CREST News Bulletin (September – December 2011)
Centre for Research and Education for Social Transformation (CREST)
An autonomous institution under Government of Kerala
KIRTADS Campus, Chevayur, Calicut – 673 017 Kerala India Tel: + 91 495 2355342, 2351496 Fax : +91 495 2355342 Email:
Abou ut CRES ST Centre for Research & & Education for Social Trransformatio on (CREST) iis an autonom mous overnment of o Kerala CR REST has beeen conceived as a nattional institution under Go a professio onal studies,, addressing the needs of o the institute of humanitiees, science and d Castes, Sch heduled Tribees and otherr marginalizeed communitties of India w while Scheduled integratin ng with thee informational society. The Centree was incub bated by Indian Institu ute of Managem ment Kozhiko ode. The gov verning coun ncil headed by b the Minisster for Welffare of Sched duled Castes an nd Scheduled d Tribes and Other Backw ward Commu unities as Chaairman moniitors the activ vities of the Ceentre. Dignitaaries like thee Governor o of Kerala, Ch hief Minister of Kerala an nd the Speak ker of the Keralla Legislativ ve Assembly are the pattrons of thiss autonomou us institution n. The Governing Council has h representation from m institution ns like Indiaan Institute of Management Kozhikode, National Institute of A Advanced Stu udies, Bangaalore, Kerala State Counciil for Sciencee, Technology y and ment, Thiruv vananthapuram and Sreee Chitra Th hirunal Institute for Meedical Sciencces & Environm Technolo ogy, Thiruvan nanthapuram m .
Activ vities ation Pro ogramme for Entry y Level BT Tech Students at NIITK Orienta
On invitaation from National N Instiitute of Tech hnology – Kaarnataka (NIITK) , Suratk kal an orienttation programm me was held d for studen nts from sch heduled com mmunities un ndergoing first f year BTech B Degree course at thee NITK. The five day pro ogramme heeld from Auggust 31 to Seeptember 4 , was y SC/ST Cell of NITK and d CREST. The objective off the program mme was to im mprove jointly conducted by m covered included Goal the aspiraation/ motivaation level off students and learning skkills. The modules Setting & & Motivation n, Effective presentation p skills, Leadeership & Creeativity and Team Work k. The modules were handled by Vinod d Krishnan. T.Y. Associaate Program mme Coordin nator, Nirmaal Joy, oordinator aand Anil Menon, faculty of CREST. 40 students too ok part in thee programmee. Course Co
ational Da ay of Peacce Interna
Dr.Vankat R Raman , Kozhikod de delivered a talk on ‘Peeace and Con nflict Resoluttion’ . Speaking at the occasion Dr. Vaankat Raman said that glo obalization , , despite cerrtain positiv ve features, do not neceessarily lead d to a
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onal Day of f Peace was observed in i CREST on n Septemberr 30, 2011, with two sp pecial Internatio lectures on o world peeace organizeed for studeents undergo oing Post Grraduate Certificate Coursse for Professio onal Develop pment there. Dr.Vankatt Raman , Faculty, F Indiian Institutee of Manageement
peaceful international order. On the contrrary, it acceelerates con nflicts especcially amongg the ng countries and within people inhab biting there. He emphasiized the need for a pro‐aactive developin approach h from the peeople of the d developing ccountries forr building up p an equitablle society. M Maria Magdalen na Waldvogeel in her lectture on th he role of wo omen in peaace building in the globaalised scenario emphasized the need fo or women to o become acctive particip pants at the negotiation n t table, uture processses are impleemented. As it is mostly women who o stay where deecisions are ttaken and fu at home, trying to prrovide basic structures by b keeping up u daily routtines also in times of con nflict, m dirrectly they takee over key roles in socieety. Knowingg about locall conditions and being moreover involved in and confrronted by th he prevailingg processes, the female part p of the population p caan be nce, understaanding the po otentials and d causes of cconflict. As paart of considereed as a sourcce of referen the affeccted commu unity, women can furrthermore mobilize m oth hers to staart processees of consolidaation.
hop Theatrre Worksh A sev ven day workshop, organized as a parrt of comm munication sk kills / person nality develop pment modu ule of the Post P Graduaate Certificaate Course for Professsional Develo opment was held for the students fro om October 2 24 , to 31 , 20 011. The worrkshop was h held at the Government Y Youth Hostell, Calicut .It was conduccted by Ms. Jilmil Hazarrika , visitin ng faculty of N National School of Dramaa , New Delhii. The worksshop was asssessed by the students aas a very effeective prograamme for developing d English com mmunication n and enhan ncing self con nfidence
Certificate e Course f for Professsional De evelopme ent Post Grraduate C
professio onal degree holders, 21 2 are Postt Graduate Degree D holdeers and 3 arre graduatess. 25
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VII Batch of tthe Post Grad duate Certificate Course for Professio onal Develop pment The classses for the XV commencced on Noveember 17 , , 2011. Of the 40 candidates who o joined thee course, 16 are
candidatees are girls. On Novemb ber 16, pareents of the caandidates were w invited and a were brriefed about thee objectives o of the prograamme, opporrtunities etc.. The ice breeaking sessio on was condu ucted by Sucharrita Hota, Nirrmal Joy and d Vinod AR on n November 17 , 2011, aat CIGI, Chevaayur, Calicut..
nrichmentt Workshop Self En day worksho op on self deevelopment was held at Sreyas Traaining Centree, Sultan Batthery, A three‐d W Wayanad durring Novemb ber 18 – 20, 2011 for th he candidatee who jo oined for th he PGCCPD programme p (XVII Batch h). The work kshop c covered the themes; Team Buildingg, Corporatee communicaation, a and presentaations. The workshop was condu ucted by Mrr.Anil M Menon. A sensitization n programm me was also arranged in c connection with the workshop. w nts were given The studen o opportunity to interact with w the trib bal people inhabiting i in n and a around Muth hanga wildliffe sanctuary y. A session was held fo or the students by Saseendran , Block Paanchayat Meember of Sultan S B Bathery Block k, focusing on n forest rights act.
KR Narrayanan M Memoriall Lecture The fourtth Annual N National Lectture in memory of Sri.K.R R.Narayanan n, former P President of India
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was deliv vered by Srii.Gopalkrishn na Gandhi , well known n author, pu ublic intellectual and fo ormer
Governorr of West Ben ngal on Noveember 26, 2011 Saturdaay at Alak kapuri Audittorium Calicu ut. Sr. Gopalkrisshna Gandhi , who is the grandson off Mahatma Gaandhi , deliveering the talk k entitled ‘K Kerala and Nehrru: A Continu uing Dialogu ue’ said politiical discoursse that began n in the Nehru years witth the Gandhi in nfluence overr it exercisin ng an indirectt effect, contiinues in man ny forms todaay, both with hin its domesticc engagemen nts and in itss dealings wiith the outside world. 'D Dogmas and d doctrines ch hange, they do not go away y. Dogmatism m remains, doctrinaire ways of thiinking do no ot let go of their hold over the processes of thought. Kerala, whiich has prod duced some very doctriinaire strangleh people is,, in its essenttial being, an nti‐dogmatistt. It is non‐do octrinaire', he said, when n new dogmaas and doctriness, of native an nd foreign orrigin, want to o dominate o our ways of liife and action n, Kerala will, one trusts, co ontinue to su ubject them to t independent analysis and examin nation', he saaid. The peop ple of Kerala arre too consciious and too aware of th heir right to o original thin nking, to fresh thinking, tto the privilege of critical en nquiry and ree‐investigatio on, to becom me hidebound d, he said, ad dding 'their aability y any convention, any tradition, t howsoever higgh its to questiion, to probe, to not acccept blindly auspices, is nothing short of a colossal c streength'. Sri. Gopalkrishna G a Gandhi waas welcomed d and udience by Prof.D.D.Nam P mpoothiri, Exxecutive Direector and vo ote of thankss was introduceed to the au proposed d by Prof. Ash hley Paul, Associate Proggramme Coorrdinator.
Peerle evel menttoring wo orkshop a at IIMK
A peer level l mentorring worksh hop was helld for PGCC CPD studentts at the In ndian Institu ute of Managem ment Kozhiko ode, on September 27, 2011. The w workshop served as an in ntroduction tto the
regular peer‐level p meentoring sesssions condu ucted by IIM students fo or CREST stu udents. Sesssions covered iincluded com mmunication skills, inter‐personal skills, CV writin ng and interv view skills.
Ms. M Maria Magdalena M W Waldvogel f from Germaany underggoing Masters M degrree in Cultu ure, Commu unication & Globalization n at A Aalborg Univ ersity, Denm mark interned d with CREST T for four mo onths d mber – December 2011. She has beeen providingg soft during Septem skills, particu ularly commu unication skiills to the stu udents of PGC CCPD program p on one‐on‐one basis. She also did speecial session ns on isssues of globbal concern.
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Interrns at C CREST
TIL allots land d for CR REST KSIT
Kerrala State IT T Infrastruccture Ltd (K KSITIL) ‐ the apex com mpany pro omoted by Government G of Kerala fo or the develo opment of IT T ‐ at theeir meeting held h on Sep ptember 30, 2011 has aggreed to allot one acrre of land for f CREST at a the CYBE ERPARK on long term lease. l CYB BERPARK, which w is beeing set up in the linee of Techno opark, Triivandrum , iss located in 6 60 acres of laand in Nellik kkode , on the by‐ passs road, 7 killometers away from Caliicut city centtre.
Special Lecctures/ / Work kshops pecial lecturees/ worksho ops were held during Sep ptember – December 20 011. The reso ource Seven sp persons included Balachandra B an Gopinath, International Trainer JC CI Mr. Anil Menon , Ramesh n, Aegon Assset managem ment, Netherrlands , T N N Krishnan , Associate . Professor , IIMK Chandran Dr.Prabhakaran Paleri ( Former Director Geeneral , Coasst Guards) , Dr. Bhaskaran Nair, Lin ncoln n Institute of f Technology,, Chennai and Dilraj KR , Vice‐ Universitty, UK , Dr.Saanthosh , Facculty , Indian Presidentt , OZTERN Technology , Technoparrk, Trivandru um. The special lectures covered a broad b range of ttopics like employability y, opportunitties in corporrate sector, SStrategic maanagement, ssocial analysis, communicattion, intervieew skills, and d career plann ning and Theeme Centereed Interaction n
CRES ST in m media
M i, Malayala Manorama, New Indiaan Express , The Leading news paperss like the Mathrubhumi ws magazine The Week aand vernacullar visual meedia like ASIA ANET Hindu, Deeccan chroniicle and new , Indiavission, MMTV etc have giv ven coverage to various p programmes conducted b by CREST during Septembeer – December 2011.
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IndoEurop pean m mobility y progrramme e CREST , an C n associated d partner in an Indo‐Eu uropean mo obility p programme initiated by y Swedish South Asian Studies Nettwork ( (SASNET) has accepteed two interns from Lund Universsity , S Sweden , ass a part of fieldwork f fo or their grad duate thesis. Ms. E Emelie Rohn ne and Ms. Lizzie L Sagreelius, underggoing Bachellor of S Science Proggramme in Developmeent Studies (BIDS) at Lund U University, w will be attach hed to CREST T from Januaary – March 2 2012. W While intern ing with CRE EST Lizzie Saagrelius will w work on a prroject e entitled ”Acccess and benefits sh haring” and Emelie Rohne R will study y about the rrole of farmerrs in the Kerala model deevelopment
ulty Acttivitiess Facu Nampoothirii, Executive Director atttended a Consultation meeting m with h Lt General P .S. Prof.D.D.N Bhalla, AVSM A , Direcctor Generall, NCC, Minisstry of Defeence, Govt. of o India, New w Delhi and d Brig C.Sandeepkumar, Dy.Director Gen neral, NCC heeld in Thiruv vananthapurram on December 28, 20 011 in on with discussing the feeasibility of conducting skill –enhancement proggrammes forr NCC connectio Cadets hailing h from m marginalized backgro ounds in India. He also a Presentted a Papeer on ‘Interdiscciplinarity in Social Scieences: Privileeging Studen nt Outcomess’ in the Nattional Seminaar on “Doing So ociology in In ndia: Retrosp pect and Pro ospects” orgaanized by Ind dian Sociologgical Society,, New Delhi helld on Decem mber 27‐28, at a the univerrsity of Keraala, Thiruvan nanthapuram m. On Octobeer 14, 2011 he ggave a lecture on 'New P Public Managgement and E Enhancing In nstitutional W Well‐ Being aat the Faculty Development D t Workshop at Centre for f Water Resources R Deevelopment and a Manageement (CWRDM M) . On Decem mber 15, 2011 he delivereed a talk on ‘‘Social Sciencce Theory an nd Methods’ iin the AQUIRE P Programme of Kerala Staate Higher Education Council held att M.G.University Kottayam m for selected ffirst year degree studentts of the Univ versity region n. Associate Prrogramme Co oordinator, o on invitation from Oslo U University Co ollege, Vinod Krishnan.T.Y , A n social exclu usion in Indiaa , on Octobeer 18, Norway , held three lectures in Oslo Universitty College on d in Oslo un niversity colllege in conn nection with their 19 & 24 , 2011 Thee lecture serries was held vent "Window w to the Worrld" annual ev
ectures /worrkshops Special Le y workshop on Conflict Ressolution and decision mak king will be heeld for studen nts of XVII Baatch of A two‐day PGCCPD p programme on n January 6 & & 7, 2012 at C CREST, The workshop will w be conducted d by Vasudevaan PS, industrial psychologist and internatio onal trainer , b based in Chen nnai. udents on Project P Dr.Abhilassh Nair, Asst.. Professor , IIMK will deeliver a special lecture forr PGCCPD stu Preparatio on , on Januarry 16, 2012 y workshop on n Theme Centered Interactiion will be helld on January 23 & 24, 2012 by Prof. Th homas A two day Abraham, Internationall trainer , TCI
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hcomin ng Even nts Forth
Ms.Geetha Chandran , Banggalore based ffinancial conssultant will co onduct a sessiion on On Januarry 27, 2012 , M financial p planning and o opportunities in Banking Seector nd Film Critic and former director of EMM MRC Calcutta ) and On Februaary 1 & 2 , Fr. Gaston Roberrge ( Author an Sunandan Roy Chowdh hury ( Editor ‐ ‐ Publisher , Sampark Jourrnal of Globall Understand ding and lectu urer in dies, Satakunta University , Finland ) will conduct speccial lectures on n contemporary media Asian Stud d , Departmeent of Human nities and Soccial Sciences at IIT On Februaary 11, 2011 Prof A Ramanthan, Head Bombay w will deliver a sp pecial lecture on Analytical Design of Social Economicc Policy e Committee Meeting Executive 17th Execu utive Committtee meeting off CREST will be held at CRESST on January y 18, 2012. ory Function Valedicto The certifficate awardin ng ceremony ffor the XVI Baatch of PGCCP PD will be helld on 14 January 2012, at CIGI , Chevayur, Kozhikode. Dr.Saji Gopin nath , Professo or, Indian Insstitute of Man nagement Kozzhikode will be b the chief guest EST Lecture IIMK CRE P & Head , Departm ment of Sociollogy ,Delhi Scchool of Econo omics Universsity of Dr. Satish Deshpande Professor Delhi will deliver the seecond lecture of IIMK‐CRET T Lecture seriees on February y 27, 2012
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©CREST. T This News Bulletin n is published ev very four months by the Centre forr Research & Edu ucation for Social Transformation (CREST), Calicut – 67 73 017 Kerala Ind dia. For private ciirculation only.