5 Quick Tips to Increase Your Credit Score
Credit score, A Three Digit Number that evaluates an individual’s Creditworthiness , is an important aspect of financial profile.
Credit score is used to determine some of the most important financial factors in life, such as whether you’ll be able to Finance A Vehicle
Qualify For A Home Loan
Get A Credit Card.
A Good Credit Score Ensures: Easier Approvals On Loan
Better Interest Rates
Bigger Credit Limits In Credit Cards
Below 500 is considered as a bad credit score – Indisciplined financial life
A good credit score ranges from 700 to 900 - streamlined finance with timely payments & repayments
Following are 5 ways to ensure you keep your credit score, well above average:
Pay your EMI’s and CREDIT CARD dues on time
Limit your spends
Use your Credit Card, though control your spends.
Try spending only up to 30% - 40% of your credit limit to keep the balance low.
Try to repay the full amount on the due date.
Avoid a New Credit Card Application Avoid making any new applications for credit since credit inquiries can hurt your credit score.
Opening a new credit account also lowers your average credit age, another action that hurts your credit score. Application
Track your score regularly
Since your credit score is based on the information in your credit report, the first place you should go to improve your credit score is your Credit Report.
You can get both your Personal Credit Score and Business Credit Score by applying directly on the link mentioned below: https://cir.crifhighmark.com
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