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Stealth Public School Agendas From The “Far Left”

In response to another letter, let’s continue the conversation about stealth agendas in the Webster Groves School District. It’s dawning on more people that for years now, a far left group of activists has been stealthily pushing school board candidates and willing school administrators to force their desired political ideologies onto young children in WGSD classrooms. The results are clear — academics sliding, chaos at the high school, staff leaving, enrollment dropping at an unprecedented rate and a hapless school board.

Last year the district stealthily adopted a new activist social studies K-8 curriculum from the far left Southern Poverty Law Center with help from a


It was so disheartening to read the “Oops!” article (Feb. 25, WKT) regarding the unnecessary demolishing of a Kirkwood home that was 75% completed. For two years, everyone in the world has experienced tremendous stress while trying to navigate a once-in-a-century pandemic.

The buyers of the home must have been so relieved that the O’Briens’ reaction to the 1.6-foot boundary error was that they “preferred the variance be granted, as it would mean less of a hardship.” The O’Briens showed true compassion in choosing not to nitpick such a small mistake. They knew that the buyers

This is in response to the letter concerning the proposed railroad merger of the Kansas City Southern and the Canadian Pacific Railroads (March 3). The two railroads in question currently interchange only in Kansas City, Missouri, with a branch line extending

In response to Clark Hotaling’s letter, “Influencing Elections In Webster,” I have to disagree. I have been watching from a distance the changes that have taken place since the inception of the current council and city manager, and they are concerning, to say the least.

There has been a concentrated effort by the city manager, her deputy consultant that calls himself a “race critical theorist.” Those of us who quietly asked for broad discussion before WGSD began pushing self-evident political ideologies onto children learned some disturbing lessons.

WGSD also stealthily adopted an antiracism code of conduct/discipline policy, and stealthily renamed it the equity policy after criticism. Anti-racism is the ideology that states that white children can never not be racist, they can only try to be anti-racist. Look up what it has to say about the conjoined twins of racism and capitalism. Maybe this is good. But school board members like Alex Kahn and Allen Todd, who are up for re-election on April 5, didn’t think bringing this into schools had sold their home and their furniture was in storage. Kirkwood Board of Adjustment Members Mark McLean and Gil Kleinknecht indicated they felt MRM Manlin was “doing its best to compensate the O’Briens.” This home was demolished because Board Members Paul Ward, Joe Roeser and Paul Schaefer decided to show no mercy to any of the parties.

“I’m a carpenter and builder ... ignorance of the law doesn’t matter. If you make a mistake, you’ve got to fix it,” said Paul Ward.

Mr. Ward is not the first person to do something unconscionable that happened to be perfectly legal. The last paragraph from that area to Springfield, and East St. Louis, Illinois. At best, Canadian Pacific railroad crews disembark their train and Kansas City Southern crews embark in Kansas City. The merger would not necessarily mean additional trains along that route. And being that the northern and certain council members to hush any community inquisition into their actions. They have gone so far as to block public comment in the city council meetings if those comments don’t favor their agenda.

I was especially shocked by Councilman Franklin’s attack on public workers and the mayor at a recent was worthy of a serious discussion?

If Missouri adopts education funding that follows students, not systems, it will be the fault of activists pushing their politics in classrooms, not those who want it out. Let’s ask candidates to pledge to introduce a WGSD policy that explicitly forbids the district from pushing political ideologies, with meaningful consequences. Because, as we are seeing, the present system will not last if one group thinks they can do whatever they want with other people’s children in classrooms.

Carter Nixon Webster Groves

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