July issue of Crescent Times newspaper

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Winner of the Best Australian Muslim Media Outlet Award in 2009!

E E R F Monthly - Independent

Issue N 21 July 2010

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halal industry Spotlight On Australian Halal Market

Full profile pages 5, 6 and 7

Isra’ and Mi’raj

Heavenly Journey, was Isra’ through the night Angel Jibril with Muhammad Rasulullah On al-Buraq they travelled at the speed of light Striding far it’s a matter of spirituality with Allah Miraculous journey to Baitul Maqdis to the mosque al-Aqsa A call from Allah to Prophet in a time he was facing despair On the demise of Uncle Abu Talib and his beloved wife Khadijah The journey was to convince him in spirit that life is Allah’s affair, He met all the Prophets previously mentioned In Jerusalem Muhammad led them in prayer then Ascension In Mi’raj, he was brought on a journey to the different heavens The Hadith says this happened in the month of Rajab dated twenty-seven, In the Journey to heaven Prophet Muhammad saw Paradise And the Fire was shown as a reminder for man to realise At the Lote-tree he saw angel Jibril with his many wings At ‘Much-Frequented House’ meeting God he was convinced, Returning from Mi’raj the Prophet has a message for man To perform five daily prayers to his Lord as communion To seek forgiveness by sincere repentance

To reckon for all deeds for in the heart lays its intention Confirmed in the Qur’an and Tradition this event has been mentioned Hence, in man’s heart he believes in the happenings of ‘Ascension’! Synopsis: This poem is not the full account of the event of ‘Isra and Mi’raj’, the night journey and ascension. References can be made to the Qur’an 17:1. ‘Rasulullah’ means the ‘Messenger of Allah’. ‘Al-Buraq’ as reported by Prophet Muhammad: “A white beast, smaller than a mule, and bigger than a donkey was brought to me. One stride of this creature covered a distance as far as it could see. I was mounted upon it.” ‘Jibril’ is angel Gabriel. Tradition or Hadith means the ‘Sayings of Prophet Muhammad’. The limited mind of man who is constantly questioning will find it hard to believe in the happening of ‘Ascension’. The ‘Beliefs in the articles of Faith’, will remind man that he has to believe in the ‘Books of Allah’ and in the ‘Angels of Allah’. ‘Rajab’ is the seventh month in the Islamic Calendar. From the book Let’s Celebrate Islam in Poems and Art by Kamariah Ahmad. Published by Haritha Artworks

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Issue 21, July 2010 Š

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Issue 21, July 2010 ©

Hijab Martyr Remembered

Shayma Alshakshir*

In solidarity with all women who fight for justice and freedom of choice, Milli Gorus Sareera Youth group held an international Hijab Day event commemorating the brutal killing of Marwa Al-Sherbini who was stabbed to death by a German fanatic inside a German court on the 1st of July last year. Marwa Al-Sherbini was a 32-year old Egyptian pharmacist living in Germany. The murderer, formally identified only as Axel W, stabbed Marwa 18-times front of her two-year old son and husband as she was about to give evidence against him as he appealed against his conviction for calling her a “terrorist” for wearing the hijab (headscarf). Sareera committee member, Zeynep Sertal says the commemoration day is vital to inform the community about the hijab and to clear misconceptions and false assumptions about it. “It is an informative session held with women from all faiths in order to discuss the topic of hijab. In doing so we aim to reduce intolerance and misunderstanding and promote engagement between women from all religious and racial backgrounds,’’ Ms Sertal said. More than 100 women attended the event and Calwell Federal MP Maria Vamvakinou made a special appearance and delivered a speech in support of the hijab. Marwa Al-Sherbini’s story sparked outrage around the world as it raised concerns over the increase in Islamaphobia. Marwa was 3-months pregnant when she was killed and became widely known as the Hijab Martyr. * Shayma Alshakshir is a Melbourne based journalist and a frequent contributor to Crescent Times.

Malaysia: Female Judges Appointed To Sharia Court

Want to be a distributor? (07) 5571 7386 0412 601 152 info@hussana.com.au


ussana has just been launched in Australia, working under it’s parent company Dukkaan Ltd. The concept behind the Hussana brand started in early 2008. After researching the market, we found very few, if any, body care and beauty products were Halal certified. The products that were available were mainly cheap imports from the Middle East, with very poor packaging, not widely available.

To purshase our product online:

The aim of Hussana is to introduce a Halal alternative to the current high street products, many of which contain alcohol and other Haram ingredients from different animal parts. None of Hussana’s range contains any alcohol or animal products. The range consists of Shampoo, Conditioner, Body wash, Moisturiser, Cleanser, Face scrub, Lip balm, Baby shampoo, Baby lotion, Baby oil and Baby bath. The range is suitable for use by both males and females.


The decision by the Malaysian government to appoint women judges to its Islamic courts has been welcomed by Muslim feminist groups. “We’ve been calling for the appointment of women to the sharia courts since the late 1990s,” said Ratna Osman, head of the legal unit of SIS, an influential Muslim women’s group. “When you have all male judges, there is some insensitivity - the more so when they are listening to women’s grievances,” she said. The group has long campaigned for reform of the Islamic legal system. It argues that Islam does provide legal protection for women, but that it is not always administered and implemented properly and fairly. The government said the new judges were part of its sharia reform efforts. The government announced the two new judges as Suraya Ramli, 31, in the Federal Territory of Putrajaya court and Rafidah Abdul Razak, 39, in Kuala Lumpur. “The appointments were made to enhance justice in cases involving families and women’s rights and to meet current needs,” said Prime Minister Najib Razak.The government has also allocated RM15m ($4.7m, £3m) to the Family Support Division to help women in need of financial support.

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s i s e c i rv e S l a l Ha C I f F o A t s h i l g u f o o r s h l t i a d t e e t d a r : r e n o n F o e . s g y t t r i e o n u p u n e e m R v l m e a o R u c “ n e n h A t C o I t F n i A k o t c a r b e f t re pu e s a ” e u l a p . s m e o i r c . a i c c fi fi a . e n w be ww

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Issue 21, July 2010 ©

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Crescent Times Investigation:


EDITOR’S NOTES Under pressure from readers and with their support, Crescent Times has started to investigate the halal market in Australia. This comes as some participants in this market have been accused of corruption, fraud, and lack of compliance with shariaa law. Concern has also been raised over the use of funds raised through halal certification. The halal certifying business is supposed to be part of the ummah waqff, which means funds raised should go back to the ummah for its benefit and well being, not to profit individuals. This is a very sensitive issue relating to an essential part of our religion: sincere advice and trust or amanah. Islam is purely sincere advice and amanah! Crescent Times invites all those with knowledge or concerns to contact us if they have any information regarding - the supervision of the halal process, such as the attendance of Muslim slaughtermen in halal certified abattoirs across the country to supervise, slaughter or pronounce “bismillah”. - the supervision of halal certified shops, restaurants, butchers, factories, including how often premises are checked, how is contamination prevented if they also process non halal products? is there any process of either spot checks or organised visits to these premises after a certificate is issued? - where does the money generated by the halal certification process go? are the halal certification providers (especially non profit organisations) considered to be earning a type of waqff? or not?? - what is/can be done to stop dodgy certified places claiming their food is halal when it is clearly not? For example, the Royal Perth Hospital - where I stayed for over 47 days as a patient - who provide patients [including myself] with pork as halal food from their halal certified kitchen. - is there any legal way to reorganise the “halal industry”? such as a common protocol or constitution? - is there any way to establish a national halal watch dog? - is there any way to run a campaign to boycott the “dodgy” halal certifiers and halal certified places if they do not comply with Muslim community requirements such as national guidelines or rules (if set up and established of course) - is there any way to put pressure on the Middle Eastern market to review those halal exporters who do not comply either with Sharia requirements or local community guidelines. Finally, brothers and sisters in Islam: your co-operation is much needed for the peace of mind of many Muslims in this country, to reveal the facts and make clear the truth. We appreciate your assistance with the information required to find out what is happening in the multi million dollar halal industry in Australia. A number of organisations, including the Australian Federation of Islamic

Councils, have responded quickly to our call for information on the halal industry. We appreciate this openness and we encourage all other parties to do the same.

Ikebal Adam Patel*

infra-structure for the member The Australian Federation of societies at the grassroots level. Islamic Councils (AFIC) was set AFIC is managed by an elected up in 1964 by pioneering Muslims Executive Board responsible to an who had emigrated from various elected Federal Council (Shura) parts of the world to make Australia and the Congress of Member Societies and State Councils within the questions raised: bounds of a registered constitution. -Is it true that some halal certifiers issue certificates by fax, to companies The Executive Board is committed to the that they have not visited? cohesion of a Muslim -What checks, if any, do halal certifiers carry out on premises after a community of diverse ethnic groups and to halal certificate is issued? -For certifiers who check regularly, how often do they do that? What advancing the cause of Islam in Australia. about health safety and hygiene from an Islamic point of view? Is AFIC Halal Services contamination prevented if they also process non halal products? AFIC was appointed -What can be done if halal certified premises are clearly not delivering to certify all halal halal products? For example, the Royal Perth Hospital where Muslim exports to Saudi Arabia a number of other patients are given pork as halal food from the halal certified kitchen. and countries in the 1960s -Is there scope for federal regulation to reorganise the halal industry? and 1970s and has been instrumental in setting -Is there scope to develop a national halal watch dog? up the procedures and -Can the community organise a boycott of halal certifiers and halal guidelines for halal certified places if they do not comply with Sharia or community certification in Australia and many other countries. requirements in terms of transparency? -What about halal exporters? Do they all comply with Sharia Under the AFIC Halal Certification scheme, requirements or local community guide lines? the funds generated have been pooled together and used for Muslim communities throughout -All Muslims are obliged under shariaa law and Islamic ethics to make the country. their legitimate concerns known to enable investigation to be carried All other Australian halal certifying bodies are out. either private businesses -All contributors must supply their full name, address and phone owned by individuals or number for verification if required. These details will not be released small exclusive groups in cases where the individual holds legitimate fears for the security of who share the funds among themselves. their employment AFIC’s continued -Defamation is not permitted under Islamic law or CT editorial policy. involvement ensures a We aim to publish facts that are in the public interest with supporting proper standard of halal evidence where ever possible. certified products. -All letters and articles are subject to editorial review. Editing may be AFIC has taken initiatives to compile carried out for reasons of space. comprehensive halal -Please do not hesitate to tell the truth and deliver the hidden facts you certification procedures are aware of. Our deen is sincere advice. and training of Muslims and non-Muslims engaged in the halal Letter From A industry. AFIC’s exemplary and their home. Crescent Times AFIC (now known as Muslims thorough halal slaughter regime Reader Australia) articulates the interests has ensured continued growth of mainstream Australian Muslims of halal meat exports to Muslim by representing Islam and Muslims countries and jobs for Australians. Assalamu alaikum, at national and international AFIC’s Halal Services are managed by a Sheikh who is wellI learnt about the levels, providing a platform at the versed in the Sharia requirements national and state level in Australia investigation through an for the ever-growing Muslim for halal. Halal Supervisors are email my husband sent communities to unite together in a appointed at the State level and me. I just would like to democratic, open and accountable monitor the production plants with Muslims who are engaged as congratulate you for doing manner to manage and conduct other slaughtermen or on the production this and I’ll make dua that their affairs. lines. As a consequence, Muslim AFIC provides leadership in Allah blesses you in all representatives monitor the entire various programs including that you do for the Muslim education, publications, social operation from the time the ummah. work, charity, provision of animals enter the abattoir until the Imams and their salaries as well meat is packed and shipped out. as assistance in Da’wah work, AFIC’s representatives oversee Wassalamu alaikum building of Mosques and other the complete quarantine check and

Conditions of participation:

Umm Tareq

thorough cleansing of the slaughter houses, boning rooms, cool rooms, chillers, freezers, packing and loading areas and all equipment therein, in accordance with Sharia requirements. They supervise the Muslim slaughtermen to ensure Islamic rules of slaughter are adhered to and the process is satisfactory. The Australian Government through its Australian Quarantine Inspection Services ensures that Halal Programs set down for each plant are strictly complied with. Failure to do so will result in significant penalties including the cancellation of licenses, heavy fines and jail sentence. The direct involvement of the Australian Government lends further integrity to the Australian Halal product. AFIC is a member of global and regional Halal Certification organisations through which it ensures the development of Global Halal Standards. AFIC is wellreceived at the global level and a number of overseas certifying bodies have appointed and registered AFIC as Halal Certifier for their imported meat and food products. AFIC’s world standard and comprehensive Sharia-compliant Halal Guidelines assist halal producers to understand the halal certification processes and Muslim consumers who are able to rely on AFIC cetified halal products. As a consequence, halal producers are more confident to market their halal products either at the national or international level. AFIC also has a Sharia Advisory (Fatwa) Committee which consists of eight highly qualified and eminent Muslim Scholars, food technologists and chemistry experts to assist and advise AFIC on religious and scientific issues generally and on specific matters that arise from time to time or at a particular plant. As the national organisation of Australian Muslims, AFIC is accountable and responsible to the Muslim community and its operatives and staff are committed to ensuring full and complete compliance and adherence to AFIC’s Sharia-compliant Halal procedures. AFIC is committed - with the Blessings and Tawfiq of ALLAH swt - to upholding its grave responsibilities and the trust placed in it by Muslims in Australia and around the world.

[Ed: AFIC is now known as Muslims Australia. The title AFIC has been used throughout the article for simplicity.] * Ikebal Adam Patel is an engineer, and the president of AFIC, now known as Muslims Australia

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Issue 21, July 2010 ©

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Halal Food Requirements Under Shariaa Law What is Halal? Halal is an Arabic word meaning lawful or permitted. In reference to food, it is the dietary standard, as prescribed in the Qur’an (the Muslim scripture). The opposite of halal is haram, which means unlawful or prohibited. Halal and haram are universal terms that apply to all facets of life. These terms are commonly used in relation to food products, meat products, cosmetics, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, food ingredients, and food contact materials. While many things are clearly halal or haram, there are some things which are clearly one or the other. Further information is needed to categorise them as halal or haram. Such items are often referred to as mashbooh, which means doubtful or questionable. In general every food is considered halal in Islam unless it is specially prohibited by the Qur’an or the Hadith. By official definition, halal foods are those that are: a) Free from any component that Muslims are prohibited from consuming according to Islamic law (Shariah). b) Processed, made, produced, manufactured and/or stored using utensils, equipment and/ or machinery that have been cleansed according to Islamic law. Muslims eat to maintain a strong and healthy physique in order to be able to contribute their knowledge and effort for the welfare of the society. Muslims are supposed to make an effort to obtain the best quality nutritionally. It is mentioned in a Hadith that the prayer of a person is rejected by Allah if the food consumed is prohibited (haram). All foods are considered halal except the following (which are haram): • Alcoholic drinks and intoxicants • Non-Halal Animal Fat • Enzymes* (Microbial Enzymes are permissible) • Gelatine* - from nonHalal source (fish gelatine is Halal) • L-cysteine (if from human hair) • Lard • Lipase* (only animal lipase need be avoided) • Non-Halal Animal Shortening • Pork, Bacon / Ham and

anything from pigs • Unspecified Meat Broth •Rennet* (All forms should be avoided except for plant / microbial / synthetic - rennet obtained from halal slaughtered animal is permissible). • Stock* (a blend of mixed species broth or meat stock) • Tallow* (non-Halal species) • Carnivorous animals, birds of prey and certain other animals • Foods contaminated with any of the above products Items marked with a * may be consumed if derived from Halal animals. Foods containing ingredients such as gelatin, enzymes, emulsifiers, and flavours are questionable, because the origin of these ingredients is not known. In the meat and poultry food industry, animals such as cows, veal, lamb, sheep, goats, turkeys, chickens, ducks, game birds, bison, venison are considered halal, but they must be prepared according to Islamic laws in order for their meat to be suitable for consumption. Fish and seafood (with the exception of crocodiles, alligators and frogs) are generally acceptable for Muslims. The preparation of the fish or seafood should not include alcohol (ie batter or wine, or anything considered haram). Halal products and production must be properly separated and clearly identified from non-halal products. In cases of necessity, prohibited things may become permissible (halal) for the duration of the emergency or need, as Islam puts a priority on life over death. Refer to Qur’an at Chapter 2:173 (Al Baqarah) Islamic Slaughter Halal products are derived from animals and/or poultry that have been prepared according to Islamic law under the following statement, “In the name of God – God is the Greatest/ Bismillahi Allahu Akbar”. Islam places great emphasis in the way in which an animal’s life ends, which has to be in accordance with Islamic regulations. Life is a sacred blessing of God to creation, animals as well as humans. If the life of an animal has to be ended for human survival, then its life should only be taken in the name of God.

Hence, the phrase bismillah (‘in the name of God’) must be uttered just before slaughtering an animal. Muslims cannot consume the meat of animals that are sacrificed in a name other than God. Any animal slaughtered in the name of a person alive or dead, any deity or idol will be considered as haram and therefore it is not permissible for Muslims to consume that meat. Is this a cruel way to kill an animal? Muslims are only allowed to eat meat that has been prepared according to Islamic law. This method is often challenged by animal rights activists as ‘causing unnecessary suffering to the animal’. Muslims disagree and say that Islamic law on killing animals is designed to reduce the pain and distress that the animal suffers. AFIC has strict rules with regards to Islamic slaughter. These rules state: 1) The slaughterer must be a sane adult Muslim. 2) The slaughterer must say the name of God before making the cut. 3) The name of God is said in order to emphasise the sanctity of life and that the animal is being killed for food with God’s consent. 4) The animal must be killed by cutting the throat with one continuous motion of a sharp knife. 5) The cut must sever at least three of the trachea, oesophagus, and the two blood vessels on either side of the throat. 6) The spinal cord must not be cut. 7) Animals must be well treated before being killed. 8) Animals must not see other animals being killed. 9) The knife must not be sharpened in the animal’s presence. 10) The knife blade must be free of blemishes that might tear the wound. 11) The animal must not be in an uncomfortable position. 12) The animal must be allowed to bleed out and be completely dead before further processing. Some experts say that the animal killed in this way does not suffer if the cut is made quickly and cleanly, because it loses consciousness before the brain can perceive any pain: * These rulings are extracted from the AFIC/ICV flyer ”What is halal” edited and prepared by Hyder Gulam, Melbourne.

Trust in Halal? Hyder Gulam* The issue of trust in “halal” is one that I am very well aware of given my role as an Executive Member of a peak state Muslim body. I’ve been in receipt of a number of complaints from the Muslim community about establishments that purport to be halal, and advertise/market/promote themselves as offering halal food, but in fact may not be halal. Our collective goal for the Australian Muslim community ought to be to provide our Muslim community with “trust”; namely when they go and eat in a “halal” advertised establishment, it is actually “halal”. While I recognize the good work that the numerous Australian halal certifiers do, my concern is with those “non-halal certified” establishments who advertise themselves as halal, but are not certified, audited or confirmed as halal. In short, you go to a “halal” advertised pizza eatery that actually serves ham. Shocking – yes indeed, and it has happened a number of times. There are a number of things we can do in order to deal with this situation, but the one I will focus on in this article is a proposal to have Government legislative protection for the word “halal” - similar to the protection for “misleading and deceptive conduct” under the Trade Practices Act. The Government, ideally the State Governments (via their Consumer Affairs departments) would prosecute any infringers who purported to offer halal, but were proved to be doing otherwise (the “big stick” approach). There are a number of precedents from around the world (namely the USA) where there is Government protection and enforcement of the word “halal.” This means that a Muslim person could make a complaint to the Government directly if they suspected food was not halal. The Government would investigate the matter and enforce a punishment as the case may be. There are some matters that ought to be thought through for this model and these are: (i) a unified and coherent understanding of halal; (ii) having a body which would be the final arbiter of what is halal, which the Government could refer questions or ambiguity to for clarification – and this body should have experts from within the Ummah on its board; and (iii) the real possibility that halal would be taken away from Muslims, and into the keeping of the Government – and a consequent loss of funding stream for the Ummah. For me the main issue is having a united front in terms of halal certification - which means that the Ummah need to agree on what to do, and have a strategic approach. This needs to be driven from the Ummah, but we also need to make use of the Government’s resources, enforcement and legislative powers. This short article is to stimulate discussion on how we can improve trust in halal. I am happy to provide a copy of the sample legislation, developed by Br Manzoor Mian (a respected brother in Victoria) and I, to any interested parties. * Hyder Gulam is a Registered Nurse, Corporate Lawyer, Accredited Mediator, and former Air Force officer. He can be contacted at hyderg@yahoo.com and his website can be viewed at www.hydergulam. com

The Ethics Of Meat Consumption Tamara Swann* I was very excited to receive news from the Editor-in-Chief of his plan to investigate the halal certification and meat industries in Australia over the next few months in Crescent Times. Like Tarek, I too have experienced the unappetising meals of questionable nutrition that pass as the ‘halal option’ in Western Australian hospitals. Frozen, prepackaged, little tubs of slop, served semi-defrosted to the patient – apparently to assist in their recovery… this appalling standard has got to change. Not only do I hope this investigation will be an impetus to improve the standard of halal food in hospitals, but more importantly that it may serve to affect change in all aspects of the meat industry. From the role of producers; to the trust and responsibilities of the middlemen (retailers and certifiers); to the ethics of consumers, there are many issues to be considered. My personal interest lies in the latter, consumer ethics, and I would like to begin by stimulating our readers to consider the deeper meanings of being a Muslim consumer. Sure, the term halal simply means permissible, or lawful, and we can eat according to the revealed laws and the example of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), thus fulfilling our religious obligations; but to ignore the origins of the food we consume is not fulfilling our role as responsible citizens. Seeking knowledge, setting a good example, striving in God’s name to do what is right by others, and caring in general, isn’t that what being Muslim is about? With a little effort we can apply these values in our consumer life. Once upon a time families and small villages grew their own chicken, goats, sheep and cattle for food. Because the consumers were also the producers very little food was wasted and this type of traditional growing was sustainable. Over time, and particularly since the industrial revolution, the gap between food producers and food consumers has grown incredibly. These days we buy meat from the butcher or supermarket, often having no idea as to where it has come from; the amount of energy that has been expended on growing, transporting and processing the animal; whether the animal lived a humane life and so on. We are happy to consume food that may be technically deemed halal but how can we consider ourselves responsible Muslims if we have not taken the time to find out whether what we are consuming has caused anyone person, animal or the environment - to suffer or be exploited. In the next edition I will continue to explore the ethical issues involved with meat consumption and how we as Muslims could lead the way in more sustainable and ethical industry practices. *Tamara Swann is a Perth based Muslim journalist and one of the original contributors to Crescent Times.

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Halal Certification Under The Spotlight and an invoice and that’s it. They don’t really know if I am selling pork or donkey’s meat or if I my sources are halal or not, yet I get the certificate” Another Muslim informed me that he used to work at Harvey beef, where some workers came to work drunk, did not know what to say, and in many cases they did not even pray at all. After complaining to the Administration of Harvey Beef he was made redundant. He then worked for Steggles where they were slaughtering the right way but they were stripped of their Halal certificate and proclaimed non Halal for simply not paying the fees. In WA, ICWA prints a magazine listing all businesses certified halal by ICWA which is useful to many Muslims. They also list a number of Muslim-owned businesses as NOT certified halal and state that ICWA is not responsible for their status. This is considered by some of those shops to be a form of bullying, to force them pay the annual fees. KT is another person I spoke to who informed me that there is a butcher shop owned by non-Muslims but certified Halal where pork is sold right next to lamb and beef. Another brother pointed to a cafe advertised as halal in ICWA’s magazine and in that same advertisement it mentions that the cafe is “BYO” meaning that alcohol can be consumed at that place. In an attempt to get closer to the root of it all I contacted several abattoirs and halal certification groups in WA. One could easily sense a feeling of discomfort and even resistance to giving away any information. Narrogin abattoir refused to reveal any information about the cost of being certified halal. They also repeatedly expressed their confidence and trust in the group they are getting their certificate from, while others asked us to speak to ICWA instead. I spoke to ICWA who informed me that a business is certified halal after an initial inspection done by a Muslim person who

Ebtisam El-Najjarine*

then provides an agreement for both parties to sign then issues the certificate. An invoice is sent to the business owner annually without further inspection. In inspecting a restaurant one can imagine what an inspector is looking for from an Islamic point of view: who the suppliers are? Are they certified halal or not? There seems to be little interest in what the product is as some butchers who sell pork are certified halal, while a cafe offering BYO is also considered halal. [and what about the risque entertainment on offer at some halal businesses. Ed] Some Muslim brothers thought that halal certification is private business, which is exactly what it is as the public knows little about how it is done, and where the funds collected go. The funds collected from halal certificates nation wide reach millions of dollars annually which if used to benefit the Muslim community, would solve many of their problems no matter how big they are. We may be able to build Masjids where they are needed, we could build projects like recreational venues such as swimming pools and gyms for females, we could help Islamic schools out of their debt, but most importantly we could establish a banking system that offers loans to Muslims in an Islamic way. The list of what we could do can go on and on as we have been struggling in Australia to start any project for the simple reason of lack of funds. We are Muslims living on Australian soil and any service provided in the name of Muslim organisations operating in Australia should keep its benefits for the Muslim community in Australia. We have seen people who have appointed themselves as leaders in the Muslim community being investigated by the Police, sent to court, found guilty of fraud and sentenced and imprisoned for years. Do we need to have the Police to investigate everyone’s involvement in public matters like this too? Or are we going to watch our actions and remember that Allah is watching us and knows what secrets we hold?

I don’t wear the Burqa. You may not either. I don’t wear a swim suit at the beach. You may not either. What gives anyone the right to pass a law against me wearing the burqa if i decided to? Back in May 2010, Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi sparked outrage after he called for the Islamic headdress to be banned following an earlier robbery in a Sydney store by a burqa clad man. Writing on his personal blog, the outspoken senator said the veil was “emerging as the preferred disguise of bandits and n’er do wells”. He also wanted to see it banned because, according to him, it prevents women from interacting in normal day-to-day life. “The burqa isolates some Australians from others,” he wrote. Well it seemed for a while, the topic had been closed. But not quite. Christian Democratic Party MP Fred Nile recently introduced a bill to parliament seeking to ban the wearing of the burqa and other face veils in public. Debate on the bill has been adjourned until September 2010. If, in September, the New South Wales Upper House allows the bill to pass what will this mean?, It will give NSW police the right to give any woman wearing the burqa or niqab, an on the spot fine of up to $500. Furthermore, if anyone tries to discuss it in public, a $1,100 fine.

Mohammed Haneef Sues For Defamation

Cleared terrorism suspect Dr Mohamed Haneef has launched defamation proceedings against the Howard government’s immigration minister Kevin Andrews. Dr Haneef ’s lawyers, Maurice Blackburn, said they lodged the suit on behalf of the Indianborn doctor in the Supreme Court in Brisbane. A claim has also been made for unlawful arrest and abuse *Khalil Ibrahim is a Perth based of power against the Commonwealth Palestinian Australian. He is Perth government. manager of Crescent Times. Dr Haneef had been working as a registrar at the Gold Coast Hospital

ontributors JULY 2010: Kamariah Ahmad - Amirudin Ahamed - Rashid Alshakshir - Shayma Alshakshir Uthman Badar - Tarek Chamkhi - Jamal Daoud - Linda Delgado - Ebtisam El Najjarine - Janine Evans - Eugenia Flynn - Hyder Gulam - iPoet - Khalil Ibrahim - Onn Ibrahim - Yasser Khan - Joanne McKeown - Debora McNichol - Judy Nelson-Eldawy - Victor Ng - Ikebal Patel - Yvonne Ridley - Aisha Stacey - Tamara Swann - Monique Toohey - Irfan Yusuf PUBLISHER: Crescent Press Pty Ltd

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EDITOR IN CHIEF: Tarek Chamkhi



joanne.mckeown@crescenttimes.com. au

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ADELAIDE OFFICE: Safwan Saparudin


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Islamic Fashion Space The Bill To Ban The Burqa

Khalil Ibrahim*

Halal is governed by Sharia law which determines the nature of every action to be Halal or Haram. Recently halal was given a new meaning referring to the way an animal is slaughtered for the sake of eating. In Islam an animal must be slaughtered in a certain way in order to be halal to eat, if any of those conditions are missed then it becomes Haram. Throughout Australia there are many groups and organisations offering halal certificates to businesses of all kinds. A business has to pay a fee that varies from state to state and from one group to the other, which is meant to cover the cost of administration, inspection, travel costs and other minor expenses. On average a small business such as a restaurant is expected to pay $165 including GST annually to have a halal certificate issued from the Islamic council of Western Australia (ICWA). Those certificates are usually expected to be displayed so that the public can see them and know the status of that business. Recently, there have been some question marks over the certification process and the use of funds collected from businesses Australia-wide. There has been talk of halal certification staff having an interest in abattoirs and poultry suppliers, creating a conflict of interest situation. Others have gone even further in their accusations, claiming that halal certificate issuers are only driven by money and do not care much about the method used in slaughtering an animal. After speaking to people from different industries and backgrounds, it is easy to establish that there is a lot of doubt about the way halal certifying is handled. AK is a Muslim owner of a take-away restaurant which is not certified halal. When asked about the reasons behind his refusal to get a certificate his reply was that “there was no real inspection in the previous years when I paid for that piece of paper. Every year when it’s time for renewal I get a letter

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A fine. A fine for following our religion. A fine for living in a free country, a democratic country. What rights do we have left? What is next? The abaya? The hijab? A man’s beard? Following my religion? We are not going to allow such a thing to happen. In June, a strike was held in Lakemba to protest against the bill being passed. We

stood as one, and we will stand many times again. We are living in Australia because we love the fact that we can choose how we want to live. If such a law were to pass, many people will lose their faith in a democratic government. Many Muslims will lose their freedom. Many will not allow such a law to pass without a fight. *Ebtisam El-Najjarine, created Sissta Designs in 2005 to suit the needs of Muslim women and import quality designed clothing that would suit the needs of men, women and children. Her website: www.sissta.com.au. when he was arrested in July 2007. He was taken into custody at Brisbane airport after his mobile phone SIM card was linked to a failed terrorist attack in Britain that year. He was held for 12 days before he was charged with recklessly giving support to a terrorist organisation. Then immigration minister Kevin Andrews was strongly criticised when he cancelled Dr Haneef ’s visa, ensuring his incarceration, just hours after a magistrate granted the doctor bail. The terrorism charge was later dropped as prosecutors admitted to bungling the case and conceded there was insufficient evidence. Source: news.com.au and other news agencies

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Milestones On The Path Of Dawaa

you see the fate of Afghan cameleers and you see the fate of Afghan migrants here, you see that history repeats itself. The fact is, Muslims are never represented in Parliament. Instead, we have a leader who is a strident friend of Israel heading the country. So what is my message to my children? Never wait till it is too late to make things happen your way. And what is our way? It is the Only Way: the only way which Allah has revealed as the only religion which is accepted By Him and Of Him. His revelation is an eternal grace and gift for humanity. Every other way in Australia is the wrong way and let there be no mistake about it. Many verses in the Qur’an condemn the dunya preferred way of life. As Australians, whether we are naturally born Muslims from Muslim parents in Australia, or new migrants ready to accept a different culture called Mozzies or Muslims who by their own choice come here because they perceive Australia to be a “land of opportunity”, let there be a warning: Australia is not what it claims to be. Just before I close, a forwarded email prompted me to write this letter to the editor. The person quoted in the email, most appropriately and poignantly for me in my present condition in Australia said “I do not pretend to be a divine man, but I do believe in divine guidance, and in the fulfilment of divine prophecy. I am not educated, nor am I an expert in any particular field...but I am sincere and my sincerity is my credential” - Malcom X whose Muslim name is, Al-Haj Malik Shabazz. May we, as Muslims, be guided and protected by Allah to persevere in the face of dunya and its fitnah influences in Australia.

In response to Hassan Alshakshir’s article on the Milestones on the Path of Dawah - I’d like to point out that this is one of the issues that face many a Muslim living in the ‘West’ - whether to take on the mantle of ‘preacher’ or leave it to the ‘Imams’. Either way - we are all ambassadors of Islam - and this is made evident through the pertinent points raised by Hasan. It also provoked some other thoughts regarding the current state of the world. Every Prophet/Messenger was sent to their own people to address specific issues relevant to those people (i.e. Sayyidina Lut (AS) sent to abolish the rampant practise of homosexuality in his society, Sayyidina Shuayb sent to a people who cheated in business etc.). If we take a step back and consider the current state of events, each and every major sin or issue that was addressed by the advent of the respected Prophets/Messengers actually exists in the world today - on a larger and ever more dangerous scale. This is where the message of Islam comes into play - the Prophet Mohammad (SAW) being the universal and final Prophet came with a universal message. Therefore, we can look in to the pages of the Qur’an and re-visit the glorified Seerah of the Prophet, and we’ll find many sayings and verses relating to modern day events. To conclude, we are living in a system that is Pharaonic in nature. We have multiple Pharaohs (read ‘World Leaders’) running rampant, we have their wizards (read politicians and media) spinning their stories, and we have their ‘Hamman’ type figures (read world bank organisations) supporting them economically and oppressing others in Kareem Ramadhaan, Melbourne. the process. The only missing piece in the puzzle is the ‘Moses’ type figure WA: War Over Future Of that voice of truth, reason and logic. The Australian Islamic College Qur’an and the Hadith address many of the modern day issues we are trying to This article shocked me, as this is a come to grips with - we just have to give practice common in many high schools and TAFE colleges, which I attended, them a voice. during my education years. For example, Saqib Saeed, Melbourne at Sydney’s Ultimo TAFE, where I did my (which is like the HSC for working Deen Talk: Australia No Longer A UAI and or mature age students; in 2002, a 1 Land Of Opportunities! year course) I witnessed teachers marking students as being present in classrooms, Back in early February, 2000, my family when they were not. arrived in Australia from Malaysia. We Furthermore, teachers openly stated thought the early morning mist which that so long as students were present welcomed us at Sydney airport was for for the first minute of class when role/ a new beginning. Nearly 11 years later, I presence call had to be done, that it didn’t if students decided to leave for the knew I had come one complete circle: life matter remainder of the class – which they did! in Australia is a life full of delusions unless As a result, for much of my English class, Muslims fight to keep their identity. for example, I was usually the only student When I was working my rounds at the in my class, with maybe 1 or 2 other famous National Gallery of Victoria students on occasions, the remainder of yesterday, packed with an endless students would truant class! throng of crowds attending the Winter This upset me, as I felt it was unfair that Masterpiece, I felt a sense of grief these students did not have to attend overcoming me. I felt my life had been classes, and contribute to classroom but just came along only wasted in Australia and I wanted a way discussions, for role call (ie. just shout out, ‘present’, to tell my children all about it. I wanted when the teacher called their name on the them to know how it feels to have your class list), then later exams (and complete pride and dignity taken away from you homework in between)! and what is left in place for you is misery, When I enquired about this, I was told that there was nothing teachers or TAFE regret and humiliation. The predominantly Western patrons could do to force students to remain were impressive. In winter, every in class and that it would affect TAFE patron who visits the Gallery dresses funding if they were marked absent. Well, loophole shocked me, but Ultimo immaculately. You can see the epitome of this TAFE has NOT been investigated or Western dressing and fashion in winter; closed down, yet an Islamic College has strange but Westerners do look their been. best during winter and look their worst I just want to share my experience, in during summer where any apparel you hope that this Islamic College is not an see in winter disappears and there is not isolated case, & thus should NOT be much else to see except exposed human closed down – rather investigate this LOOPHOLE! I am happy to be a witness anatomy. What disturbed me yesterday and if required to support the Islamic College. every other day at the Gallery is that Ayse Balcilar the Westerners have got it all. They have possessed dunya and they own dunya. [Ed: the issue raised by the events at In the process they have dispossessed the Australian Islamic College centered Muslims of their right to practise their around a list of students that had left religion freely and unashamedly. Yes, the school and the correct procedure in Muslims might argue that we are better off relation to this list of students rather than now than before but when you see history, marking students present if they were in the building at the start of class.]

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Yusuf Islam’s Warm Welcome To Australia Onn Ibrahim Melbourne Friday, 19 June. St Kilda, Melbourne: While Yusuf Islam was performing at The National Gallery of Victoria International’s Great Hall, the famous/ infamous Mark McInnes of the David Jones retail brand, was relishing his release from corporate avarice by indulging in his favourite past-time: fun with his girlfriend - Lisa Kelly, already pregnant - on the Italian Riviera, after flying first class from Melbourne Tullamarine airport. It has been reported that he received up to $8.6m in cash and shares when he resigned from his position as CEO following a sexual harrassment complaint made by a female staff member. This incident marks a new low in corporate politics: one which rewards deviant behaviour with outright cash and in kind compensation. Yusuf Islam on the other hand, at the sparkling age of 60, sang his old songs interspersed with even older tracks in upbeat Melbourne. His fans were full of adulation and pride for this Englishman who became Muslim at about the time he almost died. Some even say, he sounds better now than ever. While these two episodes might not be related, it does tell us something about the kind of weird culture we find in Australia. At the preparation for Islam’s only public appearance during his concert tour of Melbourne after a 36 year absence, the original Cat Stevens sang and plucked his guitar to a sold-out crowd of urbane Melburnians while security was beefed up because of possible repercussions related to Islam’s conversion to Islam.

Imagine: 36 years from his last concert tour of Australia and Cat Stevens is now Yusuf Islam strumming his same old guitar, amidst a perennial fear of Islam’s new religion. Standing in the midst of the crowd were undercover police and intelligence agents fearful that someone might plant a bomb because this once golden boy of European stock, had become Muslim. On the other hand, McInnes, the handsome ladies man, pretty much ridicules the public’s incredulity for moral antics. Despite a complete lack of ethics in his behaviour, he is somehow rewarded with a hefty sum of money and shares. Ironic? Not when you consider that this man enjoys the kind of limelight which chief executives dream about: thinking about women to promote their product sales. It is no wonder that brand and personality is almost synonymous with sex and sales. Two different worlds, two diferent systems of beliefs and culture coincide in one day: one garnering media attention in The Age’s front cover story splashed in full and vivid colour just below the masthead. The other not rating a mention. As a Muslim reader, I wonder myself, how far would Westerners go to defend their ideals of a just society when a not-so-remarkable chief executive takes any women to his side for a big hug and their own product, a talented and qualified professional, songwriter and singer, takes on Islam on his side? For them Yusuf Islam is nothing and Mark McInnes is something sensational. These two opposing scenarios could probably be classified as a case of mistaken identity between these two men of high moral standing. Bizarre.

South African Muslims Kick Goals

Janine Evans* Cape Town, South Africa

The 2010 World Cup has been deemed a great success by FIFA and the world, South Africa can be proud. The many shock upsets as cup favourites fell on the road to the final didn’t dampen the excitement of the games or the dedication of fans. Although the event itself has proved to be one to remember, the benefits to the country will be enjoyed long after the vuvuzelas (horns) are silent. In our third trip to South Africa (where my husband was born), we witness a nation maturing from the early days of democracy. The first open elections in 1994 brought Nelson Mandela to power and only 16 years later a true Rainbow Nation exists. Muslims have played an integral part in the formation of this young democracy. Yes there are social and economic problems but this can be expected after centuries of oppression and abuse. These issues will subside as economic/educational empowerment comes to all who live here. Despite these problems it is a nation moving forward together. Australia and its Muslims could learn from their South African brothers and sisters. When the country held its first democratic elections Muslims won positions in government even though they were less than 1.5% of the population. As South Africa re-entered the international sporting arena it brought Muslims into its ranks, now international cricketers, rugby and soccer players are drawn from this religious minority. Islam in South Africa is growing.

“... the Muslim population of South Africa has nearly doubled in the thirteen years between 1991 to 2004... One reason is the presence of a growing number of Muslims from the rest of the Continent... Many young Afrikaners (whites) find themselves attracted to its (Islam) economic radicalism...their presence has shattered the stereotype of Islam... it is proof of an African Islam”. (Wikipedia) This increase in numbers of reverts can only be attributed to South African Muslim’s ability to live by example, demonstrating an Islam that embodies its true message of peace, tolerance and compassion. Enter any mosque, there is no predominant cultural group. Jummah is filled with this Rainbow Nation, though their mother tongues hail from the 11 official languages of South Africa, khutbas are given in the common language of English. Migrants hold no desire to build their own mosques. The African continent has 57 nations, many are Muslim, many have come to live in South Africa, all feel welcome, all contribute. African Islam is something to be proud of. When will we be able to live together like this and call ourselves Australian Muslims? Will we overcome the desire to dominate each other and push our own culturally tainted views? Will we embody true Islam in our dealings with each other and the wider community? As the final whistle blows on this magnificent event people will not remember the missed goals or disappointed fans, they will take with them the power of unity, the power of hope, the power to change. *Janine Evans is an Adelaide based Muslim author and a community activist.

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The Federal Election: Muslim How To Vote Card

Jamal Daoud* Before discussing strategic points to be taken into account in voting, we need to mention some facts. It is clear that Muslims, like followers of other religions, do not all vote all in the same way. But during the last few years, the majority were voting in clear patterns. For the last few decades, the Muslim votes went mainly to the Labor party. But from the beginning of this century, the Muslim vote started to split. The largest beneficiary is still the Labor party, but more and more Muslims are voting for smaller parties, especially the Greens. The slow quiet divorce between Muslims and Labor started when leader at the time Kim Beazley, began to lean more and more towards the right. Muslims under John Howard began to feel betrayed by the party that they historically had voted for (generally). At that time, more and more Muslims advocated punishing Labor by voting for its rival parties. Some chose to join or vote for the Liberals. But Muslims were also advocating voting for the Greens, as a “progressive” alternative to the Labor. Before going to vote at the next federal election, we should examine the effectiveness of the strategy of punishing Labor by voting for the Greens or Liberals. To examine the effectiveness of this strategy, we need to explore the strategy’s achievements. One of the main issues that saw Muslims

departing from the traditional Labor vote was the inability (or lack of desire) of the Labor party to fight growing racism and Islamophobia in Australian society. After a decade of increasing Muslim vote for the Greens, the Greens have done nothing to fight against Islamophobia either. On the contrary. The Greens were either silent or proactive in spreading racism and Islamophobia. 1-The Greens supported many parts of AntiMuslim AntiTerrorism laws, designed to ignite Islamophobia in the society. 2-The Greens supported in many instances the opposition to building Muslim schools and mosques. On other occasions, the Greens were deadly silent. 3-The Greens not only failed to promote any non Anglo-Saxon elements into its hierarchy or parliamentary teams, but in fact put strong vetos on any move to achieve this goal. 4-The Greens failed to act on any issue important for the Muslim community. These issues range from low representation to taking a clear stand against the crimes and aggression of Israel against its neighbours, to even taking small steps to counteract racism and Islamophobia in society. 5-The Greens were the most vocal party in

advocating anti-family values and policies. In this process, the Greens were proactive in attacking any groups, communities or religions that stand firm on promoting family values. So, overall, the increased vote for the Greens from Muslims (and non Anglo-Saxons) was just a waste of votes, efforts and hope. On many occasions, the Muslim vote for the Greens resulted in the election of racist or antiMuslim elements to the parliament. For example, the crucial Muslim vote that saw Ms Sylvia Hale elected to NSW parliament (2003). Ms Hale is Stalinist who is a staunch opponent of all religions, especially Islam. She repeatedly criticised religions for opposing abortion, prostitution, same-sex marriage and drug abuse. In this coming election, the Greens are counting on the Muslim vote to see Ms Lee Rhiannon elected to the senate in NSW. Ms Rhiannon is another Stalinist and proactively advocated to promote euthanasia, drug abuse, prostitution, abortion…. So in fact, the Muslims have been voting against their own interests for the last decade.

On many occasions, the Muslim vote for the Greens has resulted in the election of racist or anti-Muslim elements to the parliament...

The Muslims have been their worst own enemy. I am not claiming that voting for Labor was getting Muslims better results. So what is the solution? I cannot claim that I have clear easy answer for such an important question. As a community we need to learn how to demand pragmatic deals from political parties. If these parties want our votes, they need to offer us good “deals”. Such deals should include Muslim members of parliament, more consultation on policies, more community members to work in parliamentarians’ officesand so on. And in the absence of above mentioned consultations or pragmatic deals, we should start to think about how to send strong messages to the parties. We can start at this election by sending a very strong message. Muslim groups and active individuals could advocate boycotting the Greens altogether. This will significantly reduce the chance of electing Greens members to the senate. Because the Greens are a very small party, the result will be very clear. The other parties will get the message instantly. Doing this will fundamentally change the way political parties deal with our community. These are just initial thoughts. We, as a growing community, can come up with more ideas. But we need to start the process. And we, as a small part of the community, have decided to start from this Federal election. *Jamal Daoud is a Sydney based human right activist and politician. He is the founder of the Social Justice Network.

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Eugenia Flynn*

Native Matters

Life Learnings One of the first things I instinctively learnt as a child, growing up in the Indigenous community, is that the majority of Indigenous people have a lot of ‘stuff ’ going on in their lives. In my first real job in Government, I learnt the real terminology for this fact was that the majority of Indigenous people have compounding complex life situations and trauma. I recently took time out from things (including this column – a big thank you to Crescent Times for bearing with me) to deal with some of my own compounding complex life situations and trauma. When things like this happen to me, it really puts life in perspective for me – it makes me realise how much I love Allah for example, or how much I should not care about the small stresses in life – these are real life learnings for me. There were two things that happened in my life just after this whole time that really sent home a new learning for me and I wanted to share this learning with the world. Firstly, my sister rang me, pretty upset about some racism she had just encountered in her workplace against Aboriginal people. After talking it over and consoling her, I realised that I do not often experience racism in my current life – aside from random racism on the street and occasional racism in social settings. I suppose this is because my work and my social networks are generally places where racism does not exist, because of the nature of my work and the kind of people I associate with. Alhamdulillah, I consider myself pretty lucky in this regard, whereas my sister is not – the nature of her work means that her chances of experiencing

racism are increased. So what of those who are not afforded the same level of protection from racism that I am? One would normally assume that racism would generally come from White Australians and that in your own community you would not experience racism. Unfortunately, as Muslims we know undoubtedly that this is not true. For example, I have experienced racism from Muslims as an Aboriginal, but more recently, I saw the kind of racism that can exist for ‘white’ Muslims. A brother I know was told in no uncertain terms that his being ‘so white’ made another Muslim ‘sick’. Back to my original point, this was the second thing that happened in my life that contributed to my life learning. The learning is this: when you have a life that is already full of compounding complex life situations/trauma you should be afforded the opportunity to live in a community that supports you, not one that adds to your complex life by forcing you to deal with racism. Even further, this kind of racism should have absolutely no place in the Muslim community and we should all be working towards the eradication of racism in the Ummah. Simple, really. Or is it? *Eugenia Flynn is an Aboriginal, Chinese and Muslim woman. In 2007 Eugenia founded the Indigenous Muslim Support Network (IMSN), which she continues to lead. Eugenia is the Deputy Chair of the National Indigenous Youth Movement of Australia (NIYMA) and is the Company Manager of an Indigenous youth performing arts company based in Adelaide.

Jannah- A Beautiful Reality In Jannah there is the honour of glancing at the Countenance of Allah... A glance at the All-Mighty, All-Majestic... Jannah is a place which no ear has heard and no eye has seen... Filled with bricks of gold and silver and mortar of fragrant musk... Where its pebbles are pearls and rubies, and its soil is saffron... The soil of Paradise is a fine white powder... Soil of saffron... There is a sea of honey, a sea of wine, a sea of milk and a sea of water... Believers in Paradise will have a tent made out of a single, hollowed-out pearl... Fruits, date palms and pomegranates... Trays of gold and cups will be passed round... Tooba is a tree in Paradise, as big as a hundred year’s journey... The best of the aromatic plants of Paradise is henna, sweet smelling... Paradise has been veiled with hardships... Sparkling light... Al-Hoor al-’Eeyn... A lofty palace... In Paradise there are eight gates... Live there forever... Al-Firdaws, the Highest, may we be there, ameen... It’s roof is the Throne of the Most Merciful... Rocks made of pearls and jewels... Rivers of water incorruptible; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes... The first group to enter Paradise will be as beautiful as the full moon... Nothing more dear than looking at their Rabb, may He be Blessed and Exalted... iPOET

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Nurse’s Notes:

Getting the Most from Your Doctor’s Visit

Judy Nelson-Eldawy*

Doctors and health care professionals are partners with you in the promotion and continuation of your good health. As such, you need to find the one who is the best fit with your lifestyle and personality. It’s best if you can find a Muslim physician who will understand Islamic practices, such as fasting Ramadan and not using pork based medicines, for example, certain brands of insulin. It saves on the explanation. However, if one is not available; there is no harm in patronising the best possible doctors available, regardless of religion. The same is true for gender. The important thing is that they are competent and will work with you to promote optimal health and be sensitive to your religious and cultural requirements. When looking for a doctor, check with the licensing body of that country. In Australia this is the Medical Board of Australia. This organisations will tell you if the doctor is a member in good standing or if any complaints are on file or any disciplinary action is being implemented against them. All you need is a name and a computer. Once that’s done, check the word on the street. What do the doctor’s patients have to say about him/ her? If possible, ask a nurse if they would go to this physician. Many nurses are reluctant to criticise fellow health care professionals but who they see as their personal physicians speaks volumes. In many Western countries, a general practitioner (GP) is the one most choose as a personal physician. They handle routine health issues for the entire body and will refer you to specialists if problems arise. In other countries, like Egypt, people tend to see specialists for different problems. But GP or specialist, the principles for finding a physician remain the same. On your first visit, a rapport is established and you should be able to have a sense if this is someone you can deal with. The doctor should be professional and respectful of your concerns. All doctors are pressed for time but that is no reason to be rude or discourteous. Statistics say the doctor will give you less than a minute to relate your concerns before taking control of the interview. To make sure you have all your problems discussed, it is best to have a written list of them. This is very helpful if your command of the language of the country is marginal or if you are easily flustered under pressure. Be concise. Explain your problem in a couple of sentences. State for how long you have had the problem and what you have done, if anything, to

help get rid of it. If it’s pain, describe the location, the quality (sharp, dull, throbbing, prickly, for example), how often it strikes, how long it lasts and if it radiates to another body site. If there is a cough, state whether it is dry or mucus producing. It is always a good idea to have a list of all current medications with dosage and times of administration and when you started taking these medicines. Include over the counter products and vitamin and herbal supplements and home remedies as well as prescribed medications. Many herbs duplicate the actions of prescribed medicines,so the doctor should be aware of what you are taking so as to avoid accidental overdosing. Keep an updated medication list with you in your wallet or purse along with your insurance information and identification. Listen carefully to the doctor’s instructions and if you do not understand something, ask for clarification. Follow the doctor’s orders and take all medication as prescribed until it is finished or the doctor tells you to stop taking it. This is very important because drug resistant strains of microorganisms are created when people do not finish the entire course of prescribed antibiotic therapy. They feel better and stop taking the pills but the microorganism is still present in their bodies. It develops a resistance to the given antibiotic and next time they get sick, the antibiotic will not be as effective. So finish all medicine as prescribed. If you cannot afford your medications, tell the doctor. Often there are several drugs he or she can choose from. Also, many doctors will have samples on hand given to them from the drug companies and will give these medicines out for free to patients in financial difficulties. Some doctors also have a different fee scale for uninsured patients. Don’t be shy about telling your doctor if money is an issue. If a doctor has their own practice, you might even be able to barter services instead of making a cash transaction. For example, this writer owed $2000 US dollars to her obstertrician. Instead of paying cash, she filled in for vacationing office nurses until the debt was paid. Communication is the key in any relationship so be open and honest with your doctor so you can reach an optimal level of health. *Judy Nelson-Eldawy is an American Muslim wife and mother who lives most of the year in Egypt. She has a Batchlor of Science in Nursing and over 20 years experience in the fields of psych/mental health, medical/ surgical and home health nursing. She advocates a holistic approach to health and the use of alternative therapies in conjunction with more conventional Western treatment modalities.


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It’s so sad. The World Cup is over for another four years. It’s the only time I really get into football. Sadly my favourite team didn’t make it to the final. Why? They were knocked out by the Dutch. All that money on my Brazil shirt gone to waste. Now before people accuse me of lack of patriotism, let me say that I did support the Socceroos, but I also had to be realistic! The Socceroos have a long way to go before they can defeat Germany 4-0. Speaking of Germany, wasn’t it wonderful to see that final goal they scored to get the number 3 spot against Uruguay. The game was sealed for Germany when Sami Khedira headed the ball into the back of the net. The corner came from Mesut Ozil. And Germany brought on Serdar Tasci to play the last 60 seconds of stoppage time. I’m not sure if 70 years ago, Germans could have imagined cheering on football players with names like Serdar Tasci, Sami Khedira and Mesut Ozil. Those were the days when men, women and children from Khedira’s father’s ancestral home of Tunisia were being rounded up and sent to the death camps by French occupiers allied to

Nazi Germany. Tunisian Muslims tried desperately to save their Jewish neighbours, many succeeding. Tunisian Muslims refused to move into the homes of Jews slaughtered in European death camps. French occupiers had no such hesitation. Today, Germany’s football future is tied to a young man of mixed Tunisian and German heritage who holds both Tunisian and German passports. In 2009, Khedira led the German team to win the UEFA European Under 21 Football Championship. Khedira could have played for Tunisia if he wanted. But he isn’t impressed by the lack of discipline there, especially when compared to his boarding school background in Stuttgart. Khedira told German website Qantara. de: “Manners in Tunisia are much looser than in Germany. I always notice that when I see children there, who grow up more freely. They’re raised differently and they’re more cheeky. I can’t really relate to their mentality.” Is he correct? Perhaps I’ll leave that one for the editor to answer. Mesut Ozil is considered one of the world’s best footballers. He is known to read the

Qur’an before matches as a way of gaining concentration. His team mates also know not to disturb him when he performs his nemaz (salaat or the Islamic ritual worship). Ozil acknowledges his game has a kind of racial split personality. He told The Guardian: “My technique and feeling for the ball is the Turkish side to my game, the discipline, attitude and always-give-your-all is the German part”. Like all star footballers, Ozil has been the subject of much gossip. In late June, the German newspaper Der Spiegel reported that Ozil’s long time girlfriend, the model Anna-Maria Lagerblom, younger sister of pop star Sarah Connor, had decided to adopt her boyfriend’s faith. Rumours are rife that the couple got engaged after the game in which Germany defeated Ghana. Meanwhile Pakistan is hoping to play at the World Cup in 2652. And here I was bagging the Socceroos! *Irfan is a Sydney based lawyer, writer and columnist. He is the opinion editor of Crescent Times.

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FOCUS: Linda D. Delgado*

The Weight of Betrayal

After reading about three recommended reading lists for Muslims and checking the sites and lists I reached my limit of patience. All three lists were predominately filled with non-Muslim or mainstream book titles and authors. I’m a Muslim writer and a Muslim publisher. You can see why this could get discouraging…right? Especially when well-known and respected Muslim authors just happen to be promoting this kind of recommended reading list. Well I sort-a blew my cork! I went into a high gear writing frenzy during the month of June creating halal fiction stories for Muslim youth. Stories with characters like our Muslim kids that Muslim readers can identify with. Creative, funny, interesting stories. I also created a recommended summer reading book list for parents, kids and just anyone wanting to find a good Muslim authored book to read. I included fiction books and non-fiction books and in four age or reading groups. After reworking the blog these new stories are posted on, I then decided to sponsor a Summer Islamic Fiction Story Writing Contest for youth age 9 years through 13 years! Got that posted to some social networks and friends in the business also are promoting this contest. So come the first week of July I take a deep breath figuring I have made a good start on bringing the importance of reading (Muslim authored books) during these summer months to Muslims: parents, kids, teachers, etc. Muslims are often searching for halal fiction books for their kids but have problems finding books basically because most Muslim book retailers refuse, for whatever reasons, to buy/list/ sell Muslim authored fiction for youth, teens, and adults. There also are fewer books published in these reading levels because most Muslim publishers, for whatever reasons, won’t publish many, halal fiction books! What is worse is almost all the Islamic schools (USA) promote Scholastic

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Books (mainstream) instead of Muslim authored books. Yikes…it sure is tough being a Muslim fiction author. So there I was, thinking I’d made a small dent for Muslim authors and our fiction books and for kids looking for some good books to read this summer. Wrong! I read something in the news that caused my blood to boil! Here’s a few excerpts from a long article about Scholastic Books’ inroads into Arabic speaking schools in the Middle East: “Scholastic makes inroads into Arabic children’s book market: …….Scholastic carefully translates English-language books to be used at schools in several Arab-speaking countries…… brought a small group of Arab officials into a conference room to screen a stack of stories…….The education ministers, who came from Bahrain, Lebanon and Jordan………weeded …list of thousands of titles to 80……..translated into Arabic……..over the last three years………17 million copies have been shipped……..” Where? To elementary schools across the Middle East and North Africa. Most Muslim authors I know, myself included, can’t get our quality Islamic fiction books into these middle eastern countries let alone their elementary schools! Are you shocked? I feel like a semi tractor trailer just ran over me and all my work and efforts have been crushed under the weight of apathy from Muslim publishers, book retailers, and our Muslim educators! When…When will Muslims unite and support and promote each other? When?

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*Linda D. Delgado is an award winning author and poet, Muslim publisher, and most recently published some of her work at www.IslamicFictionBooks. wordpress.com.

Dr Tareq Suwaidan Tours Australia Shayma Alshakshir Australian Human Appeal International invited Dr. Tareq Suwaidan, from Kuwait, to provide valuable knowledge and skills to the community in Melbourne and Sydney last month. Dr. Suwaidan has over 30 years of professional management experience, 25 years of training experience and is a founder of over 80 organisations. During Dr. Suwaidan’s tour in Australia, he delivered public lectures, attended fund raising dinners and conducted a 2-day training course in Practical Management and Leadership Skills. Dr Suwaidan is an extremely busy individual being the general manager of Al-Resalah TV station, chairman of Al-Rowad Leadership Training Centre, Chairman of the board of Innovation (ALIBDAA) Group, Chairman of AWARE (Advocates for Western-Arab Relations) Centre and Presenter/ Host of several TV and Radio programs, yet, as a manager himself, he managed to spare a few moments of his time to speak to Crescent Times. Dr Suwaidan believes that in order for Australian Muslims to play an active role in society, specific objectives have to set. “Muslims need to feel a sense of belonging to the society. They need to be active and effective in their dealings. They have to be politically involved to influence policies related to Muslims in Australia, and the best way to achieve these objectives is to establish specialised institutions,’’ he said. On a more personal level, Dr Suwaidan emphasises the significance of improving one’s personal knowledge if we wish to have a productive Muslim community. “It is vital that a Muslim, individually, understand Islam correctly and applies its teachings accordingly,’’

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Dr Suwaidan said. Dr Suwaidan, explained that he was influenced and inspired by many people, and recommends that Muslim youth not be reluctant in introducing Islam to others, for they have a better chance in delivering the message and leaving an ever-lasting effect. “Dawah should be intensified in schools, colleges and universities because it is much easier for youth to understand and accept from youth,’’ he said. It was only days before Dr Suwaidan’s arrival to Australia that the Gaza Flotilla attacks took place. Dr Suwaidan was quick to announce via social network site Facebook - that special TV coverage on AlResalah TV would be dedicated to support the issue. Dr Suwaidan says supporting the issue of Palestine can go in many ways. “Support through the use of media, financial support and the least is to do Du’aa,’’ he said. In an attempt to learn about Dr Suwaidan’s personal daily schedule, we asked him the following: •How many pages do you read a day? About 70-100 pages •How many hours of sleep do you get? I don’t have a specific schedule for that •Who are your favourite authors? Those that have mastered their respective fields •What country or place has a special place in your heart, which you have either visited or wish to visit? Besides the Haramayn (Mecca and Medina), it is Jerusalem, which I visited in 1964 and wish to revisit it when it’s free of occupation insha Allah.

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Issue 21, July 2010 ©

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Tooth Caries Symptoms And Treatments Yasser Khan* Tooth decay (caries or cavities) is one of the most common of all disorders, second only to the common cold. It usually occurs in children and young adults but can affect any person. It is a common cause of tooth loss in younger people. Bacteria are normally present in the mouth. The bacteria convert all foods especially sugar and starch - into acids. Bacteria, acid, food debris, and saliva combine in the mouth to form a sticky substance called plaque that adheres to the teeth. The acids in plaque dissolve the enamel surface of the tooth and create holes in the tooth (cavities). Cavities are usually painless until they grow very large and affect nerves or cause a tooth fracture. If left untreated, a tooth abscess can develop. Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) increase the risk of tooth decay. Sticky foods are more harmful than non sticky foods because they remain

on the surface of the teeth. Frequent snacking increases the time that acids are in contact with the surface of the tooth. Symptoms There may be no symptoms. If symptoms occur, they may include: •Tooth pain or aching feeling, particularly after sweet, hot, or cold foods and drinks •Visible pits or holes in the teeth •Discomfort or pain •Fractured tooth •Tooth abscess •Tooth sensitivity Treatment Treatment can help prevent tooth damage. Treatment may involve: •Fillings •Crowns •Root canals Prevention Oral hygiene is necessary to prevent cavities. This consists of: •regular professional cleaning (every 6 months), •brushing at least twice a day, and flossing at least

daily. •X-rays may be taken yearly to detect possible cavity development in high risk areas of the mouth. •Avoiding chewy, sticky foods (such as dried fruit or candy) •Avoid constant sipping of sugary drinks or frequent sucking on candy and mints. •Dental sealants can prevent some cavities. Sealants are thin plasticlike coating applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars. •Fluoride is often recommended to protect against dental caries. Topical fluoride is recommended to protect the surface of the teeth. This may include a fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash. Many dentists include application of topical fluoride solutions (applied to a localized area of the teeth) as part of routine visits. *Dr Yasser Khan is a Melbourne based dental surgeon.

Melbourne: Rabbi in The City Circle Event

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UI/4 Malcolm Road Maddington, WA Lebanon: Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein FadlAllāh Passed Away The Lenanese Muslim scholar Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein Fadl-Allāh died on the 4th of July 2010 after long struggle with illness. Fadlallah was one of the pioneers Shiite Islamic resistance in Lebanon. Israeli

intelligence attempted to assassinate him on several occassions. The most infamous attack was a massacre on 8 March 1985 when a car bomb equivalent to 440 lb (200 kg) of dynamite exploded 45 metres from his house in Beirut, Lebanon. The blast destroyed a 7 story apartment building and a cinema, killing 80 people and wounding 256. The attack was timed to go off as worshippers were leaving Friday Prayers. Most of the dead were girls and women, who had been leaving the mosque, though the ferocity of the blast also burned babies in their beds and killed three children as they walked home from the mosque.” It also devastated the main street of the densely populated West Beirut suburb but Fadl-Allāh escaped injury. One of his bodyguards at the time, Imad Mughniyeh, was later assassinated in a car-bombing in February 2008.

Above: Participants at the City Circle Event, Including Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant, second from right.

Rashid Alshakshir Melbourne Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant addressed a group of Muslims on the issues facing the Australian Jewish Community as part of a City Circle event held on 27 June. Rabbi Meir, who currently holds a position at Jewish Care, said many of the issues faced by other communities are faced by the Jewish community too. He discussed issues such as domestic violence and the many sects within the Jewish faith. Rabbi Meir said he “didn’t believe in inter-

faith dialogue” describing it as useless but did encourage intra-faith dialogue. After the presentation the audience was given the chance to question Rabbi Meir. He was questioned about his and the Jewish community’s position on the situation in the Palestine/Israeli conflict. He refused to give an answer saying he chooses to remain apolitical, but offered to link the audience with someone who can speak on the issue. The next City Circle event will be: Date: Sunday 25th July Speaker: Waleed Aly Topic: On The Road To Political Participation For more info contact 0422 295 726

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editors or publishers. However, we are not afraid of opinions! Our role is not to teach a particular package of opinions and beliefs to our readers. We do our best to provide space for

Web: www.crescenttimes.com.au all schools of thought, personal beliefs and directions of Islamic thought! All are free to submit articles for publication to defend and hold what they see as truth! The Editor In Chief

Sydney: Hundreds Gather To Discuss Struggle For Islam In The West

Over a thousand people gathered at a conference convened by Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia in Sydney on 4 July 2010. International and local speakers addressed numerous issues affecting Islam and Muslims in the West. The following points were highlighted by the conference speakers and organisers: 1. The struggle for Islam plays out primarily in the Muslim world as the Muslim masses struggle against Western-backed leaders for accountable and equitable governance on the basis of Islam in the form of the Caliphate. 2. The various attacks on Islam and Muslims in the West that we increasingly witness are the product of a concerted attempt by western governments to re-construct Islam into a mould that fits comfortably within their designs for the Muslim world. These designs aim at maintaining the status quo of despotic rule that favours their own economic and political interests. 3. The conference focused on how Muslims should reject the ‘moderate’ Islam constructed by western governments - a secular, apolitical and localised Islam that forms no barriers to exploitative foreign policy with respect to the Muslim world. 4. The present hostility towards the hijab and niqab represents an underlying divergence of ideologies and identities. The reality is that there is a great distinction between a Godcentric worldview and a man-centric one.

The only tenable way forward for responsible human beings in this regard is robust debate and discussion, not insults, mockery and threats of banning. 5. The conference criticised Australian Governments, from both sides of politics, as having an active agenda against Islam and Muslims, represented in recent times in the likes of the anti-terror laws, counter-terrorism and ‘national security’ policy, funding for interfaith dialogue and institutes promoting ‘moderate’ Islam, and underhand tactics by its agencies like the AFP and ASIO. This is over and above its being party to the oppressive US-led foreign policy with regard to the Muslim world. 6. Some of the speakers suggested that Muslims must be politically active, but not through the secular democratic process, which does little more than represent the interests of the economic elite. Rather they need to be active at the grassroots level in presenting the correct image of Islam and in exposing the policies of western governments that are detrimental to the whole of humanity. 7. In these difficult times, Muslims have an added responsibility to positively interact with all levels of society as responsible citizens, whilst focusing our efforts on positive change in the Muslim world through the establishment of the Caliphate, which is the need of the time, not only for Muslims but for humanity as a whole.

The Struggle For Islam In The West Uthman Badar *

maintaining a strong connection to their own values and ideals. These two factors together pushed policymakers here to adopt the same agenda locally: to deal with Muslims in light of the overriding agenda to prevent Islam from being established in the Muslim World in the form of a state. Hence, whether it be the US, the UK, or Australia, we see constant attacks on Islam: on our values, our loyalties, our practices, our symbols and our dress code. We see the promotion of a ‘moderate’ Islam - a secular apolitical version of Islam. An Islam that has no political aspirations to begin with, conveniently for an agenda that seeks to prevent Islam from the political domain. Further, we see draconian and ill-conceived ‘counter-terrorism’ policies targeting Muslims. And we see what has effectively become a twotier legal system, with one law for Muslims and another for everyone else. The anti-terror laws for example are no more than a lowering of various standards of due legal process. With the bar lowered, innocent Muslims are being made examples of so as to send a message to all other Muslims that you either step in line with our agenda or will face like consequences – classical fear politics. This is the struggle for Islam in the west. All Muslims living in the west must understand it as the first step in our being able to respond in the way that is required on the basis of Islam. Remaining ignorant or in denial is to lose the struggle before having even engaged in it.

If it’s not the face veil that becomes a security issue overnight in Australia, it’s the minarets that frighten Switzerland. If it’s not freedom of expression making Danish ‘artists’ itch to insult the Prophet of Islam, it’s the Muslim Woman’s dress code threatening three hundred years of French secularism. One thing is for sure: the hostility to all things Islamic is on the rise in the West. One would do well to keep the greater political context in mind here: a struggle taking place first and foremost in the Muslim world, but also having a clear frontier here in the West. In the Muslim world the battle is being fought between Muslims on the one hand and Western governments on the other. Muslims seek to shape their political destiny on the basis of Islam through the establishment of the Caliphate. Western governments, through their political agents, seek to maintain the status quo of repressive secular rule, whether of monarchical, dictatorial or democratic flavour. It must be emphasised here that the rulers in the Muslim lands – Mubarak, Abdullah, Zardari et al. – are no more than agents of Western powers, deriving zero legitimacy from Islam or its peoples. Their despotic rule over their respective lands is in essence the pursuit of foreign agendas and opulent self-interests. As for the local front, two factors brought the struggle home to Western governments. One was their own intimate role in the politics of the Muslim world. The other was the increasing numbers of Muslims residing in the West, who, *Uthman Badar is a PhD student based in Sydney and instead of integrating into Western culture, were the Media Representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia.

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The Four Evils Of The West

Amirudin Ahamed Westerners consider their civilisation to be the best in the world. How valid is this claim? Western society has two positives of which no other civilisation can boast and these are the very reasons why migrants flock to Western shores. The first one is the high living standard due to breathtaking technological advances, which attracts economic refugees. The second positive is the availability of fundamental rights as a result of democracy, which attracts political refugees. Actually, these are the only two positives of Western civilisation. The West displays four evils which are found in other societies too. The West is as unsuccessful as other societies in eradicating these evils. Thus, in these four aspects, the West is absolutely at par with other societies and hence can be said to have zero advantage over other societies. What are these four evils? The first is the havoc wrought by alcohol. The West has absolutely no answer to this problem. Men and women start drinking from their teens and when drunk are capable of the most horrendous crimes including automobile crashes, assaults, sex abuse, murder and even incest. Indeed, alcohol is the national beverage of the West without which no party or function is complete. The second is the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Except for a few Western nations in Scandinavia, in all societies – Western or Eastern – the rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer. This inequality is a direct result of capitalism which is now euphemistically known as the Market Economy. The third is the skyrocketing

crime rate. Burglaries, robberies, rape and murder are as common in the West as in the East, or even worse, and prisons are bursting at the seams. It is now reluctantly conceded that far from reforming a criminal, the brutality inside prisons only hardens the criminal further. The problem is compounded by lawyers who consider it their duty to tell lies to save their clients and judges who sympathise more with the accused than with the victim. The fourth is the racism that is prevalent in all societies. Though, in theory, every citizen has equal opportunity for employment, most coloured immigrants in the West have invariably experienced the disappointment of losing out on a job for which they had the best paper qualifications simply because of the colour of the skin. After considering the two positives and the four “zeros”, it is now time to consider the unique evils introduced by the West which no other society in the past ever had. There are two in this category. The first negative is the total breakdown of the institution known as family which is considered by sociologists as vital for the very existence of society. This is a direct result of feminism an ideology embraced wholeheartedly by the West and sold by it to the rest of the world under the guise of human rights. The West refuses to acknowledge that the two “f ” words – family and feminism – are mutually exclusive. In the first place, feminism undressed the female (e.g. burning the bra) and reduced her to a sex object. Then it gave women the right to seek sexual satisfaction comewhat-may thus playing right

into the hands of lustful men. Thirdly, feminism abolished gender roles ending the interdependency of the two genders. Finally, it gave the family two heads despite the fact that no other institution – government, industry, army, organisation – has joint heads. The result is a high divorce rate with few children growing up in a house with both biological parents. Despite the mass media barrage of the West, the family is still holding strongly in the East. The second unique evil brought out by the West is mental depression. Even the very poor in the East are happier than the rich in the West. Sweden has one of the highest standards of living in the West and Swedish women are the most liberated – but statistics reveal that 50 % of Swedish women have suffered clinical depression (requiring treatment with medication) at one time or another in their life. In contrast, women in India may be hungry and possibly in terror of their husbands but they do not have clinical depression. In no other society is clinical depression as common as in the West. This mental depression is a direct result of agnosticism and materialism the two common values of Westerners. What is the final score on the West? Simple mathematics – what does the addition of two +1’s, four 0’s and two −1’s result? That is the final summation of the “greatest civilisation the world has ever seen”. A wise person will enjoy the positive aspects of any society while carefully withdrawing from the negatives. * Dr. Amirudin Ahamed is a Melbourne based teacher, a former scientist and a frequent contributor to Crescent Times.

Muslims Australia Press Release:

Asylum Seekers Have Legal Rights The President of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC), Mr Ikebal Adam Patel expressed dismay at the Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s new policy on asylum-seekers whereby a regional processing centre could be set up in East Timor. “This is what John Howard did,” said Mr Patel. Mr Patel had earlier urged Prime Minister Gillard not to follow the opposition’s policies on asylum-seekers which have been harsh and inhumane as those involved had been through a lot in their own countries. Mr Patel said that this policy did not work in the past and will not work now or in the future. “Australia cannot afford to have such policies and will be judged very harshly by the international community. These refugees are fleeing from political and religious persecution, torture and repressive regimes, escaping from conflict and war and searching for a better life,” pleaded Mr Patel. Mr Patel appealed to the Gillard Government not to be swayed by political considerations alone and to recognise

Right: Ikebal Patel

that the asylum-seekers are not illegal immigrants and had not broken any laws by entering Australian waters and that they have a legal right to have their claims for refugee status assessed by appropriate authorities in Australia rather than overseas. “Please do not sell asylum-seekers, many of whom are genuine refugees to score political points,” pleaded Mr Patel.

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Issue 21, July 2010 ©

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Millions Return To Their Native Deen Part I: List Of Notable Reverts From Christianity Estimates range up to millions, most predominantly in the United States (up to 600,000—1.5 million, the United Kingdom and France (about 100,000 people converted in the last decade), Germany (5,000 a year) including other European states, also in Australia (15,000), and many other places around the world. •Abdul-Karim al-Jabbar (Sharmon Shah) - former NBA player. •Abdur Raheem Green •Abel Xavier - former Portuguese professional footballer converted to Islam with his new name Faisal. •Abu Usamah - American-born Imam of Green Lane Masjid in Birmingham, UK. Accused of preaching messages of hate towards non-Muslims in a UK Television documentary. •Adam Gadahn (born Adam Pearlman) - al-Qaeda English language spokesman. Homeschooled Christian. •Ahmad Rashād - Emmy award-winning sportscaster (mostly with NBC Sports) and former American football wide receiver. •Ahmed Santos - Filipino, fugitive, founder of the Rajah Solaiman Movement and suspected by Filipino authorities to be an Al Qaeda operative converted from Catholicism. •Ahmad Thomson and - British barrister Above: Subhan his new and writer and also a member of the Murabitun movement. •Akhenaton - French rapper and producer of French hip hop. •Alexander Litvinenko - former FSB officer converted to Islam on his deathbed. •Alexander Russell Webb -Former Presbyterian. American journalist, newspaper owner, and former ConsulGeneral of the U.S.A. in the Philippines. •André Carson - former Baptist, second Muslim to serve the United States Congress. •Anthony Green or Abdul Raheem Green, Converted from Catholicism to Islam, and now an Islamic lecturer. •Art Blakey - American Jazz musician. •Aukai Collins - fought in Chechnya, paid FBI informant. •Anthony Mundine - former Australian rugby league player for the St George Illawarra Dragons, now a boxer •Benjamin Chavis - controversial former head of the NAACP; joined the Nation of Islam. •Bernard Hopkins - American boxer. •Betty Shabazz - wife of Malcolm X; former Methodist. •Bilal Philips - Islamic scholar and author. •Bruno Metsu - French coach of the Senegal team at the 2002 FIFA World Cup. •Bryant Neal Vinas - participated in and supported al-Qaeda plots in Afghanistan and the U.S., and helped al-Qaeda plan a bomb attack on the LIRR. •Colleen LaRose - American citizen charged with terrorism-related crimes •Chris Eubank - British boxer. •Claude Alexandre de Bonneval or Humbaracı Ahmet Paşa is 18th century French nobleman. •Count Cassius- Visigothic aristocrat who founded the Banu Qasi dynasty of Muladi rulers. •Daniel Moore – Canadian poet. •Danny Thompson - English double bass player converted from Catholicism. •Danny Williams - British boxer. •David Belfield - American, fled to Iran after assassinating Ali Akbar Tabatabai, an Iranian dissident. •David Benjamin Keldani, a former Catholic priest. •Dave Chappelle - comedian and television star. •Dawud Wharnsby-Ali (David Wharnsby) - Canadian singer/poet. •Elsa Kazi - German writer of one-act plays, short stories, novels and history, and one of the greatest poets of her time. •Éric Abidal (changed his name to Bilal) - French football player, currently playing for FC Barcelona, converted to Islam after marriage. •Everlast - Rapper from the IrishAmerican hip-hop group House of Pain, converted from Catholicism. •Franck Ribéry- a French football player. His name after he converted to Islam is Bilal. •Gabriele Torsello - Italian freelance photojournalist based in London who was abducted in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. •Gauhar Jaan-British-Indian Singer.

•George XI of Kartli - Saffavid commander. •Hamza Yusuf - American convert from Greek Orthodox; head of the Zaytuna Institute in the USA. •Hedley Churchward - English painter. •Ian Dallas - Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir asSufi - Sufi shaykh of Scottish origins. •Ibrahim Muteferrika (original name not known) - From Unitarian Christianity, an early example of a Muslim publisher and printer. •Ilie II Rareş -prince of Moldavia. •Ingrid Mattson -Canadian scholar and president of the Islamic Society of North America (2006) converted from Catholicism. •Isabelle Eberhardt, from Lutheran Christianity, 19th century explorer & writer. •Ivan Aguéli ( Johan Agelii) - famous Swedish painter. •Iyasu V - Ethiopian emperor. •C. Jack Ellis - Mayor of Macon, Georgia. •Jacques-Francois Menou - French general under Napoleon I of France.

County F.C. •Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf (Chris Jackson) retired basketball player. •Malcolm X - American, from Christianity to Nation of Islam to Sunni Islam, AfricanAmerican civil rights leader. •Marmaduke Pickthall - famous translator of the Quran. •Mario Scialoja - Italian ambassador and President of the World Muslim League. •Matthew Saad Muhammad (formerly Matthew Franklin) - former boxer, converted From Catholicism. •Matthew Yusuf Smith, also known as Yusuf and Indigo Jo, author of the award winning blog Indigo Jo Blogs, where he muses about life and courts controversy. •Michael Muhammad Knight - American novelist, writer, and journalist. •Mike Tyson – a former world champoion American boxer. •Mihnea Turcitul - was a Prince (Voivode) of Walachia. Converted from Eastern Orthodox Christianity. •Mohammad Yousuf - Pakistani cricketer. Known for holding the world record for

•James Yee - previously Lutheran and former U.S. Army Muslim chaplain. •Jerald F. Dirks, former ordained Deacon in United Methodist Church, Harvard Divinity School graduate and author of several book on Islam and Christianity. •Jermaine Jackson (Muhammad Abdul Aziz) - former member of The Jackson 5. •Jimmy Cliff - Jamaican reggae musician. •Joe Tex - soul singer and recording artist. •Johann Ludwig Burckhardt was a Swiss traveller and orientalist. •St. John Philby - Arabist, explorer, writer, and British colonial office intelligence operative; converted from Anglicanism. •John Walker Lindh - the “American Taliban” converted From Catholicism. •John Whitehead - an American singer, songwriter, and record producer. •John Nelson - first recorded Englishman to become a Muslim. •Joseph “Jihab Jack” Thomas - Australian convert, acquitted of terrorism charges, placed under a control order under the Australian Anti-Terrorism Act 2005, currently pending retrial. •Judar Pasha - conqueror of the Songhai Empire. •Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Lew Alcindor) retired basketball player & the NBA’s alltime leading scorer. •Keith Ellison - American, Representative from Minnesota’s 5th congressional district, first Muslim to be elected to the United States Congress, converted From Catholicism. •Kevin Barrett - university lecturer and member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. •Khaled Edward Blair - British barrister, later married Princess Badiya bint El Hassan of Jordan. •Khalid Yasin - Executive Director of the Islamic Teaching Institute, and a Shaykh currently residing in Australia. •Knud Holmboe - Danish journalist and explorer converted From Catholicism. •Köse Mihal - a Byzantine renegade, he accompanied Osman al-Ghazi in his ascent to power and converted to Islam. •Kumba Ialá - a Guinea-Bissau politician who converted in 2008. •Dolores “LaLa” Brooks - American musician. •Loon - American hip hop and rap artist. •Lee Hughes - professional association football player, currently playing for Notts

the most Test runs in a single calendar year, converted From Catholicism. •Mohammed Knut Bernström - Swedish ambassador to Venezuela (1963–1969), Spain (1973–1976) and Morocco (1976– 1983) •Mohammed Zakariya - an American master of Arabic calligraphy, best known for his work on the popular Eid U.S. postage stamp. •Muhammad Abd-al-Rahman Barker (Philip Barker) - professor of Urdu, former chair of the University of Minnesota’s Department of South Asian studies and creator of the Tékumel fantasy world. •Muhammad Ali (formerly Cassius Clay), from Baptist to The Nation of Islam to Sunni Islam. famous boxer. •Muhammed al-Ahari born January 6, 1965 as Ray Allen Rudder is an American essayist, scholar and writer on the topics of American Islam, Black Nationalist groups, heterodox Islamic groups and modern occultism •Murad Wilfred Hofmann - NATO official, ane former German ambassader, converted From Catholicism. •Nicolas Anelka - French football player. •Nuh Ha Mim Keller - from Catholicism to agnosticism to Sunni Islam, Islamic scholar. •Nuh ibn Zbigniew - from Catholicism to Islam, Islamic writer and speaker •Olu Dara (born Charles Jones III in Natchez, Mississippi on 12 January 1941) is an American cornetist, guitarist and singer •Omar Bongo - Gabonese, President of Gabon. •Omar Pasha - Ottoman general. Converted from Serbian Orthodoxy. •Peter Murphy - vocalist of the goth/ rock group Bauhaus, converted from Catholicism. •Pierre Vogel - German Islamic preacher and former professional Boxer. •Poncke Princen - Dutch soldier, later human rights activist, converted From Catholicism. •Preacher Moss - Former Baptist, American comedian and comedy writer. •Radu cel Frumos - was the younger brother of Vlad Ţepeş (Dracula) and prince of the principality of Wallachia, Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and converted From Catholicism. •René Guénon - French Author in the other sources. Part 2 next month.

field of metaphysics, converted From Catholicism. •Richard Thompson - British musician, best known for his guitar playing and songwriting. •Robert D. Crane is the former adviser to the late President Richard Nixon, and is former Deputy Director (for Planning) of the U.S. National Security Council. •Robin Padilla - Filipino actor. •Roger Garaudy - French philosopher, converted From Catholicism. •Ronald Bell or Khalis Bayyan (born 1 November 1951, Youngstown, Ohio) is an American singer, composer and saxophonist •Rowland Allanson-Winn, 5th Baron Headley - British soldier and peer. •Rudolf Carl von Slatin - Anglo-Austrian soldier and administrator in the Sudan. Later reverted to Catholicism. •Rustie Lee - British television chef and celebrity. •Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood - British author, converted from Protestantism. •Ryan G. Anderson - former Lutheran, convicted of charges of espionage for Al Qaeda. •Ryan Harris- football player for the Denver Broncos. •Sana al-Sayegh, dean of the Science and Technology Faculty at Palestine International University, converted to Islam in August 2007. Fatah has accused its political rival Hamas of forcing the professor to convert from Christianity, a charge Hamas denies. •Sarah Joseph - commentator on women’s issues and founder of emel magazine, converted From Catholicism. •Brad Terrence Jordan (“Scarface”) American rapper. •Sheila Musaji - founder of The American Muslim magazine. •Silma Ihram - formerly a born again Baptist who is an Australian pioneer of Muslim education in the West, founder and former school Principal of the ‘Noor Al Houda Islamic College’, campaigner for racial tolerance, and Author. •Siraj Wahaj - Former Baptist. AfricanAmerican Imam, noted for his efforts to eliminate Brooklyn’s drug problems. •Snoop Dogg - Rapper, Joined Nation Of Islam. •Suhaib Webb - American Islamic activist and speaker. •T. B. Irving - An American scholar, author and translator •Tariq Abdul-Wahad (Olivier Saint-Jean) - originally from France, former basketball player for the Mavericks and Kings. •Tawana Brawley (changed her name to Maryam Muhammad) - African American woman noted for claiming to have been raped by several white men, a claim determined to be a fabrication by a grand jury. Later in life she converted to Islam. •Thomas J. Abercrombie - photographer. •Timothy Winter - prominent British Islamic thinker and scholar, and a lecturer in Islamic studies in the Faculty of Divinity at the University of Cambridge. •Torquato Cardilli - Italian ambassador, converted From Catholicism. •Vincenzo Luvineri - American rapper and the lyricist behind the Philadelphia underground hip-hop group Jedi Mind Tricks, converted From Catholicism. •Wadih el-Hage born to a Maronite Christian family in Sidon, Lebanon, a former al-Qaeda member. •William Abdullah Quilliam - 19th century British poet, ambassador and journalist. •Willie Brigitte - French convert to Islam who associated with al-Qaeda in Pakistan and was accused of involving in a plot to conduct a terrorist operation in Australia. •Yousuf Youhana - prolific Pakistani cricketer, who converted from Christianity to Islam and became Muhamed Yousuf. •Yahiya Emerick - American Muslim scholar, President of the Islamic Foundation of North America, converted from Protestantism. •Yusuf Estes - Former preacher and federal prison chaplain, converted from Protestantism. •Yvonne Ridley - British journalist, from Anglicanism. She converted after being kidnapped and released by the Taliban. •Zaid Shakir - American Muslim convert former Baptist, speaker, intellectual, author, and resident scholar of Zaytuna Institute in the United States.

Notes from a Stranger Aisha Stacey Singapore is a small island city state, less than eight hours away from the eastern side of Australia, even closer from Perth. Lonely Planet describes it as ”once sullenly wary of strangers but now openly screaming its name to the world”, and on my recent visit to this vibrant, bustling city this was exactly what I found. An exciting and energetic place, more blended than multicultural. An exciting mix of religions, cultures and traditions. Chinese, Malay, Indian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Christian, British, Chinatown, the Arab quarter and little India. What a mixture, and to all intents and purposes a successful mixture. The Singapore government has made a concerted effort to deliver security and economic prosperity to its citizens. They in turn, have quietly committed to social engineering by accepting the rule of the People’s Action Party (PAP) without complaint. In Singapore there are low levels of unemployment, low levels of crime and very little poverty, although the gap is widening. The government prods and pokes its citizens in all aspects of their lives, yet all religions and cultures appear to live harmoniously - a far cry from the race riots of the 1960’s. A glimpse into any of the hawker centres or shopping malls reveals Muslims and Buddhists, Indians and Malays, and other unlikely pairings co existing effortlessly. In this new century - that has seen Muslims villified and demonised in many countries - just what is the situation for muslims in Singapore, a country that prides itself on religious tolerance and diversity? In the past ten years the official Muslim population has gone from 14.6% to just 11% due mainly to the highly encouraged Chinese immigration policy. The PAP has openly declared a desire to keep the Muslim population to a minimum. According to locals and the very gregarious taxi drivers, Muslim youth find it difficult to get the more sought after jobs and are also overlooked in the compulsory subscription to military service. The lack of military service might sound like a good thing however in Singapore it is a great training ground for business opportunities, and the discipline and focus military training instills is a sought after commodity . Nonetheless, Singaporean Muslims do not complain. In true Islamic spirit they raise their children and families to love God and His Messenger and to give as generously as the people around Prophet Muhammad in the early days of islam. They are kind, charitable and honest and although they are politically unheard they are grateful. Grateful enough to put the needs of their more unfortunate neighbours before their own. Grateful enough not to complain or rage against a government who have pledged peace and prosperity to almost all. The time may come when rage is an appropriate response but for now the ideals of Islam hold them in good stead. The kindness and generosity of Singaporean Muslims is outstanding. During my two week whirlwind visit I had the pleasure of meeting two Muslim women who hold the banner of generosity high. One is our own Crescent Times writer Karamiah, who quietly supports children in Aceh made orphans by the 2004 Tsunami. The other is Mariah Mah, one of the most influential Muslims in Asia, who has been working tirelessly for more than 30 years on education and social welfare projects for Muslisms in China. In future issues of Crescent Times, I would like to detail their work and let you know how to be part of these wonderful charitable organisations. * Aisha Stacey is a journalist and author. She is Queensland editor of Crescent Times.

Email: info@crescenttimes.com.au

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Australia Wide Community Events: Victoria Muslim Mental Health Network Forum Date: Saturday 31st of July 2010 Time: 1 pm ‐ 3 pm Location: Suite 13, Broadmeadows Place, 11‐17 Pearcedale Parade, Broadmeadows, 3047 Cost: Free Do you want to become a psychologist and work with muslim, culturally diverse and refugee communities? Muslim psychologists are needed both locally and internationally! What are your career options after you complete your psychology degree? We know there is a need for Muslim, bi‐lingual and culturally diverse psychologists. We also know what other personal and professional assets are needed to become a Registered Psychologist and we would like to share these with you. Engage in a lively discussion led by Nasihah Consulting Psychologists. With over a decade of experience working with Muslim and culturally diverse clients, our panel hopes to energize and inspire you to work hard to enter the discipline of psychology. Our 2‐hour forum is designed to be interactive, so bring your questions! Find out about career pathways, achieving your goals and upcoming opportunities for networking events and workshops.

Bourke Streets). Cost: Free Ummah Directory and Logie-Smith Lanyon is pleased to present David Grant, Partner-in-Charge Litigation and Dispute Resolution, to talk on “Going to Court: What you need to know”. David will be presenting on the following: Overview of the court system (State and Federal) - what gets heard where; Options for Dispute Resolution ie mediation; How to commence legal proceedings - when should you know, and anticipated costs; Letters of demand - what are they, and how do you deal with them. Halal refreshments and prayer facilities will be available. Note places are strictly limited, and please rsvp Br Hyder Gulam at hgulam@logielaw. com to confirm your attendance. Western Australia

Four Things You Need to Succeed in This Life and the Hereafter Date: 18 July 2010 Time: 11:30am-4:30pm Location: Agonis Hall, Gosnells Cost: $20 per person (Lunch & Tea included). Four Things You Need to Succeed in This Life and the Hereafter: Tawbah, Tawakkul, Sabr & Shukr by Ustadh Mahmud Kürkçü, Going To Court:What You Need To Know from Melbourne. If you wish to attend, be Date: Tuesday 20 July 2010 quick. RSVP essential. Time: 6.30pm till 7.30pm Register at www.pathtojannah.com/register Location: Logie-Smith Lanyon Lawyers, OR contact: Zeenat 0404750194 or Br Level 13, 575 Bourke Street, Melbourne Sameer 0416534300 VIC 3000 (near the corner of King and

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Issue 21, July 2010 ©


Getting “halalised”

premises can be revisited and problems rectified. A major problem faced in Australia is the huge area to be covered and the distances between places that are asking to be certified as halal. It would seem obvious to restrict certification within each state to state based organisations that have the capacity to certify and monitor the halal status of premises. At present however, there is no system in place to ensure this happens. It seems that anyone can register a business name and start dishing out halal certificates from anywhere in the country. This is the case with the Royal Perth Hospital kitchens that are certified halal by an organisation on the other side of the country. Even after complaints about being served pork products, this organisation did not withdraw the halal certificate and the hospital still claims to be serving halal meals to Muslim patients. This is the tip of the iceberg for the halal issue - in reality there are many issues. We invite readers to contribute their thoughts and knowledge of the area.

Over the last couple of years working with Crescent Times it has become apparent that the Muslim community is looking for a more united leadership when it comes to the issue of halal certification. Muslims in Australia are concerned about the level of supervision and monitoring of outlets and businesses that label their porducts as halal. Two significant areas of concern are the lack of transparency within the certifying organisations and the complete lack of any process to follow if a consumer has a complaint about a certified product. This came to the fore for Crescent Times almost a year ago when the Editor in Chief spent several weeks in hospital being presented with food items that were clearly not - and could never be - halal. Despite the best efforts of organisatons on the ground, the outcome of concerns raised at that time was precisely nothing. It seems that once you are “halalised” there is nothing to stop you doing whatever you like. If the certifier has no monitoring program no one will check up on you. Likewise, if Joanne McKeown you have a complaint, no one really has Production Editor the responsibility of following it up and removing the halal certificate until the

Towards A Better Understanding Of Psychological And Mental Health Services: Part 2

Monique Toohey*

To recap part one of my article, I explored a brief history of the conceptualisation of psychology from both an Islamic and western point of view and explored treatment of individuals with mental health issues across time and cross-culturally. The main challenges facing communities today continue to be a lack of understanding of mental health issues from a medical, psychological and Islamic perspective. This creates barriers for people accessing treatment and barriers for students wishing to pursue psychology as a valid and important career. Part 2 No there is not a couch in my office! No I cannot tell what you are thinking by reading your mind, I’m not psychic. I’m a Psychologist and no I do not work with ‘crazy’ people! I work with and support “normal” people working through the trials and tribulations that are life’s adversities or obstacles - health issues, learning or occupational difficulties, trauma, grief and loss and marriage, parenting and other challenges. The decision to seek psychological support does not necessarily mean there is ‘something wrong with you’ as others might have you believe. The majority of people in the world will typically rely on themselves to come up with solutions when presented with a problem. People will use a variety of coping mechanisms to deal with events or situations that they believe to be stressful, worrying or saddening. Sometimes however, people’s strategies bring them more difficulties and others are without a strategy because they have never had to deal with the situation that presents itself. The problem takes hold and causes dysfunction in a person’s life, with their health, relationships, job or study. Let’s take the following example. Imagine you are stuck in traffic. This is an event that Allah (SWT) has put in front on you, in fact all around you.

You are stuck and moving 3kms/hr. You are moving so slowly you think to yourself, “I could walk or run faster if I got out of my car right now!” As I said, this is an event Allah (SWT) puts in front of you. You don’t control the situation. However you DO control how you respond to the situation. Whether you choose to believe it or not, your thoughts, feelings and actions are in your control. This is an important point. It is now over to us in how we handle the situation. If you start to worry that you’ll be late or you worry about not being able to get out of this traffic jam immediately, your heartbeat might accelerate. You might huff and puff out loud because you are feeling angry that you are going nowhere quickly. Or perhaps your emotions such as anger translate into observable actions such as beeping the horn, banging the steering wheel, saying ‘come on, this is ridiculous, hurry up!!’ – no one can hear you, but you utter the words anyway. When we don’t have a strategy to get what we want, we experience frustration, which can progress to anger. By the time we get to work, we need a coffee, a muffin and a debrief session ‘gee the traffic was horrendous this morning!’ Seeking social support is also a coping strategy. For many of us who take to the roads, this scenario may be a daily occurrence. Some people choose not to experience the frustration in the first place and take the train. These are decisions about what coping mechanisms to employ. There are many choices in the simple example I’ve given and we need to take responsibility for the choices we make in every situation. We choose to face the stress or avoid it. If we choose to face it, we can do so in a helpful rational way, or in an unhelpful irrational way. We can choose to and indeed train ourselves to think rational helpful thoughts about any given situation or we can allow ourselves to get worked up, be impatient and

express our anger. The outcome is still the same, we get to work at the same time we were destined to be arriving. When unable to find a strategy to make the stress or stressful situations go away, people choose strategies like avoidance, sleep, substance use, blame, wishful thinking, tension reduction strategies, like yelling, crying. In the long run these strategies are unhelpful and become harmful as they present us with further difficulties. When people say they cannot control what they think or feel, that is for the most part untrue. Religious scholars and psychologists alike have been re-training people to cope with stressful situations by thinking about them in healthier ways for centuries. By modifying what you believe and think about a situation you alter your feelings, which in turn change your behaviour. By changing our behaviour - such as going for a walk or talking to someone - we can modify our mood. Every person in the world has the propensity to view situations in a distorted unhelpful way. We blow situations out of proportion, we use our emotions or misinformed logic to make decisions rather than looking for evidence or listening to our rational brain, seeing the negative rather than the positive. Our view of things will shape our experience of it. When people have too many unhelpful thoughts at one time, or the stressful situation is beyond the capacity of the individual to cope with, our mental health can be compromised and a mental illness can surface. This is not the only reason for the onset of a mental illness, but it does have a significant influence on our Psychological wellbeing. “Ward off passing thoughts, for if you do not, they will become ideas. Ward off ideas, for if you do not, they will become desires. Fight them, for if you do not, they will become resolve and determination, and if you do not ward them off, they will become

actions. If you do not resist them with their opposite, they will become habits and it will be difficult for you to get rid of them.” (Al-Fawaa’id by Ibn al-Qayyim, p.33) The most popular evidence based psychological therapy Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) espouses the concept written above. Seeking alternate views of one’s difficulties or finding strategies to ward off passing thoughts can be very helpful, particularly seeking advice from someone who is objective whether this is your mum, spouse, an Imam or a Psychologist. It is important however to seek Nasihah or advice from people who you believe have expertise in the area in which you need advice. You wouldn’t go to the dentist if you had a cold or to your GP to fix your teeth. If you did, then you’d probably be wasting your time. Trained psychologists have spent six years or more learning how to understand people’s thinking, and its influence on feelings and behaviour. I know people don’t choose to go to a Psychologist for many reasons, such as self-reliance, stigma, anxiety, the financial costs involved, not wanting to lift the lid on painful emotions from painful experiences, fear, lack of understanding of the potential benefit, believing other people are worse off therefore you should be able to survive on your own. Are we here to survive or thrive? How can we advance as individuals if we are just surviving life, as opposed to thriving and growing and expending positive energy for the benefit of our own health and wellbeing, that of our children’s health and wellbeing and the community at large? FAQs 1. What is counselling? A process by which people can be helped to manage a problem situation and be helped to achieve their goals. The aim of counselling is to help people come to terms with the things

in their lives they cannot change, recognise the things that they can and develop the skills and resources to implement these changes. A typical counselling session lasts anywhere between 30 minutes and an hour depending on the client. Children as young as 3 can be assisted though difficulties, as can adolescents, adults, couples and families. 2. What types of issues do people seek support for? Anxiety Disorders, Phobias & panic attacks, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Grief and loss (death, dying, marital separation, parent separation), Eating Disorders (Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Nervosa), Other Common Issues People Seek Counselling For Stress Management, Vocational & Careers Counselling, Work & Financial Stress, Chronic Pain & health issues, Weight Loss, Family Conflict (Marriage, InLaws, Parent / Adolescent, Siblings, Adult Child/Elderly Parent), Addictions (Smoking, Drug & Alcohol; Gambling), Relationship and marriage counselling, Infertility & Family Planning, Pregnancy & Post Natal Counselling, Abuse (domestic, child abuse, bullying), Children’s behaviour management and learning difficulties, study skills, motivation, identifying gifted students and parenting skills. Generally, people want to be happier, more relaxed, have meaningful relationships and successful lives. Working with a psychologist can be helpful by reflecting on your journey thus far, identifying where you are now and focusing on where you want to be in the future.

* Monique has been working as a psychologist specialising in Muslim mental health for over a decade. Comments are welcome at monique@ nasihahconsulting.com or visit the website, www. nasihahconsulting.com

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Issue 21, July 2010 ©

Web: www.crescenttimes.com.au

The Kiki Principle: Debora McNichol* The Whack Awards

In honor of record heat in North Carolina, (subhan Allah) and partially in response to the continuing oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico, I would like to present the first annual Kiki Purr award, as well as a few virtual whacks with my new and improved Absurdity Stick ™. Actual trophy and sticks, sorry, are not covered by the Crescent Times’ budget. The first whack goes to President Obama, who upon Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the United States, stated that Mr. Netanyahu is a leader who is willing to take risks for peace. I would love to be able to take this whack back, Dear Readers, but I am not holding my breath, and I suggest you don’t either. Another half whack for the president, for his impotent use of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for political purposes. NASA is an incredible organisation, with the best scientists and technology in the world. But NASA is expensive; even with budget cuts, it retains over one half of a percent of the American budget. That translates to about US$18 billion, which, even by federal standards, is a lot of duckies. Humanity benefits from this agency beyond the stars and at home; it is an inventor extraordinaire. NASA-based inventions include satellite television, the CAT scanner, cordless power tools, the computer joystick, and the microchip. Very cool stuff. It makes sense then, to keep NASA around, even if it is an expensive program and even if we never make it to Mars. President Obama, however, saddled NASA with another task: a reach out to Muslim dominated countries. This move was intended to make Muslim countries “feel good about themselves” due to Islam’s extensive historical contributions in math and science. Unfortunately, Obama’s attempt to kill two birds with one NASA stone has backfired on him, as conservative America has taken to ridicule of both Obama and the modern Muslim world in response to this act. (Thanks, Mr. President. We needed that.) Alhamdulillah, the Christian world has not cornered the market in Nobel prizes. For every mocking talking head in this country, there is at least one Muslim scientist, insha Allah, making history and people’s lives better. Next time, Mr. President, keep the politics out of science. A whack to British Petroleum, Halliburton (yes, that Halliburton), Transocean, and every talking head who made the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster a political issue. A special whack for Joe Barton, Texas congressman, who apologised to BP for President Obama’s reasonable request to establish a $20 billion escrow account intended to cover damage claims for affected Americans. He called it extortion. Now for the Kiki Purr award, which is for one of those special people who recognise the need to do the right thing, even if it is darned inconvenient, or very, very expensive. This year, Kiki Purr goes to actor Kevin Costner. Influenced by the tragedy of Alaska’s Exxon Valdez oil spill, Costner bought and then developed a piece of centrifuge technology (from the United States government!) in hopes of cleaning up similar oil spills. An interview with Costner reveals that every seven months, the amount of oil spilled in accidents around the world equals the amount of an Exxon Valdez spill. This environmentalist and fisherman wanted to prevent the disastrous effects of a bad accident. Costner, it appears, was trying to do the right thing simply for the sake of doing the right thing. Nice. Costner’s technology is efficient and requires no chemicals added to the treatment area. The machines produce clean water (99.9% oil free) and returns the oil to a completely usable state. Even if this technology is not the entire answer to an oil spill, it is a long way towards a solution. Oil companies should have been climbing over themselves to acquire this technology years ago, yet they did not. Though the machine is efficient, the federal government never mandated the use of this or any other similar technology. Until this disaster, it appeared that Costner’s investment return would remain a goose egg. Seventeen years and US$24 million later, (and two months after the initial explosion) Costner’s technology is a recognised necessity. His company is under contract with BP to build thirty two machines at a half million dollars each. May he make millions, insha Allah. In the meantime, I do hope he graciously accepts this humble award. *Debora McNichol is a Muslim wife, mother, daughter, business owner, editor, and attorney in the USA. She has a general law practice in Virginia and North Carolina, and especially takes pleasure in discussing intellectual property and business law with willing clients, friends, and neighbours.

Email: info@crescenttimes.com.au

Book Review:

Catch Me If You Dare

Aisha Stacey

The elusive scarf killer is on the loose. Three Muslim women are dead and the investigation is hampered by the distrust of the Muslim community. In strides Rainey Walker, FBI anthropology consultant and sketch artist. The investigation is a turf war between rival investigative teams and task forces but it is Rainey who receives the killers blood smeared message “catch me if you dare” and the chase is on. Move over Lynda La Plante here comes L.D. Alan. DI Tennison may finally have a rival in Rainey Walker. Catch Me If You Dare is a rollicking read, full of descriptive passages that bring the characters and settings to life. The banter between characters reveals hidden character dimensions and the action is tense and suspenseful. The story provides an insight into police work in south west USA and into the multicultural society that exists there. The tension that exists between the various departments and the distrust between the police and the Muslim community are both intriguing story lines. Catch Me If You Dare is also peppered with mini descriptions of life in western Muslim communities and through this we are able to gain snippets of information about Muslim life - and Islam in general - without any overbearing, preachy religious passages. There is a little less gore than would be expected in a serial killer story but that however could work in L. D. Alan’s favour, making the story more accessible to a wider range of readers. A neat little conclusion also leaves the story open for more intrigue and suspense, and another taste of Miss Rainey Walker in future. “Catch Me If You Dare” Author: LD Alam. Available in Australia through Crescent Times

Cat Stevens Down Under To Heal Wounds

Rashid Alshakshir

Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, was back in Australia not only to sing for thousands of adoring fans, but also to heal some old wounds. Yusuf spoke to more than 400 people at the only event he attended outside his concerts, at the Great Hall of the National Gallery of Victoria. He said, “the reason I am actually back in Australia is really to try and mend a few roads which got broken along the way”. Yusuf ’s humility could be seen in his actions, the way he walked and dressed - nice and neat, just not as fancy as Elvis. He spoke about what he made of the Ten Commandments, and his journey to Islam. He recalled when in 1977 he accepted Islam, withdrew from music and began to experience a hard time with the media. “So now I was the Cat on the Mat,” he said. Yusuf said the Australian media was not innocent when it came to his troubles. “Australian journalism? Boy, it’s trouble - not all the time.” He told the laughing crowd, which included his wife and daughter. He performed several songs at the end of the night, and took up the crowd’s suggestion, to sing his hit song Peace Train. Before leaving the stage Yusuf made the peace sign and said “Peace, and thank you”. At 61 years of age, an ageing but much-loved hippie. The National Gallery event was organised by the Islamic Council of Victoria and the Interfaith Centre of Melbourne.

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Prayer Schedule July 2010 Perth, Western Australia

Fajr 5:51 5:51 5:51 5:51 5:51 5:51 5:51 5:51 5:51 5:51 5:50 5:50 5:50 5:50 5:49 5:49 5:49 5:49 5:48 5:48 5:48 5:47 5:47 5:46 5:46 5:45 5:45 5:44 5:44 5:43 5:42

Sunrise 7:17 7:17 7:17 7:17 7:17 7:17 7:17 7:17 7:16 7:16 7:16 7:16 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:14 7:14 7:14 7:13 7:13 7:12 7:12 7:11 7:11 7:10 7:09 7:09 7:08 7:08 7:07 7:06

Dhuhr 12:21 12:21 12:21 12:22 12:22 12:22 12:22 12:22 12:22 12:22 12:23 12:23 12:23 12:23 12:23 12:23 12:23 12:23 12:23 12:24 12:24 12:24 12:24 12:24 12:24 12:24 12:24 12:24 12:24 12:24 12:24

Prayer Schedule July 2010 Sydney, New South Wales

Fajr 5:32 5:32 5:32 5:32 5:32 5:32 5:32 5:32 5:32 5:32 5:31 5:31 5:31 5:31 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:29 5:29 5:29 5:28 5:28 5:27 5:27 5:26 5:26 5:26 5:25 5:24 5:23 5:23

Sunrise 7:01 7:01 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 6:59 6:59 6:59 6:58 6:58 6:58 6:57 6:57 6:56 6:56 6:56 6:55 6:54 6:54 6:53 6:53 6:52 6:52 6:51 6:50 6:49 6:48

Dhuhr 11:59 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:01 12:01 12:01 12:01 12:01 12:01 12:01 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02

Prayer Schedule July 2010 Melbourne, Victoria Fajr 6:03 6:03 6:03 6:03 6:03 6:02 6:02 6:02 6:02 6:02 6:01 6:01 6:01 6:01 6:00 6:00 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:58 5:57 5:56 5:56 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:53 5:53 5:52 5:51

Sunrise 7:36 7:36 7:36 7:36 7:36 7:35 7:35 7:35 7:35 7:34 7:34 7:34 7:33 7:33 7:32 7:32 7:31 7:31 7:31 7:30 7:29 7:28 7:28 7:27 7:26 7:25 7:25 7:24 7:23 7:22 7:21

Dhuhr 12:24 12:25 12:25 12:25 12:25 12:25 12:25 12:26 12:26 12:26 12:26 12:26 12:26 12:26 12:27 12:27 12:27 12:27 12:27 12:27 12:27 12:27 12:27 12:27 12:27 12:27 12:27 12:27 12:27 12:27 12:27

Personal ad: Perth WA

Asr 3:05 3:06 3:06 3:07 3:07 3:07 3:08 3:08 3:09 3:09 3:10 3:10 3:11 3:11 3:12 3:12 3:13 3:13 3:14 3:14 3:15 3:15 3:16 3:16 3:17 3:17 3:18 3:18 3:19 3:19 3:20

Maghrib 5:24 5:24 5:25 5:25 5:25 5:26 5:26 5:27 5:27 5:28 5:28 5:29 5:30 5:30 5:31 5:31 5:32 5:32 5:33 5:34 5:34 5:35 5:35 5:36 5:37 5:37 5:38 5:38 5:39 5:40 5:40

Isha 6:46 6:46 6:47 6:47 6:47 6:48 6:48 6:49 6:49 6:50 6:50 6:50 6:51 6:51 6:52 6:52 6:53 6:53 6:54 6:54 6:55 6:55 6:56 6:56 6:57 6:57 6:58 6:58 6:59 6:59 7:00

Asr 2:39 2:40 2:40 2:41 2:41 2:41 2:42 2:42 2:43 2:43 2:44 2:44 2:45 2:45 2:46 2:46 2:47 2:47 2:47 2:48 2:49 2:50 2:50 2:51 2:51 2:52 2:52 2:53 2:54 2:54 2:55

Maghrib 4:57 4:58 4:58 4:59 4:59 5:00 5:00 5:01 5:01 5:02 5:02 5:02 5:03 5:04 5:05 5:05 5:06 5:06 5:06 5:07 5:08 5:09 5:10 5:10 5:11 5:12 5:12 5:13 5:14 5:14 5:15

Isha 6:22 6:22 6:22 6:23 6:23 6:24 6:24 6:24 6:25 6:25 6:26 6:26 6:27 6:27 6:28 6:28 6:29 6:29 6:29 6:30 6:31 6:32 6:32 6:33 6:33 6:34 6:34 6:35 6:35 6:36 6:37

Asr 2:54 2:55 2:55 2:55 2:55 2:56 2:57 2:57 2:58 2:59 2:59 2:59 3:00 3:01 3:01 3:02 3:03 3:03 3:03 3:04 3:05 3:06 3:06 3:07 3:08 3:08 3:08 3:10 3:10 3:11 3:12

Maghrib 5:12 5:12 5:13 5:13 5:13 5:14 5:15 5:16 5:16 5:17 5:17 5:17 5:19 5:19 5:20 5:21 5:21 5:22 5:22 5:23 5:24 5:25 5:26 5:27 5:27 5:28 5:28 5:30 5:31 5:31 5:32

Isha 6:41 6:41 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:43 6:43 6:44 6:44 6:45 6:46 6:46 6:47 6:47 6:48 6:48 6:49 6:50 6:50 6:50 6:51 6:52 6:53 6:53 6:54 6:55 6:55 6:56 6:57 6:57 6:58

European born 59 year old, single Sunni Muslim, Australian citizen living in Perth. Has his own business. Looking for a good Muslim lady to marry, from a good family, who wears hijab, who lives with her family in Western Australia, age up to 36 years old with no children. Open to any race. Slim or full figure welcome. I am 176cm tall, 82-kg, clean shaven, slim, fit and physically active, enjoy a healthy life-style, don’t drink, don’t smoke, easy going, with a great sense of humor, communicate well, very affectionate caring nature. Please contact: IMRAN on 0412-205 166

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Trade Marks 101: The Essentials

iTech Network & PC Support

Hyder Gulam* and Victor Ng**

The purpose of this month’s article is to provide some basic information about Trade Marks. It answers some common questions, such as: •What is a trade mark? •Is registration necessary? •What can be registered? •What about business names?

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Issue 21, July 2010 ©

NEW ADDRESS: What types of things can be registered as a trade mark? Almost anything. A trade mark can be letters, words, phrases, slogans, logos and pictures. Even smells, sounds and shapes can be registered. For example, McCain Foods has registered these marks in relation to its

20/53 Cecil Avenue Cannington WA 6107 “next to DA Kebab Cafe”

Does my trade mark give me rights overseas? No, an Australian registered trade mark only gives you protection in Australia. Because of some international conventions,

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Ph: 08 9358 3737 Mob: 0434 492 972 frozen foods: What is a trade mark? A trade mark is something which MCCAIN distinguishes one trader’s goods or the sound: “Ah McCain *PING* services from those of another. For you’ve done it again” example, when you look at the ‘Golden Arches’ you think of McDonald’s not But I already have a business name Hungry Jack’s. registration? Only a registered trade mark gives Do you have to register a trade you a proprietary interest in your mark. mark? You do not get any property rights in No. It’s not compulsory to register business names, company names or your trade mark but registration is a domain names. very, very good idea. Here’s why A registered trade mark is legal How would you feel if a competitor property that you can sell or licence to adopted a brand name that closely other people. resembled yours? What if your logo (or something How long does registration last? very similar) started showing up on a Trade marks are registered for 10 competing product? years. Renewals are for 10 years and Registration gives you the exclusive there is no limit on the number of right to use your trade mark in respect renewals. So, provided you keep using of the registered goods and services. your trade mark and paying the renewal Enforcement (i.e. stopping others from fee, your registration can last forever. using similar marks) is usually simpler and cheaper if a mark is registered.

Muslim Writers Publishing Quality Books That Reflect The Very Best Of Islam! Publisher: www.MuslimWritersPublishing.com Author: www.widad-lld.com IWA Founder: www.islamicwritersalliance.net Blog: www.islamicfictionbooks.wordpress.com

however, an Australian registration can form the basis of overseas trade mark applications. Under certain circumstances, a convention country will recognise the filing date of your Australian application. Conclusion This article has attempted to provide a brief overview of some of the common features of Trade Marks. If you have any questions or would like further information, please feel free to contact us. *Lawyer with Logie-Smith Lanyon Lawyers (www.logielaw.com). Hyder is a registered nurse, a qualified lawyer, an accredited mediator as well as a Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing in Australia. He has post graduate qualifications in business/ management, law and nursing. This article is for information only, and is not a substitute for specific legal advice. ** Victor Ng is a technology and intellectual property lawyer with Logie-Smith Lanyon. He maintains a blog on trade marks and brand protection at www.buzzlaw.info


Melbourne: Doncaster Mosque Goes Solar After some months of consultation, a fantastic new union between Zamzam Environmental Sustainability Program (ZESP), Doncaster Masjid and Clear Solar was born. This great partnership aims to involve the Muslim community with action against human influenced climate change. The program - which will commence in the next few weeks – will include an Environment Open Day at the mosque with information sessions from special guest speakers from the local community as well as government. This will give the community grounding in what is happening to the planet and

what needs to be done about it. The open day will include the launch of the Green Roof program, which aims to install a 5kW solar system, FREE for the mosque, enabling a reduction in carbon emissions not to mention economic benefits. It is hoped that this program will be an effective way for the Muslim community to forge a path forward as an example to other communities. A spokesperson told Crescent Times: “We see it as our right and privilege to take immediate action in order to ensure intergenerational equity for our children and grandchildren.”

Future Profiles And Investigations By Crescent Times: * Islamic Education Down Under (From September 2010) * Islamic Finance Down Under (From November 2010) * Reverts Down Under: their stories, struggles and achievements (From January 2011) * Islamic Leadership Down Under: The issue of unity, effective leadership and how to best represent all Aussie Muslims (From March 2011) Dear readers and writers: Please contribute and send us all your opinions, comments and information. Your cooperation and participation makes a better, stronger, more effective community.


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Issue 21, July 2010 ©

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Tony And The Shah Of Palestine Yvonne Ridley* Ever since a group of ordinary people from more than 40 different countries came together and set sail for Gaza have we seen various world leaders scramble to persuade Israel to lift the blockade on Gaza. Why? To honour the memory of those martyred by Israeli soldiers who shot nine unarmed peace activists at virtually point-blank range? Hell no! They realise that people power has achieved more in that one heroic action than any of them have achieved for the people of Palestine. And, despite that brutal episode, they know that more flotillas and convoys are being planned because people power is achieving more than anything else has over the past 60 years for the people of Palestine. The so-called Middle East Peace Envoy Tony Blair certainly does not want to see any more flotillas sailing for Gaza. It’s not because he lies awake at night thinking about the deaths of those innocent humanitarian activists. No, Blair is afraid ‑ very afraid ‑ that people power will expose him for what he is, probably the most useless peace envoy on this planet. Exactly what has he done for the Palestinians since he took the job? Actually it would be easier to list what he hasn’t done: *HE HAS NOT stopped the landgrabbing Israelis from building ever more illegal settlements in complete defiance of international law. *HE HAS NOT managed to lift the siege of Gaza so that the thousands left homeless after last year’s invasion can start rebuilding their homes. *HE HAS NOT been able to push ahead with an independent UN investigation in to the Israeli raid on and hijacking of the Freedom Flotilla. *HE HAS NOT been able to stop babies dying in the hopelessly under-equipped Gaza maternity units. *HE HAS NOT stopped or even attempted to expose the corruption of the Palestinian Authority. *HE HAS NOT been able to make one iota of progress in fulfilling his job description. Apart from the Shah of Palestine – Mahmoud Abbas – I am struggling to think of a more redundant individual than Tony Blair, but I’ll come to Abbas later. Blair was on television recently boasting about how life is improving in the West Bank for the Palestinians and saying that there’s been a reduction in the number of checkpoints. What a stupid, silly, silly little man he is, almost as blinkered as the journalist who was interviewing him. There are fewer checkpoints because the Israelis are grabbing more land and huge swathes of stolen land are merging into other tracts of stolen land, making some checkpoints redundant. That doesn’t change the fact that the West Bank is now

a series of small islands, cut off by Israel and its Apartheid Wall and settler-only roads, as well as the illegal settlements. The inference during the interview was that if the people of Gaza dumped Hamas and put their faith once more in the Fatahcontrolled Palestinian Authority then everyone’s lives would be so much easier. What the journalist failed to ask and Blair failed to address is the fact that even with the horrendous hardships facing the people of Gaza and their children, many Palestinians living in the West Bank are actually worse off. The truth is, children living in the poorest parts of the occupied West Bank face significantly worse conditions than their counterparts in Gaza, according to a report by Save the Children UK. The European Commissionfunded study found that in “Area C” - the 60 percent of the West ank under direct Israeli control the poorest sections of society are suffering disproportionately because basic infrastructure is not being repaired due to Israel’s refusal to approve the work. Homes, schools, drainage systems and roads are in urgent need of repair, but instead of work being allowed, families are being forced to live in tents and do not have access to clean water. Restrictions on the use of land for agriculture have left thousands of Palestinian children without enough food and many are becoming ill as a result, the study found. Conditions in Area C have reached “crisis point”, says Save the Children, with 79 percent of the local communities surveyed lacking sufficient food, a greater proportion than in blockaded Gaza, where the figure is 61 percent. Many children living in such communities are showing signs of stunted growth, with the figure running at more than double Gaza’s rate, and more than one in ten children surveyed for the study were found to be underweight. So there you have it – the Shah of Palestine has delivered nothing but more hardship for his own people in the West Bank while lining his own pockets and those of his enforcers. Abbas has been praised by Tony Blair for making friends with Israel and proving he’s someone the West can do business with. This might be true but in the process he has well and truly sold his own people down the river

and I hope they punish him in the ballot box, should there ever be another free and fair election. No wonder Mahmoud Abbas has no time for the human rights activists and humanitarian aid workers who put their lives on the line to launch the Gazabound Freedom Flotilla. But that’s nothing new. I remember in 2008 being slightly crestfallen after arriving on the shores of Gaza on board one of the first boats in the Free Gaza Movement only to learn Abbas had brushed away our efforts with a shrug of the shoulders. Still, none of us were in it for the glory, we just wanted to raise public awareness about the Siege of Gaza, and I think it’s fair to say that virtually the whole world now knows about the Siege of Gaza and the brutality of the Israeli government. Why? Because of the efforts of those on board the Turkish-led flotilla, that’s why. The reality is that charities like the Turkish IHH and the UK-based Interpal, the Free Gaza Movement, Viva Palestina and other groups such as the International Solidarity Movement, have done so much more for the people of Palestine than the politicians. That is why we can never leave Palestine to the politicians; if we had done so it would have been wiped off the face of the map completely by now. Instead, thanks to people power, Palestine has a global support movement among hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of ordinary people. We are too many in number to be bought off by the Israeli lobbies, and are too pure in heart to want our palms greased by even greasier individuals. We are people of all faiths and no faith, many cultures, skin colours, nationalities and political beliefs. We are going to cause great pain – as is already evident – through our boycotts of Israeli goods and products and we will continue until the Apartheid State of Israel is a fading memory just like the Apartheid State of South Africa. It doesn’t matter how many corrupt politicians there are in the pay and sway of Tel Aviv, we, the ordinary people of the world, outnumber you and we are growing in number and strength. There are more flotillas being planned, more land convoys in the making and more ordinary people prepared to step up to the plate to do what it takes to free Palestine from America, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Asia and South America. And we will. When the people lead the leaders must follow or they will become irrelevant and redundant. Just like Mr. Tony Blair. * Yvonne Ridley was on board the first boat to break the siege of Gaza with the Free Gaza Movement and she is one of the founders of Viva Palestina. She is also the European President of the International Muslim Women’s Union. She presents the current affairs weekly show The Agenda and co-presents Rattansi & Ridley both for Press TV.


Salamalaikum and welcome to the Islamic Council of Victoria’s monthly update to you, the community. It’s been a busy month at the Council working on some very good projects and dealing with some tough events in the wider community. The ICV was quick to condemn the Flotilla attack by Israel and drew on our contacts within media, government and the Jewish community to raise our concerns. More recently we’ve been working with AFIC to rally against NSW MP Fred Nile who has called for a ban on the burqa and drawing on the talent of the Muslim Legal Network in this regard. The participants from our Leadership Program had the opportunity to visit Canberra late last month where they met with politicians and various other community leaders. Meanwhile, our renovations are in full swing and we are in need of community support. To donate directly, you can deposit to: Account Name: Islamic Council of Victoria Mosque Maintenance BSB 063 120 A/C 1028 4513 Finally this month, the ICV released a new publication entitled “A Guide To Halal” as many individuals and organisations have questions on the issue when catering for Muslims. The flyer is available from the ICV by contacting admin@icv.org.au Wasalaam ICV

Top Us Commander: It’s Fun To Kill In Afghanistan

The US military, still recovering from the shock of the sacking of General Stanley McChrystal, its top commander in Afghanistan, is facing fresh problems over revelations that another top commander declared that it was “fun to shoot people” in Afghanistan. A video of General James Mattis making his comments was yesterday spreading through the Muslim world at a fraught time in Afghanistan for the US and it’s Western allies. General Mattis has been named as successor to General David Petreaus as head of US Central Command. General Petraeus is moving to Afghanistan after McChrystal’s sacking over derogatory remarks he made about President Obama to Rolling Stone magazine. General Mattis has yet to be confirmed by the US Senate. The general led the controversial US military assault on the Iraqi city of Fallujah in 2004. The comments which have come back to haunt him were made at a leadership seminar in 2005. He said: “Actually, it’s a


lot of fun to fight. You know it’s a helluva hoot. I’ll be right up front with you. I like brawling. You go into Afghanistan, you get guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil ... guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them.” Robert Gates, the US Defence Secretary, said that the remarks were made five years ago and General Mattis had learnt his lesson. But one senior American officer serving in Kabul, said: “This is not what we want to see happen after a very difficult time in the campaign. But we don’t think the Senate will block his appointment. “The fact is people in the forces tend not to speak like bishops. We’ll have to make clear to Afghans that what he was talking about related to the Taliban, who oppress women, and certainly not Afghans and Muslims as a whole.”

Source: The Independent and other media outlets

Hosts: Rashid and Shayma Alshakshir Radio station: 3CR 855am (can be streamed online) When: Last Sunday of every month from 6pm-7pm Discussing issues related to Muslim youth, politics, world news and interviews with international muslim artists/singers To make any suggestions for guests or topics to be discussed on the show Or if you are a muslim organisation or business and would like us to air your advertisements

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Issue 21, July 2010 ©

Ramadan Quizzes For Adults And Children answers, including your name and address, to be sent by mail to: P.O.Box 5390, Alice Springs, NT 0870. The deadline is the 27th of Ramadan (6th of September 2010). All Prize winners will be published in October issue of Crescent Times. Prizes include IBC products and subscriptions to Muslim Newspapers and Magazines

Quiz for adults: (17 years old and over)

1. a- b- c- d- 2. 3. a- b-

4. a- b- c- d- 5. a- b- c- d- 6.

How many months are sacred in Islam? 12 months 4 months 3 months 2 months What are the names of the sacred months? Are the sacred months consecutive? Yes No What is the status of sins and good deeds during these months? Sins and good deeds have the same status as in any other month Only good deeds are counted Bad deed are erased Sins and good deeds count for more What is the best fasting after Ramadaan? Muharram Shab’aan Dhu’l-Hijjah Shawwal

a- b- c-

They do not differ They bring the most rewards, better than Jihad They are a preparation for the coming Hajj

7. a-

Is there any special virtue in fasting during the month of Rajab? Some days are singled out for fasting This fasting is better than any other fasting There is nothing special about fasting during this month.

b- c- 8. a- c- 9. a- b- c- 10. a- b-

Is hunting in the Sacred months haraam? Yes No Did the prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) fast all of Sha’baan? Yes, all of it No, most of it He fasted the usual number of naafil (volunteer) days Are the months of Ramadan and Shab’ aan part of the four sacred months? Yes No

How do the first ten days of the Month of Dhul Hijjah differ from other days of the year?

Malaysian Bikers Traverse 11 Countries To Perform Umrah

Their mission was to perform Umrah and visit the Holy Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah. They accomplished the mission in 45 days, traveling 17,800 km. A four-wheel drive support vehicle followed them throughout the journey which was described by the expedition leader Haji Mohamed Assir as “most satisfying and fulfilling.” The expedition,waved off in Kuala Lumpur on May 15 by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, was received in Jeddah by the Malaysian Consul General Hidayat Abdul Hamid at his country’s consulate in Jeddah on June 28. A beaming Hamid said the journey has made Malaysians proud as it is the first ever expedition from Southeast Asia to Saudi Arabia on motorcycle to perform Umrah. He said the bikers were inspired by early Arabian travelers who traversed the Silk Road from the Middle East to Asia. The expedition was also intended to promote friendship and foster goodwill with the people of the countries along the route. Assir, the expedition leader, is a professional biker associated with Israq Adventure, a riders’ club in Malaysia. Assir has ridden through more than 70 countries. But most of his team members on this spiritual journey were new to long-haul motorbiking, including a Malaysian MP and a religious scholar. To reach Saudi Arabia, the Malaysian bikers passed through Thailand, Laos, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Turkey, Syria and Jordan. Assir said his team made it a point to pray at local mosques along the way. “At many places people cried when we told them that we were on way to perform Umrah,” he told Arab News. “I have no words to describe the feelings that we had after performing the Umrah. Every one of us was so relaxed and so spiritually charged that we did not want to think of any worldly thing.” While other members of the expedition are flying back to Malaysia this week, Assir is continuing his journey toward Africa and Europe. “I want to explore North Africa through the coastal route. I will be riding 10,000 km for one more month. From Africa I will enter Spain and ride through other countries in central Europe,” he said. While in Jeddah, Assir met with local riders and

invited them to come to Malaysia and explore it. He said the locals were excited and curious to know more about his expeditions. On Saturday, the three Jeddah bikers joined Assir when he started his onward journey from the Malaysian Consulate. They accompanied him up to Yanbu. He said five to six riders from Jeddah will visit Malaysia in the near future. “First they will ride with us within Malaysia. Once they are trained enough they may join us in our cross-country expeditions,” he said.

International Conference To Help Muslim Youth Promote Identity The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), and King Abdulaziz Centre for National Dialogue (KACND) in Saudi Arabia, have agreed on the organisational arrangements for an international conference on “The Muslim World’s Youth between Identity Development and Dialogue with the Other”, to be convened in March 2011, in the KSA. The conference, a part of the celebration of the International Year of Youth, will tackle such important topics as the role of the youth in strengthening their Ummah’s civilizational identity; and ways of promoting their contribution to dialogue among religions, cultures and civilizations. The preparatory committee closed its proceedings today at ISESCO headquarters by adopting the minutes of the meeting which were signed by Mr Mohamed Ghemari, and Dr Mohammed Bin Abdullah Shwair, respectively ISESCO Director of External Relations and Cooperation, and Director of the KACND’s Department of Studies, Research, and Publications. ISESCO was represented in the meeting of the preparatory committee by Mr Mohamed Ghemari, along with Mr Najib Rhiati and Dr Ahmed Said Ould Bah, respectively Director of Culture and Communication, and Director of ISESCO Director General’s Office. The KACND was represented by Dr Mohammed Bin Abdullah Shwair.

Source: Islamic Tourism News Wire.

Quiz for kids

1. a- b- c-

What is Ramadan? The Muslim fasting month A little bird A time for celebration


What do Muslims do to prepare themselves for the month of Ramadan? They fast before Ramadan They try to do more good deeds They try to avoid bad deeds All of the above

a- b- c- d- 3. a- b- c- 4. a- b- 5. a- b-

What month comes just before Ramadan? The month of Shab’aan The month of Shawwal The month of Dhu’l-Hijjah Does Ramadan always come at the same time of the year? Yes No What should you do if you commit a sin in order to erase it? Ask for forgiveness Immediately replace the bad


deed by a good deed All of the above

6. a- b-

Is a good word or a smile considered a good deed? Yes No


How many times more will the good deed count during Ramadan? 100 times more 20 times more 70 times more

a- b- c- 8. a- b- c- 9. a- b-

What do Muslims do the month before Ramadan in order to get more rewards? Visit all of their friends Fast Go more to the mosque Are kids punished for their bad deeds? Yes No

10. Can we fast the second half of Shab’aan? a- Yes b- No

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‫© ‪Issue 21, July 2010‬‬

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‫اتحاد العلماء يث ّبت القر�ضاوي رئي�سا ‬ ‫ ‬ ‫سعد عبد المجيد‪-‬إسطنبول‬ ‫حصل الشيخ يوسف القرضاوي على تزكية الجمعية العمومية لالتحاد‬ ‫العالمي لعلماء المسلمين المنعقدة بإسطنبول هذا األسبوع ليترأس‬ ‫االتحاد دورة جديدة‪ ,‬ووافقت الجمعية على مشروع لخطة عمل بعيدة‬ ‫المدى لالتحاد‪ ,‬وإجراء بعض التعديالت في بنيته‪ ,‬كما تم انتخاب ثالثين‬ ‫عضوا لألمانة العامة خمسة عشر منهم جدد بينهم خمسة من الشباب‪.‬‬ ‫وقررت الجمعية التي التأمت بين التاسع والعشرين من يونيو‪/‬حزيران‬ ‫الماضي وفاتح يوليو‪/‬تموز الجاري االستمرار في تفويض رئيس االتحاد‬ ‫تعيين نسبة اربعين بالمائة من أعضاء األمانة العامة لهذا االتحاد‪.‬‬ ‫ولم يتقدم أحد للترشح ضد القرضاوي‪ ,‬كما وعد األمين العام الحالي‬ ‫محمد سليم العوا بعدم الترشح للمنصب مجددًا في الدورة القادمة في‬ ‫وقت اعترض الشباب من األعضاء على طريقة إدارة االتحاد وترتيبات‬ ‫االنتخابات ونسبة التعيين المرتفعة المخولة لرئيس االتحاد‪.‬‬ ‫وطالب العضو عصام تليمه بأخذ أسلوب االنتخابات قاعدة عامة‪ ،‬وهو‬ ‫مطلب تكرر أيضا على ألسنة النساء الالتي طالبن بزيادة نسبتهن في‬ ‫األمانة العامة‪ ,‬إذ ال يزيد عددهن اليوم فيها على ثالث‪.‬‬

‫‪Future Profiles And Investigations‬‬ ‫‪By Crescent Times:‬‬

‫)‪* Islamic Education Down Under (From September 2010‬‬ ‫)‪* Islamic Finance Down Under (From November 2010‬‬ ‫)‪* Reverts Down Under: their stories, struggles and achievements (From January 2011‬‬ ‫‪* Islamic Leadership Down Under: The issue of unity, effective leadership and how to best‬‬ ‫)‪represent all Aussie Muslims (From March 2011‬‬ ‫‪Dear readers and writers: Please contribute and send us all your opinions, comments and‬‬ ‫‪information. Your cooperation and participation makes a better, stronger, more effective‬‬ ‫‪community.‬‬

‫غير أن العضو الكردي العراقي عمر صالح أعرب عن تأييده للتعيين المخول‬ ‫لرئيس االتحاد‪ ,‬مبررا ذلك بوجود تجمعات إسالمية بالعالم غير ممثلة في‬ ‫االتحاد وال صوت لها في االنتخابات‪.‬‬ ‫تفعيل االتحاد‬ ‫وتحدث عدد من األعضاء عن تحديات تواجه هذا القطر اإلسالمي أو ذاك‪,‬‬ ‫فقال رئيس هيئة العلماء المسلمين بالعراق حارث الضاري إن اآلمال معقودة‬ ‫على االتحاد للتعبير عن آمال وطموحات األمة‪ ،‬في وقت تعيش فيه حالة‬ ‫ضعف غير مبرر‪ ,‬مطالبا بأن يكون االتحاد في السنوات القادمة على مستوى‬ ‫التحديات‪ ،‬خاصة أن بعض أقطار العالم اإلسالمي مهدد في وحدته‪.‬‬ ‫وردا على ذلك قال القرضاوي “إن عمر االتحاد خمس سنوات وهو عمر قليل‬ ‫وإن الغد سيكون أفضل من اليوم”‪.‬‬ ‫كما طالب العضو التركي الدكتور أحمد أغير أقجا بزيادة أعداد األتراك في‬ ‫األمانة العامة وتقوية دورهم في االتحاد‪.‬‬ ‫وناشد عضو كردستان العراق عمر صالح االتحاد‪ ،‬أن يهتم بالمسألة الكردية‬ ‫لكسب عطف الشعب الكردي وضم قضيته إلى قضايا األمة اإلسالمية‪ ,‬مطالبا‬ ‫دول جوار العراق بعدم التدخل‪ ،‬وبوقف القصف الجوي والمدفعي من تركيا‬ ‫لشمال العراق ألنه يشرد آالف السكان‪.‬‬ ‫وحمل العضو الباكستاني عبد الغفار عزيز الواليات المتحدة المسؤولية عن‬ ‫ما تمر به باكستان من مشاكل‪ ,‬قائال إن بالده على مفترق طرق والمسؤول‬ ‫عن ذلك هو االحتالل األميركي ألفغانستان وطالب بوضع باكستان في قمة‬ ‫سلم اهتمامات االتحاد‪.‬‬ ‫وقد دفعت مشكلة بقاء أعداد كبيرة من علماء سوريا خارج بالدهم قس ًرا‬ ‫بعضو رابطة العلماء السوريين موسى إبراهيم اإلبراهيم إلى مطالبة االتحاد‬ ‫بمساعدتهم على العودة إلى بلدهم للقيام بدورهم في الدعوة‪.‬‬ ‫واقترح أبو رضاء الندوي‪ ،‬تبني سياسة التقارب مع الحكومات بدل التصادم‬ ‫معها‪ ,‬وحول الفتنة المشتعلة في بعض األقطار اإلسالمية قال علي فضل الله‬ ‫“إن التحدي الكبير أمام المسلمين هو مواجهة الفتنة‪ ،‬وهذا يحتاج للوعي‬ ‫ولفهم بعضهم بعضا”‪ .‬واتفق معه في الرأي جواد الخالصي‪ ,‬مطالبا العلماء‬ ‫بفهم بعضهم بعضا أوال حتى تفهم األمة‪.‬‬ ‫أما حمالت تنصير المسلمين في بالدهم باسم المساعدات اإلنسانية وحرية‬ ‫المعتقدات‪ ,‬فكانت محور مقترح لخديجة مفيد طالبت فيه بإطالق أسطول‬ ‫باسم الكرامة والوحدة للحيلولة دون تنصير األمة‪ .‬وطلبت من االتحاد إعطاء‬ ‫المرأة دو ًرا في ريادة األمة‪ ،‬وهو نفس طلب العضو سهيلة زين العابدين‪.‬‬ ‫كما دعا العضو األوكراني عماد أبو ال ُّرب االتحاد‪ ،‬إلى حث والة األمور على‬ ‫تنشيط دورهم لحماية األمة وعلى توزيع العلماء إلى لجان تدرس القضايا‬ ‫التي تهم المسلمين مع االهتمام بالدول اإلسالمية بآسيا الوسطى والقوقاز‪.‬‬

‫‪ Editor-in-Chief‬المصدر‪ :‬‬

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