Dossier II

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In Season 01 of The Dossier, FBI Agent Phil Carson told his story of the investigation into the LAPD and the cover-up of the murder of Hip-Hop superstar Biggie Smalls. Not only did Phil Carson explain who killed Biggie, he told in detail why the LAPD covered it up, and WHO was a part of that cover-up.

Phil Carson

k c a M d i v a D Rafael Perez

During t he produ ction of Season 0 1 of The Dossier, journali st and n arrator Don Siko rski was given a cache of secre t files by forme r LAPD D etective Sergio R obletto. These files ar e curren tly still un der fede ral seal and have never se en the light of day unti l now. Inside t hese sec ret file the fina s are l answer s and ev on how a idence nd why t he LAPD up the mu covered rder of B iggie, a was a pa nd who rt of th at cover more imp -up and ortantly it lists exact ev the idence t hat curr exists w ently ithin th e Robber Homicide y/ Division that not only imp licates LAPD Off icers and but pain , ts a cle ar timel of event ine s of wha t transp behind t ired he scene s at the when the LAPD Wallace Family f their ci iled vil laws uit agai City of nst the Los Ange les.

David Mack

Rafael Perez

narrator and r, ie ss Do e th of o Tw on In Seas ll the complex te ll wi ki rs ko Si n Do st journali ie Files. For gg Bi et cr Se e th of y or legal st ll outline the wi t as dc po e th , me ti l the fina rrative: following evidence and na a formal Internal ed ut it st in PD LA e th , 01 In January 20 ternal affairs in PD LA g in ar be n io at ig Affairs invest al Affairs rn te In is th In ) 14 it ib number CF-01-019078 (Exh Mack and Perez at th d ge le al lf se it PD Report the LA of Biggie. er rd mu e th in ed st si as conspired to murder and h 9, 1997, that The LAPD knew since Marc aced Rafael evidence existed which pl e murder, Perez Perez at the scene of th sings. was looking for shell ca December 12, The LAPD has known since Mack actively 1997, that Officer David Officer to PD LA r he ot an t ui cr re to tried Associate w Ro h at De a r fo ty ri cu work se Biggie was ar ye d an h nt mo me sa ry the ve Lowe advised n vi Ke r ce fi Of PD LA . ed murder March 1997 Mack LAPD Detectives that in curity for the se rk wo to m hi d te es qu had re e” Knight. girlfriend of Marion “Sug geles has known An s Lo of ty Ci d an PD LA The essed to being nf co ck Ma at th 99 19 e nc si er, on the night rd mu e th of e en sc e th at paraphrased ’s PD LA e Th . er rd mu e th of who had been , ys Ke y nn Be of w ie rv te in Mack, there is a d vi Da th wi ed at er rc ca in tape-recorded interview.

t n e m t r a p e D e c i l o P s e l e g n A Los

Waymond Anderson at th , 02 20 , 27 h rc nce Ma The LAPD has known si Perez in April el fa Ra by ed en at re been th admitted that he had ggie murder while Bi e th t ou ab ,” ut sh mouth of 1997 to “keep his Parker Center e th at g in on ti es qu ld for Anderson was being he er Center under a rk Pa to d te or sp an tr was de hotline Headquarters. Anderson ci mi ho e ac ll Wa ’s PD LA contacting the sealed warrant after in February of m hi ed ch oa pr ap d ha Knight a murder. and stating that Suge r fo ns gu g in in ta ob s assistance in 1997 and asked for hi iple occasions lt mu on ed ll ca s wa e ll phon Notably, Anderson’s ce er from the rd mu e th r te af y tl or one sh from a cloned cell ph of the crime. vicinity of the scene murder charge a of e ns fe de e th at admitted th Waymond Anderson also derson was An d an , ht ig Kn ge Su paid for by against Anderson was at one time o wh o, ng Lo y rr La A. ty Deputy D. represented by LA Coun Suge Knight. was in business with , that officer 05 20 , 28 r be to Oc e nc LA knew si The LAPD and City of ections as the nn co w Ro h at De s hi t oath abou David Mack lied under on perjury with ti si po de ’s ck Ma h ug ro licit th city sat silently comp t in place. en em re ag e ns fe de t in a jo 28, 2005 that r be to Oc e nc si n ow kn LA has The LAPD and City of en Katz told LAPD ev St e iv ct te De of r brothe information Edward Henry the step of e ar aw s wa he at had told him th e LAPD in Detectives that Katz th th wi ed at ci so as s ing individual and documents implicat d the LAPD that se vi ad y nr He e, ac ll her Wa the murder of Christop rials had been Katz stated such mate that en file,” placed in the “forgott e drawer th in ay st d ul wo s al the materi ne to make sure that stuff had been do never come to that the murder would e duration. Steve th r fo se ca ld co a d be light and that it woul e drawer for th in be to g in go ’s IE- he Katz stated “FUCK BIGG long time.“ a r fo se ca ld co a awhile, he will be

Waymond Ande rson

The city failed to producer nume rous relevant photographs of O fficer Perez and his police equipment, inclu ding photographs of Perez dressed Blood gang color in s, and of his LA P D police nightstic which contained k, the logo “Born t o Kill on one en d. The LAPD and the City of Los Ange les has failed t produce the chro o nological logs o f Detective Stan Nalywaiko, Detec tive Stokes, Off icer Piscopo and Officer SanKofaRa which documen ts when the city and its employee s obtained the D avid Mack and Ra Perez Internal A fael ffairs document, and the location of these documen s ts. The LAPD and Cit y of LA has refu sed to produce the investigatio n book compiled by LAPD Officer Kendrick Knox re garding his inve stigation of Dea Row Records. Off th icer Knox person ally observed Ma and Perez dresse ck d in gang attire at the recording studios utilized by Death Row Rec ords in the time period surroundi ng the homicide. The LAPD has fai led to produce t he tape-recorded the LAPD secretl statement y took of Eugene D eal where they c him talking abou aptured t a photo, they s h owed him which v possibly has the ery murderer depicte d therein and they failed to produc have e the photograph a nd have misrepre discovery that t sented in hey have produce d all photograph s. The City of Los Angeles engaged in a wide-rangin to conceal virtu g scheme ally every piece of evidence whic LAPD Officers wi h linked th the homicide of Biggie Smalls up and scheme ex . The covertended across mu ltiple divisions LAPD, including of the the Robbery/Homi cide Division, t Corruption Task he Rampart Force, Internal Affairs, and the Management Group LAPD Risk .

e Dossier, h T f o o w T n o s a In Se deal with l l i w e d o s i p e h eac d facts as n a e c n e d i v e e h t ret LAPD c e s e h t n i d e n contai s will be files, the file pisodes, E 0 1 n i d e t n e s pre actual text, e h t m o r f d e t i c with Phil and interviews haracters c r e h t o d n a n o Cars ason 01. e S m o r f o i d u a and 2 will 0 n o s a e S r e i s s The Do answers l a n i f e h t e d i prov der of r u m e h t n o e c n and evide City of d n a D P A L d n a Biggie er-up. Los Angeles cov E THE FINAL S O P O S L A L L I W IT ALL THIS QUESTION; WITH THE LAPD T ’ N A C Y H W E C N EVIDE F BIGGIE? O R E D R U M E H T E SOLV

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