Brochure CRGR 2107 versión ingles

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For a resilient Central America


MISSION Promote citizen participation and inclusion processes, capacity building and advocacy in public policies, in order to transform the causes that generate vulnerability, reduce the impact of disasters and increase community resilience, under the rights in action approach humanitarian The Regional Coordination for Risk Management (CRGR) is an autonomous, independent, open and permanent initiative, currently constituted by the National Risk Management Boards of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, with affinity in the subject of risks and Disasters, with common approaches, principles and objectives. Since Hurricane Mitch in 1998 to date, there have been a series of processes that gave rise to the CRGR product of the reflections and commitment of a group of Central American civil society organizations in the post-disaster context caused by this phenomenon With the purpose of contributing to the processes of reconstruction and transformation of the countries of the region in the framework of risk management, emphasizing not to rebuild the vulnerabilities nor the conditions that generate risks. Over more than a decade, the CRGR has accumulated a wealth of experience and has made important contributions in efforts to promote risk management, increase the capacities of civil society organizations, and strengthen com-

munity resilience to natural disasters Socionatural and anthropological, including initiatives to address the effects of global warming, a product of climate change that has been exacerbated by greenhouse gas emissions in the last two centuries. As part of a process of reflection and evaluation of the work, the CRGR considered that it was necessary and opportune to renew its commitment to Central American society and especially to the most vulnerable communities in the region, which is materialized in its strategic plan for the period 2014-2018. In the CRGR, our work is done through a participatory, inclusive process of dialogue and consensus among all the National Tables that would allow us to have an instrument that summarizes the articulated effort and expressed will of all the actors that make up the Regional Agreement for Risk Management, in order to improve their impact on the impact on public policies in risk management in the respective countries, in the Central American region and at the international level.

Work Axes



 Transformation of policies

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and regulations public  Knowledge management.  Organizational development and sustainability  Humanitarian Action

Solidarity Human commitment. Equality and gender equity Respect for diversity. Cooperation. Responsibility. Participation. Interculturality.

Humanitarian Equality Equity Nondiscrimination Transparency No violence against women. Respect for the environment  Action without damage.  Generational.

VISION To be a reference for civil society with an advocacy capacity for incorporation and transversality of risk management with a rights approach in human development processes and public policies at local, national and regional level.

The CRGR develops a new way of responding to emergencies and improving the capacities of civil society organizations in four Central American countries suffering from multi-risk natural and socio-cultural phenomena through training courses; And the implementation of response protocols, both national and regional. Some of the courses are:         

Emergency management. Strategic management for decision making. Management of the administrative cycle and project. Logistics in emergency. Water sanitation and promotion of hygiene. Emergency livelihoods. Construction Earthquake Resistant. Action without damage Strategic Risk Management

Studies and research 

Situational diagnosis for risk management purposes for El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.  Study on seismic activity in Central America for the purpose of Disaster Risk Management  Characterization on the situation of the pre-disaster scenarios for the update of the protocol of the MNGR, Nicaragua.  Local perspectives, global changes: from the local to the global in disaster risk re-

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duction in Central America. VPL case studies. Slip risk assessment at San Jacinto hill, municipality of San Salvador, El Salvador. "Designing networks of early warning systems in the country" in Honduras. "Hybrid Wireless Ad Hoc Network Design Based on WIFI Technology for Facing Seismic Catastrophes". Nicaragua. Systematization of Risk Management Initiatives in Central America.

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5,610 Families benefited In attention to humanitarian emergency

LATEST PROJECTS CRGR PROJECTS OF INCIDENCE AND CAPACITY BUILDING  Policy Incidence for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change in 4 Central American

countries Execution: Central America 2012-2014. Support for Advocacy and Capacity Building for Community Resilience in CA4 Countries Execution: Central America 2013  Building drought resilience of vulnerable rural families in drought-prone communities in Central America (CA4) Execution: Central America 2013  Phase I: Strengthening local, national and regional disaster management boards in four countries in Central America Contribute to reducing human suffering and material losses of communities living in conditions of poverty and vulnerability affected by disasters in four Central American countries. Execution: Central America 2011-2015  Phase II: Strengthening disaster management networks at local, national and regional levels in four Central American countries It is about continuing to build capacity for a timely and effective response to disasters. Response teams will be established in all four countries and knowledge and communication skills will be improved. Execution: Central America 2015-2018 HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE PROJECTS  Support to affected communities in Huehuetenango and Sololá for the Guatemala

earthquake of November 7, 2012. Execution: Guatemala, December 2012 to December 2013 Beneficiaries: 300 families Attention to the population affected by the July 7 earthquake in Guatemala. Execution: Guatemala 2014- 2015 Beneficiaries: 526 families Phase I: Response to the effects of prolonged drought in the families of the Central American dry runner. Execution: Corridor Dry Central American 2014-2015. Beneficiaries: 2,300 families Phase II: Response to the effects of prolonged drought in the families of the dry Central American corridor. Execution: Corridor Dry Central American, 2015-2016 Beneficiaries: 2,070 families WaSH for El Salvador "Humanitarian Response to Emergency by Rain" Execution: El Salvador 2017 Beneficiaries: 610 families

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12 Projects executed In the last 5 years

CRGR IN COORDINATION WITH  Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation  Dan Church Aid  ICCO

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 Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V.

 Ayuda en Acción  Oxfam  The Lutheran World Federation

 Mundubat  Christian Aid


NETWORKS  Central America Vulnerable United for

Life!  Construyendo Puente

Action Against Hunger European Union Care COSUDE (ASB, Germany)

 Start Network  The Global Network of Civil Society

Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR)


 World Food Programme (WFP)  Centro de Coordinación para la Prevención de los Desastres Naturales en América Central (CEPREDENAC)  The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)  Red de Información Humanitaria para América Latina y el Caribe (REDHUM)


 Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Sismológicas (CENAIS)  Centro de Estudios de Desarrollo Seguro y Desastres de la Universidad de San Carlos (CEDESYD-USAC)

 Consejo Agropecuario Centroamericano (CAC)  Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD)  Comité Regional de Recursos Hidráulicos (CRRH)  Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)  Ciudad Universitaria José Antonio Echeverría (CUJAE)  Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI).  Tulane University

CRGR IN AMERICA CENTRAL Guatemala  Asociación Coordinadora Comunitaria de Servicios para la Salud (A.C.C.S.S)  Asociación de Desarrollo Agrícola y Empresarial (ADAM)  Asociación de Salud y Desarrollo “Nuevo Amanecer”-(ASDENA)  Asociación de Servicios Comunitarios de Salud (ASECSA)  Asociación para la Educación y el Desarrollo (ASEDE)  Fundación Ecuménica Guatemalteca Esperanza y Fraternidad (ESFRA)  Instituto para la Superación de la Miseria Urbana de Guatemala (SMUGUA)  Centro de Estudios de Desarrollo Seguro y Desastres -CEDESYD-USAC de la Universidad de San Carlos  Departamento de Responsabilidad Social Académica de la Universidad Rafael Landívar (URL)

El Salvador  Asociación de Promotores y Promotoras Comunales de El Salvador. (APROCSAL)  Asociación de Radios y Programas y Participativos de El Salvador. (ARPAS)  Asociación para la Promoción de los Derechos Humanos de la Niñez en El Salvador (APRODENHI)  Asociación el Bálsamo  Asociación Madre Cría  Asociación Comité de Desarrollo Integral para la Transformación Organizativa Sostenible (CODITOS)  Comandos de Salvamento El Salvador.  Asociación Fundación Para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Comunal de El Salvador (CORDES)  Asociación de comunidades rurales para el desarrollo de El Salvador (CRIPDES)  Fundación para el Desarrollo. (FUNDESA)  Fundación Salvadoreña para la Promoción Social y el Desarrollo Económico (FUNSALPRODESE)  Fundación Salvadoreña de Desarrollo y Humanismo Maquilishuatl (FUMA)  Fundación para el Desarrollo Comunal y Municipal (FUDECOM)  Fundación Salvadoreña para el Desarrollo Social y la Democracia (FUNDASPAD)

 Instituto de Investigación Capacitación y Desarrollo de la Mujer (IMU)  Oficina de Justicia Paz e Integridad de la Creación Orden de Frailes Menores de El Salvador (JPIC)  Sinodo Luterano Salvadoreño  Asociación de Proyectos Comunales de El Salvador (PROCOMES)  OIKOS Solidaridad.  Asociación Salvadoreña de Ayuda Humanitaria (PROVIDA)  Fundación Salvadoreña para la Reconstrucción y el Desarrollo (REDES)  Unidad Ecológica Salvadoreña (UNES)  Federación de Cooperativas de la Reforma Agraria de la Región Central (FECORACEN)  Cruz Verde Salvadoreña

Honduras                        

ACT ALIANZA Ayuda en Acción Asociación Patronatos Asociación de Desarrollo Pespirense (ADEPES) Asociación de Organismos No Gubernamentales (ASONOG) Asociación SCOUTH de Honduras Asociación Juntas de Agua de Sabá (AJAAS) Asociación Juntas de Agua Sonaguera (AJASO) Asociación para los Derechos Humanos (APRODEH) Asociación Hondureña para impulsar el desarrollo de Grupos Vulnerables Bomberos de Honduras Cruz Roja Hondureña Cruz Verde Hondureña Centro de Desarrollo Humano Cruz Roja Suiza CARE Caritas Cristian AID Centro Universitario Regional del Litoral Pacífico (CURLP) Centro de Estudios Ambientales de Honduras Consejo de Cuencas de Valle de Ángeles Comité de emergencia Municipal (CODEM) de Jocon Comité de emergencia Municipal (CODEM) de Sulaco Comité de emergencia Municipal (CODEM) de Victoria

 Comité de emergencia Municipal (CODEM) de Marcovia  Comité de emergencia Municipal (CODEM) de Lepaera  Comité de emergencia Municipal (CODEM) San Marcos  Comité de emergencia Municipal (CODEM) Belén Gualcho  Comité de emergencia Municipal (CODEM) de Choluteca  Comité de emergencia Municipal (CODEM) Regional Valle de Sula  Comité de Emergencia Local (CODEL) de CEDEÑO  Comité de Emergencia Local (CODEL) Barrio La Cruz  Comité de Emergencia Local (CODEL) de Lepaera  Comité de Emergencia Local (CODEL) Belén Gualcho  Comisión Acción Social Menonita (CASM)  Centro Universitario Regional del Valle del Aguan (CURVA)  Comité de Emergencia Garífuna de Honduras (CEGAH)  Central General de Bordo  Comisión Transparencia (Occidente)  Fundación Javier  Fundación Madre Tierra  Federación de patronatos Santa Rosa de Copán (SRC)  Federación de Patronatos de San Antonio de Cortes  Fundación San Alonso Rodríguez (FSAR)  Fundación PILARH  GOAL  Habitad de Honduras  Hermandad Honduras y Alianza, Centroamericana por la Resiliencia.  Instituto de Capacitación para el Desarrollo (ICADE)  Instituto de Derecho Ambiental de Honduras (IDAMHO)  Instituto Álvaro Contreras  Mesa de Ambiente Gestión de Riesgos y Adaptación al Cambio Climático (AGRACC)  Mancomunidad de Municipios del Norte de FM  Mancomunidad del Municipio del Sur de Francisco Morazán (FM)  Mesa de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (SAN)  Movimiento de Mujeres de las Colonias López Arellano (MOMUCLA)  Mancomunidad de Municipios del Sur del Lempira (MANCOSOL)  Mancomunidad de Municipios de Copan y Santa Bárbara (MANCOSAB)

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Movimiento Ambientalista Campamento (CAM) Oxfam Honduras Organización de Desarrollo de Corquín (ODECO) Organismo Cristiano de Desarrollo Integral de Honduras (OCDIH) Oficina Municipal de la Mujer Yoro Plan Honduras Patronato El Sitio, Tegucigalpa Patronato Col Estados Unidos, Tegucigalpa Patronato La Trinidad, Tegucigalpa Plataforma Agraria Red Comal Red Nacional de comunidades Afectadas por la Minería en Honduras (RENACAMIH) Red de Comités de Emergencia Local CODELES Potrerillos Red de jóvenes REATNIS Red de Jóvenes de Jutiapa Red de Mujeres de Potrerillos Red de Mujeres de francisco de Yojoa Sur en Acción Sindicato de Trabajadores de Servicio Autónomo de Acueductos (SITRANAIS) Sindicato de Trabajadores del Instituto Nacional Agrario (SITRAINA) Universidad Pedagógica Francisco Morazán (FM) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Instituto Hondureño de Ciencias de la Tierra UNAH - IHCIT Visión Mundial

Nicaragua  Centro Alexander V. Humboldt (Centro Humboldt).  Centro de Investigación y Estudios de la Salud (CIES/UNAN).  Centro de Información y Servicios de Asesoría en Salud (CISAS).  Centro Intereclesial de Estudios Teológicos y Sociales (CIEETS).  Fundación Mujer y Desarrollo Económico Comunitario (FUMDEC).  Movimiento Comunal Nicaragüense (MCN).  Unión de Productores/as Asociados/as (UNAPA)  Universidad Evangélica Nicaragüense Martin Luther King Jr.(UENIC/MLK)  Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI).  Miriam Lara Guadalupe Rodríguez a título personal  Guadalupe Rodríguez a título personal

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