Seminar regarding disability

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International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy in association with


Strange Fascination: Disability psychotherapy in forensic settings The eleventh in a series of one-day workshops Friday 11th February 2011: 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Charity Centre, Directory of Social Change 24 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2DP

The workshop will examine the notion of forensic work with patients with intellectual disabilities, both in secure and in community settings. Starting from the perspective of patients and moving onto to the experiences of therapists and clinical supervisors working with patients who have traditionally fallen through the net of forensic provision, we will explore how possible it is to create a psychotherapeutic space in which the duality of disability and forensic aggression can be tolerated, thought about and processed. We will consider the notion of disability itself (including autism) within the forensic sphere, and what it means to bring one’s own experiences of disability and otherness to the work we do. Speakers include: Dr Valerie Sinason, Director, Clinic for Dissociative Studies Dr Earl Hopper, Psychoanalyst, Group Analyst and Organisational Consultant




IAFP Members: £35.00

A limited number of low fee places for students, trainees and unwaged are available upon request

For further information on this and other IAFP events please go to:



NB: places are limited to 100 on ‘first come first served’ basis, so early booking with payment is advised PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY AND PROVIDE DETAILS IN FULL Name: Professional Title: Workplace: Address: Tel: Email [NB: Confirmation of place will be sent by email] Do you have special dietary requirements? Please give details Do you need any assistance with mobility? Please give details

I enclose a cheque for £40.00/£30.00 [IAFP member] (delete as appropriate) made payable to ‘International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy’ (Please note we provide receipts on request at the event). Please send a Pro-forma invoice £55.00/45.00 [IAFP member] (delete as appropriate) to my organisation. I understand that a £15.00 administrative charge will be applied and payment must be received prior to the event. Signed:

Please return Application Form with payment to:

Mr. Steve Sharkey, Treasurer of the IAFP, 26 Bower Street, Maidstone, Kent ME16 8SD

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