Cr eat ive Rebel A Fal l Rit ual f rom At hena Perrakis, Sage Goddess
Rei gni t e Your Creat i ve Fi re by Jenni fer Sei t zer
Jum p into O ur
Meet Tery Brouwer
"Dreaming Reality"
Join the Creative Rebel Tribe on Facebook!
by J. Marie Fuller
(All the cool kids are doing it!)
Chapter of the Month Stor y
Rebel of th e M onth
The Fal l Issue
Col umns
4 Rebel of the Month -
13 The Story Life by
Tery Brouwer
Jennifer Blanchard
6 Dreaming Reality -
19 What the Nonsense?
Chapter a Month Story
Dream Interpretation
8 Fave Rave 10 Fall Tip by Athena Perrakis
22 The Creative Life: Behind the Scenes
25 Ask the Coach with Petra Monaco
28 Dear Muse... by Jill
St af f
Freya Perry
Editor in Chief: Lisa Marie Miles Creative Director: Michelle Robinson
Trisha Aldrich Tabitha Ferreira
Michelle Robinson
Jill Badonsky
Tracy Eau Claire
Karma Dreamwalker
RachĂŠl Payne
Petra Monaco
Kamahria Hopkins
Jennifer Blanchard
Print: Writers & Contributors:
Lynn Snipes
Website: Creative Rebel Studios
Alenka Teric J. Marie Fuller
Creat ive Rebel Magazine
Lisa Marie Miles
Copyright October 2015
Elizabeth Angel 2
Lucid Press
Jo Crisp Jennifer Seitzer
Creative Rebels Tribe
Ladina Battin
by Creative Rebel Studios
Wel com e Rebel s! Dear Readers, The idea for this magazine came out of nowhere. I was reading an online life coaching magazine and on the bottom of one of the pages it read: Create your own emagazine now! I thought, how fun would that be? I mentioned it in the Creative Rebel Tribe on Wild Wednesday (on FB, where we spill our crazy ideas we come up with then help each other brainstorm), and got great feedback on the idea. The next thing I knew, Rebels were offering to write articles, columns, and submit art work. If it wasn't for the contributors, this magazine wouldn't exist. I'd like to thank every writer, artist, and creative who participated in the creation of it. And I'd like to say a special thank you to Michelle Robinson, who worked tirelessly on the layout. In every issue you'll find: -
Rebel of the Month Dear Muse column Chapter a Month story Fave Rave Intuitive Card Reading Storytelling column Dream Interpretation column
To be a contributor, send an email or visit Creative Rebel Studios.
Lisa Marie Miles, Founder Coach for Creatives, Writers, & Artists www.CreativeRebelStudios.com
Rebel of t he Mon t h Tery Brouw er
by Lisa Marie Miles
Tel l us about your creat ive l if e?
15 Things You Don't Know About Me
I embrace a creative life by connecting with nature and healing through creativity. Each and everyday, I make a conscious choice to self-care and in doing so, I work hard to live a creative, abundant life. I have been writing in journals since a kid. I will paint as a meditation practice and I use the creativity as a healing modality. Life in itself is a creative canvas and I am constantly adding color.
Where can we connect wit h you onl ine? My website: creativesoulpoetry.blogspot.com Facebook: https:/ / www.facebook.com/ creativesoulpoetry
15 Th i ngs You Don't K now A bout M e 1. In 1988, I dirt y danced wit h Tom Cruise. 2. I was always drawn to and attracted to the 20s era. Every time I am near something vintage, I cry. A couple of years ago, I was read by an intuitive who was also a past life regression reader. Never met this person before in my life and she told me I lived in the 20 - 30?s era! I nearly passed out. 3. My favorite breakfast is banana and peanut butter. 4. I read out loud when I write.
5. I am obsessed wit h Candy Corn; especial l y t he pumpkin shaped ones. 6. I am a Hello Kitty fanatic! 7. I have had moments of wanting to run away and be a rock star or a Billie Jean. 8. I hate following rules.
9. I pour M&M?s on t op of my popcorn. 10. I love going out to eat by myself.
11. I am a late sleeper. 12. I am an introvert; I love to be alone. 13. I love the smell of Magazines. 14. I wanted to own my own paper.
15. I sent my publ ished book t o Oprah.
ve Creat i t i p!
Prepar ing to Begin by Tracy Eau Claire
When beginning a new creative project, I take advantage of small pockets of time before I sit down to create. By sneaking in a few minutes here and there, I can gather my supplies so I?m ready when inspiration strikes. As I finish a project, I straighten up my space. I clean and refill the water jars, wash paint brushes and pick up my work surface. When I?m inspired by a color scheme, or have an idea of what I?d like to create, I print a picture or draw a quick sketch. The next time I walk by my painting table, I?ll pull a few tubes of paint out so I have a color palette ready to go. If I know there are stencils or bits of ephemera I?d like to incorporate I?ll dig those items out as well. As my painting emerges I may fine tune my colors or add other items, but having the basic inspiration, colors and supplies ready to go helps me make the most of my limited creative time.
Join the Creative Rebels Tribe on Facebook and be a part of one of the best communities around. -You will find: - Unlimited support - New friendships - Women who lift you up - Creative goddesses
Artwork by Lynn Snipes 5
Chapt er a Mon t h St or y D ream ing R ealit y by J. Marie Fuller Prol ogue Get up, get dressed, go to work, go home, go to bed, repeat. This is my life. Just a few years ago I would speak about my dreams with so much excitement and wonder. I had a plan to get out of my small town after college, travel the world, write, live in a studio apartment in the city and of course meet a tall, dark and handsome stranger and have a crazy romance. But life has a funny way of throwing a curveball when you least expect it. Slipping on a pair of fuzzy slippers, I plop myself onto the couch and turn on the TV. After nine hours of work, I lacked the energy to do much else. Ding Ding I could barely hear the sound of the doorbell over the TV. Pausing it, I slowly made my way to the intercom. ?Yes?? ?I have a delivery for a Ms. McKenna Nichols.? ?Sure, I?ll be right down.? I quickly do a mental inventory of what I may have ordered recently, I have a habit of online shopping in the middle of the night and not always remembering it until the package arrives a few days later. I?ve considered turning off my computer at night, hoping by the time it turns on I will have lost the desire to shop, but me at 2:00 AM shops for much cooler things, so I let it slide. Typically when I order anything, regardless of time of day, I fill my name out as Mac, which is what everyone calls me. Whoever sent something addressed to McKenna, clearly didn?t know me very well. I reach the main entrance of my apartment
complex, clearly not concerned that I am wearing slippers, black yoga pants and baggy sweatshirt. I glance at the mirror in the lobby, thankfully my make up is still intact and my long box-brown hair is in a messy bun that states I meant to do my hair like this. I open the door and am handed a large, thick manila folder. After thanking and tipping the deliverer, I head back to my apartment, turning the envelope over and over in my hand. Since I didn?t hear ?You?ve been served?, when he handed it to me, I figured it wasn?t bad news. Slowly pulling out the papers, I start to read the letter on top. Dear Ms. McKenna Nichols It is with great pleasure that we inform you of your acceptance to the Creative Writing Program at the Geneva Center of Creative Arts. Along with admittance to our two year fellowship, you have also been granted a full scholarship which includes tuition, room and board, meal plan and books. This letter may come as a surprise to you as we received your application from someone who spoke extremely highly of your talents, though wished to remain anonymous. We truly hope you will join us for the Fall Semester starting on September 1st. Enclosed you will find a brochure of the center, your class schedule, move in details and your dorm assignment. You will find additional resources that may be helpful. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Lillian Zale Director of Admissions I?m not sure how long I stared down at the paper before I blinked. Everyone who was interested in a career in the Arts fought to get into Geneva. It was
Dreaming Real it y by J. Marie Fuller
tough competition each year and only the best got accepted. I dabbled in writing during high school and even now will write as a hobby, I dreamed about writing as a career but that was before life got in the way. Who could have even sent in an application on my behalf? My list of friends is small and the amount of people who knew about my dreams was even smaller. Maybe this was a mistake? I?ll call Ms. Zale in the morning, realize it was sent in error or maybe a cruel joke someone was playing on me. As much as I wanted to believe this wasn?t meant to be, there was still a small voice in my head screaming excitedly as she jumped up and down. Not only was this every person?s dream, but it was also my dream. One that I thought about, dreamed about and visualized until I had given up hope. I wanted to be excited but needed to hear from them first that this was real before I actually celebrated.
I tried to go back to the TV, putting the letter out of my mind, but I couldn?t. I trade the remote for the Center?s brochure and quickly read it cover to cover, reviewed my class list and found I would have a studio dorm in one of their newer buildings. No sharing my room and even though I?d share a bathroom, only 4-6 other students would have access to it. After reading everything that was sent, I started making a list of things to do before September, a lot to accomplish in two months - quit job, find new job, sublease apartment, pack and buy a car. Finally at 11:00 PM, I gave in to tired eyelids and headed to bed, spending a full night dreaming of starting a new life, a life where no one knows me or my past. I could be anyone I wanted to be. Now, I just need to figure out who I want to be.
Fav e Rav e Podcasts
Our Rebels tell us their favorite books, music, podcasts, and artists
My Top 5 Favorite Creativity Podcasts by Tracy Eau Claire
1. Magic Lessons ? El izabet h Gil bert MAGIC LESSONS are road maps for the path to creativity, the extra nudge you need when you?re feeling stuck. In alternating episodes, Elizabeth Gilbert talks to people who are facing creative challenges and to guest experts, to offer perspective, advice, and inspiration.
2. The Possibil it arian Podcast ? Kel l y Rae Robert s Welcome to the Possibilitarian Podcast! Join artist and author Kelly Rae Roberts and co-host
Nichole Poinski for raw, real, and inspiring conversations about all things Possibilitarian ? creativity, personal journeys, spirit, community, growth, and love.
3. Live Creat ive Now! Mel issa Dinwiddie For NON-artists, artists, and everyone in between, Live Creative Now podcast provides practical tips and inspiration on creativity and creative productivity, because feeding your creative hungers is one of the fastest ways to happiness, joy, and self-fulfillment.
4. El ise Get s Craf t y ? El ise Bl aha Elise's goal is to introduce you to smart, interesting people who are good at what they do and willing to share their expertise.
5. CripeAdvent ures in Art ing ? Jul ie Fei-Fan Bal zer Hosted by Mother and Daughter , the Adventures in Arting podcast is a lively discussion of artful living. Topics range from creating art , to viewing art , to the artful home , to managing a career in the arts.
The Color Mage, Bernard Charles, is a manifesting maniac! He has designed and produced a beautiful deck, The Color Mage Oracle. The cards in this deck are a bit smaller in dimension than the average oracle deck, at just under 2 1/ 2? by 4 1/ 2?. I found this size to be comfortable in the hands, and easy to shuffle. These is a beautiful deck of 70 cards, with every imaginable color represented. They are perfect for readings on their own, or as complimentary cards for use with other readings. This deck does not come with an instruction book. The only instruction offered with the deck is ?Follow Your Intuition?. Each card is numbered, which is great for bringing a bit of numerology into a reading.
Each card also has the name of the color represented as well as a brief descriptive meaning, for example: Card number 29 is Honey, Sweeten Your Approach. You can find Bernard Charles, The Color Mage, on his Facebook page Intuitive Bernard, as well as his website www.thecolormage.com. Bernard offers a certification program to go along with his cards to become a certified color reader.
I n t u i t i ve Car d Readi n g
For October 2015
Reading by Kamahria Hopkins, Certified Angel Card Reader Card 1 (General Theme of the Month): SPIRITUAL GROWTH. How exciting! As we firmly find ourselves in fall, and the leaves change around us, so do we. This is a powerful time for transformation on the heels of the Super Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse and in the midst of Mercury Retrograde. It?s a great time to pick back up those projects that you haven?t looked at in a while toward the beginning of the month, particularly those that connect you with your Higher Self. Take time to connect with nature this month, allowing the season to teach you about the beauty and ease of letting go that which has died in preparation for the spiritual winter of our souls. Card 2 (Oct. 1 through 8): SOUL MATE. During the first week of the month, the universe calls you to connect with divine love. For some, this will speak directly to opening the door for that romantic love relationship or strengthening a current partnership. Wherever you are along the spectrum, focus your attention on love. Imagine yourself as a living embodiment of love and how that calls forth an abundance of love in all of your relationships. Take time to nurture yourself and those you care most about.
Card 3 (Oct. 9 through 16): DIVINE GUIDANCE. Mercury goes direct this week (though there may be some residual effect for the days to come). It?s safe, however, to trust your heart. That inner voice that keeps nudging you to take that leap of faith, make that call, or step away from that situation, is divine guidance 9
moving you forward along the path. Be courageous and align your desires with the New Moon on the 13th. Take time to get quiet and listen to what your heart is telling you. It never leads you astray because when given the chance, it will always chase after rainbows. Card 4 (Oct. 17 through 24): HEAVEN ON EARTH. The third week of the month may find us struggling with a difficult situation that could feel like Hell on Earth (or just really unpleasant). But this card reminds us that we have the power to create our reality by changing our perspective. It doesn?t matter who or what is bothering you. Shift your focus to love and send positive energy to it. We attract what we are. Be love and that is what you will receive in return.
Card 5 (Oct. 25 through 31): HEALING SOUNDS. The final week of October brings forth an opportunity to explore the deeper meanings and mysteries of the universe. Ancient wisdom awaits us. All we have to do is be open to discovering it. Consider connecting with crystals and other sacred forms of sound. Ask your angels and guides to reveal to you important sounds that will aid in your spiritual development ? those detectable by the human ear and those not. Listen with your spirit.
5-card spread f rom ?Universal Love? by Toni Carmine Sal erno
CREATI VE REBEL FALL TI P A beautiful ritual for fall Hal l oween. Samhain. Day of t he Dead. While this season may invoke fears of darkness, I find it to be beautiful and sacred, full of memories of my ancestors and a deep remembering of my own ancient wisdom. Many of us have fun Halloween traditions, and I like to make this simple ritual (below) a part of my annual practice to honor the energy of the season, as well as the souls who walked before us. I?ve taught this practice to my team at Sage Goddess, and we?re all sharing it together.
For t his rit ual you wil l need t he f ol l owing t ool s: -Orange, black, and gold candles -Photos of deceased loved ones, or people you want to honor -Personal sacred items, such as crystals, jewelry, or figures of deities
On October 31 , you can create your own Samhain altar by lighting orange or black candles, putting out photos of deceased loved ones, and
?On this night, the velvet curtain draws closed and all around us, Spirits of our Beloved embrace us. I honor those who have gone before me, clearing my path with their wisdom and love. I honor those who are with me now, guiding me and teaching me the sacred ways. And I honor those who will come after me, leaving a magical legacy they can follow. On this night, I give thanks for [insert name of ancestor(s)] and remember him/her for the love he/she gave. May his/her memory live on in me, through me, and so it is.?
perhaps a few of their favorite things, or anything that makes you grateful for the season. I love to include photos of ancestors. I believe they know and
May you embrace this season without fear. Dance with the dead, and learn from the wisdom they gathered when they walked this earthly plane.
see when we include their images on our seasonal altars. Then recite the following invocation as you focus on the flame of your burning candles:
Samhain blessings to you, dear ones!
At hena
My Glass Grotto The droplets fall rhythmically. Splattered like the thoughts cascading through my mind. Each useless tiny capsule filled with energy and time, Unaware of the land that lies beyond its borders, disillusioned by the beauty within. The elements that attack repeatedly, against the duplicitous glass. No longer is leaving an option, do the outsiders even know that I?m here? Fading into the darkness, drowning within this black hole. From the inside I can see nothing, invisibility is strangling me. I built this grotto. I toiled and slaved. The grit and pain that built that glass took decades to create. I sit here in silence, for my words can no longer break through. The looking glass is broken, the lights are growing dim. The glass grotto is no prison, or at least it was never meant to be. I built it as a haven when the world closed down around me. It was a palace filled with life. Dreams and joy reverberated through the halls,
by Tabitha Ferreira
I dreamt of an escape from life outside these walls.
Anything a child could wonder is what I could be.
The freedom that I longed for, Nothing more than a childhood fantasy, for as I grew older my grotto imprisoned me.
Now still within the haven of my grotto's walls, I look at all the chambers filled with dreams and goals.
A casualty of fancy. An imagination without limits. When your dreams become adventures, how do you live in mundane normalcy? Greatness was expected, kindness overlooked. Intelligence taken for granted, while sadness overtook. Others saw the picture of what I might become, but all of their carefully painted portraits clouded out the sun. Sure, I could be anything that I would want to be, but which dream or fancy defines who is me? Think about the question so often asked of a child. "What do you want to be when you grow old?" How can a child answer without knowledge of life? How is a child to answer, knowing there is a wrong or right? The grotto was a palace, filled with possibilities.
Gathering some dust, under cloths and drapes, dying in my prison as doors shut in my face. Soon I'll stand in darkness, with all of these exhibits closed. Wandering these glass halls as the walls close. Trapped in my lost paradise.
Yellow Rose By Elizabeth Angel Soft yellow petals, scented gold Big blue eyes the color of cornflowers Soft golden strands that fall through your hand An angel face a boy never a man Death would come at his own hand Trembling pain a young girl knows Unbearable grief that shows Tears falling from a pair of hazel eyes
The Broken Faer y
No one hears the sorrowful cries
by Tabitha Fer r iera
Deep and shattering in the soul
She sat beneath the tree. Her wings lost in the latest battle and her dress covered with what was left
Not understanding what is told Broken heart and shattered dreams
of her pride. The night has since enclosed around her
Silence answers a young girls screams
but the power of the harvest moon allowed her weak
At bay the night
melody to bring forth a few dragonflies. Her body
The soft lyrics can be heard
was weak and broken as she relied on the strength of the swing beneath her to keep her in place. Hidden in
Love Bites the name of the song
the light of the moon, unseen by her love as his
Giggles and kisses love just a word
signal lit up the sky. His light gives hope to those at
All would die in a single night
sea and to her aching soul. If her wings were the price
And grief born would take flight
of his safety she would gladly give them again and again. The tempest is blowing past this tranquil place
The only reminder a single rose
and he will continue to live on, because of the
Soft and yellow as it grows
unknown sacrifice of an unrequited love. Unable to
The delicate petals are all that stands
move on and no longer able to return to the land of
Between tears and grief one boys hand
the faeries she is trapped in the curse of fairy
Gentle to the touch soft and pure
darkness until she finds a way to make her way to that bright light.
All that is left are the memories And the silent cries never heard Memories remain of a warm spring day When laughter and love were there to stay Gentle hands that held on tight hoping to keep At bay the night.
The Stor y L ife Write better stories.
The Most I mpor tant Piece of Stor ytelling Advice You?ll Ever Get column by Jennifer Blanchard My journey to writing and publishing my first novel was a very bumpy, 18-year-long road, but I?ve picked up a lot of priceless experience and knowledge along the way. I?ll be sharing bits and pieces of what I?ve learned with you in this column every month. For the debut issue, I wanted to start with, probably the most important thing I?ve learned: you have to commit to being a lifelong student of story. If you dream of writing a novel or having a career as a published novelist, you must commit yourself to studying the craft of storytelling and using the principles in your own writing. There is no other way. I spent the first 13 years of my writing journey completely oblivious to what it really took to write a good story. In 2008, I even wrote my very first novel from start to finish. But it was a total disaster. Because I had no idea what the criteria was for writing a story that worked, a story that would hook readers from page one and keep them reading ?til the end. And that was a problem. Up to that point, I had learned everything I could about fiction writing, but I hadn?t really studied the craft of storytelling. There are specific principles at play in a good story: conflict, stakes, reader empathy, structure, a Protagonist who wants something, an Antagonist who wants to oppose what the Protagonist wants and a journey that ensues because of it. After learning about craft, I started practicing it.
Took me five more years before I was finally ready to put my first novel out into the world. And I?m still learning more every single day. Storytelling is an art form. The only way to get good at it is to study the craft as much as you can, practice using what you learn to write your stories, and get professional instruction and support when you need it. In my columns, I?m going to cut through the BS and tell you exactly what it takes to write a good story. And the most important piece of advice I can ever give you is this: study story like your life depends on it. Then, and only then, will you ever be able to truly write a novel that?s worth publishing.
W alk ing t he Pat h of Gr at itu de W hen you Google the word ?gratitude? the definition reads ?the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.? Let's think about this for a moment. ?The quality of being thankful?: what types of things are you thankful for? ?The readiness to show appreciation for kindness?: Are you always ready to show your appreciation for kindness, no matter how great or small?
etc. who are with us and guiding us. Have you considered that everyone we encounter has been sent to us for a reason? Have you considered feeling grateful for not only the good, but for the bad as well? Grateful that the experience has taught you something important? Anthony Robbins has stated that ?when you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.? How awesome is this!?!?
?Readiness to By using To live in gratitude is to live in the divine and return kindness?: gratitude in our what are some ways being grateful for simply being alive. daily lives, we that you return can push aside kindness in your daily life? We are all on our own fear, and be open to receiving abundance!This is separate paths in life; how do we manage to feel powerful stuff! Are you aware that the Law of Gratitude connected to others? We do so with our interactions is included in the Law of Attraction? It basically states along the way. Is your path paved with gratitude? that if a person lacks abundance, but shows gratitude for what he has, the Universe will see that and will in turn According to my dear friend Lesley McKeever, in her give the person more of what that person wishes. This book Positivity Echoes in Love and Light (Daily Positive way, that person does not stay in lack for very long. Words Volume 1), ?Living in gratitude brings you closer to Conversely, if a person lacks abundance and does not you, closer to your divine purpose, and closer to your show gratitude, he will continue to live with lack because dreams. You see, being grateful for all you have, little he has not shown he deserves more. things, big things, children, family, pets, friends, everything, brings you more of the like. Why? Because This is why when we show gratitude, we are closer to you are focusing on all the good you have in your life. the Universe than anyone else, and we get the rewards You are rising above anything that is going wrong. for doing so!! Therefore, the more grateful we are when When you are in a state of gratitude you are in a state of we get good things, the more good things we will receive. just being; a truly wonderful and natural state. You get And in some cases, these good things will start coming to see you and your wonderful world in all its glory. You more rapidly than before. As you create new thoughts, embrace all that is true and right and you welcome more act in harmony with those thoughts, and show gratitude of the same. To live in gratitude is to live in the divine for having those thoughts, the closer you will be to and being grateful for simply being alive.? getting that of which you think of, or ask for. How many tend to close themselves off in order to avoid interactions with others? According to Deepak Chopra, ?Gratitude opens the door to....the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the Universe. You open the door through gratitude.? So many of us want more in life, but do not allow ourselves to move forward to our dreams and aspirations. Move toward the door....open it wide..... say ?Hello Universe, here I am.......embracing gratitude....and welcoming my power, wisdom and creativity! But, once we open that door, stand ready, because there will be all kinds of things that will come rushing toward you from all directions and from all kinds of people. According to Rumi we should ?be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.? We are aware of spirit guides and angels,
There are many popular ways to express your gratitude: through prayer, random acts of kindness, volunteering, paying it forward, and keeping a gratitude journal, just to name a few. Pinterest is filled with ideas for being crafty while expressing gratitude!! The important thing is that you DO express gratitude, and to do so in the way that best serves you as you walk along your path of gratitude. -Jo Crisp
Col oring Page Print -out by Lynn Snipes
ReIgnite Your Creative Fire by Jennif er Seit zer There are al l kinds of ways t o die. It is not just physical to one?s body. When you allow your dreams and your creative passion to fade away, that is a death in and of itself. This is something that can happen slowly over time without even realizing it until one day you wake up and do not even know who you are, why you?re here or even where to start to begin picking up the pieces. Addiction, abuse, depression, mental illness, anxiety, even the everyday ?programmed? routine of life can chip away at our creative fire, our creative passion.
I also remember getting lost in music. Playing the flute soothed my withered heart and battered soul. It gave me life when ?real? life was just too painful. It is how I survived. Over the years my creative fire dimmed more and more until one day, 20+ years and two abusive marriages later, I literally woke up and wondered where did it all go. I ?gave? away that part of me that was and IS such an integral part of my being and I wanted it back. Through depression, divorce, addiction and anxiety, my fortress was in shambles.
Cr eat i v e Our creat ive passion is t he expression of our soul , t he vehicl e pas s i on, t hrough which our spirit can dance. Our creative fire can help c r eat i v e f i r e us to hold on to what is true within us. It can give us a secure and safe c omes f r om fortress in which we can escape through song, music, art, the deep wi t hi n. written word, even through the color and solitude of creating a garden. Fortresses are meant to protect those who need its protection and onslaughts can wear down even the strongest of walls. Eventually, our creativity can only take a beating for so long until, over time can no longer ?protect? us as it once did. I remember so vividly walking through a forested path to my ?secret? place. A park across the street from my home that housed bungalows, a lakefront beach with boat rides and hidden between all this were nature trails. I was 13-14 years old and I would take these walks when the stress and dysfunction of my home was too much to bear. After walking through thick grass and forested trees, the path opened up to a fast moving brook which ended at a beautiful waterfall. There was a huge boulder that I was able to climb onto and just sit next to the rushing waterfall and I would often bring my journal or sketch pad and just create.
For the last 5+ years (most likely more) I was searching, ruminating and seeking. I felt blocked, boxed in and suffocated. I felt lost and disconnected. I was a shell of what I once was before all the ?mess?. I didn?t know where or even how to begin again.
How do you Reignit e Your Creat ive Fire? Creative passion, creative fire comes from deep within. The inspiration, the muse, so to speak, comes from the same place your Soul dwells. It speaks Truth, even when you can?t. I can give you a step by step guide on ?how-to? but I feel that would be an injustice. Everyone is different and has their own path to walk but this is something I feel is universal and almost anyone can begin applying this to re-ignite their creative fire. Honor Yourself. Love & Honor Who You Are. Love Where You Are. You Are Where You?re Supposed To Be At This Very Moment In Time. I?m learning to Honor Myself. I am learning to Be Still.
Reignit e Your Creat ive Fire cont inued...
depended on it. I stepped back and shut off all the ?noise?. The ?noise? of media. All media including TV, the phone, the internet. Everything. I needed to become still.
I am crafting a life that I feel Honored and Loved. And that honor and love comes from ME. My heart center!
This was not easy at first and presently I still need to be ever mindful and schedule in ?Me Time?.
Without my creative fire - my creative passion, I?m dead inside. For a long and horrible period of time, I had stopped breathing. I was no longer drawing, sketching, playing music or writing. What once gave me my fortress and my joy was now vacant and empty.
Step out in nature. Talk a walk. Sit outside in your yard. Go to the park. Anywhere that you can be in a natural setting. Listen to the sounds around you. Smell the air. Touch the grass, the leaves, the ancient bark of a tree. Connect to all that is. I am journaling again. I sit down and just write. Again, at first I felt quite ?rusty?, so to speak and stared at a blank page but then I just wrote that I do not know what to write about over and over again until I was writing. By writing I was awakening something up inside. I could feel it. I was reconnecting to that 13-14 year old girl sitting by the waterfall and things began to flow out of me. I?m playing music again. The beautiful sound of the ethereal flute. Getting lost in the notes, feeling the melody of my soul vibrate within. I am playing solely for me. I?m Honoring Me! I wanted more. I was excited. I began to feel JOY again! It may not be writing for you. It could painting, it could be music, cooking, gardening, and so on. The point is just do something, anything that resonates with you. That lights you up inside and begin to play! As awkward as it may feel in the beginning, just do it. And then do it again...and again...and again! Creat ive f ire is not what you do or have. It ?s who you are. This has become part of my recovery journey. Being a woman in long term recovery (12 years), this is reclaiming of what was lost, stolen or thrown away. I am now creating for myself as if my life 17
By honoring myself. By giving myself space and time. By becoming still and listening to my own voice this gave me the opportunity to resuscitate my creative passion. To reignite my creative fire. Remember, you can?t believe in nothing and expect to be creative. Just the act of creating is a belief that a miracle is about to happen. Reignite your creative fire and you open the door to finding YOU again!
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Dr eam I n t er pr et at i on s What The Nonsense? The Power of Dreaming. Everyone dreams. Every single night, we close our eyes, and begin our dreams. We are not the only species that dreams either, many other animals also dream. A lot of different things occur during the dreaming process. We lay down to rest and close our eyes, and our bodies begin to release certain chemicals that aid in this process. The brain increases the amount of melatonin n your body, to cause you to be drowsy. The body releases Gaba and Glycine, the chemicals that paralyze you so that you do not act out your dreams. Then, Dimethyltryptamine is released; The chemical of dreaming itself. We know that dreaming is important for our survival. After all, a human can only go for 10 days without sleep, before the resulting sleep deprivation becomes fatal. It is important to sleep to have a strong immune system, and important for repairing your cells. So, what is a dream? Is it more than just chemicals running through our body? What do they mean? Are they trying to tell us something? Why does repairing our bodies require the process of dreaming? Whether you approach dreaming from a purely scientific 19
viewpoint or also a spiritual perspective, it can be clearly seen that communicating with ourselves via the act of dreaming is important. It is important for our physical health, our emotional health, and our overall well-being.
What l ies underneat h t he nonsense of t he dream l anguage? Dreaming can at times appear very nonsensical. It is important to write these dreams down, every single morning, or as often as you can. People dream every night, whether or not they remember doing so. Writing them down can not only help improve your memory and dream recall, but, it can also help you remember what the heck you were doing the night before.
Have you ever "woken up on t he wrong side of t he bed"? This can somet imes happen if you had a night mare, even if you don?t recal l having t he night mare, your body st il l remembers t he experience. If we learn to know our dreams, we can interact with them. We can go deeper into them and become lucid, we can utilize them to help us navigate our waking worlds. Have you ever
learned something you didn?t know previously in a dream? Many people throughout history have created amazing inventions by first dreaming of it; Dreams are a great source for inspiration and creation of all kinds. Sometimes, dreams are very literal, clear, and you know exactly what they mean. Some will even tell you what they mean while you are still dreaming. These dreams are often very helpful. Some dreams however, come out as metaphorical nonsense that is harder to translate on your own. Sharing dreams with others is very helpful. It improves recall, and gives your dreams the space they need to be understood; Sometimes, it is more helpful for others to see what our dreams mean, because they may be able to "read between the lines" more easily than we can, as they are able to approach the dream from an outside perspective. However, it must be not ed and respect ed t hat onl y t he dreamer knows exact l y what t heir dream means. Since dreaming is so important, it is wise to listen and observe their messages, but what about the nonsense? What if you dream about a house on the hillside overlooking a great lake filled
Dr eam I n t er pr et at i on s with orange jello? What if you dream of a monster dog with three heads? What if you dream that you are meeting the president or that the president is really a cat hidden under a mask/ human suit? What if you dream something truly bizarre, like a creature that doesn't even exist? What if your entire dream was upside and black and white? What if you dreamt of a full mundane day that never happened? What if you dream about a dream within a dream? What if you dream of the future? It real l y depends on t he cont ext of t he dream; So please, do not rush off to the dream symbols dictionary only to convince yourself that you are dying because you dreamt of something like a lamp falling over and breaking! (Which may sound silly, but many people come to me with dreams after doing exactly that, convinced they were about to die.)
Dreams are very personal , and what means somet hing t o one person, may not mean t he same t o anot her. Lisa has given me the wonderful opportunity to have a
regular column in the Creative Rebel e-Magazine.
I am so very happy t o announce my dream int erpret at ion col umn: "What t he nonsense?"! You may send in any questions you have regarding your dreams, and I will do my best to help you. Learning the language of dreams is a very personal process, but it can always help to discuss them with others.
If you are going t o send in a dream, pl ease: - Keep it a relatively short dream. - Include the emotions that you felt during the dream and upon waking. - Include not only the symbols, but the full context. (Example: "I dreamt of a cow." Versus "I dreamt of a cow eating grass, the grass was dirty and brown and I could see green grass on the other side of the fence.") Email the dream to: CreativeRebelStudios@gmail.com Sweet Dreams! -Karma Dreamwalker
Cont inued...
(and for those interested I have included a few interesting links to read about the science of dreams): http:/ / news.mit.edu/ 2001/ dreaming http:/ / 1.usa.gov/ 1Gzkdjl http:/ / bit.ly/ 1Nresfm
Artist Spot light Freya Perry
Rainbow Warrior Art - A Creative Rebel Artist.
Freya Perry has a passion for colour and texture. She loves nothing more than creating art from her heart-soul wherever and whenever the mood takes her and feels her spontaneity is why her art touches others so deeply. Her creative rebel streak generally pops up when the time is right and her unique rainbow creativity is always in response to life?s journey. She has in depth knowledge of colour healing and colour psychology. Over the years Freya has worked in schools, hospitals and hospices. After many exhibitions and running workshops she now concentrates purely on enjoying her life --- painting and selling her art.
Contact t he art ist ! See more of her work on her websit e freyaperry.com, Instagram, and Facebook.
top photo: Dreaming Face lef t phot o: Dragonf l y Dreams right phot o: Dreams of Home 21
The Cr eat ive L ife Behin d t he Scen es of: Tracy Eau Clair When my husband and I first moved into our house we had a coat closet right inside our front door. We live in Arizona and don?t own coats, so he suggested he could turn it into a scrapbook closet for me instead. There is a countertop, whiteboard, pegboard and corkboard as well as shelves, lighting and outlets. The hanging wire racks on each door have been lifesavers for holding all sorts of supplies. I had the six-drawer unit and recently acquired the three-shelf rolling cart. While I started mainly with scrapbooking and rubber stamping, I?ve expanded my supply-hoarding to include mixed media, Sculpey clay, pastels, chalks, acrylic paints, inks, markers and encaustic painting. Some days I wish I had a bigger space with stations for each type of craft, but because this space was designed and built specifically for my needs, I love it! I really like being able to leave a project out when I?m not finished and not have to clean up mid-creation, so one of my favorite features are the doors! It?s nice to be able to shut the doors and magically have the mess disappear!
Tending t he Audacious Heart by RachĂŠl Payne, MS I discovered my l ove of working wit h Creat ives as a young Creat ive mysel f . When witnessing authentic self-expression of a complete stranger or a dear friend, I would feel something in myself move and my heart would swell with delight. I found that when an artist, musician, writer, or poet felt obstructed in being true to their Creative Spirit, they could often find their way to a new awareness simply by connecting their heart with the feelings that overwhelmed their ability to express themselves. Over time, from my own personal exploration of self-inquiry and from the work I do with others, I have found the Heart Glow Meditation assists in freeing up self-expression. Heart Glow Meditation is my own personal expression of the Glow Meditation I have learned from Keith Wilson, known to many as the Chocolate Shaman. Keith?s meditation is very versatile. I have tweaked it to use as kick-start to creativity. Aut hent ic Sel f -expression For the last several months, my conversations with Creatives have spun around this theme of more courageous expression of their authentic self. For many creative types, fully expressing themselves has felt like a risk. They pull themselves in, editing what they have to share, afraid of
judgement, fearful of putting their ideas and projects out for the world to see. Creatives often feel they are living a kind of fringe existence. They may allow their creativity to be witnessed in small doses or in culturally safe ways, but when it comes down to putting themselves out there fully, so many Creatives are holding back in fear of not being understood or accepted.
have been inviting poets, crafters, dreamers, and those who dance to a different drum to let themselves become part of the shift, to tip toe or leap towards the new, developing center. I have also had several Creatives discover that representing the fringe of our culture is where they find inspiration. And so my invitation to them is to push the edge to a new space.
However, recently the conversation has shifted to something fresh, revealing, and freeing as other groups of people who have in the past felt pushed to the fringes or shadow of the culture are finding themselves at the center of a dynamic cultural awakening. With the recent passing of the Marriage Equality Act and the rally of support for Caitlin Jenner?s bold introduction as a transgender woman, many Creatives can?t help but feel a rise of acceptance for living outside the proverbial box.
In bot h cases, be daring. Be audacious. Be real .
For some, the link between LBGT rights or cultural perception and living as a fully-expressed Creative my seem a far stretch. But at the foundation is identity and acceptance in the broad culture. I bel ieve anyt ime we wit ness someone st epping out wit h courage and det erminat ion, t hey whit t l e away a pat h f or ot hers t o f ol l ow. One can not deny the tides are turning towards individual liberties. And that tide has impacted the psyche of others who feel that expression of their authentic voice might join the shift in conversation. As a guide for Creative Spirits, I
Sometimes those invitations don?t jive with one another. Being real might mean that you feel anxious and afraid, which can feel like the opposite of daring and audacious. This is where I like to invite the Creatives I work with to move daringly into their feelings...say, in this example, anxiety. Heart Gl ow Medit at ion We begin by quieting our body, slowing down our mind, and bringing our awareness to the breath. We follow our breath to the chest where we can often feel a rising and falling. There, we connect with the heart, cradled and rocking within the chest. The heart is animated and vital. Flowing through it is lifeforce. We connect to that energy? .that I like to call Glow as my teacher, Keith Wilson, has taught me? . becoming aware of it in every cell of the body, even spilling out of the body, effortlessly energizing us. We may even feel ourselves smiling as we connect with this effervescent Source.
Once we feel that connection, and it might only take a few seconds because it tends to be very available to us, we invite our feelings to join us. In this case, anxiety. We sit with the anxiety, feeling it in our body, connecting with our general thoughts about it. We don?t try to force it to change. We simply witness it and honor it. We do this while continuing to allow the Glow energy to spill into and beyond us. We even invite the Glow to effortlessly increase. This energy feels good, like our cells are smiling. Creatives often find that the anxiety shifts a bit. We may come to a new awareness. We may find ourselves thinking of someone or something that seems unrelated. Often we will find that we are witnessing a kind of dance between our feelings, our inner realities, and what wishes to be witnessed in our own lives.
Once we have explored the feelings, stories, images or stories that may come up, it may be useful to document them in a quick and dirty way. Just get them out. Don?t edit them, express them. We allow them them to be more fully explored using the form of expression that feels right? .poetry, drawing, drumming, ritual, movement, performance art, storytelling. Working wit h Feel ings I am not suggesting that the anxiety or which ever feeling we are working with goes away. We come to know it in a new way and often find that it is linked to more than it appears to be on the surface. Sometimes we can have a new understanding about the source of the anxiety and what the anxiety is representing for us. This awareness can help us understand ourselves and our way of being more fully.
This work takes courage because it means we invite selfinquiry to help us move out of inaction, to help us move into selfexpression. Pairing this work with the work Creatives are called to do is freeing not only to our inner way of being but also our outer way of doing. Aligning the internal and external world can provide peace of heart and inspiration for the expression of one?s Creative Spirit. And so, as many of us are feeling called to a more authentic way of presenting ourselves to the world and are expressing ourselves through the arts or simply through creative living, integrating the Heart Glow Meditation can assist us in offering witness to the dance that is going on inside. I invite you to connect with the heart and? . Be daring. Be audacious. Be real . Be a rebel ? ..so t hat you can be more f ree.
Ask the Coach with Petr a Monaco Q: How do you f it a specif ied creat ive t ime int o a busy schedul e, when everyt hing el se f eel s l ike it 's pul l ing in opposing direct ions.
Q: As a sensit ive, empat hic 'in t he f l ow' soul connect ed ent repreneur - how do you bal ance t he need f or sel f -care and honoring your needs wit h t he need t o get shit done?? Trisha
A: Trisha, Always honor and love yourself first and know your limits of when energy is affected. Honoring your routine and following a schedule helps you build in creative blocks. Create a list of all the things that need to get done, prioritize your top 3 action steps every day. But if you are noticing yourself getting tired or drained, check in with yourself and ask yourself about it. Being self-aware and listening to your body will be the key to balancing your self-care needs and productivity.
Tabitha A: The best way to have time for creating is prioritizing your focus and set some boundaries. Being very clear on what you want to include in your life, will help you create an outline of your ideal week. Sit down and allow yourself to create a vision of what that looks like. Add all the things you must do, but with focused time. Focused time is a blocked of time for the task/ event/ project. Give yourself some breathing room to relax and fill in empty spaces on your ideal week with the creative time, narrow it down to how many days you will be creative. Delegate, if you can, activities/ chores you?d rather avoid. Setting boundaries on your schedule will help you remove activities that are not necessary for you to engage in.
Q: What are your f ave ways t o get past t he incl inat ion t o procrast inat e? I'm t rying t o de-cl ut t er my mind, body, spirit , and surroundings. Roxanne
A: Procrastination is usually the result of feeling unfocused and unclear about your why. Consider creating a list or a mind-map about your why towards a goal or project. Quite often reminding ourselves of why we do things is inspiration enough. In addition, look at your limits and boundaries. Where is your energy drained and what are you tolerating, by weeding those out you are decluttering all that is getting in the way of your productivity.
To send in your questions, email us at: CreativeRebelStudios@gmail.com
Musical Spotlight Sounds To Soothe The Rebel Soul
M aurice Johnson: Premier Indie Jazz Guitarist
by Jo Crisp
nicely! Then he began to play! I
and are available on his website,
I never really got into it; that is,
was immediately drawn in to his
If you are looking for music to set
until I met Maurice Johnson. I was
smooth, yet hip and funky, jazz
the tone for a romantic evening,
on a date, enjoying a lovely
tones. I was mesmerized as they
or a relaxing bubble bath and
evening dining on the Bossa Nova
swirled about, drawing me
glass of wine, these are the ones!!
rooftop patio at the Cafe Do
deeper and deeper into the
Brazil in Oklahoma City. Out of
groove. At that moment, I became
the corner of my eye I noticed the
a fan of this Indie Jazz guitarist,
musician for the evening setting
and soon after I became a friend!!
When it came t o Jazz music,
up to perform. How nice, I
Maurice has two CD's, Tonight
The attached YouTube video, Black Coffee Please, is an original montage of Maurice on his search throughout Oklahoma City for his favorite indulgence.....yes, you
thought...a beautiful Oklahoma
(2010) and Peace Love & Jazz
guessed it......a good cup of black
sunset, rooftop patio dining,
(2013); both are packed with
coffee!!So grab your favorite cup
Brazilian food, wine and
original compositions that reflect
and enjoy!!
music....this date was shaping up
the heart and soul of the artist,
Queen of Heart s! By Elizabeth Angel Tumbling spiraling out of control The house of cards falls to the ground
Falling through tears, falling very slow
The tumbling of the queen makes not a sound
Tumbling, tumbling, tumbling down
The trumpets do no bellow out loud as the queen of hearts
The world spins slowly but there is no sound
Tumbles down The laughter and the tears the cards fall Remember the years when the queen stood tall Falling, falling after nothing at all The queen of hearts she tumbles down Laughing and laughing without a sound The house of cards falls to the ground The tumbling king makes not a sound The trumpets do not bellow out loud as the king of hearts Tumbles down There is no rise, there is no fall There is only hope that for Tomorrow's silent call Wake and see if you can The dreams that carry you to Wonderland There is no place where you can fall As the Queen of hearts has broken all The house of cards falls to the ground
The tumbling queen makes not a sound The trumpets do no bellow out loud as the Queen of hearts Tumbles down
The queen and king they fall through the air Landing on nothing as nothing is there
Dear M use... Solutions to Unleash Your Brilliance
Dear Muse, On Tuesday, I opened my Word program to a blank page and started writing my next book with the flow of a cascading stream of enlightened creative genius. Okay, no, that?s not right. I did not do that ? at all. I confess. I did this: I opened a page to write a book and then, as if my free will was captive to some wicked robotic force, I compulsively clicked on Facebook to post a status report. And since I was there, I clicked on a few of my ?friends??? pages and ?liked? five to twenty-seven of their posts, and in compliance with perceived unspoken expectations, commented on three of them. And then for some reason I wondered how old Renee?Russo was so clicked over to IMDB to see, clicked back to FB to check if anyone liked my status report, flipped over to the Animal Rescue site to help feed the animals and while there ordered a paw print t-shirt, well it went on for a while longer, but you get the idea. Then I flipped back to the page I opened to write my book because after all that, a blank sheet of paper is really, so soothing to the eyes. By this time it was noon. THIS IS MADNESS. Why aren?t I more disciplined? Why is creativity both so electrifyingly appealing and so difficult to comply with?
~Frust rat ed Creat i vi t y Seeker.
out of control. Here?s what?s going on: Since the advent of instant gratification related to the amount of information we now have at our fingertips, our mind has been inadvertently programmed to boing from thing to thing. You may have developed a full-blown gravitation toward bouncing to what?s easiest. As much as the creative process is a seductive temptress once we begin to dance with her, when the moves become uncertain, fears kick-up, we compare ourselves to others and it?s not as easy as we thought. So we often cope by getting sucked into the vortex behind the looking-glass computer-screen. If instant gratification isn?t enough to complicate matters, we have come to adopt unrealistic expectations, overwhelming feelings of too much and not knowing where to start, resistance born of not feeling deserving, diets that fuzz our brains, and downright rebellion to our own intentions. This Dear Muse Column is on a mission to help you solve your mysterious frustrations one tiny step at a time, the Kaizen-Muse way. So your first tiny step is two simple questions that do not require an immediate answer, just patiently ask them and allow your sub-conscious to percolate: What would make it easier for me to show-up? What worked in the past? Be prepared to receive answers that will be delivered as if out of nowhere. Be ready to create. I nst i gat i ng Bri l l i ance,
Your M use Hey There Frustrated Creativity Seeker , Here?s your diagnosis: Human in the Twenty-first century. Don?t feel like the Lone Ranger? the numbers of distracted creativity seekers is growing in crazy epidemic proportions like a monster banana tree
Send in your quest ions f or t he Muse at Creat iveRebel St udios@gmail .com
A r e Yo u Da n c in g To Yo ur Ow n Rh y t h m? by Alenka Tercic
As we are get t ing int o t he f al l season here on the Northern Hemisphere, we are again reminded of the powerful natural cycles. The fall is the time of abundance, we harvest what we sowed in the spring and what grew during the warm summer months, it?s the peak of returns and rewards for our efforts. It is also time to wind down, to see the brevity and end of things. Everything turns, changes, gets born, grows and dies. But we, humans, are too smart for these. We ignore the natural rhythms of the year, of the moon and of days. We work, work, work with the same focus, determination and persistence no matter what. We forget that our own bodies, our lives, our projects... everything is part of the nature. Yet we choose to ignore the natural forces and cycles. And then we are stressed, overwhelmed, worried, tired, even sick and we wonder why. Taking time to rest, to meditate, to ?do nothing? is a luxury, many people think they can?t afford. We are taught to be constantly in motion, we praise the ones who hustle, we admire people who are non-stop working. But... as in nature, our human bodies work in cycles. We need rest as much as we need action. Our minds need sil ence as much as new l essons. Our creat ivit y needs space as much as mess around. We need time to grow before we can reap rewards. How are you honoring your own rhythms? Do you listen to your body and know when there is
time to slow down and when is time to hurry, when to wait and when to move on? Do you know when you are most creative and when you better take a nap? Do you observe your creativity and productivity throughout the month or year? Or do you get up at certain time because you should? Do you work 9-5 (even when you are your own boss)? Do you catch up with your work during the weekend because you put too much pressure on yourself? Respect your body rhythms. Acknowledge cycles of the project (or business). Don?t push against it. Go with the flow. Of course, don?t use this as an excuse to procrastinate ? You can?t just work when you feel like it. But you can schedule your work around your energy and best times to do something. You can organize your life around the cycles. You can plan your year, month, day honoring your rhythms. And when you do, you?ll feel better, more aligned with your energy and thus much happier. How can you change your routines right now to benefit from this?
Karma Dreamwal ker is a 23 year old dreamworker. She is a mother of two and lives in the oh-so-sunny state of Florida. She is a Magickal Arts teacher who is obsessed with all things dream. Making sense out of nonsense is her specialty. KarmaDreamwalker.com,
Tracy Eau Cl aire HappyDaisyAZ.com
Kamahria Hopkins For your personal card reading, visit her on Facebook or send her an email.
Facebook, Twitter, Google+
Jo Crisp . I am The Tenacious Spirit. I am a life coach, hypnotherapist, and an ordained minister. I am completing a degree in Mind-Body Transformational Psychology from The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe, Arizona. I reside in Goodyear, Arizona; however, my workplace is worldwide thanks to the wonders of Skype and the Internet.
Jil l Badonsky , M.Ed. is founder of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Certification Training and author/ illustrator of The Muse is IN: An Owner?s Manual to Your Creativity and two other books on creativity. She is found at KaizenMuse.com, TheMuseIsIn.com, on Facebook and twitter. Next Kaizen-Muse Creativity Certification training begins in February 2016.
Jennif er Bl anchard is an author and story coach who helps serious emerging novelists save time, be more effective storytellers and cut years off their learning curves, so they can write kick-ass books and get published faster. Grab a copy of her free eGuide, Find Your Story: the 6-Week Story Planning and Development Process here.
Athena Perrakis Contact the Sage Goddess here: Email, Blog, Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest
Tabit ha Ferreira Book lover, artist, storyteller, wife, home maker, home schooler (Unschooling with a Charlotte Mason flair), mother of four, tea drinker, baker, kitchen experimenter, wannabe crafter, hopeful homesteader, drifter. My dream above all dreams is to live in a cottage, in the woods surrounded by my family, books and art with my hands covered in paint or dirt. Blog: Under the Fig Tree Blog: Random Everyday Blessings
El izabet h Angel
Freya Perry
I live in Arizona with my husband and two boys' ages 20 and 17 and three legged muse Mika. I have been writing since I was 12 and am working on my first novel. I love reading, writing and the outdoors. Website: elizabethangel3365
Freya Perry has a passion for colour and texture. She creates art from her heart-soul wherever and whenever the mood takes her.
Jennif er Seit zer
Facebook group: Where the Wild Wind Blows for Writers
Lynn Snipes A creative, a spiritual soul with a soft sensitive heart. I love trees, dirt and all things in nature. Has had many life altering events happen throughout her life, yet continues to look up for her strength and guidance. I believe every person is on a personal journey and we have the ability to change the outcome by seeking our OWN TRUTHS! Facebook: Lynnspirations Pinterest
RachĂŠl Payne is a multi-passionate creative who guides individual and group happenings both in-person and on-line. She especially loves lending her hands and heart to inspiring others to connect with a more meaningful life through creativity and spirituality. creativitytribe@gmail.com Website: www.creativitytribe.com Facebook: https:/ / www.facebook.com/ CreativityTribe Instagram: @CreativityTribe
J. Marie Ful l er
Al enka Tercic