The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism or CRFM is an inter-governmental organization of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
Effective management, conservation and sustainable use of fisheries and aquaculture resources to maximise social and economic benefits in the CRFM Member States
Promote and facilitate responsible and sustainable use of the region’s fisheries and other living aquatic resources for improved food security, livelihood, and welfare of the people of the region
Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and The Turks and Caicos Islands.
Signing of the Agreement Establishing the CRFM on the occasion of the 13 InterSessional Meeting of Conference of Heads of Government held in Belize
26-27 MARCH 2003
Official inauguration of the CRFM in Belize, followed by the first meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum
27 MARCH 2023
CRFM celebrates 20 Anniversary with yearlong activities
Dr. Sandra Grant
Hon. Parmanand Sewdien Ministerial Council, Chair Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries, Suriname
Hon. Saboto Caesar
Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry & Labour, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Mr. Joseph Cox
Assistant Secretary General, Economic Integration, Innovation and Development, CARICOM Secretariat
Mr. Milton Haughton
Executive Director, CRFM Secretariat
Mr. Zojindra Arjune
Chair, Caribbean Fisheries Forum Fisheries Division, Suriname
Mr. Adrian LaRoda
Chair, Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organisations
Hon. Parmanand Sewdien is the Chair of the CRFM Ministerial Council for 2022-2023. Having been appointed Minister of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries in Suriname in July 2020 he became a member of the CRFM Council the highest decision-making body of the CRFM. Along with other Fisheries Ministers from CRFM Member States Hon Sewdien promotes efficient management, conservation, and development of our fisheries, and the strengthening of technical co-operation through technology transfer, information exchange, and networking both regionally and internationally He is the co-founder and former chair of the Suriname Seafood Association (SSA), and a former board member of the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organisations (CNFO)
The longest serving member of the CRFM Ministerial Council, Hon Caesar the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry & Labour, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines presided as chair of the Council from 2021-2022 Minister Caesar was an International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA) 2022 Champion, demonstrating his commitment to ensuring and safeguarding the social and ecological sustainability of small-scale fisheries and aquaculture in the region His wideranging professional experience was garnered from his work as a lawyer, community worker, Government Senator, and Minister
Mr Cox is the Assistant Secretary-General, Economic Integration, Innovation and Development, CARICOM Secretariat Mr Cox’s many contributions include the recent authoring of the book, “The New Normal – A Post-COVID Primer for Business ” He also authors and publishes “CARICOM Business”
a weekly regional business newsletter with international circulation He led the development and implementation of a Regional Strategic Intervention Framework – dubbed the Programme of Technical Assistance to CARICOM Territories (PACT) and was the mastermind behind the Made in CARICOM Initiative
Mr Haughton has served the CRFM since its inception in 2003 He initially served as the Deputy Executive Director and became Executive Director in December 2011 Mr Haughton brought to the CRFM a wealth of experience in fisheries, aquaculture development, governance, coastal and marine resource conservation and management, public administration, project management, and law He previously worked with the Government of Jamaica, including as Acting Director of Fisheries, as well as with the private sector entity - Grace Kennedy and Company Ltd Subsequently, he served the CARICOM Secretariat as the region's first Fisheries Development Officer
As Chair of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum for 2022-2023, Mr Arjune Deputy Director of Fisheries Management, Suriname leads a cadre of fisheries experts from Member States who determine the technical and scientific work of the Mechanism, including the protection and rehabilitation of fisheries habitats and the environment, strengthening the use of post-harvest practices that maintain nutritional value and quality, and recommending for approval by the Ministerial Council, arrangements for sustainable fisheries management and development based on the best available technical or scientific evidence. He began his career in fisheries in 1995.
Mr LaRoda has been Chair of the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organisations since 2020, after having served 5 years as Vice Chair Mr LaRoda became a commercial fisher in 1984 His activism in fisheries dates back to 2009, when he helped to establish the Bahamas Commercial Fishers Alliance He became president of the Alliance in 2011 a position he still holds and executes with tireless dedication Mr LaRoda also serves on the Bahamas Fisheries Advisory Council, Bahamas Spiny Lobster Working Group, the Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease Action Task Force and Bahamas VMS Project Committee His activism extends to mentoring at-risk youth
Designate a focal point for each Member State and Partner Institution, including fisherfolk organizations, who would help to mobilize on-the-ground support for the implementation of the campaign and the dissemination of information, memorabilia and communications products.
Discuss with the CRFM Secretariat the opportunities to help lead or co-host any of the following campaign activities.
One or more sessions of the 5-part webinar series
One of the 3-part cooking series
Displays at the Caribbean Week of Agriculture 2023 showcase; Writing, photography and/or illustrations for Special Scientific Publication on the science and state of fisheries and aquaculture in the region;
Presentations at the CRFM Scientific Conference on national, regional and international developments as well as new/emerging science and fisheries technologies; Facilitating a segment of the Scientific Conference.
Assist the CRFM Secretariat with the production, printing, and/or distribution of memorabilia, brochures, posters and banners, as applicable, through counterpart donations from public and private sector partners.
Support the CRFM Secretariat with ensuring continuous media engagement and coverage for all campaign activities.
Share campaign materials on websites and social media platforms, as well as through direct mail to contacts.
Organize and implement unique country-led national and community level activities to showcase partnerships with the CRFM for the advancement of the fisheries and aquaculture sector.
Highlight women and youth in activities showcasing country-level initiatives with a focus on artisanal fisheries and aquaculture.
Creation and dissemination of social media content.
Host a Community Fair or Road Show showcasing contributions of the partner and the CRFM to the sector.
Host an essay or poetry competition based on the slogan for the CRFM @ 20 campaign, with support from national sponsors.