Report2017-18 Creative Tourism Network (R)

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Creative Tourism Network® REVIEW – 2017

FITUR2017 welcomes the creative tourism! The creative tourism has undoubtedly been one of the strongest bets of Fitur 2017, the prestigious tourist trade fair in Madrid. The Creative Tourism Network®, the international organization of reference for this new tourism trend, has presented a round-table on the theme: Creative Tourism: opportunities and challenges for the destination, within Fiturtech, Fitur’s innovation program organized by the Intituto Tecnológico Hotelero.

The panel was composed by: ➢ Vicent Torres Ferrer, Head manager of tourism, Insular Council of Ibiza ➢ Carita Santos, Director of the Loulé Criativo program, Loulé City Council, Portugal ➢ Manuel Lara Cantizani, Conciliar of Culture, Tourism and Innovation, Lucena City Council ➢ Caroline Couret, Founder and CEO of the Creative Tourism Network®.

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Medellín joins the Creative Tourism Network®!

We are proud to announce that the City of Medellin has joined the Creative Tourism Network® as a new Creative Friendly Destination. The Colombian metropolis is a paradigm for the creative tourism thanks to its rich offer of both traditional and innovative experiences.

European Region of Gastronomy Award Athens, January 24th - 26th. The CTN had the pleasure and the honor to participate in the European Region of Gastronomy Award meeting in Athens, organized by IGCAT - International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts – and Tourism – and hosted by the South Aegean Government. The round-table, moderated by Caroline Couret, Director of the Creative Tourism Network, gathered policy-leaders from eight European Regions of Gastronomy engaged in a discussion concerning food, tourism, and sustainability as drivers for regional development. Silvia Draghi, European Commission – DG Growth, delivered the closing speech and reaffirmed the support of the European Commission to the Regions of Gastronomy project. The Regions of Gastronomy Platform and the European Region of Gastronomy Award aim to contribute to better quality of life in European and world regions, by highlighting distinctive food cultures, educating for better health and sustainability, and stimulating culinary innovation. In a symbolic, act, Catalonia and Minho then wished the incoming regions well for their programs in 2017 to Aarhus-Central Denmark Region, East Lombardy and Riga-Gauja region. Finally, jointly nominated to receive the European Region of Gastronomy 2019 award by an independent jury, Sibiu (Romania) and South Aegean (Greece) received the 2019 title for their commitment to food and cultural diversity in a special ceremony that took place in front of the distinguished guests, colleagues and media. Congratulations to all of you for these brilliant projects!

Visit Empordanet joins the network! Last Friday 24 March, The Empordanet (Catalonia) was nominated “Creative Friendly Destination” by the Creative Tourism Network®. Under the name “Visit Empordanet”, five municipalities have created a program of creative tourism as part of their strategic plan for the local economic development, in order to make more visible the tourist offer linking tourism and crafts, within the international markets. And it is true that the Empordanet has all the ingredients to attract creative tourists from all over the world. As underlined by the director of the Creative Tourism Network®, Caroline Couret, “beyond its natural beauty, the Empordanet area owns tangible and intangible cultural assets to become a creative tourism destination, as well as the willingness and vision to clearly position the destination in this growing segment worldwide“. In fact, both the official presentation as well as the training that was held the day before, gathered a large number of artisans, artists, merchants, farmers and the general public interested in joining this project. The closing ceremony was presided by the Director General of Tourism of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Mr. Octavi Bono, who congratulated the initiative that links creativity, tourism, and the desire to collaborate five municipalities. Bono concluded that they are “perfect three vertices of a triangle that can give all the momentum you are looking at this area for tourism.” The event ended with a decorative ceramic mural by the authorities and attendees, accompanied by students from the first grade vocational ceramic training carried out at the premises of the School of Ceramics La Bisbal Emporda. In the coming days, a piece of the mural will be given to each of the governments participating in the project as a souvenir of the event.

Creative Tourism at BTL – International Tourism Fair of Lisbon. The Creative Tourism Network® participated again at the BTL – International Tourism Fair of Lisbon. Representatives of the Creative Tourism Network®, as well as of destinations like Loulé (Algarve, Portugal) or Porto Alegre (Brazil) shared their experiences and Best practices with stakeholders willing to develop this new tourist trend. Loulé Criativo was also presented on the booth of Algarve Tourism, as a pioneering program aimed to foster the creative tourism as well as to create a branding using the creative tourism as a motor for the local revitalization. Caroline Couret (Creative Tourism Network®) stressed the need for the tourism industry worldwide, to adapt the traditional model in order to satisfy an increasingly specialized demand.

Conference in Esposende (Portugal) The Creative Tourism NetworkÂŽ lectured within a Conference on Creative Tourism organized by the Portuguese Municipality of Esposende.

Creative Tourism within the Master in Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development

As every year, we had the pleasure to conduct a workshop on creative tourism within the Master Degree in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development, organized by the University of Barcelona, the University of Torino and the International Formation Center of the OIT, in collaboration with UNESCO’s Center of World Heritage; both organizations are part of the United Nations. It was such a privilege to work with students, proceeding from Italy, Spain, Brasil, Colombia, Perú, Ecuador, Chile, Mexico and Guinea-Bisseau on the co-creation of their own projects! The results were brilliant and … creative!

Conference Creating & Managing Experiences in Cultural Tourism - Šibenik, Croatia The Creative Tourism Network® had the honour and the pleasure to participate at the Conference on Creating & Managing Experiences in Cultural Tourism, held last June 21st-24th in Šibenik, Croatia. The conference, organized by the International Children’s Festival of Šibenik and the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), Zagreb, provided theoretical and practical backgrounds on experience economy applied in tourism. The international panel presented projects and studies related to the cultural heritage, the creative industries and the relevance of emotional branding as attractions for the cultural tourism markets, which confirmed the successful and sustainable conciliation of culture and tourism industry. We seize this opportunity to congratulate the organizers for having converted a conference into a very unique experience! Hvala!

CREATOUR, The State of the Art in Creative Tourism

The Creative Tourism NetworkÂŽ participated at the CREATOUR Conference, held last June 1st & 2nd in Curia (Coimbra), a great opportunity to share knowledge in this field with international researchers and practitioners.

Creative Tourism in Venice The director of the Creative Tourism Network® conducted a workshop on creative tourism development within the Master in Economics and Management of Tourism at the CISET – Ca’ Foscari University, in Venice. What do we mean by creative tourism? How to reach the creative tourists? How to use the creative tourism as a lever for the territorial development? – were among the issues dealt in this session, within which the students could also work on concrete projects of creative tourism development for the Veneto Region, Tuscany, Sardinia, among others. We seize this opportunity to congratulate them for their brilliant work as well as to thank again the team of the CISET for their warm welcome!

CTN participation at España Creativa Forum in Melilla The director of the Creative Tourism Network® participated in a round-table on “Creative Industries as software for the Creative Tourism”, within the forum España Creativa, held in Melilla last October 25th-29th. This annual meeting, organized by the Spanish Creative Cities network gathered international experts in any aspect related to the creativity and offered a very exhaustive program, including creative experiences. Spanish creative destinations like Lucena, Ibiza or Barcelona were highlighted for their good practices in terms of sustainable tourism development.

Course and workshop on management of the creative tourism at CETT

Course and workshop on management of the creative tourism given last October 24th in Barcelona by Caroline Couret from the Creative Tourism Network® in the framework of the Master in Innovation of Tourism Management of CETT – UB Formació i Recerca en Hoteleria, Turisme i Gastronomia .

Congratulations to the almost 50 students from China, Vietnam, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Dominican Republic, the United States, Russia, France, Spain, Greece, Italy, Holland, … for their creativity in designing tourist projects!

Workshop on management of the creative tourism Toulouse Business School – Barcelona

Last October 11th, the director of the Creative Tourism Network® conducted a Workshop on Management of the Creative Tourism within the Master of Management program, professional option Tourism and Services Management of the Toulouse Business School – Barcelona. The twentieth French students of the Master demonstrated their creativity in designing tourism projects, reflecting the philosophy of the school: “Think & Create”! Congratulations to all of them!

Creative tourism consolidates itself at WTM 2017 This year was the fourth time that the Creative Tourism Network® organized conferences within the World Travel Market – London, one of the most important international tourist fairs. This was on November 7th and a prestigious panel composed by Mr. Peter Debrine, Senior Project Officer, UNESCO World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Program, Mrs. Carol Hay, Director of Marketing Europe & UK, Caribbean Tourism Organization and Caroline Couret, founder and director of the Creative Tourism Network®, shared their expertize with a numerous and interested audience. Indeed, it is relevant to observe the growing interest for this tourism trend. It does not only represents a new demand based on creative experiences that enable the travelers to discover the local culture like craft workshops, traditional dance lessons, cooking classes, etc – but is converting itself in a new tool for the territorial development. In this sense, Mr. DeBrine insisted in the importance of such tourism to recover heritages and traditions, as well as to foster the local economic growth, to empower the locals and to achieve a balance in the coexistence between tourists and residents. A good opportunity to remind that the UNESCO has been supporting the creative tourism since its origins. Mrs. Carol Hay reminded that the creative tourism is a chance for the territory to develop professional skills, to strengthen the public-private partnerships and to guarantee the resilience. Caroline Couret also underlined these creative tourism’s assets through examples of good practices of the creative tourism in Ibiza, Tuscany, Loulé (Portugal), Lucena (Spain), Biot (France), the Empordanet (Catalonia), Saint-Jean-Port-Joli (Quebec), Medellín, among others.

Creative Tourism Awards 2017… and the winners are… The winners of the Creative Tourism Awards 2017 were revealed last November 7th, within the event organized by the Creative Tourism Network® at the World Travel Market in London. The international jury had the difficult task to select the awardees representing five categories, among 205 applications received, all accrediting a high level of creativity, authenticity and sustainability. The winners are: ➢ Best Strategy for Creative Tourism Development: Patchwork Methodology (Brazil) ➢ Best Creative Residency: New Hermopolis (Egypt) ➢ Best Creative Travel Agency: TLVstyle (Israel) ➢ Best Creative Destination: (Ex-aequo): Hull 2017 (UK) / Aegean Islands (Greece) ➢ Best Creative Experiences: Local Moods (Greece) Created by the Creative Tourism Network®, the Creative Tourism Awards aim to reward companies, projects and destinations worldwide that foster this new generation of tourism, characterized by the active participation of the tourists in artistic and creative activities. Internationally recognized for its action in favor of a more innovative and sustainable tourism, the Creative Tourism Network® works with a panel of prestigious experts in order to determine and guarantee the respect of the Best Practices of the Creative Tourism.

Indian MagazineTouriosity Travelmag, Media Partner of CTN!

We are proud to announce our collaboration with the presitigious Indian magazineTouriosity Travelmag, a reference within the indian tourist market. Every month, a section of Touriosity will be exclusively devoted to the presentation of a destination member of the Creative Tourism NetworkÂŽ, in order to offer the Indian lectors (and travellers) a selection of creative activities and destinations worldwide. Touriosity will be associated to the events organized by the CTN.

Good news for T.O., Travel Agencies and members of CTN From now, the Creative Tourism NetworkÂŽ will recommend and publicize the Tour Operators and Travel Agencies that include creative experiences designed by their members (Creative Friendly Destinations" and "Creative Platforms" ). A good opportunity to reach new markets by offering quality tourism!

Creative Tourism at UNWTO Regional Conference Tourism in MENA Cities, Amman, Jordan The director of the Creative Tourism Network® spoke within the Regional Conference Tourism in MENA Cities, held in Amman, Jordan, last November 13th-14th, organized by the Jordan Tourism Board under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of Jordan, in collaboration with the Greater Amman Municipality and Lawrence & Husseini Consult, with the technical support of the UNWTO. The aim of the conference was the opportunity to raise awareness of the contribution of sustainable tourism to development among public and private sector, decisionmakers and the public; while mobilizing all stakeholders to work together in making tourism a catalyst for positive change. In a panel on “Resilient and Sustainable Economic Growth through Innovation, Technology, Social Inclusiveness and Creative Tourism”, she pointed out the importance of using the creative tourism as a new opportunity to manage the human resources in tourism, in a more creative way. She also conducted a workshop on creative tourism for a thirty professionals from different countries who could shape their own projects around the creative tourism model. Hundreds of delegates from all over the world participated in this successful conference that highlighted the importance of betting on innovation to achieve sustainable tourism development. The attractiveness of Jordan was definitely the best example of it! Congratulations to you all for your perfect organisation!

Conference on Creative Tourism in Jinju (Sth Korea). The Creative Tourism Network® (CTN) had the honor and the pleasure to participate in the 2d International Forum on Creative City under the theme ”Creative Tourism and Cultural Industry in Creative City”, held last November 17th in the City of Jinju (South Korea), organized by the Executive Committee for the candidacy to UNESCO Creative City Network (UCCN) chaired by Professor Byung-Hoon Jeong, the Municipality of Jinju City and Jinju Culture Research Institute. By applying for the UCCN at Crafts and Folk Arts field, the City of Jinju aims to share best practices, to develop partnerships with other cities that promote creativity and the cultural industries, to strengthen participation in cultural life, and to integrate cultures in urban development. In addition to her presentation as a keynote, the director of Creative Tourism Network®, Caroline Couret, participated in a wide array of creative activities reflecting Jinju’s rich heritage and the dynamism of its associative sector. The inhabitants’ exceptional friendliness and their personal involvement are undoubtedly another added value of this local communities-based project. For these good reasons, the Creative Tourism Network® had the pleasure to reward the City of Jinju as a Creative Friendly Destination® and to welcome it among this network of destinations from all over the world that are betting on art and creativity to generate a value chain which benefits to both residents and foreign travelers, while promoting the cultural heritage. The recognition was delivered to Mr. Noh, Sang Tai, Director of Culture and Arts Division of Jinju City. From the Creative Tourism Network® we would like to seize this opportunity to express our gratitude to the Executive Committee for their so warm welcome as well as to congratulate them for their excellent work.

UNWTO, Government of Jamaica, World Bank Group & Inter-American Development Bank Global Conference: The creative tourism as a tool for jobs and inclusive growth The Creative Tourism Network® had the honor to intervene within the Global Conference on Jobs & Inclusive Growth: Partnerships for Sustainable Tourism, held in Montego Bay (Jamaica) on November 27-29th and organized by the UNWTO, the Ministry of Tourism of Jamaica, the World Bank Group, the Inter-American Development Bank, in collaboration with the WTTC, the Caribbean Tourism Organization, Chemonics and the Georges Washington University. This high-level event gathered 1.500 attendees from all over the world with the aim to set a new collaborative framework for tourism moving towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Through cases of its members’ best practices the director of the Creative Tourism Network® demonstrated how the creative tourism can be a lever for the territorial development of any kind of destination. Indeed, by involving local stakeholders from all the sectors – be they artists, artisans, citizenry associations, etc. – and training them to design experiences that fit to this new demand, the creative tourism generates new opportunities to create a value chain that produces positive impacts on communities’ empowerment, jobs creation and inclusive growth, social cohesion, intangible heritage recovery and promotion, among others. A demonstration that convinced the international financial organizations whose aim is to support these communities-based tourism projects all over the world, which should lead to further partnerships.

Starting 2018 With … The Creative Tourism convinces FITUR again As every year, the Creative Tourism Network® promoted its members’ destinations in Fitur Madrid (January 17th-21st). In this occasion, journalists and tour operators demonstrated a growing interest for this new generation of cultural tourism. Institutions as the UNWTO and his new Secretary General, Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili also renewed their bet for the creative tourism that will lead to coming actions within the 2018-European Year of Cultural Heritage. The Ministers participating to the Iberoamerican Minister Summit (CIMET), also recognized the creative tourism as a new way to fit with the new demand of the travelers while creating a value chain for the territories in terms of communities’ empowerment, capacity building, heritage recovery and governance. One of which we are very proud, is the partnership between the CreativeTourism Network® and The Phoenicians’ Route, a Cultural Route of Council of Europe – to create synergies and develop common actions which benefits to our respective members as well as to the cultural tourism sector, in terms of engineering, capacity building, best practices and promotion.

Partnership between The Phoenicians’ Route & the CreativeTourism Network® to satisfy the new cultural and creative traveler. Within the framework of 2018 – European Year of Cultural Heritage, the international networks of The Phoenicians’ Route (Rotta Dei Fenici) and the Creative Tourism Network® accorded a partnership in order to develop joint actions to create synergies between two forms of cultural tourism, which are the archaeological and the creative one. The Phoenicians’ Route is an international cultural route, certified by the Council of Europe in 2003, which addresses the theme of intercultural dialogue, following the model of the ancient civilizations, that have laid the foundations of the current Euro-Mediterranean civilization. Its actions contribute to the development of competences and projects between local communities and public and private operators spread over the three continents that surround the Mediterranean Sea. The Creative Tourism Network® is the official organization for the development and promotion of creative tourism, which grants Creative Friendly® recognition to destinations that opt for this new trend, characterized by the participation of tourists in creative activities characteristic of the local culture. This collaboration will allow on one hand, to adapt the tourist offer of the destinations that are part of both networks, to the new demand of creative travelers; and on the other hand, to create value chains for the territories, through the organization of training seminars, the exchange of good practices and joint promotional campaigns. The activities will be previously designed within the framework of training sessions in which not only representatives of the tourism sector will participate, but also local actors from crafts, art, creative industries and citizenship. In this sense, the creative tourism should be understood as a creative way of managing tourism and more precisely, focusing on the human resources, that is to say, the local communities through their traditions and skills. This project has received a very enthusiastic reception from the World Tourism Organization – UNWTO, for the benefits it generates in favor of a mutual understanding of heritage and local cultures, within the framework of a quality and responsible tourism.

Creative Tourism in Reykjavik Last February 23rd, the Creative Tourism Network® had the honor to speak within the European Cities Marketing Spring Conference held in Reykjavik. Under the theme “Hack the City“, the hundreds of DMO attending the event was challenged to “a change of mindset and tools to stimulate and facilitate urban development and innovation in the visitor economy”. The Creative Tourism appeared thus as a solution for DMO’s to both seduce the new generation of travelers and create a value chain for the territories, independently of the destination’s features. The delegates present at the session felt inspired by this sustainable model of development and promotion. The European Cities Marketing association, and the Icelandic host organizations, Visit Reykjavik and Visit Iceland created the best frame to offer relevant contents as well as a dynamic and interactive format, without forgetting their so kind attention! Many thanks again to you all and congratulations for such a great organization!

Creative Tourism in Bulgaria The Creative Tourism Network® had the honor to speak within the Forum on Creative Tourism organized last March 2d by the Municipality of Gabrovo, in collaboration with the cities of Sofia, Troyan, Veliko Tarnovo and Plovdiv. The event, headed by the Deputy Minister of Tourism of Bulgaria, Mr. Luben Kanchev and the Mayor of Gabrovo Mrs. Tania Venkova Hristova, gathered experts and practitioners of 12 countries, from Colombia to Thailand, passing through Spain, Austria, Sweden the UK, and of course, Bulgaria, among others. They all agreed that these Bulgarian cities own a high potential to promote very diverse but complementary tourism segments. The creative tourism is one of them that fits with the presence of both intangible heritage and creative industries. As Mrs. Tania Venkova Hristova highlighted, the Carnival of Gabrovo or events like the Festival of the Humour are new purposes of travel that enrich the already existing offer of crafts and folks activities, for which the city has been awarded as a Creative City by the UNESCO. In this sense, the Creative Tourism Network® also officially recognized the city of Gabrovo as a Creative Friendly Destination® for its assets in terms of cultural and creative resources, as well as for its proactive engagement to create an eco-system between the tourism and other sectors like culture and education among others. This was also the opportunity for the experts as well as for tour operators and journalists to participate in a creative trip through the cities of Gabrovo, Sofia, Troyan, Veliko Tarnovo and Plovdiv and discover this way the experiences they offer to the new generation of travelers eager to participate in authentic and unique activities.

Presentation within the UNWTO Silk Road Tour Operators Forum at ITB Berlin Last March 8th, the Creative Tourism Network® and the Phoenicians’Route (Rotta Dei Fenici) had the honor to present their partnership within the Silk Road Tour Operators Forum organized by the UNWTO at the ITB Berlin. This session gathered international tourism experts with Silk Road knowledge to engage and work with the international travel trade, which offered the opportunity to highlight the multiple areas influencing tourism development along the historic routes. The creative tourism is one of them that enable to offer the visitors a holistic and meaningful experience of the cultural sites, as well as to empower the local communities by involving them in the co-creation of experiences, based on their intangible heritage and personal knowledge. The partnership with the Phoenicians’ Route offers thus an example of this.Our congratulations to the organizers for this very relevant and dynamic event.

In a two-hours time, the official welcome was given by Mr. Zhu Shanzhong, UNWTO Executive Director, followed by the presentation by Mr. Robert Travers, UNWTO Consultant, of the “Maritime Silk Road Product Development: key research findings – Tourism Impact of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road” , and the intervention of Ms. Saule Kalysheva, Travel Consultant, Caravanistan on ” The Silk Road Travel Guide: “Central Asia: how to approach and market the heart of the Silk Road” . Finally, a speed-networking session moderated by Mr. John Bell, International Tourism Expert and BBC Journalist, enabled tour operators to showcase their latest products tour packages, especially innovative proposals in the areas of transnational collaboration and experiential travel etc. From the Creative Tourism Network® and the Phoenicians’Route we thank again the UNWTO Silk Road organization for their invitation and we look forward to collaborating again very soon!

Creative Tourism within the Master in Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development

As every year, we had the pleasure to conduct a workshop on creative tourism within the Master Degree in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development, organized by the University of Barcelona, the University of Torino and the International Formation Center of the OIT, in collaboration with UNESCO’s Center of World Heritage; both organizations are part of the United Nations. It was such a privilege to work with students, proceeding from Italy, Spain, Brasil, Colombia, Perú, Ecuador, Chile, Mexico and Guinea-Bisseau on the co-creation of their own projects! The results were brilliant and … creative!

Creative Tourism in Ecuador The director of the Creative Tourism NetworkÂŽ will speak within the International Communication and Tourism Marketing Conference, to be held in Quito, next September 1112. This unprecedented and innovative event in Ecuador, aimed at the tourism industry and proposes to analyze tourism trends to enhance services, products and destinations, through the implementation of various tools such as storytelling, marketing digital, the development of products such as gastronomy and creative tourism. The event will feature speakers and experts from: Spain, France, the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador, who will share their experiences and knowledge in different areas. The conference, which will be hosted by the San Francisco de Quito University, which also provides academic support, will feature lectures, presentations and panels where interesting topics for the tourism sector, the academy, private companies and the sector will be discussed.

The IbizaCreativa Platform opens doors with 34 creative tourism activities The IbizaCreativa Platform was presented the 17th April 2018 at the Jesus Cultural Center with 34 activities that tourists can already find on the website More than 50 people attended the presentation of the platform in which tourism entrepreneurs, craftsmen and creative people, who make up the island’s new creative tourism platform, were also able to establish professional contacts. The Director of Tourism of the Island Council, Mr. Vicent Torres, accompanied by the Councilor of Tourism of the Municipal Council of Ibiza, Mr. Joan Ribas, of Santa Eulària, Mrs. Carmen Ferrer and of Sant Joan, Mr. Jaume Mari, participated to the presentation of the platform as well as the Director of the Creative Tourism Network®, Caroline Couret. Vincent Torres explained that “unlike other projects that promote concrete tourism activities, IbizaCreativa has created a new sector“. In this regard, he thanked the members of the platform – artists, artisans, operators – who have worked for months designing specific experiences for IbizaCreativa. Vincent Torres also stressed “the importance of the unity of all island administrations, both in the promotion and in the creation of new tourism products“. For her part, Caroline Couret has defined Ibiza as the ideal destination to enjoy this type of experience. “Its DNA includes authentic, even mystical natural spaces, its tangible and intangible cultural heritage endures from the earliest civilizations, its creative environment inspires both local artists and people from around the world, and the creative industries have found fertile ground there to develop differentiated brands and events“. She also pointed out that, “in addition to the natural and cultural assets of the island, the added value created during the project implementation process is a differential element, both in terms of quality and specificity of the experiments, but also for the value chain that it creates at the level of the territory. “ Among the activities that we can find on the platform, there are the workshops of the members of the Association Es Juvert, located in the Handicraft Center of the Ajuntament of Ibiza, in Sa Pedrera; the music school Ibiza Blau Music; the ecological farm Can Musón; circus workshops with Circolar; the brewing workshops of Ibosim; the Botanical Garden of Fluxà Ibiza; the children’s space Espacio Magic, the Ibizan Group‘s craft and inspiration workshops; the photography workshops of Ibiza Photo Tour; a vocal coach workshop led by Brigitte Bobet; Ikebana workshops conducted by Ibiza Púnica; Mandaba Estudio‘s musical theater classes or the creative “Gimkanas” of Treasure Hunt Ibiza. It should also be noted that the IbizaCreativa Platform will soon host new creative tourism projects!

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