1 minute read
A Dog on Campus
by Cadence Eastep, Reporter
Ruminating in the back of junior Lexi Keller’s mind is dreams of college. Graduation caps fly, tears fall, and she flaunts her medical degree. She accomplishes all of her dreams and prepares for the life she’s been planning for. In her future, she sees herself with a higher education, but the road to this landmark may be more difficult for her than for others due to medical struggles.
Keller has been a part of one of Paso Robles High School’s Career technical Education healthcare pathway for 3 years. This pathway begins with an Introduction to Health Care course, continues with the CTE Sports Medicine class, and ends with a capstone course of either the Athletic Trainer Practicum or Community Healthcare Practicum. This has been a very positive experience in Keller’s life.
She’s also currently taking classes such as Anatomy which have really helped her in this journey towards a career in healthcare. She hopes to bring this repertoire of classes to Washington University or any medical schools in Colorado once she graduates in 2023.
However, she may face some road bumps along the way. Keller has Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a condition which means that her body doesn’t produce enough cortisol. Cortisol