1 minute read
from Outlook
Thank you to the 2,219 residents who responded to the invitation to provide feedback via the Town’s 2023 community survey from February through April.
The Town listens to and appreciates the perspectives of community members and considers them — along with available resources — in our planning processes.
In fact, we are already putting the results of this year’s survey into action. Here’s how:
You said: We did:
Managing growth and quality of life and protecting natural resources/ preserving additional open space are top priorities
Preserving open space and executing on long-term water plans are important actions the Town can take to manage growth
Easy access to open space/natural beauty, safe neighborhoods and streets, and social events and activities for the community contribute most to the Town’s unique identity
We invested in additional open space through improvements to the new Metzler Family Open Space and are seeking additional open space opportunities as part of the 2024 budget process
We’re pursuing additional open space and will continue providing robust public education and input opportunities — particularly with regard to water projects and issues
We’ve invested in public safety to keep that aspect of life in Town strong and recently purchased Cantril School and will continue supporting a strong slate of community events there and elsewhere in Castle Rock
The Town will be working on many more take-aways from the survey through this year and beyond. We invite you to review the full results of this year’s resident and business surveys at CRgov.com/2023Survey
Market factors drive the rate of growth within Castle Rock, which has recently slowed dramatically with the economy. The total number of single-family and multifamily permits issued in 2022 was 40% lower than the number issued in 2021. Through first half of 2023, these permits are down 64% compared to the five-year average.