4 minute read
Why are the Pinnacle Awards so important to our industry?
The AICM Pinnacle Awards provide a platform of recognition of the success in specialist areas of extraordinary people in our sector throughout a year. It also recognises their abilities, the struggles that they may have overcome to be there, their efforts and excellence in their chosen career, a career, that many of us have “fallen in to”, but where, with determination and passion they can shine.
I’m always thrilled to hear the nominees’ stories, how they got there, why their managers and clients nominated them; and what they have achieved professionally and personally to be standing shoulder to shoulder with other outstanding credit professionals on the night. In the years that we have been involved we are always blown away by the extremely high calibre of finalists.
As a category sponsor and judge what key aspects do you look for in a nomination?
I take this important role very seriously, setting aside quiet, uninterrupted time to read and consider the nominees submissions, including the letters of recommendation provided by managers and clients who have taken time from their busy days to lend their support (or nomination) to someone who has truly made a difference to them.
The award questions are not the same each year and it’s important that the nominees have considered and responded to up-to-date criteria. I love to see how they not only answer each question, but how they demonstrate their achievements, initiatives and plans for the future and share how those actions or activities have been the catalyst for strong results, positive teamship and culture and overall impacts.
What advice can you give to our future nominees? One of our most encouraged values (borrowed from Michael Strasner) at Optimum Recoveries is to ‘work on the skinny branches’. If you imagine a beautiful fruit tree, on the ground you will find fallen fruit that anyone can pick up with little effort. The delicious juicy fruit hangs high in the air and if you want that you need to have the courage to climb the tree and get out on the skinny branches. You have to have the courage to step outside of your comfort zone for the sweeter reward.
At Optimum everyone is encouraged to step out of their comfort zone and do things that make them nervous and uncomfortable so that they can achieve things they never thought they could. Nothing makes me prouder than a team member with a massive smile and genuine surprise that they did it!
What usually follows is curiosity. A curiosity to discover what other previously inconceivable targets are now within reach. And so the growth begins!
We are often self-deprecating and putting yourself in the spot-light or accepting a nomination just isn’t comfortable, but I passionately encourage nominees to lean in to the experience, step up, be recognised for your efforts and achievements and build great connections with others in your professional sector – stretch for the sweet reward of personal and professional growth!
Councillor Profiles
Melissa Kirk MICM l Position and company that you work for: I am the Collections Partner at NCS Group Pty Ltd. We operate under the National Collection Services, Reliance Recoveries and Campus Collections brands. l Current position on council: Currently I am taking care of the Professional Development portfolio; I also help with sponsorship on events when needed. l How long you have been a member on council? I think I am the newest member! I joined the council just under 12 months ago. l How long have you been a member of the AICM? I have been a member for 2 and a half years now, since coming aboard at NCS. l What is your biggest professional accomplishment to date? This would have to be winning the External Collections Agent of the Year at the AICM Pinnacle Awards in 2022. l What advice can you give to emerging credit professionals? The best advice I received myself was to continue learning. In the credit field, changes in legislation and the economic state of the country, can force us to adapt. These changes need to be acted on quickly, being in a constant state of learning is a great way to stay up to date. Attending the AICM Webinars, Economic Breakfast and Risk Seminars are a great way to stay involved. l What has been your biggest professional challenge to date? As a collection agency, managing the expectations of both clients and debtors is the largest challenge. The past 2 years has also been a large learning curve in learning to manage a larger staff as the company continues to grow. l What has being a member of the AICM done for you? The AICM has been a great place to meet likeminded people. I have found great relationships in people who are in the same positions as me, who can provide advice and mentorship through different challenges as they arise. Joining council has also done wonders for my confidence. The PD offered by the AICM also is a magnificent help in staying up to date with changes in the industry. l What are your hobbies or favourite things to do outside of your profession? I am mum, a bookworm and an avid DIY-er.

Zandalee McKenzie MICM l Position and company that you work for: Associate at Enyo Lawyers. l Current position on council: general council member – Law and Legislation portfolio, sub-committee for events. l How long you have been a member on council? A year in July l How long have you been a member of the AICM? I believe for four years l What is your biggest professional accomplishment to date? Generally, just achieving a favourable outcome for our clients is a big accomplishment. It can sometimes be difficult to achieve positive outcomes, especially in the current climate. Academically, completing my advance certificate in insolvency. l What advice can you give to emerging credit professionals? It is an extremely rewarding career, talk to your colleagues and industries like AICM, make the most of all the opportunities that come your way. l What has been your biggest professional challenge to date? Figuring out what area I would like to work in. It is difficult when at university as you are exposed to so many different areas without specialising in any. Finding an area that I actually enjoy working in was difficult, however, makes a big difference. l What has being a member of the AICM done for you? Being a member has helped me make connections within the industry and keep up to date with current trends and issues in the industry. It has helped me to grow as a professional by helping my confidence (particularly speaking in crowds). l What are your hobbies or favourite things to do outside of your profession? I have an 11-year-old dog that I like to take out and about, hiking or, anything outside really, dinner with friends and puzzles.