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Ensure that our hiring practices are fair, equitable and non-discriminative, and strive to evaluate qualified candidates that are diverse across gender, race, ethnicity, disability, and veteran status, among others.
Latondra Riley, Blake Bickmore, Sagar Rathie and Jack Barnett
Executive Sponsors
Tracy Chambers and Jason LaBonte
• With support from the committee, Crescent Communities increased diverse hiring sources by 25% to support the diversity of our applicant pool. The team maximized posts for roles on job boards and expanded the search for candidates belonging to specific diversity-oriented groups and organizations.
• As a result of this intentional recruitment strategy, we extended offers to two of our diverse summer associates for full-time opportunities in 2022, both of which were accepted.
• Hosted nine summer associates in 2022, including four diverse students and one veteran.

• Expanded partnerships with external organizations including Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
• Developed guide for creating inclusive job descriptions.
• Delivered scholarships to both a NC A&T State University student and a summer associate involved with the Project Destined Program (see next page).
• Attended career fairs and hiring events to seek diverse talent at a variety of new schools, broadening our reach to include NC A&T State University, East Carolina, UNC-Chapel Hill, Appalachian State University, and Middle Tennessee State University.
• Partnered with Veteran organizations including Hire GI and Special Operators Transition Foundation (SOTF).
• Implemented Interview Training for leaders in order to mitigate bias during the process.
• Completed and communicated clear job progression paths for most roles.