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Relics of Padre Pio Begin U.S. Tour
The relics include a glove (right) worn by Padre Pio
The saintly stigmatic’s relics are coming this month and later in the year to several cathedrals and churches thanks to the Padre Pio Foundation
By Joseph Pronechen – Posted 5/5/17 at 4:04 PM
Relics of St. Pio of Pietrelcina— better known as Padre Pio — begin a United States tour on May 6 that runs through May 21 with stops in several dioceses. The exciting news comes from the Saint Pio Foundation, the o!cial sponsors of this visit currently scheduled to run through Sept. 29. “We understood this year is very important with two celebrations for Padre Pio,” points out Luciano Lamonarca, the foundation’s president and CEO. The year 2017 marks Padre Pio’s 130th birth anniversary and the 15th anniversary of his canonization. Another saint, John Paul II, canonized him in 2002. The Saint Pio Foundation, which celebrated its third anniversary on April 4, has been very active in preserving the legacy of Padre Pio and promoting him in many ways. Lamonarca says that it was now the time “to bring Padre Pio inside the church” in a way to foster greater “devotion to him.” The foundation has already been active in its three years giving the type of help to those needing it in ways Padre Pio would approve. This relic tour developed right after Dec. 12, 2016, when the foundation signed an agreement with the Friars Minor Capuchin of Pietrelcina who designating this foundation as their o!cial U.S. representative. The foundation’s religious advisory council consists of two cardinals and several archbishops and bishops. When Lamonarca asked the head friar if he would consider allowing the foundation to bring relics of the saint on this tour “so people can pray to Padre Pio and ask for his intercession, he agreed.” This will be a two-part tour — the first in May, the second in September. 06/06/17 09.25
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First Tour Opening The tour opens on May 6 at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. People will be able to venerate Padre Pio’s relic through Monday, May 8. That day will include a 7:30 p.m. Mass of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina and the conclusion of the presentation of the relics. “We’re hoping it will inspire people to holiness in life, Father Gerald Dennis Gill, the cathedral’s rector and pastor, said before the opening. That hope is for people to “recognize a true and intentional disciple of our Lord and convert themselves more fully to that type of discipleship.” Father Gill explained that one thing they also want to do at the cathedral is to help people understand “there’s a singular type of intimacy with the saint when his relics are present.” The next stop is the Diocese of Pittsburgh’s Saint Paul Cathedral on May 9. Bishop David Zubik will celebrate Mass, and the Capuchin provincial from Pittsburgh will lead an evening prayer service. This location has a distinctive connection to Padre Pio’s own father, Grazio Forgione, too. Lamonarca explains, “His father left Pietrelcina to go abroad to provide economic support for Padre Pio to become a priest.” He first went to Brazil, which did not work out, then eventually to New Castle, about 50 miles from Pittsburgh. He spent more than 10 years there and brought with him Padre Pio’s brother. In one sense, thanks to father Grazio being able to work all those years in New Castle to earn money for his son Padre Pio’s study to become a priest, “Pittsburgh was the first to provide support,” says Lamonarca. After this, the tour travels to Denver, Lincoln, Nebraska, Los Angeles, and the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia. See the schedule for exact dates both for this first part and for the September tour which includes stops at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York, then in the archdioceses and dioceses of Milwaukee, La Crosse, Saginaw, and Bridgeport. The Relics One of the relics for veneration during the May tour is a glove worn by Padre Pio. Lamonarca says that the glove is being loaned by Cardinal Angelo Comastri, Archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica and Vicar General of His Holiness for the Vatican City State. He explains that because the glove was covering Padre Pio’s stigmata which bled and left blood stains on it, this is a first-class and a second-class relic. “In September there will be a few more relics,” he adds. Which ones will not be confirmed until sometime this June.
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Every church on the tour agreed to celebrate a Mass in honor of Padre Pio. Lamonarca wants to make clear that these are smaller relics, and not the body of Padre Pio coming to America. “They are important relics, but not his body. It is unlikely that the city and the Friars of San Giovanni Rotondo would allow that,” he emphasizes. The notion might have come because Pope Francis requested the saint’s body to be brought to the Vatican for several days in February 2016 during the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Possible Tour Expansion “We are considering to expand the tour into the first week of October,” Lamonarca says. They are already discussing with other dioceses, like Atlanta. In just a few days the foundation received more than 500 emails and requests concerning this tour. The foundation has sent information to bishops who must give permission for this in their diocese, of course. Because there will be opportunity for donations at the stops, the foundation explains that the o#erings raised will go to build the Via Crucis in Pietrelcina where Padre Pio received his first signs of the stigmata. The Capuchins of Pietrelcina have been working on this project for years, trying to complete it. It is to be in a location where the saint's family had a piece of land. Now also a pilgrimage destination, it needs a Via Crucis — Way of the Cross — to remind everyone, explain the friars, “the first Padre Pio's crucifixion took place right there in 1910 at the foot of the famous ‘elm of the stigmata.’” “This place is very holy where Padre Pio met Jesus,” says Lamonarca. “As a sign of recognition and gratitude to the friars, we will suggest that people could support that and fully fund this Via Crucis in Pietrelcina.” There will also be envelops for the opportunity for everyone to write their intentions and for then “prayers will be o#ered in Pietrelcina by the friars themselves,” Lamonarca assures. “This has been a challenging project,” he says. But one well worth the e#ort to honor Padre Pio and give many people the chance to venerate his relics and pray for his intercession.
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06/06/17 09.25
Local News
Relics of saintly Padre Pio draw faithful to Phila. cathedral
Hundreds gather at Philadelphias Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul for the first stop on an American tour of relics of St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) from Saturday, May 6 through Monday, May 8. (Photos by Sarah Webb)
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06/06/17 09.27
Georgina O’Hara from St. Thomas Parish in Glen Mills venerates the relic of Padre Pio at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul on Sunday, May 7.
By Lou Baldwin • Posted May 8, 2017 Philadelphia’s Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul was the first stop on an American tour of relics of St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) from Saturday, May 6 through Monday, May 8. The tour of the relics will continue with stops in five other U.S. cities this month, then resume in September with six more including in New York City. Padre Pio (1887-1968) was born Francesco Forgione in Pietrelcina, Italy. He was a priest, Capuchin friar, mystic and stigmatist (bearing wounds similar to those of the crucified Jesus) known especially for his power in the confessional. In death his reputation for sanctity only increased with a worldwide following. He was beatified in 1999 and canonized in 2002. The popularity of St. Pio in Philadelphia was made clear by the number of people who stopped in at the cathedral to pray as the veneration began on Saturday evening, right after the Mass for married couples. The relics displayed during the tour included a lock of his hair, a glove used to conceal the wound on his hand and a piece of cloth from his bed. Many of the devotees of St. Pio who came to the cathedral at the opening of the veneration traveled far. For example Deacon Ed Malone and his wife Sheila were in Philadelphia from Montana. They came to visit the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Overbrook for a certification program. “One of the ladies at the center mentioned this presentation and coming here was a bonus,” Deacon Malone said. Attending the preceding Mass for married couples was another gift. “Archbishop Chaput is one of our generals,” Deacon Malone said. Margie Dieter is a member of a Padre Pio prayer group at St. Joseph’s Parish in Collingdale. She said the main reason she came was that in her work at Crozer Chester Medical Center in Chester she was familiar with the case of a little boy, Paul, who was critically ill. “He was cured through the intercession of Padre Pio; it was one of his greatest miracles,” she said. “I could go on about him forever.” “I’ve always liked Padre Pio so I came,” said Libby Valesquez, of St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Camden, N.J. “My neighbor told me about Padre Pio, so I came to pray,” said Tom Nguyen, who traveled to the cathedral from Collingswood, N.J., with his little daughter, Daisy. “I’m here because my mother has a strong devotion to Padre Pio,” said Harry Gorman of Barto, Pa. Elizabeth Laskowski, who was there with her daughter Maura, had a very personal reason for coming and it was in thanksgiving, not intercession. “We are adoptive parents and he helped bring Maura into the family,” she said. “This is a wonderful opportunity for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to see relics of this disciple of the Lord,” said the rector of the cathedral, Father G. Dennis Gill. “We are to pray that each of us will also be disciples.”
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06/06/17 09.27
Display honoring Padre Pio in Oakland marks a kind of homecoming for Italian saint May 9, 2017 10:24 PM
By Peter Smith / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette It may have been a weekday noon Mass, but worshipers thronged St. Paul Cathedral in Oakland on Tuesday in numbers that could have rivaled an Easter service. The standing-room-only crowd of at least 1,500 converged on the cathedral for the one-day opportunity to be near a few bits of hair and cloth that would connect them with one of the most venerated Catholic saints of modern times — St. Pio of Pietrelcina, popularly known as Padre Pio. Friars in brown habits, similar to that worn by Pio, a member of the Franciscan Capuchin order, mingled with nuns and a host of other faithful. Many came in wheelchairs or supported by canes, a reminder of Pio’s reputation as a healer. And many of them had their own stories about how they had joined the worldwide devotion to the peasant saint with Italian roots and a Western Pennsylvania connection. The Italian friar, who died in 1968 at age 81, attracted multitudes in his lifetime seeking to make confessions and hear him preach. He was widely regarded as a humble priest and mystic with healing powers, and with persistent wounds known as the “stigmata,” resembling the wounds of the crucified Jesus. Pope John Paul II canonized Pio in 2002.
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06/06/17 09.28
T he
pilgrims from Ohio. Ms. Russo said she hadn’t heard of Pio before going on a trip to Rome in 2010 and praying at a church for a young relative diagnosed with cancer. She shared her request with an old, bearded man in the church, who told her that the child would be healed. “When he looked at me, fire and electricity went through my body,” she said. Later, she said, she saw a picture in a shop and recognized it as the man — it was an image of St. Pio. Her husband dismissed the idea, saying he had died decades earlier. “I said, those things don’t happen in this day and age,” but she’s convinced it was a miraculous appearance of the saint. Ms. Russo now owns a chalice once used by Pio. When it was displayed at a service in the Cleveland area, it had a powerful impact on another visitor yesterday, Sally Ulrich of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Ms. Ulrich said she hadn’t known much about St. Pio before, but when she saw the chalice, she “felt his presence like he was standing next to me.” She placed her family crucifix, a prayer book and some rosaries on the relics yesterday. Bishop David Zubik, who presided at the noon Mass, said he wasn’t surprised by the turnout after witnessing the breadth of the devotion to Pio at the saint’s shrine in Italy. Relics, he said, offer a way of connecting to a holy person. “It’s imperative that we don’t do it in a passive way or from superstition but that we take a look at what happened to Pio in his life, what happened to so many people because of Pio,” he said. Peter Smith: petersmith@post-gazette.com or 412-263-1416; Twitter @PG_PeterSmith.
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06/06/17 09.28
Latest News
St Padre Pio relics to tour the United States by Catholic News Service posted Thursday, 27 Apr 2017
A man reaches for the box containing the mortal remains of Padre Pio (AP)
The relics will be displayed in 12 locations, including in California, Nebraska and New York Relics of St Padre Pio, a Capuchin priest who bore the stigmata of Jesus, will be on public display in several US dioceses and archdioceses in May and again in the autumn. The Saint Pio Foundation announced that the tour corresponds with the 130th anniversary of the Italian-born saint’s birth. The tour will include 12 locations nationwide starting on May 6-8 at the Cathedral of Ss Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. Hours that each site will be open for veneration and other events related to the tour were to be announced by each diocese. Additional stops include: — May 9 at St Paul Cathedral, Pittsburgh. — May 10-11 at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, Denver. — May 13 at Cathedral of the Risen Christ, Lincoln, Nebraska. — May 18-19 at St Andrew Church, Pasadena, California. — May 20-21 at St Ann Church, Arlington, Virginia.
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— Sept 17-18 at St Patrick Cathedral, New York. — Sept 20 at Cathedral of St Joseph the Workman, La Crosse, Wisconsin. — Sept. 20 at Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, Milwaukee. — Sept. 22-23 at Basilica of St John the Evangelist, Stamford, Connecticut. — Sept. 24 at St Theresa Church, Trumbull, Connecticut. — Sept. 29 at Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption, Saginaw, Michigan. Born Francesco Forgione on May 25, 1887, to a poor family near Italy’s Adriatic coast, he entered the local Capuchin novitiate at the age of 15. He was ordained a priest in 1910 and almost immediately began informing his superiors that he was experiencing spiritual and physical signs, along with a number of health problems. Beginning in 1918, at the age of 30, the priest reported bleeding from his hands, feet and side – the stigmata wounds of Christ’s crucifixion. The wounds were said to have lasted 50 years, until his death. Biographers reported that St Padre Pio was uneasy about such phenomena, declaring: “I only want to be a friar who prays.” St Padre Pio’s alleged signs and special powers soon helped attract massive crowds to his southern Italian monastery in San Giovanni Rotondo. His Capuchin superiors tried to limit his public appearances and planned to transfer the priest, but they backed down after popular outcry. With donations, St Padre Pio opened a small hospital next to the monastery in 1925, the forerunner to a much larger health complex he had built in the 1950s. After years of ministering to long lines of penitents and after suffering several more bouts with illness, St Padre Pio died in 1968. St Padre Pio was canonised by St John Paul II in 2002.
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St. Padre Pio's relics are touring the US! 0
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Padre Pio. Credit: patterned via Flickr CC BY NC ND 2.0.
Washington D.C., May 2, 2017 / 12:06 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Relics of St. Padre Pio will soon be touring the United States, with stops at a number of dioceses during a two-part tour later this year. The relics will be on display for veneration between Masses at cathedrals across America from May 6-21 and again From September 16 – October 1 this year. The tour is taking place to commemorate the 130th anniversary of Padre Pio’s birth, and the 15th
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anniversary of his canonization. It is being
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sponsored by the Saint Pio
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Foundation, which works to promote awareness of the saintly priest and continue his work. The foundation raises
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funds for American Catholic healthcare as well as educational, social, religious, and cultural organizations. Padre Pio was born Francesco Forgione in Pietrelcina, Italy on May 25, 1887. He voiced a desire for the priesthood at age 10 and entered the Capuchin order at age 15, taking the name Pio. At the age of 23, he was ordained a priest.
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06/06/17 09.48
Padre Pio relics venerated at St. Ann Church 5/22/17
This article has been updated.! Relics of St. Padre Pio, a Capuchin priest who bore the stigmata of Jesus, were on public display over the weekend at St. Ann Church in Arlington, culminating with Mass celebrated May 21 by Jesuit Father Patrick Conroy, chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives. Father Jerome Fasano, pastor of St. John the Baptist Church in Front Royal, was the homilist. Bishop Emeritus Paul S. Loverde presided at the Mass and was among the thousands who visited St. Ann Church over the weekend. Joyce and Nicholas Babiak were instrumental in getting the relics tour to stop at St. Ann’s. The relics on display included a glove Padre Pio wore to cover the stigmata, a lock of hair, a piece of cloth with a blood stain from the stigmata, and a fragment from his bed. Public veneration of the relics began Saturday after the vigil Mass and continued until 9 p.m. The veneration continued Sunday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. but it stopped during the celebration of Mass.! Thousands of devotees formed a single line as they approached the relics, which were displayed in the chapel. Grand Knight Jim Hamlin of the Padre Pio Knights of Columbus Council in Great Falls and Grand Knight Paolo Verrone of Our Lady of Hope Knights of Columbus Council in Potomac Falls escorted the relics to the altar.! The Saint Pio Foundation said the nationwide tour corresponds with the 130th anniversary of the Italian-born saint’s birth. Born Francesco Forgione May 25, 1887, to a poor family near Italy’s Adriatic coast, he entered the local Capuchin novitiate at the age of 15. He was ordained a priest in 1910 and almost immediately began informing his superiors that he was experiencing spiritual and physical signs, along with a number of health problems. Beginning in 1918, at the age of 30, the priest reported bleeding from his hands, feet and side —! the stigmata wounds of Christ’s crucifixion. The wounds were said to have lasted 50 years,
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until his death in 1968. Biographers reported that St. Padre Pio was uneasy about such phenomena, declaring, “I only want to be a friar who prays.” St. Padre Pio’s alleged signs and special powers soon helped attract massive crowds to his southern Italian monastery in San Giovanni Rotondo. His Capuchin superiors tried to limit his public appearances and planned to transfer the priest, but they backed down after popular outcry. St. Padre Pio was canonized by St. John Paul II in 2002. Related story: The Saint Pio Foundation honors Msgr. John Enzler, Sen. Rick and Karen Santorum (http://catholicherald.com/News/Local_News /The_Saint_Pio_Foundation_honors_Sen__Rick_and_Karen_Santorum,_Msgr__John_Enzler/) To see and buy photos from the St. Padre Pio relics tour go to catholicherald.smugmug.com. (https://catholicherald.smugmug.com/St-Padre-Pio-relics-tour) © Arlington Catholic Herald 2017
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06/06/17 09.45
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Padre Pio: ‘God repaid his love with the cross’ May 31, 2017 - By Sean M. Wright
(photo/Dima Otvertchenko)
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06/06/17 09.31
A long white, lace mantilla framed the face of a young woman as she kissed the glass-covered mitt. This is one of the fingerless gloves worn by the humble Franciscan priest, renowned throughout the world as Padre Pio. He needed them to cover the bleeding wounds in his stigmatized hands as he celebrated Mass. The mitt was one of three relics of St. Pio of Pieltrelcina that came to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and were displayed on May 18 and 19. The mitt, along with a piece of cloth used to stanch his wounds and a tiny portion of his bed, were placed on view at St. Andrew Church in Pasadena, admired throughout the world as a superb example of Romanesque Revival architecture, a fitting temporary home for the holy relics. The interior of St. Andrew’s is a replica of the Basilica of Santa Sabina in Rome, a church dating to the early years of Christianity Prudent. Farseeing pastors successfully resisted attempts to gut its artistry and remake it into “a multipurpose room” and so it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Isabella Marquez, the lovely young woman, is a 17-year-old, homeschooled Catholic who came to pray for the health of a friend. “And for my grandparents,” she added, “and for the conversion of relatives who have fallen away from the Church.” Marquez became drawn to Padre Pio after reading about the zeal he showed for the love of God. She finds his advice, “Pray, hope and don’t worry!” a touchstone for her life. Father Paul Saustayta, St. Andrew’s pastor, was humbly jubilant. “This is a great blessing for our parish. It is a great honor as well to welcome pilgrims to our parish to venerate Padre Pio’s relics.” Gesturing around at the many helpful parishioners, Father Saustayta continued, “Thanks be to God, we’ve been able to put together an army of volunteers to help coordinate what we anticipate to be around 15,000 pilgrims coming to stay for the two days the relics will be on display. It’s been overwhelming and something of a surprise.” Brenda Gallegos Morales, the pastor’s administrative assistant, concurred. Was she surprised at the appeal St. Pio has for Catholics? “Oh my God, yes! We’re the only stop for the relics in the Western states and we’ve had calls from people from San Francisco, Riverside, Sacramento — indeed, from all over Northern and Southern California. Calls have come in from people in Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington and Texas. None of us realized just how popular Padre Pio is!” The cool brick and marble precincts of St. Andrew’s were not, however, the first choice chosen for display and veneration of the relics. “A scheduling conflict at the cathedral prevented the display of the relics there,” Father Saustayta confided. “Scott Turicchi, one of our parishioners, is on the board of the Padre Pio Foundation and he suggested St. Andrew’s as an alternate venue.” Accompanying the relics is Archbishop Bernardito Auza who is, in ordinary life, the Apostolic Nuncio to the United Nations, the Vatican’s Permanent Observer to the goings on that take place in the world body. “There is a shrine to Padre Pio on the island of Bohol, Philippines, where I was born, and another, gigantic one in Manila. I’ve celebrated Mass at both. I have long had a devotion to this holy priest,” said Archbishop Auza. “Padre Pio spent long hours in the confessional. He had the charism of spiritual insight,” he continued. “Sometimes he would tell penitents
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06/06/17 09.31
Memorial Day, the uno!cial start of summer, has passed. By now, many have already made their summer travel plans. For those who want to do more than simply lay on the beach, those plans may include destinations and experiences that nurture their spirituality. It’s a trend that is expected to continue. According to Travel-Review.com, “The spiritual journey makes it possible to discover a destination in a slower and a more immersive way, and to combine culture, spirituality, and adventure into the same unique experience. While 2017 is considered the year of the spiritual journey, it will be only the beginning, as tourists of the future should increasingly take an interest in the religious testimonies of destinations.” Parishioners from parishes throughout Southern California are proof that the trend is real. Several hundred have already booked passage on the first-ever Catholic Cruise to Mexico in July. They’ll be led on this faith-filled pilgrimage by the Diocese’s own Bishop Kevin Vann and Auxiliary Bishop Timothy Freyer. Ryan Lilyengren, director of communications for the Diocese, said: ‘If you are looking for the perfect summer vacation, this is it. Never before have two bishops led a cruise pilgrimage to Mexico that will be filled with special Catholic entertainment on the ship, live performances by our music ministers, charitable outreach in Mexico, Mass on the boat and in Mexico, and all the amazing amenities on a state-of-the-art cruise ship.” The four-day Carnival Cruise will depart from the Port of Long Beach on July 21 and travel to Ensenada Mexico and back. On the trip, travelers will be entertained by acclaimed musician Francis Cabildo, Director of Christ Cathedral Music Ministries Dr. John Romeri, and others. A special Mass, concelebrated by bishops Vann and Freyer is scheduled at the cathedral in Ensenada, Santuario. There are several day-trip options for travelers, including a service project at a local orphanage. ITINERARY: Day 1 – Sail to Ensenada Mexico / XLT Praise and Worship with Francis Cabildo Day 2 – Bishops’ Mass at Santuario / Day Trip Options / Evening Vespers with music by Dr. John Romeri Day 3 – Fun Day at sea / Activities / Evening concert with Francis Cabildo Day 4 – Disembark between 7 - 10 a.m. It’s not too late to book your cruise. Call Travel of Orange for more information: (714) 538-0010
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06/06/17 09.31
Highlights CHICAGO
■ Army advocate
■ The lens of art
President-elect Donald Trump has tapped Vincent Viola to serve as secretary of the Army. A former chairman of the New York Mercantile Exchange, Viola is the founder of Virtu Financial, an electronic trading firm valued at $2.4 billion. A West Point graduate and U.S. Army veteran, he founded the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point after the 9/11 attacks. He has supported the Army Cyber Institute and Modern War Institute, and created Rowan Technology Solutions to support cadet education in the areas of military history, military science and leadership. He is a board member of the National Italian American Foundation and the father of NIAF President John Viola.
Fra Noi columnist Judith Anne Testa will present a series of lectures on art and life in ancient Rome at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura. 500 N Michigan Ave., Suite 1450, Chicago. From 6 to 8 p.m. on Feb. 7, she will look at what art can tell us about gender norms and sexual identity in Imperial Rome. How were the biological Judith Anne Testa categories of sex (male, female) and the social categories of gender (husband, wife) portrayed? Did the Romans have a concept of hetero- or homosexuality? Did they view erotic images as “pornography”? Attend Testa’s free lecture to learn the answers to these and other related questions.
■ Promoting Pio Luciano Lamonarca, CEO of the New York-based St. Pio Foundation, traveled to Italy to sign an agreement designating the foundation as the official representative of the city of Pietrelcina and the Friars Minor Capuchin of Pietrelcina in the United States. The agreement was penned to help promote the life and work of St. Pio of Pietrelcina in America. The participants in the signing announced a 2017 commemorative tour of relics and artifacts of St. Pio in the United States to mark the 130th anniversary of Padre Pio’s birth. (www.saintpiofoundation.org)
February 2017
Broadway Star is a Blessing for Saint Padre Pio. This November 19th & 20th in New Published on iItaly.org (http://www.iitaly.org)
Broadway Star is a Blessing for Saint Padre Pio. This November 19th & 20th in New York Darrell Fusaro (November 11, 2016)
Broadway Star is a Blessing for Saint Padre Pio. This November 19th & 20th in New York "I love the audience. When I step out on stage I get the same feeling toward the audience that I have for friends I've invited to my home for a party. I'm enthusiastic about seeing to it that they have a good time." The Saint Pio Foundation’s, “An Evening with Franc D’Ambrosio” is a hit. On Saturday, October 22, 2016, an intimate audience of approximately two hundred guests were treated to a full performance by Broadway star and actor Franc D’Ambrosio in Los Angeles, CA. Franc D’Ambrosio has been awarded the distinction of being the “World’s Longest Running Phantom,“ having performed it more than 2,300 times in a decade, and also known worldwide for being the actor and singer who played the part of Anthony Corleone, the opera-singing son of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) and Kay AdamsCorleone (Diane Keaton) in the film “The Godfather: Part III.” Franc sang the Academy Award-winning theme song “Speak Softly Love” (Brucia la Terra) for both the film and the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. "An Evening with Franc D'Ambrosio" is a rare opportunity for Broadway and Opera fans to experience an up close and personal performance from such a talent. Franc D'Ambrosio's love for Saint Pio is evident in the love he packs into this show. "I love the audience. When I step out on stage I get the Page 1 of 3
Broadway Star is a Blessing for Saint Padre Pio. This November 19th & 20th in New Published on iItaly.org (http://www.iitaly.org) same feeling toward the audience that I have for friends I've invited to my home for a party. I'm enthusiastic about seeing to it that they have a good time", Franc said. This event was the Saint Pio Foundation’s very first benefit concert held in Los Angeles, CA and received an enthusiastic standing ovation. The evening was presented by i-Italy’s good friend Darrell Fusaro, artist and co-host of the “Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed” [2] podcast, and also featured a performance by the Roberto Cani, Concert Master of the Los Angeles Opera, the acclaimed Italian tenor Luciano Lamonarca, President and CEO of the Saint Pio Foundation, and the Italian soprano Elisabetta Russo. The talented pianist Stephanie Lynn Smith accompanied all of the performances. The Saint Pio Foundation [3] is a non-profit Catholic charity organization dedicated to the promotion of the spiritual charism of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, commonly known as a Padre Pio. The Saint Pio Foundation is also committed to the support of the the Capuchin Friars Minor and the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza; Home for the Relief of Suffering, the hospital that was founded by Saint Pio in 1956 and is now owned by the Holy See, located in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy. During the event guests had the opportunity to learn about Saint Pio [4], one of the most acclaimed Saints of the Roman Catholic Church. St. Padre Pio had an amazing sense of humor that was only surpassed by his kindness. He had an uncanny intuitive knowledge of people and a fondness for Americans. This fondness developed from his work with the American GI’s during WWII after they fought to liberate San Giovanni Rotundo from the Germans. His love for America was so strong that he considered all Americans his spiritual children. Before the end of the event the audience got to hear from the foundation’s supporters, including Italian-American actors Gary Sinise, Joe Mantegna, Robert Davi and Franc D’Ambrosio, along with a series of Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, and some elected officials, including the Westchester County Executive, NY, Hon. Robert P. Astorino. Saint Pio Foundation President Luciano Lamonarca announced that first Saint Pio Award Ceremony will be held in Los Angeles, CA, on May 19, 2017. At which recipients of the Saint Pio Award, actor Robert Davi, Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Lannette Turicchi, and chef Celestino Drago will be awarded. Chef Celestino Drago is the owner of Drago Restaurants, recognized for being the best Italian restaurants in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Foundation President Lamonarca also announced that the foundation will be signing a collaboration agreement with the town where Padre Pio was born, Pietrelcina, Italy, and the Capuchin Friars of the town of Pietrelcina this upcoming December, 2016. In December, 2017, the 130th anniversary of Padre Pio’s birth, the foundation will sponsor, along with the Capuchin Friars of Pietrelcina, the first United States tour of a first-class relic of Padre Pio. This unique relic will give thousands of faithful Americans the opportunity of praying to Padre Pio. In addition, the Saint Pio Foundation partnered with artist Tim Schmaltz. Schmatz’s worldwide fame arose from his creation of the "Homeless Jesus," also known as “Jesus, the Homeless.” Tim Schmaltz is creating four life-sized statues of Padre Pio titled, “I Absolve You.” Each statue will be placed in Dioceses and Archdioceses in U.S. The interactive statue “I Absolve You”, allows the viewer to experience the power of the sacrament of reconciliation.
“During his lifetime, many thousands of people from around the world journeyed each year to experience the grace of confessing to Saint Padre Pio, already considered a Saint and Holy Man by many at that time. He saw inside of people’s hearts. Even now, each year thousands and thousands of priests embark upon the mission of saving human souls, and many of them recognize Saint Padre Pio as the model to follow in this most noble ministry. The statue “I Absolve You” represents that ministry. It gives its viewers the sense of a confession with Padre Pio and a reminder of the importance of penitence. Padre Pio does not belong just to our beloved Catholic Church. His example, his teachings, and his mission are as relevant today as they were when he first shared them, perhaps even more so. The world aches to hear his message and to see his example. So that is our mission we share with you. Padre Pio’s own testimony reminds each of us of the heartwarming experience of doing a selfless good deed. The feelings that accompany such experiences reflect the needs that we have to be Page 2 of 3
Broadway Star is a Blessing for Saint Padre Pio. This November 19th & 20th in New Published on iItaly.org (http://www.iitaly.org) connected to those around us. We gain far more than what we give away when we place another’s needs above our own. When we give, our experience of being a benefactor is enhanced by the excellence of our efforts,” said Lamonarca in conclusion. For more information on how you can make a donation to the Saint Pio Foundation, as well as, purchasing tickets to the Foundation’s upcoming, “An Evening with Franc D’Ambrosio” at the Bronxville Women’s Club, NY, on November 19, 2016, and at the Saint Joseph Church, in Astoria, NY, on November 20, 2016, please visit www.saintpiofoundation.org [5]
The Saint Pio Foundation’s, “An Evening with Franc D’Ambrosio” will be presented at the Bronxville Women’s Club, NY, on November 19, 2016, and at the Saint Joseph Church, in Astoria, NY, on November 20, 2016. Click here for tickets. –Darrell Fusaro Darrell Fusaro is the author of What If Godzilla Just Wanted a Hug? [6], co-host of the Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed [7] podcast and a contributing columnist for i-Italy Magazine. [8]
Source URL: http://www.iitaly.org/magazine/focus/life-people/article/broadway-star-blessing-saintpadre-pio-november-19th-20th-in-new
Links [1] http://www.iitaly.org/files/fusarojpg [2] https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/funniest-thing%21/id624289258?mt=2 [3] http://www.saintpiofoundation.org/ [4] http://www.saintpiofoundation.org/bio/ [5] http://www.saintpiofoundation.org/events-of-2016/ [6] http://www.amazon.com/What-Godzilla-Just-Wanted-Hug/dp/1493627996/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&a mp;ie=UTF8&qid=1442589413&sr=1-1&keywords=what+if+godzilla+just+wanted+ a+hug [7] http://www.unity.fm/program/FunniestThing [8] http://www.iitaly.org/
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