Crescent Times newspaper- June issue

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Monthly - Independent

Issue N 20 June 2010


Sheikh Haron’s

Strengthening Our Community Email:

CIA report: Israel will Socceroos taking fall in 20 years World Cup Soccer:

Australia to the world Erdogan planning Gaza visit to ‘break blockade’ A study conducted by the USA Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has cast doubt over Israel’s survival beyond the next 20 years.

Australia’s national soccer team departs for South Africa for its World Cup 2010 campaign. Media outlets including Crescent Times were on the tarmac to farewell the Socceroos as they set off to represent Australia. Photo: Nasya Bahfen, Crescent Times.

The CIA report predicts “an inexorable movement away from a two-state to a onestate solution, as the most viable model based

Continued P10

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Turkish international aid convey as a “bloody Erdogan is weighing the possibility of traveling massacre”. The Turkish Prime Minister’s to the Gaza Strip in order to “break the Israeli popularity rating is the highest on record for any blockade,” according to the Lebanese newspaper Islamic leader. Commentators in the Arab and al-Mustaqbal. Muslim world have described him as the new Erdogan reportedly raised the idea in Fatih Sultan Mehmet (Mehmed II), who at the conversations with close associates and even age of 21, conquered Constantinople, bringing informed the United States of his intention to an end to the Byzantine Empire. ask the Turkish Navy to accompany another aid flotilla to Gaza. The Americans asked Erdogan to delay his plans, in light of tensions in the region, the Lebanese report said. According to the report, Erdogan is under intense political pressure to cancel security agreements with Israel. However, the Turkish military establishment, strongly opposes the idea of cutting security ties with Israel. Erdogan has fiercely criticised Israeli for it’s raid on the Gaza-bound aid flotilla, in which nine people, all Turkish citizens, were killed. Erdogan described the Israeli offensive on the Above: The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Neo-Nazi terrorist group behind Perth mosque shooting p3

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Issue 20, June 2010 Š





Issue 20, June 2010 ©

Lonely Hearts Take Action

Fa’izah Batchelor*

Want to be a distributor? (07) 5571 7386 0412 601 152


ussana has just been launched in Australia, working under it’s parent company Dukkaan Ltd. The concept behind the Hussana brand started in early 2008. After researching the market, we found very few, if any, body care and beauty products were Halal certified. The products that were available were mainly cheap

imports from the Middle East, with very poor packaging and available only in local Islamic shops. The aim of Hussana is to introduce a Halal alternative to the current high street products, many of which contain alcohol and other Haram ingredients from different animal parts. None of Hussana’s range contains any alcohol or animal products. The range consists of Shampoo, Conditioner, Body wash, Moisturiser, Cleanser, Face scrub, Lip balm, Baby shampoo, Baby lotion, Baby oil and Baby bath. The range is suitable for use by both males and females.


This is the latest MUST HAVE educational product for Muslims, a smart and wonderful tool for both children and adults. Quran Readpen is a new learning and teaching technology, where voice can be heard from the pen speaker when pointed on the specially printed Quranic pages. The recitation voice is clear, full and beautiful. Muslim Association Awards Catholic Bishop On Saturday the 15 May, the Islamic

Friendship Association of Australia honoured His Grace Bishop Kevin Manning with its top honour, the medal of “Champion of Cultural Inclusion” at a dinner attended by local politicians, diplomats and community leaders. Speaking at the evening, the Hon. Laurie Ferguson, parliamentary secretary for Multicultural Affairs paid tribute to Bishop Manning for his consistent commitment to interfaith dialogue. Deputy Parliamentary speaker Tania Gadiel and Tony Stewart MP

both paid a glowing tribute to the Bishop excellent work over the years in connecting with communities of different backgrounds and championing the cause of inclusion. They in turn congratulated Bishop Manning for being honoured and wished him well for his retirement. Islamic Friendship Chairman Mr. Keysar Trad said that this honour is normally reserved for international personalities: “Bishop Manning’s work has transcended ethnic and religious borders and has made him an international multicultural champion of cultural inclusion”. In his acceptance speech, Bishop Manning thanked the organisers for a “great evening” and for honouring him with this prestigious award: “Thank you for the gift which I accept as an expression of the mutual regard and friendship which we enjoy as believers in One God.”

So you are lonely. All your friends are married or engaged and you feel like the odd one out. You want love and companionship in your life too. You are starting to feel like life is passing you by. You’ve decided it’s time to settle down and get married but don’t even know where to begin. You’ve been looking for your “soul mate” for a while yet you keep meeting the same people who really aren’t for you. Any of these scenarios sound like you? There are many single Muslims out there who want to find their “soul mate” yet they keep repeating the same cycle and are still single. So what are you doing about it? What is the reason you are still single? I am going to assume that you have made the intention to find your soul mate. I am going to assume that you are making regular prayers to Allah (du’a) because as we know everything starts with Allah (if you haven’t, now might be a good time to start). I want you to ask yourself these questions - it might be a shock but I want you to really think about it. “How are you the cause of being single?” “How are you the reason that you haven’t found anyone?” “How are you standing in your own way?” “What is something that you could do right now that would take you one step closer to getting married?” Now I want you to take action! The best thing about life is that you can model the people who already are successful. You probably already know people who are married to great people. How did they meet their spouse? Is this something that you can replicate? By now you probably have at least one thing that you could do to move you towards your goal of getting married. What else could you do? The list is endless. Remember, if you never take action you will keep getting the same results. My name is Fa’izah Batchelor and I am for improving relationships - all relationships. I am a relationship consultant and matchmaker. I am currently looking for singles who want to get married and are looking to find their perfect spouse. If this is you please contact me on 0404 713 624 or at: *Fa’izah, is also known as Victoria Batchelor. She became Muslim in South Korea in August 2003. With degrees in communication, digital design, business and education, she is now a life and business strategist, mergeing the principles of success in both life and business with the teachings of Islam. She is married with two beautiful daughters. Her latest publication “The Secrets to Finding the Perfect Spouse” will be released later this year. To learn more about living at cause and her experience check out:

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The Kiki Principle: Debora McNichol* So Then What? Indonesia is raising a generation of lung cancer patients. In ten years, American pharmaceutical companies will test their curatives on these suffering victims, hopefully returning to the US with good news to share with the Food and Drug Administration. Or, they will pay for Indonesian funerals while looking for new test subjects in another part of the world. This largest Muslim country is apparently the only country in the world to be ignorant of the dangers of tobacco and, according to CNN, tens of thousands of young children are addicted. While its National Commission for the Protection of Children has begun a campaign to stop child smoking (the boy in the news story was an addicted two-year-old!) Indonesia has a long way to go to educate the public and wean its babies from the cancer stick. It takes little imagination to see what’s going on here. American tobacco advertisements are pervasive in Indonesia, and when emphysema and lung cancer are endemic, Western pharmaceuticals will swoop in like hawks. Why Indonesia? A cynic would say it’s because Africa has AIDS. A Muslim cynic would say it’s because Indonesia has Muslims. Can’t we do better than to provide the pharmaceutical industry with Muslim lab rats? More generally, are we telling the truth when we blame every ill that Muslims suffer directly or indirectly, on the West? Don’t we have a responsibility to strengthen ourselves from these outside attacks? In May, we saw Israel board an aid ship on its way to Gaza, killing nine humanitarian workers. A “defiant” and “selfpreserving” Israel justified the attack and intercepted the next aid ship that came along. This is terrible press for Israel, even in the United States, but it’s not fatal. The majority of American politicians remain staunchly pro-Israel, because frankly, that’s where the money is. Ex-White House press secretary Ari Fleischer called for the firing of long standing White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Thomas, who has worked the White House beat for over fifty years, made a statement to the effect that citizens of Israel should move to Europe and the US and move out of Palestine. Big faux pas for Thomas, who no doubt gave a candid opinion based upon decades of up-close observation and frustration at the futility of Israel’s stealing Palestinian land in the first place. Thomas eventually retracted her statements and has retired, but not before giving Israel-supporters and Ari Fleischer yet more ammunition and excuses to label contemplative men and women “Jew haters.” That Fleischer’s comments reeked of entitlement, and that neither Thomas nor Fleischer should ever be hired as ambassadors to the Middle East, are facts that need little discussion. Rather, what needs to be figured out is, what would happen if Israel did not exist? The only thing that all seem to agree upon is that Israel is oppressive. Israel is bad. Israel hurts Palestinians, and must continue to hurt Palestinians for as long as it exists. But what, other than increased elbow room, will improve if Israel exists no longer? Last year, Hamas persisted in carrying out its disgusting and feeble attack on Israel despite the murder and destruction Israel’s retaliation brought to the people whom Hamas represents. Can the Palestinians expect better governance than Hamas has shown thus far? Do the Palestinians deserve to be handed from one oppressor overlord to another? Israel, and the United States, are obvious and convenient scapegoats for much of what goes on in the Muslim world, including internal politics and power grabs. Yet can Israel take 100% of the blame for Gaza’s poverty, after Egypt’s efforts to close down the life-giving tunnels that run between Egypt and Gaza? Can the ballot-stuffed elections of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Egypt all be blamed on the United States? Is a burqa ban in France a fair topic for outrage when Turkey, Algeria, Tunisia, and Kyrgyzstan have advocated some form of hijab/niqab prohibition in recent years? Are Western countries the only legitimate targets for accusations of isolationism, religious discrimination, and xenophobia? Not to lessen the importance of the effect of American action on the Middle East and around the world, (because there is plenty of blame to go around), come on, now, people, let’s fix what Allah gives us the ability to fix now, and trust Him to help us later take care of the rest.

*Debora McNichol is a Muslim wife, mother, daughter, business owner, editor, and attorney in the USA. She has a general law practice in Virginia and North Carolina, and especially takes pleasure in discussing intellectual property and business law with willing clients, friends, and neighbours.

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Issue 20, June 2010 ©


Subhan’s Need For ‘Supa’ Speed


Melbourne Entertainment Night Success Melbourne-based muslim youth group “Youth Victoria” have successfully held their own entertainment night, with a wide range of local Muslim artists performing at Wyndham

Above: Subhan and his new motorised wheelchair

Rashid Alshakshir*

$2500 was collected and a motorised wheelchair to suit Subhan’s needs was purchased. The presentation night, during which Subhan received the gift in the company of family and friends, was an emotional one. The atmosphere was one of love and happiness, starting with Subhan himself and including all of those aattending. Subhan, smiling and his eyes filled with tears, thanked all those involved and referred to Nur and Manar as his “angels”. For Subhan, this is proof, that Allah (swt) does indeed reward those who are selfless and do good for others. Subhan is enjoying life even more now… chasing everyone with his motorised wheelchair!

Being born with cerebral palsy and quadriplegia would be a barrier to living a full life for many, but Subhan, nicknamed ‘Supa’, has chosen otherwise. After spending 43 years of his life in a manual wheelchair, and relying upon others to move him about, his life is about to change. Last year, Nur Shkembi and Manar Chelabi met Subhan and were touched that he spent his days facing Mecca praying for all the people he saw on television who were suffering. This inspired the women to do something special for him. Nur and Manar established a registered charity and set about collecting money from mosques and muslim businesses all over Melbourne. After seven months of hard work, *Rashid Alshakshir is a Melbourne based cadet

journalist and the Victorian Manager of Crescent Times.

Above: The proposed Islamic Centre Avalon. Photo: Courtesy Islamic Practice and Dawah Circle

Geelong Islamic Centre A Step Closer Crescent Times Victoria Bureau

More than $100 000 has been raised for an Islamic centre in Avalon, an outer suburb of Geelong, Victoria’s second largest city. The suburb is about 55 kilometres southwest of Melbourne. At a fundraising dinner for the centre held in late May, British barrister and television presenter Brother Rizwan Hussain addressed the 350 guests. Rizwan is a law lecturer and has worked as a human rights lawyer, police officer, journalist, actor and singer. He is a popular television presenter, well known for presenting Islamic and charity shows. Rizwan

is currently undertaking a research degree on the subject of Anti-Terrorism legislation in the UK. Other guests at the dinner included members of Victoria Police and the Australian Federal Police. The Islamic Centre Avalon is a project of the Islamic Practice and Dawah Circle. Brother Nazrul Pramanik from the Islamic Practice and Dawah Circle says the money raised at the fundraising night would be used towards the settlement of the land and the existing house. “Once settled we will convert one of the rooms into a musalla and all other planned construction will be in different phases,” he said. The existing property was bought for a total of $600 000. Crescent Times readers wanting to donate to the Islamic Centre Avalon project can do so via Paypal at

Events Centre in Derrimut in Melbourne’s west. Attendees expressed their appreciation and enjoyment of the night on the event’s Facebook page. Victoria University multimedia and writing student (and frequent contributor to the Crescent Times newspaper) Rashid Al-Shaksir said the night aimed to showcase the talent of the state’s Muslim youth, and to raise funds for future entertainment nights. “It’s a friendly muslim environment. We encouraged all the muslim youth of Victoria and their families to join us for this great night aiming to further raise funds for future Muslim youth activities,” brother Rashid said. Three months in the planning, the night featured comedians Nazeem Hussain and Aamer Rahman from Fear of a Brown Planet, and Melbourne muslim rap crew the Brothahood. Radio presenter and Islamic Council of Victoria staff member Mohamed El-leisy shared Master of Ceremonies duties with Monash University student Khaled Khalafalla. The highlights included nasheeds, plays performed by the Youth Victoria crew, and a well-received satirical video, “You Vil Be Doctor,” written by Haseeb Hashmi about the familial pressures faced by a young Pakistani man.

Perth: Neo-Nazis Behind Perth Mosque Shooting Left: Canning mosque, site of the terrorist attack Photo: Crescent Times

WA police have charged two men believed to be part of a national extremist group in relation to the late night shooting incident in February at the Turkish mosque in Welshpool Road. The charges come after initial police denials of a racist motivation for the attack Police believe the men were responsible for the incident at the Canning Mosque on February 4, where shots were fired into the domed roof of the building. The men are allegedly involved with the national extremist group Combat 18. Cannington Detectives charged a 24-yearold High Wycombe man and a 25-year-old Greenmount man with criminal damage, discharging a firearm and possession of an unlicensed firearm. A 19-year-old man from Kalamunda was also charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm. Inspector Rob Anderson from South East Metropolitan District Office told the West

Personal ad: Perth WA European born 59 year old, single Sunni Muslim, Australian citizen living in Perth. Has his own business. Looking for a good Muslim lady to marry, from a good family, who wears hijab, who lives with her family in Western Australia, age up to 36 years old with no children.

Australian that police believed the charges would spell the end of the Combat 18 group’s presence in the state. “As a result of the operation, we are confident that we have more or less eliminated that faction within WA,” he said. “It is a neo-Nazi organisation – its very title is based on the initials of Adolf Hitler. WA Police are committed to eradicating such hate crime within WA – there is no place for such crime here.” Turkish Islamic Association of WA president Huseyin Aksakal said the incident had brought the local community “tighter and closer”. “It is a bit concerning, because WA shouldn’t have any hate crime at all, and I’m just happy they’ve eliminated one aspect of it,” he said. Source: West Australian and media outlets Open to any race. Slim or full figure welcome. I am 176cm tall, 82-kg, clean shaven, slim, fit and physically active, enjoy a healthy life-style, don’t drink, don’t smoke, easy going, with a great sense of humor, communicate well, very affectionate caring nature. Please contact: IMRAN on 0412-205 166



Australia Wide Community Events: New South Wales

inner dimensions. Registration is essential. Registrations open 4 July 2010. Annual Mission Of Hope Professionals Ph: 9759 6222 OR 0420 902 928 OR And Students Networking Dinner Date: Saturday, July 17, 2010 Time: 5:00pm - 11:00pm Victoria Location: The Clarence House Belmore, 454 Burwood Road Belmore 2192 “Judaism in Australia: Challenges in the Cost: $55 for professionals $45 for students 21st Century” (student card required) Date: Sunday 27th June We are happy to invite you to the Annual Time: 11.45am (sharp) – 1.00pm Mission of Hope Professionals and Location: Yasuko Hiraoka Myer Room, Student’s Networking Dinner. Every year Level 1, Sidney Myer Asia Centre, has proven to be a beneficial opportunity University of Melbourne (corner of for professionals and students in the Swanston Street and Monash Road). Muslim community to meet, greet and Cost: Free exchange experiences and advise to one Presenter:Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant another. Converse and be in the company Rabbi Kluwgant was born and educated in of those in the same career and education Melbourne . He spent 5 years in Rabbinical fields as yourself as well as meeting others Colleges in Israel and America. He is one of with different paths. the key religious leaders of the Australian We will be hosting interactive and Jewish Community and has been the Rabbi entertaining segments which will guarantee at Jewish Care Victoria for more than 20 lots of laughs, fun and group work! There years. Currently Vice President of the will also be chances to win prizes on the Organisation of Rabbis of Australasia he night. has held many high posts in the Board of the Join us for another night filled with fun, Melbourne Beth Din – Jewish Ecclesiastical food, networking and games and meet Court, Rabbinical Council of Victoria - and fellow students and colleagues in your field. a number of other communal committees, Please log onto including the Jewish Community Council to pay by the 10th of July 2010 as well as of Victoria’s Social Justice Committee. REGISTERING your details Rabbi Kluwgant also lectures Talmudic For seating preferences or any other Studies at the Ohel Chana Seminary for enquiries please email Amina Elshafei young women.Rabbi Kluwgant has also or phone worked on many number of community 0425 269 132. harmony projects involving the broader Victorian Community. He is passionate A-Z of Love and Mercy about the issue of domestic violence and The Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce has been involved in a number of initiatives Date: 10 and 11 July 2010 to address and prevent domestic violence in Time: 8.30am - 7.00pm both days the Jewish Community. Location: Building 23, Main Theatre, University of Western Sydney, Bankstown The Mark of a Jurist - The Amazing Rules Campus, 2 Bullecourt Avenue, Milperra of Fiqh Cost: $95 Date: 3 & 4 July 2010 Presenter: Sheikh Tawfique Chowdhury Time: 8:30am to 7:00pm both days Some of the things you will learn in this Location: see Alkauthar website for details course: Cost: $95 •The importance of learning about Presented by Sheikh Tawfique Chowdhury. Marriage and divorce This University level weekend course will •All about the rulings of Islam pertaining cover: The importance of the rules of Fiqh to the marriage contract, its conditions and in the scale of the branches of knowledge invalidators that support Fiqh. •Modern methods and types of marriage The differences and comparisons between and their rulings in Islam Usul-Fiqh and Qawaidul-Fiqh. •Clear understanding about the rulings The History of its development. of illegal marriage, zina and their Indepth study of some of the Universal consequences Rules and the subordinate rules that come •Discussion of all the rulings pertaining under it. to the islamic manner of divorce and A large number of major rules. annulment (khula’) Methodology of applying these rules. •Clear and detailed understanding of the Analysis of tens of practical cases and aftermath of divorce such as child custody scenarios from contemporary fatawa, as laws in Islam well as the past rulings of scholars, and how they used these rules to reach a legal Ramadan Intensive: Making the most of solution to their problems. Ramadan 2010 How to benefit from the application of Date: Wed. 4th August, 2010 these rules in broadening our thinking and Time: 9.30 a.m. – 2.30 p.m. understanding of our Deen. OR For further information please email Date: Sun. 8th August 2010 or call 0412 919 Time: 10.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m. 260 Applicants may register for either one of the above dates South Australia Location: Daar Aisha Shariah College Level 1/74-76 Haldon St, Lakemba 2195 Building Bridges Soup Kitchen Project This course will prepare you for the month Date: Saturday 29th May 2010 and ongoing of Ramadan by covering the meaning of the Time: 4:00pm to 9:00pm fast, its virtues and benefits, the spiritual Location: Soup Kitchen at St. Mary dimension of the fast, as well as the fiqh of Magdalene’s Church, 26 Moore Street, fasting: Adelaide •Definitions Brought to you in collaboration with the •History of the start of Ramadan Building Bridges Program of the Catholic •Spiritual benefits of the fast Interfaith Commission, this project •Rewards of fasting Ramadan involves preparing meals as well as serving •The meaning of Ramadan as experienced them to the needy at St. Mary Magdalane’s by the pious pre decessors Church. •What nullifies the fast what does not Cooking: This involves cooking a main nullify the fast, meal (Spaghetti Bolognese) to be ready •Common misconceptions regarding the by 4pm on the day of the Soup Kitchen. fast, You will be provided with the ingredients •The sunnan of fasting, etc… and recipe for the meal. If you would like •Those exempt from the fast to support this Soup Kitchen project as a •Fedyah & Kaffarah – compensation and Cook, please send an e-mail to Ramiza Gaco retribution for not fasting at stating your •Zakat el Fitr – how it is calculated, when name and a contact number. Volunteering: should it be paid You will be placed either in the kitchen to •Salatul Eid assist in meal preparations or in the dining •Fasting the 6 days of Shawwal hall to assist with serving. If you would like The course is aimed at developing greater to become a volunteer for the Soup Kitchen and deeper understanding of the month sessions, please send an e-mail to Maisarah of Ramadan as well as the fast and its Skaka at

Issue 20, June 2010 ©

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Turn The Situation Around

patient have been prevented from going to his appointment if he was white rather than indigenous? No, all the white patients got past the security guard without even being questioned about their intentions. Today I visited another Indigenous patient at his home where he is living in a tin shed with no running water or electricity. He is unwell after an operation and would be better managed in hospital but he refuses to go back. Lots of time and effort have been put into trying to persuade him but he is adamant that he will not return. Staff are frustrated and annoyed that he won’t agree to go back to hospital - after all, if you are that sick you go to hospital right? After some quiet listening it became apparent that he had been discharged from hospital with the same symptoms that he went in with - so what was the point of going back? Apparently he had not understood his condition or it’s treatment and it had not been explained to him in his own language. Turn the situation around - would it be OK to talk to you in a foreign language about an operation and expect you to co-operate? Would you go back if the operation didn’t fix your problem? He was braver than I would be as he did actually have the operation! Next time you see or hear of some situation that seems totally unreasonable - try turning the situation around - this technique can help you to see the other perspective and often explains quite a bit of the inexplicable!

Over the last few weeks it has been increasingly obvious that the things we take for granted for ourselves present significantly greater difficulties for other people - and that systems and assumptions often get in the way of fairness and human rights. At present I am living and working in a remote part of Australia at a hospital where most of the patients are Indigenous and most of the staff are not. In fact, the staff are from just about everywhere you can think of with a significant number of nursing staff from India and doctors from India, Iraq, Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Egypt and Pakistan with a few Australian born making up the numbers. You can probably imagine the cross cultural conundrums that arise - particularly when neither the patient nor the doctor speak English as their first language but both are struggling to do so in order to somehow make the system work. Recently, I spoke with an Indigenous patient who had an appointment at 8:00am. He eventually arrived at the appointment just after 10:00am. Now, it would be easy to assume that he was just late but the facts were somewhat different - he had arrived at the hospital on time but had been prevented from getting to his appointment by a security officer who told him that he couldn’t go in because visiting hours didn’t start until 10:00am. So, he waited patiently until 10:00 and then went to his appointment. Joanne McKeown Turn the situation around - would that Production Editor

Perth: Park To Pay For Muslim Group’s Ban A WA muslim woman has received $16,000 in compensation and a written apology after she and her friends were refused permission to go on water rides at Perth’s Adventure World in February 2009, because of their religious clothing. Pakeeza Shaikh won the money last month following a year-long court battle after her group was told they could not go on water rides because of inappropriate swimwear. In a private conciliation at the Equal Opportunity Commission, Ms Shaikh stated that the group had suffered discrimination and had been humiliated about covering up their bodies in line with their religious beliefs. Crescent Times was unable to obtain any comment from the parties involved as the settlement had been reached under a condition of confidentiality. It is understood that Ms Shaikh had rejected earlier offers of financial compensation until a written apology was included. The West Australian newspaper revealed that the money has been divided between the five Muslim families visiting the park as a group in February 2009. In 2009, Ms Shaikh told the West Australian that the women in the group were told they were not allowed on the water slides because their three-

quarter length pants and their long shirts were inappropriate. She said they were told if they were to enter the water, chlorine levels would have to be raised to counter the unhygienic effect of their clothes. They were told their clothing could cause injury because it could get caught in the joints of the water slides. One woman in a head scarf was told to leave the baby pool. The group had asked to see the rules that proved their swimwear did not meet the park’s standards. Management could not produce such a document and there were no signs to indicate the swimwear was inappropriate. The Islamic Council of WA has applauded the settlement as a victory for common sense. The Equal Opportunity Commission said it could not comment on the case, but confirmed a recreation park had apologised to an Islamic group and paid $16,000 in compensation. The commission said the recreation park had agreed to review its clothing guidelines, offered free entry passes to the group, and arranged a special welcome to restore the relationship with the families. Source: West Australian.

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Issue 20, June 2010 ©



The Fine Tuning In The Universe

Harun Yahya*

He Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not find any flaw in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again - do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted! (Qur’an, 67:3-4) Don’t you see how He created seven heavens in layers? (Qur’an, 71:15) He to Whom the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs. He does not have a son and He has no partner in the Kingdom. He created everything and determined it most exactly. (Qur’an, 25:2) Materialist philosophy emerged with the claim that all the systems in nature and the universe were like machines that functioned on their own, that the flawless order and balance within them were the work of chance. However, today, the false nature of materialism and of Darwinism, its so-called scientific foundation, has been scientifically demonstrated. The scientific discoveries of the 20th century that appeared in quick succession, in the fields of astrophysics and biology have proved that life and the universe were created. As the theses of Darwinism collapsed, the Big Bang theory has shown that the universe was created from nothing. Discoveries have revealed that there is a great design and finetuning in the material world and this has categorically demonstrated the groundless nature of the claims of materialism. Considering the conditions necessary for life, we see that only the Earth meets these particular conditions. For an environment suitable for life, there are innumerable conditions taking place simultaneously and unceasingly all around us. There are some hundred billion galaxies, each with - on average - a hundred billion stars. In all the galaxies, there are perhaps as many planets as stars. In the face of such overpowering numbers, one can better comprehend the significance of the formation of such an exceptional environment on the Earth. From the force of the Big Bang explosion to the physical values of atoms, from the levels of the four basic forces to the chemical processes in the stars, from the type of light emitted by the Sun to the level of viscosity of water, from the distance of the Moon to the Earth to the level of gases in the atmosphere, from the Earth’s distance from the Sun to its angle of tilt to its orbit, and from the speed at which the Earth revolves around its own axis to the functions of the oceans and mountains on the Earth: every single detail is ideally suited to our lives. Today, the world of science describes these features by means of the concepts of the “Anthropic Principle” and “Fine-Tuning.” These concepts summarise the way that the universe is not an aimless, uncontrolled, chance collection of matter but that it has a purpose directed towards human life and has been created with the greatest precision. Attention is drawn in the above verses to the measure and harmony in Allah’s creation. The word “taqdeer,” meaning “to design, measure, create by measuring,” is employed in Qur’anic verses such

as Surat al-Furqan 2. The word “tibaaq,” meaning “in harmony,” is used in Surat al-Mulk 3 and Surah Nuh 15. Furthermore, Allah also reveals in Surat al-Mulk with the word “tafaawut,” meaning “disagreement, violation, nonconformity, disorder, opposite,” that those who seek disharmony will fail to find it. The term “fine-tuning,” which began to be used towards the end of the 20th century, represents this truth revealed in the verses. Over the last quarter-century or so, a great many scientists, intellectuals and writers have shown that the universe is not a collection of coincidences. On the contrary, it has an extraordinary structure and order ideally suited to human life in its every detail. Many features in the universe clearly show that the universe has been specially created to support life. The physicist Dr. Karl Giberson expresses this fact thus: “In the 1960s, some physicists observed that our universe appears to have been fine-tuned for the existence of human life. “ The Speed of the Big Bang Explosion: The balances established with the Big Bang, the instantaneous formation of the universe, are one of the proofs that the universe did not come into being by chance. According to the well-known Adelaide University professor of mathematical physics Paul Davies, if the rate of expansion that took place following the Big Bang had been just one in a billion billion parts different (1/1018), the universe could not have come into being. The Four Forces: All physical motion in the universe comes about thanks to the interaction and equilibrium of the four forces recognised by modern physics: gravity, electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force. These forces possess extraordinarily different values to one another. The Distances between Celestial Bodies: The distribution of celestial bodies in space and the enormous spaces between them are essential to the existence of life on Earth. The distances between celestial bodies have been set out in a calculation compatible with a great many powerful universal forces in such a way as to support life on Earth.

Gravity: - If gravity were stronger, excessive ammonia and methane would collect in the Earth’s atmosphere, which would have a most damaging effect on life. - If it were weaker, the Earth’s atmosphere would lose excessive quantities of water, making life impossible. The Earth’s Distance from the Sun: - If this were any greater, the planet would grow very cold, the water cycle in the atmosphere would be affected, and the planet would enter an ice-age. - If the Earth were any closer to the Sun, plants would burn up, the water cycle in the Earth’s atmosphere would be irreparably damaged, and life would become impossible.

The Thickness of the Earth’s Crust: - If the crust were any thicker, then an excessive amount of oxygen would be transferred to it from the atmosphere. - If it were any thinner, the resulting amount of volcanic activity would make life impossible.

of inclination to its orbit. It is this inclination that gives rise to the seasons. If this angle were any greater or any less than it is now, the temperature difference between the seasons would reach extreme dimensions, with unbearably hot summers and bitterly cold winters.

The Speed at which the Earth The Size of the Sun: A smaller star than the Sun Revolves: - If this were any slower, the would mean the Earth would temperature difference between freeze and a larger star would lead to its burning up. The Attraction between the Earth and the Moon: - If this were any greater, the powerful attraction of the Moon would have extremely serious effects on atmospheric conditions, the speed at which the Earth revolves around its own axis and on the ocean tides. - If it were any less, this would lead to extreme climate changes. day and night would grow enormously. - If it were any faster, then atmospheric winds would reach enormous speeds, and cyclones and storms would make life impossible. The Earth’s Magnetic Field: - If this were any more powerful, very strong electromagnetic storms would arise. - If it were any weaker, then the Earth would lose its protection against the harmful particles given off by the Sun and known as solar winds. Both situations would make life impossible.

The Distance between the Earth and the Moon: - If they were just a little closer together, the Moon would crash into the Earth. - If they were any further apart, the Moon would become lost in space. - If they were even a little closer together, the Moon’s effect on the Earth’s tides would reach dangerous dimensions. Ocean waves would inundate low-lying areas. The friction emerging as a result of this would raise the temperature of the oceans and the sensitive temperature balance essential to life on Earth would disappear. - If they were even a little further apart, the tides would decrease, leading the oceans to be less mobile. Immobile water would endanger life in the seas, and the level of the oxygen we breathe would be endangered.

The Albedo Effect (The Fraction of Light Reflected by the Earth): - If this were any greater, an ice-age would rapidly result. - If it were any less, the greenhouse effect would lead to excessive warming. The Earth would first be The Temperature of the Earth and flooded with the melting of the Carbon-Based Life: The existence of carbon, the basis of glaciers, and would then burn up. all life, depends on the temperature The Proportion of Oxygen and remaining within specific limits. Carbon is an essential substance Nitrogen in the Atmosphere: - If this were any greater, vital for organic molecules such as functions would be adversely amino-acid, nucleic acid and protein: These constitute the basis accelerated. - If it were any less, vital functions of life. For that reason, life can only be carbon-based. Given this, the would adversely slow down. existing temperature needs to be The Proportion of Carbon Dioxide no lower than -20 degrees and no higher than 1200 Celsius (2480 and Water in the Atmosphere: - If this were any greater, the F). These are just the temperature limits on Earth. atmosphere would overheat. - If it were any less, the temperature These are just a few of the of the atmosphere would fall. exceedingly sensitive balances The Thickness of the Ozone Layer: which are essential for life on Earth - If this were any greater, the to have emerged and to survive. Earth’s temperature would fall Yet even these are sufficient to definitively reveal that the Earth and enormously. - If it were any less, the Earth would the universe could not have come overheat and be defenceless against into being as the result of a number the harmful ultraviolet rays emitted of consecutive coincidences. The concepts of “fine-tuning” and by the Sun. the “anthropic principle” that began to be employed in the 20th Seismic Activity (Earthquakes): - If this were any greater, there century are further evidence of would be constant upheaval for Allah’s creation. The harmony and proportion therein were described living things. - If it were any less, the nutrients at with magnificent accuracy fourteen the sea bottom would fail to spread centuries ago in the Qur’an. into the water. This would have a References: damaging effect on life in the seas Carl Sagan, Cosmos, (Avenel, NJ: Wings Books: 1983), 5-7. and oceans and all living things on April Karl Giberson, “The Anthropic Principle,” Earth. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1997). The Earth’s Angle of Tilt: (emphasis added) The Earth has a 23 degree angle Paul Davies, Superforce: The Search for a

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Prayer Schedule June 2010 Perth, Western Australia

Fajr 5:43 5:43 5:44 5:44 5:45 5:45 5:45 5:46 5:46 5:47 5:47 5:47 5:48 5:48 5:48 5:48 5:49 5:49 5:49 5:50 5:50 5:50 5:50 5:50 5:50 5:51 5:51 5:51 5:51 5:51

Sunrise 7:08 7:08 7:09 7:10 7:10 7:11 7:11 7:12 7:12 7:12 7:13 7:13 7:14 7:14 7:14 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:16 7:16 7:16 7:16 7:17 7:17 7:17 7:17 7:17 7:17 7:17 7:17

Dhuhr 12:15 12:15 12:15 12:15 12:16 12:16 12:16 12:16 12:16 12:17 12:17 12:17 12:17 12:17 12:18 12:18 12:18 12:18 12:18 12:19 12:19 12:19 12:19 12:20 12:20 12:20 12:20 12:20 12:21 12:21

Asr 3:02 3:02 3:02 3:01 3:01 3:01 3:01 3:01 3:01 3:01 3:01 3:01 3:01 3:01 3:01 3:02 3:02 3:02 3:02 3:02 3:02 3:03 3:03 3:03 3:03 3:04 3:04 3:04 3:05 3:05

Maghrib 5:21 5:21 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:21 5:21 5:21 5:21 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:23 5:23 5:23

Isha 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:43 6:43 6:43 6:43 6:44 6:44 6:44 6:44 6:45 6:45 6:45 6:46

Asr 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:35 2:35 2:35 2:35 2:35 2:35 2:35 2:35 2:35 2:35 2:35 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:37 2:37 2:37 2:38 2:38 2:38 2:39 2:39

Maghrib 4:55 4:55 4:54 4:54 4:54 4:54 4:54 4:53 4:53 4:53 4:53 4:53 4:53 4:53 4:53 4:53 4:54 4:54 4:54 4:54 4:54 4:54 4:55 4:55 4:55 4:56 4:56 4:56 4:57 4:57

Isha 6:18 6:18 6:18 6:18 6:18 6:18 6:17 6:17 6:17 6:17 6:17 6:17 6:17 6:18 6:18 6:18 6:18 6:18 6:18 6:18 6:19 6:19 6:19 6:19 6:20 6:20 6:20 6:20 6:21 6:21

Asr 2:51 2:51 2:51 2:51 2:51 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:51 2:51 2:51 2:52 2:52 2:52 2:52 2:53 2:53 2:54

Maghrib 5:10 5:10 5:09 5:09 5:09 5:09 5:08 5:08 5:08 5:08 5:08 5:08 5:08 5:08 5:08 5:08 5:08 5:08 5:08 5:08 5:09 5:09 5:09 5:09 5:10 5:10 5:10 5:10 5:11 5:11

Isha 6:38 6:38 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:38 6:38 6:38 6:38 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:40 6:40

Prayer Schedule June 2010 Sydney, New South Wales

Fajr 5:24 5:24 5:25 5:25 5:25 5:26 5:26 5:27 5:27 5:28 5:28 5:28 5:28 5:29 5:29 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:31 5:31 5:31 5:31 5:31 5:32 5:32 5:32 5:32 5:32 5:32 5:32

Sunrise 6:51 6:51 6:52 6:53 6:53 6:53 6:54 6:55 6:55 6:56 6:56 6:56 6:56 6:57 6:58 6:58 6:58 6:59 6:59 6:59 6:59 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:01 7:01

Dhuhr 11:53 11:54 11:54 11:54 11:54 11:54 11:54 11:55 11:55 11:55 11:55 11:55 11:55 11:56 11:56 11:56 11:56 11:57 11:57 11:57 11:57 11:58 11:58 11:58 11:58 11:58 11:58 11:59 11:59 11:59

Prayer Schedule June 2010 Melbourne, Victoria Fajr 5:54 5:54 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:56 5:57 5:57 5:58 5:58 5:59 5:59 5:59 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:01 6:01 6:01 6:01 6:02 6:02 6:02 6:02 6:02 6:03 6:03 6:03 6:03 6:03

Sunrise 7:26 7:26 7:27 7:28 7:28 7:28 7:29 7:30 7:30 7:31 7:31 7:31 7:32 7:33 7:33 7:34 7:34 7:34 7:35 7:35 7:35 7:35 7:35 7:36 7:36 7:36 7:36 7:36 7:36 7:36

Grand Unified Theory of Nature, 1984, 184. Michael Denton, Nature’s Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe, (New York: The Free Press, 1998), 12-13. Michael Denton, Nature’s Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe, (New York: The Free Press, 1998), 11. “The Elemental Forces of the Universe;” www. htm#Elemental Forces

*Harun Yahya, has written almost 300 books which are published in 63 languages all over the world. He is wellknown as an author of many books on

Dhuhr 12:18 12:19 12:19 12:19 12:19 12:19 12:19 12:20 12:20 12:20 12:20 12:20 12:20 12:21 12:21 12:21 12:21 12:22 12:22 12:22 12:22 12:23 12:23 12:23 12:23 12:23 12:23 12:24 12:24 12:24

political, faith-related and scientific issues, including very important works disclosing the imposture of evolutionists. Harun Yahya’s books appeal to all people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, regardless of their age, race and nationality, as they center around one goal: to open the reader’s mind by presenting the signs of God’s eternal existence to them. Please visit: www. To purchase the works of Harun Yahya, please visit:





Above:Pregnancy tumor on the gum

Tobacco is considered the most important factor in the etiology (causation) of oral cancer. Recent case-control studies indicate that alcohol further increases the risk of oral premalignant lesions (OPL) among tobacco users. Other pathologic entities associated with tobacco include: • Heart and arterial diseases, • Oesophageal and laryngeal cancer, • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, • Low birth weight babies born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy • Periodontal disease, • Carcinoma of bladder. TOBACCO AND ORAL CANCER The most common precancerous lesions of the oral mucosas are leukoplakia (white plaque) and erythroplakia (red patch). Leukoplakia is visible as adherent white patches on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, including the tongue. Erythroplakia is a flat red patch or lesion in the mouth. Alcohol and tobacco use have been described as risk factors for development of both conditions. The treatment of leukoplakia and erythroplakia mainly involves tobacco cessation, quitting betel chewing, abstinence from alcohol and avoidance of chronic irritants, e.g., the sharp edges of teeth. Tobacco, either smoked or chewed, is considered to be the main culprit in its development.

Deep pockets between the teeth and gums. Loss of the bone and tissue that support the teeth. If the calculus is not removed during a professional cleaning, and it remains below the gum line, the bacteria in the calculus can destroy the gum tissue and cause the gums to pull away from the teeth. When this happens, periodontal pockets form and fill with diseasecausing bacteria. If left untreated, periodontal disease will progress allowing in more bacteria that destroy tissue and supporting bone. As a result, the gums may shrink away from the teeth making them look longer. Without treatment, the teeth may become loose, painful and even fall out. Other Oral Problems: Researches also have found that the following problems occur more often in people who use tobacco products: • Bad breath, • Stained teeth, • Tooth loss, • Bone loss, • Loss of taste, • Less success with periodontal treatment, • Less success with dental implants, • Gum recession, • Mouth sores, • Delayed wound healing. “He commands them to do good and stops them from evil and makes halaal for them that which is pure and makes haraam upon them that which is impure.” [Quran 7: 157] This verse clearly shows pure things to be TOBACCO AND PERIODONTAL halaal and impure things to be haraam. An DISEASE intelligent person would no doubt regard How does smoking increase the risk of smoking to be from among the impure things. periodontal disease? Smokers are more The literal meaning of impurity is a bad thing likely than nonsmokers to have the following whose taste and smell are disliked. These two problems: qualities are found in cigarettes. Calculus – plaque that hardens on the teeth that can only be removed during a professional *Dr Yasser Khan is a Melbourne based dental cleaning. surgeon.

Afghanistan Sits On One Trillion US$ Worth Of Mineral Deposits

A study by US scientists has revealed that Afghanistan has extremely valuable mineral deposits and on a much bigger scale than previously thought. US geologists have found that Afghanistan has reserves of lithium, iron, gold and cobolt

at an estimated value of nearly $US1 trillion. The study found Afghanistan’s potential deposit of lithium, which is used to make batteries for mobile phones and laptops, equals that of Bolivia which is the current world leader. Afghanistan could also become one of the world’s top producers of iron and copper. The Pentagon says US advisers are working with the Afghanistan Government to attract world class mining companies. Afghan president Hamid Karzai said in the deposits could help the impoverished nation become one of the richest in the world.

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Issue 20, June 2010 ©

Combat 18 In Australia? Combat 18 (C18) is a violent neo-Nazi organisation believed to be the armed wing of the neo Nazi group Blood and Honour. It originated in the United Kingdom, but today exists in a number of other countries. Members of Combat 18 have been suspected in numerous deaths of immigrants, nonwhites, and other C18 members in the UK and elsewhere. The 18 in its name is derived from the initials of Adolf Hitler; A and H are the first and eighth letters of the Latin alphabet. Combat 18 was formed in early 1989 by Charlie Sargent who then supported the British National Party. C18 soon attracted national attention for threats of violence against immigrants, members of ethnic minorities and leftists. In 1992, it started publishing Redwatch magazine, which contained photographs, names and addresses of political opponents. Combat 18 is an openly neo-Nazi group that is devoted to violence and is hostile to electoral politics, and for this reason it split decisively from the BNP in 1993.

Castle, was driven to Sargent’s mobile home in Harlow, Essex, by Browning, who waited in the car, whilst Castle went to visit Sargent. He was met at the door by Charlie Sargent and his political associate, Martin Cross. Cross plunged a nineinch (22cm) blade into Castle’s back. Browning took Castle to hospital in a taxi, but doctors were unable to save him and he died shortly after arriving in hospital. Despite




implicate Browning, Sargent was convicted of murder at Chelmsford Crown Court the following year. He and Cross were sentenced to life imprisonment and remain in History: 1997 Murder of prison to this day. Christopher Castle Sargent split with his Post-Sargent history former C18 colleagues over Between 1998 and 2000, allegations that he was an dozens of Combat 18 members informer for British security in the UK were arrested on services. The rival faction, led various charges during dawn by Wilf “The Beast” Browning raids by the police. These raids wanted Sargent to return to were part of several operations them the C18 membership conducted by Scotland Yard in list, for which they were to co-operation with MI5. Those return his plastering tools and arrested included Steve Sargent £1,000. However such was the (brother of Charlie Sargent), animosity and fear between David Myatt and two serving them that a mutually acceptable British soldiers, Darren Theron go-between, 28 year-old C18 (Parachute Regiment) and Carl member, “Catford Chris” Wilson. One of those whose


house was raided was Adrian Marsden, who later became a councillor for the British National Party (BNP). C18 has long been associated with loyalists in Northern Ireland. On 18 June 2009, graves belonging to numerous people, including Provisional Irish Republican Army hungerstriker Bobby Sands were desecrated with C18 graffiti. Racist attacks on immigrants continue from members of C18. Weapons, ammunition and explosives have been seized by police from members in the UK and almost every country in which C18 is active. In April 2010, members of C18 and Blood and Honour were responsible for organising a gathering for like minded white supremacists on the Gold Coast. Sociologist Alec Pemberton from the University of Sydney said that Australians should be worried about the group’s activities here. “These are white supremacists and they’ve actually been engaged in other countries in real acts of terror,” he said. “[Oklahoma bomber] Timothy McVeigh and people like that, they’re along those lines. In June 2010 three members of Combat 18 Australia were charged over a shooting attack on a Mosque in Perth, Western Australia. Given that this action meets the definition of terrorism under Australian law, Crescent Times wonders when those charged will also be charged with terrorism offences and when their organisation(s) will be listed as banned terrorist organisations under Australian law?

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DATE OF BIRTH: 22-Nov-63 1800 333 000 HEIGHT: Average BUILD: Thin or visit: EYES: Blue HAIR: Ginger COMPLEXION: Fair Where is Glen FREEMAN? It is alleged FREEMAN was involved in thefts in Lakes Entrance in December, 2001. Warrants for his arrest have been issued.

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Issue 20, June 2010 ©



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Issue 20, June 2010 ©

Australians March For Justice

Shayma Alshakshir*

Around 2000 people marched through the streets of Melbourne on 1 June and more than 3000 people on 5 June to show their dismay at the latest actions of the Israeli military forces against the MV Mavi Marmara, which killed a total of 19 people and injured more than 50 humanitarian activists taking part in the Gaza aid flotilla. The Free Gaza Movement media spokesperson, Mick Armstrong, says these protests aim to highlight the ongoing crimes committed by Israel. “We want to highlight the continuing inhumane Israeli blockade of Gaza and the broader issue of the denial of the rights of the Palestinian people. We also want to draw attention to the apartheid nature of the Israeli state and to lay the basis for an ongoing campaign to isolate and boycott the Israeli state and goods made in Israel,’’ he said. Mr Armstrong told Crescent Times that the Australian government’s response to this international incident can hardly be noticed. “It was nowhere near as strong as many European countries. All they have done is give Israel a mild rap over the knuckles. In practical terms they have done nothing to put real pressure on Israel over this atrocity,’’ he said. Mr Armstrong believes there are serious steps the Australian government should consider at this vital stage. “The Australian government should break off diplomatic relations with Israel and to expel the Israeli ambassador as some other countries have already done. There should be a prohibition on Australian citizens serving in the Israeli military

given that Australian citizens were involved in the recent murderous attack and a government ban on all trade and investment in Israel until the siege of Gaza is lifted,’’ he said. When Crescent Times asked Mr Armstrong whether he believes this ‘world outrage’ against

Israel is the beginning of Israel’s end, he said that the unconditional support given by Australia and the United States raises doubts. “I would like to hope so but given the continuing massive military and economic backing Israel receives from the United States and Obama has been hardly critical at all of the latest atrocity - I believe we have a long way to go yet,’’ he said.

“We need a world wide mass movement in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people for their freedom. A movement that will both challenge the Zionist state and their US imperialist backers and governments like that of Australia which continue to solidly back

Israel,’’ Mr Armstrong said. The Free Gaza Movement consists of all the pro-Palestine activist groups working in Melbourne; they plan to continue to hold protests until the siege on Gaza is lifted. Shayma Alshakshir is a Melbourne based journalist and a regular contributor with CT.


Left and Above: Those killed in the Gaza Flotilla Raid: Necdet Yildirim, Ali Haydar Bengi, Cengiz Akyüz, Cengiz Songür, Çetin Topçuoglu, Cevdet Kiliçlar, Fahri Yaldiz, Furkan Dogan and Ibrahim Bilgen. Below: Gareth Smith and Byron Bay pro-Palestinians protest after the Gaza Flotilla Raid. Dear Editor, The Gaza humanitarian aid flotilla was violently attacked at night in international waters by Israel

commandos. Australian and international media repeatedly conjoined peace and human rights activists with terrorism. This is false. In Cairo last December/January, I joined 1400 activists representing over 40 countries in the Gaza Freedom March (GFM). Both the Free Gaza Flotilla and the GFM adhere to a strict policy of non-violence and share the aims of showing solidarity with the people of Gaza, delivering them aid and highlighting to

the international community the great suffering the blockade is imposing on the people of Gaza of whom about 800,000 are children.

Our commitment to non-violence was borne out in extraordinary and difficult circumstances in Cairo. The GFM had a wide range of people from diverse political and religious affiliations. Many were outraged at being prevented from travelling to Gaza or even meeting en masse but there were no, I repeat NO reported incidents of violence toward others, or violent response to the Egyptian army, police and internal security who attended and broke up our

protests. Many, including myself, were injured - I was hospitalised both in Cairo and Byron. Israel’s record, however, is appallingly violent. For example, International Solidarity Movement activists Rachel Corrie, Brian Avery and Thomas Hurndall were deliberately killed. In 2004, South Lebanon UN observers were bombed despite repeatedly sending the IDF their GPS coordinates; ambulances were strafed. No explanation has been given by Israel. Despite the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs warning that Israel’s 23-day January 2009 war on Gaza had pushed its sewage system to the brink of collapse, with increased risk of groundwater contamination, medical aid supplies were denied entry to Gaza. In December 2009 the Viva Palestina aid convoy of 250 vehicles containing medical equipment was turned back from the Red Sea port of Nuweiba by the Egyptian government forcing them to tranship the cargo to the port of Al Arish where they were met by Egyptian riot police who savagely attacked them. Ofer Shelah of the right-wing Ma’ariv said, “These kinds of actions are carried out by states that long ago ceased to have a foreign policy. They are carried out by states that sense that anything, even letting pasta into Gaza, is an existential threat. They are carried out by states which instead of a leadership have a gang of populists who understand that their public is addicted to the notion of “the whole world is against us” and military force.” Gareth Smith, Byron Bay, NSW

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Australia Expels Israeli Diplomat Over Fake Passport Affair

The Federal Government expelled an unnamed Israeli diplomat after it found that Israel faked Australian passports that were used in a hit on a top Hamas leader in Dubai. The diplomat is believed to be Mossad’s representative in Australia although this has not been officially confirmed. Foreign Minister Stephen Smith condemned the fraud as “not the act of a friend” and a clear affront to Australia that cannot be tolerated. “This is not what we expect from a nation with whom we have had such a close, friendly and supportive relationship,” he said. In February several forged Australian passports were used by Israeli agents who entered Dubai to assassinate Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. Mr Smith confirmed investigations by Australian Federal Police, ASIO and ASIS showed Israel fabricated the passports of four Australians who also had Israeli nationality. “The high quality of these counterfeited passports points to involvement of a state intelligence service,” he said. “These investigations and advice have left the Australian Government in no doubt that Israel was responsible for the abuse and counterfeiting of these passports.” The Department of Foreign Affairs summoned the Charge D’affairs to request that it remove one of its diplomats within the week. “The Government takes this step much more in sorrow than anger or retaliation,” Mr Smith said. “It is a decision taken in our national security interest.” “The department conveyed the Government’s deep disappointment over Israel’s involvement in this affair.” He also said Israel should realise it is on notice that if it again fabricates Australian passports similar or stronger action would be taken. Nicole McCabe, Joshua Bruce, Adam Korman and Joshua Krycer have been named as the Australians whose passports were forged; all four live in Israel. An Australian Federal Police (AFP) team travelled to Israel to investigate the matter as did the director-general of ASIO. Dubai authorities had said they were almost 100 per cent certain the Israeli spy agency, Mossad, was responsible for the hit. Dubai claimed the assassins also used Irish, French and German passports to travel through the state. Earlier this year, Britain expelled an Israeli diplomat after an investigation by its Serious Organised Crime Agency found that 12 forged British passports used in the assassination were copied from real documents. Source: ABC and news agencies



Hosts: Rashid and Shayma Alshakshir Radio station: 3CR 855am (can be streamed online) When: Last Sunday of every month from 6pm-7pm Discussing issues related to Muslim youth, politics, world news and interviews with international muslim artists/singers To make any suggestions for guests or topics to be discussed on the show Or if you are a muslim organisation or business and would like us to air your advertisements Contact Shayma on 0432 517 364 or email :

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Issue 20, June 2010 ©



Islamic Fashion Space I Don’t Like The Way She Dresses Ebtisam El-Najjarine*


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I’m sure we have all at one time or another looked at a sister passing by and thought about the way she is dressed... how that doesn’t match with that, or how tight that skirt is on her, or how she has on too much make-up with her hijab, making her draw too much attention to herself. What about those thoughts we get about walking up to a sister and asking her to change the way she dresses? I’m sure I’m not the only one who has such thoughts. In fact, most sisters I have spoken to about the Islamic dress code tend to pick out what they don’t like in another sister’s dress sense. So is it jealousy of our sisters or just our own nafs/inner self getting the better of us? The Prophet PBUH said: “No one with the slightest particle of arrogance in his heart will enter paradise.” A man remarked “But a man likes his clothes to be nice and his sandals good.” The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, “Verily, Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. Arrogance is refusing to acknowledge what is right and considering others beneath one.” (Mishkat alMasabih) Why is it that we always look at everyone

else and how they are dressed, but when it comes to our own selves, we cannot seem to find faults in the way we dress. Or, if we do, we still find a way to just simply put that nagging voice at the back of our minds and ignore it? Shaytan works his way into our minds by way of distraction. Rather than fix our own faults, he keeps us busy with thoughts of others, so we ignore our own mistakes. How about we start from ourselves before we judge others? How about we look into the halal and haram of clothing guidelines and change the way we dress personally before we jump to fix our sister’s faults? Sometimes the best way to advise a sister is by way of example. Many a time I have admired the way other sisters can put their garments together, looking simple and unique, taking examples for myself. It’s easier of course to criticise....but it can be done the opposite way. And sometimes, when it IS done the opposite way, you find yourself open to changing the way you dress yourself. For the better. *Ebtisam El-Najjarine, created Sissta Designs in 2005 to suit the needs of Muslim women and import quality designed clothing that would suit the needs of men, women and children. Her website:

Equal Opportunity Commission: Report All Attacks Adelaide Janine Evans In the weeks following the call to ‘ban the burqa’ by SA Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi there have been some proactive discussions and outcomes in his home state. The Honorable Grace Portolesi, South Australian Minister for Multicultural Affairs, and the Equal Opportunities Commission met leaders of the muslim community to discuss the impact of the Senator’s comments. Various issues were discussed with the most important of these being the need for muslim women to report to the police any kind of assault they have suffered at the hands of strangers. The meeting was told that sisters wearing niqab had been attacked in and around Adelaide. These deplorable acts violate not only their person but also their democratic right to dress as they choose. At the meeting the community was urged to report such incidents to the police. It was understood that often the sisters do not want the matter to be taken further, but documentation is needed regarding the pattern of these attacks and if they are being fueled by the comments of public figures.

The Minister went on to talk about establishing a Muslim Task Force to meet with her periodically to discuss the well being of the community and ways to educate the wider community to allay fears and break down stereotypes. This is a great opportunity for the South Australian muslim community to bring to light a great many issues facing us. The media frenzy following the ‘burqa ban’ blog can be turned into an opportunity for the ummah to harness this momentum. Now is the time to have discussions with your child’s school about sharing some simple facts about Islam. Talk to your work mates about what Islam really represents. Share some food with your non muslim neighbours. Contact your local Multicultural Affairs Minister to discuss the ways Government can work with Australian Muslims to shatter the stereotypes we are all labelled with. Unless Australian muslims are proactive this issue will not go away. We must take action and recognise that fear and misunderstanding in the wider community continues because we do not take responsibility for changing it. Remember the 3 R’s : Report Abuse. React with education. Respect diversity (our own and other peoples).

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Issue 20, June 2010 ©

Perth, WA:

Aussicare Car Detailing

Small cars and Utes: $165 4WD & SUV: $195 Our packages include: Shampooing seats & floors Cleaning roof, dashboard, windows, tyres & mags Machine cut & polish outside Degrease, vacuum, wax & scratch repairing, removing red dust Free paint protection included (valued at $250) So, before selling your car give us a call for the best price!

Interfaith Sets Sail In Adelaide Adelaide bureau Year 10 students in Adelaide concluded their year long ‘interfaith’ project by sailing on board the One and All. The One and All, a Tall Ship launched in 1985 which took part in the First Fleet re-enactment as part of Australia’s bicentenary celebrations, is commonly used for sail training, offering courses and voyages. This sailing experience gave the students a chance to ‘break down barriers’ in a very real way and gave them the opportunity to engage with youth from a range of ethnic and religious backgrounds. The 100 staff and students from the Islamic College of South Australia, Nazareth Community College (Catholic) and the Adelaide Secondary School of English sailed the ship as part of a team building and leadership skills exercise. The Tall Ships Youth Leadership Project funded by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship as part of a Living in Harmony grant involved students from years 9, 10 & 11 and engaged them in a variety of activities including cooking sessions, mosque and church visits, soccer matches and leadership workshops. The project run by the Islamic College of South Australia was well received by all involved and has laid the seeds for future interschool relationships to flourish.

From front page:CIA report: Israel will fall in 20 years on democratic principles of full equality that sheds the looming specter of colonial apartheid while allowing for the return of the 1947/1948 and 1967 refugees. The latter being the precondition for sustainable peace in the region.” The study, which has been made available only to a certain number of individuals, further forecasts the return of all Palestinian refugees to the occupied territories, and the exodus of two million Israelis — who would move to the US in the next 15 years. “There is over 500,000 Israelis with American passports and more than 300,000 living in the area of just California,” International lawyer Franklin Lamb said in an interview with Press TV recently, adding that those who do not have American or Western passport, have already applied for them. “So I think the handwriting at least among the public in Israel is on the wall...[which] suggests history will reject

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the colonial enterprise sooner or later,” Lamb stressed. He said CIA, in its report, alludes to the unexpectedly quick fall of the apartheid government in South Africa and recalls the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, suggesting the end to the dream of an ‘Israeli land’ would happen ‘way sooner’ than later. The study further predicts the return of over one and a half million Israelis to Russia and other parts of Europe, and denotes a decline in Israeli births whereas a rise in the Palestinian population. Lamb said given the Israeli conduct toward the Palestinians and the Gaza Strip in particular, the American public - which has been voicing its protest against Tel Aviv’s measures in the last 25 years - may ‘not take it anymore’. Some members of the US Senate Intelligence Committee have been informed of the report. Source: ArabNews.

Perth, WA

Parents, staff and students from all schools were excited by the funding as it enabled them to pursue avenues to dispel myths and misconceptions on both sides and build confidence in their children to embrace the challenges of living in a multicultural/multifaith society. The funding from DIaC represented the commitment of the Federal Government to supporting the muslim community in South Australia and the ongoing acknowledgement of the need for support for Muslim youth to embrace their rightful role in the wider Australian society. “The students are always asking when they are going to meet their counterparts at the

other schools again. They have all shown a keen commitment to understanding each other and to building relationships based on mutual respect and understanding” Janine Evans, Tall Ships project coordinator told Crescent Times “You know it has been a success when students actively seek more engagement.”

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Issue 20, June 2010 ©



The Right Business Structure?

Melbourne Hyder Gulam*

I am frequently asked about what form of structure or corporate entity that Muslim organisations should establish to pursue their vision (ie build a mosque, a youth centre, run a Muslims arts group etc). This article will describe two common options, namely ‘Incorporated Associations’ and a ‘Company limited by guarantee’, which is a public company. The main reason for these structures it to limit the liability of the members.

Incorporated Associations

Incorporated associations are established under State law. The ‘incorporated association’ is a simpler and less expensive alternative to registration as a company. It is primarily intended for sporting clubs and other similar non-profit organisations, such as community organisations.

Given the complex nature of certain entities, operating as an incorporated association can be ineffective as incorporated associations have a very informal structure: they lack clear rules and procedures, and it are generally considered to lack the sophistication required for most entities. The main benefits of an incorporated association stem largely from their status as a separate legal entity with limited liability for members. These benefits generally come at a lower initial and continuing cost than incorporation as a company. For new entities, it may be appropriate to incorporate as an association during the establishment phase to protect the liability of the proponents prior to incorporation as a company. What is Incorporation? Incorporation is a voluntary process whereby a not-for-profit club or community group can apply to become its own ‘legal person’ (i.e. the association becomes a distinct legal

entity that continues regardless of changes to its membership). In Victoria for example, clubs and associations usually incorporate under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 by applying to Consumer Affairs Victoria. This method is a simple and inexpensive process available to notfor-profit associations with at least five members. An incorporated association may become registered under the Corporations Act 2001 (the Act), to enable it to carry on business in other states or territories outside of its home jurisdiction without the need to register as a company. The incorporated association will become an Australian Registered Body and upon registration will be allocated an Australian Registered Body Number. Generally incorporated associations

need to: •Have a committee, responsible for managing the association; •Have a public officer and notify any changes in that position; •Have a registered office in its state of incorporation; •Act in accordance with its objects and rules; •Hold an Annual General Meeting once every calendar year; •Lodge an Annual Statement every year; •Keep proper accounting records and, in some states prepare, have audited and lodge financial statements; •Keep minutes of all committee and general meetings; •Keep registers of members and all committee members; •Have a common seal.

Companies Limited by Guarantee

A company limited by guarantee is a separate legal entity distinct from its members and is the vehicle of choice

for some not-for-profit entities. In the event of winding up, if the assets are insufficient to cover the debts, the liability of members is limited to a nominal amount that is stipulated in the Constitution (usually $100 or less). A company limited by guarantee has no share capital and there is no sharing of profits. Companies limited by guarantee are able to indemnify their office holders in certain circumstances. As they are regulated by the Act, Companies limited by guarantee are required to comply with the reporting and disclosure obligations of public companies. The obligations of Board Members (directors) are reasonably well defined. Members of the company do not own the assets but act in a stewardship capacity. They are freely able to change from time to time, but have to notify

ASIC of these changes.


The information in this guide provides a broad summary of incorporated associations and companies limited by guarantee. When deciding the best option for you, it is imperative to take into account your own personal circumstances and needs, plans going forward and potential costs. For more information please contact me at Logie-Smith Lanyon. *Lawyer with Logie-Smith Lanyon Lawyers ( Hyder is a registered nurse, a qualified lawyer, an accredited mediator as well as a Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing in Australia. He has post graduate qualifications in business/management, law and nursing. Hyder served for 10 years as an officer with the Royal Australian Air Force, both in Australia and overseas. He has published in areas such as trans-cultural nursing, health law, criminal law and military law. This article is for information only, and is not a substitute for specific legal advice.

WA: Friends Of Palestine Rally To Support Gaza On Sunday on the 6th of June, Friends of Palestine WA held a rally and march to protest against the Israeli piracy on the high seas of the eastern Mediterranean that resulted in the deaths of nine Turkish peace activists. Despite being called at only five days notice, the demonstration brought some 500 people onto the streets in a magnificent show of solidarity with the people of Palestine, not seen in Perth since the Gaza Massacre of January 2009. After listening to speeches outside Wesley Church from Labor Senator Louise Pratt and Greens Senator Scott Ludlam condemning the criminal raid on the Freedom Flotilla and calling for the lifting of the siege of Gaza, the crowd marched to the US Consulate in St George’s Terrace in order to communicate their message loud and clear to Washington’s local diplomatic mission. The protest served notice that President Obama’s refusal to back the

worldwide demand for an independent international investigation into Israel’s latest crime was simply unacceptable in the eyes of all decent, civilised people. In defiance of a police order to reassemble across the road, the demonstrators held their ground directly in front of the Consulate and listened to a series of passionate and extremely well-informed speeches from long-time solidarity activist Alex Bainbridge, Australian Islamic College student Hannah Magar and several other participants who felt compelled to get on the megaphone and express their outrage at Israel’s continuing display of contempt for international law. Friends of Palestine WA has decided not to organise another rally for the time being and is instead turning its attention to the Perth leg of Diana Buttu’s national speaking tour. A Palestinian-Canadian human rights lawyer and distinguished international jurist, Buttu will be speaking at the Ross Lecture Theatre in the UWA Physics Building on Wednesday June 23rd. The doors will open at 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start. Entry will be by donation (see advertisement above).



Painting Blue Skies in Gaza

Issue 20, June 2010 ©

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‘Mossad Agent’ Arrested In Poland

Above: Artist Dora Mcphee with her work “Failing Peace” Below and Left: Paintings from the Exhibition Photos: Courtesy Shayma Alshakshir

Shayma Alshakshir Melbourne

In memory of the 62nd anniversary of the Al-Nakbah (Day of Catastrophe), Australians for Palestine have put on a profoundly moving exhibition of paintings by children and adults from Gaza, themed Painting Blue Skies in Gaza. The Gazans, who have been under siege for the past four years and have been denied basic human rights, lift their brushes hoping justice will visit and blue skies will one day hover peacefully above them.

At the request of the German government, Polish authorities have arrested a suspected Mossad agent thought to have played a role in the Dubai assassination of a Hamas commander. “He was arrested in Warsaw and is suspected of being involved in illegally obtaining a (German) passport,” a spokesman for German federal prosecution said, confirming a report in German magazine Der Spiegel. According to the article, the suspect, identified as Uri Brodsky, was arrested in early June on arrival at Warsaw’s airport on suspicions that he helped a member of the assassination squad get a German passport in June 2009. Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a founder of the military wing of the Islamist Hamas movement which controls Gaza, was found dead in his room in the Al Bustan Rotana hotel near Dubai airport on January 20. Dubai police have released extensive surveillance camera footage they say shows the team of suspects from the hit squad they have linked to the Mossad. Twelve British, six Irish, four French, one German and four Australian passports were used by 26 people believed linked to the murder, according to Dubai police. In many cases, the documents appeared either to have been faked or obtained illegally.

George Galloway Announces New Convoys To Break The Siege Of Gaza

Anti-Islamic posters Despite anti-Islamic posters being plastered on the walls at Prahran’s Chapel Off Chapel arts centre, an exhibition of paintings by Palestinian schoolchildren, Painting Blue Skies in Gaza, has been extended. The anti-Islamic posters appeared as the exhibition was launched, the work of a group claiming to be ‘’a non-affiliated, ordinary group of concerned individuals involved at a grassroots level’’. Chapel Off Chapel manager Rachel Fothergill says the ‘’hateful posters’’ suddenly appeared around the walls inside the building saying ‘’Act Now to Stop Islamisation of Australia’’. The posters have the word ‘’sharia’’ in a circle with a black bar across it in the style of a road sign. Underneath is written: ‘’Is Islamism a

threat here?’’ ’It is just sensationalism. The exhibition is not about Islam but about Gaza. I think these people are getting confused between Islam and Palestine,’’ Fothergill says. Defending the gallery’s decision to hold the exhibition, she says: ‘’This is about freedom of expression. I am not in the business of censoring art. ‘’My view is that this is the work of artists who don’t have a voice in their own homeland and to set their work on the walls of the Chapel gallery gives them a chance to be heard.’’ The exhibition includes paintings by Muslim and Christian Palestinian children and adults in Gaza who are denied the freedom to move outside the prison in which they are forced to live. Moammar Mashni, spokesman for Australians for Palestine, which collated the exhibition, says the paintings were done on

canvas or paper that was then rolled up and smuggled out of besieged Gaza through the network of tunnels on its border with Egypt that are used to bring in supplies. The project was commissioned by the Major Issues and Theology Foundation of Canberra’s Baptist Church. ‘’They are children’s depictions of what they think Gaza used to look like, of the war and death going on around them and how they see the future,’’ Mr Mashni says. Eight-year-old Dyana Mohammad Salm says of her acrylic painting in the show: ‘’I draw a butterfly because butterflies are free to go where they want. The can live in a clean environment and beautiful flowers are available for them. I would like to live like a butterfly.’’ Source: The Age, news agencies, Act for Peace

Viva Palestina founder George Galloway, speaking to a crowd of around 20,000 protesting outside the Israeli embassy in London, revealed the latest plan to bring about the end of the siege on Gaza. T w o simultaneous convoys – one by land the other by sea – will set forth on SUNDAY 12 SEPTEMBER bound for Gaza. Viva Palestina, the International Committee to break the Siege on Gaza will organise the two convoys. The land convoy will leave from London and travel across Europe to Turkey, Syria and ultimately through the Rafah Gate into Gaza. Cooperation will be offered and sought with all relevant governments and agencies. It is expected the convoy will pick up vehicles and volunteers in each country through which it passes. The target is to enter Gaza with 500 vehicles. The sea convoy will travel around the Mediterranean gathering ships, cargo, volunteers from each country. The target is to enter Gaza with 60 ships. The aim will be to arrive on Gaza’s frontiers at the same time. And to enter with the world’s largest ever aid convoys. And to thereby render the siege null and void.

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Issue 20, June 2010 ©



Priests’ ‘Wives’ Speak Out Against Celibacy

ANZAC Day From A Palestinian Point Of View

Khalil Ibrahim*

When I was a little boy I used to be asked by teachers and students about my full name, Ibrahim Ibrahim, I did not know why my father had the same name as my grandfather. When we got older we asked the same question to my parents who told us the story behind the names. When my grandfather Ibrahim was 26 years of age there was resistance in Palestine against the British invasion of Palestine. Most faithful people joined the resistance and supported it with funds, arms and knowledge in order to defeat the British ambition of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine. At that time there were Arab fighters who volunteered from all the Arab states to join the resistance in Palestine in addition to formal forces from seven Arab states. The volunteers were not familiar with Palestinian cities, where to go and not to go, hideouts, and shortcuts, but more importantly they had nowhere to stay and no family to go to. The local resistance appointed a local fighter with every group of 5-10 volunteers to give them guidance on where to go and how to be useful, and provide them with supplies. My grandfather Ibrahim had a group of 6 Syrian fighters who he was looking after while doing his job in the farms. He used to run a water bore that distributed water to the surrounding farms. Those bores had massive pumps to get water up to the mountains. As part of their policy to make life difficult for the Palestinians, the British army was looking for those pumps to destroy them with explosives. So my grandfather had another mission of keeping that pump safe from the British. The pumps were housed inside one-story buildings which made it difficult for the British to identify them. One day the Syrian fighters and my grandfather were resting under the orange trees at lunch time about 300m away from the pump building. They were vigilant for any British attacks on the building, when they heard the sound of military vehicles close by. My grandfather decided to go on top of the building to see who they were. He noticed that they were the British army coming towards the building, and they were not very far away. He quickly got down and headed towards the Syrian fighters who did not know the news. Halfway to the fighters he remembered to turn the pump off as noise would lead the British to it. He went back, entered the building, turned the pump off and got out of the building as the British army arrived to the scene and starting shooting at him. The Syrian fighters heard the shooting and quickly joined the battle. They were all killed. It was a British army policy at the time to destroy the house of every fighter killed by them. So they took the bodies of the killed to their compound and requested the families of the killed are to collect their bodies. No one claimed the Syrians as they were far away from home and the family of my grandfather decided

to keep a low profile about his identity in order to avoid the destruction of his house. The local Palestinian leaders advised the British administrators that the men were all Syrians. They were taken to the cemetery and buried silently with no official recognition as some of the first martyrs in the city of Qalqilia. Nobody knew which grave my grandfather was buried in as there were no names on their graves. Ibrahim who was a solid and fit person was known as Abu Hadid, which means the father of iron, for his strength. Yet he was well known for being a religious, kind, caring and loving family man. That’s what my grandma Aisha used to say about him, they were married for 2 years and she was 6 months pregnant at the time of his death. When she gave birth to her only son she decided to call him Ibrahim in memory of her beloved husband. The family heard rumours that the British army had received information that Ibrahim was amongst those killed. The family decided that my grandfather’s brother should marry my grandma quickly and quietly. When the British army investigated the matter they were told that Ibrahim was a baby and he was not amongst the killed fighters. At the time there was no birth and death registry, and until this day the birthday of my father is unknown. It must have been very difficult for my father to be born into a very sad situation like this. Discovering that his father was killed before he was even born, with no chance to know what he looked like or to enjoy any close moment with his dad. That sadness was reflected in his health and he suffered three strokes, heart problems and eventually died at the age of 54. I was watching the ANZAC parade on television when I noticed the flags each group carried displaying the countries those soldiers served in. Most of them listed Egypt, Syria and other countries, but in many cases Palestine was placed in the middle of the flag, even in bold font. This made me remember that the Palestinian people used to call the British inkleez, which means they think of them as English as they speak English. In other words Australian soldiers were thought of as being British, and therefore any one of those heroes marching in the streets of every major city in Australia could be the killer of my grandfather. This conclusion might not be true and is not going to make me hate anyone more or less, but I find it odd that soldiers who are responsible for killing innocent people are treated as heroes. What did those soldiers really achieve for the people of Australia by attacking people living in their homes on their homeland who never caused any harm to Australia? Was the world crazy at the time? Then why are we treating them with all that respect instead of being remorseful for the crimes they committed? Whatever their reasons are for glorifying killing innocent people, for me they are nothing more than cold blooded murderers who had no motive to kill people other than their passion for killing.

*Khalil Ibrahim is a Perth based Palestinian Australian.

Pope Benedict XVI, still struggling to repair the damage wrought by a wave of paedophile scandals, now faces a fresh challenge - from women loved and abandoned by Catholic priests. About a dozen women have written an open letter to the pope challenging the Church’s position that priestly celibacy is a sacred commitment. “As far as I’m concerned, celibacy is completely useless,” said one of the signatories, Stefania Salomone. Ms Salomone, 42, had a five-year relationship with a priest. She argues celibacy was introduced for financial reasons, alluding to the fact that clergy without family were less expensive to house. She also points to the Church’s earlier history for evidence of marriage. “People forget that there were 39 married popes,” she said. The letter was partly a reaction to recent comments by the pope upholding the nearly 900-year-old requirement of celibacy for priests, calling it “the sign of full devotion” and of an “entire commitment to the Lord”. Written in March, the letter was initially kept confidential, but late last month it was leaked to news website GlobalPost, and the women decided to tell their stories. “We told ourselves it was time to react,” Ms Salomone said. “Only three women agreed to sign the letter by name, because of the fear that if a woman goes public with her story, her companion priest would break up with her.” She says as a result, the women who decided to go public were speaking about past relationships. Luisa, 38, said she had a relationship and a child with a priest who is now 35. They met six years ago when he was the priest in a nearby parish. “He came to live with me,” Luisa said. “He told his family that he was living in his parish, and his parish that he was living with his family.” She says the people in her village

ontributors JUNE 2010: Hassan Alshakshir - Rashid Alshakshir - Shayma Alshakshir - Paul J Balles - Fa’izah Batchelor - Tarek Chamkhi - Linda Delgado - Sabrine Elkhodr - Ebtisam El Najjarine - Janine Evans - Hyder Gulam - Khalil Ibrahim - Yasser Khan - Peter Lewis - Joanne McKeown - Debora McNichol - Yvonne Ridley - Gareth Smith Harun Yahya - Irfan Yusuf support the newspaper that Supports you

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looked the other way, adding that the couple considered joining the Anglican Communion, which allows its priests to marry, so that they could come out of the closet. But in the end the priest decided to leave Luisa, even before the birth of the child, now aged 20 months. “It was very hard. His family sent him to an exorcist and accused me of being a witch,” she said. “As for the bishop, he told me to have my child adopted.” Ms Salomone’s experience was no less painful. “It started as a trusting relationship, a relationship typical of those that develop between a priest and those involved in parish activities,” she said. Ms Salomone said the priest was unable to accept his feelings and was very disturbed. She said he did not know how to react. “I felt bad because he was ashamed of his feelings,” she said. “For him, I became a burden, like one person too many. In the end he managed to deny his feelings and soon told me he didn’t want to see me any more.” Ms Salomone has no patience for the Church’s doctrinal arguments for celibacy. “There is no reason in the world to justify anyone forbidding another person a fundamental right,” she said. Even some members of the Catholic hierarchy appear to agree. At a conference in Austria last month, Bishop Alois Schwarz of the Carinthia diocese urged new discussion of the issue of celibacy and the ordination of married men. His comments echoed similar views expressed by his colleague, the bishop of Eisenstadt, Paul Iby. And in March, Vienna Archbishop Christoph Schoenborn said the Church should take a fresh look at celibacy when considering the possible causes behind the sex abuse scandal. Source: AFP and other media outlets

Crescent Times is a monthly Muslim community newspaper and as such welcomes contributions of letters, articles and photographs from all members of the community. Contributions sent by email or on computer disk are appreciated; there is no publication charge for articles submitted. The deadline for all contributions is the 25th of the month prior to publication. All contributions and advertising may be sent to: PO Box 628 Mirrabooka WA 6941 or by email to: editor@crescenttimes. INDEMNITY AND WARRANTY Advertisers and/or advertising agencies upon and by lodging material with Crescent Press Pty Ltd for publication in the Crescent Times or authorising or approving of the publication of any material INDEMNIFY Crescent Press Pty Ltd and the Crescent Times against all claims, demands, proceedings, costs, expenses, damages, awards, judgements and any other liability whatsoever wholly or partially arising directly or indirectly in connection with the publication of the material, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing indemnify Crescent Press Pty Ltd and the Crescent Times in relation to defamation, libel, slander of title, infringement of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication titles, unfair competition, breach of trade practices or fair trading legislation, violation of rights of privacy or confidential information or licences or royalty rights or other intellectual property rights AND WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant laws and regulations and that its publication will not give rise to any claims against or liabilities to Crescent Press Pty Ltd or the Crescent Times, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, that nothing therein is in breach of the Trade Practices Act 1974 or the Copyright Act 1968 or the Fair Trading Act 1987 or the defamation, consumer protection and sale of goods legislation of the Australian states or territories or infringes the rights of any person. Crescent Press Pty Ltd and the Crescent Times accept no responsibility or liability in relation to any loss due to the failure of an advertisement to appear according to instructions. The positioning or placing of an advertisement is at the discretion of the editor. COPYRIGHT Where no charge is made for the preparation of advertising material, Crescent Press Pty Ltd will remain owner of the copyright in the advertising material. Such advertising material may be reproduced only with the consent of Crescent Press Pty Ltd and upon payment of such fee as Crescent Press Pty Ltd may require. Original works are subject to copyright and shall not be reproduced without authority. HALAL POLICY Crescent Times does not represent or endorse the halal status of our advertisers’ products, neither the reliability of any of the advertisements, nor the quality of any products, information or other material displayed, consumed or purchased by any member of the public. Every individual shall conduct their own research on matters related to quality of product or its halal status.



Gaza Freedom Flotilla, 9/11 And The Holocaust Yvonne Ridley* The full extent of the atrocities carried out by Israel on board the Gaza Freedom Flotilla are beginning to emerge as the survivors return home with their powerful eye witness accounts.

Now would be the time, you might think, for some humility or even an apology from the Zionist State, but not content with the hole it is already in, Israel keeps on digging. And the latest piece of propaganda coming out of Tel Aviv is probably more revealing than anything else that has happened in the last week. I am talking about an audio tape which purports to relay a conversation between the Israeli naval vessels and the Turkish-owned ship Mavi Marmara. It allegedly occurred prior to the brutal Israeli assault in which nine people were martyred and scores more injured during the early hours of 31 May in international waters in the eastern Mediterranean. Here is the audio clip, which the Israelis titled “Radio Transmission from Mavi Marmara to Israeli Navy”

ISRAELI SHIP: “This is the Israeli Navy, you are approaching an area which is under a naval blockade” MAN’S VOICE 1: “Shut up, go back to Auschwitz.” WOMAN’S VOICE: “We have permission from the Gaza Port Authority to enter.” MAN’S VOICE 2: “We’re helping Arabs go against the US, don’t forget 9/11 guy”. If you want to listen for yourself, here is the link: watch?v=pxY7Q7CvQPQ I immediately recognized the voice of the woman, it is that of Huwaida Arraf, an heroic Palestinian who co-founded the ISM and is chair of the Free Gaza Movement. We sailed together on the first Free Gaza Movement boat into Gaza in 2008 and her voice is very distinctive. So yes, I can confirm that is Huwaida’s voice, but I can also confirm that Huwaida was on board Challenger 1, a much smaller passenger ship in the six-boat flotilla. She was NOT on board the Mavi Marmara. And so, there you have it – a botched tape on a bungled operation which reveals Israel’s

desperation to try and redeem itself by any means possible. But let’s examine the transcript more closely. What it also exposes is just how far Israel is prepared to go in its bid to deceive the world and justify its actions … even if it is at the cost of the memory of those blameless Jewish souls who perished in the Holocaust. By invoking the Holocaust – a favourite trick of the Zionist State – we were all expected to recoil in horror and disgust and accept blindly the evidence put before us by these masters of mass deception. To even question would have exposed us to accusations of being anti-semitic. It is a trump card often played by Israel as it conveniently flips from tyrant to victim in the blink of an eye. The fact that they have been exposed, hoisted by their own stinking petard, also reveals the extent to which Israel is losing its reputation as a leader in the field of intelligence. This careless slip up is one in a long line of blunders made by Israeli Intelligence in the last year. The Zionist State used to be a

world leader in the black art of propaganda, psychological warfare and political deception, but now it has all the panache of a one-legged man in an ass-kicking competition. I notice that they also attempted to invoke the memories of 9/11 – a trick employed so ruthlessly by former US President George W Bush whenever he needed to get the support of the American people. Not content with insulting the memory of the Holocaust victims, Tel Aviv has shown it is prepared to exploit the deaths of those who perished in 9/11 … clearly nothing and no one is sacred. Today Israel stands exposed for what it is – a failed Zionist project, a rogue state which sets itself above the law and one which is now living on borrowed time. It is headed on a course of self-destruction – at this rate it will wipe itself off the map. * Journalist Yvonne Ridley is the European President of the International Muslim Womens Union, a member of the Free Gaza Movement, Viva Palestina and the Respect Party.

Issue 20, June 2010 ©

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New Zealand Muslims Call On Australian Muslims For Support Shayma Alshakshir Muslims in Invercargill have announced the building of a new mosque for their local Muslim community. President of the Southland Muslim Association, Abdul-Azeem Haqqani says the number of Muslims has increased in Invercargill and they are in need of a community centre. “Over the last few years the Muslim population in Invercargill has increased dramatically. There is no community facility dedicated to the needs of the local Muslims and the city is sadly lacking in facilities for the elderly, women and our muslim youth,’’ Mr Haqqani said. Mr Haqqani says the centre will provide the muslim community with a variety of services. “A Mosque and an Islamic Community Centre are essential to the continued education of young muslims and to help maintain Islamic values and give a better understanding of our religion to the wider community. We aim to propagate Islam

and to provide the muslim community in and around Invercargill with a range of social, cultural, economic, training, educational activities and community functions,” he said. Mr Haqqani says the Invercargill Mosque committee have purchased a house and are looking to carry out some construction work to convert it to a community centre. “We have collected about NZ$100,000 from the local Muslim community, so we have sufficient funds to start the construction but it is expected that around another NZ$100,000 may be required as the works proceed,’’ he said. “We now need some external assistance to achieve our goal. This is where any help from Australian communities will be appreciated. More importantly we need their prayers and moral support,” he said. For information on how you can make a donation, please visit:

Muslim Life Coach Conducts ‘Your Success’ Workshop

Shayma Alshakshir

As humans, it is our natural inclination to crave success. But how do we achieve success? Is there a magical recipe? Would you like to know where you’re heading in life? Is it possible to master your emotions and your fears, and even phobias? How do you discover your talents? Would you like to find out about your strengths and weaknesses? Would you like to live a life that will bring you success in this life as well as in the hereafter? According to life coach Dalya Ayoub, everything is possible but the golden tip is to remember that things will not change, until we seek a change.

Dalya Ayoub, is a wife, a mother of two, business owner, personal development trainer, qualified Muslim Life Coach and founder and director of Life Coaching Services for women & youth: Life Matters. Mrs Ayoub says life coaching is about getting a person from where they are now to where they want to be in any area of their life. “It’s about being outstanding, committed to change and achieving goals that you never thought were possible, with the least time and effort. Life coaching is not counselling or therapy; it can be conducted for groups through workshops, or in personalised sessions, which are usually done face-to-face or by phone. So you can be anywhere in Australia and get this service of Islamic coaching from the comfort of your home,’’ she said. For Mrs Ayoub, her inspiration to become a life coach came after she produced a personal development program designed for Muslim youth. “I produced ‘Bridging The Gaps’ program and facilitated it at an Islamic school for a year; and

the experience was beyond rewarding. I became more aware of the significant need for personal development education in the community,’’ she said. Mrs Ayoub approaches ‘life coaching’ in a slightly different manner. She says she strives to add an Islamic perspective and style to it. “For life coaching to be exceptional, it must be supported by the Quran, Sunnah, and Islamic narrations. For example, relating a client’s concern to ‘what did the Prophet (PBUH) do in a similar situation?’ or reminding them of the purpose behind our creation by asking “how is this (matter) serving your ultimate goal?” is simple, yet gets superb results,” she said. During the ‘Your Success’ workshop, Mrs Ayoub explored an interesting theory, where humans invent baseless stories that are then repeatedly narrated to ourselves every time we are hesitant or don’t really want to achieve something. This story is then belived to be and a valid excuse for not doing. “Many get trapped for years in a specific issue (haunted by the belief that nothing could be done, or that nothing works). “ “Allah (SWT) promises in the Quran that: “Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves” (13:11). This verse directly states that people have a choice and that change will only come when they change themselves’’ Mrs Ayoub said. Mrs Ayoub explains that if one is hunting for a good life, living it according to Islam is the way to go. “Living according to Islam is the way to guarantee an extraordinary life; both in this world and the hereafter insha’Allah. You can procrastinate only if you own tomorrow. If you still cannot achieve what you want on your own; help is available when you choose to seek it,’’ she said. For life coaching sessions or for general inquiries, contact Mrs Ayoub on 0401532 801 or E-mail: A 25% discount is available exclusively for Crescent Times readers.

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Issue 20, June 2010 ©

When we publish opinion articles in Crescent Times, we do not necessarily endorse their content. Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the opinion any of our team members, editors or

publishers. However, we are not afraid of opinions! Our role is not to teach a particular package of opinions and beliefs to our readers, but we do our best to provide space for all schools of

The Enemies Within Hasan Alshakshir* Since January this year, the Israeli occupation of Palestine has lurched from one scandal to another. The first incident involved the assassination of Hamas official Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh in the UAE where ‘Israelis’ trespassed the sovereignty of many countries and brought alive the likelihood of expanding the war arena outside the borders of Palestine. And the most recent incident involved the savage attack on the humanitarian ships heading towards Gaza, murdering this century’s pioneers. It is hard to speak about Israel without mentioning America. Hence, it is very important to understand the nature of the American-Israeli bond to avoid any unrealistic speculations about the US response and its alliance to the Israeli actions. The American-Israeli relationship has changed and developed since the establishment of the land of Jacob (Israel) on the Indigenous Palestinian land. Israel is no longer an ally nor is it a partner; it is an American organisation that grew up to become a state with exceptional authorities and resources. It can make decisions and execute major operations without an obligation to report to a higher authority in the United States. It is a very complicated relationship whereby Israel is an independent state, but at the same time it is a state dependent on the United States of America. Israel has virtually unconditional support; financially, militarily, diplomatically and socially from the United States. This support is not in the form of voluntary assistance, but rather it is part of America’s strategic obligations and national budget. Not to mention America’s veto power, which is used mostly to immunise Israel and to suppress and humiliate opposing other nations. Israel is the United States’ player in conducting intelligence operations and implementing US policies in the Middle-East and the guardian of American interests. This explains why the land of Israel is the biggest American military base in the world. The display of irritation seen every now and then between the Americans and the Israelis does not arise out

Web: thought, personal beliefs and directions of Islamic thought! All are free to submit articles for publication to defend and hold what they see as truth! The editor in chief

of disputes about principles and goals. It is merely an administrative dispute over prioritisation, timing and approach. The dispute about the expansion of settlements is a good example. We have to understand that America is not concerned about resolving the Palestine issue; rather, their focus is on how to manage it. Hilary Clinton stated that ideology is one of three major threats to the Israelis. We need to expose the Israeli crimes committed against the Palestinians and educate the public about the atrocities in Palestine, which will in turn weaken the ideology of sympathising with the “victimised” Israel. This will make it increasingly difficult for Western powers to side with the injustices of the Israelis. It is an Islamic and moral obligation to globalise the Palestinian issue on public and official fronts, learning from the Israeli experience. If we play our role, the pro-Israelis, led by America, will be the biggest losers; they will lose their credibility in handling other international issues which will lead to some restriction on their political and diplomatic influences. The time will come when the American public will realise that the cost of their blind support of the Israelis is jeopardising their national interest. Any government who is not willing to be sensible and stand for the principle of justice, who can not be moved by the starvation, the lack of medicine, the continuous fear and above all the occupation of Palestine will ultimately change their stance when their financial interests and investments are directly affected because of their support for Israel. Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh’s assassination and the piracy on the Gaza Aid Flotilla teach us that organised efforts can not be marginalised. Furthermore, it proves that the ‘fear factor’ which Israel has heavily relied on to engage in its criminal activity, has now become invalid and does not guarantee its sustainability. Another lesson learned is that organised efforts can result in significant changes, and leaders; official and unofficial, can push boundaries. The UAE’s unprecedented investigation in Al-Mabhouh’s assassination, the announcement by the prince of Qatar that he will pay the cost of every legal action taken against Israel, and the courageous stand taken by Erdogan, are all examples of changes people can make.


The Shaykh And al-Shaykh Irfan Yusuf* I recently attended the Sydney Writers’ Festival and was lucky to meet acclaimed Lebanese writer Hanan al-Shaykh. She has been writing novels for some 30 years, all of which she writes in Arabic and then has translated into English and other languages. Her most recent book is The Locust & The Bird, a biography of her mother Kamila, who was forced to marry against her wishes. This was despite the fact that Kamila was in love with a young man she had met a year earlier. After having two daughters, Kamila divorced her husband and married her childhood love. It was a difficult choice to make, especially considering this was Lebanon in the late 1950’s. al-Shaykh was born in Beirut. Her mum and dad were from the south, from a large town called Nabatiyeh which is home to a large community of Shia Muslims and Greek Orthodox Christians. Al-Shaykh told me that there was (and remains) a very close affinity between Shia communities of Nabatiyeh and other parts of South Lebanon and Shia communities in Iraq. Many people from Nabatiyeh go to Najaf, a major Iraqi centre of religious learning.

PLANET IRF Many Iraqi religious scholars also visit Nabatiyeh, especially during Ramadan and Ashura. Al-Shaykh grew up in a very devout environment. Her father was a man of ascetic tastes, and practised the discipline of irfan (a word used in the Shia tradition to describe Sufism). Her neighbour was a scholar who worked in the sharia court. Many Sunni Muslims assume that Shi’ism is all about self-flagellation, especially during the festival of Ashura when the martyrdom of the Prophet’s grandson Husayn (along with large numbers of his family) is commemorated. Al-Shaykh’s memories of Ashura are quite different. “I remember my father going with other men and women in my family to the Husainiyya in Beirut. This was a gathering hall where the people would sit and listen to the story of Zeinab and Husayn. It was very private. People would quietly beat their chest. Not like today. Now it is more of a spectator sport, like a big show. It is more political than religious.” Al-Shaykh’s memories of religion were mixed. On the one hand, there was the authoritarian streak

which combined Lebanese culture with religion. Yet at the same time, religious figures were pious and kind, even in the face of a young woman wanting to rebel. “I was 18 years old when I told my father that I wanted to go to Cairo to study. To travel independently, I needed to get a permit from the police station. We needed a witness for the application, so we went to our neighbour who was a shaykh in the sharia court. I was very embarrassed. The way I was dressed, it was clear I was more interested in going to enjoy myself than to study. The shaykh looked at me and then asked my father: “Why does she need a permit to travel?” My father said: “She needs to go to Cairo to study.” The shaykh said: “The Prophet said one should seek knowledge even if in China. I guess Cairo is much closer.” He then signed the document.” Talk about following the letter of the law and the spirit! *Irfan is a Sydney based lawyer, writer and columnist. He is the opinion editor of Crescent Times.

We’re All At Sea On The Facts About Boat Arrivals Peter Lewis

When businesses take out advertisements making claims about how great they are or highlight the adverse characteristics of a competitor they are legally required to substantiate them in the fine print. These rules do not apply to our politicians; such restrictions are seen to be against the interests of a healthy democracy. Put aside the archaic - and seldom enforced - rules about misleading Parliament, and lying, exaggerating and dissembling are tools of the trade. But if ever an issue has challenged this convention it is the furore over asylum seekers, where another wave of arrivals is sparking another wave of public disquiet whipped up by another wave of political opportunism. And all these waves are based on lies. In the latest Essential Report, we asked people to estimate the current number of asylum seekers arriving by boats as a percentage of our annual immigration intake. (See box for the result) Just 18 per cent of respondents got closest by identifying the proportion as being one per cent or less. According to the government’s own figures, Australia accepted 188,625 permanent migrants in *Hassan Alshakshir is a Melbourne based 2009 and only 2728 or 1.4 per cent engineer and community activist. He is a of these were asylum seekers who frequent contributor with Crescent Times. arrived by boat.

Display this as a pie chart and the ratio seems even smaller. Put another way, 10 per cent of Australians think there are more than 150,000 people breaching our borders and 25 per cent think there had been more than 75,000 boat arrivals in the last year. Nearly a third of people admitted they had no idea at all. This is not some obscure sphere of

public policy, this is a debate that the opposition would choose to fight an election on; an issue where pollsters (myself included) regularly take the public temperature. Yet when it comes to the facts, we are all at sea. Instead, both sides of politics, the Coalition by design and Labor in a bid to neutralise a fight it has no stomach for, appear to accept the central premise that there are huge numbers of asylum seekers arriving off the north-west coast. This is just one of the lies and untruths that is driving the asylum seeker debate. A second lie is the perception that asylum seekers are not legitimate refugees. The reality is that more than 90 per cent of asylum applicants arriving by boat are found to be legitimate political refugees fleeing

terror and violence, having a credible fear that if they were to return they would face persecution. These are not economic adventurers – nor are they terrorists – they are victims of state-sponsored repression. Another untruth is that Australia is experiencing special and particular problems with asylum seekers. Yet in Canada 33 250 people sought asylum in 2009; while across Europe the number was 246 210. A special case, indeed. But there is an even more fundamental lie at the heart of this debate – and that is that asylum seekers are “illegal” entrants. Under both Australian and international law, there is nothing illegal about entering a nation to seek asylum from violence and repression – even if you haven’t been permitted entry. The term “illegal” is just plain wrong. These are not arguments of interpretation, they are not contestable calculations from mining industry economists, they are facts. They are facts that shape perceptions about an issue that has the potential to ruin the lives of thousands and trash Australia’s international reputation. Surely it is time the Australian public were given the right to the facts in this debate. Surely our leaders have a responsibility to share this information when talking about the issue. When it comes to asylum seekers, surely we deserve an asterisk. Source:



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America’s Silence Is Deafening

F O CU S :

Linda D. Delgado*

Paul J. Balles

Suspicion Ever been in a group discussion about something and all of a sudden a member of the group says or writes that he or she is upset, angry or offended by what you ‘implied’ about them? You pause and think… so and so and I were talking about a system, program, or topic not about this person. Why is he or she saying we were talking about him or her? Then you spend inordinate amounts of time trying to sooth ruffled feathers and end up apologising for the person’s ‘Suspicions’ or incorrect assumptions. Grrr! Or have you stated something literally, a fact you did not make up or create, and then had a member of a group pop up and begin a rant on something totally different…nothing to do with what you said or wrote? You are left to sort out the mess created by ‘Suspicions’. A few months back a member of a group and I were working on an Internet project. Both of us were novices - learning as we moved along in the project. We encountered a technical problem and a discussion with possible solutions evolved. Other members of the group were listening, but not commenting. I made a suggestion to try and resolve the problem and my “partner in

Issue 20, June 2010 ©

crime” tried the solution and reported back on how it worked. Immediately a member of the group ‘blows a cork’ and accuses us of usurping this member’s authority by not asking permissions. Remember, we are testing a possible solution only at this stage and being open about what we are doing and trying. My cohort and I are accused of a dastardly deed. We apologise (for what I don’t know) as no harm was intended - no harm was actually done. The offended person decides to ‘forgive” my cohort but decides not to forgive me. I am stunned and still trying to figure out this person’s anger and animosity. My question then and now is why would a muslim ‘assume’ that another muslim’s intentions were to bring harm or personally offend? Whatever happened to giving the benefit of doubt or just politely requesting clarification? I keep coming back to the word ‘Suspicion’ and how even among muslim friends and associates it will surprise you and rear its ugly head. *Linda D. Delgado is the award winning author of the Islamic Rose Books series, owner-publisher of Muslim Writers Publishing at www.MuslimWritersPublishing. com and Director of the Islamic Writers Alliance Inc. at

The Gulf Daily News (2 June 2010) headlined a front-page article “The Silence of America”. Questions were submitted to the American embassy, the White House, US State Department and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The article concluded: THE RESPONSE WAS SILENCE. The questions posed in that article deserve a response, but not the twists provided by Israeli apologists or Zionist controlled Washington. Why, after all the years of total blind US support for Israel, would anyone expect anything different? Here are the questions and my answers: 1. What will it take before the US even condemns Israel’s behaviour? Answer: A provable catastrophe committed by Israel resulting in the deaths of thousands of Americans. Israel’s behaviour has no judge other than Israel. Their behaviour will remain unchecked until a significant number of Americans suffer from the reality and become enraged. 2. How many people must die at the hands of Israelis before the US will take action against their behaviour? Ten people? 1,000? 10,000? Answer: Consider how many Palestinian (6,348 between 2000 and 2009) and Lebanese (1,401 in two unprovoked raids) civilians have died unnoticed by America. Remember the provocation by Israel and the execution by America in Iraq; add another 1,366,350 innocents. To the Israelis, what’s another 10 murders in a humanitarian flotilla to Gaza? 3. Why is the US so against an independent inquiry into the flotilla incident? Answer: The facts of such an inquiry, like the Goldstone inquiry into the carnage of Operation Cast Lead, would be ignored and the truth of its conclusions denied. Israel says “no independent inquiry”. America follows. 4. Any armed attack on any vessel in international waters would be deemed an act of piracy or war by most countries. Is the US definition of piracy and war different from the rest of the world?

Answer: If the pirates are Somalis, no. Pirates are pirates. If the pirates are Israelis, yes. Pirates become transformed into defence forces 5. How would the US expect the crew or passengers of a civilian US ship to react if it was boarded by a foreign force in international waters? Would it expect them to defend themselves? Answer: Bow, submit and genuflect if the foreign force is Israeli naval pirates. The victims of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty – an American military ship – in 1967 were silenced even though the combined air and sea attack killed 34 (naval officers, seamen, two Marines and a civilian), wounded 171 and severely damaged the ship. At the time, the ship was in international waters. 6. The US says it does not consider itself to be at war with Islam, but how can it possibly hope for trust from the Muslim world and elsewhere when it tacitly backs such acts? Answer: If the American position was honest, we would say, “We’re not at war with Islam; we’re only at war with muslims.” When is the muslim world going to waken to the American double talk that’s convenient only for Israel and America? 7. Does the US condemn the detention of four Bahraini civilians and others onboard the flotilla in international waters? Answer: Fortunately, the Bahraini humanitarians have been released and returned home. The US has not and never will condemn Israel for being what ex-Israeli Gilad Atzmon described as “an inhuman murderous collective fuelled by a psychosis and driven by paranoia”. The US response? President Obama expressed “deep regret at the loss of life”. Ultimately, Obama will follow Netanyahu’s attempt to justify the actions of the Israeli soldiers, saying they were “defending themselves” after being attacked. The same old political scam. *Paul J. Balles is a retired American university professor and freelance writer who has lived in the Middle East for many years. For more information, see The article is published with kind permission from

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Niley Calls For A Ban On The Mini-Skirt Sabrine Elkhodr*


n a drastic move that is set to shake the foundations of Australian society, Senator Fadi Niley has today called for the banning of mini-skirts on our streets. Niley cites the recent Skirting Incident where a woman donning a Supre-style hip wrap coerced a local MP into allowing her access into confidential government records - as justification for the ban. Outraged by the suggestion that this isolated incident warrants an outright ban on the attire, Australian women have staged multiple protests calling for Niley to be thrown out of the party for his ”unAustralian” views. Many women have sent out a strong message that curtailing this widely practiced clothing ritual will only serve to breach their fundamental right to freedom of expression. Speaking with the Herald today, President of the National Mini Association, Jennifer Hoskins, made it clear that such baseless policies will not be tolerated. “What right do these men have in telling us that we can’t wear what we want to? How dare they try and tell us what to do. Whatever happened to democracy and individual rights?”, Hoskins said. It seems the policy-makers in Canberra are choosing to ignore that little detail. Mr

Niley’s Bare Flesh Prohibitions Bill was modeled on legislation recently passed by various European parliaments. He says exposure of a person’s thighs - male or female - for any purpose, including seduction, enticement or discrimination against people with ugly legs, should be banned. “We must do all we can to protect women, especially bare-legged women, from discrimination and oppression by male sexual advances so they can live an open lifestyle. They have a right to live free from objectification and sexual slavery”, Mr Niley said “The wearing of the mini-skirt, and indeed other attire that bares the flesh, is a form of oppression that has no place in the 21st century. Furthermore, cellulite should not be out there for all to see!” It also presented a security risk, he said, citing terrorists in Hollywood and Oxford St who had obtained secret information while using their supple skin to distract government officials. But other commentators have put forward the argument that the mini-skirt is more than just a tool of oppression and terrorism; it conceals the identity of its wearer. Democracy is characterised by the individual identities that make it up. To bare flesh in public, detracting attention away from the face and onto other anatomical areas, is an affront to the right of an individual to be seen for who they are and not for how appealing their assets are. This manifestation of a woman’s right to wear what she wants is a way of effacing them in a sense. As Shada Isama from Freedom Times wrote last week, most old-school feminists are disillusioned by the disappointing results of

Masdar hopes that Shams 1 will offset 170,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually, which has the same effect as planting 1.5 million trees or taking 150,000 cars off the streets. It’s all part of Abu Dhabi’s goal to have 7% of the country’s electricity supplied by renewable sources by 2020. Shams 1 is different than your average solar plant as it gathers energy using mirrors rather than relying only on photovoltaic panels. Those mirrors use the sun to boil liquids to power a steam generator. Construction will begin later this year and is expected to take two years.

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their bra-burning escapades in the early 60’s. They view this freedom that women think they have with suspicion and contempt, calling it the “ result of social subjugation intended to enslave women to the whims of male sexuality”. “Women think they have free choice. They think that wearing a mini-skirt is their right and a manifestation of their individuality. But in reality, they’ve been brainwashed by this patriarchal society to believe that baring their legs in public is liberating them when in fact, they’ve simply become fodder for male fantasies.” Isama said.

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The arguments against the banning of the mini-skirt are loud and clear but it seems the ruling party of Australia and their philosophical minions are convinced they know what’s best for their population. Only in a strange democracy can individual rights be confused with the government’s right to overrule that freedom of choice. And instead of moving forward we seem to be regressing. Sounds almost like the paternalistic Australia that defined the early 20th century. Stolen Generation, anyone? * Sabrine Elkhodr is a Sydney based University student.

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‫© ‪Issue 20, June 2010‬‬



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪1300760155‬‬ ‫هيئة االعمال الخيرية منظمة إنسانية تعنى بمساعدة الفقراء‬ ‫والمحتاجين حول العالم من خالل مشاريع خيرية مختلفة‪.‬‬ ‫احد مشاريع الهيئة المميزة مشروع كفالة االيتام‪ ،‬حيث تقوم‬ ‫الهيئة حالياً بكفالة ما يقارب ‪ 50000‬يتيم في خمس عشرة‬ ‫دولة حول العالم ‪،‬تقدم لهم الطعام واللباس والتعليم والعناية‬ ‫الطبية‪.‬‬ ‫إن اعداد االيتام المحتاجين في ازدياد وكثير منهم بأنتظار مد يد‬ ‫العون والمساعدة‪ .‬ساهم معنا في تخفيف معاناتهم واكفل‬ ‫يتيماً اليوم ‪......‬‬ ‫لمزيد من المعلومات‬ ‫يرجى االتصال بنا على الرقم ‪1300760155‬‬ ‫‪‬او زيارة موقعنا االلكتروني‬ ‫هيئة االعمال الخيرية ‪ .....‬معكم على طريق الخير ‪.....‬‬

‫الصورة‪ :‬حاخامات ارثوذكس يهود يتظاهرون في الواليات المتحدة مساندة لحق الفلسطينيين في تقرير المصير‪.‬‬

‫‪Above: USA Orthodox rabbis protest against Israeli war crimes against the Palestinians‬‬

‫الأمم المتحدة تنقل حمولة الحرية لغزة‬ ‫وافقت األمم المتحدة على تولي مهمة تسليم‬ ‫قطاع غزة حمولة قافلة سفن أسطول الحرية من‬ ‫المساعدات التي استولت عليها إسرائيل يوم ‪13‬‬ ‫مايو‪/‬أيار الماضي بعد عدوانها على القافلة‪.‬‬ ‫وأعلنت المنظمة الدولية أمس الثالثاء أنها‬ ‫تلقت موافقة إسرائيل وأصحاب السفن األتراك‬ ‫على إتمام ذلك‪ ،‬وتسلم الشحنة كاملة لتوزيعها‬ ‫في الوقت المناسب في قطاع غزة‪.‬‬ ‫وأبلغ مبعوث األم��م المتحدة إلى الشرق‬ ‫األوس���ط روب���رت س��ي��ري مجلس األم���ن أن‬ ‫المنظمة الدولية "مستعدة لتحمل مسؤولية‬

‫تسليم شحنة المساعدات بصفة استثنائية"‪ ،‬مضيفا‬ ‫أن حجم الشحنة اإلنسانية صغير بالمقارنة مع‬ ‫احتياجات الفلسطينيين في غزة‪.‬‬ ‫وقال سيري إن المنظمة الدولية حصلت على موافقة‬ ‫أصحاب حمولة السفن الثالث المسجلة في تركيا‬ ‫على حيازة الحمولة بالكامل‪ ،‬وتحمل المسؤولية‬ ‫عنها وتوزيعها في الوقت المناسب في غزة ألغراض‬ ‫إنسانية كما حددت األمم المتحدة‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف أن "حكومة إسرائيل وافقت على اإلفراج‬ ‫عن الشحنة كلها لألمم المتحدة في غزة لتحدد‬ ‫استخدامها اإلنساني في القطاع"‪.‬‬

‫وفي إشارة إلى حركة المقاومة اإلسالمية (حماس)‬ ‫ذكر سيري أن لديه ما يدعوه لالعتقاد "بأن السلطات‬ ‫الفعلية ستسمح لألمم المتحدة بتحديد وجهة‬ ‫المعونات"‪ ،‬وأن المنظمة الدولية ستبدأ جهود التوزيع‬ ‫في أقرب وقت ممكن‪.‬‬ ‫واعتبر سيري ‪-‬الذي يرفع تقريرا بصفة شهرية‬ ‫لمجلس األمن عن الشرق األوسط‪ -‬حادث أسطول‬ ‫الحرية "عرضا من عوارض سياسة فاشلة"‪ ،‬مشيرا ً إلى‬ ‫أن الوضع في غزة ال يمكنه أن يستمر‪ ،‬وعلى إسرائيل‬ ‫أن تنهي حصارها للقطاع‪.‬‬

‫�شيِّد ِ‬ ‫جدارَك‬

‫لل�شاعر الم�صري د‪� .‬أحمد حمدي والي‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ألقيت في الم�ؤتمر العام لن�صرة غزة بمدينة المن�صورة بم�صر*‬ ‫*�‬

‫ش ِّيد جدارك‬ ‫واصنع من الفوال ِذ عا َرك‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ولتكشف َع َوا َرك‬ ‫وانقُش على سينا َء وشْ م الذ ِل‬ ‫أسكرتنا ِ‬ ‫وس ِ‬ ‫قت على مسامعنا من الزور انتصا َرك‬ ‫كذبًا‪ُ ..‬‬ ‫أغلقت ظهر األرض ك ْيما يذعنوا‬ ‫َ‬ ‫أنت و َمن أثا َرك‬ ‫فتألقوا في صبرهم‪ ..‬و ُهزمت َ‬ ‫ألجأتَ ُهم بطن البسيطة علَّّهم‬ ‫أن يدخلوا بعض الدواء إذا ت َعاظم ُجر ُحهم‬ ‫أو يدخلوا بعض الطعام إذا تج َّبر ُجو ُعهم‬ ‫وأَبَـ ْيت ذاك…‪ .‬ف ُرحت ترسل مستشا َرك‬ ‫ـص َبها ِح َما َرك‬ ‫من أي "غي ْـ ٍط" جاء ال أدري‪ ..‬فما ذنب الكنانة كي تُ َن ِّ‬ ‫ليقول للدنيا بأن الغد َر شيمتُكم‬ ‫وأن سياد َة األوطانِ أن تقتُل جا َرك‬ ‫وسيادة األوطان يلزمها جدا ٌر يمنع األنفاق أن تكسو الصغار‬ ‫المحتل في تلك الديار‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ويُؤ ِّمن‬ ‫حصا َرك‬ ‫فغدوتَ ت ُصلي ُهم َ‬ ‫ش ِّيد جدارك‬ ‫واحشد عليهم ألف سجان‪..‬‬ ‫للعلقمي كفيتُكُم‪ ..‬فاحفظ تتا َرك‬ ‫وقل‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫واقرأ على األعداء ِسفر ِّ‬ ‫تيس َر من‬ ‫الذل‪ ..‬ثم اقرأ على نعش العروبة ما َّ‬ ‫"تبارك"‬ ‫واشرب مع األقزام من حكّا ِم َنا‬ ‫ن ْخ َب الفضيح ِة من دمو ِع ِصغارنا‪ ..‬وال َعن َصغ َـا َرك‬ ‫ما عاد يؤلم أهل غ َز َة ِفعلُكم‬ ‫تص ْهين أو ت َ َمارك‬ ‫َمن يطلب ال ُنصرة ممن‪ ..‬قد َ‬ ‫فعلت‪ ..‬وال أسأتَ لمص ِرنَا‬ ‫كنت ح ًّرا ما‬ ‫َ‬ ‫لو َ‬ ‫ول َُصنت في الدنيا ِدث َـا َرك‬ ‫لكن ِّني والكل يعلم واثقًا‪ ..‬ليس القرا ُر هنا ق َرا ُرك‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫األجيال سو َء ِفعالِكُم‬ ‫لن تغ ِفر‬ ‫تنسى ِعثا َرك‬ ‫وشواه ُد التاري ِخ لن َ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫رب قا ِد ٌر‬ ‫ففوق‬ ‫ش ّيد‬ ‫العرش ٌ‬ ‫والشعب رغم الليل ينتظ ُر اندحارك‬

‫* القصيدة كلفت صاحبها دخول السجن من غير تردد من سلطات النظام المصري نظرا لحدة نقد الحكومة‬ ‫ورموزها بحسب نظرهم‪.‬‬

‫�إثيوبيا متورطة بجرائم حرب مروعة في �أوجادين‬ ‫اتهمت منظمة ألمانية معنية بحقوق اإلنسان القوات اإلثيوبية بارتكاب جرائم‬ ‫حرب مروعة في إقليم أوجادين المسلم ذي األغلبية الصومالية‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت "المنظمة األلمانية للدفاع عن الشعوب المهددة"‪ ،‬في بيان لها‪ :‬إنها‬ ‫قدمت طلبا رسميا إلى المفوضة السامية لحقوق اإلنسان باألمم المتحدة "نافي‬ ‫بيالي" إلجراء تحقيق مستقل حول قتل القوات اإلثيوبية عمدا وبدون سبب‬ ‫لصوماليين عزل ومسنين وفالحين ورعاة بخمس من قرى أوجادين‪.‬‬ ‫وض ّمنت المنظمة في طلبها قائمة بأسماء ‪ 43‬من أصل ‪ 07‬شخصا أعدمهم‬ ‫الجنود اإلثيوبيون خالل عملية تمشيط واسعة نفذوها في أوجادين في ‪ 81‬مايو‬ ‫الماضي‪ ،‬بحسب "الجزيرة نت"‪.‬‬ ‫وطالبت المنظمة المفوضة األممية لحقوق اإلنسان بالكشف عن مالبسات‬ ‫"الجريمة اإلثيوبية" قبل قمة العشرين للدول الصناعية الكبرى والدول النامية‪،‬‬ ‫المقرر انعقادها بمدينة تورنتو الكندية يومي ‪ 62‬و‪ 72‬من الشهر الجاري‬ ‫بمشاركة رئيس الوزراء اإلثيوبي ملس زيناوي‪.‬‬ ‫مالبسات الجريمة اإلثيوبية‪:‬‬ ‫وحول مالبسات الجريمة اإلثيوبية بحق المدنيين‪ ،‬قالت المنظمة إن العملية‬ ‫العسكرية اإلثيوبية وما رافقها جاءت ردا على هجوم شنته جبهة تحرير أوجادين‬

‫ضد قاعدة عسكرية إثيوبية في مدينة ماالكاال الواقعة على الطريق‬ ‫اإلستراتيجي الواصل بين مدينتي هرار وجيجيغا شمال غرب أوجادين؛ وهو‬ ‫الهجوم الذي أسفر عن مقتل ‪ 49‬جنديًّا إثيوب ًّيا‪.‬‬ ‫وبحسب المنظمة األلمانية‪ ،‬فقد قام الجيش اإلثيوبي عقب هذا الهجوم‬ ‫بعزل قرى فافين وجوري وبامباس وفارسو وجاللشا عن العالم وتمشيطها‬ ‫على نطاق واسع‪.‬‬ ‫وأكدت المنظمة أن لديها أدلة من شهود عيان على قيام الجنود‬ ‫اإلثيوبيين بإطالق الرصاص على مسنين وفالحين ورعاة صوماليين أمام‬ ‫أعين ذويهم في القرى الخمس التي فر كثير من سكانها عقب رفع الحصار‬ ‫اإلثيوبي عنها‪.‬‬ ‫يذكر أن منظمات حقوقية عديدة اتهمت إثيوبيا خالل حربها مع الصومال‬ ‫عامي ‪ 2007‬و‪ 2008‬بارتكاب جرائم حرب وقتل للمدنيين بإقليم‬ ‫أوجادين الذي تعادل مساحته مساحة ألمانيا وبلجيكا معا ويسكنه‬ ‫ثمانية ماليين نسمة معظمهم من الصوماليين المسلمين‬

‫ليبيا تدفع تعوي�ضات جديدة ل�ضحايا االرهاب!‬

‫كشفت مصادر بريطانية أن ليبيا ستدفع تعويضات مالية لضحايا عمليات‬ ‫الجيش الجمهوري األيرلندي مقدارها مليارا جنيه استرليني ‪ 2.9‬مليار‬ ‫دوالر) لدورها في توريد شحنات من المتفجرات إلى المتمردين‬ ‫األيرلنديين‪>>.‬‬ ‫وذكرت صحيفة "صنداي تايمز" البريطانية أن نحو ‪ 800‬مليون جنيه‬ ‫إسترليني ستذهب مباشرة إلى ضحايا العنف‪ ،‬وفي مقدمها ‪147‬‬ ‫عائلة وقعت ضحايا المتفجرات البالستيكية "سمتكس"‪ ،‬التي قدمتها‬ ‫ليبيا واستخدمها الجيش الجمهوري األيرلندي في ما ال يقل عن ‪10‬‬ ‫‪.‬هجمات‪ ،‬بما في ذلك تفجير "مخازن هارودز" في لندن ‪1983‬‬ ‫وأشارت الصحيفة إلى أن الجيش الجمهوري األيرلندي استخدم أيضاً‬ ‫متفجرات "سمتكس" في هجوم شنه في منطقة أوماغ بأيرلندا الشمالية‬ ‫العام ‪ ،1998‬وأسفر عن مقتل ‪ 29‬شخصاً وإصابة ‪ 220‬آخرين‬ ‫بجروح‪ ،‬مضيفة "أن ‪ 314‬مليون جنيه إسترليني أخرى يمكن أن‬ ‫ت ُضاف إلى التعويضات في حال وافقت الواليات المتحدة على‬

‫التعاون‪ ،‬وهي أموال متبقية من حقيبة تعويضات مقدارها ‪ 1.5‬مليار‬ ‫دوالر أقرتها ليبيا للضحايا األميركيين للعمليات اإلرهابية التي‬ ‫رعتها‪ .‬ولفتت إلى "أن عقدا ً تجارياً بين بريطانيا وليبيا من المتوقع أن يكون‬

‫جزءا ً من هذه التسوية التاريخية‪ ،‬وتسعى حكومة العقيد معمر القذافي لتقديم‬ ‫التعويضات كبادرة حسن نية من دون أن تعترف بالمسؤولية"‪.‬‬ ‫وأشارت إلى "أن المفاوضات بين لندن وطرابلس حصلت على دفعة جديدة‪،‬‬ ‫بعد الكشف عن أن رئيس الوزراء البريطاني السابق غوردون براون رفض وضع‬ ‫عضالت المملكة المتحدة الدبلوماسية وراء مطالب ضحايا هجمات الجيش‬ ‫الجمهوري األيرلندي‪ ،‬الحصول على تعويضات من ليبيا‪ ,‬خوفاً من أن تضر‬ ‫بالمصالح التجارية لحكومته"‪.‬‬ ‫وذكرت أن مصدرا ً مطلعاً على المفاوضات "أكد أن العقيد القذافي يمكن‬ ‫أن يقدم لفتة إنسانية كبيرة اآلن‪ ،‬تضع حدا ً لإلجراءات القانونية لبناء عالقات‬ ‫دبلوماسية وتجارية مع المملكة المتحدة"‪.‬‬ ‫وأضافت أن مسؤولين في الحكومة البريطانية سيطلعون األربعاء المقبل على‬ ‫التقدم الذي طرأ في المفاوضات مع ليبيا‪ ،‬فيما رجحت متحدثة باسم وزارة‬ ‫الخارجية البريطانية إمكانية "تحقيق نجاح من خالل االتصاالت المباشرة التي‬ ‫ساعدت الوزارة في تأمينها بين عائالت الضحايا وبين السلطات الليبية"‪.‬‬

‫فتوى التماثيل تثير الجدل مجددا في م�صر‬ ‫أيد علماء دين فتوى مجمع البحوث اإلسالمية بإباحة صناعة التماثيل والتحف‬ ‫بغرض تنشيط السياحة وجذب السائحين وإظهار الحضارات وتاريخ األمم‪ ،‬مشيرين‬ ‫إلى أن هذه الفتوى "تقطع الطريق على المتشددين الذين يُح ّرمون كل شيء"‪.‬‬ ‫وكان الدكتور عبد المعطى بيومى عضو مجمع البحوث‪ ،‬عميد كلية أصول الدين‬ ‫األسبق‪ ،‬أعلن تأييده للفتوى‪ ،‬وقال‪« :‬إن التماثيل ال تـحرم صناعتها إال إذا كان‬ ‫الغرض منها هو التعبد بها أو لها»‪ ،‬مشي ًرا إلى أن التماثيل عندما‬ ‫تصنع لتخليد ذكرى المحاربين وعظماء األمم الذين قدموا لبالدهم‬ ‫الكثير وضحوا من أجلها‪ ،‬فإن ذلك ال يتعارض مع الشريعة اإلسالمية‪.‬‬ ‫كما أيدت الدكتورة سعاد صالح‪ ،‬العميد السابق لكلية الدراسات اإلسالمية‬ ‫بجامعة األزهر‪ ،‬الفتوى‪ .‬وقالت‪" :‬إن زوال علة التحريم وهو عبادة الناس لألصنام‬ ‫واألوثان جعل الصناعة غير محرمة‪ ،‬وبالتالي فمن يقتنيها ال يأثم ألنها حاليا‬ ‫تستعمل للتخليد وكلعب لألطفال وخالفه‪.‬‬ ‫ولفتت إلى أن الفتح اإلسالمي بقيادة عمرو بن العاص ترك اآلثار الفرعونية‬ ‫والقبطية وغيرها من آثار في مصر‪ ،‬ألن علة التحريم قد انتفت بانصراف الناس عن‬ ‫عبادة األصنام‪ ،‬بدليل أنها مازالت موجودة حتى اآلن‪.‬‬ ‫وتابعت الدكتورة سعاد‪" :‬أؤيد بشدة قرار المجمع‪ ،‬وأدعو الناس لعدم التشدد‬

‫والرجوع في القضايا الحساسة للمجامع الفقهية والعلمية لقطع الطريق على‬ ‫المدعين والمتشددين الذين يحرمون كل شيء"‪.‬‬ ‫كان مجمع البحوث اإلسالمية برئاسة الدكتور أحمد الطيب شيخ األزهر‪ ،‬قد‬ ‫أباح الشهر الماضي صناعة التماثيل والتحف بغرض تنشيط السياحة‪ ،‬وجذب‬ ‫السائحين وإظهار الحضارات وتاريخ األمم‪ .‬وشدد أعضاء المجمع على أال تكون‬ ‫صناعة التماثيل بقصد التعبد أو التعظيم‪.‬‬ ‫وأثارت فتوى سابقة أصدرها مفتي مصر الدكتور علي جمعة بتحريم استخدام‬ ‫التماثيل كزينة في المنازل‪ ،‬ردود فعل متباينة لدى مثقفين مصريين حيث ذهب‬ ‫بعضهم إلى تحريم تماثيل العبادة واعتبار "تماثيل الزينة حالال"‪ ،‬فيما‬ ‫اعتبر البعض اآلخر الفتوى "طالبانية مسيئة إلى الحضارة المصرية وإلى‬ ‫اإلسالم"‪.‬‬ ‫وفتحت الفتوى باب الجدل حول قضية "تكفير" النحاتين والتفريق بينهم‬ ‫وبين زوجاتهم المسلمات‪ ،‬حيث تعرض المفتي آنذاك لسؤال على الهواء بهذا‬ ‫الخصوص من سعد هجرس ‪ -‬وهو أحد كبار الكتاب الصحفيين المصريين‬ ‫المعارضين للفتوى ‪ -‬طلب منه فيها أن يفتيه في موقف ابنته‬ ‫المتزوجة من أستاذ للنحت‪.‬‬

‫دعا النائب الهولندى المسيء لإلسالم جيرت فيلدرز إلى منع تداول القرآن‬ ‫الكريم وحظر النقاب والحد من هجرة المسلمين إلى بالده وإغالق جميع المدارس‬ ‫اإلسالمية‪.‬‬ ‫وذكرت إذاعة هولندا العالمية أن فيلدرز وصف الحجاب بـ"الخرقة البالية"‪ ،‬مضيفًا‬ ‫أنه ال يجب التعامل مع اإلسالم مثل التعامل مع باقى األديان األخرى ألنه من وجهة‬ ‫نظره ال يمثل دي ًنا ولكنه مجرد "إيديولوجيا شمولية ترتكز على الهيمنة والعنف‬ ‫والقمع" على حد كذبه وافترائه‪.‬‬ ‫ويقول فيلدرز إنه "ال وجود لشيء اسمه "اإلسالم المعتدل"‪.‬‬ ‫يذكر أن حزب "الحرية" بزعامة خيرت فيلدرز يشارك بشكل جدي في مفاوضات‬ ‫تشكيل الحكومة الهولندية‪ .‬وكانت المواقف المتطرفة‪ ،‬لهذا الحزب اليميني‬ ‫الشعبوي‪ ،‬جعلت كثيرين من الهولنديين يستبعدون حتى وقت قريب أن يكون‬ ‫فيلدرز طرفًا جديًا في الحكم‪.‬‬ ‫لكن حزب الحرية حقق فوزا ً كبيرا ً في انتخابات التاسع من يونيو حيث ارتفع عدد‬ ‫مقاعده من تسعة إلى ‪( 42‬من مجموع ‪ ،)051‬ليكون صاحب الفوز األكبر‪ ،‬وثالث‬ ‫أكبر حزب في البرلمان الهولندي‪.‬‬

‫هذا‪ ،‬ويعد الوقوف بوجه اإلسالم هو الموضوع األهم لدى حزب الحرية‪ ،‬وهو‬ ‫األكثر تفصيالً في برنامجه االنتخابي‪.‬‬ ‫"إسرائيل" تقاتل نياب ًة عنا في القدس‪:‬‬ ‫وأعلن فيلدرز الذى فاز حزبه بـ‪ 24‬مقعدًا فى االنتخابات التشريعية األخيرة‪ ،‬أن‬ ‫هولندا ستنسحب من االتحاد األوروبي في حالة دخول تركيا ضمن عضويته‪.‬‬ ‫وقال فيلدرز إن "إسرائيل" يجب أن يكون لها موقع خاص ومميز فى العالقات‬ ‫الهولندية الدولية ألنها تقاتل نيابة عنا في القدس‪ ،‬التي ما إذا سقطت في يد‬ ‫المسلمين سيأتي الدور على أثينا وروما‪ ،‬لذلك فإن "إسرائيل" هي الجبهة المركزية‬ ‫في الدفاع عن الغرب‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح‪" :‬إنه ليس صرا ًعا على األرض‪ ،‬بل هو صراع أيديولوجي‪ ،‬صراع بين‬ ‫عقالنية الغرب الحر‪ ،‬وبربرية اإليديولوجيا اإلسالمية"‪ ،‬على حد افترائه‪.‬‬ ‫ويقول حزب فيلدرز "إن هناك دولة فلسطينية مستقلة منذ عام ‪ ،6491‬وهي‬ ‫المملكة األردنية‪ ،‬على الحكومة الهولندية أن تستخدم اسم فلسطين بدلاً من‬ ‫األردن‪ ،‬ويجب نقل السفارة الهولندية في "إسرائيل" من بلدة "رامات غان" إلى‬ ‫القدس‪ ،‬عاصمة "إسرائيل"‪ ،‬على حد زعمه‪.‬‬

‫هولندا‪ :‬المتطرف "فيلدرز" يدعو لحظر القر�آن والنقاب!!‬


‫غل ال ي�ستبعد قطع العالقات مع‬ ‫ا�سرائيل‬

‫لم يستبعد الرئيس التركي عبد الله غل قطع عالقات بالده مع إسرائيل‪ ،‬وقال إن‬ ‫تركيا "لن تغفر" إلسرائيل هجومها منذ أسبوعين على أسطول الحرية الذي كان ينقل‬ ‫مساعدات إنسانية إلى قطاع غزة‪ ،‬والذي قتل فيه تسعة أتراك وأصيب العشرات من‬ ‫‪.‬بين مئات المتضامنين الذين كانوا على متنه‬ ‫وأضاف غل ‪-‬في مقابلة مع صحيفة لوموند الفرنسية‪ -‬أن الهجوم اإلسرائيلي "يستحيل‬ ‫نسيانه" إال إذا قامت إسرائيل بمبادرات تغير المعطيات الحالية‪ ،‬مؤكدا أن أولى هذه‬ ‫‪.‬المبادرات أن تعتذر إسرائيل وتقدم تعويضات للضحايا‬ ‫كما ذكر الرئيس التركي بالدعوة إلى لجنة تحقيق دولية في الهجوم اإلسرائيلي‪ ،‬وقال‬ ‫"األمين العام لألمم المتحدة دعا إلى لجنة تحقيق دولية تشارك فيها إسرائيل وتركيا‪،‬‬ ‫‪".‬ورحبنا بذلك واإلسرائيليون لم يجيبوا‬ ‫وأكد غل على ضرورة رفع الحصار الذي تفرضه إسرائيل على قطاع غزة منذ أكثر من‬ ‫ثالث سنوات‪ ،‬وجوابا على سؤال بشأن ما إن كان من الممكن أن تقطع تركيا عالقاتها‬ ‫مع إسرائيل؟ قال "كل شيء محتمل"‪ ،‬معتبرا أن الهجوم يبين أن "إسرائيل لم تدرك‬ ‫‪".‬قيمة الصداقة التركية‬

‫�شعر‬ ‫عربي‬


‫© ‪Issue 20, June 2010‬‬

‫‪Page 20‬‬

‫وذكر الرئيس التركي بتاريخ العالقات الدبلوماسية لبالده مع إسرائيل قائال "تركيا اعترفت‬ ‫بإسرائيل سنة ‪ 1949‬وأرسلت إليها سفيرا وعملت على نسج عالقات جيدة بين إسرائيل‬ ‫وجيرانها"‪ ،‬وأضاف "لقد عملت تركيا على أال تحس إسرائيل بأنها معزولة وبذلت جهودا‬ ‫‪".‬للتقريب بينها وبين سوريا‬ ‫واعتبر أن إسرائيل "لم تقدر كل هذا‪ ،‬وردت عليه بالهجوم على سفينة تركية على متنها مدنيون‬ ‫في المياه الدولية"‪ ،‬وقال إن مثل هذا الهجوم تقوم به عادة "منظمات إرهابية مثل حزب‬ ‫‪".‬العمال الكردستاني وتنظيم القاعدة‬ ‫وفي موضوع آخر دعا الرئيس التركي إلى إبقاء القنوات الدبلوماسية مفتوحة مع إيران التي‬ ‫فرض عليها مجلس األمن في األيام األخيرة عقوبات بسبب استمرارها في برنامجها النووي‪،‬‬ ‫‪.‬مؤكدا في الوقت نفسه معارضة بالده وجود أسلحة نووية في المنطقة‬ ‫وقال غل –الذي صوتت بالده في المجلس ضد العقوبات‪ -‬إن االتفاق الثالثي الذي وقعته تركيا‬ ‫والبرازيل مع إيران في ‪ 17‬مايو‪/‬أيار الماضي بشأن مبادلة اليورانيوم اإليراني بوقود نووي ما‬ ‫‪.‬يزال ساري المفعول بالنسبة ألنقرة‪ ،‬معتبرا أن هذا االتفاق أعطى دفعة للملف‬ ‫وذكر بأن الرئيس األميركي باراك أوباما نفسه قال بعد تصويت مجلس األمن على العقوبات‬ ‫‪.‬المفروضة على إيران إنه ما يزال هناك مجال للدبلوماسية مع طهران‬ ‫وأكد الرئيس التركي أن "سياسات الحصار ال تؤتي أكلها‪ ،‬والشعوب والبلدان المجاورة هي‬ ‫التي تتضرر منها‪ ،‬وقد رأينا ذلك مع العراق ونراه مع إيران"‪ ،‬وقال "عندما نتصور البديل للحل‬ ‫الدبلوماسي سيفهم الناس أن تركيا على حق" في رفضها فرض العقوبات على طهران‬

‫فليتك تحلُو والحيا ُة مرير ٌة *** َ‬ ‫ضاب‬ ‫وليتك َ‬ ‫ترضى واألنا ُم ِغ ُ‬

‫سماحة الرئيس التركي عبد الله غول‬ ‫أنشر إعالنك في جريدة الكريزنت تايمز وأنقذ الصحيفة من المشاكل المادية‬ ‫لتبقى منبرا مشعا في الجالية إعالما وتثقيفا وحرية راي!‬ ‫اتصل بنا االن و التحق بفرق متطوعينا وداعمينا‬ ‫جريدة الكريزنت تايمز مبنية مائة في المائة على جهود أهلية وتطوعية‬ ‫إننا ال نتلقى ماال من اية جهة حكومية او خاصة‬

‫خراب‬ ‫وليت الذي بيني وبي َنك عام ٌر *** وبيني وبي َن العالمي َن‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫صح َ‬ ‫فكل الذي َ‬ ‫فوق‬ ‫منك الو ُّد يا غاي َة الم َنى *** َّ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫اذا َّ‬ ‫التراب ُ‬ ‫تراب ‪‬‬


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