progress /ˈprəʊgrɛs/ 1 forward or onward movement towards a destination 2 development towards an improved or more advanced condition
your organisation
is the euro zone crisis over? the future impact of technology on the workplace
your role
developing leaders - treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen repressed narcissism and high-performing teams
your career
the pleasures of work coaching – business essential or management fad?
Issue 2: July 2014
2 Published by Corporate Research Forum, PARC and Strategic Dimensions One Heddon Street Mayfair London, W1B 4BD t | +44 (0) 20 7470 7106 f | +44 (0) 20 7470 7107
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@C_R_Forum @StratDimensions
No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means including copying and recording, without written permission from the copyright owner, application for which should be addressed to Corporate Research Forum, PARC and Strategic Dimensions. Opinions expressed in Progress magazine are not necessarily those of Corporate Research Forum, PARC and Strategic Dimensions. Whilst every effort has been made to verify statements of fact by contributors, no responsibility is accepted for errors or omissions by them. © 2014 Corporate Research Forum, PARC and Strategic Dimensions
8 10 12 14
your organisation Is the euro zone crisis over?
Martin Koehring | Senior Editor | The Economist Intelligence Unit
The future impact of technology on the workplace Stu Winby | CEO | SPRING Network – Silicon Valley
your role Developing leaders - treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen Eve Poole | Associate Faculty | Ashridge Business School
Repressed narcissism and the values of high-performing teams
Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic | Professor of Business Psychology | University College London
your career The pleasures of work Alain de Botton | Author
Coaching – business essential or management fad?
Gillian Pillans | Researcher | Corporate Research Forum (CRF)
3 changing environment. The ability to adapt strategy, drive innovation through the business, flex the workforce and embrace new technologies, all whilst continuing to meet the changing customer demands, should be high on the agenda of all leaders.
This year marks the 20 year anniversary for Corporate Research Forum (CRF) and Strategic Dimensions and the 10 year anniversary for Performance and Reward Centre (PARC). During the past two decades we are delighted to have worked with a wide range of leading global businesses, giving support to the development of their HR teams and the recruitment of their HR leaders. The first six months of 2014 have been incredibly busy for all of our three businesses. Our two networks, CRF and PARC, have grown to over 180 organisations and as the business environment improves, we are pleased demand for high-quality senior HR executives has been high on the corporate agenda. This has resulted in a rebalancing of the market with the power being realigned from the employer to the candidate. For organisations this accentuates the need for slick, well-defined recruitment processes so good candidates have positive experiences in a timely manner. However, whilst improving, the business environment remains volatile with organisational success increasingly dependent on its agility to respond to the
In this edition of Progress we aim to support you in this, by taking a strategic look at the changing business environment, the future workplace and the creation of leaders and high-performing teams. We once again challenge you to think holistically about your organisation, your role within it and how and where you can add most value. We continue to build towards one of the highlights of the year – our annual International Conference. The event, taking place on the 30th September – 2nd October in Berlin, explores the executive themes of ‘Managing, Directing and Leading’. Chaired by Dame Tessa Jowell DBE MP and with over 220 senior executives already confirmed to attend, we hope you will be able to join us. More information regarding the conference can be found here. We trust you will find articles in Progress that stimulate your interest in the wider context in which you, your teams and your organisation operate. Do let us know your thoughts on Progress by contacting Nicola Pallett at
Richard Hargreaves Commercial Director
your organisation is the euro zone crisis over? The euro zone has emerged from recession, borrowing costs have fallen and the risk of euro area collapse has diminished since mid2012. However, major causes for concern persist. The economic recovery remains fragile, the currency bloc’s politicians are showing a lack of urgency and political uncertainty is rising following the high-profile success of various populist Eurosceptic forces in recent European elections. Two years ago, with the euro zone apparently on the brink of collapse and borrowing costs soaring in the bloc’s highly-indebted countries, the president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, made what proved to be two decisive interventions. He pledged to do “whatever it takes” to protect the euro and announced a new unlimited bond-buying programme (known as outright monetary transactions). In the period since, yields on government bonds have plunged in vulnerable countries such as Spain and Italy as investors have returned to the euro zone sovereign bond markets. However, this increased demand for government bonds in the euro area is not fully warranted by the extent of economic recovery. Taken as a whole, the euro area moved out of recession in mid-2013. But the recovery has been sluggish. A prolonged period of economic stagnation - coupled with sustained low inflation - would make it more difficult for highly indebted households, banks and governments to reduce their debt burdens.
The euro area’s economic outlook remains fragile. Unemployment is high and persistent; governments continue to focus on budget savings; and banks remain reluctant to lend. Against this backdrop, in early June the ECB announced a series of measures aimed at boosting price stability and bolstering the economic recovery, including cuts to the main interest rates and the provision of cheap funding to banks. On the positive side, some of the shortterm pain that the euro zone’s weaker economies have endured is likely to deliver lasting benefits. Structural reforms and austerity measures that have been passed across the euro area should support privatesector activity in the medium term. The average cost of labour per unit of output has fallen significantly in the likes of Greece, Portugal and Spain. This has boosted companies’ competitiveness and external trade balances in the vulnerable countries. Regulatory reform has improved the business environment, for example, by increasing labour-market flexibility, boosting investment incentives and opening closed professions. But the political and socio-economic costs of these reforms remain a source of concern. In particular, youth unemployment has reached crisis proportions and risks producing a “lost generation” of individuals with little work experience and limited employability. This is not just a personal tragedy, but also threatens to undermine long-term growth prospects. A political backlash against austerity and “Europe” in general contributed to high-profile election victories for several Eurosceptic parties at the European Parliament elections in late May 2014, notably in France and Greece (as well as in countries that are not in the euro area such as Denmark and the UK). This in turn could
5 The euro area’s economic outlook remains fragile. Unemployment is high and persistent; governments continue to focus on budget savings; and banks remain reluctant to lend. boost these parties’ agendas in the run-up to national elections - a snap election in Greece is possible in 2014-15, and voters in Spain and Portugal will go to the polls in late 2015. These contests could result in fragmented national parliaments and unstable governments that could further slow (or even reverse) the economic reform process. That said, growing opposition to mainstream parties is not a uniform trend across the euro zone. For example, Italy has recently seen stronger political stability, underscored by a landslide victory at the European election
by the centre-left party of the new Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi. Meanwhile, the health of banks remains fragile. This year the ECB will be undertaking an asset quality review and stress tests for the banking sector. If the exercise reveals significant capital shortfalls, bank lending in the euro area could deteriorate further. Finally, some of the sense of security that followed decisive ECB rhetoric two years ago has proved to be false. In particular, the currency bloc’s politicians are showing a lack of urgency as they struggle to put the euro area on a more sustainable institutional footing. Progress on banking union has been slow; only a few months ago politicians finally reached agreements on key planks of the banking union, notably a single banking resolution mechanism, but whether European leaders will muster the political will to establish a more robust banking union remains in doubt. Without a viable banking union, financial instability and debt crises are likely to return to the euro zone in the medium to long term.
Martin Koehring, Senior Editor, The Economist Intelligence Unit | @EconomistMartin back to contents
back to contents
View the thoughts from keynote speakers at PARC’s recent meeting – Europe in or out? The Implications for UK Companies and their Stakeholders – here.
your organisation the future impact of technology on the workplace Historically, there has been a technology lead–social system lag relationship played out in the workplace. Technology enables new opportunities and ways of getting work accomplished more productively, and humans adapt over time to these opportunities, gradually learning how to exploit the functionalities the new technology offers. We are currently in a golden age of technology where, on one hand the reach and extent has never been so pervasive but on the other hand, the social system lag is widening.
organisational change and new management approaches to workplace design. Early workplace shifts resulting from social technologies have shown-up in the increase of working from home with corporate hotdesking arrangements and video-conferencing. Organisations are also moving towards work-shifting, where people identify the best time and the best location to get things done based on when they are most productive. Video-conferencing and communicating will continue to expand, but these collaborative technologies will not substitute for the importance of face-to-face communication and continued relationship building. New tools are emerging like wikis, microblogging, ideation tools, and collaborative decision tools in next-generation project management.
of people own a mobile phone
One hundred and seven trillion emails were sent out last year. Over 255 million websites were created, and we are averaging 21 million new websites each year. We have written 152 million blogs and created 50,000 new blogs every single day. 20 million people bought iPods, in just two years, and 70% of the world’s population has a mobile phone. We are adopting technology at an amazing rate, but not necessarily does this societal rapid adoption of technology apply to the workplace. Capturing the full potential of these technologies to improve collaboration, communication, and employee productivity will require
These collaborative tools provide a central place to talk, review documents, and conduct an ‘ideation’ to advance the interests of the project. Due to the virtual and pervasive nature of these technologies, how the work gets done is pushing against the boundaries of hierarchical practices to a more horizontal global network structure, which is
TRILLION emails sent last year
7 adaptive and innovative in nature. This shift will necessitate shifts in structure, leadership roles, and reward systems to incentivise and recognise the right behaviours. Productivity gains from the effective use of social technologies are typically through a design process which alters internal workflows, defines work as an adaptive
people bought iPods in just two years process, and provides meaningful real-time interactions with fellow employees and customers. The work system is based on principles of continuous innovation and fast time to value. Reconfigurable work units can shift directions with agility, altering plans in small increments, on an on-going basis, while adapting and adjusting to customer and competitive changing needs. Some entrepreneurial firms are experimenting with social networks to co-create new services with their clients thus speeding up knowledge access and implementation. Social strategies and designs appropriate to one organisation do not necessarily succeed in another with a different workforce, competitive context, or customer base.
152 50 MILLION blogs have been written
THOUSAND new blogs every single day
255 over
MILLION websites exist
new websites created each year
Purposeful experimentation that tests an array of work practices and technologies will therefore be crucial. The companies that have the greatest success will be those with the cultures conducive to broad collaboration and sharing. Bottom-up use of social technologies is essential but also senior managers need to role model and provide vocal support. Leaders need to develop new social-technology skills and help their organisations do the same. The implications for the Human Resource function are to focus on leadership development in organisational media literacy. Executives must understand the nature of different social-media tools and the power in workforce performance they can unleash. Leaders need to excel at co-creation and collaboration - the currencies of the socialtechnology world. From an organisational perspective, leaders must cultivate a new, technologically linked social infrastructure that by design promotes constant interaction across physical and geographical boundaries, as well as self-organised discourse and exchange. This interplay of leadership skills and related organisational-design is a new emerging area of designing the new high-performing workplace, rather than letting the technology gap widen by default and not design. Stu Winby, CEO, SPRING Network (a socio-technical design firm located in Palo Alto in the Silicon Valley) back to contents
Download an introduction to PARC’s report – HR, Technology and Analytics: Threats and Opportunities – here.
your role treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen Where did you meet your partner? I met mine in Miami, on a training course. In those days, training courses were all about the bar bill and the spa. I can’t quite remember what we were taught exactly, but I came away thinking my new employer was fabulous. Were they just the good old days? In the downturn, this habit came back into vogue. Treat the talent to a week of 5* living, call it a leadership course and they won’t walk away when the market picks up. Nowadays, the word ‘Leadership’ seems to be used largely as a magic word to turn a dull training event into something sexy, a bit like adding ‘Strategic’ to the job
So, here is a snippet of theory for you: they reckon that when we are in ‘fight or flight’ mode, we make a call about whether or not we are resourced to cope.
title of one of your tricky dead-wooders. Well, bad news folks. The warm bath approach to executive development just doesn’t work, except perhaps as a very expensive retention device. For a while now I have been using ‘critical incident’ learning for leaders at Ashridge Business School. Our simulation uses research on what leaders really need to be good at to give leadersin-waiting ‘muscle memory’ for their future roles. A bit like lining them all up and injecting them with 20:20 foresight, so they don’t have to sit around waiting for ‘leadership experience’ to happen to them. And when neurobiology got trendy, I immediately leapt on the bandwagon, and wired up a load of leaders to heart-monitors to find out what was happening to them during the simulation. Don’t worry, I had professional help, from Professor Tricia Riddell of Reading University, and a host of Ashridge colleagues. What we found was that there was a direct correlation between increased heart-rate and increased learning. That’s right – the people who got a bit stressed out by the whole thing were the most likely to be learning their socks off. Goodbye happy
9 resourced, and take you through a process that makes you feel better, like practising difficult conversations until you’re not scared of them anymore.
But the very cool thing about learning under pressure is that it helps you to identify your ‘stretch zone’ thresholds.
sheets, hello crosspatch executives wanting to know what on earth is going on. So, here is a snippet of theory for you: they reckon that when we are in ‘fight or flight’ mode, we make a call about whether or not we are resourced to cope. If we are, we stay physically and cognitively optimised to prevail against the threat. If we aren’t, we start prioritising the functions necessary to exit stage left. But ‘resourced to cope’ is not a scientific measure, it’s a feeling, an instantaneous decision we make, which is why you get crazy stories about grannies lifting cars off toddlers when they shouldn’t have been able to. And the good news is that this feeling is very easy to manipulate. We just have to spot where you don’t feel
Because of how memory works, it so happens that this kind of learning is quicker than traditional learning, and has a longer shelflife. But the very cool thing about learning under pressure is that it helps you to identify your ‘stretch zone’ thresholds. Figuring out where your ‘fight’ mode is matters, because it’s where you’ll be at your cognitive best. Like the top performers in sport and the arts, you need to be able to step into this space when it really counts. It’s not healthy to stay there for long, but it’s where your brain is at its keenest.
And now we know that if you can spot where you’re under-resourced, you can extend this highperforming space, by deliberately resourcing yourself to cope. Eve Poole, Associate Faculty, Ashridge Business School | @evepoole back to contents
Eve was a keynote speaker at CRF’s leadership roundtable. Click here to read the meeting notes
your role
repressed narcissism and the values of high-performing teams Although the historical view of human accomplishments tends to worship individuals, perpetuating a cultish, heroic, and rock n’ roll, perspective on leadership and innovation, every valuable product of civilisation is the result of collective rather than individual efforts.
Indeed, even Michelangelo and Leonardo owed their success to their patrons and assistants; Steve Jobs to Apple’s engineers and designers; and Pep Guardiola to Messi, Xavi and Iniesta. This begs the question of why certain teams are more effective than others, even when they possess the combination of individual skills that should, in theory, allow them to excel as a group. And that question concerns the role of values or key drivers of teams. So, what are the values of high-performing teams? Well, the obvious answer is that
11 The simple reason for liking people who are similar to us is that it makes us feel good about ourselves. different teams have different values. For example, some are driven by financial rewards, others by altruistic motives; some are focused on the pursuit of fun, and others are interested in creative disruption. However, whatever the values of a team, they must be clearly shared by individual team members or the team just won’t perform. The similarity of values is important because it reinforces our own self-concept and values. And the simple reason for liking people who are similar to us is that it makes us feel good about ourselves. This is especially noticeable when we meet people who are very different from us, particularly if their values are incompatible. Why is it hard to like people with opposite values? Because doing so would create a “cognitive dissonance” or logical incongruence: how can I like X when X hates Y and I love Y? For the same reason, it is extremely easy to like people who love the things we love… it is a socially acceptable form of narcissism. Whenever we say that someone is great, we are really trying to persuade ourselves that we are great, too. At the same time, there is a universal driver of successful teams, namely the desire to attain something good for the team rather than oneself. In other words, high-performing teams are comprised of individuals who have chosen to make their own accomplishments the accomplishments of the team. For each team member, the success of the team is an essential precondition of individual success.
Accordingly, the paradoxical explanation for high-performing teams is that they have the ability to both unleash and repress our innate Tomas is a narcissistic tendencies. How so? keynote speaker
at CRF’s 2014 International Wanting to contribute to the wellbeing of Conference in people who are like us is a culturally accepted Berlin. Click manifestation of narcissism: “I want others here for details.
Here’s how…
who are like me to succeed (because they are like me)”. Furthermore, because this goal is achieved by suppressing our selfish agendas at the expense of the collective benefit of the team, successful teams are not only fuelled by narcissism, but also its cure. What begins with a subliminal selfcentred agenda soon turns into an altruistic quest. This is especially noticeable in the case of underperforming teams, which are characterised by skilled individual contributors who cannot function properly as a unit because they fail to identify as a team. This reversed synergy is caused, first, by individuals’ inability to love themselves through other team members; and second, by their inability to replace their individual needs with the needs of the teams.
In short, narcissism provides the raw materials for effective team performance, so long as teams can keep it in check, by transforming individual into collective narcissism.
This means going from “I am the best” to “we are the best”, and usually requires the help, guidance and coordination of a leader. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Professor of Business Psychology, University College London | @drtcp back to contents
your career
One of the hardest things about our working lives is knowing what we ideally want to do with them. Sensing what is boring and soul-destroying is easy, identifying what would satisfy us is not.
the pleasures of work
Indications of knowing which jobs might appeal tend to come in garbled and indirect forms; in the moments of curiosity and envy we sometimes feel when others are doing exciting things. We register signals of interest, akin to the bleep of a metal detector. There is something here, but tricky to unearth. We need to identify what sets off those bleeps.
13 Work comprises of a number of senses and emotions:
1. Ordering
The world is a chaotic place: fractured, incoherent, noisy and random. A central pleasure in a number of jobs is that of being able to bring order: of creating a realm of superior logic, coherence or meaning. It is the pleasure, in the grandest and simplest of ways, of tidying things up. The architect, car designer, waiter or train engineer, whatever their differences in status and salaries, draw on a common satisfaction in their ability to create or manage small utopias in a chaotic, irrational compromised world.
2. Understanding
Then there is the pleasure of understanding. It is present for the plumber who must pin down what is ailing the heating system and it is at the root of science, seeking elegant principles that explain the apparent disorder of nature. Similarly, the writer trying to put words to emotions and feelings and defining in language what the reader may have felt but never grasped before, is enjoying and creating understanding.
3. Money-making
Work isn’t just about greed. It’s about being rewarded in the most concrete way financially for grasping an aspect of life ahead of others. It’s the same pleasure that moves the business mogul, the entrepreneur, the second hand bookseller or the stockpicker, who all are able to see and understand value. So those motivated to make money aren’t doing it just out of greed, they may just be addicted to the intense satisfaction that a successful moneygenerating scheme can bring, not the money per se.
4. Serving
The words ‘serving’ and ‘servant’ have extremely negative connotations and yet to serve another human being offers some of the most intense pleasures available in the working world. Pleasing others is a sign that we’ve got it right and turned insight into a moment of joy or solace, which in turn lends us a sense of affirmation and triumph over the forces of unhappiness. We can provide the solutions to those looking to renew themselves with a haircut, to repair their computer, to soothe their ailing dog and have the chance to contribute in some way to the great task of turning sadness and dissatisfaction into joy.
5. Collaborating
Work lends us the pleasure of being part of a team. The challenge brings out everyone’s best sides: someone comes up with a suggestion you’d never have thought of, a colleague compensates for one of your weaknesses, another looks to you for encouragement and guidance that confirms your experience and authority. Collectively, a disparate group of people become more impressive than they each could be on their own. Reminding ourselves of the possible pleasures of work and facing the challenge of knowing what the ideal position for us would actually be enables us to come to know ourselves better, remembering where the true sources of excitement and interest lie for us and lead us to the long path towards that eventual, infinitely tricky goal, discovering satisfying work. Alain de Botton, Author | @alaindebotton back to contents
Watch CRF’s interview with Alain on ‘The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work’ here.
your career coaching –
business essential or management fad? The global market for executive coaching has grown rapidly, with estimated spending in 2012 in excess of $2bn, and over 40,000 practising coaches. However, our recent research report Coaching – Business Essential or Management Fad? concluded there is little scientific evidence that coaching actually works, with no large scale trials measuring the impact of coaching on business outcomes. To avoid coaching becoming just the latest in a long line of management fads, blindly embraced by the business world, we identified a four-stage process that should be applied to obtain maximum benefit from coaching for both the organisation and the executive.
Establish the business case Organisations tend to overlook the business need that coaching is intended to address and instead place too much emphasis on the
individual engagement. To ensure a successful coaching assignment, it is critical to link coaching with the desired business outcome and develop SMART goals. Clarity at the beginning as to how the engagement will be evaluated will also avoid the tendency to retro-fit results at the end.
Select and manage coaches Just because someone is a qualified coach doesn’t mean they are good. Check their track record – not just as a coach, but do they have experience and credibility at the level you want them to work at? External coaches should also be aware of the business strategy and environment the executives operate in, and the specific challenges and objectives of the executive. Coaches can also provide a unique perspective on the organisation, so don’t forget to debrief them.
Manage the coaching assignment
Involving the executive in choosing the coach ensures there is a good match and chemistry. Push the coach to be clear on goals and expectations – unclear or vague answers will ultimately result in disappointing results. Ensure regular feedback sessions during
Too often executives see a coach as a ‘badge of honour’ with the organisation using coaching as a ‘panacea’ when all other development interventions have failed.
15 the engagement. Make sure engagements don’t drag on, with the executive becoming too dependent on the coach. Finally, think carefully about how the learning can be practised on-the-job.
Review and evaluation
Less than half our members routinely undertake evaluation of coaching assignments, but evaluation should not be ignored. Set clear objectives at the start, establish a baseline of performance and focus on outcomes rather than inputs to ensure the business impact of coaching can be evaluated. Having an independent perspective to avoid the coach, executive and/or HR leader ‘marking their own homework’ will also result in more robust and reliable evaluation. Unfortunately, in many organisations this good practice isn’t routinely adhered to, with coaching often being used as a substitute for good line management. Too often executives see a coach as a ‘badge of honour’ with the organisation using coaching as a ‘panacea’ when all other development interventions have failed. Coaching should never be used as a management ‘last resort’ but as part of a suite of development activities tailored to the needs of the executive and the aims of the business. This is where it can have most impact. For coaching to truly become a business essential, evidence needs to be sought and a clear line of sight proven between the use of coaching and business outcomes. Until this happens, the jury must remain out. Gillian Pillans, Researcher, Corporate Research Forum (CRF) back to contents
Download an introduction to CRF’s report Coaching: Business Essential or Management Fad? here. A supporting webinar on coaching can be viewed here.
Battlefields to Boardrooms MANAGING DIRECTING LEADING 6th Annual International Conference: 30th September - 2nd October 2014, Berlin
The CRF International Conference has become an established date in the diaries of senior executives who focus on the way people add value to their organisations. In the year marking the Centenary of the start of the First World War, our 2014 conference will address the theme ‘From Battlefields to Boardrooms – Leading, Managing, Directing’. Chaired by Rt. Hon Dame Tessa Jowell DBE MP, the audience of 300+ senior HR practitioners will experience an engaging and interactive event which encourages debate, sharing, exchange and networking.
One of the best conferences I have attended. Excellent content, highly provocative and extremely thought provoking.
This was the most stimulating and thought provoking, and useful conference that I have attended in the last 10 years!
Allan E Cook CBE
Gordon Headley
Chairman, WS Atkins
Chief HR Officer, Tullow Oil
To reserve your place please contact Lynn Little at or 020 7470 7104 or for further information please visit
Associated British Foods Bacardi Global Brands BAE Systems Balfour Beatty Barclays BT Cancer Research Colt Technology Services Discovery Communications Europe eBay EY European Commission Gazprom GKN Aerospace GlaxoSmithKline Goldman Sachs Hilton Hitachi Home Retail Group ICAP Imperial Tobacco InterContinental Hotels Group Interserve John Lewis Partnership Liberty Global Europe Linklaters Lloyds Banking Group National Grid NBC Universal Nokia PayPal Penguin Random House Pirelli Post Office Prudential PZ Cussons SABMiller SAGA Siemens Standard Chartered Bank Standard Life Statoil TalkTalk Telefonica Tesco Thomson Reuters Tullow Oil Unilever United Biscuits Vodafone Whitbread Worldpay WS Atkins
17 Corporate Research Forum
Established in 1994, Corporate Research Forum (CRF) is a membership network for organisations looking to develop their people strategy and organisational effectiveness. As a focus for research, discussion and the practical application of contemporary topics arising from people leadership, learning & organisational development, CRF remains at the forefront of the HR industry. CRF has over 145 members including 40% of the FTSE 100. Our members gain value from regular research, monthly events, advisory groups and, importantly, the opportunity to share knowledge, experiences and good practice with each another. For more information please contact Richard Hargreaves, Commercial Director, on 020 7470 7104 or at | @C_R_Forum
Strategic Dimensions
Strategic Dimensions was established in 1995 to fill a clear market need for talented HR practitioners across all disciplines. We place senior HR professionals into a range of business sectors in the UK and internationally and have established an unrivalled network across the HR community and with consultants, businesses leaders and academics. Recognising that the world is very different today, we work hard at understanding the changing business landscape and ensuring that we are in tune with the issues facing our clients. Client and candidate care is our primary concern and the endorsements we have received over the years are testament to our focus on exemplary service levels. For more information please contact Dan Caro, Director, on 020 7470 7106 or at | @StratDimensions
PARC was founded in 2004 to provide a centre of excellence for the development and management of high-performing organisations. Through the provision of informative and challenging research and briefings, PARC enables HR & Reward Directors to engage with leading thinkers, expert practitioners and each other on the key issues affecting today’s organisational performance, reward and governance agenda. For more information please contact Richard Hargreaves, Commercial Director, on 020 7470 7104 or at
One Heddon Street | Mayfair | London W1B 4BD | United Kingdom T +44 (0) 20 7470 7106 | F +44 (0) 20 7470 7107 | @C_R_Forum | | @StratDimensions