Crest bulletin 9 january april 2012

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CREST News Bulletin (January – April 2012)


Centre for Research and Education for Social Transformation (CREST)

An autonomous institution under Government of Kerala

KIRTADS Campus, Chevayur, Calicut – 673 017 Kerala India Tel: + 91 495 2355342, 2351496 Fax : +91 495 2355342 Email:

Abou ut CRES ST Centre for Research & & Education for Social Trransformatio on (CREST) iis an autonom mous overnment of o Kerala CR REST has beeen conceived as a nattional institution under Go a professio onal studies,, addressing the needs of o the institute of humanitiees, science and d Castes, Sch heduled Tribees and otherr marginalizeed communitties of India w while Scheduled integratin ng with thee informational society. The Centree was incub bated by Indian Institu ute of Managem ment Kozhiko ode. The gov verning coun ncil headed by b the Minisster for Welffare of Sched duled Castes an nd Scheduled d Tribes and Other Backw ward Commu unities as Chaairman moniitors the activ vities of the Ceentre. Dignitaaries like thee Governor o of Kerala, Ch hief Minister of Kerala an nd the Speak ker of the Keralla Legislativ ve Assembly are the pattrons of thiss autonomou us institution n. The Governing Council has h representation from m institution ns like Indiaan Institute of Management Kozhikode, National Institute of A Advanced Stu udies, Bangaalore, Kerala State Counciil for Sciencee, Technology y and ment, Thiruv vananthapuram and Sreee Chitra Th hirunal Institute for Meedical Sciencces & Environm Technolo ogy, Thiruvan nanthapuram m .

Activ vities Certificcate Awarrding Cerremony off 16th Batcch of PGC CCPD

Prof. Ash hley Paul, Asssociate Programme Coorrdinator, CRE EST welcomeed the dignittaries, guests and the studeents. The preesidential ad ddress was d delivered by Prof.D.D.Nam mpoothiri, Executive Dirrector of CREST T. The studeents were felicitated by Ms. Sucharita Hota . Mss.Jyothi , Srii.T.Sivadas, Vinod V Krishnan n, Ms, Anita R Ramesh , Prof.Radha Nairr, Prof.V.Kesaavan , Ms. Usha, Ms. Emellie Rohne an nd Ms. Lizzie Saggrelius and S Sri.CVC Varrier, Administrative Officer. Abhilash h and Kavith ha represeenting the studeents delivereed the thank ksgiving speeech. Nirmal Joy, J Course Coordinator gave the vo ote of thanks.


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t Batch was held on Janu The Certiificate award ding Ceremony of the 16th uary 14, 201 12 at CIGI, Caalicut. Dr. Saji G Gopinath , Prrofessor, Indiian Institute of Managem ment was thee Chief Guestt for the funcction.

Panel Discussion on Globalization and Challenges to India's Cultural Identity A panel discussion on ‘Globalization and Challenges to India's Cultural Identity: Films, Media and New Media’ was organized by CREST at Hotel Alakapuri Auditorium, Kozhikode on February 1,

2012 . The Panelists were Fr. Gaston Roberge a Calcutta based media scholar and Sunandan Roy Chaudhury , Lecturer of Asian Studies at Satakunta University, Finland On February 2, Sunandan Roy Chaudhury held a special lecture “Rethinking Indian Higher Education, 1947‐2012: Policy, Politics, Philosophy at Hotel Alakapuri Auditorium Kozhikode. The panel discussion and the talk were held in connection with the general studies programme held for the students of the Post Graduate Certificate Course for Professional Development (PGCCPD) at CREST.

Open forum with Iffat Fatima


filmmaker based in Delhi. Iffat Fatima, who was in Calicut in connection with screening her documentary “Where Have You Hidden My New Crescent Moon” at the international film festival held at Sree Theatre on 9 March 2012.


The students of CREST had an ‘open forum’ with with Iffat Fatima, an independent documentary

Membe er of the e Sub­ Committe C ee on SC C/ST Dev velopmen nt of Kerala Assemb bly Visitss CREST Srii.Purushan Kadalundi, MLA and the Meember of the Sub‐ Com mmittee on SC/ST S Deevelopment of Kerala Assembly A viisited CR REST on 30 0 January 2012. 2 Addreessing stu udents, Srri. Purush han Kadaalundi em mphasized th he importancce of broadeening thee horizon of each individ dual. Each stu udent at CREST, hee said, should seek better b d have positive opportunities that would n each as well as for thee community y. Unlike th he past, oppo ortunities aree infinite and the impact on students should effectively make u use of it, he ssaid.

a Kandasa amy Speciall Lecture by Meena

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A special lecture, ‘Deccolonizing English: Dalitts, Hierarchy y and Languaage’ was con nducted by M Meena my , noted po oet and activ vist at Hotel Alakapuri Auditorium, K Kozhikode on n March 17,2012. Kandasam


Theatre Workshop

A theatre workshop was conducted for the students from 7 to 12 April 2012. The workshop was conducted by noted theatre person Jayaprakash Kuloor. The workshop was conducted as a part of

communication skills module of the PGCCPD module. On the final day of the workshop, the students performed a short play by Anton Chekhov before an invited audience at Hotel Alakapuri Auditorium , Kozhikode.

Valediction 17th Batch

The valedictory function for the 17th batch of PGCCPD was held on April 12 2012 at Hotel Alakapuri Auditorium , Calicut. On successful completion of the course 35 students were awarded their course certificates. Dr. M.N. Bandyopadhyay, Direcrtor, National Institute of Technology, Calicut was the chief guest for the function. Dr. Anandakuttan B Unnithan, Professor, Marketing Management, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode was the Guest of Honor. The students were felicitated by faculty members Prof. Radha S Nair, Mr.T.Sivadas, Ms.Jyothi and Ms. Usha, Vinod Kaliath , and Interns Ms. Alexandra Tsiolas and Ms. Heidi Mogstad Kannan R and alumni Ramyasree. Prasoon Kumar and Preetha PK representing the students delivered the thanksgiving speeches.



Peer­level mentoring workshop at IIMK

A peer level mentoring workshop was held for PGCCPD students at the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, on January 25, 2012 . The workshop served as an introduction to the regular peer‐level mentoring sessions conducted by IIM students for CREST students. Sessions

covered included communication skills, inter‐personal skills, CV writing and interview skills


Eight special lectures/ workshops were held during January – April 2012. The resource persons included Balachandran Gopinath, P S Vasudevan , Abhilash Nair, Asst. Professor, IIMK , Prof. Thomas Abraham , Geetha Chandran, Consultant Trainer & Financial Advisor , Prof A Ramanthan, IIT Bombay Prof. Thomas Oommen, Al Mergeb University, Libya and Anil Menon. The special lectures covered a broad range of topics like


Special Lectures/ Workshops

employab bility, opportunities in n corporate sector, Strrategic man nagement, social anaalysis, communiication, interrview skills, aand career pllanning

Commiittee M Meeting g Executive C The Executive Commiittee Meetingg of CREST w was held on 1 18 January 20 012.

ST in m media CRES

M i, Malayala Manorama, New Indiaan Express , The Leading news paperss like the Mathrubhumi ws magazine The Week aand vernacullar visual meedia like ASIA ANET Hindu, Deeccan chroniicle and new , Indiavission, MMTV etc have giv ven coverage to various p programmes conducted b by CREST during Septembeer – December 2011.

Interrns at C CREST Ms. Alexandra A Tssiolas (Cypru us) and Ms. Heidi Mogsstad (Norw way) , Grad duate studen nts of Oslo University, N Norway inteerned with CREST ng March‐Ap pril 2012. They have been durin providing so oft skills, ularly particu munication skills to the t studentts of comm PGCC CPD program m on one‐on n‐one basis. Eight Grad duate studeents from Oslo Univeersity Colleege, Norway had interaction with stud dents of CR REST duringg February 2011‐ to March M 2012 2. The studen nts of both in nstitutions sh hared theirr academic experiences. T The visit of these ng of cooperration betweeen CREST an nd Oslo Univeersity students was in connection with tthe developin o carry out jo oint program mmes College to


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Academic Collaborations A MoU will be signed between CREST and Oslo University College Norway in May 2012 that sets forth a framework of cooperation between these two institutions for Exchange of Faculty and Staff, Exchange of Students and Scholars, Exchange of scientific materials, publications and information, Joint conferences and seminars., Joint study programmes Joint Research activities and seminars. Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad has shown interest to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with CREST for conducting various joint training/research programmes and Faculty/Student Exchange. South Asian Studies Network (SASNET) Lund University Sweden has invited CREST to be an Associate Partner of Erasmus Mundus international scholarships programme that allows CREST to select SC/ST candidates from Kerala region for higher education in European Union Universities.

Invitation by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi CREST has been invited by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi, one of the most reputed medical science institutions of the country, to conduct a self enrichment programme for SC/ST and OBC students who undergo MBBS courses there. A three member CREST team visited AIIMS on 27th and 28th of March 2012 and held a series of discussions with the Director, Deputy Director, Registrar, Heads of Departments, Deans of students, faculty members, students and interns in connection with a need assessment study.

Faculty Activities

Faculty Retreat organised at Hotel Hyson.A retreat for CREST faculty was organized at Hotel Hyson, Calicut on February 26, 2012. Prof. A.R.Vasavi, independent researcher, Bangalore gave the keynote address on ‘Pedagogies and Curricula for training Dalit/Adivasi students: Importance of Social Transformative Learning (STL)’. Executive Director chaired the meeting and CREST faculty members participated in the discussions. Prof.D.D.Nampoothiri, Executive Director presented a paper ,”Rethinking Educational Policies : Addressal of Social Exclusion in Kerala’s Engineering Colleges” at a seminar ‘ Recent Changes in Higher Education Policies’ organized by the Centre for Socio‐Economic and Environmental studies , Cochin on February 22, 2012.

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Forth hcomin ng Even nts ng Council Me eeting Governin ning Council meeting m of CR REST will be held h on 14 May 2012 at th he Chamber of o Sri.A.P.Anilk kumar 5th Govern Honorablee Minister for the Welfare o of Scheduled C Castes and Bacckward comm munities, Government secretariat, Thiruvanaanthapurm Admission for 18th Battch of PGCCPD course n to the 18th B Batch of PGCC CPD will be held on … Of tthe 40 seats aavailable, 28 w will be Interview for admission given to Scheduled Castters, 8 will bee for Scheduled Tribes and 4 for Other Baackward Classses. The classes the 2012. batch begiins on 7 June 2 ve Communiccation Workshop on Assertiv A two‐day y workshop on o Assertive Communicatiion will be held h for studeents of XVII Batch of PG GCCPD programm me on 10 &11 June 2012 aat Sultan Bath hery Wayanad. The worksho op will be con nducted by Mrr. Anil Menon , H HR specialist b based in Cochiin. It will be held at Sreyas Training Centtre Sultan Batthery

me for stude ents from Scheduled com mmunities joining for BT Tech degree at a IIT Orientation programm Delhi hnology, Delh hi has invited CREST to co onduct a ten days d orientatiion programm me for Indian Insstitute of Tech students from f Schedulled and OBC communitiess who obtain admission for f BTech deggree course at a the Institute. T This will be heeld in July 201 12 . m Scheduled and Backward communities MBBS Degree Self Enricchment Progrramme for students from Course att All India Insstitute of Med dical Sciencess , New Delhi


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All India Institute of Medical M Science – New Deelhi has inviteed CREST to conduct a teen days orientation me for studen nts from Scheeduled and OB BC communitties who obtaain admission n for MBBS degree d programm course at tthe Institute. T This will be heeld in August 2 2012. me for engine eering studen nts Orientation Programm ned to impro ove the perfo ormance leveel of studentts from Scheeduled An orienttation prograamme, design communitties enrolling for BTech Degree D coursees will be heeld during Ju uly‐ August 2012. One hundred candidates from Schedu uled commun nities who obttain admission n for BTech D Degree coursess in Kerala through nglish, Common Entrance Exaamination 2011 will be giiven intensivee in‐house trraining in Maathematics, En d Personality D Development. Mechanicss, Engineeringg Graphics and

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