Crescenttimes Dec 2009

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Crescent Times wins! the Muslim media outlet of 2009!

E E FR Monthly - Independent

Issue N 14 December 2009

Muslim worshipper run down in a hate motivated crime p3 Full profiles of 2009 Australian Muslim Achievement Award Winners p 8,9,10


rin Rutherford reports: Zahrah HabibullahWilliams of Souk Collective, is working hard to bring unique spiritual art to the community. She has been to Oman, Morocco and beyond and these travels have been an ongoing source of inspiration. More recently based in Sydney, Zahrah has found sources of inspiration all around her. She was recently given the opportunity to be involved in an interfaith exhibition at St. Ignatius College Riverside alongside another Muslim artist, Peter Gould from Azaan. The exhibition, “Inspired Graphics” was a joint show of selected photography and calligraphy in the foyer of the O’Kelly Theatre at the College.”Storylines,” a Riverview arts initiative, sought to raise awareness of the stories of people from African, indigenous and Muslim backgrounds. The hijab exhibit titled “Feeling the Fabric” (see photo opposite) featured an installation of hijabs donated by colleagues along with written excepts of what hijab meant to them. Photo courtesy: Zahrah Habibullah-Williams

* How to burn Swiss chocolate

Opinions: * After all, I am a proper Zionist Jew


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Jeddah flood toll reaches 113 and 48 missing


audi civil Defense and Director of Disaster Management Brig. Muhammad Al-Qarni said that the official number of flood victims stood at 113 and the number of missing at 48 foolwoing the recent Hajj flooding in Jeddah. Al-Qarni said that the committees formed to find housing for the victims managed to provide shelter to 5,104 families comprising 19,950 people. He said that the committee also distributed aid to 5,341 families comprising 20,729 persons. The committee has also identified 6,488 properties and 5,812 damaged cars in the floods, he said. More than 1,300 cars have been pulled out of the muck. Many Saudi citizens participated in online discussions about the causes of this year’s Hajj season flood, with most criticism aimed at the royal family and local government corruption. Despite a population of more than 4 million, Jeddah still lacks a sewage system and waste water treatment facility. The rain that fell during Hajj had nowhere to go but to flood the streets and neighbourhoods, creating havoc and death in its path. The Saudi government’s reaction to the disaster in Jeddah followed the usual formula of denial then blame of the victims for failing to follow government orders. Instead of taking responsibility, Prince Khalid al-Faisal, the governor of the Mecca region, in which Jeddah lies, blamed “arbitrarily built” neighbourhoods rather than the absence of a sewage system. Saudi media, which is mostly owned and fully controlled by the ruling family, followed suit and pointed the finger at citizens who bought land and built houses in unplanned areas. Jeddah is infamous for land grabs by members of the ruling family - land that is then sold to citizens looking to build a home, without the required planning and infrastructure such as sewage, electricity, water and phone. King Abdullah has ordered the formation of an investigative committee, headed by the governor of Mecca himself. The committee will not hold any public hearings, or subject members of the “infallible” ruling family to its authority. “No one should blame lazy municipal workers or cheating contractors, or even senior government officials who work under the Al Saud. Simply, we must blame the boss, the big boss. That’s where the buck stops” said a Saudi man on one of on line forums.

A Little bird told me:

Is the Hilton hotel part of the Haram or the other way around?

A letter from a Hajj attendee: poor infrastructure, poor hygiene system, Americanising the sacred site of Kaabah!


lhamdulillah, we have been fortunate enough to have recently performed Hajj. Although the trip was exhausting and tiring, we feel humbled and eager to return again and again, and hope that we can, inshaAllah. The spiritual aspect of Hajj is not simple to describe in a few lines and it is not really the intent of this introduction. Although it has been some time since our return from Hajj, we are still in a state of disbelief to have witnessed the level of poverty in Al-Madina, Makkah and the surrounding areas. It was not easy to miss the slums, which are not very far from the Harams. Unfortunately, we were unable to witness any evidence of high-level, sophisticated infrastructure such as decent railway networks or an underground system. Although the distances between the sites for Hajj and between Makkah and Madina are relatively short, there is no efficient transportation system, or replacement of the railway that the forefathers of the rulers of Arabia and their allies destroyed a hundred years ago! Some would say that managing millions of pilgrims moving at certain times from one place to another is not an easy task. Indeed, it is a hugely complicated task, especially as the pilgrims come from a multitude of

cultures, habits and customs. However, pilgrims coming from any technically sophisticated countries would appreciate the above claim regarding the lack of infrastructure in Al-Hejaz. Hajj is not something new. The relevant people in charge have had plenty of time to put efficient systems in place to facilitate the smooth transition of pilgrims, and to allow them to have a healthier and safer Hajj, instead of subjecting them to excessive levels of diesel fumes, vulnerable to other hazards and inferior levels of hygiene. It is not easy to facilitate adequate restrooms/toilets for the large volume of people during the Hajj journey. This would be a big challenge. However, considering that cleanliness is a basic Islamic principle, and with the understanding that the oil price is all but controlled from this land (i.e. financial aspects should not be an issue), one would expect that pilgrims should enjoy clean and sufficient ablution and toilet facilities throughout Hajj. Of course, there are huge amount of money spent in maintaining Al-Haram Al-Nabawi and Al-Haram Al-Makki. However, one needs to remember that many wealthy Muslims are more than happy to totally maintain and provide for them. Many are already doing that. Also, one needs to acknowledge the huge financial income that is brought in

to Al-Hejaz during Hajj and Umrah. However, Al-Haram An-Nabawi in Al-Madina, is managed efficiently and is immaculately clean, unlike the disorganization of the facilities at AlHaram in Makkah. Our group stayed in the Hilton in Makkah. During the prayer time, one can switch to the in-house TV channel within the hotel, and join the prayer at Al-Haram lead by the Imam there, whilst still in the Hilton. This is strange! Has the Hilton become part of the Haram or has the Haram become part of the Hilton? It is a very strange feeling indeed! Why are the Hilton Towers built so close to Al-Haram Al-Makki? How can such prominent American enterprises be allowed to have front row seats at the Kaaba? This is absolutely ridiculous! However, the more outrageous is allowing the likes of Starbucks to have another front seat within another huge tower directly across from our holiest site. Have the people responsible decided that the courtyard surrounding the area of Al-Haram Al-Makki must be constrained to only a couple of hundred metres? Well, if the rulers are convinced that they are eligible to name some of the entrances of the Harams in both Makkah and Madina after their family names, then surely it seems that they feel that the Harams are their own personal property, and they are behaving accordingly. Or, have they finished naming all the entrances of Al-Harams with all the beautiful names of Allah (sobhana wa taala), and all the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him)? What amazing arrogance!



issue 14, December 2009




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rescent Times was established to support and serve the a year, email us at: Muslim community. The journey is long and the financial hardship of the start is hard to overcome despite the huge success of our editorial content and readership.To provide for the printing Phone: 0425 856 657 cost of the newspaper, and to deliver a free copy for you we need for more details. Your support in this way is most appreciated. your financial support. ADVERTISING: Donation details: Our advertising plan starts from as little as $30 per month! * Send cheque to “Crescent Times” P. O. Box: 628 Mirrabooka, Support Crescent Times and promote your business? Easy.. 6941 WA please email: * On line transfer to Crescent Times bank account: BSB: 016498 A/N: 481145891 to get a copy of our media kit, or ask for a quote!

Your support is essential in our journey to establish authentic Australian Islamic media


Editorial: The events reported above have been confirmed to Crescent Times by contact with the writer and by review of the witness statements provided to Redfern Police Station in regard to this matter. The matter remains under police investigation as a case of grievous bodily harm.

Melbourne: commit to multiculturalism before and after PWR Crescent Times, Victorian Bureau

More than thirty religious leaders representing Victoria’s major faith groups have met with the state’s Premier John Brumby and representatives of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, to affirm their support for multiculturalism and harmony between different religions in Australia’s second most populated state. Following the meeting on the 18th November, the group issued a joint statement acknowledging the Parliament – an interfaith, international gathering taking place in Melbourne between December 3rd to the 9th – and committing itself to continued discussion on multifaith and multicultural issues. The statement referred to Victoria as a place where everyone was encouraged to speak their minds, practice their faith and celebrate their heritage without vilification, violence or persecution. It made mention of the Black Saturday bushfires, with religious leaders saying they remained united in “profound sorrow at the terrible destruction of life and property that occurred in our state during the bushfires of February 7th 2009.” Muslim communities in the state were represented by the Board of Imams, the Islamic Council of Victoria and the Islamic Women’s Welfare Council of Victoria. Premier Brumby said religious leaders were involved in important work that encouraged understanding between different communities in Victoria, which he called one of the world’s “most harmonious societies”. “We owe this legacy in large part to the commitment within cultural and faith communities to reach out to each other, in pursuit of understanding and acceptance,” he said. He said the state government’s support for multifaith activities promoted social cohesion. The Victorian minister assisting the Premier on Multicultural Affairs, James Merlino, said the state government had spent more than six million dollars since 2006 promoting cooperation and harmony, between different religious and ethnic groups. Up to eight thousand interstate and international visitors are expected to be in Melbourne for the Parliament of the World’s Religions.

Self styled Iranian born Muslim cleric Sheik Haron (also known as Man Monis) was arrested at his home in Croydon Park in October 2009 and charged with sending hate mail to seven families of Australian soldiers who had been killed in Afghanistan. Jamal Daoud reports on his impressions of Sheik Haron following a recent meeting.


es, I met Sheikh Haron at last. I thought, as many of us did, that he is a mythical character that did not exist in real life. Did not “our” spokesperson tell us that he does not exist? We should usually listen to our spokesperson at the end of the day! And I discovered that he is an ordinary clever person. His entire problem with our government and media is that he opposes injustices in this world. The same as many of us. He opposed the war on Iraq and Afghanistan. Did not two thirds of Australians oppose these wars? So what was his story? He now believes that both the government and the media outlets are regretting the day they sent the Federal police to arrest him. Before his arrest, he was an unknown figure. They could manufacture a lot of stories and myths around him. They could accuse him of all sorts of things. If a politician receives strange letter from an unknown source, they could blame the mystery Haron. If someone went missing from a car park, it could be that Sheikh Haron did this. The government, media and security agencies enjoyed the fact that he could not speak, deny claims, dismiss accusations or tell a different story.

Page 3 Email:


n Friday, November 20, 2009 after the midday prayer, people were coming out from Zetland Mosque in Sydney, Australia. Then two men with their bull bar fitted utility arrived at the scene. They went on to insult worshipers with obscene language and they also vandalised parked cars nearby. It was also reported that the attackers spat on worshippers. Then these attackers carried out a physical attack.They punched and kicked one person, and dragged his unconscious body for about 50 meters. Then the attackers placed the unconscious victim on the road and ran him over with their utility. The victim is now in a coma at the St. Vincent Hospital, Darlinghurst. Horrified witnesses immediately rang the ambulance and notified 000 operators. Finally, a fire truck appeared before the ambulance; the ambulance arrived after half an hour. Police also attended the scene. However, initially the police priority was to disperse the crowd. They were aggressive with the worshippers present and one police officer pushed a witness of the attack against the wall.

Since the incident was first publicised in an on line blog and following my reports to the Newtown and Redfern Police Stations, one witness has been asked to attend Redfern Police Station to make a statement. Australian media outlets have thus far been silent about this incident. Inquiry was made to several media outlets regarding this matter and their response was, “it is an old story and we are not interested”. When the question was put to them, “are you familiar with the story”? these responses were negative too. A witness reported the matter to police and followed the alleged offenders and their vehicle from Zetland to Surry Hills. NSW Police apprehended them on the spot and according to police they are being questioned.

Jamal Daoud*

They portrayed him as an unstable, angry, violent man. Suddenly, they discovered that he is all but opposite to this. I was surprised. And I told him why I was surprised. I, too, swallowed their propaganda about him. He told everyone on this country that he is just against the war. So what. I was and still against the war, both in Iraq and Afghanistan. And he sent a few letters using clear clean respectful words. He stated in plain language that the government is responsible for all losses on all sides. And that is my claim too. The government was happy. They thought that they had a new excuse to lead a campaign against the Muslim community in the lead up to the next election. They thought that they could portray the Muslim community as people who do not belong to this great nation. But they made the biggest mistake. Now they uncover his real identity. Now he can talk. And he has shocked them by his informed balanced responsible logic. This is the main reason why the crusade against the community faded very quickly and swiftly. What made us laugh is how the Muslim “spokesperson” had discovered that he is a mythical character that does not exist in real life. And the funnier question of when this spokesperson was elected to represent a community of 360,000 members! * Jamal is a Sydney based writer and activist.

Aussie Muslims featured in new downloadable book

Crescent Times, Victoria

The federal Department of Immigration and Citizenship has launched a new publication about Australia’s 340,000-strong Muslim community. Called The Australian Journey – Muslim Communities, the book was launched by the Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services, Laurie Ferguson, in November, at Punchbowl Boys’ High School in Sydney. Mr Ferguson said the book was a way for the federal government to recognise the contributions of Australian Muslim communities. ‘This is a showcase of the diversity of Australia’s Muslim population, and the contributions that many have made to our nation,’ Mr Ferguson said. In addition to a history of the Muslim community, forty three Australian Muslims are portrayed in the book, using personal stories and photographs. The Muslim individuals featured come from a wide range of backgrounds and occupations ranging from local government, the arts, business, medicine, police and emergency services, education, defence, sport, the media, fashion and food. Some, like Australian Rules Footballer Bachar Houli and the late businessman John Ilhan, will be familiar to Australian readers. Others are less well known, but portrayed in the publication as ordinary Australians working and contributing to their society. Mr Ferguson said the publication would allow young Australians to identify with the Australian Muslims featured as positive role models. “It proves to every child that you can aspire to any occupation, in any field, and be a valued Australian citizen,” he said.

Mr Ferguson also said the book showed the diversity of Australian Islam, with depictions of different ethnic backgrounds and religious belief and practices. “In Queensland, musician Asim Gorashi combines traditional Sudanese music with contemporary jazz and Middle Eastern influences,” he said. “In Sydney, Jihad Dib, the principal of Punchbowl Boys’ High School works tirelessly to educate young Australians, while Victoria Police officers Mouhammed Abdou, Mahar Sukkar and Sahin Sahinkaya and ACT Ambulance paramedic John Killeen play an important part in Australia’s emergency response.” The Australian Journey – Muslim Communities is available on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship’s website.

issue 14, December 2009

Faruque Ahmed

The myth of Sheikh Haron

Sydney: Muslim Worshipper Attacked Outside Mosque

Page 4 Email: issue 14, December 2009

Melbourne: Parliament of World’s Religions 2009: overview

Fatima Danoue Crescent Times, Victoria


he Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre has hosted the 2009 Parliament of the World’s Religions, an event which convenes every five years, featuring more than 1300 world-class speakers, artists and performers from Australia and around the world. The modern Parliament of World Religions began in 1993 in Chicago on the centenary of the original event, in 1893. In 1999 it took place in Cape Town, South Africa, and in 2004 in Barcelona, Spain. The Parliament is the largest and most diverse multi-faith gathering of religious and spiritual communities in the world and is held to celebrate the world’s diverse spiritual traditions, faiths and beliefs. Melbourne’s Parliament has drawn together more than 650 programs under the theme Make a World of Difference: Hearing each other, Healing the earth. At the Parliament, which opened on Thursday the 3rd of December, delegates discussed issues such as climate change, indigenous rights, and the West’s relationship with Islam. Participants will take part in over 500 events including keynote addresses, seminars, conferences, dialogues, performances, concerts and exhibitions. Parliament chairman William Lesher said the world faced daunting problems, but the solution was spiritual. He referred to the parliament as a tidal wave of compassion sweeping the world. ‘’We are becoming an inter-religious community. Martin Luther King Jnr and others envisaged a gathering like this, where people gather to build a new, just, peaceful, sustainable world,’’ Dr Lesher said. The director of the conference, Dirk Ficca, a Presbyterian minister from the United States, says it is particularly important that the voices of moderate Muslims are heard. “There are going to be 40 programs on Islam and the West,” he said. “Talk about a tradition that is misunderstood, talk about a tradition that is maligned, talk about a tradition where one percent of the tradition has given the entire community a bad name, it is Islam. And so we want to give reputable Islamic scholars and leaders the chance first of all to share what they believe Islam is all about.” Major Muslim speakers of the Parliament are many and include Dr Sakena Yacoobi, the Afghan woman who founded 80 underground schools for girls in 1995. She entered Afghanistan secretly with $20,000 of her own money, and opened the schools to educate 3000 girls. She is also one of the four key speakers at the parliament’s opening at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre. Dr Tariq Ramadan, a Swiss professor of contemporary Islamic studies at Oxford University and grandson of Hassan Al-Banna, who in 1928 founded the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, is also one of the key Muslim figures at this year’s parliament along with Former Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Anwar Ibrahim. Almost 6000 people have registered for the event, featuring 800 speakers, and almost 700 conferences, seminars, panels and entertainment sessions.

Community Events

Australia Wide Community Events: NSW

DAAR AISHA OPEN DAY Date: Sunday 20 December 2009 Time: 10:00 am - 2:00pm Location: 74-76 Haldon St. Lakemba (next door to the Commonwealth bank ) You are invited to the Daar Aisha Shariah College Open Day. Sunday 20th December, 2009, 10am-2pm. Meet the teachers, talk to the students, find out all info regarding Daar Aisha courses. Women Only please. DAAR AISHA SUMMER INTENSIVE FOR MEN: THE REMINDER Date: starts on Tuesday 29 December 2009, runs twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday Time: 6:30 to 8:30pm on both nights Location: 74-76 Haldon St. Lakemba (next door to the Commonwealth bank ) The reminder: stages of the afterlife. A summer intensive. Men Only. Registration Essential. 9759 6222 ~ 0432 718 777 ~ info@ ARABIC LANGUAGE PROGRAM 2010 Date: Orientation Day: Wednesday 27th January, 2010 Course Commencement: 31st January, 2010, duration 14 months. Time: Sundays 10.00am - 12.00pm, Wednesdays 7.30pm - 9.30pm Location: Al-Ghazzali Centre Academy, 1021A Canterbury Road, (Cnr. Willeroo Street), Lakemba. Entry via Willeroo Street Part of al-Ghazzali Centre’s Faculty of Linguistic Sciences Programs, this program is a foundational course to develop students who have reading and writing ability in Arabic but little or no comprehension and speaking ability. Some individuals interested in Arabic language may have some basic learning, and some may have none, but this course is designed in a streamlined manner to benefit both levels of “beginner” and “intermediate” students. The objectives of this course are: * To learn to understand and speak Classical Arabic; * To be able to read and generally understand Traditional Texts of Islamic Sciences; * To be ready to undertake advanced level Arabic Language programs upon completion. Cost: $1800 per person (equates to $30 per week) Enquiries: Tel: (02) 9708 1539 | Registration is essential VIC THE HISTORY OF ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE Date: 19th December, 2009 Time: 9:30 am - Registration completion. 10am - 6pm Program Location: Islamic Council of Victoria, Level 2, 66-68 Jeffcott St, West Melbourne Cost: $30 per person This full-day seminar will cover - The historical development of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh)

- Nature of Evidence in Islamic Legal Theory (Usool ul-Fiqh) - What is Madhab & Why it is important - Real Examples of how Islamic Fiqh works - Provide ample time for questions and answers All notes wil be provided. Lunch will be provided Enquiries: Tel: 0403 779 829, 0433 232 014 Email: The Presenter: Imam Afroz Ali Imam Afroz Ali is the Founder and President of Al-Ghazzali Centre for Islamic Sciences & Human Development, headquartered in Sydney, Australia. He is a qualified Imam in the Islamic Tradition, having studied under Traditional Islam and received licence to teach in various Islamic Sciences. His studies have taken him from university-based Islamic University- Madina, Saudi Arabia then moving towards Traditional Scholarship in Yemen, United States and Mauritania, where he has spent considerable time to learn from the most esteemed Rightly Guided Islamic Scholars of our time. He has also travelled to Cairo, Egypt for further studies in Islamic Jurisprudence with Scholars at al-Azhar University and is on the Board of Advisors at Markaz Aleem in Cairo, Egypt. SA INTERNATIONAL DEEN INTENSIVE RETREAT Date: Friday 2nd April - Tuesday 6th April 2010. Location: Conference Centre, Victor Harbour, SA Cost: $350 per person It is with great excitement that ‘Ayn Academy in collaboration with Al-Ghazzali Centre would like to announce the “Seeking the Sacred - INTERNATIONAL DEEN INTENSIVE RETREAT”, to be held in April 2010. We are very honored to be hosting 3 esteemed teachers for this Deen Intensive: Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, Imam Afroz Ali, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani The 4 day Deen Intensive will feature a study of the Classical Texts: Book of Knowledge from Ihya Ulum ad-Din (Imam alGhazali) - commentary by Shaykh Yahya Rhodus Roadmap for the Seeker of Guidance: reflections on the Book of Knowledge - instruction by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Treatise for the Seekers of Guidance (Imam Al Muhasibi) - commentary by Imam Afroz Ali. The Deen Intensive Retreat will be a very meaningful 4 days, with the opportunity to study sacred knowledge from international scholars in a peaceful environment perfect for reflection, with the chance to meet brothers and sisters from around Australia and New Zealand. We are anticipating a large turnout for this program from both within Australia and internationally. Please register your place via: /?chronoformname=SeekingTheSacred

Australian Abyssinian Award 2009: Leader Newspaper (VIC) T

he Victorian state government last year (2008) initiated a new program to address perceived problems in the media coverage of Australian Muslims. As part of this program, freelance journalists or final year journalism students of Muslim background or who had familiarity with Muslim culture were encouraged to apply for internships – temporary paid placements at media organisations who volunteered to host the interns. Leader Community News was one such organisation. The company is part of News Limited and operates 33 local papers in the Melbourne metro region. The two 2008 interns hosted at Leader

were given practical and valuable experience, and contributed to the success of the program. • Shayma Al Shaksir, a journalism student from Victoria University, scored a front page scoop, working with the guidance of a more senior journalist at the Wyndham Leader on a story about a Muslim teaching student denied a work placement at a Christian college. Her story was picked up by the Melbourne metropolitan newspapers and won an highly commended, at the Australian Council of the Deans of Education awards. • Saeed Saeed, a freelance journalist, was the first reporter on the

scene at the town of Kinglake, devastated by the Black Saturday bushfires. He has since scored ongoing part time work as a journalist with the Moreland Leader. Leader Newspapers has again offered to host successful applicants this year and two further interns are in the process of being offered placements at the organisation’s local newspapers. Leader Newspaper is giving young Muslim journalism students valuable experience and a chance to make a difference in the media. For more information about Leader Newspapers see

Auburn, NSW:

Dawah Central: new mosque proposal Help us to build a mosque in the Auburn/ Regents Park Area (Sydney, AUSTRALIA). This is COUNCIL APPROVED for a mosque on a 3,882 Square Meter Costing AU $1.8 million dollars for the land alone. Land Settlement is on the 23rd December 2009 WE NEED YOUR HELP! The Prophet (SAW) said: Whoever builds a Masjid, Allah will build a house for him/her in Paradise. You may Purchase 1 Sqm for only $450.00 or donate to: Bank: Commonwealth Bank, Account Name: IDCA BSB: 062107 Account Number: 10437587 For more info please contact IDCA on: (02) 9738 7700 or / www.

NSW: The Rahma Islamic Association New Mosque:

The Rahma Islamic Association is a nonprofit organisation established by young Australian born Muslims, which works for the good cause of Muslim community in the area of western Sydney. The Prophet (SAW) said that who builds a house of Allah in this world, and then Allah (SWT) will build a house for him/her in

* Eugenia she is a writer based in Adelaide, SA. She is a regular writer with Crescent Times.

Perth: Al Hidayah Islamic School Position vacant: Accounts Administration Officer

The Al-Hidayah Islamic School has been operating in Bentley since 1994 and has consistently provided the Muslim community of Perth with Islamic Studies and WA Government Curriculum Studies to a very high standard. For its Support Group, the School is seeking the services of a responsible person able to take up the fulltime duties of Jannah The Rahma Association has recently purchased a house at 3 Railway Street, Old Guildford and intends to utilize it into a Mosque\Community Centre. Our vision is to establish a mosque and Islamic school to serve our community Insha Allah. We need your help to assist us in fulfilling this dream and establish this much needed institution that will educate the future generations. Other than your dua there are a few main ways you can help: 1. Buy a square meter: A $350 deposit will buy you one square meter of the land. 2. Direct deposit donation: Any amount you are able to directly deposited into the following account: Commonwealth Bank: Guildford BSB: 06 2176 Account Number: 10242792 3. Spread the news of this project to the people you know. Contacts: Sheikh Azzam Mesto:0405 699 623 Hajj Youssef Elrich : 0404 925 093 Hajj Shady Elriche: 0406 279 999

If you don’t already own a Kaftan, it’s time to buy one. Especially during summer time, they are an essential item of clothing to wear, as they are made of lightweight fabric, and can be teamed up with pants or skirts. Being very comfortable and available in a range of sizes, colours and styles, it’s a definite musthave garment. Although Kaftans have been around for quite a long time, originating from the Middle East, the West began to wear them in the 20th century. However, the past couple of seasons have seen the Caftan in the West, also spelt more recently as Kaftan, become a fashion item. Although there is a Hadith recorded by Imam Abu Dawud (Allah have Mercy on him) and others that states the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “Whosoever imitates a nation is amongst them.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, no. 4031) It should be remembered here that not everything that the non-Muslims wear and do, is Haram and unlawful. Imitation, which is prohibited, is effected in two ways: a) One wears a particular type of clothing with the intention of imitating the Kuffar, meaning, one wears something because one wants to be like a particular non-believer or non-believers. b) Wearing any clothing which is unique and exclusive to the non-believers and/or Accounts Administration Officer commencing Monday the 4th of January 2010. Applications are invited from persons who hold a current driving license, permanently reside in Perth, Western Australia and who can demonstrate a high degree of computer literacy/competency. Previous office administrative/administration experience is required. Experience in QuickBooks accounting software would be advantageous. Prospective candidates should be aware that it is the basis of the School’s operation that: The Islamic nature of the School must take precedence over all other considerations.

If you believe you have the necessary capabilities and can commit yourself on a long term basis to a highly professional organisation that is contributing positively to the advancement of our community, please forward your resume by mail to: The Administrator Al-Hidayah Islamic School PO Box 761 Victoria Park WA 6979 Or by email to: Applications close Wednesday the 16th of December 2009Schoolwebsite: www.


Looking back over the year that has been 2009, I think we have all seen our fair share of ups and downs. For me, the ride of highs and lows is increasingly evident and hard-hitting within Indigenous Affairs. In February we had the one-year anniversary of the apology to the Stolen Generations – surely a good thing. More recently, however, we have seen the Federal Government’s refusal to re-instate the Racial Discrimination Act. Not widely advertised, the Howard Government suspended the Racial Discrimination Act as part of the Northern Territory Intervention (what I and others like to call an Invasion). In turn, the Government has been able to discriminate against Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory. This continues to today. At the time of Invasion, there were a small number of Muslims who felt that the measures were good for Aboriginal people – making a statement on the morals and integrity of Islam, by wanting to see a ban on alcohol and pornography. Mostly, however, the majority of Muslims were completely apathetic to the plight of Indigenous Australians now having to live under these highly racist and extreme conditions – conditions that non-Aboriginal Australians do NOT have to live under. I find that this

even more of a statement on the integrity and ethics of Muslims. For me this is a great travesty. Not just because, as I have often said, Muslims should be on the side of justice in this country and contribute to freedom for its First Peoples, but purely and simply because no matter the side benefits, suspending the Racial Discrimination Act – so the Government can legally be racist – is morally and ethically wrong. We all live by morals and ethics and integrity in this world – as Muslims we are held to the highest standards and answerable to the only real Judge, Allah. However, I believe that as Muslims we must think about our morals and integrity in wider terms than those that affect our individual behaviour. As the end of the year approaches, I ask us all to take a look back over the year that was 2009 and think about the year ahead. Let us ask ourselves, in 2010: What can our contribution be to Australia? What morals, ethics and integrity will we demonstrate to the world? What kind of dawah will our actions give? Something to muse on as we end another year in this dunya...

Ebtisam El-Najjarine*

part of their religion, will be considered imitation, thus unlawful. (For more info about this, see the Fatwa of Shaykh Mufti Taqi Usmani in Taqrir Tirmidhi) So what does this mean for us? Well for starters, it has opened the doors for a much loved item to be available in a greater range of styles from previously available. They range from short sleeved ones, where you would have to wear an under layer, to mid knee-length styles, to all the way down to 7/8 length. From buttons, to v-necklines and every colour under the sun, there is a Kaftan to suit any sister’s likes. There is a price to suit anyone, made mostly from silk, chiffon or cotton, they normally range in price from as low as $15.00 to designer Kaftans which are hand embroided silk fabrics costing up to $20,000.000. While some may prefer to purchase a car with that type of money, I can point out that most Islamic clothing stores do sell them for no more than $100. With the summer season disappearing rapidly, we may not see Kaftans available in most stores for long, but the possibilities for Muslims are endless. They are widely available and without a doubt, will be around for quite a while to come. *Ebtisam El-Najjarine, created Sissta Designs, in 2005 to suit the needs of Muslim women and import quality designed clothing that would suit the needs of men, women and children. Her website: www.

Eugenia Flynn

Islamic Fashion Space: Creative Kaftans


•The Federal Government’s $1200 Insulation rebate is here now •This gives you up to 120sqm of insulation completely free •We use thick fibreglass insulation rated at 3.5 •We will remove and dispose of your old batts too for only $200

Call Ali on 0404 174 492 for a measure and quote Don’t miss out

To place your advert in Crescent Times, please email:

issue 14, December 2009

Native Matters

Leading by Example – Muslims at the forefront of morality, ethics and integrity?

Page 5


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Muslim community needs directly elected leaders!


ver the last few months we have heard a number of complaints from members of the Muslim community about the performance of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, AFIC. Most of the complaints have focused on the autocratic way this organisation is run on a day to day basis. Many of us are survivors of dictatorship in our homelands. We are not prepared to countenance further exampples of such totalitarianism in our new home down under. Others are simply appalled by the management style favoured by those running OUR Islamic organisations. The locally born and bred Muslims simply distrust such leaders, when they see the contrast between how secular or non Muslim organisations act, and how the leader(s) of AFIC in particular act. The case of Imam Abdul Jalil Ahmed, from Rivervale Mosque, WA (one of the pioneers of the Islamic council of WA, ICWA) is a case in point, alerting us to the real need for change at the top. Over the years, Imam Ahmed has served thousands of Western Australian Muslims, officiating at marriage ceremonies since 1986. Without notice, he received a letter from the Attorney General’s Office in Perth telling him that he was no longer recognised as a marriage celebrant for the tiny WA muslim community! The letter stated that this action had to be taken as he was no longer recognised by AFIC as a person qualified to perform marriages - this coming despite his long standing membership with AFIC through the local branch “ICWA”and with no warning or consultation with him. Basically AFIC had decided to take his name off the list of recognised Muslim amrriage celebrants without any cause. The letter from the Attorney General’s department thanks him for his many years of service to the community as a marriage celebrant. There has never been any question about his fitness or capacity to perform the role of marriage celebrant in accordance with Australian or Islamic law - so why was he arbitrarily “struck off ”??? Friends and colleagues of Imam Abdul have concluded that the decision was taken by AFIC’s leader as payback for Imam Abdul’s role in recent elections. As Australian Muslims we deserve better practices, transparent leadership and a Shouraa (Democratic) attitude and system in our daily politics and social wellbeing. The best way to resolve these leadership problems is to reform AFIC itself, to have the president elected directly instead of behind the scenes. If that does not happen, none of the Muslim community will feel represented by or in AFIC.

Malaysia: Anwar Ibrahim facing trial ‘Conspiracy’ He has denied the charge which he says is part of a political conspiracy against him by the government aimed at undermining his three-party opposition alliance. The alliance made massive gains in the March 2008 general elections against the ruling coalition which has ruled Malaysia uninterrupted since it won independence more than half a century ago. Appealing to the high

issue 14, December 2009


nwar Ibrahim, the Malaysian opposition leader, will stand trial on charges of sodomy early next year after his efforts to have the case thrown out were rejected by a top court. The high court in Kuala Lumpur rejected the request on Tuesday, setting a date of January 25 for the trial to begin, Anwar’s lawyers said. “I didn’t expect anything different,” Anwar, 62, told reporters after the ruling by Justice Mohamad Zabidin Diah. “The manner in which the case is proceeding seems worrying. I think we are in for a tough battle but we have compelling arguments. We have facts.” Anwar, a former deputy prime minister, was charged in August last year with allegedly sodomising a 24-year-old male former aide. He faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted of sodomy, a crime in Muslim-majority Malaysia.

East - West Tarek Chamkhi Another inquisition?


’m really concerned! Scared from another inquisition in Europe and the West in general - including in Australia! Come on! Take it easy mate! We are safe and living in democratic developed countries, which are much safer than any Muslim country on the earth! Is it that what you would like to say back? The civilisation tension between the Muslims and the European Christians has never stopped since the conquering of Spain on the seventh century, by Tarek Ibn Ziad. During 13 centuries of tension and pay back, the intolerance and extremism from both sides has never stopped. Stupidly, many believe that Islam is the cause of all crusade wars, terrorism, war crimes and so on. But the historic facts, regarding political violence, terrorism war crimes, inquisitions, torture reveal that these events under the name of the Crescent were much less than those committed under the name of the cross! What the majority of Swiss people chose two weeks ago, to ban minarets, is just another warning sign that the West could just suddenly go back to the dark ages without notice. I would pray that such a thing will never happen, and that all parts

court to reject the case, Anwar’s lawyers argued that medical tests conducted on the aide after the alleged sodomy were inconclusive. As a result, they had argued, trying him for sodomy would be tantamount to abusing the justice system. However the judge rejected the argument, saying the prosecution may have other witnesses or evidence to prove its case. He also rejected the argument that the case was a “malicious prosecution”. Anwar’s lawyers have said they will take their case to Malaysia’s court of appeal. The case is the second time that Anwar has been accused of sodomy. He spent six years in prison between 1998 and 2004 after being convicted of corruption and of sodomising his former family driver. Anwar insisted he had been framed and was freed when Malaysia’s top court overturned the sodomy conviction.

will have enough wisdom to live together in the same planet without cutting off each other’s heads. Switzerland was well known by its unbiased foreign policy, smooth democracy and deep religious and ethnic tolerance. From now on, I urge myself and any of you to review such a stereotype, and watch out from where you may get the bite! After the 9/11 attacks in the USA, most human rights organisations noticed that civil liberties were significantly set back. Many American Muslims feel unsafe - anyone who catches the plane interstate or overseas, student or professional feels under constant surveillance - some Islamic leaders there even have to put up with surveillance cameras in their bedrooms! CAIR the biggest Islamic organisation in the USA and the best active civil liberties fighter in the entire Western world, has recorded thousands of accidents of hate, ethnic crimes and discrimination against Muslims or anyone who seems like a Muslim. Many Sikhs have also been victims as hate mongers mistake their turbans as signs of Islam and target them. The wheel of civilisation goes forwards then backwards every few generations! For the case of Western modern civilisation, it is not a myth that we could be dragged back to Medieval times, at least regarding human rights and civil liberties. Just this week, it was reported that at least another four European countries are thinking about banning minarets! Such refreshing news! Editor in chief

Somalia: Foreign Fighters Joining Al-Shabaab A

s the Horn of Africa country sinks deeper in a deadly cycle of violence, the African Union mission in Somali believes that more foreign fighters are joining Al-Shabaab militant group to oust the Somali government of Sheikh Sharif. “The presence of foreign fighters in Somalia is very true,” Wafula Wamunyinyi, the African Union representative for Somali, told in an exclusive interview. “Al-Shabaab has recruited many foreign fighters to help them over throw the transitional UN-backed Somali government.” Intelligence sources said that foreigners make up the bulk of AlShabaab leadership. A list released by intelligence sources named a number of

foreigners aiding the Somali militant group. The list includes Pakistani national Abu Musa Mombasa as Al-Shabaab’s head for security and training operations. Estimates put the number of foreign fighters in Somalia at between 1200 to 1500. “Those who say our Muslim brothers are foreigners are wrong. They came here to assist their brothers in Somalia,” AlShabaab official Sheikh Ali Hussein Fidow told a press conference in Mogadishu. Somalia has lacked an effective government since the ouster of former president Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991.More than 14 attempts to restore a functional government have since failed. Islam on line

Impacts fall disproportionately on the poor, those who do not have the means to deal with them. Impacts highlighted by the IPCC include: _ By 2020, in some African countries, yields from rain-fed agriculture (the dominant method) could be reduced by up to 50%; _ Approximately 20-30% of plant and animal species are likely to be at increased risk of extinction if increases in global average temperature exceed 1.5-2.5°C; _ Widespread melting of glaciers and snow cover will reduce melt water from major mountain ranges (e.g. Hindu Kush, Himalaya, Andes), where more than one billion people currently live; _ More than 20 million people were displaced by sudden climate-related disasters in 2008 alone. An estimated 200 million people could be displaced as a result of climate impacts by 2050. Likewise, costs for the planning of additional mitigation actions are borne by developing countries. Kick-starting the action initiated in Copenhagen requires start-up funding in the order of USD 10 billion per annum 2010-2012. Such funds need to be rapidly available to developing countries. 4. An effective institutional framework with governance structures that address the needs of developing countries Copenhagen needs to deliver on an efficient mix of financial instruments with effective means for disbursement and for measurement, reporting and verification. Much of the currently available funding has not reached developing countries in a way that is regarded as efficient or beneficial. It is critical that the funds that are agreed as part of the Copenhagen outcome have governance principles that are founded on equity, respecting the interests and needs of developing countries, and that includes them as equal decision-making partners. Furthermore, the agreed outcome needs an institutional arrangement that optimizes the allocation of funds and provides for a transparent system to monitor, report and verify actions and support. There is also a need to strengthen existing institutions, while at the same time explore proposals for the creation of new institutions. The United Nations stands ready to assist countries in implementing a Copenhagen agreed outcome in a practical way. Source: official website of the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen


espite being a world champion who earned several titles for his country, British Muslim boxer Amir Khan is still haunted by racism because of his skin colour. “I can only say that sometimes skin colour does make a difference,” the 22-year-old WBA light-welterweight champion told reporters on Saturday, December 5. “I know for a fact if I were a white English fighter maybe I would have been a superstar in Britain, and the world.” The Bolton-born boxer said he was the target of racists since his first professional defeat to Breidis Prescott, of Colombia, in September last year. “Straight after the Prescott fight, when people said, ‘He’s finished’, there were racial remarks made,” Khan said. “If you go on the message boards and chat forums there are always people who have to get the religious thing in.

ow can Copenhagen unleash protection for those who will suffer most from the adverse impacts of climate change? Climate change is becoming a major threat to efforts to promote sustainable economic and social development and to reduce poverty. Impacts are already showing and are very likely to increase as climate change takes hold. Consequently, it is absolutely essential that adaptation be accorded the same level of priority and support as mitigation. Adaptation thus needs to be one of the cornerstones of strengthened global cooperation on climate change. Impacts fall disproportionately on the poor, those who do not have the means to deal with them. Countries recognize that a strong adaptation framework is required, which addresses the needs of developing countries for scaled up financial support, technology and capacity-building. Increased investment in adaptive capacity, such as strengthening the ability of countries to reduce disaster risk, will safeguard economic progress already made, on the way to achieving overall development goals. What are the 4 political essentials for a Copenhagen deal? A successful Copenhagen deal needs to map out how further global cooperation can be catalyzed by agreement on a number of political essentials. 1. Ambitious emission reduction targets for developed countries Developed countries have accepted to continue taking the lead in reducing GHG emissions. Doing so requires agreement on an ambitious mid-term target for the group of developed countries as a whole, with each one of them making an effort of comparable scale in line with their historical responsibility and current capabilities. To date, most developed countries have announced their mid-term target for emission reductions for 2020. However, despite the fact that key developed country forums such as the G8 have recognized a 2° C limit, pledges for mid-term targets by industrialized countries fall short of the IPCC range (25% to 40% below 1990 levels by 2020.) Negotiations could raise the current level of ambition to get to a reduction level in line with the imperatives of science by focusing on international mechanisms and cooperation. 2. Nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing countries The biggest contribution to the global emission increase over the next decades is projected to come from developing countries, though their average per capita CO2 emissions will remain substantially lower than those in developed country regions. In 2007 at Bali, developing countries indicated their willingness to undertake additional nationally appropriate mitigation actions, provided that they receive support for such actions. A major concern of developing countries is that mitigation actions could distract resources away from their overriding priorities, which are poverty eradication and economic growth. The Copenhagen deal could build on domestic mitigation actions underway or planned in developing countries, and identify how they can be enhanced with international support. 3. Scaling up financial and technological support for both adaptation and mitigation Adequate financial, technological and capacitybuilding support is the engine for advancing international cooperation on climate change as well as national action. An essential part of a comprehensive deal at Copenhagen is identifying how to generate new, additional and predictable financial resources and technology. Resources needed for both adaptation and mitigation have been estimated to total around USD 250 billion per annum in 2020. Start-up funding is essential: The financial challenge is unique and particularly stark when it comes to current finance. At the moment, adaptation costs are primarily borne by the affected countries, including poor vulnerable communities which have no responsibility for emissions. November 2009 page 3 of 4 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

But the racist slurs never discouraged the Muslim boxer. “I’m proud to be British and it’s a very small minority [that mention race], but it does hurt you and it pushes you all the way,” Khan said. Khan, of Pakistani origins, became the WBA World light-welterweight champion on 18 July 2009, becoming Britain’s third-youngest world champion after Naseem Hamed and Herbie Hide Britain’s ethnic minorities are racked by the pain of racism with an estimated 87,000 members of ethnic minorities being a victim of racially motivated crimes. Figures also show that ethnic minorities have the worst unemployment and housing crises in the country. Some 70 percent of all ethnic minorities live in the 88 most deprived areas, compared to 40 percent of the general population. ISLAM ONLINE

Syria blames blast on tyre blowout


yria’s interior minister has said an explosion which killed at least three people and injured many more was caused by a tyre blowout and not a terrorist attack. Said Mohammad Sammour told state-run Syrian TV on Thursday that a bus driver and two petrol station workers were killed in the “accidental” explosion in the Sayeda Zainab district in Damascus. “It is not a terrorist act at all,” Sammour told journalists at the scene of the explosion, a petrol station, where the mangled remains of the yellow Scania bus could still be seen. “It happened while one of the empty bus’s tyres was being repaired. An explosion took place as result of the excessive pressure.” Reem Haddad, a spokesperson for the Syrian ministry of information, also said “there was absolutely no terrorist action behind the incident” on the Iranian bus. “This explosion occurred as a result of a malfunction in one of the tyres ... I think they pumped too much air into the tyres.” Asked how a mere tyre burst could destroy an entire bus, Haddad said: “It’s a big bus and it has big tyres. It is possible.” She said the explosion was “completely unrelated” to the visit by Saeed Jalilee, the Iranian national security adviser and chief nuclear negotiator, who met Syrian officials in Damascus on Thursday. Al Jazeera’s Rula Amin, reporting from Damascus, said: “It’s very rare that we see such incidents here in Damascus. Syria controls this country very tightly; the security is very tight.” Amin said that at the news conference given by Jalilee and Syrian officials, the incident was not addressed and officials from the two countries said what the interior ministry said was enough.


issue 14, December 2009


Racism Haunts UK Muslim Boxer


Copenhagen climate change summit: why is a deal so important?

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Have you seen George TSIOGAS? It is alleged TSIOGAS was involved in a burglary and theft in Footscray West in 2007. Warrants for his arrest have been issued. Call us on 1800 333 000 or visit www.

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Australian Muslim Lifetime Achiever Award: Ibrahim Din (NSW) Ibrahim Din is one of the earliest Turkish migrants who arrived in Australia after the end of the White Australia Policy and the introduction of the multicultural policy. He arrived in Australia with his family in 1969. Ibrahim was one of the founders of Auburn Qur’an and Islamic Cultural Centre in 1977. This also marks the beginning of the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque. They first purchased a house and converted it into a mosque by removing the walls. He became the president of the association in 1982. The committee dreamed of having a mosque similar to the majestic mosques in Istanbul. The present mosque construction started in 1987. He had to give a few years of break in management towards the end of the 80s. He was re-elected as president in 1991. At the time, only the rough building was standing and with 8,000 in the bank and 630,000 debt to various places. Ibrahim Din and his team managed to raise the funds and complete the construction of the mosque by 1999. In many instances they had to work as labourers

to cut costs. Sometimes they became tilers, sometimes painters and other times metal workers. Not only did they donate many thousands of dollars themselves, they also worked almost full time to finish the mosque. From 2000 onwards, Ibrahim Din worked to bring in younger members of the community to assist in the management and development of the mosque. He was open to new ideas to attract non-Muslim visitors to the mosque. In 2001, the first mosque open day in Australia was conducted in Auburn Gallipoli Mosque. Today about 10,000 Australians visit the mosque every year. Since 1992, Ibrahim Din has also served as the deputy president of the Supreme Islamic Council of Halal Meat that regulates, controls and monitors halal meat production in Australia for exports and consumption by Australian Muslims. Ibrahim Din continues to serve full-time at the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque without receiving any pay what-so-ever. The mosque has become one of the landmark monuments for Islam in Australia.

Ahmed Youssef is a founding member and former President of the Canberra Islamic Centre (CIC). The CIC is a resource centre for both Muslims and the general public who want to know more about Islam. Ahmed has been a greatly respected member of the Executive Committee since the inception of the Centre and has worked tirelessly as a volunteer Imam running regular Islamic classes, dawah, Islamic marriages and Islamic funerals. Ahmed is active in Canberra civic and Islamic community affairs, meeting with government officials and overseas visitors. He is highly regarded for his dedication as a Muslim scholar and in promoting harmony and mutual understanding among Muslims and people of different faiths. He is a knowledgeable and humble man and is widely noted for his gracious manners and demeanor. Ahmed has put together an extraordinary

collection of works which will contribute towards his dream of an Australian National Islamic Library (ANIL). The aim of the ANIL is to become the largest repository of material on Islam and Muslims in the Southern Hemisphere and to be made available internationally, nationally and locally for research into Islam and Muslims. Ahmed also attends functions as an Islamic representative. He has attended multi-faith pastoral counselling courses and is a member of the Australian Capital Territory Pastoral Care Board. Ahmed also visits prisons regularly to provide chaplaincy services to prisoners. Ahmed provides hours of voluntary telephone translation each week for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. To find out more about Ahmed Youssef ’s work see

Australian Muslim Sportsperson of 2009: Australian Muslim Man of the Year Hazem El-Masri (NSW) 2009 - Professional of the Year 2009: Hazem El-Masri is a well loved Australian Ken Stephen Award in 2002. The award former professional rugby league footballer. recognises players who contribute to the Dr Jamal Rifi (NSW) Hazem emigrated to Australia with his family betterment of their community away from

In 1984, Dr Jamal Rifi migrated to Australia from Lebanon to study. Despite initially Photo: Jamal facing challenges with the English language, Rifi he successfully completed his studies and qualified as a medical practitioner from the University of Sydney in 1990. Dr Rifi’s generous nature and desire to give back to this country led him to become involved in serving the community, particularly in the areas of youth, family and community development. He was a founding member of Muslim Doctors Against volunteer pool guards, and was instrumental Violence and the Christian Muslim Friendship in establishing a program, called On the Same Society. His efforts to build harmony between Wave, to recruit and train Muslim youth as the Muslim and non-Muslim communities lifesavers at the Cronulla beaches. He also have been recognised with a Human Rights encourages young people to join the State Medal. He is a former member of the NSW Emergency Service, and in every way helps Medical Advisory Board and a community them to take positive career paths. Dr Rifi was representative for the Youth Partnership with also involved in supporting a group of youth to trek the strenuous Kokda trail. With all of his Arabic Speaking Communities. As the President of the Lakemba Sports dedication to serve his community, Dr Jamal Club, he has used sport as a social tool to Rifi is also a dedicated husband and father to build bridges between communities and five. For more information on Dr Jamal Rifi channel young people’s physical energies into positive activities. He trained the first group of see youth from south-western Sydney to become recipients/?m=jamal-rifi

Australian Muslim Role Model of the Year 2009: Yasir A. Mahmud (VIC)

issue 14, December 2009

Volunteer of the year 2009: Ahmed Youssef (ACT)

Yasir Mahmud is a hardworking and dedicated professional who strives to be an excellent role model for his community in everything that he does. In August 2009 He achieved the Campbell Page Business Excellence Award and in 2008 the Campbell Page Golden Frog Award for his outstanding success in supporting unemployed job seekers to find suitable work and his continuous focus on customer satisfaction. He is a devoted family man and also volunteers much of his time to help refugee families and youth to settle into Australia. Yasir is passionate about supporting fundraising projects and motivating the youth in his community. His volunteer work has

also included developing a community website, founding an innovative youth career pathway service, assisting the Sunday Arabic classes and assisting not for profit organizations to improve their services. Yasir is also a registered member with the following organizations: *Refugee Council of Australia *The Eritrean Community in Australian *Eritrean Islamic Society in Australia – ERIS *Engineers Australia *The Victorian University Alumni *The RMIT Alumni *HMYCC Network

from Tripoli, Lebanon in 1988 when he was 12 years old. In 1994, he was spotted by Bulldogs development officers while playing for Belmore Boys High School. Hazem played for the Bulldogs in the National Rugby League. He was also an Australia and Lebanon international, and New South Wales State of Origin representative winger. He has played his entire club football career at the Bulldogs, with whom he won the 2004 Premiership. An accurate goal-kicker, in 2009 Hazem took the record for the highestever point scorer in premiership history and for a record sixth time was the League’s top point scorer for the season. Hazem is widely respected for his community work with young people, winning the NRL’s

rugby league. In June, 2009, Hazem announced that he would retire from the NRL at the end of the season. Hazem played his last game on 25 September 2009 against the Parramatta Eels in the preliminary final. Hazem is married with three children. Hazem is an exemplary sporting role model on and off the playing field. He has been recognized as an excellent ambassador for his community, religion, club, sport and country. In 2007, Bill Woods published an authorised biography, El Magic: the life of Hazem El Masri. For more information on Hazem El-Masri see php?page=player&id=605

Australian Muslim Academic of 2009: Professor Abdullah Saeed (VIC) Professor Abdullah Saeed was born in the Maldives and holds degrees from Australia and overseas. He has a BA in Arab/Islamic Studies from Saudi Arabia, MA in Applied Linguistics and PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Melbourne, Australia. In 1993, he joined the then Department of Asian Languages and Anthropology at the University of Melbourne as a Lecturer, rising to Senior Lecturer in 1996 and Associate Professor in 2000. He was appointed Sultan of Oman Professor of Arab and Islamic Studies in 2003. Prof Saeed has taught Arabic and Islamic Studies at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Among the subjects he teaches are: Great Texts of Islam: Qur’an; Muslim Intellectuals and Modernity; Great Empires of Islamic Civilization; Islamic Banking and Finance; Qur’anic Hermeneutics; Methodologies of Hadith; Methods of Islamic Law; Religious

Freedom in Asia; Islam and Human Rights; and Islam and Muslims in Australia. He is involved in interfaith dialogue between Christians, Jews and Muslims. He travels regularly to countries in North America, Europe, Middle East, South Asia and Southeast Asia. He has a wide range of professional and research relationships around the world. His Islamic research has a focus on the negotiation of text and context, ijtihad and interpretation. His publications cover Islamic finance, Muslim communities in Australia, Islamic law and freedom of religion, Christian– Muslim relations, Islamic thought in Indonesia, Qur’anic hermeneutics, Islam and human rights, and Islamic law reform. He writes for both scholarly and general audiences. For more information on Professor Abdullah Saeed see

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Australian Muslim Woman Australian Muslim Business of the Year 2009: Senior of the Year 2009: Constable Maha Sukkar (VIC)

Aside from her operational police work, Senior Constable Sukkar regularly gives motivational speeches to students at local and Muslim schools and has also addressed other community organisations, such as the Rotary Club of Narre Warren, about the need for more cultural and religious understanding in the community. Senior Constable Sukkar also hopes to attract more women and more recruits to the Victorian Police from culturally diverse backgrounds that reflected the community.

Baraka women is designed and made in Australia with love by Kath Fry and Eisha Saleh. The business was launched in August 2008 with a fresh innovative approach. Fry and Saleh teamed up after meeting at Daar Aisha Shariah College in Sydney where both women had been taking weekly classes on Islamic law. After both having experienced the challenge of finding modest yet stylish clothing for women, the Baraka women decided to solve the fashion gap problem themselves. The result is a label that makes you feel beautiful and confident every day. Their clothing label, Baraka, which translates to “blessing” in Arabic, understands that style is your personal signature and creates pieces that are simple and easy to wear, beautiful and comfortable giving you the freedom to add your distinctive personality.

Baraka’s no fuss designs use natural fabrics that breath, ensuring you feel cool, comfortable and relaxed on the go. The collections draw inspiration from international trends and fashion forecasters alongside the need to coordinate with your existing wardrobe saving you time and money. The Baraka tagline, “beautiful clothes for beautiful women,” is accompanied by the goal to provide quality Australian made clothing that will last. The label is committed to empowering women to make a difference in their world wherever they live. 5% of each sale goes back to ‘project women’. A project that works with different organisations that promote the advancement of women through donations, upskilling or mentoring. For more information about Baraka visit

Australian Muslim Creative Artist of the Year 2009: Peter Gould (NSW) Sydney-born designer & digital artist Peter Gould founded Azaan to explore his passion for contemporary graphic design, art, photography and the rich visual & spiritual traditions of Islam. Since embracing Islam in 2002 his travels and studies throughout the Muslim world have inspired a unique cultural fusion that is reactive to a world of misunderstanding. Peter’s work has reached many audiences locally and abroad through exhibitions, appearances, graphic design projects and collaborations with other artists Peter’s portfolio includes his photography, artwork, and his graphic and design web design studio, which services a broad range of clients locally and internationally. He also owns and runs the award-winning commercial design studio Creative Cubed. Highlights include exhibitions in the United States, Malaysia, Australia and Singapore as well as events in Europe and the Middle East. He has won several design awards such as the ISNA 2009 branding competition. He has collaborated with many prominent Muslim Creatives and houses a permanent collection of his photography at Zaytuna Institute in Berkeley, California. He leads a design studio developing branding, identity, marketing material and websites for a broad range of clients worldwide. Peter is also honoured to have been included in the Australian Government’s publication ‘The Australian Journey: Muslim communities.’

“For many centuries Islamic art has captivated and inspired hearts. It is important to continue this tradition within a contemporary context and embrace the digital canvas. I believe it can be a catalyst for positive change in a time of confusion and misunderstanding.” Peter Gould More information on Peter Gould see au

Senior Constable Maha Sukkar is encouraging people of all religious and cultural backgrounds to follow their dreams, after realising her own dream of joining the Victorian Police. Senior Constable Sukkar is a former graphic designer originating from Beirut, Lebanon who always had a passion to serve her community. In 2004, Senior Constable Sukkar became the first policewoman in Australia to wear a hijab as part of her official police uniform. The navy, lightweight hijab, specifically designed for Senior Constable Sukkar, has Velcro to enable its release should she get caught in a physical scuffle. Since graduating, Senior Constable Sukkar has dedicated much of her work and personal time to promoting understanding between Australians and the Muslim community, while encouraging young people of all backgrounds to pursue their goals and ambitions. Senior Constable Sukkar was presented with a Department of Families, Community and Indigenous Affairs (FACSIA) Award in recognition of her positive contribution to Australian Muslims regarding social integration. Also, In November this year, she was awarded the Victorian Multicultural Commission award for excellence in the field of Police and Community Multicultural advisory Committee.

Baraka Woman (NSW)

Photo: Peter Gould

Muslim circumCiSion Dr. Mohammed. M. Jabbar Cnr. Sydney Rd & Bell St, COBURG Vic 3058 (03) 9354 4042 82 Stud Road DANDENONG Vic 3175 (03) 9794 5055 No referral necessary Our Muslim practitioners are highly skilled resulting in minimal discomfort and bleeding For more information, please visit our website:

issue 14, December 2009

Photo: Maha Sukkar on duty


This event is proudly supported by:

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Australian Muslim Best Community Organisation 2009: Human Appeal International Human Appeal International (HAI) is a charitable, humanitarian, non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 1984 which works in the fields of charity, development - specializing in Social and Educational Development - Health Care and Emergency Relief. In addition to this, HAI holds consultative status (Category II) in the United Nations Social and Economic Council, maintains an observer capacity in IFAD (International Fund for Agriculture Development), and is a member of the International Council for Voluntary Associations (ICVA). HAI has also carried out joint ventures with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and has reached several memorandums of understanding with UNICEF and the AGFUND. Human Appeal International has 12 offices

worldwide serving more than 10 million people in countries including: Sudan, Senegal, Mauritania, Bosnia, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Kosovo, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Eritrea, Somalia and Palestine. Of those individuals served, 80% are women and children. HAI has also sponsored 32,000 orphans providing them with food, supplies, safe shelters, education and medical care through Complete Assistance Projects that ensured them secure and decent lives. HAI is credited with 20 years of humanitarian work and will continue to address humanitarian needs internationally. Human Appeal International Australia has been established in Sydney since 1991, seeking funds from generous supporters to assist us in providing services to thousands of poor and needy people through our various programs.

The Believe Achieve Inspire Leadership Program is a unique initiative of the Federation of Australian Muslim Students and Youth (FAMSY) in collaboration with Victoria University, providing a comprehensive leadership development course for future community leaders. Launched in 2009, the Believe Achieve Inspire Leadership Program is a world-first

initiative in the provision of multi-streamed and tertiary accredited professional and Islamic based leadership development, designed to develop and inspire the leaders of tomorrow. Successful participants will be awarded a Graduate Certificate of Management from Victoria University, this combined with the rich Islamic content will enable effective, capable leaders and contributors to the community.

issue 14, December 2009

Australian Muslim Best New Community Project 2009: Believe Achieve Inspire Leadership Program (FAMSY) VIC

Australian Muslim Event of the Year 2009: Australian Federal Police Ramadan Iftar – Sydney (NSW)

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) Ramadan Iftar was held on Tuesday 8th September in Bankstown NSW. The AFP has great respect for Athe traditions of Islam and in particular hosting the 2nd Sydney AFP Ramadan Iftar dinner. The AFP Iftar is a wonderful opportunity for the community to gather and break fast together. It fosters Muslims and people of all faiths to build stronger ties and networks as well as celebrate Ramadan with Halal food and entertainment. The goal after last year’s Iftar was to engage more widely across Islamic communities in Sydney, this continues to drive the AFP’s Community Liaison Teams (CLT) . The Sydney CLT was created in 2008. Through the hard work of the CLT, engagement continues to grow as a core component of AFP business. The AFP works hard to contribute to social cohesion to encourage mutual understanding

within both the wider community and the AFP. The AFP iftar is attended by over 400 guests comprised of a cross section of Islamic communities, religious leaders, business representatives, charity organizations and members of the government. This event has been a great way to commence meaningful engagement between the AFP and the wider Islamic communities of Sydney. The Iftar celebrates not only the breaking of the Ramadan fast, but a stronger community engagement by the AFP which strives to build bridges toward positive and successful partnerships. Most importantly, it provides an occasion in which everyone can reflect on mutual achievements in creating a united community.

Established in Perth in October 2008, Crescent Times is Western Australia’s first Independent local Muslim community newspaper. The newspaper is published by a national company, Crescent Press Pty Ltd, with the aim of serving the Muslim community though various publications and general publishing services. Since its beginning in 2008, the newspaper has expanded to be distributed in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney and then Adelaide. The number of the copies published each month is around 8000 copies nationally, with an estimate readership of 15000 to 20000. Crescent Times is distributed national wide free of charge each month and can be considered the first national Australian Muslim newspaper. The newspaper aims to inform the community by publishing news of interest to Muslims, including reports of events locally, nationally

and internationally. In addition Crescent Times hopes to provide details about information and services available to the Muslim community as well as providing an outlet for Muslim owned or operated businesses to advertise their services. They work to support Muslims through providing advertising, promotion and referral to services that may assist them. The classified section enables placement of free advertising for individuals who have items to sell or give away as well as space for employment opportunities to be advertised. The Crescent Times team hope that the newspaper will bring the community closer together and strengthen relationships. In the last 12 months of operations the newspaper has proven that it is a real bridge between all sections of Muslim community as well as with the wider Australian community.

Australian Muslim Best Media Outlet 2009: Crescent Times (WA)

Mohd Safwan Saparudin & Wan Afrah Wan Ahmad Nizar*


Mohammed (peace be upon him) is the best example for us to follow. He united the Ansaar and Muhajireen; devising a kinship so wonderful between them that it is heartfelt and tearful to read their stories. They love each other so ferociously that they will do anything in the name of Islamic brotherhood (ukhuwwah islamiyyah). I was raised in Malaysia where the majorities are muslims, continued below

continued from above Islamic Education is practised and knowledge of Islam is easily accessed. When I studied at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), I started mixing with Muslims from other countries; from Arab countries, Pakistan, Indonesia, Europe, China, Kosovo and Africa. And then, I came to Australia. Suddenly, I am in the minority group. Being a muslim seems more challenging but significant in my life. Meeting other muslims is a beautiful gift. We shake hands and smile brightly at each other. Although we are not that many in numbers, the same belief that there is no God but Allah links us together deep in the heart. However, we sometimes (or maybe most of the time) forget to observe our good manners. We tend to be suspicious and judge harshly of each other. We also make assumptions (without making sure if it’s true or false) and share them with other people. We even attack verbally especially

behind each other’s back. These are becoming alarmingly normal events in and among the communities, and we are all suffering because of them. I have met brothers from various backgrounds, and all of them called themselves Muslims (those who submit to God). It is not that we are different; it is that we are special in our own way. Remember... We all have strengths, but we also have faults. So let us wear the ‘unity cap’ and see each other as Muslims (even better as brothers or sisters). Let us visit and get to know each other better. Let us find our common ground. Let us forgive each other for past mistakes. And let us all start a new page. Then we could find our strength, cover our faults and create a unity for the future Ummah.

(Part 1)

Hyder Gulam and Michael Dywer*


his article will run in two parts and will focus on some common features of commercial contracts which concern the sale of a business. These non-exhaustive terms are important and their inclusion is fundamental to any sale of business contract. continued below

Page 11

are intended to be included in the sale. Each party should provide its solicitor with detailed instructions on the subject matter. This is relevant to an assessment of the value and

by contract, which should be specified expressly. Payment strictly within time should be an essential term of the contract and breach should entitle the seller to terminate immediately. Photo: Hyder Gulam •What happens to the deposit in the event of breach? continued below viability of the business, to whatever pre-contract investigations or inquiries are to be made and the drafting of the agreement. The agreement needs to specify precisely what assets and liabilities are transferred/assumed the purchaser in exchange for payment. Businesses are usually sold as going concerns. Therefore, each of the physical assets and intangible assets, such as goodwill, must be separately identified and transferred in the way appropriate to that asset. Intangible assets include such items as business names, trade marks, patents, leases, designs, licences, permits and goodwill. Tangible assets include stock and trade, fixtures and fittings, plant and equipment and items like vehicles. Liabilities. It is necessary to also consider liabilities, given: •Some assets which should vest in the purchaser on completion also involve the assumption of some of the seller’s liabilities; and •It may suit the parties for the purchaser to assume responsibility for some of the seller’s debts/liabilities as part of the transaction. The seller may have several types of debts/ liabilities at the time of sale; •Debts to suppliers of raw materials, finished goods, services; •Debts and liabilities to employees for salary, annual leave and long service leave; •Contingent liabilities to clients or customers for the quality and performance of goods or services, under warranties, product liability, including the service, repair or replacement of defective products; continued from above •Contractual liability to other contracting parties Under the general law, in the when the contract is assigned to the purchaser on event of essential breach or completion of the sale, under contracts relating to repudiation by the purchaser the a variety of topics; or deposit is forfeited to the seller, •Currently pending or potential litigation even when there is no express involving the seller, including against suppliers, forfeiture clause in the contract. creditors, customers and for public liability claims. However, generally agreements 4.Transfer of assets free from encumbrance: for sale cover this topic expressly. All contracts contain a contractual warranty that If the seller claims damages, the items sold will be in a good state of repair credit must be given for the and working order at the date upon which the forfeited deposit. contract stipulates that the contract is completed 2.The Balance Price: and possession is transferred, except as otherwise Agreements need to cover disclosed in the contract of sale. These contractual payment of the balance purchase warranties should deal with fitness for purpose, price, including adjustments and and goods being or merchantable quality. stock in trade on completion, Next month, we will conclude this article on by cash or by bank cheque. It some common features of commercial contracts should also be specified to whom which concern the sale of a business. payment is to be made, e.g. to *Hyder is a lawyer with Logie-Smith Lanyon Lawyers, the seller, to the seller’s solicitor Melbourne. Hyder practices mainly in the areas of or to an authorised person/ Commercial & Corporate, Defence Procurement and entity. The consequences of late Islamic Finance. He is a registered nurse, a qualified lawyer, payment, such as additional an accredited mediator as well as a Fellow of the Royal interest, are adjustments and College of Nursing in Australia. Michael Dwyer, 4th Year should be documented in the Law Student – Deakin University, on clerkship with LogieSmith Lanyon Lawyers. default provisions. This article is for educational and general information 3.Description of assets and purposes only and should not be relied on as (or in liabilities undertaken:It is substitution for) legal, accounting, financial or other necessary to identify what items professional advice.

*Safwan Saparudin is the CT manager in Adelaide and his wife Wan Afrah is currently a Psychology student of Adelaide University and Executive Manager of Hidayah Quranic Centre.

continued from above This article is for information only, and is not substitute for specific legal advice. 1. The Deposit: The deposit paid by a purchaser can be considered a promise to demonstrate their commitment and also a guarantee or security for contractual completion. The deposit is considered a part payment of the purchase price and upon completion, payment of the balance remains. It is important to specify expressly what amount will constitute the deposit (ie 10% of the purchase price), to who the deposit is to be paid, in what form, and when. •To who is the deposit paid? For purchaser’s protection, it should be paid to a business agent or solicitor as stakeholder, to be retained/invested pending completion of the sale. •When is the deposit paid? Generally the deposit should be payable the latest when the parties become bound

issue 14, December 2009

here are many who are concerned about unity of Muslim communities. Lest we forget, the principle of unity is pronounced in numerous verses in the Qur’an, one of them: “O mankind! Lo! We have created you from a male and a female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of in the sight of Allah is the best in conduct”. (Quran 49:13) The history of the Prophet

Commercial Contracts: Common terms in a sale of a business:


Wearing the ‘Unity Cap’

Page 12




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n her essay, Ms El khodr (CT, Nov ’09) displays an obvious hatred for polygyny. Her courage needs to be admired. She dares to be critical of an institution permitted by Allah and practised by the Prophet and his companions. It’s not a question of whether polygyny solves problems (as Keyser Trad argues) or creates problems (as Sabrine Elkhodr claims). The question for a Muslim is whether Allah has permitted it or prohibited it. The Quran makes it very clear that it addresses a polygynous society by always referring to wives in plural than the wife in singular. It only limited polygyny to four wives. Whether it is a norm or an exception is debatable. Those who despise polygyny would quote only the first half of verse 4:129: “You will not be able to deal equally between wives, however much you wish” and stop right there to push their message. The continuation of the verse “but turn not altogether away from one leaving her in suspense” actually repudiates the views of people like Sabrine. Taken together, the verse indicates that a 50-50 division of affections is ideal but impossible but avoid a 100-0 division. Besides, the verse does not address a minority of Muslims. It addresses all Muslims – which indicates that polygyny is widespread in an Islamic society. Yes, marriages are broken down when a man takes a second wife – but whose fault is this? Is it the fault of a man who submits to God and accepts His criterion of right and wrong or the fault of a woman who hates what Allah has permitted? If we judge by what Allah has revealed (“Those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are Unbelievers” 5:47), it is the first wife who is in the wrong and responsible for the marriage break-up because she does not have the faith to overcome her ego. Elkhodr also repeats the argument that polygyny was applicable to the Prophet’s society and not to present-day society. This is exactly what the non-Muslims say about Islam in general. The Prophet was a great man who reformed a primitive society but surely his teachings are not relevant to the 21st century. This is a dangerous argument. If polygyny, amputation, whipping are all outdated, then surely salaat, saum, hajj, zakkath, hijab, refraining from pork, circumcision etc are outdated too! Why should we practise them? Where have I heard arguments similar to that of Elklhodr before? Oh yes! The writings of the likes of Irshad Manji! Elkhodr concludes her article with the advice that those who endorse polygyny should leave Australia and move to Utah in USA. I would like to advise those who despise polygyny to leave Islam (which has made polygyny halaal) for another religion which bans legal polygyny while permitting polygamy outside marriage!

*Dr. Amurudine is a high school teacher 1997-to date in Melbourne. He has written articles and presented seminars on Islam.


Sabrine El Khodr*


n his response, Mr Amirudin states that Sabrine Elkhodr displays an obvious hatred of polygyny. Her courage needs to be admired. She dares to be critical of an institution permitted by Allah and practised by the Prophet and his companions. It is a sad indictment on our community when criticism of the way that Islam is practiced justifies an attack on the integrity, faith and intentions of a fellow Muslim. For those who were able to see past the feeble and rambling arguments made by Keysar Trad in the previous issue, I respect you for your clarity of mind and perspective. Accusations have been made against me that suggest I have manipulated information to serve my agenda as well as a suggestion that my article was a criticism of Islam itself. I trust that those insightful enough to contemplate the intent of my article will find that I have in fact provided a commentary on the ramifications of a practice that we all know to have caused significant problems within our ummah. The article circulated around a very obvious reality - polygamous marriages have been known to have significantly higher divorce rates than monogamous ones. In a community where criticism of the implementation of Islamic practices is considered heretic, it is important that readers are given the opportunity to actively think about the circumstances that warrant the application of a practice that while allowed, is

Photo: Sabrine El Khodr neither obligatory nor encouraged. Both Amirudin and Keysar cleverly base their responses to my article on the premise that my arguments echoed secular or “modernist” ideals. Perhaps these respected brothers should get their heads out of the sand and recognise that while this practice is allowed and cannot be prohibited, it poses a threat to the stability of Muslim families. Amirudin says that it is the first wife who is in the wrong and responsible for the marriage break-up because she does not have the faith to overcome her ego. Such a statement is extremely chauvinistic and simply perpetuates a draconian attitude that women should simply “put up” with whatever their husbands throw their way, whether it’s Islamically justified or not. Most scholars will assert that the permission of the first wife is required if the husband wants to engage in polygamy. There have been women who have even encouraged their husbands to find second wives. They may have no qualms with sharing their husbands so kudos to them. However to the majority of women, such a suggestion is worthy of rage and angst. It is extremely arrogant for any man to tell a woman that she should simply “overcome her ego” when faced with this situation since she also has a right to decide whether she wants to share her husband or not. Amirudin also points out that the suggestion that polygamy is outdated is a dangerous argument. Perhaps he should reread the last paragraph of my article where I clearly provide the historical


Page 13 Email:

context in which the laws on polygamy were revealed and the reasons behind it. I then contrasted these circumstances with modern reality and asked the reader to think about the practical application of a practice which though allowed, will almost certainly cause marital disharmony and thus social destabilisation. Not once did I suggest the practice was outdated but rather, suggested that its practice be limited to situations when it is actually needed as a social measure, rather than as a means of satisfying sexual appetite. Whilst this was not explicitly stated in my article, a closer examination of the arguments would have made this quite clear. Mr Amirudin proposes that those who dislike polygamy leave Islam for another religion. I would like to remind this brother that such a suggestion is distasteful and offensive. Please ask yourself this - would the Prophet (saw) approve of you inciting a Muslim to leave the faith because they are critical of the way in which it is practiced? In conclusion, I ask Amirudin, Keysar and all other pro-polygamists out there one question - how do you propose we fix the problem of families breaking down as a result of polygamy? Ultimately, it’s very easy to attack a solution. It’s much harder to come up with one yourself. * Sabrine is a Sydney based university student

Contributors in tHis issue: Amirudin Ahmed - Faruque Ahmad Gilad Atzmon - Nasya Bahfen - Paul J. Balles - Zabrina A Bakar - Tarek Chamkhi Fatima Danoue - Jamal Daoud - Linda Delgado - Michael Dywer - Idris Ellis - Sabrine Elkhodr - Ebtisam El-Najjarine - Eugenia Flynn - Hyder Gulam - Han- Wan Fauziah Wan Kadir - Haroun Kirsten - Amanda Charmand Mazumder - Debora McNichol Adam Parker - Erin Rutherford - Mohd Safwan Saparudin - Aisha Stacey - Irfan Yusuf

Amirudin Ahamed*

Unjustified attacks on the integrity, faith and intentions of a fellow Muslim

issue 14, December 2009

I advise those who despise polygyny to leave Islam!


Page 14 Email: issue 14, December 2009


hen we publish opinion articles in Crescent Times, we do not necessarily endorse their content. Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the opinion any of our team members, editors or publishers. However, we are not afraid of opinions! Our role is not to teach a particular package of opinions and beliefs

Opinions to our readers, but we do our best to provide space for all schools of thought, personal beliefs and directions of Islamic thought! All are free to submit articles for publication to defend and hold what they see as truth! The editor in chief

After all, I am a proper Zionist Jew Gilad Atzmon* Israeli-born musician and writer Gilad Atzmon explains why denying the danger posed by the Holocaust religion and its followers is to be complicit in a growing crime against humanity and against every possible human value.

The Holocaust religion doesn’t offer redemption. It is a crude, violent manifestation of sheer collective brutality. It cannot resolve anything, for aggression can only lead to more and more aggression. In the Holocaust religion there is neither room for peace or grace.” Yes, I am a survivor, for I have managed to survive all the scary accounts of the Holocaust: the one about the soap, the one about the lamp shades, the one about the camps, the mass shooting, the one about the gas and the one about the death march. I just managed to survive them all. (see below for notes 1-3) In spite of all these fear-inflicting stories that were purposely installed in my soul since I opened my eyes for the first time, I have become a functional and even a successful human being. Somehow I have survived the horror against all odds. I have even managed to love my neighbour. In spite of all these fearful, traumatic indoctrinations, I have miraculously managed to master my cheering alto saxophone rather than the sobbing violin. In fact, I have already decided that if the Queen or any other member of the royal family should ever consider making me into a “Sir” for my bebop achievements, or even for facing Zionist barbarism with my bare pen, I will immediately change my surname from Atzmon to Vive, just to become the first and only Sir Vive. I am also totally against Holocaust denial I clearly resent those who deny the genocides that are taking place in the name of the Holocaust. Palestine is one example, Iraq is another and the one that is set for Iran is probably too scary to contemplate. The Holocaust is a relatively new religion.(see below, note 4) It lacks mercy or compassion and it promises revenge through retribution. For its followers, it is somehow liberating because it allows them to punish whoever they like as long they gain some pleasure. This may explain why the Israelis ended up punishing the Palestinians for crimes that were committed by Europeans. It is clear that the newly emerging religion is not just about an “eye for an eye”; it is actually an eye for thousands and thousands of eyes. A month ago, while visiting Auschwitz, Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak left a note in the official visitors book: “A strong Israel is both the comfort and the revenge”.(see below, note 5) No one could summarize the aspiration of the religion any better. The Holocaust religion doesn’t offer redemption. It is a crude, violent manifestation of sheer collective brutality. It cannot resolve anything, for aggression can only lead to more and more aggression. In the Holocaust religion there is neither room for peace or grace. Take it from Barak, revenge is where they find comfort.

To deny the danger posed by the Holocaust religion and its followers is to be complicit in a growing crime against humanity and against every possible human value. I am also in total support of the Jewish National Project Some believe that after 2000 years of “phantasmic Diaspora” Jews are indeed entitled to an imaginary “national homeland of their own”. The Zionists apparently meant it Keysar giving his speech sincerely. The Jewish state is now real enough to have turned the entire Middle East into a ticking bomb. Reviewing the Israeli record of crimes against humanity in the last six decades doesn’t leave much room for speculation. We are dealing here with a pathological sinister society. Hence, as much as some of us may agree that Jews should enjoy a hypothetical right for a land of their own, planet Earth is certainly not the ideal location for such an affair. Hence, I would urge the US National Space Administration (NASA) to join in and to make a special effort to find a suitable alternative planet for the Zionist homeland in outer space or even in another galaxy. The galactic Zionist project would signify the immediate move from “promised land” to “promised planet”. I would enthusiastically stress that, rather than searching for “a land with no people for a people with no land”, what we really want is a “lonely planet”. It can even be a “desert” for they claim to know how to make the desert bloom. In a planet of their own the galactic Zionists wouldn’t need to oppress anyone, they wouldn’t ethnically cleanse either, they wouldn’t have to lock the indigenous people in concentration camps, for there won’t be any indigenous people around to abuse, starve, murder and cleanse. They wouldn’t have to pour white phosphorous over their neighbours for there won’t be any neighbours. I would highly recommend NASA to search for a planet with very low gravity just to make it light for people to wander around. After all, we want the new galactic Zionists to enjoy their futuristic project as much as the Palestinians and many others may enjoy their absence. So here I am, a proper Jew after all: I am a survivor, I oppose Holocaust denial, I support the Jewish national aspiration. Even the chief rabbi of Britain cannot ask for more than that. Notes 1. Acknowledged recently to be a “myth” by the Israeli Holocaust museum Yad Vashem. 2. A historical fact protected by European law. 3. A slightly confusing narrative. If the Nazis were interested in annihilating the entire European Jewish population as suggested by the orthodox Zionist Holocaust narrative, then it is rather ambiguous as to just what led them to march what was left of European Jewry into their crumbling Nazi fatherland at a time when it was clear that they were losing the war. The two narratives i.e. “annihilation” and “death march”, seem to contradict each other. The issue deserves further elaboration. I would just suggest that the reasonable answers I have come across may severely damage the Zionist Holocaust narrative. 4. The Israeli Philosophy professor, Yeshayahu Leibowitz, was probably the first to define the Holocaust as the “new Jewish religion”. *Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli-born musician, writer and anti-racism campaigner. His latest jazz album, “In loving memory of America”, was released on 1 March 2009 and can be purchased here. The article is

The Zionist’s claims on Palestine

Adam Parker*

Part one of Adam Parker’s article on the history and settlement of Palestine.


n January 2009, the West Australian newspaper published the following comment from a regular letter writer:

“... the Jews were living in the land of Israel more than a thousand years before Islam”. I did a considerable amount of research to respond to this claim, but the paper chose not to publish my letter response. My response alluded to the bankruptcy of the statement. A fair and unbiased person, after doing an even elementary amount of research, must conclude that the original ownership of the place we know of as Palestine had nothing to do with religion of the early inhabitants. Around 5000 BC a Canaanite Semitic Tribe of Arab heritage came to the territory and settled just east of the Mediterranean that makes up today’s Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. A subgroup of the tribe, known as the Jebusites, founded a town named Jebus which eventually became known as Jerusalem, exactly where it is today. My research indicates that the Philistines arrived 2000 years later, most probably from Crete. They lived amongst the Canaanites but concentrated their homes to the southwest on the Mediterranean coast in today’s Palestine in the area of Gaza. The respective areas were known as the Land of Canaan – its Biblical name – by the Canaanites, and as Palestine by the Philistines. Over millennia, long before the birth of Jesus, empires from Egypt, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Mongolia, Greece and Rome came to rule over the area for various lengths of time. Amongst the most prominent Canaanite and Philistine (Phoenician) cities were situated at today’s Beirut, Sidon, Acre and Tyre, as well as Jerusalem and Nablus. Their religion was nature-based, and bore little resemblance to modern Judaism. These Semite peoples formed the base of today’s indigenous population, as opposed to those who migrated from abroad under laws of

today’s State of Israel. Around the 18th century BC the Prophet Abraham came from the ancient city of Ur in Iraq to settle in Canaan, along the Jordan Valley. We know that neither the Old nor the New Testaments were revealed at that stage. Hence the region did not contain any group calling itself Jewish or Christian or indeed Muslim. However, those who followed Abraham had surrendered their will to the will of God and hence had entered a state which, in Arabic, would literally be called “Islam”. If we accept this definition of Islam, it means all Prophets from Adam to Muhammad (peace be upon all of them) are Muslims – and this includes Moses and Jesus. All of them believed in the God of Abraham. All three Semitic monotheistic faiths – Judaism, Christianity and Islam - accept and honour the Prophet Abraham. He had two sons, namely Ismail and Isaac. Isaac had a son Jacob, who himself had twelve sons. Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born. I’m not certain exactly how old the latter was before Jacob was born, nor how old Jacob was before his eldest son Judah was born, but we must agree that we’re nearing 1500BC. We do know that it was about 1400 BC when the Prophet Jacob and his 11 sons joined Yusuf ( Joseph) in Egypt. It was in Egypt that the Prophet Musa (Moses) was born and adopted by Pharaoh’s wife. Therefore, it is clear that there was no saturation of Jews in Palestine until several hundred years after the Palestinians had populated the area. We should remember that Moses was an old man when he led the Children of Israel out of Egypt, and that they then wondered in the widerness for a further 40 years. The conventional view of the region’s history, based as it is on Zionist propaganda, just doesn’t stack up. By the time Moses’ (often reluctant) followers finally settled in the area after leaving Egypt, other tribes had been resident there for some 1,700 years. Part two will appear in January’s edition of CT

* Adam Parker is a Perth based writer and community elder.

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Nidal Malik Hassan’s brutal murders at Fort Hood were unforgivable acts of an obvious psychopathic killer. The fact that he was a Muslim had nothing to do with his maniacal action. According to the Fiqh Council of North America (Muslim jurists), some individuals around the world issued statements praising the brutal killings and attacks and condemning the American Muslim community for “betrayal of Islam and for hypocrisy” for denouncing the massacre. Such comments are not only a travesty of the teachings of Islam, they are just as psychotic as the action of the murderer. Islam teaches that all Muslims, wherever they live, must respect the life and property of all people, whether Muslims or non-Muslims. Just as bad as the crazies who murder and support senseless slaughter, are the Islamophobes. Islamophobia is an irrational fear or prejudice towards Islam and Muslims. The acts used by Islamophobes to attempt to justify their statements are no more related to the teachings of Islam than the paedophilia of a few priests is connected with Catholicism or the acts committed by Rabbi Meir Kahane of the Anti-Defamation League related to Judaism. Pat Robertson, David Gaubatz, Paul Sperry and Daniel Pipes are all Islamophobic cult leaders who take every opportunity they can to vilify Islam and Muslims. On his “700 Club” TV show, Pat Robertson commented, ridiculously, that Islam is “not a religion”, but “a violent political system bent on the overthrow of the governments of the world and world domination”. Robertson’s Evangelical followers are so completely brainwashed by their minister that they are incapable of discerning that his political blather is nothing but blind hatred of Islam. Unfortunately, his cult members don’t question or challenge Robertson. They follow blindly. After the Fort Hood debacle, Dave Gaubatz, the opinionated co-author of the controversial Muslim Mafia, called for “a professional and legal backlash against the Muslim community and their leaders”. Four Republican House representatives are basing a call for an investigation of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) on the extremely biased book, Muslim Mafia, written by the extremely biased, some would

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*Paul J. Balles is a retired American university professor and freelance writer who has lived in the Middle East for many years. For more information, see The article is republished with permission from the author.

Page 15




aul J. Balles turns the spotlight on four prominent American Islamophobes and argues that the acts they use to justify their statements “are no more related to the teachings of Islam than the paedophilia of a few priests is connected with Catholicism or the acts committed by Rabbi Meir Kahane of the Anti-Defamation League related to Judaism”.

call unhinged, authors, David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry. Paul Sperry, another Islamophobe, teamed up with Gaubatz in writing the book, Muslim Mafia. Sperry, who knows little or nothing about Islam, has no qualms about making unsupported claims and generalising about Muslims. The fourth in this quartet, Daniel Pipes, writes: “The deepest differences between Muslims and Westerners concern not politics but sexuality. Each side has a long history of looking at the other’s sexual mores with a mixture of astonishment and disgust.” Pipes’s assertions are twisted and exaggerated generalities. He speaks of differences between Muslims and Westerners as if there weren’t Muslims among Westerners. To claim that sexuality represents a greater difference than politics shows Pipes’s inability to make valid comparisons. Muslims and Westerners both marry, have sex and produce children, though Muslims view Western sex before marriage as illicit, immoral and a reflection of a degenerate society. Pipes fails to see the scope of political differences. Westerners generally believe that democracy is a far superior system of government. Muslims have traditionally been comfortable with monarchies (or theocracies). Most of the problems have arisen from Western attempts to force democracy on Islamic countries. “Here are some examples of customs and social attitudes from the Muslim side of the divide,” says Pipes, “that have me, for one, shaking my head...” He then relates anecdotal incidents of extremely rare events that have nothing to do with “customs and social attitudes”. A major problem with Islamophobes is that they attack people rather than issues. They busy themselves with name-calling and ignore legitimate concerns.


ext week, I’m organizing a huge bonfire. Hundreds of people dedicated to freedom of religion will be joining me. We have decided to show our solidarity with four Swiss minarets by burning the symbols of Swiss culture at our disposal. Some will bring chocolate to burn. Others will turn the bonfire into a huge toasted sandwich by emptying their fridges of imported cheese. Still others will be targeting cuckoo clocks. The wealthier ones will bring records of their secret bank accounts (I assure readers I’m not in that category). I’m shocked that Muslims are not repeating the imbecilic spectacle that accompanied (or rather, that followed by 6 months) the publication of the Danish cartoons. Remember the burning of embassies? Remember the huge protests in Arab and other nominally Muslim countries where normally you cannot even sneeze without the secret police reading the contents of your handkerchief to make sure the blood and mucus don’t spell some criticism of the king or general or emir? I doubt any crazed crowds will be protesting or burning Swiss embassies. Why? Because let’s be frank and honest about this. Where will the corrupt Muslim rulers store their ill-gotten and embezzled wealth if they tell their people to boycott all things Swiss? Which other country has such liberalized banking laws that allow corrupt despots to hide their loot? Swiss Muslims are largely of indigenous European - Albanian, Bosnian and Turkish – extraction. Their mosques are likely to be designed along Ottoman lines, with flat domes and skinny minarets that look like scud missiles (and would probably be about as inaccurate if filled with explosives and launched). Ottoman mosques are modeled on the St Sophia’s Orthodox Basilica in what was once Constantinople. Apparently when the city was taken over by Fatih Sultah Mehmed, he ordered the Basilica to be surrounded by a bunch of minarets but otherwise left the structure intact. He also ordered mosques across the empire, including in European cities like Sarajevo, to be designed to resemble the

cathedral/mosque. And so mosques across the Ottoman empire resemble Eastern Greek churches. But where did Fatih Sultan Mehmed get the idea of minarets anyway? After all, the first mosques built by the Prophet in Quba did not have big tall minarets. Neither did his mosque in Madina. The minarets were added after he passed away. So where did the minarets come from? Well, when the first generations moved out of Arabia, they modeled their mosques on the existing architecture. One of the oldest mosques in existence can be found in China. It was built by a companion of a companion (tab at-tabi’i). If you walked in the street where it was located, you could not tell it was a mosque from its architecture. Why? Because it looks just like a Chinese pagoda. Similarly, mosques in Syria were modeled on existing Byzantine churches, which had towers for bells. Muslims also decided to build towers for their muezzins. And so the minaret is little more than an act of architectural plagiarism. Muslims added minarets to mosques so that they did not stick out like sore thumbs in the environment. The early Muslims were happy to build mosques that looked like the houses of worship of the dominant cultures where they settled. Australian Muslims, of course, don’t need to follow this precedent. We prefer building mosques that look like something out of 1965 Karachi. We cry “racism” when residents get upset at our insistence at always being different. Then we spend tens of thousands of dollars taking local councils to court. All for the right to build domes and minarets that our ancestors copied from churches and synagogues anyway. Still, try telling moronic Swiss voters that they are seeking to maintain their Christian heritage by objecting to what are essentially (or at least historically) Christian religious symbols. It isn’t just their clocks that have gone cuckoo.


All letters subject to editing,. The sender should provide his/her full name, full address and contact number to enable verification if required. You could email your letter to or SMS them on: 0414 155 366. Alternatively dear readers could post letters to: P.O.Box: 628 Mirrabooka, 6941, WA A CALL FOR ACTION AND UNITY

Assalaamu Alaykum. I believe that congratulations are in order for a very professional and informative Anniversary edition of the Crescent Times. May I add my name to the long list of those who believe that the “Times” is exactly what we need in the Australian Muslim Community. I particularly wish to congratulate Irfan Yusuf on a well written article in bringing some “home truths” to us with regard to the enormity of the problems we as Australian Muslims face in establishing our “credentials” as “Australians” – not that we need to do so, but there is so much hate and misinformation in the wider Australian society that we need to be ever aware of the threat of stigmatizing and using Muslims as a political football. I believe that the high standard of the Crescent Times is sufficient enough to ensure that each member of the Federal Parliament receives a copy. Let them know how we feel! Let them know – if they don’t already know – that we reject the views of the likes of Kevin Andrews out of hand! Let them know that we will not crumble in the face of racism and bigotry! In the previous copy of the Times, you kindly printed a letter of mine in which I called for the establishment of Muslim Lobby groups across the country, which could lobby on our behalf so that we do not give our votes away

for nothing in future! It is time we got moving! Have we not learned from the past how division amongst Muslims has historically been our downfall? When the all- conquering Muslim armies had entered France and the great Charlemange was on the run, he heard that the Arabs and the Berbers were fighting each other over booty – yes, the spoils of war! He turned his armies around – and the rest is history! Our Lord and Master tells us in the Holy Qur’an to, “Hold fast to the rope of Allah and be not divided amongst yourselves”. It is time we “ hear and obey” (sami anna wa atawna) , because we will never change our condition until we do something to change it ourselves. Keep Going! Jazakallah. Adam Parker, Perth, WA Salamalaikum, Brothers and Sisters, I have read your paper on many occasions, and on a visit to Melbourne recently, I picked up a November issue from the Islamic book and clothing shop in Coburg, please let me thank you for putting time and effort into reporting on a wide range of issues that concerns the Muslim community, here in Launceston Tasmania there is only a very small community and we do not


have a lot of contact with a strong Muslim community, Insha’Allah we will grow. At this point in time we are not so financial to lend our support in a big way but as President of Islamic Association of Launceston I will put forward a request to the bro and sis and to purchase a year’s subscription to CT. Your topics cover a wide range of issues and the advertisements let us find those most sought after products online Alhamdulillah, so much easier than racing off to the mainland and then running from shop to shop in a hurry. I also understand your frustration over AFIC I too was promised help but it fell on deaf ears but like you said, it is all in Allah’s hands, we needed help with a mosque or small place to hold our classes, but I guess we need to be patient. Allah tests us on patience all the time and we are rewarded when he can see the efforts we make above and beyond anyone else, so keep up your wonderful work, may Allah reward you Ameen. On behalf of the Islamic Association Launceston we thank you for your efforts, Insha’Allah you will continue to grow, and we send our very best to all of you and for the future of CT.

issue 14, December 2009

Paul J. Balles*

Irfan Yusuf*

The Islamophobe quartet of the USA

How to burn Swiss chocolate?

Ayisha Varga El Shamandi – Launceston, Tasmania



issue 14, December 2009


Page 16


The Islamic Way of Life” in modern society is seriously being threatened by Muslims’ obsession with materialism, greed, selfishness and lust for power. These un-Islamic vices generally create problems, such as rapid increases in the rise of juvenile delinquency, formation of anti-social gangs and gang warfare, disrespect to parents and authority, violence, crime, and drug taking and other abusive use of intoxicants and toxic substances. There have been considerable comments and studies on the causes that lead to these problems in society. Some of which are: 1)Parents neglecting the Islamic rights their children have over them, such as providing a pious, caring, exemplary Islamic Way of Life and environment at home. 2)Parents neglecting the child’s Islamic education and Tarbiyyah 3)Lack of assertive discipline in the child’s upbringing and a lack of consistency in the method of discipline. 4)Muslim children attending secular state schools and spending six to seven hours per day for five days a week, for forty weeks per year, and for thirteen years! (from pre-primary to year 12) in totally non Islamic environments and in the company of teachers and peers whose beliefs backgrounds and life styles may be totally alien to Islam and which the parents are largely unaware of. 5)Children at state schools dealing with negative peer pressure and associating with friends who may lack moral and spiritual values and being of no benefit to them Islamically and morally, and also facing the pitfalls associated with mixing freely with the opposite sex. 6)Corruptive influences of TV and now lately the Internet, which can be more damaging and morally destructive because of its secretive nature, if not properly supervised and controlled. 7)Broken homes and breaking up of the family unit. For the many reasons mentioned above and below, the state of Muslim communities globally have reached a stage where it is more critical than ever to teach our children the pure ‘traditional’ (according to Quran and Sunnah) Aadaabul Islam or Islamic manners and modes of conduct and to instill in them Islamic religious and moral values. The teaching of Aadaabul Islam has been lost over time by the majority of Muslims and even by some of our scholars and leaders, which is a shame, because they do not set the required examples of the Islamic Model with the proper Akhlaq as demonstrated by our beloved prophet (SAW) and his companions to look up to. Many scholars and writers have documented concerns about the failure of Muslims to adhere to and to practise this important and vital aspect of the Religion of Islam. The discarding of this aspect of our religion leads to: a)Rapidly rising occurrences of disrespect and disobedience to parents, elders and authority; b)Disregard of the rights of others as well as the rights of the self over others; c)A lack of compassion for the young;

d)Intolerance and racialism; e)Adoption of un-Islamic manners and customs and innovations which in turn causes friction in the family and ultimately in the Islamic community at large. One of the most important rights to be fulfilled is the proper Islamic education and moral training of children. The rights that parents have over children and the rights that children have over parents have been discarded over time, except in the families and communities where a strict code of Islamic tarbiyyah of children are being carried out. Tarbiyyah means to look after, to nurture, to nourish, to help grow and flourish. Tarbiyyah (form the Arabic root word which means to own, to look after and cherish). Our beloved prophet (SAW) took thirteen years through Allah’s Rahma to strengthen the Imaan and Taqwa of his followers. Sending children to state schools for ten to thirteen years is taking a tremendous risk In preserving Muslim children’s Islamic Identities, especially if there is no thorough and significant Islamic education and moral training, as well proper Islamic role models (parents and Mudarris) for the children to emulate and pious and religious home environments in which to nurture the children. Children who are nurtured and educated by pious and God fearing parents and who grow up in a community of practicing and Da’wah orientated Muslims, are fostered in a community which has many role models to copy and to guide them in growing up as strong and pious Muslims. Because of the prevalence of negative role models in our modern materialistic society, parents have to be more strict with themselves as Islamic role models. Here we have to mention the most threatening and dangerous of negative role models to which our children are constantly exposed. These are the models of Muslims who either do not practise or practise a selective type of Islam by selecting what they like and ignoring the rest. This creates confusion, distortion of what is correct and an imbalance in the attitudes and conduct of children. Parents have a vitally important task in developing, preserving, and maintaining the Islamic Identities of their children. This task should never be regarded as being minor or insignificant, but in terms of success in this world and in the hereafter, it is truly of the utmost importance, for there is, if justice is done to the children, the promise of a great reward, Inshaa Allah. Parents will be judged according to their intentions and efforts as “shepherds” and they will be answerable for the children entrusted to them by Allah, for just as children are a source of joy and pleasure, so too are they a test . The Tarbiyyah of children requires lots of time, effort, patience, persistence, devotion and constant du’ah for the protection, wellbeing We pray that Allah give us patience, guidance and understanding in the Tarbiyyah of our children and that Allah SWTA may be pleased with us and with them. * Haroun Kiersten is the founding principal of Al Hidayah Islamic School. He has been teaching since 1966.

The Man With the Most Beautiful Heart

Life Storyteller

Zabrina A. Bakar


ne day, I received a phone call from a dearest friend. Just from her first hello, I knew something was wrong. And I was right. The moment I asked her, she started sobbing. Ya Allaah, please give strength to my dear friend to face this difficult trial in her life, I whispered a prayer for her. I remembered what Mother Theresa used to say,: “Love, to be real, must cost - it must hurt - it must empty us of self”. From the sobbing, sadness and crushed words, I knew she must really loved the other person. “Dearest” I asked my friend, “do you remember that Allah has said this in His Holy Book…”

“And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient.” (Al-Baqarah 2:155)

This is what life is full of, right? Allah has promised to test us with one, two, a few or all of the things He mentioned in His Verse above. He told us clearly of that. But have we ever wondered why - despite knowing well before hand of His upcoming tests, we easily fall into sadness, shocked and disbelief when these tests actually happen to us, and at the same time, forget the glad tidings He has promised to send our way right after His tests? This was when I realized something. Trials of life will come, my friends. It has been guaranteed by Allah. Thus, we must have patience in facing them. But Allah, being The Most Merciful and Most Loving, has also guaranteed glad tidings for us, if we are patience facing His tests. So, come to think of it, don’t you think we should be smiling looking at our broken hearts and our wounded souls; and tell ourselves, aren’t we lucky to have all these scars and bruises because by them being there, we know that something great called glad tidings are coming our way? Absolutely! Let me share with you a Story of a Man with The Most Beautiful Heart. Most Beautiful Heart One day A Young man was standing in the middle of the town Proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart

It was perfect There was not a mark or a flaw in it Suddenly An old man appeared and said Your heart is not as nearly as beautiful as mine The young man looked at the old man’s heart It was beating strongly, But it was full of scars, jagged edges and holes He laughed. “You must be joking!” He said, “Compare your heart with mine, Mine is perfect and Yours is a mess of scars and tears” “Yes” said the old man “Every scar represents a person to whom I have given my love. I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them and often they give me a piece of their heart which fits into the empty place in my heart but because the pieces aren’t exact I have some rough edges which I cherish because they remind me of the love we shared. Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away And the other person hasn’t returned a piece of his heart to me These are the empty gouges – giving love, is taking a chance. Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the love I have for these people too. And I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?” SubhanAllah, isn’t that beautiful, my brothers and sisters? Truly, it is the imperfections of our hearts that come from the pieces we cut and gave away, that actually make our hearts so beautiful… So let us all look at all the scars and bruises in our hearts, and realize that because of all these scars and bruises, we have a perfect heart! And as I looked at my heart, I saw this one spot of deep scar from an empty space left by a piece of my heart I gave to someone. And I smiled as I know even though that deep scar is still painful and hurting me, it reminded me of how beautiful my life has become and the glad tidings I received from it, as a sign of Love from my Lord rewarding me for being patience, alhamdulillaah. And like the old man, I still hope and pray that the piece of heart I gave away, will be filled up again one day, inshaAllah. Look at your hearts too, my friends. And thank Him, for allowing the scars to be there, as it is a sign that His glad tidings are on their way towards you! What an amazing feeling, you agree? Absolutely! *Sis Zabrina also known as Zabrina A. Bakar, is a Life Storyteller, motivational and inspirational writer and speaker; and author and creator of Award Nominated and National Bestseller Islamic motivational book Life Open Secret book series. her books are available in Australia from:

And among His wonders is this: He creates for you mates out of your own kind so that you might incline towards them, and He engenders love and tenderness between you: In this, behold, there are messages indeed for people who think. (Quran 30:21) It is lawful for you to go in unto your wives during the night preceding the fast: they are as a garment for you, and you are as a garment for them.... (Quran 2:187) American Army Major Nidal Hasan has been charged with the murder of thirteen people at Fort Hood, Texas and the attempted premeditated murder of thirty-two more. The complete details of this tragedy have yet to be revealed; it will be months or years before the public knows all the facts behind this terrible story. What we know about Hasan is a big batch of contradiction. On one hand, we have an (alleged) murderer who had been communicating with America-hating extremists. He was investigated by the FBI and not particularly well-regarded by his peers or superiors. On the other hand, he had been given a recent promotion and was known as a quiet, peaceful, Allah-fearing man. He must have been incredibly lonely, too, as he felt attached to, yet excluded from, both the Army and the Muslim worlds. How sad that Hasan could not have dealt with the emotions that led to the decision that “suicide by murder” was a viable and acceptable method of escaping the military or doing his part to help his fellow Muslims. Too bad, too, that he tried to find a wife at some point but was unable. (This fact in itself is amazing because of the many, many Muslimahs in this country looking for a husband.) Having someone at home with whom to air our frustrations, get good counsel, and rejuvenate and strengthen ourselves is one of the blessings that Allah intends for us in marriage. This is ignoring altogether the fun and joy children bring to a marriage. Whether having a wife would have helped Hasan keep it together, Allah only knows. It is certainly easy to imagine, however, a wife supporting her husband through such a tumultuous, trying time. More

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Prayer Schedule December 2009 Adelaide, South Australia

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Fajr 4:12 4:11 4:11 4:10 4:10 4:10 4:10 4:10 4:09 4:09 4:09 4:09 4:09 4:10 4:10 4:10 4:10 4:11 4:11 4:11 4:12 4:12 4:13 4:14 4:14 4:15 4:16 4:16 4:17 4:18 4:19

Sunrise 5:55 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:56 5:56 5:57 5:57 5:57 5:58 5:58 5:59 5:59 6:00 6:00 6:01 6:01 6:02 6:03 6:04

Prayer Schedule December 2009 Sydney, New South Wales

Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha 1:05 4:52 8:15 9:52 1:05 4:53 8:16 9:53 1:06 4:53 8:17 9:54 1:06 4:53 8:17 9:55 1:07 4:54 8:18 9:56 1:07 4:54 8:19 9:57 1:07 4:55 8:20 9:58 1:08 4:55 8:21 9:59 1:08 4:56 8:22 10:00 1:09 4:56 8:22 10:01 1:09 4:57 8:23 10:02 1:10 4:57 8:24 10:03 1:10 4:57 8:24 10:03 1:11 4:58 8:25 10:05 1:11 4:58 8:26 10:05 1:12 4:59 8:27 10:06 1:12 4:59 8:27 10:07 1:13 5:00 8:28 10:07 1:13 5:00 8:28 10:08 1:14 5:01 8:29 10:09 1:14 5:01 8:29 10:09 1:15 5:02 8:30 10:10 1:15 5:02 8:30 10:10 1:16 5:03 8:31 10:10 1:16 5:03 8:31 10:11 1:17 5:04 8:32 10:11 1:17 5:04 8:32 10:11 1:17 5:04 8:32 10:11 1:18 5:05 8:33 10:12 1:19 5:06 8:33 10:12 1:19 5:06 8:33 10:12

Day Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu

Fajr Sunrise 3:56 5:37 3:56 5:37 3:55 5:37 3:55 5:37 3:55 5:36 3:55 5:36 3:54 5:36 3:54 5:37 3:54 5:37 3:54 5:37 3:54 5:37 3:54 5:37 3:54 5:37 3:55 5:38 3:55 5:38 3:55 5:38 3:55 5:39 3:56 5:39 3:56 5:39 3:56 5:40 3:57 5:40 3:57 5:41 3:58 5:41 3:59 5:42 3:59 5:42 4:00 5:43 4:01 5:43 4:01 5:44 4:02 5:45 4:03 5:45 4:04 5:46

Dhuhr 12:45 12:45 12:45 12:46 12:46 12:47 12:47 12:47 12:48 12:48 12:49 12:49 12:50 12:50 12:51 12:51 12:52 12:52 12:53 12:53 12:54 12:54 12:55 12:55 12:56 12:56 12:57 12:57 12:58 12:58 12:59

Asr Maghrib 4:29 7:52 4:30 7:53 4:30 7:53 4:31 7:54 4:31 7:55 4:31 7:56 4:32 7:57 4:32 7:57 4:33 7:58 4:33 7:59 4:34 8:00 4:34 8:00 4:35 8:01 4:35 8:02 4:36 8:03 4:36 8:03 4:37 8:04 4:37 8:04 4:38 8:05 4:38 8:06 4:39 8:06 4:39 8:07 4:40 8:07 4:40 8:07 4:41 8:08 4:41 8:08 4:41 8:09 4:42 8:09 4:42 8:09 4:43 8:09 4:43 8:10

Isha 9:26 9:28 9:29 9:30 9:31 9:32 9:33 9:34 9:35 9:36 9:36 9:37 9:38 9:39 9:40 9:40 9:41 9:42 9:42 9:43 9:43 9:44 9:44 9:45 9:45 9:45 9:46 9:46 9:46 9:46 9:46

Aisha Stacy*

We love death more than you love life. Ominous words indeed. Especially when coupled with the mass shooting at American army base, Fort Hood. We love death more then you love life. Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hassan concluded his presentation to senior army doctors with these words more than 18 months ago. Should alarm bells have gone off then? These words can certainly conjure up images of death, destruction, suicidal tendencies, and mayhem, but why is that so? Were these words really a portent of evil or were they the words of a man trying, perhaps inadequately, to explain why Muslims do not fear death. The death of thirteen innocent people cannot be justified by platitudes and unsubstantiated claims about what was going through Major Nidal’s mind at the time of the alleged shooting. It was a tragedy for all those involved. However these words, we love death more then you love life, do not necessarily mean that the person uttering them is moments away from taking either his own life or the life of others. Allah makes it quite clear in Quran that human life is sacred. “We ordained ...that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all humankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all humankind.” (Quran 5:32) Muslims believe that the life of this world is but a transient place of trials and testing, a mere stopping place p on the way to everlasting life in the hereafter. Death is the doorway to everlasting life. A person who has lived a pious life, being careful to follow the commandments of Allah hopes for life everlasting in a paradise beyond our wildest imaginings. A person who fears Allah and remembers the impermanence of this worldly life begins to face death without fear. He or she loves the thought of dying and meeting Allah, even more then materialistic people love to party and gather possessions. A true believer loves death because it is, by the will of Allah, his doorway to Paradise. Abdullah ibn Omar said, “The life of this world is a paradise for the disbeliever and a prison for the believer. When a believer dies and departs from this world, he feels like a prisoner who has been released to go freely on the spacious earth”. People with deep faith used to believe that eternal life in a blissful heaven was the just reward for a life well lived. They too would long for heaven and fear hell. What has happened to the world when the idea of being safe in heaven with a merciful God and expressing this desire can be construed as a desire to take human lives? What is it that we fear about someone who loves life everlasting more then the life of this world?

Prayer Schedule December 2009 Perth, Western Australia

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Fajr Sunrise 3:26 5:03 3:26 5:03 3:26 5:03 3:25 5:03 3:25 5:03 3:25 5:03 3:25 5:03 3:25 5:03 3:25 5:03 3:25 5:03 3:25 5:03 3:25 5:04 3:25 5:04 3:25 5:04 3:26 5:05 3:26 5:05 3:26 5:05 3:27 5:06 3:27 5:06 3:27 5:06 3:28 5:07 3:28 5:07 3:29 5:08 3:29 5:08 3:30 5:09 3:31 5:10 3:31 5:10 3:32 5:11 3:33 5:11 3:34 5:12 3:35 5:13

Dhuhr 12:06 12:07 12:07 12:07 12:08 12:08 12:09 12:09 12:09 12:10 12:10 12:11 12:11 12:12 12:12 12:13 12:13 12:14 12:14 12:15 12:15 12:16 12:16 12:17 12:17 12:18 12:18 12:19 12:19 12:20 12:20

Asr Maghrib Isha 3:47 7:09 8:40 3:47 7:09 8:41 3:47 7:10 8:42 3:48 7:11 8:43 3:48 7:12 8:44 3:49 7:13 8:45 3:49 7:13 8:46 3:49 7:14 8:47 3:50 7:15 8:48 3:50 7:16 8:49 3:51 7:16 8:49 3:51 7:17 8:50 3:52 7:18 8:51 3:52 7:18 8:52 3:52 7:19 8:52 3:53 7:20 8:53 3:53 7:20 8:54 3:54 7:21 8:54 3:54 7:21 8:55 3:55 7:22 8:56 3:55 7:22 8:56 3:56 7:23 8:57 3:56 7:23 8:57 3:57 7:24 8:57 3:57 7:24 8:58 3:58 7:25 8:58 3:58 7:25 8:58 3:59 7:25 8:59 3:59 7:26 8:59 4:00 7:26 8:59 4:00 7:26 8:59

Debora McNichol*

everlasting life

Prayer Schedule December 2009 Melbourne, Victoria

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Fajr Sunrise 4:01 5:52 4:00 5:51 4:00 5:51 3:59 5:51 3:59 5:51 3:59 5:51 3:58 5:51 3:58 5:51 3:58 5:51 3:58 5:51 3:58 5:51 3:58 5:51 3:58 5:51 3:58 5:51 3:58 5:52 3:58 5:52 3:58 5:52 3:59 5:53 3:59 5:53 3:59 5:53 4:00 5:54 4:00 5:54 4:01 5:55 4:01 5:55 4:02 5:56 4:03 5:57 4:04 5:57 4:04 5:58 4:05 5:59 4:06 5:59 4:07 6:00

Dhuhr Asr 1:10 5:03 1:10 5:03 1:10 5:04 1:11 5:04 1:11 5:05 1:12 5:05 1:12 5:06 1:12 5:06 1:13 5:07 1:13 5:07 1:14 5:07 1:14 5:08 1:15 5:09 1:15 5:09 1:16 5:10 1:16 5:10 1:17 5:11 1:17 5:11 1:18 5:12 1:18 5:12 1:19 5:13 1:19 5:13 1:20 5:14 1:20 5:14 1:21 5:15 1:21 5:15 1:22 5:15 1:22 5:16 1:23 5:16 1:23 5:17 1:24 5:17

Maghrib Isha 8:27 10:11 8:28 10:12 8:29 10:13 8:30 10:14 8:31 10:16 8:32 10:17 8:33 10:18 8:33 10:19 8:34 10:20 8:35 10:21 8:36 10:22 8:37 10:23 8:37 10:24 8:38 10:25 8:39 10:26 8:39 10:26 8:40 10:27 8:41 10:28 8:41 10:28 8:42 10:29 8:42 10:29 8:43 10:30 8:43 10:30 8:44 10:31 8:44 10:31 8:44 10:31 8:45 10:32 8:45 10:32 8:45 10:32 8:46 10:32 8:46 10:32

issue 14, December 2009

The Kiki principle:

plausible, even, that she urge her husband to choose another career path from the start because she knows her husband better than he knows himself. Might is right in the military. Soldiers are trained to ask no questions and to do things that no one who believes in God should be asked to do. Mother-reared soldiers may be mentally and emotionally torn between their countries and their consciences. This phenomenon is nothing new or unique to Major Hasan. Hasan’s fellow soldiers, whose coping mechanisms must include detaching themselves from the perceived enemy, likely found Hasan a threat to their psyches and ostracised him. And Hasan had his reasons for trying to emotionally and physically detach himself from the Army. A military organization must necessarily have its share of dirty little secrets. But Vietnam, for example, shows us how those secrets cannot stay hidden. American soldiers came back from Vietnam psychologically disturbed, physically ill, unable to sleep, prone to addiction, institutionalized, or incarcerated. Both Iraq wars have followed this trend to greater or lesser extent. How does a soldier do his time without going off the deep end? The Quran gives us help in an answer as old and as simple as Adam and Eve.


When the Shrink Needs Death is the doorway to a Shrink

Page 17

Analyse:American Army Major Nidal Hasan massive killing:


Page 18


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issue 14, December 2009

Poem: The Bridge at Pahalgām, in Kashmir

Sunni Muslim Age 24. Living In WA Has his own business. Looking for a good noble Muslim sunni girl for marriage. Prefer girl who wears hijab, who resides with her family in Western Australia. Contact Muhammad Raza 0401229358

AL-HIDAYAH ISLAMIC SCHOOL WA Crescent Times is a monthly Muslim community newspaper and as such welcomes contributions of letters, articles and photographs from all members of the community. Contributions sent by email or on computer disk are appreciated; there is no publication charge for articles submitted. The deadline for all contributions is the 25th of the month prior to publication. All contributions and advertising may be sent to: PO Box 628 Mirrabooka WA 6941 or by email to: INDEMNITY AND WARRANTY Advertisers and/or advertising agencies upon and by lodging material with Crescent Press Pty Ltd for publication in the Crescent Times or authorising or approving of the publication of any material INDEMNIFY Crescent Press Pty Ltd and the Crescent Times against all claims, demands, proceedings, costs, expenses, damages, awards, judgements and any other liability whatsoever wholly or partially arising directly or indirectly in connection with the publication of the material, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing indemnify Crescent Press Pty Ltd and the Crescent Times in relation to defamation, libel, slander of title, infringement of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication titles, unfair competition, breach of trade practices or fair trading legislation, violation of rights of privacy or confidential information or licences or royalty rights or other intellectual property rights AND WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant laws and regulations and that its publication will not give rise to any claims against or liabilities to Crescent Press Pty Ltd or the Crescent Times, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, that nothing therein is in breach of the Trade Practices Act 1974 or the Copyright Act 1968 or the Fair Trading Act 1987 or the defamation, consumer protection and sale of goods legislation of the Australian states or territories or infringes the rights of any person. Crescent Press Pty Ltd and the Crescent Times accept no responsibility or liability in relation to any loss due to the failure of an advertisement to appear according to instructions. The positioning or placing of an advertisement is at the discretion of the editor. COPYRIGHT Where no charge is made for the preparation of advertising material, Crescent Press Pty Ltd will remain owner of the copyright in the advertising material. Such advertising material may be reproduced only with the consent of Crescent Press Pty Ltd and upon payment of such fee as Crescent Press Pty Ltd may require. Original works are subject to copyright and shall not be reproduced without authority. HALAL POLICY Crescent Times does not represent or endorse the halal status of our advertisers products, neither the reliability of any of the advertisments, nor the quality of any products, information or other material displayed, consumed or purshased by any member of the public. Every individual shall conduct their own research on matters related to quality of product or its halal status.




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Photo: Idris Ellis, courtesy Idris Ellis

Three rode out from Pahalgām, to see the countryside; Over the bridge & up the ridge, two tourists & a guide. It was late Spring, & snow still clung to that high country, The sun was bright, the brook did run, the feeling was so free; Pure air set the tone; trust flowed in our blood; Hooves clicked on stone and splashed in mud; Strong, steadfast steeds of Mongol stock, bred on Spiti Ridge, Were what we three rode, across that rustic bridge; And mine had a mind of his own & he went where so he would, When on a hard-mouthed horse, fighting will do no good; Best to let him have his way, lest you find yourself astray. So all went well, upon that ride, up & around the mountainside, Along dirt roads with views aplenty, two tourists & a guide. My horse showed me that he knew the way, so I let him have his say, No point in being a fool, when I had a ready tool at hand To take me safely on a mountain ride. It was so grand! Till; at last, our day was spent &, so, back to town we went; Along the road, along the ridge, on towards Pahalgām bridge. The home stretch came into sight, & horses do as horses might, Mine sped up & veered to the left, tho the road veered to the right, I saw the track that he sought, checked it out & quickly thought: He knows where he is going; I need only stay in the saddle. Down he went, midst snow, mud, & boulders. I kept astraddle: I sat up straight, legs bent, hands on knees, slack at the shoulders; Down that slope he quickly sped, across the flat, & over the bridge; Home, well before the rest came down by the road from the ridge. What a ride! It was the best! Trust your steed: you are his guest. * Idris Ellis is a NSW based poet and writer.

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and your child read today? *Linda D. Delgado is the owner-publisher of Muslim Writers Publishing. She is an award winning book author and poet. Linda is a Muslim revert, lives in the USA, and is a grandmother and great grandmother.

Newborn baby Imani Chamkhi

A Pathway From Poverty


simplistic explanation for literacy is for a person to be able to read with understanding. How well does the extent of literacy of predominately Muslim populated countries compare with some known literacy statistics from 2007 World Factbook for males and females?** In the USA where literacy levels are among the highest world-wide, what factor is pointed to as the cause for those not achieving literacy in the USA? According to The Literacy Gap, http://www. in the US, the typical middle-class child enters first grade with 1,000-1,700 hours of picture book reading time; a low-income child averages just 25. This literacy gap emerges early and, without intervention, widens. Only 50% of low-income 4th graders read at or above the basic level compared to 79% of their middleclass peers, according to the Department of Education’s 2007 Nation’s Report Card. Having a low income is also a determining factor for Muslims having lower literacy achievements among males and females…that and the importance of reading not being a first priority in Muslim education. Growth of Muslim Population - No case of Rejoicing by Dr. M.I.H. Farooqi Secretary, Sir Syed Scientific Society, Lucknow writes: “Why with 25 percent, 1.5 Billion of the populations in this world are they (Muslims) scientifically and technologically backward, politically marginalised and economically poor?” “The combined Muslim share of World GDP (60 trillion dollars) is hardly 3 trillion dollars which is less than the GDP of France (Population 70 Million), about half of the GDP of Japan (Population 120 Million) and one fifth of GDP of U.S. (Population 300 Million).” “In the scientific field the record of Muslim nations is dismal. Five hundred Science PhD’s are produced every year. Out of the five hundred and odd Nobel Prizes in Science from 1901 to 2008, only one was awarded to a Muslim, which is about 0.2% of the total Awards. What a sad commentary for Muslims as far as scientific achievements are concerned.” Today, Muslim educators and parents are concentrating their efforts and pointing Muslim students in the direction of mathematics and the sciences. The push for Muslims to enter these two fields is based on economic factors as jobs in these areas generally pay more. What Muslim educators and parents are not focusing on is the fact that reading-reading comprehension is a fundamental skill that must be mastered first before students can move forward into these two areas of learning. Reading needs to begin with parents reading and showing themselves as examples to their children. Parents need to consistently read to and with their children and discuss the stories they read to ensure the children have understood what they read. Growing a child’s vocabulary is critically essential to their mastery of reading well with comprehension. Seek ‘n Find and crossword puzzles are excellent learning aids as are having children look up words in a dictionary and using a thesaurus to expand their vocabulary. Reading newspaper articles and magazines also offers opportunities for young readers to hone their critical

Above: Safiyah and Zac welcome the newest member of Crescent Times team, baby Imani Matilda. Born in the middle of compiling this issue of Crescent Times, she is expected to become a regular contributor soon insha Allah!


** literacy

Linda D Delgado*

gifts that should be at the top of any parent or grandparent’s gift list. Once a child masters a book, the book can be saved for younger siblings. Books are life-long gifts to the receivers of them. Literacy is the beginning of the path that can take Muslims out of poverty and provide the opportunities to excel and succeed in many areas of learning and knowledge. What did you

Above: Zain Bhikha performing in front of an appreciative audience. Photo courtesy Aiman S Ahmad

An Evening with Zain Bhikha Aiman S. Ahmad

In an Eid-ul-Adha treat and fundraiser for the Jeffcott St Mosque on 5th December, the Islamic Council of Victoria trotted out the popular South African Nasheed artist Zain Bhikha. Decked in a long flowing shirt and trousers, Bhikha, who was in Melbourne for the Parliament of World’s Religions,

oozed humility, much like the simple, elegant decorations on stage. He obliging heaped moving serenades such as Mountains of Mecca, Salaam (“if you can say salaam six times, you can sing it”), For Ever (a song about his son that he had never sung live before), Zamilooni, and Allah Knows upon a very transfixed audience. What preceded it was just as lovely. Melbourne’s own shining star Zaid Boyd regaled the audience with a performance of two great compositions a capella, and the poet Nour Abuzeid gave everyone

much to think about with his spoken word What a Piece of Work is a Man (a line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet), and little needs to be said about the little children who opened the evening with their melodic voices and who perhaps would grow to be just as successful as Bhikha. There was also a quiz - and everyone smirked when any size one prize winner ran out to accept size 13 boots, but Eid is all about giving. Later, Bhikha signed CDs (which were on sale downstairs) and posed for photos.

issue 14, December 2009


thinking skills. Many Muslims scoff or reject fiction reading. They want their children to recite and memorize the Qur’an…but if their children have no understanding-comprehension of what they memorize or recite they have not benefited from the Qur’an’s teachings and beauty. Providing and reading fiction books to children so they will learn to love reading are

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Crescent Garden


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Fi amani’Allah Eid el Idha in Bangladesh is almost same in its traditions and religious arrangements as other Muslim majority countries. To explore more, Amanda Charmand-Mazumder, wrote from Bangladesh:


angladesh has a Muslimmajority population, with 89.6% of the over 150 million people being of the Muslim faith. This means that the traditions of Islam are countrywide and experienced by almost all the population. About one week prior to the Eid-ul-Adha festival or Qurbani (Sacrifice), an estimated seven million plus livestock, which includes non-dairy cows, sheep, goat and camels, begin to flock in from the around the country and across the border from India. Specialised livestock markets built from bamboo are instated in selected vicinities and the people who are able to purchase an animal shop around for the fittest and best priced sacrifice. Cows and camels can be shared by up to 7 families and divided accordingly, whereas goats and sheep can only be purchased by one. Cows are seen around the country, sharing the roads with traffic, pedestrians and occupying open land to graze until sold. The animals are taken home, tied up somewhere safe from thieves and given hay, leaves and water to nourish them. Purchasing an animal for sacrifice

is available until the morning of Eid, the farmers or handlers sleep with their animals overnight throughout the week until it is sold. After the Eid prayer on the 10th day of Dhul Hijjah, the cow (or animal for sacrifice) is slaughtered according to Islamic law. This means, laying the animal on its left side, facing it to the Qibla (Mecca), mentioning the name of Allah (Bismillah Al-rahman Alraheem/Allahu Akbar), cutting through jugular veins, carotid arteries, trachea, oesophagus and leaving the spinal cord intact. The animal is left to drain and die completely for a few minutes, then skinned and cut into parts for easier distribution. Pretty much the entire cow is cut up and divided, except the ears, horns, teeth, eyes and skin. The bones, meat and liver in are separated piles then distributed in three parts; one to the poor people of the area, one to the poorer or less fortunate people of the family and one to the family who purchased the animal. If seven families purchased the animal then that third is divided into seven equal parts. The poor people are there

Just like home!! Eid Sacrifice in Bangladesh

Above: Bengali kids patting their sacrifice cow, hours before Eid day. Photo courtesy: Amanda Charmand-Mazumder with their carry bags to witness the honest distribution and take their share of the meat. SubhanAllah, the cow that I witnessed being sacrificed did not whimper, make a sound nor did it look like it was in pain. It did continue to move up to 5 minutes after it was slaughtered from the reflex reaction of the spinal cord and the


meat twitched until it was cooked! For me, Eid ul Adha was a special time and portrayed to me the real meaning of Eid. The only time these poor people are able to enjoy the taste and nutritional benefits of meat is on Eid ul Adha. A person really feels grateful when they can see fruits of the seeds they sow. Allahu Akbar.


issue 14, December 2009


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