Canoes for Peru

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A Mount Royal University initiative to secure 12 canoes and related gear, ship the canoes to Peru, and canoe the Alto Madre Rio (river) in the Manu Park region of the Peruvian Amazon, all for May of 2015. Creating opportunities for children along the Amazon’s Alto Madre to re-learn canoeing and discover a new way to explore their world.

CALGARY HAS A SPECIAL CONNECTION WITH PERU’S AMAZON JUNGLE Since 2009, groups from Mount Royal University’s Bachelor of Ecotourism and Outdoor Leadership (ETOL) program have been conducting field study tours that bring them to the Manu Park region of Peru’s Amazon rainforest. The purpose of the field study is to learn different approaches to sustainable tourism, to learn about culture and life in Peru and to bring an international perspective back home to our community. Our students have carried out award winning primary research topics examining a range of issues from tourist market profiles, issues of child development, cultural integration and effectiveness of non-governmental organizations in the area. An important part of the field study program is to venture into the jungle to experience a physical world and way of life different from our own. In the past we have travelled to the Manu Park region, along the Alto Madre Rio (river) by powerboat, which is the common form of travel by local residents as well. Canoeing is not as much a part of the local way of life anymore since the powerboat, but they are keen to re-learn. To our knowledge no one has traveled the Alto Madre River by traditional Canadian canoes. Experiencing the river by canoe over the course of a six-day trip makes for a unique and meaningful way to experience all the Amazon has to offer. We understand the value of different ways of learning and in the ETOL program we are fortunate to be able to pursue different types of ‘experiential learning’. Canoes for Peru represents an important form of experiential learning often missing in contemporary life. Our trips to the Amazon jungle are always carried out under the watchful eye of local guides who we know, trust, and respect. Our guides are the Huamani Family – including brothers Ryse, Boris, William and sister Lourdes. Together they own Bonanza Tours and run tours within the jungle in which they grew up. Their company is the only locally owned and operated tour company in the area and represents an excellent example of ecotourism.

WHY CANOES FOR PERU IS IMPORTANT product – no one in the region is running canoe trips. As part of the program young boys and girls from the near-by village of Atalaya will be taught proper canoeing technique and safety, so they too can earn above average wages as Amazon River guides.

There are many things in this world more important than making a canoe trip in the Peruvian Amazon a reality (health, social justice, etc.) – but never under estimate the value of sparking and encouraging adventure, accomplishment, learning and wonder in today’s young people and supporting sustainable tourism in a part of world that desperately needs alternative economic development strategies to lumber and monoculture farming.

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Canoes for Peru will directly benefit Mount Royal University students by facilitating independence and initiative in the pursuit of this unique life-changing learning opportunity that will continue well into the future. Once the canoes are in Peru, this program can be carried out many times – the challenge is to secure the canoes and get them to Peru. Canoes for Peru will directly benefit our partners in Peru, the Huamani family. They will be able to advance their family business by providing a unique tour


Canoes for Peru represents a genuine connection between Canada’s culture and tradition of canoeing with contemporary life in the Peruvian Amazon.

THE RIVER The river to be canoed is the Alto Madre Rio that flows from the eastern slopes of the Andes into the Amazon River. The river is a Class 1-2 level of difficulty, which means it presents very few rapids and the ones there are very short in duration. Most of the river would be similar to Calgary’s Bow River in flow and size. It is not a technical river and can be navigated by almost anyone. The value of the river is that it is easily navigable and can accommodate a canoe-trip of about six or seven days duration making it a great choice for the program. Joe Pavelka, the program leader, has travelled most of the river by boat on three occasions. The Huamani family knows the river extremely well.

ARE THERE NO CANOES IN PERU TO RENT? Joe Pavelka, the Project Leader has traveled throughout many parts of South America purposefully searching out canoes for rent (or purchase) such that canoes from Canada would not need to be shipped down, but they do not exist in this part of the world. So, we are taking on this initiative to secure canoes, gear and ship them to Peru.

THE LEGACY Canoes for Peru is a simple initiative that will provide a range of benefit:

» MRU students acquire a new way to learn about the world. » Residents along the Alto Madre River have a chance to learn canoeing – Canadian Style, benefiting small eco-tourism outlets in the region.

» Local businesses along the river have the chance to grow their programs and enhance sustainable travel options.

» It is a positive way to share ideas and promote growth cross culturally in a way that benefits us all.

THE ASK... We are reaching out to secure: •

Canoes – we need 12 to 15 good working canoes. Do you know of a canoe that has been resting in a garage too long – give it another life in the Amazon.

Canoe gear – paddles, life-jackets, throw-bags, and canoe barrels.

Financial support – we need $20,000 CDN to ship canoes and gear to the site in the Peruvian Amazon forest.

Additional funds we secure will be directed to supporting the long term legacy of the project.

Service-in-kind – we accept donations of transport and logistics to Peru or any support from canoe and gear manufacturers for any aspect of the project.

MRU students attending the May 2015 field study to Peru pay additionally (about $5,500 CDN) for this experience. It is not funded by MRU. Mount Royal University is accepting donations directly, whether it is through the ‘crowd sourcing’ initiative or otherwise, and can offer a tax receipt for any donation of $25 CDN or more.


For more information, or to contribute to Canoes for Peru, contact Joe Pavelka: or 403.440.6512



Joe Pavelka is leading the Canoes for Peru initiative. He is an associate professor at Mount Royal University teaching in the Bachelor of Applied Ecotourism and Outdoor Leadership program. Joe has carried out international field schools to Belize and Mexico since 2003 and Peru since 2009. He has lead numerous outdoor leadership expeditions with students to the Nahanni, Athabasca River, AB, Chilkoot Trail and paddle Yukon, Churchill, Baja Mexico, and many other destinations.

Mike Overend is assisting the initiative both here in Calgary and in Peru. He is a Mount Royal University graduate who attained a Bachelor of Applied Ecotourism and Outdoor Leadership degree in May 2013. Mike participated in the 2011 Peru Field School where he developed a friendship with the Huamani family and helped film a short video of the family’s ecotourism successes. He has since been back to Peru to conduct tourism research within the Cusco region and to further understand the practical workings of sustainable tourism.

Joe has experienced this part of the jungle on three trips and keeps in close contact with the Huamani Family. If you want to learn more about Joe Pavelka visit:

For more information, or to contribute to Canoes for Peru, contact Joe Pavelka: or 403.440.6512

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