2 minute read
Dream Chaser

Every now and again it is possible to come across someone that provides great inspiration. Such would be the case with our Dream Chaser. Meet 10 year old Josiah “JoJo” Mitchener of Brooklyn, NY. According to his mom, since he’s been able to walk he has shown himself to be a special young man. After speaking with him, CZ thought so too.

CZ Magazine: What does it mean to be a dream chaser?
Josiah: To me it means to figure out what your dream is and work hard to get it. Working hard is important, because if you don’t work hard nothing will happen.
CZ Magazine: What is your dream?
Josiah: To be a professional drummer with my own band and to be a professional basketball player

CZ Magazine: How old were you when you started playing the drums?
Josiah: 2 years old.
CZ Magazine: Why the drums?
Josiah: I remember watching my uncle DJ and other drummers at my church play the drums and I said that looks fun, I have to try that and I did. I liked it and people kept telling me how good I was so I kept playing.
CZ Magazine: Are you interested in playing any other instruments?
Josiah: No. Drums are my passion. To me they are one of the most important part of music. No matter what kind of music you listen to: jazz, hip hop or classical drums are apart of it.
CZ Magazine: You mentioned becoming interested
playing the drums at church so you only play there?
Josiah: No. I play at my church and I’m the captain of my Drumline at school.
CZ Magazine: You mentioned Basketball as a dream too, do you play now?
Josiah: Yes. I am the captain of my Basketball team.
CZ Magazine: Who inspires you to do all that you do?
Josiah: God, my mom, my uncle DJ, my family, my coach and my drum teacher.
CZ Magazine: What are 3 most important things to you and why?
Josiah: God, Family and Living