Fantasy stock market games reproduce how the real stock market works - Cricstox

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Stock Market G a m e

About Stocks of cricketers currently held by you on CricStox are shown in your portfolio. Us You can access cricketer profiles from your portfolio as well. You can place buy & sell orders through the shortcut buttons on the cricketer card. Current Value: Shows the real-time value of your entire portfolio at current market prices.

This is t h e endgame. Everything you d o o n CricStox builds u p to t h e leaderboard. You earn coins, you m a k e referrals, you m a ke smart trades and you earn dividends to c l i m b t h e leaderboard and g e t t h a t WEEKLY CASH PRIZE! The idea here is to p r o m o t e t h e best traders. Therefore, leaderboard points are measured purely on t h e basis of your tr ad ing performance. Maximize your profits and dividends to earn points. H o w are t h e CricStox leaderboard points calculated? Your points are calculated as t h e percentage g r o w t h in your complete account t a kin g into account your trades, dividends, referrals, and quizzes. Your complete account comprises your wallet and t h e portfolio.

How are CricStox users rewarded for their leader-board score? Top performers at t h e e n d of each week are awarded cash prizes every subsequent Monday. These cash prizes will be notif ied to you at t h e start of each week, a nd can always be f o u n d o n t h e leaderboard screen. When are the final leaderboard points calculated & winners announced? Weekly leaderboards e n d at t h e close of every Sunday. The points are validated and cash winners are announced every Monday. You will be notified of your ranks and win n in g s if any.

You can m a k e profits o n CricStox by simply b u y in g at a lower price and selling at a higher price. In t h e MarketWatch tab, you can search for t h e cricketer whose stox you are interested in and t h e n place bu y and sell orders. Trading o n t h e CricStox app is facilitated t h r o u g h a robust order-matching engine. It finds m a t c h i n g b u y and sell orders b e twe en users o n a price-time priority basis. CricStox in n o way has any control over m a r ke t prices nor facilitates any trades o n behalf of any user or by itself. Once stox are listed o n t h e MarketWatch after an IPO, t h e price of a particular stox is decided b et wee n users t h r o u g h d e m a n d & supply forces using our order-matching engine.

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