Crisis Leadership Style by Discipline

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Comparison Matrix of Crisis Leadership Approaches and Models By Jan Decker, President Crisis Management Consulting Model Approach

Incident Command System (ICS) Model

Emergency Management Organization Model based on functional objectives


Operational style

Pre-scripted organization and functions – requires adaption of the organization to ICS ICS clearly identifies who is in charge and separates tasks by functions. Public Safety response model 5 component structure: • Command/Management • Operations • Planning • Logistics • Finance and Administration

Organizational Structure

Implementation requirements

ICS structure can be replicated and links can be established to internal groups and external resources. Focus is from the bottom up – and then out through the organization with specific functional assignments. All Hazard.

Fit staff into an ICS structure and delegate authority based on assignment. Use ICS Terminology. Replicate structure throughout the organization Extensive up front training of staff. Annual renewal to keep staff updated on ICS.

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Copyright 2008 Jan Decker

Crisis Management Team Structure (CMT)

Emergency Management and Leadership with authority and processes for urgent decisions and actions for the organization focused on the mission of the organization and the strategic actions in the best interests of the organization.

Creates a “Team” of executive leadership who have specific responsibilities during an emergency – can be based on function, authority and positional leadership skills

Executive team that follows a checklist or agenda. All functions are part of the team, as assigned. Functions are supported by staff departments and generally link into business continuity and site safety plans. Focus is from the top down and through the organization. All Hazard.

Define the authority and roles of the Crisis Management Team. Prepare a guidance agenda to organize and prioritize action steps. Establish the process and systems for activation. Focused on the operational aspects of the organization. Requires a real-time based infrastructure to support 24X7 operations. Uses scenarios to develop crisis management skills.

Risk Management Approach Risk based program – focused on mitigation, loss prevention and regulatory compliance. Identifies and addresses known hazards, ie Pandemic Disease, Earthquake, as well as local, state and federal health and safety laws and requirements. Uses hazard assessment, hazard contingency plans, business continuity for critical services and disaster recovery (IT Systems). General employee based and operation based plans and procedures – written plans and training. Regulatory plans touch on management – but do not provide for executive action on behalf of the organization. Risk based plans can be silos and recreate processes that should be standard or allhazard. Risk plans are focused on notification and site response. They can use any structure, but are primarily based on responsibility as required under regulations and operational assignment. Risk based plans are often called Contingency Plans or Hazard Specific Plans and are integrated with Business Continuity Processes. They are managed from a safety and risk reduction focus which is based on a financial perspective. They may or may not include an executive component beyond notification. On-going Risk Management Program to identify risks, analyze for potential vulnerabilities, prevent loss and damage through physical, procedure and insurance mitigation, training of staff and documentation. Plans follow prescribed formats or content topics as required by regulations and operations. May not include annual training or testing, except as required.

Corporate Security Approach Protection based program focused on protecting people from hurt and harm, assets from intrusion and theft, and controlling access to company sites and systems. For international organizations, is focused on avoiding terrorism attacks and emergency security response. Policy based program which institutes policies and controls through systems and procedures. Plans are multi-hazard with strong security management and liaison with local and international security organization and services.

Varied structures, most are derivatives of ICS – with Security serving as the Incident Commander. May support the Crisis Management Team concept if assigned.

Policy development and administrative deployment. Security systems for access control and monitoring. Authorization to Corporate Security to take action.

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