittarius is an archer that is half man and the prince of the earth who will come to us with graciousness. The "gracious beauty/gracious one" portrays The Word of God. It is shown as a half man, which is portraying Jesus. And a prince of the earth, which is portraying Muhammad. The Word of God shoots the arrow into Scorpio.

Jesus and Muhammad are brothers in God and the Word of God will be united and the Truth shall prevail. The Two Witnesses for God are the Qur’an and the Bible. The graciousness one coming forth returns and shoots the arrow. The true Gospel of Jesus will return and unite with its brother, the Qur’an. The BOOK shall be reveled in the End. In the First Season - the First Witness is portrayed by the wheat branch in Virgo’s Left hand (the Bible), the Second Witness is portrayed by the olive branch in Virgo’s Right hand (the Qur’an). The Two Witnesses are portrayed by the cup of wine (Bible) and the olive branch (Qur’an) carved on the Centaurs shield, the Deacon for Virgo. Sagittarius is also shown as a Lion (the half man) looking back, which is the Bible. And a Man (the man) looking forward, which is the Qur’an. They portray the Two Witnesses. The Two Witnesses in this world are the Word of GOD. They are the Faithful Bible and the Truthful Qur’an. Jesus delivered a Faithful message but it was corrupted. Muhammad delivered the True message and it will always remain True. They are Faithful and True Revelation 19: 11-13; “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood:… and his name is called The Word of God”… The warrior on the horse who shoots the arrow is called the Word of God !!! There is one rider with two names, which are Faithful (Bible) and True (Qur’an). They are the Word of God ! The sign of Sagittarius portrays the True Gospel message being united with it's brother, the Qur’an. God makes them strong together and together they triumph over the enemy of the world. Truth is the arrow that is shoot into the enemy’s heart. The three Deacons of Sagittarius are; Lyra, Ara, and Draco. Lyra is an eagle holding a harp. It portrays the music of Heaven. It is being carried up to God as the sounds of praise and worship. Music carries the emotional celebration of praise. The brightest star in Lyra is Vega and it means ‘He shall be exalted’. God will be exalted when the arrow is fired. The second Deacon is Ara, which means ‘the Altar’. It is an Altar with a flame burning out the top of it. The altar portrays judgment being poured out. There will come a day when this world will be purged by fire.

The third Deacon is Draco which means ‘the long serpent’. The star in the eye of the dragon is called ‘who is to be destroyed’. The star Al Dib means ‘the reptile’. The churches are following a reptile, as they listen to false gospels cleverly designed by the oldest dragon in the universe. Many people are unknowingly following a reptile.

Middle of Fourth Season

Scorpio with the three Deacons; Serpent, Ophiuchus and Hercules.

SCORPIO The second sign in the Fourth Season of the Zodiac is Scorpio. It is a deadly scorpion with its stinger lifted in the attack position. It is the only Zodiac sign that is poisonous. The scorpion is used to portray a deadly enemy and a symbol of darkness and evil. Scorpio is a deadly scorpion and it is knowN by many names. In Hebrew it is Akrab, which means ‘the conflict of war’. In the old Coptic language Scorpio is Isdis, which means ‘attack of the enemy’. Scorpio is an enemy attacking and making war. The two star nebulas, Aculeus and Acumen, in the stinger portray physical and emotional blindness. The brightest star in Scorpio is Antares and it means ‘the wounding’. It is located in the heart of the scorpion. Antares is the Royal Star marking the Fourth Season. Antares is a bright red star located in the heart of the scorpion. The Four Royal Stars are: Regulus in Leo, Al Debaron in Taurus, Fom al Haut in Southern Fish, and Antares in Scorpio. Scorpio has an important correlation with the tribe of Dan in the Torah. Dan is one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The twelve tribes set up ranks made up of four cornerstone camps formed around a central camp, the Levites. The Levites carried out sacred ceremonies for the Tabernacle. The four cornerstone camps surrounded the Levites. Each cornerstone camp had three individual tribes. This created twelve camps around the central Levites camp. The four cornerstone camps and the emblems given to them are: Judah (lion), Ephraim (ox), Reuben (man), and Dan (eagle). The four emblems; lion, ox, man, and eagle, are the four faces on cherubim. They are also portrayed by the Four Royal Stars. The twelve tribes are given several times in the Bible, but Revelation 7 leaves the tribe of Dan out for a very special reason. Genesis 49:17: ‘Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.’ The tribe of Dan is prophesized in the Bible to eventually become a serpent that bites at the heels of a horse. When the twelve tribes were formed the tribe of Dan was an eagle, the enemy of a serpent. But over time the eagle becomes a serpent. The transformation of the tribe of Dan from an eagle to a serpent is a fulfillment of Jacob's prophecy in Genesis. The Tribe of Dan and the Church both are prophesized to fall away from God. In Revelation 2:22 it describes the Church in its final days; I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent.” The women cast into a bed is the Church, the followers of the Church

are the ones that commit adultery with her. Babylon the Great is the bride. Revelation 18:2-5 summarized; “And he cried… Babylon the Great is fallen…Come out of her, my people…. Scorpio portrays the Church when she is cast into great tribulation. The Church becomes a deadly serpent. The Church becomes an agent for Satan. The Church is transformed into a very venomous creature. It is being consumed by false gospels and it will soon be controlled 100% by Satan. Get out of her while you can!!! It is Satan’s lies that many church members hold the nearest to their heart. The scorpion is filled with a very deadly venom. The three Deacons for Scorpio are the Serpent, Ophiuchus and Hercules. The first Deacon for Scorpio is the Serpent. The name in Hebrew is Alyah and it means ‘the accursed’. The star named Al Hay means ‘the reptile’. The Serpent is the accursed reptile. The Serpent is wrapped around the hands of the strong man Ophiuchus and the Serpent’s mouth is stretching out to the royal crown. The Royal Crown is the constellation Corona. The Serpent is bending its neck trying to steal the Crown. The second Deacon is Ophiuchus. He is above Scorpio with his left heel crunching the scorpions head and holding the Serpent. Ophiuchus means ‘the serpent held’. The star in Ophiuchus’s head is Ras Al Hagus and it means ‘the head of him who holds’. Ophiuchus, in Hebrew, is Afeichus, and it means ‘serpent held’. The one that holds the Serpent is the Word of God. The third Deacon is Hercules. He is the great and mighty man who treads his foot on him who wears the crown of pride. Hercules is bending down on his right knee and wielding a club in his right hand. The star in his right arm means ‘treading underfoot’. His left hand holds a three-headed monster and his left foot steps on the head of Draco the dragon. Hercules is victorious over the Dragon and the three headed monster. The star Ras al Gethi means ‘the head of him who bruises’. The act of bruising is throughout the stars and Bible. Genesis 3:15; “…I will put enmity between thee and the woman, … it shall Bruise thy Head, and thou shalt Bruise his Heel.” The Serpent is bruised stealing the bride. The Word of God is bruised by the lies that corrupt it. Ophiuchus & Hercules portray the Two Witnesses; the Bible and the Qur’an being joined in the End to destroy the enemy of God. The two brother’s arms are made strong by God. The “true Bible” and the Qur’an verify and confirm each other. But the Bible in the world today is corrupt and it needs to be filtered through the Qur’an to find its Truth.

End of the Zodiac Prophecy

Libra with the three Deacons; the Crux, the Victim, and the Corona. LIBRA The last sign in the Fourth Season is Libra. It is the only Zodiac sign that is not portrayed as an animal or human. The Latin word Libra means ‘the scales’. In Hebrew Libra is Mozanaim and it means ‘the scales’ or ‘weighing’. There are four stars that portray the scales in the night sky. The two brighter stars are each located in one of the weighing trays. The star Zuben Al Genubi in Arabic means ‘the price which is deficient’, meaning a price needs to be paid for what is in the weighing tray. All of the bad things in our lives will be put on this side of the scale. The star in the other weighing tray is Zuben Al Shemali in Arabic and it means ‘the price which covers’. This represents all of the good things in our lives. On the Day of Judgment we will all be weighed by God. Everything we did in life, both good and bad will be weighed. The third star Zuben Akrabi means ‘the price of conflict’ and it is located on the side of the scale that has the deficiency. This is the negative side of the scale. The weight on this side of the scale is associated with being in conflict with God. The fourth star Al Gubi means ‘heaped on high’ and it is located on the positive side of the scale and it portrays God's mercey. The good in our life will be weighed against the bad. But only God can forgive the shortfall. God is All Mercy and All Forgiving and God will forgive the Believers of their shortfall.

Libra portrays how the good in our lives will be weighed against the bad on the Last Day, the Day of Judgment. Libra is the last sign and it portrays the end. In ancient Jewish writings Libra was the letter Tau, the last letter in the alphabet. The three Deacons for Libra are the Crux, the Victim, and the Corona. The Crux is the first Deacon and Crux in Latin means ‘the cross’. It is also known as the Southern Cross. In Hebrew, it is Adom and it means 'the cutting off'. The Crux represents the place of justice and the Last Day, it will be the final cut. The second Deacon is Lupus and it is better known as the Victim. In Hebrew it is called Aseda, which means ‘to be slain’. In Greek, it is Thera meaning ‘beast’. The Centaur stabbing the beast portrays the beast being slain by the Word of God. The Centaur portrays the Two Witnesses, which are the Bible & Qur’an. They have authority over the beast in this world. The third Deacon is Corona Borealis, which is known as the Royal Crown or just Crown. The Hebrew name Atarah means ‘a kingly crown’. This Crown represents royalty. It is a Crown that will never fade away. It is the Crown that Ophiuchus is holding the Serpent from getting. The Serpent is making its last chance to steal the Royal Crown.

The Fourth Season

The Final Season consists of the three Zodiac signs; Sagittarius, Scorpio, & Libra. THE FOURTH SEASON The final and Fourth Season of the Zodiac Prophecy are the three Zodiac signs Sagittarius, Scorpio, & Libra. Sagittarius portrays the unification of the Word of God. The archer returns and shoots the final arrow into the enemy. The star Pimacre means ‘the gracious beauty of the coming forth’ and the star Naim means ‘the gracious one’. The gracious beauty coming forth is the return of the Gospel Truth. The Truth of the Gospel returns and the Two Witnesses are joined together! The Bible Truth is joined with the Qur’an. The star Nehushta means ‘the sending forth’and the star Ruchba er rami means ‘the riding of the bowman’. Sagittarius is an archer that is half man and the prince of the earth who will come to us with graciousness. The Truth returns and shoots the arrow into Scorpio.

Sagittarius portrays the return of a true Gospel message being united with the Qur'an . The Word of God will be a strong arrow in the end. The Gospel message has become corrupted by Satan’s lies, but the Truth from it will return and join with the Qur’an for all to see. They are the Two Witnesses for this world. The sign of Scorpio is portraying the Church and it is deadly. There is no more good left in it. The Churches are following the lies of the False Prophet. The Church people are not even aware what they are doing. The woman Babylon riding on a scarlet beast is the Church in its final days on earth. The Church becomes the Great Whore Babylon that goes whoring after false gospels. She commits adultery with Satan. God will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. Babylon the Great has fallen! It is the habitation of devils, the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of the unclean and hateful. Come out of her! Do not partake in her sins and receive her plagues. God remembers her iniquities. False teachings are adultery to God and there is an abundance of adultery in the Churches today. During the Fourth Season there is a great tribulation on this world. It will be a time in history that has never been experienced. The Fourth Season ends with Libra. It portrays the Spirit of God and the Final Judgment. It is the End of Days! Libra portrays the Time of Judgment. In the end God will be weighing the character of every person on the scale of justice. Every person will be weighed on Gods scale. That is the Last Day and the Day of Judgment.

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