the railway business magazine
Year VI ■ No. 4.11. (77) ■ 2011
Infrastructure projects in the OSJD area need EU financing One authority, four types of infrastructure
Railway PRO
Baltic Sea Strategy Transport projects make progress
Infrastructure Development
Журнал железнодорожный бизнес
Solving barriers between states is a real priority for ports Interview with Isabelle Ryckbost, Director EFIP
Интервью с Изабель Рикбост, Директор EFIP. В том, что касается железнодорожной инфраструктуры, „Преодоление барьеров между странами-членами этой системы является приоритетной задачей для портов”
editor’s note 1
he event of 2011 in the railway business environment will undoubtedly remain the successful privatisation of Russian freight operator, Freight One (Pervaia Gruzovaia Kompania). After a public tender, 75% (minus two) of the shares were transferred from RZD to the company owned by Russian billionaire Vladimir Lisin, Independent Transport Co (Nezavisimaia Transportnaia Compania), for around EUR 3 Billion. This step shows that the reform programme of the Russian Federation’s railway system is indeed focused on identifying solutions for increasing the railway business volume and maintaining a dominant position of this transport mode in the Russian market. Precisely this step is what urges us to take a closer look on what’s behind this process and in what figures the Russian experience could be translated to other European markets as well. First of all, it should be reminded that the reform was officially launched in 2001, having as main objectives the restructuring of the former Ministry of Railways into a commercial company, separating the main railway activities and creating the premises for economic growth and research boost in the area. We can say that PGK’s privatisation on October 28, 2011, was among the few such European processes whose results approached the graphic earlier announced by authorities. The European Union member states have already accustomed
us with privatisation announcements and annulments, with the launch of a privatisation strategy and with changing it for another. It has already happened in Germany and Romania, if we are to resume to just two examples. The moment of the company’s privatisation came in a time of economic distress and the financial downturn was used by national authorities in the EU countries as excuse for cancelling the process. If we are to compare two markets – Romania, the country I know best, and Russia – one can see the general expectation differences from the business environment and, implicitly, from the price these two countries put on railway companies. Romania is a European Union member state and consequently it has implemented the European legislation on liberalisation. However, Romania is just one of the 27 “regions” with a particular signalling, electrification and management system which makes the European network non-interoperable. We are talking about a country with only 238 thousand square km of the 4,324 thousand square km of the EU compared to the 17,098 thousand square km of Russia. The network on this whole territory is, of course, “interoperable” (it is even interoperable with the networks of the CIS and Baltic States countries), through the historic tradition of the joint participation in the former USSR). The two surfaces are covered by railway networks
of 10,780 km, for Romania, and 87,157 km respectively, for Russia. Because these figures are not enough to prove the railway potential of the two countries, we should also say that for a population of 22 million citizens, Romania has a GDP of USD 161 Billion (25% of the people live below the poverty threshold) compared to a population of 138 million and a GDP of USD 1,465 Billion for Russia (13.1% of the people live below the poverty threshold). If we also mention that the Russian railway system ensures the traffic between Western Europe and Central Asia and the Extreme Orient, while Romania is gateway only for Central and Eastern Europe, we will understand why the performance of the Russian railway system, in the first months of 2011, is of 607 million tonnes compared to the 28.7 million tonnes of Romania. PGK represents 22% of the market and has a profit of EUR 472 Million compared to the 50% of the market and losses of EUR 81.3 Million of CFR Marfă. Last but not least, PGK has a fleet of 235,000 cars and 3,800 employees, versus the almost 43,000 cars, 900 locomotives and 15,000 employees of CFR Marfă. Is CFR Marfă worth EUR 1 Billion as circulated in the Romanian political environment?
Russian lesson Issue published with the support of Romanian Railway Industry Association & Club Feroviar – The Railway Business Club Журнал издаётся при поддержке Асоциации Железнодорожной Промышленности и Club Feroviar – ЖД Клуб Деловых Людей
Российский урок Событием 2011 года в железнодорожном деловом кругу, несомненно, остаётся успешная приватизация грузового оператора “Первая грузовая компания”. В результате проведения открытого тендера, 75% акций (минус две акции) перешли от «РЖД» к компании российского миллиардера Владимира Лисина – «Независимая транспортная компания», в обмен на сумму около 3 миллиардов евро. Такой переход показывает, что программа реформ железнодорожной системы в Российской Федерации на самом деле нацелена на поиск решений для увеличения объёмов оборотов в железнодорожной сфере и на сохранение лидирующей позиции данного вида транспорта на российском рынке. Именно этот шаг даёт нам почву для анализа обстоятельств, скрывающихся за этим процессом, и цифр, с помощью которых можно было бы осуществить использование российского опыта на других европейских рынках. Прежде всего следует напомнить, что реформа официально началась в 2001 году, и её основными целями являлись: реструктуризация старого Министерства Железных дорог и его превращение в коммерческое предприятие, отделение основных направлений деятельности железнодорожной сферы и создание предпосылок для экономического роста и для поощрения проведения исследований в данной отрасли. Можно считать, что приватизация ПГК 28 октября 2011 года являлась одним из немногих процессов такого рода на европейском уровне, которые прошли согласно графику,
объявленному властями. Страны-члены Европейского союза уже приучили нас к объявлениям насчёт приватизации, после которых следует ожидать их отмены, а также к объявлениям определённой стратегии приватизации с последующей её заменой на другую. Это уже случилось в Германии и в Румынии - если перечислить лишь два таких случая. Момент приватизации компании наступил в самом разгаре экономического кризиса. Национальные власти стран Европейского союза используют кризис в качестве повода для отмены такого процесса. Если сравнить два рынка - рынок Румынии, то есть страны, которую я знаю больше всего, и рынок России, то можно увидеть различие в общих ожиданиях деловой среды и вместе с тем в стоимости железнодорожных компаний. Румыния является членом Европейского союза, следовательно, она применяет европейское законодательство в сфере либерализации данного сектора. Тем не менее, Румыния - одна из 27 «регионов» с собственной системой сигнализации, электрификации и управления, и это делает данную железнодорожную сеть несовместимой с точки зрения интероперабельности на европейском уровне. Мы говорим о стране, занимающей площадь в 238 тысяч квадратных километров на территории ЕС, по сравнению с территорией России, занимающей площадь в 17.098 тысяч квадратных километров. На всей территории России конечно же имеется “интероперабельная” сеть (она взаимно совместима с железнодорожными сетями
стран СНГ и Балтии, ввиду исторической традиции общей принадлежности к СССР). Две страны обслуживают железнодорожные сети продолжительностью 10.780 км в случае Румынии, и 87.157 км в случае России. Так как эти цифры не являются достаточными для того, чтобы показать деловой потенциал железных дорог двух стран, также необходимо отметить, что население Румынии насчитывает 22 млн. человек, а ВВП - 161 млрд. долларов США (25% населения живёт за чертой бедности), по сравнению с населением 138 млн. человек и ВВП 1.465 млрд. долларов США в случае России (13,1% населения живёт за чертой бедности). Если напомним, что российская железнодорожная система обеспечивает транзит между Западной Европой и Центральной Азией и Дальним Востоком, в то время, как Румыния является дверью лишь к Центральной и Восточной Европы, то мы поймём, почему показатели российской железнодорожной системы за первые шесть месяцев 2011 года достигли 607 млн. тонн по сравнению с 28,7 млн. в Румынии. Доля рынка ПГК составляет 22%, а её прибыль - 472 млн. евро, по сравнению с долей рынка румынской компании “ЧФР Марфа”, составляющей 50%, и с её убытками в размере 81,3 млн. евро. Не в последнюю очередь, у ПГК количество вагонов составляет 235.000, а численность персонала - 3.800 сотрудников, в то время, как “ЧФР Марфа” имеет примерно 43.000 вагонов, 900 локомотивов и 15.000 сотрудников. Стоит ли “ЧФР Марфа” 1 миллиард евро, как отмечают в румынских политических кругах? November 2011 |
45 28
One authority, four types of infrastructure Строители железных дорог поддерживают полезность заключения долгосрочных контрактов
When it comes for the rightful implementation of the First Railway Package provisions by separating the national infrastructure manager of railway operators, Sweden is a positive example taken into account by all those involved in the railway sector. Президент Европейской Федерации строителей железных дорог (EFRTC) Джозеф Юрлингс по случаю участия в работе Саммита “Дни Железных дорог 2011 г.” представил мнение Федерации и её членов по поводу полезности планирования исполнения работ, финансирования и заключения контрактов на долгосрочной основе.
44 Baltic Countries have
increased potential for transport development in the 1520 – 1435 area
48 Romania focuses on the modernisation of Corridor IV 50 More transparency in implementing TAC the railway business magazine
Railway PRO
ISSN - 1841 - 4672
Publisher: Editura de Transport & Logistică S.R.L. 30, Virgiliu Street, Sector 1 Bucharest, postal code: 010881 Tel.:+4 021 224 43 85; +4 021 224 43 87 Mobile: +40 721 723 724 Fax: +4 021 224 43 86 E-mail: Web-site: Editors: Elena Ilie Pamela Luică Teodor Turcu Production and photo editor: Petru Mureşan Department of translations: Alina Vuţulicu Paula Bădescu Gentil Traduceri SRL Contributors: Pr Ahmed RACHID Dr Simon WALTERS Dr Augustin MPANDA Graphic design: Petru Mureşan
Editor’s note
Russian lesson
16 Construction of high-
speed lines, one of Turkey’s transport priorities
52 Competition is useful, but in fair conditions for the railways 53 “We want to have an interoperable network in order to attract different EU operators”
Regarding the rail infrastructure, “Solving the remaining barriers between states is a real priority for ports”
Interview with Isabelle Ryckbost, Director EFIP В том, что касается железнодорожной инфраструктуры, „Преодоление барьеров между странами-членами этой системы является приоритетной задачей для портов” Интервью с Изабель Рикбост, Директор EFIP
During the “Railway Days” 2011 Summit, Isabelle Ryckbost, Director EFIP, shared with us the opinions of the organisation on the role of railways in the activity of ports. На саммите „Дни Железных дорог” -2011 г., Директор EFIP, Изабель Рикбост, рассказала нам о мнениях организации насчёт роли железных дорог для портовой деятельности. Таким образом,
51 Modern overhead line 56 Noise-differentiated track plays crucial role in reducing
access charge could affect the railway market stability
infrastructure construction costs
as the market can bear it
in Poland
22 Long-run marginal costs stimulate the efficient development of the network
37 Infrastructure projects in the OSJD area need EU financing
issue in the future” From this point of view, the White Paper is the beginning ...
18 Romanian electrification projects await financing
30 “The enforcement of the 36 Line “Y” to become the 20 TAC shall be kept as high “backbone” of passenger traffic rules is going to be the No. 1
26 Infrastructure
investments place Asia in competition with Europe
43 Railway contractors support the utility of long-term contracts
34 More funds are necessary 45 One authority, four types
for the railway infrastructure in the financial period 2014-2020
38 Public-private partner-
Layout and DTP: Petru Mureşan
ships are a security must
Photo: Radu Drăgan
41 Baltic Region has to rely
Marketing Manager: Cristina Trifon
on strong railway transport connections with the TEN-T network
Advertising Enquiries: www.
42 Baltic Sea Strategy Trans-
port projects make progress | November 2011
of infrastructure
19 Signage can be very troublesome 40 Know-how, experience and innovation – maintenance activity simplification 49 Modernisation of the 12 substations of Electrificare CFR to be finalized in 2012
24 Based on 8 scenarios, by 2027 we will have fully integrated transportation Metropolitan
39 Transport authorities should analyse the situation and ask the citizens what they need ENGINEER
46 PAntograph Catenary Interaction Framework for Intelligent Control Statistics
54 Railway Statistics
cOntent 3 Редакционная статья
Российский урок
16 Строительство
38 Государственночастные партнёрства стали необходимыми для обеспечения надёжности транспорта 41 Прибалтийский
56 Дифференцированный налог на доступ к железным дорогам в зависимости от шума может затронуть стабильность железнодорожного рынка
РАЗВИТИЕ РЫНКА регион должен высокоскоростных линий пользоваться надёжными свидетельствует о приоритетах железнодорожными связями 36 Линия „Y” станет Турции касательно перевозок с сетью TEN-T „стержнем” пассажирского транспорта в Польше 18 В Румынии проекты 37 Проекты инфраструктуры 42 Прибалтийская электрификации ждут стратегия: Проекты транспортана территории ОС ЖД финансирования нуждаются в финансировании регистрируют успехи со стороны ЕС 20 „Налог на использование инфраструктуры должен быть 44 У Прибалтийских 43 Строители железных государств большой определен в таком размере, дорог поддерживают потенциал для развития чтобы каждый мог бы себе полезность заключения транспорта на участке 1520 позволять его платить, а при долгосрочных контрактов 1435 этом и развиваться” 45 Строители железных 48 Румыния сосредоточена дорог поддерживают 22 Предельные издержки на полезность заключения длительный срок способствуют на модернизации IV-го долгосрочных контрактов эффективному развитию сети. транспортного коридора ПРОИЗВОДСТВО 50 Необходимо больше инфраструктуру способствуют прозрачности в применении И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ соперничеству Азии с Европой Налога на использование 19 Сигнализация может инфраструктуры стать менее сложной 34 Необходимо 52 Соревнование 40 Ноу-хау, опыт и найти больше средств полезно, но лишь в условиях инновации - упрощение для железнодорожной справедливости в том числе деятельности по техническому инфраструктуры в бюджетный для железных дорог обслуживанию период 2014 -2020 гг.
26 Инвестиции в
49 Модернизация 12 подстанций, принадлежащих “Электрификаре ЧФР” завершится в 2012 году 51 Катенарная система, используемая компанией Сименс под названием Sicat ЛИДЕРЫ
30 Внедрение норм - это приоритетный вопрос, а Белая книга Транспорта сделала первый шаг в этом направлении мобильность
24 На основе восьми сценариев.До 2027 года у нас будет полностью интегрированный транспорт КРУПНЫЕ ГОРОДА
39 Властям предстоит проанализировать положение общественного транспорта и узнать о потребностях граждан СТАТИСТИКА
54 железнодорожной статистики
November 2011 |
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Europe launches its first satellites for the intelligent navigation system
Railway tariffs increase, despite competition
Today, Miranda is in the Baltic, near the island of Vormsi in Estonia. The morning is foggy, but the ship is equipped
GALILEO: On October 21, 2011, the EU made with the latest GPS technologies to aid manoeuvring in
Czech Rep.: Competitors Czech Railways,
the state-run railway, and RegioJet, a private company that launched services in the Czech Republic, have both said they will have to All financial transactions raise prices next year by at least 4 percent to compensate for the increased= €590 VATbillion rate. The VAT rate bill is still making its way through Parliament and could see the rate 5% harmonized at 17.5 percent by 2013. Train tunnel between Tallinn and EU GDP = €11.8 trillion Helsinki to cost EUR 3 Billion International: A train tunnel between Tallinn and Helsinki would cost 2-3 billion euros. The section would be an extension of the Rail Baltica line that is planned to connect all three Baltic States with a fast train route. Helsinki city government international relations department expert Olli Keinänen said though that such a train tunnel could only be considered after Rail Baltica is completed. Eugene shuts the door and locks it. “It’s so dark in here,”
Novatek and RZD USD says Mariska. “Go home now,to Mari.spend Go out the back way,” 1.3 urges on Eugene. stay on a bit longer. Without power, Billion a“I’llrail line the alarm system won’t work, and I can’t get the shutters
down to protect the front windows either. So I’ll just wait Russia: OAO Novatek and Russian Railhere for a while.”
ways plan to invest USD 1.3 Billion in rail infrastructure to increase gas-product shipments from Siberia’s Tyumen region. Novatek, Russia’s second-biggest natural gas producer, spend USD 1 Billion to expand Confiwill dence or vulnerability? a section of the railway in western Siberia Accurate years synchronisation devices power networks have over three starting infor2012. long been available,will but they arefor expensive. GPS timing Russian Railways pay the rest of the signals make it possible to maintain accurate timing at low project, aimed at increasing gas product transcosts. While few doubt their utility, no one can say what portation from Purovsky plant in Tyumen. would happen if the GPS signal were to be lost.
1.75 million 1.5 million 1.3 million
2010 (estimated)
communication system his father had set up when he was boss.
GALILEO will make transport safer and more efficient by road, rail, sea or air. It will offer Sitting in a café, sipping coffeeor withgoods an old friend, new services for strong people on the move, for instance the monitoring of passenger Danny explains, “In the old days, we used radio to talk to our transport in coaches or of dangerous goods, real-time information on transport condidrivers. When a customer called needing a car, we would call tions andbydriver our drivers radio, all ofassistance. them at the same time. Anyone Not slowing down
International: Georgian Minister of
are to be signed by the end of the year. Another topic of discussion between the two ministers was Georgia’s call for the assistance of the Romanian Ministry of
GNSS-based fleet management systems deployed in commercial fleets in Europe
Constanța Seaport sets the foundation of a partnership with the Georgian ports of Poti and Batumi Economy, Vera Kobalia, and Romanian Minister of Transport, Anca Boagiu, met on October 25, 2011 to discuss a potential collaboration between the two countries with access to the Black Sea by developing joint projects that would maximise the potential of the two countries in the region. Anca Boagiu has underlined Romania’s interest in the development of a collaboration partnership between Constanța Seaport and the Georgian ports of Poti and Batumi. The Memorandums of Understanding on the cooperation of the ports of Constanța, Poti and Batumi
theclose first step creating its own intelquarters. GPStowards antennae enable precise determination of vessel orientation,navigation heading and direction, and allow ligent satellite system, launching cation of position to within a few metres. thespecifi first two Galileo satellites at a 23,000-km Suddenly, an alarm sounds. “What the devil is that?” shouts height. The European industry will benefit the ship’s captain. “GPS failure,” Janez responds. Checking most fromhethe Galileo offering his read-out, continues, “This is programme, unusual; there is simply undertakings and citizens direct access a Euno signal.” ropean-generated satellite navigation “Back-up systems?” the captain barks. “Negative, sir. GPSsignal. is gone. It’s just gone.2014, ” Anotherthe alarmnew sounds.programme “Right”, says the will Starting with captain, “switch to radar, get on the radio, and get someone provide improved services based on a more out there on the foredeck who can see where we’re going!” precise system for veJust then,navigation crew members feel a hard jolt andautomotive are thrown forward.aA loud screeching, like grating metal, resonates of the hicles, more efficient management from the lower decks ofsearch the ship. and rescue services, road transport, “We’vebanking hit something, ” cries Janez. safer operations, as well as a more reliable power supply, all being strictly dependent on satellite navigation technologies for a more efficient operation. The total economic impact is estimated at around EUR 90 Billion forKeeping the next 20 years. transport fleets The system will be functional in two years and up and running will assist planes in the landing process, the operation of trains and the supervision of road traffic. GNSS-based technologies have revolutionised the way transport companies track, “This is atrace proud moment for all Europeans; and direct numbers of vehicles, the launchallowing is proof of Europe’s prowess for more efficient and stream- in the field of space I now call on European lined activities. services. But total reliance on GPS industry and to seize without delay the couldSMEs, be a double-edged sword. important economic opportunities offered by this system – get innovating now! European anny Theodorous manages a family-owned taxi citizenscompany can get ready, Galileo in central Athens. Foundedis in about the 1950s to be a by hisdaily grandfather, the Friendly Cab company, whichPresipart of our lives”, declared the Vice once numbered just three vehicles, one of which had only dent Antonio Tajani, responsible for Industry three wheels, now comprises 33 cars and three mini-vans. and Entrepreneurship and Industry. Two years ago, after long consideration, he and his management Noteam doubt, Europe’s satellite navigation system decided to take the plunge and replace the radio-based
is on the road to becoming operational and so the focus must now turn to the provision of services for the benefit of European citizens and the economy, in line with the Commission’s “Europe 2020” strategy. The system underpins many sectors of the European economy through its services: electricity grids, fleet management companies, financial transactions, shipping industry, rescue operations, peace-keeping missions will all benefit from the free Open Service, the Public Regulated Service and the Search-and-Rescue service. In addition, the Galileo programme ensures European know-how in a technology that is becoming critical, including for such areas as electricity distribution and telecommunication networks. The system established under the Galileo programme is expected to deliver EUR 90 Billion over a period of 20 years in terms of additional revenues for industry and in terms of public and social benefits. © eliandric
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Time-stamp-related financial transactions = €206 billion
news 5
© European Commission
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GPS time-stamping and EU GDP
© European Commission
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anez Omerzel grew up in Piran in Slovenia. With its small fishing port and ancient ramparts, his home town inspired him from an early age with a passion for adventure and a desire to take to the sea. And that he did. Having worked his way up through the merchant marine, Janez is now chief navigator of a large oil tanker, Miranda, navigating waters along the Atlantic and northern sea coasts of Europe.
near the customer could answer and we would assign the job.
Transport andgood Infrastructure training It was a perfectly system for the 1970s,in butthe we started to think a GPS-based solution would be more effi cient.” The of the transport administration staff. Romanian Minister the ministry And it was. With GPS units insaid each car, Danny could see and its institutions were ready tomap. assist where his drivers were, plotted on a city “That Georgia made the work of dispatching about aclasses hundred times easier,area of in developing training in the and we were even able maritime to hire some new drivers.” land, railway and transport and in wish we had that old radio equipment back now,” civil“I sure aviation. he says. “Now that the GPS signal has been cut off, I’ve had to
lay off those new drivers. I hated doing it, but we just cannot BDZ privatisation manage the dispatching of that many cars without GPS. Now we are feeling it; last month my turnover was down by
BULGARIA: Agency 20% compared toBulgarian the year before, Privatisation and that’s not to mention
© KingWu
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В мире: В октябре 2011 г., Европейский союз сделал важный шаг в попытке иметь собственную интеллигентную спутниковую систему навигации, запустив первые два спутника Галилео (Galileo) на высоту 23.000 км. Чехия: Как государственная железнодорожная компания Ceske Drahy (ЧД), так и частная компания RegioJet, которая начала предоставлять железнодорожные услуги по чешским линиям, объявили о том что будут вынуждены повысить цены в следующем году, не менее чем на четыре процента. В мире: Строительство железнодорожного туннеля между эстонской
country’s debt-ridden state with railways BDZ. In 2009, the number of vehicles equipped fleetThe sale ofandBDZ’s cargosystems company will management vehicle-tracking was 6 million in North and roughly 5 million in thewill EU. be close in up toAmerica a year. Sale incomes A recent market report by industry analyst RNCOS forecasts invested in BDZ. totalagency sales of GPS-based telematicsto andcall fleet-management The is expected a procedure to grow three-fold from €7 billion in 2009 to fordevices selecting an entity which will examine the €20 billion in 2015. In addition to vehicles, freight containers division’s current condition and recommend are increasingly being equipped with GNSS-enabled devices. a mechanism for its sale. According to preliminary data, the division’s asset book value stands at about EUR 164 Million and suffered losses of EUR 1.69 Million in the first half of the year. столицей, Таллин, и столицей Финляндии, Хельсинки, оценивается в 2 – 3 миллиарда евро. Россия: ПОАО Новатэк и Российские железные дороги намереваются инвестировать 1,3 млрд. долларов в инфраструктурные проекты. В мире: Министр экономики Грузии, г-жа Вера Кобалиа и Министр транспорта и инфраструктуры Румынии, г-жа Анка Боаджиу, встретились обсудить сотрудничество между двумя прибрежными государствами Черного моря. Украина: Болгарское Агенство по приватизации объявило о начале приватизационной процедуры грузовой транспортной дивизии БДЖ (BDZ). November 2011 |
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6 news EU launches the Eastern Partnership for Transport International: On 24 and 25 October, 2011, Krakow hosts the reunion of the transport ministers from the EU and from the six Eastern Partnership countries aimed to approach transport cooperation. “We have agreed with the Eastern Partnership countries to work together to make travel easier for people and ensure that goods can be transported efficiently. To follow up this work, we launched the Eastern Partnership Transport Panel. Discussions at this first ministerial conference proved that the EU and Eastern Partnership countries see a mutual benefit in working together towards closer transport cooperation”, declared the European Commissioner for Transport, Siim Kallas. Transport ministers signed a Joint Declaration and agreed on the main challenges and opportunities. As next steps, ministers have agreed to improve connections and elaborate a plan for a regional transport network for the Eastern Partnership region that connects with the Trans-European Transport Network and between the countries themselves.
Saudi Arabia to tender JubailDammam line International: Saudi Railways will issue tenders for a rail line connecting Jubail to Dammam and for a network inside Jubail Industrial City by the end of the year, Chief Executive Officer Rumaih Al-Rumaih said. The 950 kilometre railway project was re-approved in the first part of the month. The project, which is estimated to cost USD 10 Billion (EUR 7.2 Billion) was shelved after the financial crisis. The Saudi cabinet approved the funding from the state-run Public Investment Fund.
Hungary completes rail project using EU funds
UIC supports Cargo 10 International: Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy stated that Director General of the International Union of Railways Jean-Pierre Loubinoux supported the Serbian government’s initiative to unite the Balkan railways as envisioned by the Cargo 10 project.
GYSEV, the regional operator owned by Hungary and Austria. EUR 300 Million for new trains from EU funds BULGARY: Ministry of Transport hopes to get EUR 300 Million EU funds to buy new locomotives and coaches for BDZ. Starting with next January, Bulgaria will be ready to apply for financing these projects in the 2012-2014 budget, said Transport Minister, Ivaylo Moskovski. According to him, BDZ could receive funds for trains since 2012, if there are money still unused from other operational programmes. Recently, the Minister for the Management of EU Funds, Tomislav Donchev, explained that in the spring of next year it would become clear if money can be transferred from one program to another.
MAV tries to restructure credits HUNGARY: State-owned Hungarian railway company MÁV has called a tender for a HUF 13.8 Billion (EUR 46 Million) restructuring loan. The tender is in the form of an accelerated negotiated procedure because the company’s debt consolidation by September 30, 2011 is no longer possible and debt servicing is causing liquidity problems. The measure is even more necessary as Hungary’s government recently took a
В мире: Министр инфраструктуры и энергетики Сербии, г-н Милутин Мрконич объявил о том что Генеральный директор МСЖД (UIC), г-н Жан-Пьер Лубину, поддерживает инициативу сербского правительства в создании связей между балканскими железнодорожными сетями и компаниями посредством проекта Карго (Cargo) 10. В мире: В период 24 – 25 октября, в Кракове, министры транспорта Европейского союза и шести государств Восточного партнерства, подписали Общую декларацию и согласовали ключевые вызовы и возможности. В мире: Саудовские железные дороги выставят на публичные торги до конца текущего | November 2011
HUNGARY: After the finalization of the project consisting in the rehabilitation of the Szombathely–Szentgotthard section (Western Hungary) in the second part of the month, trains will be capable to run at speeds of 120 km/h compared to the initial 60 km/h. The project was estimated at HUF 48.6 Billion (EUR 163 Million), of which HUF 41.3 Billion (EUR 138 Million) are European funds. The line is managed by года, как проект линии Джубаил – Даммам (Jubail-Dammam), так и сеть в пределах индустриального города Джубаил. Венгрия: Вследствии окончания проекта по ремонту участка Szombathely–Szentgotthard (Западная Венгрия), поезда смогут курсировать со скоростью в 120 км в час, по сравнению с предыдущей всего лишь в 60 км/час. Болгария: Министерство транспорта Болгарии надеется получить 300 миллионов евро из фондов Европейского союза для приобретения новых вагонов и локомотивов для БДЖ. Венгрия: Венгерская компания МАВ (MAV) открыла публичные торги для реструктуризации кредитов в размере 13,8
Minister of Infrastructure and Energy Milutin Mrkonjic said at the meeting with Loubinoux that Cargo 10 is one example of new, useful integrations. Loubinoux promised to discuss the issue with the executives of the Hungarian railways on the proposal submitted by Milutin Mrkonjic to support the project for the Belgrade-Budapest fast railway.
planned consolidation of MÁV’s debt off the agenda in order to be able to maintain the budget balance. The future high-speed rail network: complete, connected, and consistent International: European and national politicians need to avoid building a “Two(high)Speed” Europe. This was the main message delivered at the event “Putting European high-speed rail on the fast track” co-organised by the Polish Presidency and CER. Participants discussed possible ways to fulfill the European Commission’s objective to triple the length of high-speed lines in Europe by 2030, as stated in the 2011 Transport White Paper. In his introductory remarks, Andrzej Massel, Polish Vice-Minister of Infrastructure, current Vice-Chairman of the Transport Council, underlined the importance of European and national authorities joining forces to bridge the existing gap between Western Europe and Central and Eastern Europe and welcomed the publication of the TEN-T guidelines on the same day. With high-speed, rail will become more competitive towards other modes of transport, thereby helping to reduce CO2 emissions in line with White Paper’s objectives. Looking at the opportunities of connecting high-speed rail to road and aviation routes, Jean-Eric Paquet, Director of European Mobility Network in DG MOVE, presented the main lines of the revised TEN-T guidelines and the Connecting Europe Facility, published by the European Commission on the day of this event. In line with the Transport White Paper, the new TEN-T network sees rail as the backbone of European transport, reflecting the Commission’s intention to promote intercity high-speed rail links and to connect airports to (high-speed) rail. миллиардов форинтов (46 млн. евро). В мире: Европейские политики и политики национальных правительств государств – членов, должны избежать строительства ,,Двух (высокоскоростных) Европ” В мире: Посредством принятия Правительственного Решения об утверждении технических и экономических показателей инвестиционного объектива ,,Возобновление железнодорожного движения по новому железнодорожному мосту через реку Арджеш, железнодорожная линия Бухарест – Джиурджиу между железнодорожными станциями Видра – Грэдиштя”, прямое железнодорожное сообщение по маршруту Констанца – Бухарест и балканские страны будет возобновленно.
news 7
International: Following the Decision on the approval of the technical-economic indicators of the investment objective “Relaunch of the railway traffic on the new railway bridge across the Argeş River, railway line Bucharest – Giurgiu, between the railway stations Vidra and Grădiştea”, the direct railway traffic on ConstanţaBucharest and Baltic Countries routes will be resumed. The project is very important for the railway freight traffic as the route Bucharest – Giurgiu is part of the pan-European corridor IX, which ensures the freight flow to and from the Balkan Peninsula. The implementation of the project represents a step forward towards developing cross-border connections in the European area, an objective also debated by Siim Kallas, during the presentation of the Railway Platform Strategy, an event attended by the representatives of railway organisations and companies. Currently, railway traffic is carried out using a by-pass which means the route is 10% longer, diesel traction is used on 90 km of line and trains have a maximum weight of 1,800 tonnes, all these triggering higher costs and imprecision in the development of the railway freight traffic. According to the draft Decision, the total investment amounts to RON 308.6 Million (around EUR 71 Million), VAT excluded, the financing source being nonreimbursable EC funds granted through the European Regional Development Fund and by the state budget.
New TEN-T network puts seaports on EU’s map of transport connections International: European Commission published its proposals for the development of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The proposals consist of a new set of guidelines, which determine the infrastructure of the TEN-T within which projects are identified, and a proposal to establish a ‘Connecting Europe Facility’ which determines the conditions, methods and procedures for providing EU financial aid to TEN-T. Seaports feature prominently in the new TEN-T framework. 83 ports and port clusters were selected as part of the core
we must make sure that ports are not just ‘on the map’ but can effectively make use of the funding and other support measures that the TEN-T framework provides. This also applies to the ports that are part of the comprehensive network. In addition, we may need to review some of the multimodal corridors to ensure that they indeed provide the most efficient and sustainable connections for Europe”, said the Secretary General of the European Sea Ports Organisation, Patrick Verhoeven.
контракт в размере более 25 млн. долларов с швейцарским поставщиком энергии TELF AG для поставки более 57 млн. тонн угля. В мире: Европейская комиссия намеревается учесть возможность финансировать Литву и другие страны Восточной Европы для реализации железнодорожных связей с севером Италии посредством реализациии высокоскоростной линии. Россия: РЖД объявло о намерении создать международную компанию по транспортной логистике совместно с широким спектром партнеров.
Komir is one of Kazakhstan’s largest thermal coal producers. It also works in building stone mines, coal processing, maintenance of access roads, rail transportation, manoeuvring, and the extraction and sale of water.
Lithuania to be linked with Western Europe by a high-speed railway International: The European Commission is considering a possibility of financing support to Lithuania and other countries of the Eastern Europe for a link with Northern Italy by a high-speed railway in 2024 or 2030. EC Coordinator for Rail Baltica Project, Pavel Telicka noted that while considering future budgets of the European Community, the European Commission intends to pay much attention to the transport sector. The Rail Baltica, as well as another future railway line, should become one of the priority projects. The European Union would be able to finance 85% of both projects’ costs.
Kazakhstan to supply coal to Switzerland International: Kazakh coal mining joint-stock company Shubarkol Komir is planning to make a deal with Swiss energy trader TELF AG on supply of at least 57 million tonnes of coal worth over USD 25 Million.
network and nearly all multi-modal corridors feature connections with maritime ports. “By embracing the dual layer philosophy at an early stage we managed to have ports properly included in the TEN-T. This is a very positive step. Now
В мире: Президент РЖД и председатель Совета по железнодорожному транспорту СНГ (CRT CIS), г-н Владимир Якунин, представил концепцию о стратегическом развитии железнодорожного транспорта до 2020 г. в этом регионе. В мире: Морские порты представляют собой основной элемент для сети ТЕЖ (TEN-T). 83 порта и кластеры были отобранны как часть основной сети и почти все мультимодальные коридоры, которые связанны с морскими портами. В мире: Компания Шубарколь Комир (Shubarkol Komir) сможет заключить
2020 concept for strategic development of rail transport in CIS was presented International: Vladimir Yakunin, Chairman of RZD and of the Council for Rail Transport of CIS States (CRT CIS) presented a concept for the strategic development of railway transport in the CIS member states. The purpose of the concept is to develop common approaches to the definition of strategic priorities for the development of railways in the CIS states and the formation of the market for transport services in the
Photo: wikimedia
Romania to resume traffic on the direct railway connection to Bulgaria
RZD to set up international logistics company RUSSIA: Russian Railways plans to form a major global transit logistics company with a broad spectrum of partners. The company will seek to attract cargo transshipments and roll out international transportation corridors in Russia, in particular the East-West transport corridor. Russian Railways will seek to expand container shipments by implementing competitive through rates, forging closer ties with European and Chinese intermodal operators, as well as members of the International Union of Railways. field of rail transport. The implementation of the concept over the next 10 years will allow for the coordinated development of railway transport across the 1520mm broad gauge railway area and ensure a higher level and quality of services, thus increasing the revenues of transport companies. This will in turn lead to increased profits, improved working conditions in the rail industry, increased safety and an improvement in the environmental performance of the railways. This is the second such document, the first was elaborated 7 years ago. November 2011 |
8 news Russia and Slovakia cooperate for integrating their networks in the European and Asian rail system INTERNATIONAL: Slovakian Railways and RZD signed a Memorandum of Cooperation for freight and passenger traffic growth projects using the railway system in Russia and Slovakia. The memorandum will help facilitate the development and modernisation of transport infrastructure in the Slovak Republic, as well as mutual cooperation based on specific agreements, memoranda and
Freight by rail getting more expensive Belarus: Belarusian Ministry of Economy decided to raise tariffs for freight by rail in interrepublican transport link on the proposal of the Belarusian Railways on October. According to the Decree of Ministry of Economy, prices have risen by 5%, and increase coefficient to the price list № 10-01 on rail freight in intra communication was 2.188. Ministry of Economy said that the rise in prices was caused by the transportation agreement of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia for the unification of tariffs for the carriage of goods by type of link (export, import and intra) within the member countries of the Customs Union by January 1, 2013. As Telegraf previously reported, the Ministry of Economy adopted a resolution on September 1, under which tariffs on Belarusian railway freight increased by 5% within the country. At the time, higher prices of services were triggered by inflation of the national currency in July.
Ceske Drahy sells Masaryk railway station Czech Rep.: Reportedly, the Czech stateowned railways operator’s supervisory board is favourable to selling Masarykovo Nsdrazí, Prague’s oldest operating train station, and the 7.5 hectares of land it occupies, the news server reports. According to, the sale price would be much below the sale price of lands in the respective area. The new owner would be Masaryk Station Development (MSD), where CD holds 34%.
Masaryk railway station was put in service in 1845. The most recent renovation works were completed in November 2010, after four years of works. Irrespective of the sale decision, the railway station will be maintained operational until 2050. | November 2011
specific projects to integrate the Russian and Slovak railway networks into pan-European and Eurasian transportation systems. The companies also confirmed an agreement to continue their joint work within the framework of the project to extend a railway line to Bratislava and Vienna and to set up an international logistics center. In addition, the parties undertook to ensure the provision of efficient transport services on the basis of mutual benefits and longterm interests.
16% increase in the freight volume shipped by rail in Latvia INTERNATIONAL: In the first nine months of 2011, the volume of cargo transported by rail grew 16.93%, reaching 43.2 million tonnes of cargo, according to the Transport Ministry. The volume of domestic freight transportation reduced by 15.8% to 838,70 tonnes, while the volume of international freight transportation increased by 17.8% to 42.3 million tonnes. The volume of transit freight transported through Latvian ports rose by 16.5% to 34.6 million tonnes.
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure to create passenger intermodal and transfer points for Bucharest’s railway ring ROMANIA: Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure approved the set up of a work group to identify the solutions for placing in service passenger trains on the railway ring of the Romanian capital. The project to be developed by the Transport Ministry consists in creating passenger intermodal and transfer points between CFR Călători, Metrorex and RATB operators. The work group will include specialists from the three operators and the result of the onsite survey, as well as concrete proposals on project implementation will be presented to the Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure by the end of the year. The work group will identify the technical
Беларусь: Согласно предложению, представленного Белорусской железной дорогой в начале октября, Министерство экономики решило повыситьтарифы на перевозку грузов по железной дороге по внутренним маршрутам. Чехия: Совет по надзору чешской государственной компании Ceske Drahy (ЧД) благоприятствовал бы продаже самого старого пражского вокзала, Masarykovo Nsdrazí, находящегося в функциональном состоянии, совместно с 7,5 гектарами прилегающего к нему участка земли. В мире: В первые девять месяцев 2011 г., Латвийские железные дороги зарегистрировали рост провозимого объема грузов в 16,93%, достигая 43,2 млн. тонн. Румыния: Министерство транспорта и инфраструктуры утвердило создание рабочей группы, которая найдет решения для введения в движение пассажирских поездов по
conditions of the railway infrastructure, including that of the buildings in the railway stations located on the railway ring and the possibility to develop special platforms for the mounting/descent of passengers, the necessary rolling stock and RATB’s means of transport, as well as the estimation of the project costs. Bosnia&Herzegovina starts collaboration with Spain for railway system development International: The representatives of the railway company in Bosnia&Herzegovina and of the Spanish company, ADIF, have expressed their interest to cooperate in future projects related to the reconstruction and development of the rail infrastructure in the country. The two parties signed a joint statement to consolidate their agreement. Collaboration will include a feasibility study for the electrification of a 210-km railway line (Doboj – Zvornik and Brcko – Banovici), as well as ensuring full safety at 200 passenger crossings and a central management and control system for transport by rail in the country.
Winner pays USD 4.2 Billion for 75% of Freight One’s shares RUSSIA: Universal Cargo Logistics Holding (UCL Holding), owned by Vladimir Lisin, has bought 75% minus 2 shares in Freight One, with an offer worth USD 4.2 Billion, a UCL Holding spokesperson told RIA Novosti. “The maximum declared price amounted to RUB 125.5 Billion (USD 4.2 Billion)”, head of auction commission Valery Krasnovsky declared. The sale of 75 percent minus two shares in Freight One is a part of the government’s 2011-2013 privatization plan intended to bring an extra USD 33 Billion to state resources. Transoil and NefteTransServis rail cargo transportation company also bid at the auction. Freight One has a rolling stock fleet estimated at 192,000 wagons for the transport of oil, metal, fertilizers and coal. объездной железнодорожной линии столицы. В мире: Представители компании Железных дорог Боснии и Герцеговины и испанской компании ADIF объявили о заинтересованности сотрудничать в будующих проектах относительно реконструкции и развития инфраструктуры, обе стороны подписав в этом смысле соглашение. В мире: Железные дороги Словакии и РЖД подписали Меморандум о взаимопонимании по сотрудничеству в проектах по развитию грузового и пассажирского сообщения, используя Российскую и Словацкую железнодорожные системы. Россия: Транспортный холдинг Universal Cargo Logistics Holding, владельцем которого является Владимир Лисин, приобрёл пакет акций в размере 75% минус 2 акции в рамках Первой Грузовой компании, предложив 4,2 млрд. долларов.
10 news TRAN Committee voted on the proposal to recast the First Railway Package
Siim Kallas calls the Railway Platform to prepare the 2012 railway legislation
INTERNATIONAL: On October 11, the European Commission’s Committee for Transport and Tourism (TRAN) voted on the European Commission proposed amendments on the recast of the First Railway Package, more precisely, the set up of the European Single Area. On November 14, 2011, the European Parliament will debate the proposed project in plenary session. The European Council could give its political agreement on December 12, 2011. The railway sector’s share in transport has not been increasing over the last decade, contrary to the objectives of the 2001 railway package, demonstrating the need to further improve current legislation in order to support the sector. „The development of rail transport since the adoption of the first railway package has not fulfilled the expectations of a recovery of the sector. For example between 1996 and 2008 rail freight’s modal share has been decreasing by 2% to 10, 6% while road freight increased from 42, 1 to 45, 9%. The EU is required to urgently improve its legislation in order to support the railways, avoid further road congestion and improve its environmental situation” according to the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a single European railway area. The numerous infringement procedures against Member States demonstrate that the current legislation gives rise to misinterpretation and that clarification and improvements of the First Railway Package are necessary. The Directives which comprise the First Railway Package have not prevented a considerable variation in the structure and level of railway infrastructure charges and the form and duration of capacity allocation processes. Infrastructure charges and the way they are calculated still vary greatly throughout the EU. This complicates international rail transport. The same is true for the allocation of train paths. The current legislation needs to be improved further.
INTERNATIONAL: Club Feroviar, next to organisations such as the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), the European Passengers’ Federation (EPF), Confédération française démocratique du travail (CFDT), Refer (Portugal), Ferrovie dello Stato (Italy), PKP (Poland), Infrabel (Belgium), RFF (France), Port of Barcelona, railway transport operators including NTV (Italy), Deutsche Bahn, Maersk (Denmark), Freightliner (Poland) and railway industry companies, Bombardier and Siemens or railway leasing companies such as Gatx Rail Austria, was called to be part of a work group which will debate and advice the Vice President of the European Commission, Siim Kallas, on the railway sector reform in the years to come. During the October 10 meeting, the parties inaugurated the Railway Platform Strategy and discussed about the future of passenger and freight transport, the potential of this specific means of transport etc. “Rail transport faces many challenges, particularly in view of the ongoing economic crisis.
The new EU core transport network International: The Commission has adopted, on October 19, a proposal to transform the existing patchwork of European roads, railways, airports and canals into a unified transport network (TEN-T). The new core network will remove bottlenecks, upgrade infrastructure and streamline cross border transport operations for passengers and businesses throughout the EU. It will improve connections between different modes of transport and contribute to the EU’s climate change objectives. The normal cofinancing rates for TEN-T projects on | November 2011
the core network will be up to 50% EU co-financing for studies, for works up to 20% (for example exploratory works for a major tunnel, there are certain possibilities to increase co-financing for cross-border projects for rail and inland waterway connections (up to 40%) and for certain ITS projects, like ERTMS, higher co-financing of up to 50% can be made available to support Member States making the transition. The new policy follows a two-year consultation process and establishes a core transport network to be established by 2030 to act as the backbone for transportation within the Single Market. The financing proposals (for the period 2014–2020) also tightly focus EU transport funding on this core transport network, filling in cross-border missing links, removing bottlenecks and making the network smarter. В мире: Компания “Клуб Феровиар” наряду с другими профильными организациями привлечена к участию в рамках рабочей группы по проведению дебатов и консультированию ВицеПрезидента Европейской комиссии, Сиима Калласа по вопросам проведения реформы железнодорожного сектора на протяжении ближайших лет. В мире: Комитет по транспорту и туризму Европейской комиссии (TRAN) 11 октября проголосовал за утверждение поправок, предложенных по проекту пересмотра Первого железнодорожного пакета, а также за создание Единого Европейского железнодорожного пространства.
At the same time, the rail sector has an essential role to play in delivering a truly sustainable transport system for Europe capable of absorbing greatly increased traffic flows while delivering climate change emissions reduction targets. We need to fully optimise rail’s potential and achieve a high-quality, reliable, safe and dynamic rail sector. I am convinced that the time has come to reflect strategically on the future of rail in Europe in order to ensure a competitive European economy and meet the mobility needs of Europe’s citizens and businesses”, said Vice-President Kallas. “Currently, we face a raise in mobility which makes people continue to use on a large scale private means of transport as long as an integrated public transport policy will not be generated. Freight transport is confronted with the same problem - without a reliable system to concentrate to goods and transfer to block trains long distance trucks will prevail in the future. Modal shift is mind shift!”, believes Ştefan Roşeanu, Senior Partner, Club Feroviar. The platform represents rail operators, infrastructure managers, trade unions, the rail industry and the ports aviation sector. The platform is expected to meet twice a year to discuss strategic challenges for European rail.
DB Schenker launched railway transport services to China International: DB Schenker Rail Automotive is overseeing auto part transports from Leipzig to Shenyang in northeastern China. A train loaded with 40 containers will take three weeks to complete the nearly 11,000kilometre journey. This is already the fourth container train to transport parts and components to BMW’s Shenyang plant. Beginning in late November, trains will depart from Leipzig once a day. “With a transit time of 23 days, the direct trains are more than twice as fast as maritime transport followed by transport to the Chinese hinterland. This is a major incentive for the Eurasian Land Bridge”, said Karl-Friedrich Rausch,
В мире: 19 октября Европейская комиссия приняла предложение о превращении нынешней “амальгамы” автодорог, железных дорог, аэропортов и судоходных путей в единую транспортную сеть (TEN-T). В мире: DB Schenker Rail Automotive транспортирует автомобили по железной дороге в сторону Шеньяна (Северо-Восток Китая) из Лейпцига. Подвижной состав из 40 контейнеров будет проезжать 11.000 километров за 3 недели. Россия: РЖД намеревается увеличить инвестиционную программу от примерно 349 миллиардов рублей (8 миллиардов евро) до 413 миллиардов рублей (9,5 миллиардов евро) в этом году. Об этом заявил президент компании, Владимир Якунин.
news 11 Member of the Management Board of DB Mobility Logistics AG responsible for Transportation and Logistics. The route reaches China via Poland, Belarus and Russia. DB Schenker Rail cooperates with partner rail companies in each of the countries to oversee the trains. The containers have to be transferred by crane to different gauges. RZD announces investments increase Russia: RZD plans to expand its investment program from RUB 349 Billion (EUR 8 Billion) to RUB 413 Billion (EUR 9.5 Billion) in 2011, the company’s President Vladimir Yakunin said. Cutting costs and improving overall performance freed up the resources necessary to provide the investment program with additional funding, explained Yakunin. Russian Railways announced plans to spend the additional investments on national and regional infrastructure projects, including RUB 20 Billion (EUR 460 Million) for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, RUB 15 Billion (EUR 459 Million) to buy new locomotives and train units, and RUB 6 Billion (EUR 183 Million) to update equipment. Russian Railways’ investments totaled RUB 222.5 Billion (EUR 5 Billion) in January-September 2011.
Cooperation for rail freight transport development International: The Lithuanian Minister of Transport, Eligijus Masiulis, and his Russian counterpart, Igor Levitin, discussed the improvement of border crossing in rail freight transport and transport cooperation. At present, among the most important cooperation issues is the arrangement of the container train Merkurijus by the route Klaipeda/Kaliningrad-Moscow. Both countries agree that regarding the growth of container handling at
Klaipeda and Kaliningrad ports it is necessary to improve the freight transportation conditions between the Baltic Sea ports and Russia. In future, the route of this train will be extended to Kazakhstan. Lithuanian, Russian and Belorussian railway enterprises take active
Best improving business regulation for entrepreneurs International: A new IFC and World Bank report finds that for the ninth consecutive year, Eastern Europe and Central Asia led other regions in improving regulations for entrepreneurs. The report of the two institutions, Doing Business in a More Transparent World, assesses regulations affecting domestic firms in 183 economies. The report ranks the economies in 10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a business, resolving insolvency, and trading across borders. On the list of the most improved economies on the ease of doing business, two countries from Europe and Central Asia are among the top three in the world:
participation in the implementation of this project. It is planned that already in this year a pilot passage of the train Merkurijus will be launched. Later on the trains will shuttle on the regular basis. Integrated development strategy for container traffic Russia: The Board of Russian Railways has approved a Concept for the Integrated Development of the Container Business at the Russian Railways Company. The concept is intended to increase the level of containerisation in freight shipments on Russia’s railways and, in particular, to increase Russia’s share of transit traffic, which at the moment does not reflect the advantageous position the country enjoys due to the international transit corridors which pass through its territory. This will increase the speed of individual and group container shipments en route from the current level of 200-400 km/day to 500700 km/day. It is also planned to optimise the cost structure for container shipments over small and medium-range distances by switching to regular container trains and the concentration of containers. This will lead to the ability to compete with road transport over distances from 500 to 2000 km.
В мире : Согласно Всемирному Банку и IFC, девять лет подряд Восточная Европа и Центральная Азия являются регионами, занимающими первое место в плане улучшения норм для предпринимателей В мире : Министр транспорта Литвы Элигиюс Масюлис и его российский коллега Игорь Левитин обсудили вопросы улучшения условий пересечения границ для железнодорожного транспорта товаров, а также вопросы сотрудничества в транспортном секторе. Россия: Совет директоров ОАО РЖД принял Концепцию интегрированного развития
Moldova is number two – moving up 18 places from 99 to 81 – and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is number three – moving up 12 places from 34 to 22. Ranked 16th, Georgia leads the region in the ease of doing business. Georgia continued its broad program of reform by simplifying business start-up, and expanding access to credit. Armenia rose six places in the global ranking to 55 by implementing five regulatory and institutional reforms between June 2010 and May 2011. The Russian Federation eased the process of registering property and reduced the number of documents needed for trade. Georgia, Latvia, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine each implemented four regulatory reforms.
Best financial results in cargo traffic Poland: PKP Cargo company estimates to end the year with the best financial result in its history, with a profit of PLN 176 Million (EUR 40.2 Million) in the first eight months of the year. Thus, results exceeded the profits from the same period of 2002 (the company’s record so far) by PLN 20 Million (EUR 4.6 Million). The company attributes its recent success to restructuring, cost cutting and an overall increase in efficiency.
Kyrgyzstan could become member of the Customs Union International: The EurAsEC interstate council (supreme body of the Customs Union) will discuss urgent issues and prospects for the development of the Eurasian Economic Community. Besides, issues concerning the formation of the Customs Union within the EurAsEC and the progress with the implementation of the Action Plan for the development of the Single Economic Space grouping Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus are also on its agenda. Moreover, the parties will focus on establishing a corresponding working group to debate opportunities for Kyrgyzstan’s accession to the Customs Union. деятельности по перевозке контейнеров в рамках компании. Польша : Польская компания PKP Cargo ожидает, что в конце этого года может зарегистрировать лучший в своей истории финансовый результат. За первые 8 месяцев этого года прибыль компании составила 176 миллионов злотых (40,2 млн. евро). В мире : В рамках межгосударственного совета EurAsEC (высшего органа Таможенного союза) представители государств могут обсуждать проблемы и перспективы развития Евразийского экономического сообщества.
November 2011 |
12 news Commission adopts EUR 50 Billion plan to boost European networks international: On October 19, 2011, the European Commission adopted a EUR 50 Billion plan to boost Europe’s transport, energy and digital networks. The “Connecting Europe Facility” will finance projects which fill the missing links in Europe’s energy, transport and digital backbone. To assist with the financing of the Connecting Europe Facility, the Commission has also adopted the terms for the Europe 2020 Project Bond Initiative which will be one of a number of risk-sharing instruments upon which the facility may draw in order to attract private finance in projects. The pilot phase will start already next year. By focussing on smart, sustainable and fully interconnected transport, energy and digital networks, the Connecting Europe Facility will help to
RZD starts tendering the MoscowSankt Petersburg line RUSSIA: This year, Russian Railways will tender a EUR 600 Million contract for high-speed works at the Moscow-Sankt Petersburg line. The tender will include the installation of electricity supplies and the rerouting of roads. In August 2012, the bid for the construction of the line will be launched as well, said project chief Denis Muratov.
complete the European single market. The Commission has singled out projects where additional EU investment can have the most impact. In particular, the Commission expects Connecting Europe Facility investments to act as a catalyst for further funding from the private and public sector by giving infrastructure projects credibility and lowering their risk profiles. For the first time, the Commission is proposing a single funding instrument for the three network sectors, true to its commitment to create synergies and simplification of rules. The Connecting Europe Facility will invest EUR 31.7 Billion to upgrade Europe’s transport infrastructure, build missing links and remove bottlenecks. This includes EUR 10 Billion ring fenced in the Cohesion Fund for transport projects in the cohesion countries, with the remaining 21.7 Billion available for all Member States for investing in transport infrastructure.
Kaliningrad port cargo traffic up by 16.4 % RUSSIA: The capacity of Kaliningrad Port grew by 16.4 % in January-September, to 2.76 million tonnes, compared to the same period of last year. Exports of coal and coke declined by 12.5% to 138,500 tonnes, while mineral fertilizers volume increased by 14.15% to 50,800 tonnes. Shipments of ferrous metals increased by 20.5% from a year earlier, to 1.07 million tonnes, of scrap metal by 28.2% to 127,200 tonnes. Oil product exports rose by 26.4% to 406,200 tonnes. Container traffic surged as much as 2.9 times to 295,113 TEUs.
CIS to set up free trade zone INTERNATIONAL: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said that Ukraine and other ex-Soviet republics making up the | November 2011
Converging views on the multiannual financial framework 2014-2020
INTERNATIONAL: The representatives of the railway administrations of Russia and Latvia addressed the question of how to enhance the speed passenger service between Moscow and Riga recently. The discussion was held at the Third Regional International Railway Business Forum – Strategic Partnership: The Baltic Region. Russian Railways is interested in introducing high-speed passenger service on this route. The Institute of Economy and Transport (a subsidiary of Russian
INTERNATIONAL: The conference on the Multiannual Financial Framework 20142020 concluded with a convergence of views on many key issues, while showing the need to continue a broad dialogue on the basis of the Commission’s proposals. Thus, participants stressed that such an event represented a unique opportunity to have a debate with all key players on such an important issue as future EU budgets. A convergence of views emerged in many essentials aspects such as the need to maximise added-value through a clear link between the budget and a clear political strategy, the Europe 2020 strategy, the need to focus on what is best done at European-level, for example the single market, investment in infrastructure and research, the need to go further in simplification of how the budget is spent, of making the life of users more simple, whilst acknowledging that this is a shared responsibility between the European and the national level. The need to have a more flexible budget and to focus on quality of spending and the need to keep an open mind when discussing the issue of resources, and to strive to have a more transparent way of financing the EU were also expressed.
Россия: Российские железные дороги в этом году объявят тендер на заключение договора на 600 миллионов евро на проведение работ по высокоскоростной линии Москва - Санкт Петербург В мире: 19 октября 2011 года Европейская комиссия представила план финансирования инвестиций в общем объёме 50 миллиардов евро для улучшения транспортных, энергетических и цифровых сетей в Европе. Россия: Пропускная способность Калининградского порта выросла на 16,4% в период январь-сентябрь и достигла 2,76 млн. тонн, по сравнению с тем же периодом прошлого года. В мире: Премьер-министр России, Владимир Путин, заявил о том, что Украина и другие бывшие государства постсоветского пространства, входящие в состав СНГ, согласились создать зону
свободной торговли. В мире: Представители администрации российских и латышских железных дорог обсудили возможность увеличения скорости движения пассажирских поездов по маршруту Москва - Рига. В мире: Македония присоединилась к проекту Cargo 10, в котором участвуют Сербия, Словения, Хорватия, Босния и Герцеговина и Республика Српска. Черногория и Болгария также проявили интерес к участию в этом проекте. В мире: Конференция по вопросам определения финансовых рамок на период 2014-2020 гг. завершилась образованием сходных мнений по многим из основных элементов. Одновременно была подчеркнута необходимость продолжения обширного диалога на основе предложений Комиссии.
Commonwealth of Independent State have agreed to set up a free trade zone. “After long, but constructive negotiations, we resolved the main issue. We have agreed to sign an agreement on a free trade zone in the CIS”, said Putin. His comments came just hours after Ukraine suffered a blow to its hopes of establishing free trade relations with the European Union. It seems that Vladimir Putin has also talked about the establishment of the economic union in Eurasia, the press informs. Russian Railways could increase train speeds to Riga
The new high-speed line between Moscow and St. Petersburg is scheduled to open in time for the 2018 soccer World Cup. RZD could issue bonds to finance the project.
Railways) has conducted a preliminary assessment of the project. Thus the train could travel about 20% faster and in this case, the reduction in the travel time may amount to about 3 hours and 50 minutes. The total length of the railway line between Moscow and Riga is 922 km, of which 638 km passes through the territory of Russia. In 2010, the volume of passenger traffic on this route increased 15% year on year to 162,500 people (about 61% of all passenger traffic between Russia and Latvia). It usually takes 16 hours for passenger trains to travel between the two capital cities.
14 news UE will fund Warsaw underground
Photo: wikimedia
Poland: A financing deal between the EU and Warsaw City Authorities was signed for the funding of the second underground line in Poland’s capital. The EU is to finance the project with EUR 619 Million of the total PLN 5.92 Billion (EUR 1.34 Billion). The EU money is to be used for the construction of the central section of the line, as well as for drawing up studies of the potential line’s extension in the future. The 6.7 kilometre section of the second line is due to be completed by 2014. For the new line, 35 additional trains will be purchased.
Transport Ministry submits for approval the regulation for the operation and organisation of the Bucharest Metropolitan Transport Authority ROMANIA: The Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (MTI) submitted to public debate the draft decision on the approval of the organisation and operation of the Bucharest Metropolitan Transport Authority, set up in September 2011. The authority will regulate the organisation of the transport operators in the metropolitan area Bucharest-Ilfov. Proposals and observations on the regulation will be submitted by October 28, 2011. The Authority’s responsibilities include, among others, the elaboration of the Development strategy and of the Public Transport Plan for the metropolitan area on the medium and long term, the collaboration with the structures of the central and local public administration in developing investment programmes and prioritizing the objectives of these programmes, participation and collaboration with the structures of the central and local public administration and implementation of the single charging public transport policy and coordination of the different activities necessary for the implementation of these policies. Moreover, the Authority will monitor the passengers’ information, the image and marketing of public passenger transport and the quality of transport services. It will also initiate measures for improving these aspects, elaborate market studies for analysing the offer, demand and quality of transport services, collaborate with infrastructure managers and transport operators in drafting the infrastructure and | November 2011
transport investment programmes and in their approval related to mass transport routes. The Metropolitan Area is the general name of the geographical are which includes the Romanian capital, Bucharest, and Ilfov county. Tver Carriage Works manufactures the first underground car bodies RUSSIA: Tver Carriage Works (TVZ, affiliated with CJSC Transmashholding) produced the plant’s first ever underground car body, and, at the same time, the newest Russian metro trains series. The car body was sent to the Transmashholding enterprise, which is specialized in the manufacturing of underground cars (Metrowagonmash). The company will manufacture an underground train for Moscow’s underground company. The production of underground car bodies is a brand new direction of work for TVZ, specialized, first of all, in the production of locomotives and cars. It is planned, that TVZ will produce more than 30 car bodies by the end of 2011. The issue, regarding partial execution of assembling and interior furnishing of the cars at Tver Carriage Works, is under consideration.
Alstom accepted as potential contractor for the Belgrade Underground SERBIA: Belgrade’s city assembly approved an agreement for Alstom’s transport unit to take part in developing an underground system in the Serbian capital. The assembly authorized the municipal government to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Alstom Transport for 15 kilometres of tracks, including seven kilometres underground. Serbian Deputy Premier Bozidar Djelic estimated Alstom Transport’s part of the contract would be worth EUR 1 Billion. The underground project is a strategic partnership signed by France and Serbia in April. The Польша: Европейский союз и Мэрия города Варшавы подписали финансовое соглашение о финансировании двух линий метро в польской столице. Румыния: Министерство транспорта и инфраструктуры (МТИ) представило для общественного обсуждения проект Решения Правительства об утверждении Регламента об организации и функционировании Метрополитенного Транспортного Учреждения города Бухареста. Россия: Тверской вагоностроительный завод (ТВЗ входит в состав Трансмашинхолдинг) изготовил первый кузов вагона метро, и, в то же время новейший кузов метро в России Сербия: Муниципальное собрание в Белграде утвердило участие компании
partnership has been ratified by the French Parliament, but the Serbian Parliament has not yet ratified this partnership. France pledged support of EUR 3 Million for the feasibility study and the designs. The study and the design for the first subway line are set to be completed by the end of 2012. Serbia then has two years to negotiate a binding contract with Alstom. The first line may open as early as 2017. Thessaloniki metro line delayed GREECE: Thessaloniki main metro line, currently under construction, will be delayed by three years than initially estimated. The new deadline will be thus 2015, instead of October 2012. According to the project manager, Giorgos Konstantinidis, works have been delayed by the necessary archaeological excavations. The project includes five extensions, to the suburbs Kalamaria, Toumba and “Macedonia” International Airport to the east and to Stavroupolis and Evosmos to the west.
Dubai continues the expansion of the underground network INTERNATIONAL: ADubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has announced plans to extend Dubai Metro’s Green Line, which was launched last month to the Dubai International Academic City (DIAC). The line, which currently runs between Al Qusais and Al Jaddaf, is expected to pass through Al Warqa, Ras Al Khor, Silicon Oasis and end at the DIAC.
Moscow authorities to create single railway ticket for commuters and public transport RUSSIA: Tariffs on public transportation services in Moscow will grow within the inflation rate, Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin said. “We shall do everything to keep these tariffs within the inflation rate. The current Alstom в развитии метро в сербской столице. Греция: Главная линия метро в Салониках, находящаяся в настоящее время в ходе строительства, будет завершена на три года позже чем было запланировано первоначально. В мире: Дорожно-транспортное ведомство в Дубае сообщило о намерении расширить Зеленую линию Дубайского Метро, которая была открыта в прошлом месяце. Россия: Тарифы на услуги общественного транспорта в Москве возрастут в зависимости от уровня инфляции, сообщил мэр российской столицы, г-н Сергей Собянин.
news 15
Rapid urbanisation make things difficult for urban planners International: By 2050, the urban population will increase by 70%. And in Europe today, an estimated four out of five citizens live in towns and cities.
“Grand Paris Express” becomes official
cree, related land development contracts will be subject to public debate.
INTERNATIONAL: The long-awaited decree on the public transport network plan in the Paris region was published at the end of last month in the French official journal, “Journal Officiel”. The plan also includes the draft Grand Paris Express, the future automated underground to go round Paris with 200 km of line and 75 stations. The network is due in 2025. Necessary investments amount to EUR 20.5 Billion. In the 18 months following the publication of the de-
Europe’s urban planners face myriad challenges, and making changes with sustainability in mind is a constant consideration. “Successful urban planning embraces a range of topics. We always think about how a decision will affect the environment. We also look at emissions and CO2 reduction. More times than not, this becomes our top concern. But we also think about land use, how people get into the city, how people move around once they are there, and operational requirements of a public transport system”, says Bruno Eugénio, Measure Leader in Porto, a CIVITAS ELAN city. Not to be forgotten, he adds, are the intrinsic quality of life factors and economic drivers that make a city come alive. The implementation of projects which determine transport system changes will help reduce congestion and illegal parking and increase accessibility. For example, key
inflation rate is 8%. And if the tariff is under the inflation rate, the actual price of a ticket will be reduced”, declared Sergei Sobyanin. According to Moscow mayor, the city administration is not interested in higher tariffs on transportation services. “On the contrary, we want more people to use the service of metro and buses. It is much cheaper to subsidise public transport than to build new roads,” he said. Apart from that, he said that it is planned to revise tariffs on the services of commuter trains. Now, he said, the situation is rather “strange,” when people have to pay more to travel by train within Moscow than outside the city. As a result people from outside Moscow opt only to reach the nearest metro station rather than to get to the centre of the city. “That is why we have agreed with the Central Commuter Train Company and Russian Railways to introduce a single ticket that might be used on all train lines within a day. As a matter of fact, such ticket will cost two-times cheaper. This tariff will be introduced from November 1,” Sobyanin noted. The city administration aims at introducing a single ticket for commuter trains and metro.
changes in Porto will include a completely new traffic plan, additional parking areas, new bus and bike routes and enlarged pedestrian zones. Construction and infrastructure changes began this summer and are due to be completed by February 2012. В мире: Долго ожидаемый декрет об общей схеме сети общественного транспорта в парижском регионе был опубликован в конце прошлого месяца во француском официальном бюллетене „Journal Officiel”. В мире: До 2050 г., городское население возрастет на 70%, а в Европе прогнозируется что 4 из 5 граждан будут проживать в городской среде. В этом контексте, специалисты по городскому планированию сталкиваются с многими вызовами, а необходимые изменения постояно берутся во внимание.
November 2011 |
16 Policies & Strategies
Construction of high-speed lines, one of Turkey’s transport priorities [ by Pamela Luică ]
Turkey is every day more focused on railway high-speed transport. The country’s first high-speed projects were launched in 2003, while for 2013 the authorities estimate a 1,500-km network and a 10,000 km of highspeed lines and 4,000 km of conventional lines for 2023 with investments amounting to USD 45 Billion.
o promote railway transport, the Turkish Ministry of Transport has attempted to stimulate the railway sector by prioritizing the construction of new lines and the acquisition of high-speed trains, increasing traffic speed on existing lines and rehabilitating the infrastructure. A part of the existing infrastructure will be modernised and equipped with the ERTMS, electronic interlocking, while tunnels and bridges will be rehabilitated and equipped with the latest technological systems, as Turkey begins to focus its railway system on railways. Ankara-Konya line is still part of the railway high-speed transport expansion programme and the government has committed to support high-speed transport by granting a higher percent of investments compared to the other means of transport. Designed for speeds exceeding 300 km/h, Ankara-Konya line will significantly reduce the travel time from 10 hours to 1h30m, with 10 trains operated on the route. The number of trains is expected to increase in the future to 1 train per hour. This is very encouraging for the transport of passengers for whom the time and comfort are the main factors which convince them to choose rail transport over roads. “The high-speed transport market in Turkey is very prosperous. Ankara-Konya line project has made us face challenges. First of all, I will have to say that we have been confronted with a specific work method and resource management policy, different from our own licensing experience. In Turkey, we have worked with different methods than those used in Italy, but, as far as we are concerned, this is a good thing because we are able to check our system using different situations and methods”, declared Luca Rimassa, Trackside Manager, Italcertifer, the company which has dealt with the implementation of the line project. For tests, trains run over 100,000 km at speeds of 275 km/h and, according to | November 2011
timates, the line will carry 3 million passengers. “We want people to choose trains. We will have high-speed trains in 40 provinces. We don’t complain because the government is supporting our projects”, said TCDD Director Süleyman Karaman. According to him, there are projects for the development of at least 8 high-speed lines: Ankara-İzmir, Ankara-Sivas, Ankara-Bursa, Sivas-Erzincan, Erzincan-Trabzon, Sivas-Malatya, Elazığ-Diyarbakır, Eskişehir-Antalya and Konya-Antalya. In order to finish the high-speed train projects planned for 2016, the TCDD needs USD 14 Billion. Currently, the authorities are initiating studies for the implementation of the high-speed line projects on the following routes: Ankara-Izmir (594 km), BursaOsmaneli (106 km), Istanbul-Edirne (230 km) and Ankara (Yerköy)-Kayseri (150 km). However, in order to finalize these projects and for improving the existing railway network, TCDD needs USD 45 Billion for the construction of 10,000 km of high-speed line, 4,000 km of conven-
tional lines by 2023. Nevertheless, the biggest challenge for the railway system in Turkey is the Marmaray project, currently under implementation, the opening of the tunnel underneath the Bosporus Strait being scheduled for 2013. The project includes the construction of a 1,387-m submerged tunnel of the total 13.5-km of tunnel to be built.
Строительство высокоскоростных линий свидетельствует о приоритетах Турции касательно перевозок Турция концентрируется все больше и больше на высокоскоростном железнодорожном транспорте, запустив с 2003 г. проекты для высокоскоростных линий, а на 2013 г., власти оценивают что сеть будет иметь протяженность в 1.500 км, а до 2023 г., протяженность линий будет более 14.500 км, сумма инвестиций достигая 45 млрд. долларов. Для поощрения железнодорожного транспорта, Министерство Транспорта выбрало мобилизировать железнодорожный сектор посредством реализации приоритетов касательно строительства новых линий и приобритения высокоскоростных поездов, повышения скорости движения на существующих линиях, восстановления инфраструктуры. Часть существующей инфраструктуры будет модернизирована и оснащенна Европейской системой по управлению железнодорожным движением (ERTMS), электронной блокировкой, туннели и мосты будут реабилитированны и оснащенны новыми технологическими системами, поскольку Турция начинает концентрировать свою транспортную систему на железных дорогах.
Policies & Strategies 17
November 2011 |
18 Policies & Strategies
Romanian electrification projects await financing
[ by Elena Ilie ]
The project consisting in the modernisation of the railway energy network in Romania includes the acquisition and installation of new electrification equipments in four electrification centres, the acquisition of overhead line maintenance vehicles, the contracting of consultancy services for the supervision of equipments. The modernisation of networks aims at making Romanian railway traffic efficient and at dropping railway traction and power network maintenance at CFR SA.
method for modernising the power supply equipments of the railway network consists in the rehabilitation works carried out on the panEuropean corridors. This category includes a number of 36 substations on the main lines in Romania, the related sectioning and sub-sectioning posts and 13 railway energy dispatcher points. “Rehabilitation and re-technologisation works for these equipments were finalized on section Bucharest-Câmpina and are close to finalization on sections Câmpina – Predeal and Bucharest-Constanţa, in conformity with governmental agreements”, underlined Ionel Truică, the General Manager of CFR Electrificare, during the debates of the Railway Days 2011 Summit. CFR Electrificare also plans to modernise the power network using foreign loans, more precisely a EBRD loan estimated at EUR 22.5 Million for the financing of the Railway Network Modernisation Project whose main goal is the acquisition
of 12 catenary maintenance vehicles necessary for the maintenance and exploitation of overhead lines, a project already finalized. Another project under development refers to the modernisation of the power supply equipments in the area of the following electrification points: Timişoara, Caransebeş, Craiova and Târgu Jiu. On the long term, CFR Electrificare plans to electrify the 179-km long Tecuci – Socola – Cristeşti-Jijia line at a cost of EUR 180 Million, the 43-km long Constanţa – Mangalia line (part of the pan-European Corridor IV), modernisation works requiring around EUR 110 Million and electrification works on the 56-km long Timişoara – Stamora Moraviţa line and modernisation works requiring around EUR 52.4 Million. Other projects, just as important, include the electrification of the 157.9-km long Cluj Napoca – Oradea – Episcopia Bihor at a cost of around EUR 565 Million, the electrification of the line 83-km long Bucharest (railway ring) – Giurgiu (via Videle) line at
a cost of EUR 322 Million and the 66-km long Bucharest Progresu (railway ring) – Giurgiu line at a cost of EUR 649 Million. These two lines are part of the pan-European Corridor IX. The electrification of the 341-km long line Bucharest (Chitila) - Piteşti – Râmnicu Vâlcea – Sibiu – Vinţu de Jos, part of the TEN-T network, is another long-run project requiring EUR 1.3 Billion, as well as the electrification of the 149.7-km long Ploieşti Sud – Armăşeşti – Urziceni – Slobozia – Ţăndărei and Slobozia – Ciulniţa alternative line, for which the company will spend EUR 107 Million. Maintenance and repair units for electric traction and power supply fixed installations
Romanian Railway Network
В Румынии проекты электрификации ждут финансирования Проект модернизации железнодорожной энергетической сети в Румынии включает приобретение и монтаж новых устройств электрификации в четырёх центрах электрификации, а также приобретение средств для обслуживания контактной линии для аварийного ремонта и привлечение консультационных услуг по надзору за монтажом этих устройств. | November 2011
Products & Technologies 19
Signage can be very troublesome [ by Elena Ilie ]
High-performance, safety and long design life: these are three certainties guaranteed by the Discolux LED signals, developed by ECM with the imperative of a careful and strict choice of components, materials and technologies. Thanks to the use of LEDs, exceptionally reliable and efficient semiconductor devices, the new DISCOLUX signals provide better luminosity, chromaticity and definition of colour compared with the halogen lamp technology.
he absence of mechanical moving parts means that the characteristics of DISCOLUX signals remain substantially unchanged over time, so that they require very little or no maintenance: a long way from the traditional maintenance of lamp signals. Fully compatible with the control circuits currently used by Italian railways, DISCLOUX signals are not affected by the socalled “phantom effect” because they have no internal reflectors, dichroic filters or coloured glass that could cause the sunlight to be reflected back. Last but not least: ECM’s experience has permitted the design of lights signals in full compliance with SIL4 as prescribed by
CENELEC European standards. The LED signals designed for the Romanian railway network have been developed to perfectly match the currently in use headsets, loudspeakers, night/day transition, alternative current cabin circuits (AC) and continuous current cabin circuits (CC). The LED signal permits saving 50% more energy compared to a traditional lamp signage. The main features of the LED signal include no need of additional operation in case the signal is intermittent, management of the transition from night traffic to day traffic (more precisely, the adjustment of the light intensity), integral control, testing the integrity of hardware resources,
secured stop in case of damages, as well as protection in case of voltage drops or overvoltage.
Сигнализация может стать менее сложной Высокие показатели, надёжность и повышенная продолжительность срока эксплуатация - это три черты, гарантированные сигналами с LED Discolux, разработанными компанией ECM, которая тщательно подбирает составные части, материалы и технологии.
November 2011 |
20 Policies & Strategies
TAC shall be kept as high as the market can bear it
[ by Pamela Luică ]
Although railway transport is promoted at European level due to the awareness raised and the benefits brought by this means of transport, statistics show that road infrastructure investments in 1995-2008 were prioritised against railway infrastructure investments. If in 2000, railway investments in the CEE countries amounted to 22.7%, while road investments to 74.4%, in 2008 railway investments dropped to 17.9%, while road investments amounted to 79.7%. “If railway infrastructure investments are not raised over the next years, the freight volume and the number of passengers will constantly drop and shift to roads. Over the next years, railway sector should be characterised by positive figures in order to become a market-dominating transport mode”, declared Matteo Mussini, CER Senior Adviser for Central and Eastern Europe, during the “Railway Days” 2011 Summit, held in Bucharest.
f the goal of the railway reform is 10/train-km to EUR 3.5/train-km, due to boosting the market and not only the additional financing allocated by the its liberalisation, which is a vital in- Government, funds which cover most of strument, then the reform should prove the income remainder. Moreover, the authat it is capable to go beyond of what it is thorities have involved in reforming the established by law and the reform should road infrastructure charging system in prove commercial intelligence which is order to balance road tolls with rail track supported by the EU legislation, the CER access charges. representative explained. For additional progress, the multi-anRailway Pro: Is the Slovakian model nual contracts, the non-discriminatory the best example of a real competitive balaccess to railway-related services are few ance between road and rail transport? key points determining the efficiency and capacity of railway transport to impose Matteo Mussini: It would be too much against road transport, and “the track ac- to say that the mere application of the Slocess charge plays an important role based vakian model (i.e. a drastic reduction in on direct costs and should be kept as high the level of rail track access charges, which as the market can bear it”, Mussini said. are now almost comparable to road ones) Consequently, the state has to grant the would solve the unbalances existing beWhat iscompensations best? Obliging torail beand tolled necessary to all the motorways infra- tween road transport. But it is sure structure manager. support railway1083/2006 that it would or revising theToway regulation is be a first, very positive step in transport, Slovakia has significantly re- the right direction. applied? duced freight transport charges from EUR So far, rail infrastructure managers are
Let’s revise regulation 1083/2006.
obliged by European legislation to collect access charges from their clients; and this is not the case for road infrastructure managers. The result is that 99% of the road network is given to the users for free, and that 100% of the rail network is charged. How can you compete like this? How can rail operator compete with road users and how can rail infrastructure managers compete with road ones? How can you aim at modal shift in these conditions? Without solid and reliable financial flows from the public budgets to the infrastructure managers, the latters won’t be able to decrease their charges. In fact, with a European legislation obliging the Voice European Railways member The states to ofapply charges at least for the use of the motorway network, we could have two main outcomes: road network maintenance and development will be cheaper for the public budgets, and rail network will have its chance for an even competition.
Is it possible to raise the co-financing rate for revenues-generating projects? This would: -Create an even playing field between modes when it comes to financing -Help EU transport to achieve the White Paper 2011 goals -Foster the development of the equipment that later could be used to internalise external costs -Help the public budgets: a European binding directive could help governments to implement good financial and environmental policies, less electorally driven Source: ITF | November 2011
Policies & Strategies 21
Railway Pro: Let’s talk about the EU cohesion policy: what about the co-financing rate for revenues-generating projects? Matteo Mussini: We are working on this subject together with the European Commission. Certainly, I think that clear signals shall be given by the EU in the direction of the application of the user-pays principle. In the context of European cohesion policy, what happens now is that EU cofinancing rates are calculated on the eligible expenditures of the projects. As motorways are mostly not tolled, there are no revenues to be subtracted from the total cost of the projects, and co-financing rates apply directly on the 100% of the costs of the project. On the contrary, rail infrastructure generates revenues! When you then calculate the eligible expenditure, these revenues are subtracted from the total cost of the projects. The result is that rail infrastructure managers are discriminated twice: 1) they lose clients (and revenues) because they have to set high charges; 2) they receive less money from the EU because of these revenues. As a consequence, infrastructure managers are forced to set even higher charges, and so on… This is a wicked vicious circle that undermine any ambition for rail development.
Railway Pro: We always talk about a low performance of the rail infrastructure in CEE countries. What can they do for a better infrastructure performance? Matteo Mussini:Underfinancing is the main problem – no doubt about this. But I admit the list of problems is a little longer. Certainly the sector has to work, for example, towards the improvement of its EUfunds absorption capacity. On all rail magazines and newsletter, there has been a lot of noise, created by a request from the Polish government to the European Commission to withdraw money from rail projects and reallocate them to road projects. What I say is that the sector has to work in order not to give good reasons for this kind of requests. Benchmarking, exchange of best practices, a better use of programs such as JASPERS of the EIB (a program aimed at improving the administrative capacity of the recipients of the EU funds), and – why not? – the creation of very hands-on regional workshops, where different infrastructure managers can meet and reflect on how to improve their performances. This is certainly something we can work on, and something to which I am personally committed.
„Налог на использование инфраструктуры должен быть определен в таком размере, чтобы каждый мог бы себе позволять его платить, а при этом и развиваться” Несмотря на то, что на европейском уровне железнодорожный транспорт продвигают потому, что осознают его важность и выгоду, которую он приносит, но статистика показывает, что инвестициям в дорожную инфраструктуру в период 1995-2008 гг. отдавалось предпочтение, в ущерб железнодорожной инфраструктуре. Если в 2000 году в государствах ЕС инвестиции в железнодорожный сектор составляли 22,7%, а вложения в дорожную инфраструктуру составляли 74,4%, то в 2008 году инвестиции в железнодорожный сегмент сократились на 17,9%, в то время, как вложения в автодорожный сектор составляли 79,7%. В таком контексте, низкий уровень налога на использование инфраструктуры играет важную роль. Он должен основываться на размере прямых затрат и должен позволять железнодорожному рынку развиваться.
Infrastructure investments: where, how much and how? EU15 vs EU12 1995 - 2008
October 2011
The Voice of European Railways
WE vs. CEE infrastructure investments 1995-2008 Source: ITF
November 2011 |
22 Policies & Strategies
Long-run marginal costs stimulate the efficient development of the network [ by Pamela Luică ]
The methods upon which the track access charging systems rely consist in stimulating the appropriate use of the infrastructure from the point of view of operating priorities, economic efficiency and covering operating costs, as well as the maintenance and development of Figure Two the network. While the short run marginal costs generate the efficient exploitation of the Access Charges For Typical Intercity Passenger Trains network, the long-run marginal costs stimulate the efficient development of the network. (Euros/Train-Km)
Access Charges For Typical Local and Suburban Trains n economic terms, long-run marginal 8 costs (LRMC) measure the costs of increasing output by one unit when 7 all inputs can be varied. This would include capital stock and other items that cannot 6 be varied on the short run. In the context of railways, long-run marginal costs would 5 then be the costs associated with one additional single train service where the capa4 city of the network can be changed (either increased or decreased). 3 “Track access charges should be set ac2 cording to the long run marginal costs (LRMC), as charges based on short-run 1 marginal costs should determine the efficient use of the network, while long-run 0 marginal costs would determine the efNO HR DK SF SE PL CZ PT SP NL EE SK SI FR UK AT HU RO IT CH BG LV DE LT BE ficient development of the network”, deSource: Table Five Revised clared Torben Holvad, Economic Adviser, Source: Table Five Revised European Railway Agency. tributing to improved and faster alignment full cost recovery of infrastructure related The key advantages of LRMC-based ac- between demand and capacity. costs. Therefore, LRMC based charges may cess charging include more stable charges Although the implementation of this also require financial contributions from which facilitate longer stable contracts charging method will contribute to the in- the state”, concluded Holvad. between railway undertakings and infra- frastructure development and balance of structure managers. These longer stable transport activities, there are difficulties in contracts could contribute to improve the calculating costs and in cost recovery. Предельные издержки justification for other investment in assets, “There are two important disadvantages such as rolling stock. related to this charging method. The first на длительный In cases where there is a known need for refers to difficulties in practically calculatсрок способствуют infrastructure investments (for example, ing LRMC based charges. As such, these эффективному развитию Figure Four reflect the cost of capacity expansion and widespread capacity constraints combined сети. with increases in demand) LRMC based it is very likely that these costs would vary Access Charges For Typical 960 Gross Ton Freight Train charging may provide better investment from place to place. Secondly, SRMC based Методы, лежащие в основе системы (Euros/Train-Km) incentives. Related to this, a better alloca- charging an approach based on LRMC may взимания тарифа за использование tion of resources could be achieved by con- also suffer from the issue of not ensuring Access Charges For Typical 960 Gross Ton Freight Train
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Source: Table Five Revised
Source: Table Five Revised | November 2011
железнодорожной инфраструктуры, относятся к поддержке адекватного использования инфраструктуры, с точки зрения операционных приоритетов, экономической эффективности и покрытия операционных расходов, технического обслуживания и развития сети. В то время как операционный расход на короткий срок определяет эффективное использование сети, расход на длительный срок приводит к эффективному развитию сети. В контексте железнодорожного транспорта, предельные издержки на длительный срок могут быть расходы, ассоциированные с одной единственной дополнительной услугой, в том случае когда пропускная способность сети может быть измененна (либо оптимизироваться, либо уменьшиться)
Number of transported passengers’ development
Number of transported passengers’ Based on 8 scenarios, bydevelopment 2027 we will have fully integrated
[ by Pamela Luică ]
Bucharest needs a Metropolitan Transport Authority because without this body other authorities (the Municipality or the Ministry of Transport) are responsible for the operators, the long-term activity planning is achieved separately, with limited results, and the public transport integration plan is affected. The authorities want to implement national projects for the supply of public transport integrated services, in order to support the use of this transport system to the detriment of private means of transport.
or the organisation of public trans- port, as well as other specific strategies and port both at local, regional and na- measures to encourage public transport tional level, Bucharest Municipal- and the reduction of the number of priity leads a number of discussions on the vate vehicles”, declared during the Railway correlation of projects and plans between Days Summit, Ion Dedu, Executive Direcdifferent responsible authorities. Projects tor of Transport, Roads and Traffic Sysexist at the level of the capital and in the tematization Directorate within Bucharest outskirts and the integration of public Municipality. transport system and the assessment of For project development, the mathematthe increase of passenger un-Bucharest ical model the transport system based Although it coversnumber only 4% are of the entire for public derway,transport the Transport having on transport private vehicles and public transport network, Authority the metro offers a higher capaan important the implementation was elaborated and 80 areas have been takcity duerole to itsincomfort, regularity and safety traffic conditions of projects for efficient public transport enofinto for the administrative area and provides the transport for about 20% theaccount total passervices.sengers using the urban public transportation. of Bucharest, 32 areas around the capital, The objectives of the Master Plan on the schedule for the transport requirement urban transport consist in estimating the being completed. “But the traffic manageThe metro is around impact that theBucharest implementation of presently priority transporting ment system is necesary as it provides us 500.000 passengers/day, on average, and over 14 projects and the development of strategies with a basismillion for a regional transport syshave onpassengers/month. the transport system considering tem”, pointed out Dedu. each scenario, package of projects or meaFor encouraging the use of public transsures for the development of an efficient port, the payment system is important number of 2013 transported passengers’ developtransport The in two phases: and 2027. for passengers, and “RATB and Metrorex ment the last four four scenarios years is shown below: “ For each ofwithin these phases, agreed to use the same payment system. have been considered, each of them focus- This system is modular, allowing the ining on the social and economic develop- troduction into the system of other operament of Bucharest, of the Metropolitan tors such as railway or operators Year provid2006 of transported Area and of thNumber country, and they stipulate ing transport services outside Bucharest. Transported the implementation of public transport We have the basis for the completion of 141.808 passengers projects, including the underground(thousand) trans- an integrated payment passengers system, providing
during 2006-2009
Number of transported passengers (thousand) during 2006-2009
( thousands )
200 000 182.129
150 000
100 000 50 000 0 2006 Source: Metrorex Report 2010 | November 2011
the future authority with the possibility to accomplish a regional payment so that we could have a single system so that passengers will not have to pay each time they use a means of transport. It is a much more attractive system , used in all large cities of EU”, concluded Dedu. Number of transported passengers (thousand) during 2006-2009 Tramways
Number of travels per year (millions)
На основе восьми сценариев До 2027 года у нас будет полностью - Thousand passengers интегрированный 2007 2008 2009 транспорт 164.782 182.129 170.888
Бухарест нуждается в Метрополитенном транспортном учреждении, поскольку в его отсутствии операторы подчиняются другим учреждениям (Муниципалитету или Министерству транспорта), а долгосрочное планирование осуществляется не единым образом, и результаты ограничены, поэтому страдает план интеграции общественного транспорта. На национальном уровне, власти намереваются внедрить проекты поставки интегрированных услуг для общественного транспорта, в целях поощрения использования этой транспортной системы в ущерб индивидуальному.
26 Policies & Strategies
Infrastructure investments place Asia in competition with Europe [ by Pamela Luică ]
The recast of the TER Master Plan (UNECE) intends to approach the railway transport from a national perspective to the regional one and furthermore, to an intercontinental perspective. One of the most important goals of the document recast refers to the amendment and update of transport networks and of the railway connections between the involved countries.
he TER network has been ex- Georgia) and the construction of Alyat ing plan amounting to EUR 50 Billion tended, including Albania, Arme- port (Azerbaijan) are the projects which on the improvement of transport, energy nia, Azerbaijan and Montenegro, will contribute to the significant increase and digital networks in Europe. Within states which did not take part in the ini- of the competitiveness of Trans-Europe- the Connecting Europe Facility, EUR tial Master Plan. Likewise, an important an and Trans-Asian networks, at the same 31.7 Billion will be invested in the modpoint of the document consists in the time ensuring rapid connections in the ernisation of transport infrastructure, identification of lacking connections in freight railway traffic between Europe construction of inexistent connections the Eurasian area. Moreover, some of the and Asia. and elimination of road bottlenecks. This participating states have suggested ad“Central Asia wants to have a perform- investment includes EUR 10 Billion from ditional connections contributing to the ing freight transport. There are ferryboat the Cohesion Fund, dedicated to transnetwork interconnection. Special atten- and railway routes which have an in- port projects in cohesion countries, the tion is paid to the development and mod- creased potential in ensuring freight traf- remaining EUR 21.7 Billion being made ernisation of the railway infrastructure fic. To this effect, Asia massively invests available to all member states for transfor the period 2015-2020. in infrastructure projects. Thus, Turkey port infrastructure investments. Railway infrastructure development relies more and more on railway traffic, must ensure direct traffic from Europe and Azerbaijan is one of the countries to Asia (and vice versa). Pan-European investing enormously in railway projects, Инвестиции в Corridor IV is one of the routes ensur- a recent project being the relocation of ing direct connection on this axis. The Baku port, which raises great challenges, инфраструктуру connection ensured in the Asian part is but which will significantly contribute to способствуют lacking a 101 km-long connection, which the economic development of the counсоперничеству Азии с will nevertheless be built, especially to try and of the region. If we do not do Европой ensure traffic in the Eurasian area. Thus, anything for railway transport, there are the construction of the line Kars (Tur- many road projects which will absorb fikey) – Akhalkalaki (Georgia), the imple- nancing and railway transport will lose its mentation of the project on the North- importance”, declared Helmut Meelich, Пересмотр мастер-плана TER (UNSouth corridor, the construction of the Project Manager within UNECE. ECE) Railway Reform in South East Europe and Turkey: On the Right Track? Main Report направлен на региональный line Astara (Azerbaijan) – Rasht (Iran), At the same time Europe also focuses и межконтинентальный подход к the modernisation of the section Baku – on railway infrastructure projects, EC reжелезнодорожному транспорту в Boyuk – Kesik (Azerbaijan-border with cently presenting the investment financобмен на существующий национальный Figure 42: Average Annual Investments in Rail Infrastructure, 2005-08 (‘000 Euro per track-km)подход. Одна из первоочередных задач Average Annual Investments in Rail Infrastructure, 2005-08 (‘000 Euro per track-km)
BH ZRS Slovenia Kosovo
17,190 5,473 4,257
FYR Macedonia
Source: rail companies, OECD/ITF Note: TheState figures for Germany, Poland and Slovenia represent the average over 2004-07. Source: State rail companies, OECD/ITF. | November 2011
Table 7: Track Renewal as Percentage of Network Length, 2009
пересмотра документа относится к изменению и актуализации транспортных сетей и железнодорожных соединений заинтересованных стран. Сеть TER была расширена - теперь она включает Албанию, Армению, Азербайджан и Черногория. Эти страны не были включены в Изначальный мастерплан. Также, важный пункт документа - это выявление не хватающих соединений на Евразийском пространстве. К тому же, некоторые государства-участники предложили создать дополнительные соединения, которые будут способствовать к более тесному соединению участников сети. Особое внимание уделяется развитию и модернизации железнодорожной инфраструктуры в период 2015-2020 гг.
28 leaders
Regarding the rail infrastructure, “Solving the remaining barriers between member states is a real priority for ports” [ by Pamela Luică ]
This year the z (EFIP) and the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) agreed on a joint position in railway transport, as railway infrastructure is the most important element for port activities, as well as for freight railway operators, including those managing the railway infrastructure. During the “Railway Days” 2011 Summit, Isabelle Ryckbost, Director EFIP, shared with us the opinions of the organisation on the role of railways in the activity of ports. Therefore, EFIP believes that before initiating projects strictly related to the sea transport of freight, ports should consider the importance of this transport mode to the activity of ports, as the freight volumes in ports depend on those shipped on rails. However, railway infrastructure has problems that need urgent resolution and the implementation of massive financing problems. The objectives presented so far are only few of those considered by EFIP and the interview below presents further details from the EFIP representative, Isabelle Ryckbost. Railway Pro: This year, EFIP-ESPO find a joint position issued on European rail policy. In this matter, rail is an important element for ports business segment. What is the rail importance in ports mechanism and activities ? Isabelle Ryckbost: Both for seaports and inland ports, the existence of adequate rail links between the port and the hinterland and the efficient use of this railway infrastructure linking the port with the hinterland are of paramount importance. From a seaport point of view, efficient and sustainable hinterland connections are increasingly important. Given the context of growing volumes, of bigger vessels coming to the big core European seaports, it is clear that sustainable solutions have to be found to transport these freight flows to the hinterland. Moreover, often the development of additional capacity in a seaport will only get an approval if some strong engagements as regards sustainable hinterland flows are made. A good example in that respect is the development of the Maasvlakte II in Rotterdam, where an authorisation for the project could only be obtained if they agreed to apply strict modal split targets in favour of rail and barge transport for the transport to the hinterland. But there is more. To face the growth rates in container handling, seaports are also increasingly looking beyond their own infrastructure and facilities and liaise with intermodal inland terminals in their hinterland. Inland ports and terminals allow for de/ re-consolidation of cargo flows, and can help seaports to fully exploit potential economies of scale. Here again, performing railway links are, together with inland waterway links, a decisive factor. From an inland port point of view, a well functioning and efficient railway infrastructure is fundamental. Inland ports are a lot more than entrance and exit gates on the | November 2011
terway. Inland ports are important nodes in the inland transport network. Their success depends on their efficient water and railway transport links with the seaports and with the different economic centres. For inland ports situated along waterways, which do not have a guaranteed navigability all year round, railways are even more important. At the same time, seaports and inland ports can be considered as very important “feeders” of the rail freight trains and their lines in the European Union. Sea port related traffic, as a part of the overall European traffic mix constitutes a significant volume. WORLDNET estimated that some 603bn inland tonne kilometres are generated annually within the EU territory from seaborne freight, about a quarter of total freight. Looking at rail freight, 26% of the rail freight traffic in the European Union is port related. Railway Pro: EFIP-ESPO identified the European railway system problems. To solve all these, the Single European Railway Area is the best solution. What is the role of the Single European Railway Area in the development of ports? Isabelle Ryckbost: European seaports and by extension the European inland ports, are as to say “the gates” to the European continent. 80% of the international trade is coming into Europe by maritime transport. These goods are coming in with huge vessels and have then to be distributed all over Europe. To obtain a seamless transport and supply chain it is extremely important that the transport to the hinterland can work in a European way. This is to a large extent the case for road transport, hence it is successful often. But unfortunately it is not always the case for rail transport, where problems of interoperability, limitations in market access, create obstacles that make rail transport flows less fluent. Solving the remaining
barriers between member states, be it legal, technical or political, is therefore for ports a real priority. Railway Pro: As you said at the Summit, the investments in rail infrastructure are not always demand driven. Can you explain in what context the investments in rail infrastructure and modernization projects are not important? Isabelle Ryckbost: Ports would like to be more recognised and involved as partners for the railway sector, when it comes to decide on new investments. When rail investments plans and strategies are developed, ports should be involved, so that there needs and there knowledge about the traffic flows and needs can be taken up in the investments. It is for instance important that the quality of the infrastructure and the tracks relate to the demands of the market and the function it has to fulfil, avoiding overinvestment and obliging the user to pay for a quality that is not needed.
Isabelle Ryckbost: As regards the internalisation of external costs of transport, the Commission is proposing a policy in two phases. In a second phase (2016-2020), the Commission wants to internalise the costs of local pollution and noise in ports. EFIP believes that calculating the correct price of externalities of all modes of transport and taking these externalities into account in the transport costs will help transport users in finding transport alternatives that are best both for the economy and the environment. This will benefit the use of environmentally friendly modes of transport, in particular waterborne transport and rail. To inland ports, it must however be clear that the internalisation of external costs should only be used to make transport modes more comparable for the user, not as an instrument to increase the overall cost of transport and to feed the national budgets. Moreover, the internalisation should only relate to the external costs and has to be distinguished very clearly from the infrastructure costs. But, the European inland ports see no point in, and no way of, extending the internalisation of external costs to the ports as such. Inland ports have a transshipment function but are at the same time a cluster of industrial and logistic businesses of all kind. Each of these installations and industries are subject to different environmental legislation and taxes. The internalisation of external costs (local pollution and noise) in ports would thus mean that the ports would have to bear once again for the externals costs of the industries in the ports, costs that are often already borne by the individual businesses through their sectoral legislation and tax regimes. This would lead to a double taxation. On other option would be to identify exactly what the external costs are linked to the transshipment and transport activities in and around the port and isolate these costs in view of their internalisation. This as well does not seem to be a feasible option since the transport and industrial/business activities are fully interrelated. EFIP therefore opposes the White Paper’s proposal to internalise the costs of local pollution of the ports. EFIP notes that the staff working document is more moderate on this point and takes into account the specificity of ports.
В том, что касается железнодорожной инфраструктуры, „Преодоление барьеров между странами-членами этой системы является приоритетной задачей для портов” В этом году Европейская ассоциация внутренних портов (EFIP) и Европейская организация морских портов (ESPO) достигли единого мнения по вопросу железнодорожного транспорта, с учётом того, что железнодорожная инфраструктура является наиболее важным элементом для деятельности, проводимой в портах, но и для железнодорожных операторов грузов, в том числе по направлению администрирования железнодорожной инфраструктуры. На саммите „Дни Железных дорог” 2011 г., Директор EFIP, Изабель Рикбост, рассказала нам о мнениях организации насчёт роли железных дорог для портовой деятельности. Таким образом, EFIP считает, что до внедрения проектов, строго связанных с перевозкой грузов морским путём ,портам следует учесть важность железнодорожного транспорта для деятельности портов, поскольку объёмы грузов, перевозимых из/в сторону портов зависят от объёмов грузов, перевозимых по железной дороге. Несмотря на это, железнодорожная инфраструктура сталкивается с проблемами, требующими срочного решения. Необходимо внедрить ряд проектов с массивным финансированием.
On track for tomorrow. Maximilian Lautenschläger, Heinrich Marx
Railway Pro: In your presentation, you said that EFIP supports the internalisation of external costs. What is EFIP opinion regarding the correct calculation ?
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30 leaders
“The enforcement of the rules is going to be the No. 1 issue in the future” From this point of view, the White Paper is the beginning ...
[ by Pamela Luică ]
During the Railway Days 2011 Summit, Zoltán Kazatsay, Deputy Director General Directorate – DG MOVE, presented the European vision for the revitalisation of the railway sector, including the railway industry and the problems that this sector is facing, stressing the importance of implementing measures and regulations for creating a Single European Transport Area with international dimension. The following pages include the declarations Mr. Kazatsay made for our magazine explaining the problems of the railway system, the set up of the single railway market, the importance of implementing the objectives established in the White Paper on Transport and the possibility for each member state to have high-speed lines.
he European Union uses the White “Road traffic could be reduce especially by Paper on Transport to lay out its vision amending the legislation. According to these on the recovery of the railway sector, statistics, emissions will increase significantly, seeing as the transport is oil-dependent for but if the transport sector is regulated by im96% of the energy need. The increasing price plementing harsh measures, we will contriof oil is not yet causing a drop in road trans- bute to a shift from roads to rails. This is not port because, based on the European Union’s just about freight traffic, but also about passtatistics, oil consumption will increase from senger traffic for which high-speed services 84 million barrel/day to 100 million barrel/ are the best services delivered by rail transday by 2050 and the number of automotive port”, declared Zoltán Kazatsay, Deputy Divehicles will triple to 2.2 billion. These are rector General Directorate – DG MOVE, Increasing oil price and persistent oil dependency worrying figures and, if the authorities are not European Commission, during the Railway adopting measures that will trigger the use of Days 2011 event, organised by Club Feroviar Transport depends on oil for about 96% of its energy needs an environmentally friendly transport mode and the Romanian Railway Industry AssociaThe at transport sector accounts almostreality. 90% of the projected large scale, they might for become tion, on October 4-5, 2011 in Bucharest. increase in global oil use EU estimates show that in 2015-2016 the Increasing oil price and persistent oil would The depletion of reserves and growing global demand lead railway market will have a moderate growth dependency to ever higher oil prices rate of 2-2.5%, a result of reduced infrastruc300 ture investments in some member states be250 cause of the economic downturn, but also of a growth in the demand for expansing the rail200 way network both for urban and intercity traf150 fic. “Globally, the growth has to be constant 100 by 2020 and this growth has to be ensured by two components: a higher growth in emerg50 CO2 Reduction ing countries and a lighter growth in deve0 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 loped markets because of the deficits and the In October 2009, the European Council support debtsshowed accumulated during for the crisis period”, the Zoltán objective of reducing in the EU by said Kazatsay. Source: Kazatsay – Deputy Director GeneralGHG DG MOVE emissions 80 to 95% by 2050 compared to 1990It levels is in this context that the EU set up the perspectives for creating a European Single CO2 Reduction Area for freight and passenger transport in the 4.500 White Paper on Transport. As for the railway 4.000 transport, the 2050 vision is aimed to triple 3.500 the existing length of high-speed network that 3.000 should exceed the air transport growth on dis2.500 tances of 1,000 km and to connect these networks to airports and ports, 2.000 Transport accounts for a process which reliesabout on railway transport. 1.500 one fourth of EU wants railway transport have the majority share in freight GHGto emissions 1.000 transport by 2050 and to double its current 500 Emissions modal share. from transport growing ! 0 Among EU’sare ambitious projects to be pro1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Transport Energy industries Industry Residential Tertiary moted and implemented, there are the impleSource: Zoltán Kazatsay – Deputy Director General DG MOVE mentation of the ERTMS and the connection $/bbl
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Oil price in $ '2008/bbl
Oil price in $/bbl (current prices )
Zoltán Kazatsay – Deputy Director General DG MOVE
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Zoltán Kazatsay – Deputy Director General DG MOVE | November 2011
of all ports to the European railway network. Last but not least, by 2050, the railway freight corridors should take over freight transport and become the backbone of the entire freight transport system. To reach these objectives, it is necessary to have a real domestic market, a modern infrastructure and a competitive railway traffic. Technological innovation is the key towards a single, interoperable market providing a single traffic system in the European railway area, capable to compete to take over the entire international transport market. “Removing technological barriers will facilitate trade between countries as technology gaps burden rail companies in accessing different markets. EU has legislative tools that are transparent and encourage the liberalisation of the market. The International Trade Organisation already owns a report on technical barriers. For the financial period 2014-2020, EU grants significant funds to research and innovation. We want a reliable transport system and for this, we need courage to keep going. EC Vice President, Siim Kallas, will make everything to promote railway transport, but it is necessary to have the support of all involved factors”, concluded Zoltán Kazatsay. Railway Pro: The new White Paper on Transport mentions, for the first time in an official document of the European Union, the concept of Single European Railway Area. How can this ambitious target be met? Zoltán Kazatsay: We certainly want to achieve a progress very fast, because this is the interest of the railway sector. However, we have to start convincing the Member States representing sometimes allegedly their incumbent railway companies, that the market opening is the only option in front of them, if they want to modernize their railway sector, if they want to make the railway sector competitive. Expe-
Switch Devices
Setting Devices
Grooved Rails
Electronic Systems
Special Trackworks Components
Locking Devices
Intelligent Turnout Systems, Logistics
Setting Support Systems
Bearings, Attechments
32 leaders rience shows that in the past, those countries which opened their market first, are now in a progress: the UK, Sweden, Germany. We can see that their railway modernization is going on and they are effective. Now we have several Railway Packages which helped open the railway market, the First, Second and Third Railway Package. Practically, the railway market in the freight sector is liberalized, and the international passenger transport is also liberalized, while the domestic railway activities are going to be tackled by a new Directive, which we work on now, and we intend to come out within next year. And this is about the liberalization of the domestic railway market. It has been already forecasted for 2012, so that’s why we are working on it, and we will come out with it, of course with sufficient discussion with the Member States and the European Parliament. Railway Pro: Does the development of a single European railway area mean the elimination of the national network concept? Zoltán Kazatsay: No. Definitely not. The companies registered in certain countries are going to have the possibility to work. So, for example, a railway organisation registered in Romania is going to be able to operate in market somewhere in Spain, if they are capable to do so. It should mean that the conditions are equal and transparent. So, to have access to a network element or use the infrastructure, this is something which should be completely liberalised, setting up the Single European Railway Area. This is about the market. A second issue is the technological interoperability. Today, the railway sector uses different voltage systems and there should be a kind of interoperability possibility for them to be able to use the network of the neighbouring countries. Basically, liberalisation means cooperation with the neighbouring countries. It is not very likely that a company established in Romania would intend to go to Portugal, for example. That’s a bit far away, but the likelihood for a Romanian company to operate in the Hungarian railway market, or Croatian market, is there. Railway Pro: The infrastructure conditions and the track access charges have a dramatic impact on the quality of rail services. What should be done to boost the attractiveness of this particular transport mode? Zoltán Kazatsay: The new Railway Package which will come out next year will tackle this issue. This is what we call the Recast of the First Railway Package, because we want to clarify the calculation methodology of the railway access charges, further on, we want to eliminate those elements which are not realistic and not serve to the other purposes than to protect the interest of the incumbent railway company of that country, especially, in the Central European countries where it usually the railway accession charges are too high, even for themselves. It is against | November 2011
ket principles and we want to make it right. We would like to define the formulas which are going to be usable for calculating the accession fees or user charges, and in the same time, these formulas should take into consideration the national specificities those things that exist in one or two countries only, but which are important for these specific countries.
places it is hard to justify, but remains one of the future options. The most important thing is the mentality. Changing the mentality from the traditional one in what concerns rail sector is not easy, but it should be done.
Railway Pro: Do you believe the European Commission has the necessary instruments to meet the set targets of the White Paper?
Zoltán Kazatsay: Gradually, there is an option for most of the countries to have high speed rail lines. Of course, the best thing is to have an interconnected high speed network, which than supplies the additional capacities of the rail network elements. It is not a short term program, especially in the middle and southern part of Europe. We must be realistic, there are some high speed rail lines even in this region, but small ones and we think that the European high speed network which concentrates today Germany, France, Spain, Italy, is going to expand further and will cover other countries in this region. High speed rail is probably the best performing railway system within the railway sector and it’s the high level of service, the accuracy on time work is excellent and the efficiency is also excellent. The countries should be realistic and it takes about seven to ten years to build a proper high speed rail line from the time of the decision, to the operation, and it is very expensive, so countries should be aware of their possibilities. In the White Paper, high speed rail is mentioned as an important element of the railway sector of the future.
Zoltán Kazatsay: The intention was to establish a kind of vision for the next few decades. We finished the White Paper and now it’s out, it took two years to establish, and practically now is the beginning of the work, because the White Paper identifies the targets and the means to get to those targets, but the White Paper is not going into details. So, what we have to do now is to start changing it and put it into practice. This means that we have to come up with different proposals, rules, guidelines and sometimes legislation but we want to avoid to regulate the market too much and unnecessary, but we do want to keep an eye on the implementation of the existing rules. This is why the enforcement of the rules is going to be the number one issue in the future. We will check the Member States and the authorities should check the companies on how the European rules are kept and used. So, from this point of view, the White Paper is the beginning. Railway Pro: Regional transport markets are characterised by monopole and local and national authorities invest in the modernisation of the rolling stock fleet. How does this situation influence the liberalisation policy of the sector? Zoltán Kazatsay: The monopolistic situation should disappear. It is dangerous because it can slow down the development of the processes which are necessary if they want to be competitive or remain competitive compared to other modes of transport or other companies. Railways cannot compete with roads or, in passenger transportation, with the air sector, if the railways want to stick to monopolies. The railway must be flexible and encouraging modal shift cannot be done in a way that makes the life harder for the other modes of transport. The railway sector should develop within the technological framework and possibilities, but it should develop and there are possibilities for this not just in means of infrastructure construction, but also in modernizing the rail system by coming up with better management, introducing more sophisticated software systems or ITS systems, intelligent systems, which are cheaper than building new railway lines. A real competitor in rail transport is the high speed rail, and of course we have to be realistic with this: it is very costly and in some
Railway Pro: Is high-speed achievable in the economies of the East and Central European countries in the near future?
Внедрение норм - это приоритетный вопрос, а Белая книга Транспорта сделала первый шаг в этом направлении На саммите „Дни железных дорог” 2011 Золтан Казатсай, Заместитель Генерального директора DG MOVE, представил европейскую точку зрения на возрождение железнодорожного сектора, в том числе железнодорожной индустрии, но и на решение вопросов, с которыми сталкивается этот сектор. Он подчеркнул важность внедрения мер и законодательства с целью создания Единого европейского железнодорожного пространства на мировом уровне. В дальнейшем мы приведем интервью Золтана Казатсай нашему журналу. Он объясняет проблемы, с которыми сталкивается железнодорожная система, необходимость создания единого железнодорожного рынка, важность внедрения мер, предусмотренных Белой книгой Транспорта, а также возможности каждого государства построить высокоскоростные железнодорожные линии.
34 Policies & Strategies
More funds are necessary for the railway infrastructure in the financial period 2014-2020 [ by Elena Ilie ]
Rebuilding railway networks remains the main challenge for the development of the railway transport in the Wider Black Sea Area. For efficiently developing TEN-T networks and ensuring a positive transport in the Wider Black Sea Area, the European Rail Industry Association (UNIFE) underlines the necessity to grant a sufficient EU funds allocation to transport infrastructure. Railway infrastructure financing was one of the topics debated during the Railway Days 2011 Summit.
he funds necessary for the development of the TEN-T network by 2020 are EUR 500 Billion. UNIFE believes that the allocation of infrastructure funds through the Cohesion Policy should at least be maintained at current levels (EUR 82 Billion for transport) in the next programming period (2014-2020), while the proposal of the European Commission to create the Connecting European Facility, that would benefit from EUR 31.7 Billion funds, should be supported by member states. It is important to mention that in the previous financial period, 20072013, only EUR 23.6 Billion of the EUR 82 Billion finance railway projects, while the remaining EUR 41 Billion are dedicated to road transport. “This tendency needs to be reversed in the next programming period so as to match the objectives of the White Paper on Transport and those of the Europe 2020 strategy. In the current programming period, member states are free to decide on the EU co-financing rate applicable to each mode and often set a lower EU co-financing rate for rail projects than for road projects. Consequently, for the next programming period, we propose that member states would no longer have this privilege, and no funds shifts from rail projects to road projects”, stressed Jérémie Pélerin, Senior Corporate and Public Affairs Manager, UNIFE. UNIFE grants special attention to the track access charge. In the current programming period, all rail infrastructure projects, unlike most road infrastructure projects, are considered to be revenue generating. Track access charges revenues in a period of 20 to 25 years are deducted from the eligible project expenditure. UNIFE suggests that in the next programming period, 2014-2020, the deduction of revenues of track access charges from eligible expenditure should be allowed only if similar provisions exist for road transport in the member states concerned. Otherwise, the rules enacted in the article 55 of the current general regulation (N°1083/2006) should be abolished. | November 2011
If these are just few of UNIFE’s recom- ber states should establish efficient admimendations to the European Commission nistrative structures dedicated to railway for supporting railway transport, the asso- infrastructure investments, such as an ciation believes that member states should agency exclusively dedicated to this puralso have clear obligations and provisions. pose. The advantages of such a method inTherefore, it is necessary to elaborate a clude a quicker implementation of the rail Master Plan that will prioritize sustainable projects identified in the Master Plan and transport. What would be the advantages? a better absorption of EU funds. MoreIt would allow foreseeing the development over, the agency would deliver a transpaof rail transport in the long term and it rent procurement and tendering process would reinforce the trust of the European and effective project supervision. Commission and the international financFor an efficient operation of the agency, ing institutions. it is necessary to impose requirements The requirements for the efficiency of such as to offer the agency a clear mandate a Master Plan include set clear priorities and its own budget. The agency should and a timeframe for the development gather all needed competencies, from the and maintenance of the infrastructure, a planning and implementation of railway realistic and mature project pipeline (in- projects to EU funds management as well cluding budgetary framework). It should as business and commercial skills. Morealso consider customers expectations and over, the agency should hire qualified staff environmental issues. The State must be with competitive salaries and, most imporcommitted to the plan, for example to tantly, it should be sufficiently independfinance projects on schedule to deliver ent from the political power in order to them. Therefore, UNIFE believes that keep it out of shifting political priorities. the Master Plan should be the result of a The UNIFE representative made a short political debate and should be endorsed presentation of the situation of most transby the Government and the Parliament. port networks in the Wider Black Sea Area Apart from a coherent Master Plan, mem- (WBSA) and described it as “worrying”. Financing of the TEN-T network (2007-2013) Financing of the TEN-T network (2007-2013)
TEN-T budget: EUR 8bn (rail: EUR 5bn) Distribution of TEN-T funding for priority projects Rail 74%
Road 3% IWW Multi-modal Galileo Air 11% 1% 7% 4%
Source: TEN-T multiannual programme, European Commission, 2008
Funds accessible to all Member States
EU regional aid (ERDF+CF): EUR 347bn of which EUR 82bn for
transport (EUR 23.6bn for rail) Funds dedicated mainly to CEECs
National budgets: as the EU only provides EUR 90bn, a large part of the costs needs to be supported by Member States
Loans, Private partners Source:
Policies & Strategies
Financing of the TEN-T network (2014-2020)
Financing of the TEN-T network (2014-2020)
The poor infrastructure conditions generate speed restrictions for trains and this Connecting Europe Facility: EUR 31.7bn for TEN-T core network must be counteracted with modernisation works to modern standards and with investments (Commission proposal under negotiation) eliminating the current traffic bottlenecks. Distribution of TEN-T funding for priority projects Although infrastructure managers have to be efficient, the insufficient financing leaves them no possibility to maintain the Funds accessible existing network. The outcome of such a to all Member situation cannot be but the drop of pasStates senger and freight traffic and the difficulty of railway transport to compete with the Rail allocation not known yet other modes of transport. The solution is simple: only the modernisation of railway EU regional aid (ERDF+CF): overall budget proposal under networks and the sufficient financing of innegotiation EUR 376bn; transport and rail allocation not known yet frastructure managers can boost traffic and encourage modal shift. Funds decicated mainly to CEECs “Member states and infrastructure managers need to cooperate as the latter of National budgets parties cannot exceed their problems by themselves”, stresses Pélerin. Loans, Private partners Railway infrastructure networks in the Source: Wider Black Sea Area (WBSA) have to Key advantages of ERTMS be developed in a coordinating manner in Key advantages of ERTMS order to fully take advantage of the interoperability benefits. “In turn, interoperability is a challenge for the Wider Black Sea Area (WBSA), so • Replace > 20 different • Unique interface that the legislation of the European Union train protection system by standard= more competition Interoperability on interoperability such as the Technical a single European one on the supply market Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) • Ensure cross-border • Global standard opening should be implemented in non-EU countraffic worldwide market tries in order to avoid the discontinuity opportunities of networks. On the other hand, national rules should progressively disappear in order to be able to obtain a fully interoperable system, but investments in the ERTMS Unique Performance represent the way to ensure interoperabiStandard lity between national networks”, points out the UNIFE representatives.
• Increase capacity & speed • Reduce life cycle costs & investments • Improved safety Source:
ERTMS deployment in Europe ERTMS deployment in Europe
Необходимо найти больше средств для железнодорожной инфраструктуры в бюджетный период 2014 2020 гг.
Source: Top 15 ERTMS investors in Europe (tracks km), incl. frame contracts, September 2010
Реконструкция железнодорожных сетей остаётся основным вопросом на повестке дня развития железнодорожного транспорта на территории Расширенного Черноморского пространства. Для эффективного развития сетей TEN-T и обеспечения положительного сдвига в Расширенном Черноморском пространстве, Ассоциация Европейской железнодорожной промышленности (UNIFE) подчёркивает, что необходима гарантия вложения достаточных средств ЕС в транспортную инфраструктуру. November 2011 |
Line “Y” to become the “backbone” of passenger traffic in Poland [ by Elena Ilie ]
With one of the densest railway infrastructure in Europe, Polish Railways, PKP PLK, carries out ambitious development programmes, especially for high-speed. Moreover, Poland focuses on upgrading the sections of Trans-European corridors crossing its territory anticipating the increasing national and international passenger, but most of all, freight transport share.
ith a total length of 19,276 km, of which 5,500 km represent important lines for the international railway traffic, the Polish railway infrastructure is one of the railway infrastructures with the highest potential from the point of view of the development projects. The 5,500 km of railways are part of the Trans-European Transport Corridors, as well as of the AGC and AGTC networks. “The aim of the investment programme carried out by PKP PLK is to modernise the railway lines for speeds of 160 – 200 km/h, on the TEN-T network, to rehabilitate the lines in conformity with the design parameters in case their modernisation requires higher costs and the results are insufficient. The objective also includes the construction of new lines, among which high-speed lines, provided that the modernisation of lines will not have the expected results in terms of increasing the competitiveness of railways”, declared Miroslaw Kanclerz, Deputy Director International Cooperation Department – PKP PLK and Vice President of RailNetEurope, on the occasion of the Railway Days 2011 Summit. Another important project for Poland is Rail Baltica and the development of this
project on Polish territory implies as first step the modernisation of Warsaw-Bialystock-Lithuanian border, planned for 20112014 and as second step, the preliminary works for the 2014-2020 modernisation period. The first tender on the modernisation of line Warsaw-Bialystock-Lithuanian border, section WarsawRembertow – Zielonka – Tluszcz (Sadowne), was announced on September 24, 2011, based on the feasibility study concluded in August 2011. Another objective of PKP PLK is the construction of high-speed lines and their connection with the European network. The most important project is Line “Y” (Warsaw, Lodz, Poznan and Wroclaw). The modernisation of conventional lines is also scheduled to facilitate the connection with Line “Y”. Also, the Main Central Line, connected to Krakow, will be adapted for speeds of 220 km/h. The PKP PLK said that the two of the nine freight corridors set up by Regulation 913/2010 cross Poland, the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor (Gdynia- Katowice- Ostrava/ Zilina- Bratislava/ Vienna/ Klagenfurt-UdineVenice/ Trieste/ Bologna/ Ravenna/ GrazMoribor-Ljubljana-Koper/ Trieste) and the
Central East-West Corridor Bremerhaven/ Rotterdam/ Antwerpen-Aachen/ BerlinWarsaw-Terespol (Poland-Belarus border/ Kowno). The new set-up corridors will become a priority topic on Poland’s agenda concerning the railway infrastructure development and increasing transport operations at the Eastern border, especially to Baltic States and further to Asia. High Speed Lines – planned for 2020
Source: PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.
Lines covered with AGC and AGTC Agreements Lines covered with AGC and AGTC Agreements AGC lines
European Agreement on main international railway lines.
E 20 E 30 E 59 E 65 E 75
AGTC lines
European Agreement on important international combined transport lines and related installations.
CE 20 CE 30 CE 59 CE 65
Source: PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. | November 2011
Линия „Y” станет „стержнем” пассажирского транспорта в Польше
Имея одну из самых плотных в Европе сетей железнодорожной инфраструктуры, Польские железные дороги PKP PLK внедряют смелые программы развития, особенно по направлению высокоскоростного транспорта. Более того, Польша сосредоточена на модернизации частей европейских транспортных коридоров, пересекающих её территорию, рассчитывая на рост объёмов национального и международного пассажирского транспорта, и особенно на рост объемов перевозимых грузов.
Infrastructure projects in the OSJD area need EU financing [ by Pamela Luică ]
With a total surface of 37 million square km and a population of 2 billion, the Organization for Cooperation of Railways (OSJD) and its member states hold an operating network of 281,000 km, structured on 13 Corridors which need investments for providing an efficient and safe transport. According to OSJD, the project financing requires EU support as the necessary financing volumes exceed the organisation’s resources.
dynamics of changes in the operational length of the railway network TheThe dynamics of changes in the operational length of the railway network and electrified lines
119 117
111 109 107 277,542
105 103
105,349 276,376
112,666 281,517
280,572 279,281
274 272
2004 Years
railway lines
Source: OSJD
278 276
95 2000
270 2009
ths km
ths km
The dynamics of changes in the operational length of the railway network
119 117
286 284
111 109
107 277,542
105 103
101 99
278 276
95 2000
282 280
ths km
2004 Years
270 2009
railway lines
5492 5000
4618 4294
3976 3440
3685 3323
3351 3000
in millions of persons
The dynamics of changes in the traffic volume
0 2000
Source: OSJD 7
Проекты инфраструктуры на территории ОСЖД нуждаются в финансировании со стороны ЕС
sion on Transport Policy and Development Strategy – OSJD, stressed the fact that projects concerning the modernisation and rehabilitation of the OSJD network need financing, as project implementation has been carried out from own funds until then. “OSJD’s railway network covers both Asian and European countries. Transport routes linking Asia to Europe require investments, although OSJD has granted massive investments to modernisation projects. We are thus calling on the EU to involve in these projects so that we could jointly succeed in building a performing infrastructure that would provide single and efficient transport”, said the OSJD representative.
ths km
sia launched 51.2 km of line on the route Jaive – Solinamm (Sverdlovsk Railway) and doubled 82.7 km of line. High-speed lines Moscow-Nizhni Novgorod and St. Petersburg – Buslovskaya entered operation and the time travel between St. Petersburg and Helsinki was reduced from around 6 h to 3 hours. For the freight traffic, Russian Railways approved the Programme for the Development of Container Traffic by 2015 and its implementation launched on the market the route called “Trans-Siberian in 7 days”. Also, Belarus has managed to increase its investment rate by 108% purchasing 450 freight cars, 4 diesel locomotives and 53 passenger coaches. Kazakhstan Railways has finalized the line Zhetyguen – Korgas (293.4 km) which provides direct transport to China and thus becomes the second border crossing point between the two countries. Moreover, the construction of a 146-km section (UzenTurkmenistan border) permits a direct traffic between Kazakhstan and Iran. Step-by-step railway projects were carried out in these countries and the traffic speed of railway vehicles increased thus reducing travel times and delivering efficient transport services in the OSJD area. Present at the “Railway Days” 2011 Summit, Anzor Glonti, Specialist – Commis-
in millions of tons
lthough the railway transport activity in OSJD countries was confronted with difficult situations because of the current economic downturn and production recorded significant drops in most countries, railway transport continues to rank first compared to the other means of transport. In this context, the initiation of projects on international transport development are carried out on the Eurasian axis, as well as the improvement of the legal conditions to permit the optimisation of the railway service efficiency, which helps generating the competitiveness growth. In the past years, OSJD countries have developed essential projects for transforming and upgrading the infrastructure in view of an integration in the international transport market. The programme on “Modernisation of railway transport in the European and Asian countries” was finalized through the implementation of modernisation projects of main corridors and the development of construction works for new lines which facilitate traffic. In 2009, 4 billion passengers and 5.6 billion tonnes of freight were shipped on the OSJD network. According to the organisation’s report, in 2009, the Chinese Railways built 5,481 km of new lines and doubled 4,063 km of railways and electrified 8,448 km of line. Rus-
Организация сотрудничества железных дорог (ОСЖД) охватывает 37 миллионов квадратных километров и двухмиллиардное население. Государства-член этой организации владеют операционной сетью 281.000 километров, и она включает 13 транспортных коридоров, нуждающихся в инвестициях в обеспечение эффективного и надёжного транспорта. Согласно ОСЖД, финансирование проектов нуждается в помощи со стороны ЕС, так как необходимые объёмы финансирования превышают размер ресурсов организации. November 2011 |
38 Policies & Strategies
Public-private partnerships are a security must
[ by Pamela Luică ]
The national infrastructure system, through its development, technical performance and security level characteristics, creates the real premises for the manifestation of vulnerability and risk factors which cause serious disturbances with major implications in the social, economic, national and micro-regional plans.
he negative effects of the poor technical conditions of the specialized transport infrastructure have seriously influenced operation times and have caused less efficient activities, with direct impact on the supply of competitive services and high quality and safety standards. Under the circumstances, coordinating the activity of institutions with private activities is growing in importance. The implication of all factors (public and private) has the role of encouraging the participation to the implementation of the critical infrastructure protection measure, identifying solutions for eliminating the existing legislative and operating gaps, creating a coherent system for identifying and protecting national and European critical infrastructures, introducing an integrated protection programme and facilitating information exchange. “PPP projects using a coherent implementation method bring concrete benefits. The legislative framework for the critical
infrastructure protection and public-private partnership in the area was adopted in Romania: an emergency ordinance was passed in 2010 which in 2011 became the law on identifying, naming and protecting critical infrastructures. The information flow and good practice exchange are the best method for creating a safe and, at the same time, efficient transport system, and the implication of public and private parties will definitely have a positive effect in ensuring transport safety”, declared Cristian Iordan, Communication Manager – Romanian Information Service (SRI), who attended the “Railway Days” 2011 Summit, held in Bucharest in October. According to the United Nations Organization, the public-private partnership can represent the progress engine in the activity of the implicated parties by ensuring a knowledge, continuity and coherence plus, reducing the probability of risks and threats. “Internationally, the implication
of private sector representatives in ensuring the security has become a necessity”, said Iordan. Viable partnership formulae, in the context of a subtle interconnection between infrastructures and their connection with the national security, can help warn the authorities and citizens in time about risk factors and establish and implement a complex of measures on the protection of vulnerable objectives and identifying the technological solutions capable to limit and counteract risks.
Государственно-частные партнёрства стали необходимыми для обеспечения надёжности транспорта
Risk matrix model
Low probability (under 50%) Major impact They tend to be the most “dangerous” incidents as most people tend to focus rather on the low probability that on a greater impact, delaying preparations until it is too late.
Risk matrix
High probability (over 50%) Major impact
Risk Matrix Model
These are events for which all efforts should be joined because they are expected and have a significantly destructive character.
Source: S.R.I. | November 2011
Low probability (under 50%) Minor impact Most probably, these will be minor incidents that the crisis team can manage correctly with appropriate preparation and disposing of reaction procedures
High probability (over 50%) Minor impact There are significant chances for incidents to occur, but their impact is low because they often happen and the teams are ready.
Система национальной инфраструктуры, со своими характеристиками развития, техническими показателями и уровнем обеспечения безопасности, создаёт реальные предпосылки для проявления уязвимости и факторов риска, приводящих к значительном нарушению стабильности, а это вызывает значительные социальные и экономические последствия на национальном, но и на макро-региональном уровне. Отрицательное воздействие ненадёжного технического состояния специализированной транспортной инфраструктуры проявляется сильно. Это обстоятельство вызывает повышенную продолжительность времени обслуживания и снижение эффективности работы, тем самым напрямую сказывается на конкурентоспособности предоставляемых услуг и на соблюдении высоких стандартов качества и надёжности.
metropolitan 39
Transport authorities should analyse the situation and ask the citizens what they need
[ by Pamela Luică ]
An increasing public transport share in urban areas is the result of the projects implemented by decision makers, but in order to encourage public transport, the authorities have to analyse the city’s challenges to answer the needs of the citizens. The urban mobility development programme is set up by planning good practices considering the integration and evaluation of the principles they rely on. Present at the “Railway Days” 2011 Summit, Wioletta Szymanska, Project Manager at the Regional Environmental Centre, explained the challenges that cities have to face for having a sustainable mobility, the necessity of the authorities’ interest in increasing the share of public transport, as well as the importance of the authorities being aware of the citizens’ needs in order to be able to provide the right services.
Railway Pro: How can transport authorities serve mobility needs better? Wioletta Szymanska: The most important problem for transport authorities is to analyse the current situation and ask the citizens what they need. The services offered should meet these needs, should be of the highest quality possible and should reflect the real needs of the citizens. Studies on the current situation and public surveys may be of help and may give important input in the process of continuous improvement of services provided. An important element is also to be in a constant dialogue with the city development planning units, so that future urban development plans are reflected in the future development public transport plans and vice versa, and in the end all citizens can benefit from the public transport. Railway Pro: How can the citizens be encouraged to change their behaviour and to give up individual motorized means of transport in favour of public transport? Wioletta Szymanska: First of all, citizens must be offered a good quality public transport, which should be quick, clean, reliable and comfortable, and thus would become a real alternative to a private car. This includes giving the public transport priority on the streets (priority lanes), separating routes of buses, trams from the car traffic and making public transport more accessible to everybody, especially to persons with reduced mobility (elderly people, disabled people, young mothers with children, etc.). This should go hand in hand with limiting the car traffic within the city and introducing strict parking policy to free space for public transport and pedestrians. The other very important issue is to change the mentalities of the citizens by implementing the awareness rising campaigns on the negative impact of the mo-
torization on the environment, on benefits of using public transport. At the same time, it is very important to improve passenger information system about public transport routes and ticketing fares, so the citizen can easily find out how she/he could get to a destination without the car. Railway Pro: What are the challenges for a city to have a sustainable urban mobility? Wioletta Szymanska: When striving for sustainable urban mobility, a city has to face many challenges. The lack of sufficient funding, and here we can find budgetary shortcuts, problems with subsidies, depending on the political cycle, lack of capacity for absorbing EU funds and lack of experience in attracting private funding. There is a lack of political support and high dependency on the “political cycle (e.g. elections) – good mobility planning needs long term planning, but priorities are changing because depend on the political option and this created difficulties in preparing long term plans, which also reflect on the financing. The lack of coordination and cooperation between the different departments (traffic department, planning department, investments department) – lack of ‘a habit’ of cooperating and lack of appropriate mechanisms, lack of institutional capacity – municipalities are very often understaffed and need more training, and experience exchange, are other challenges that the cities has to face. Railway Pro: What can you tell us about shifting from private to public transport to increase the social relations ? Wioletta Szymanska: Unfortunately, in many countries, a private car is still perceived as a symbol of higher living status and thus higher social comfort. However the benefits of using the public transport
are clear: less pollution and cleaner environment, more space available for pedestrians as a result of more efficient use of urban space and less cars, less driving stress and increased safety on the streets due the decreased number of cars, increasing the travelling comfort – time if the trip can be used for reading, etc. as opposite to driving the private car. The citizens must be aware of these benefits and here is the role of municipalities, and other organisations to be active in conveying this message to the citizens.
Властям предстоит проанализировать положение общественного транспорта и узнать о потребностях граждан Повышение доли использования общественного транспорта в городах обусловлено внедрением проектов, утверждённых лицами, принимающими решения. Однако, для поощрения использования данного вида транспорта, властям необходимо проанализировать ситуации, с которыми сталкивается каждый город, для того, чтобы отвечать спросу и требованиям граждан. На саммите „Дней железных дорог” 2011 г., Виолетта Симанска, руководитель проекта в рамках Регионального центра по охране окружающей среды, рассказала нам о вызовах, с которыми сталкиваются города в стремлении достижения устойчивой мобильности, о необходимости вовлечения властей в повышение степени использования общественного транспорта, а также о важности учесть потребности граждан для того, чтобы властям ответить на них положительно с помощью предоставляемых услуг. November 2011 |
The improvement of the rail infrastructure-related activities is strictly linked to the infrastructure maintenance activity and the railway industry is challenged by different problems, such as the intensification of specific requirements, traffic boost and the need to improve safety, bottlenecks, improvement of sustainability and cost efficiency.
aintenance implies the optimisation of the life expectancy of fixed goods and improvement of the conditions and capacity of the existing infrastructure through inspections, measurements, prevention of damages, repairs (but not replacements) or renewal activities. Present at the Railway Days 2011 Summit, Nicolas Furio, Infrastructure and Electrifica tion Manager, UNIFE, talked about “the im capacity provement of the railway network and through a more efficient maintenance in a shorter time span” as the new challenge that the rail industry is facing. InThe Association of the European Rail dustry (UNIFE) is involved in two such research projects aimed at emphasizing the Principle of the method methods to boost the infrastructure capacity. Electronic commutation The firstarray project called Predictive MainteUT-Phased is Non-intrusive Inspection & nance employing ing n n ca ar s Data ine Analysis (PM’n’IDEA) and the second, Computer L by Optimisation Augmented Usage of Track Ultrasonic field Pulser/Receiver Allocation and Inspection of of Maintenance, Generator railway Networks zoom (AUTOMAIN). Rail restoration (<500 mm) project, Predictive Main The first research tenance employing Non-intrusive Inspection Motorized & Data Analysis (PM’n’IDEA), coordinated linear guide and has a EUR 4.9 Million budget. by UNIFE, associated Representatives the operators, indus from Chassis controller try and the academic environment have also UT-Phased array the project whose coordinajoined technical tor is TATA STEEL. The project develop 2012. ment began in 2009 and isdue in May The project objectives consist in increas expanding the ing the use of infrastructure, life-cycle and reducing costs on the entire betlife-cycle of components and providing ter safety services for both users and work ers. The innovations of this research project include the intelligent collected data analysis (illustration of field displacement )
Example of inspection on track – Top view (C-scan) Top view C-scan B-scan 1 Gas Inclusions • Mechanical scanning 0 340 mm (running edge) B-scan 2 • Source: B-scan 1 | November 2011 Cross-section view // running edge
system, laser sensors for on-board diagnosis dimension measurement, as well as control technologies for line quality evaluation. The benefits of the PM’n’IDEA project resume to an improved visibility of the condition of key infrastructure components facilitating the right moment for maintenance monitoring intervention, the objective of the different damage levels and the visibility on goods, as well the current condition of fixed Computer as setting future requirements for the mainPulser/Receiver tenance budget. The image processing techGenerator nique has proved its efficiency as related to extracting the features relevant for analysis and characterisation. Replacing traditional Motorized the “on site” inspection, with an linear guide inspection, and automated visual analysis system, is a realisassociated ticcontroller objective proved by the resultsChassis obtained the PM’n’IDEA research so far throughUT-Phased array project. The second project, Augmented Usage of Track by Optimisation of Maintenance, Al location and Inspection of railway Networks (AUTOMAIN), is led by PRORAIL, with the implication ofrepresentatives the from the industry, operators, the academic envi ronment and having Deutsche Bahn as tech nical coordinator. Thedevelopment project, estimated at EUR 4.5 Million, began in Feb ruary 2011 and is due in January 2014. project consist in the deveThe objectives lopment of new methods for infrastructure inspection, both on freight-dedicated routes, Top view as well as on mixed traffic routes, improve ment of the maintenance process efficiency and development of a new maintenance sys tematization and planning instrument. The key innovations proposed by the deveC-scan 1 lopers of the AUTOMAIN researchB-scan project Gas Inclusions include methods with increased infrastrucSequences
[ by Elena Ilie ]
B-scan 2
Mechanical scanning (running edge)
340 mm
Ex. of inspection on track – Crosssection view // to the running edge (B-scan) B-scan 1 Cross-section view // running edge
Time of flight
ment )
Know-how, experience and innovation – maintenance activity simplification
40 Products & Technologies
B-scan – scanning/time
Base metal
Heat-affected zone (HAZ)
Base metal
Mechanical 340 mm scanning
ture inspection and maintenance speed, development of new infrastructure components and improvement of the automated systematization and planning systems. The benefits of this research will include reducing the maintenance preparation time, increasing the speed of the specific activity, programming maintenance only when useful and necessary, but also less routes to inspect. The AUTOMAIN project proposes to adopt the best practices from other industries for the optimisation of inspection and maintenance activities (for example, motorways or the airspace industry). The project will prove the way in which the reference time allocated for key maintenance tasks where all activity on that specific infrastructure is stopped, can be reduced by up to 50%. The AUTOMAIN project aims at increasing the maintenance of infrastructure under operating conditions. This can be accomplished by reducing the time taken to install and maintain infrastructure, which is achievable by identifying tasks that lend themselves to automation and then developing and introducing appropriate technology. The clear objective of the AUTOMAIN is to transform railway freight transport into a much more reliable transport than currently through availability and safety by generating new capacities on the existing network.
Ноу-хау, опыт и инновации - упрощение деятельности по техническому обслуживанию Улучшение деятельности, связанной с железнодорожной инфраструктурой, тесно связано с деятельностью по техническому обслуживанию той же железнодорожной инфраструктуры. Такие вопросы, как усиление специфических требований, рост объёмов движения, необходимость повышения уровня безопасности, загруженность транспортных сетей, повышение надёжности и рост эффективности затрат - все эти аспекты являются вызовами для железнодорожной индустрии.
Policies & Strategies
Baltic Region has to rely on strong railway transport connections with the TEN-T network [ by Elena Ilie ]
The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea is a pilot project in the area of macro-regional strategies developed with the purpose of reaching a sustainable development in these specific regions through cooperation between the concerned states and regions through a coordinated use of all funds and instruments available in these regions.
hus, the European Parliament emphasises that it is a priority to create an effective and environmentally friendly sea, land and inland transport and communication network (with the sea network giving a prominent role to the transport of goods) that can anticipate and respond in a timely fashion to current and future challenges, taking account of the provisions of the updated version of the Natura 2000 document and paying particular attention to links between the Baltic Sea region and
other European regions through the BalticAdriatic Corridor and the Central European Transport Corridor. The EP also considers enhanced connections, involving all modes of transport, to represent an essential contribution to the development of a stronger, more cohesive economy in the Baltic Sea Region and stresses the specific situation of the Baltic States, which to a large extent are currently isolated from the European transport network, and takes the view that this strategy should, inter alia, help to address the lack of
appropriate infrastructure and accessibility, as well as low interoperability between various national transport networks owing to different technical systems and administrative barriers, in order to develop a comprehensive multimodal transport system across the Baltic Sea Region. In the proposed resolution, the European Parliament underlines the importance of integrating the Baltic Sea Region more closely into the TEN-T priority axes, in particular with regard to the extending the rail axis from Berlin to the Baltic coast (TEN-T 1), improving the rail axis from Berlin to the Baltic coast in combination with the Rostock-Denmark Seaway connection, and making more rapid progress in upgrading and using the Rail Baltica axis (TEN-T 27) and also emphasises the need to complete the interconnections between the Baltic Sea Region and other European regions via the Baltic-Adriatic corridor. It is also important to enhance the Baltic Sea Region’s transport capacity towards the east, in particular in order to promote transport interoperability, especially for railways, and to speed up freight transit at the borders of the European Union. The Strategy also points out the need for effective cross-border coordination and cooperation between rail, seaports, inland ports, hinterland terminals and logistics in order to develop a more sustainable intermodal transport system.
Прибалтийский регион должен пользоваться надёжными железнодорожными связями с сетью TEN-T Прибалтийская стратегия ЕС - это пилотный проект в сфере макрорегиональных стратегий, разработанных в целях достижения устойчивого развития указанного региона в результате развития сотрудничества между заинтересованными странами и регионами с помощью координированного использования всех доступных фондов и средств в этом регионе. November 2011 |
42 Policies & Strategies
Baltic Sea Strategy Transport projects make progress [ by Pamela Luică ]
EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region approaches problems such as transport bottlenecks, the insufficiency of energy interconnections and the challenges imposed by the increasing volume of sea-shipped oil. An action plan has been established presenting 15 areas and 80 projects focused on four pillars: environment, prosperity, accessibility, safety and security. According to the EC report on the improvement of internal and external transport connections, published in September 2011, several projects have been implemented within the Strategy.
Task 1 Final Report ver 4
trategic activities on the coordina- implementing concrete projects on infration of national transport policies structure development, supporting logisand infrastructure investments tics services suppliers, establishing and (regional cooperation has to be strength- harmonising administrative and control ened-implementation of interoperability procedures etc. projects, application of traffic management The implementation of projects related systems etc.) have been carried out, as well to the Railway Freight Corridors will stias TEN-T priority projects (which have to mulate the competitiveness of the Europebe implemented in time), development of an railway market and will also provide an long-run transport policies that will con- optimal connection between the network sider the recast of the TEN-T guidelines in the Region and the international freight and identifying the missing connection in transport network. the transport infrastructure. According to EC reports, priority TEN-T As regards cooperation activities, the projects made progress in 2010. As for Rail accents falls on improving connections Baltica, Lithuania initiated construction with Russia and the neighbouring coun- works on the Mockava-Šeštokai section tries (especially on implementing major and the final version of the Rail Baltica projects in freight traffic and logistics). was presented in June 2011. As regards the Report Drivers of transport and supply OneMain of Task the 2:important pointsdemand in the project financing, the Transport Ministry transport sector is “facilitating an efficient in Latvia said that “for Latvia the project is transport and developing logistics in the estimated at EUR 1.27 Billion and we canBaltic Region” by eliminating bottlenecks, not afford to grant full financing, so we have promoting intermodal connections, devel- to analyse if it pays. In this case, EU should oping the “Green Corridor” concept by grant more than 60% of the project cost”. Modal split of inland passenger and freight transport 2007 1
(% of total inland passenger-km)( ) (% of total inland tonne-km)(2) Railways, Passenger Inland Buses trams and Railways Roads c ars waterways metros EU-27 83,4 9,5 7,1 17,9 76,5 5,6 Denmark 80,2 10,8 8,9 7,8 92,2 Germany 85,8 6,4 7,8 21,9 65,7 12,4 Estonia 77,2 20,7 2,1 56,8 43,2 0,0 Latvia 79,5 15,0 5,5 58,1 41,9 0,0 Lithuania 90,7 8,4 0,9 41,5 58,5 0,0 Poland 83,6 9,6 6,8 26,4 73,5 0,1 Finland 84,9 10,0 5,0 25,9 73,9 0,3 Sweden 84,1 7,2 8,7 36,4 63,6 Norway 88,0 7,0 4,9 15,1 84,9 ( 1 ) Excluding powered two-wheelers ( 2 ) Excluding piplines. Source: Eurostat (tsdtr210 and tsdtr220) Source: Eurostat
Source: Eurostat | November 2011
Table 6: Modal split of inland passenger and freight transport 2007
Container feeder network in the Baltic Sea Region Figure 4.2. Container feeder network in the Baltic Sea Region
Source: Baltic Transport Journal, 2010, modified by HPC
Source: Baltic Transport Outlook 2030
Figure 4.3. European container port system and logistics core regions in the hinterland
The total cost of the project is EUR 3.5 Billion (Estonia - EUR 1.04 Billion, Latvia - 1.22 Billion, Lithuania - EUR 1.27 Billion).
Прибалтийская стратегия: Проекты транспорта регистрируют успехи
Source: ITMMA, 2009
Прибалтийская стратегия ЕС направлена на решение проблем, связанных с пробками на дорогах и с недостаточностью энергетических соединений, а также с вызовами со стороны роста объёмов нефти, перевозимой морским путём. Был составлен План действий, включающий в себя 15 направлений и 80 проектов, сосредоточенных на четырёх опорных точках: окружающая среда, процветание, доступность, а также надёжность и безопасность. Согласно отчёту ЕС об улучшении внутренних и внешних транспортных соединений, опубликованному в сентябре 2011 года, в рамках Стратегии был внедрён ряд проектов.
Railway contractors support the utility of long-term contracts [ by Elena Ilie ]
responsibilities, identification and fair attribution of risks and provision of incentives for innovation. Contractors could avoid over-resourcing the fleet of heavy and costly machinery due to peak demands and significant variation in track possessions. Moreover, contractors could thus optimise planning and work processes (track
possessions, worksite logistics, supply of materials, utilisation of machinery and skilled workforce) through improvements in the interfaces with infrastructure managers. Among the most important targets of the European Federation of Contractors, we can mention the mutual acknowledgment of track machines, staff and works because they still are a key obstacle in terms of carrying on market liberalisation continuation.
Строители железных дорог поддерживают полезность заключения долгосрочных контрактов
Photo: SBB
FRTC represents and supports the interests of its members in their relationship with the European Commission, governments and public institutions, the infrastructure managers, railway operators and their representative associations such as the UIC, the EIM and the CER. An important aspect consists in the participation of the European Federation in the elaboration of standards applicable to its specialisation, infrastructure, at the same time complying with criteria for interoperability. The promotion of the technical innovation and the improvements in terms of safety, quality, competency and environment, represent other interests of EFRTC. The President of the European Federation of Railway Trackworks Contractors, Joseph Urlings, participant in the discussions held during the Railway Days Summit 2011 presented the opinion of the Federation and its members regarding the utility of planning execution works, financing and long-term works contracting. Therefore, the three points of view would allow contractors to size their capacity and resources on the basis of longterm, output-oriented contracts with clearly formulated targets, definition of
Photo: SBB
European Federation of Railway Trackworks Contractors (EFRTC) includes a series of associations and federations comprising the companies and specialists which deal with the railway infrastructure sector. Thus, the European Federation sustains the promotion of European market liberalisation and harmonisation for the purpose of facilitating the construction, the modernisation and the maintenance of the railway infrastructure by the efficient and competitive private sector contractors to the satisfaction of their customers.
Президент Европейской Федерации строителей железных дорог (EFRTC) Джозеф Юрлингс по случаю участия в работе Саммита “Дни Железных дорог 2011 г.” представил мнение Федерации и её членов по поводу полезности планирования исполнения работ, финансирования и заключения контрактов на долгосрочной основе. November 2011 |
44 Policies & Strategies
Baltic Countries have increased potential for transport development in the 1520 – 1435 area [ by Elena Ilie ]
The Railway International Regional Forum “1520 Strategic partnership: Baltic Region”, took place in Riga (Latvia) on the 17 and 18 of October 2011 and gathered representatives of railway national companies, private passenger and freight operators, equipment manufacturers, as well as representatives of the financial and politic environment. The participants debated topics related to the set-up of new important guidelines for cooperation in the 1520-1435 regions. the Russian Minister of Transport, Igor Levitin, has agreed to sign an agreement on granting investment funds”, pointed out Vladimir Yakunin, President of Russian Railways. The general opinion of the leaders of the railway companies in Russia and the Baltic Countries (Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania) was that, at least for now, it is not necessary to invest the existing resources in the development of new railway projects, as they risk becoming an impossible task, from the financial point of view, and an obstacle in project development because of the current challenging economic situation. Consequently, new transport routes should not be drawn without considering the interests of freight operators, shipping houses and railway freight transport beneficiaries. One of the discussions held at the infrastructure session referred to “the technological and operational compatibility as factor of boosting railway business activities”. Thus, participants discussed about the opportunities for directing efforts to the modernisation of the existing infrastructure and the upgrading of new ones, as well as about increasing speed on railway routes and synchronizing traffic safety and management systems. “We have implemented 90% of the EU legislation, but we have not yet managed to separate the infrastructure activity from operation. The North-South Corridor, crossing Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, is a priority for us. In Estonia we have to attract more freight traffic on the network because the infrastructure transport capacity is higher than the transport demand. If we receive funds from the European Union or TEN-T funds we will certainly
Russian main railway routes Murmansk
Helsinki Tallinn
Belomorsk Archangel'sk
Vorkuta Konoša
Minsk Warszawa
Smolensk Brjansk
v sk
Vologda Jaroslavl'
Ust'-Ilimsk Ust'-Kurt
Novosibirsk Orsk
Almaty Baku | November 2011
Almaty Taškent
Sovetskaja Gavan'
Tra n
Taškent Almaty
Chabarovsk Birobidžan
Bratsk Čita
Nižnevartovsk Tjumen'
Nižnij Bestjach
Novyj Urengoj
Nižnij Novgorod
Orël Char'kiv
У Прибалтийских государств большой потенциал для развития транспорта на участке 1520 - 1435
u rb
use them to rehabilitate the railways in Estonia because we don’t have enough funds to upgrade them”, pointed out Kaido Simmermann, Chairman of Estonian Railways. “We have initiated the construction of a double gauge on one of the lines in Lithuania, and the next objective consists in increasing the capacity of railway lines, we have upgraded the network by installing the GSM-R system and in 2012, we will modernise the infrastructure in Klaipeda Port, which will permit us to increase the shipped volumes. For the Rail Baltica project, we will use EUR 200 Million by 2015”, pointed out Stasys Dailydka, President of Lithuanian Railways. The Baltic Sea Region, located at the junction of commercial routes and activating as European frontier for the 1520 Area, is a high economic potential for partners in “broad-gauge area”. Cooperation between railway infrastructures should be evenly developed by all sides, which makes necessary the harmonisation of legislation in due time, as well as the harmonisation of the railway transport management system.
he most important aspects on the development of transport and logistics systems in the Baltic Region, including the White Paper on Transport 2011, infrastructure modernisation for boosting the quality of the transport process, creating a single transport legislation aimed at favouring railway business development in the 1520 and 1435 areas and the priorities for the development of East-West and NorthSouth transport corridors, these were the topics discussed during the session dedicated to railway infrastructure. “The Forum’s discussions will help us overcome some hindrances in the development of transport corridors, such as how to connect the two different gauges using the existing technologies and to build new lines. The railways have always been the strongest mode of transport and has to be developed to b able to reduce road bottlenecks and to give up sea transport, as much as possible, because it is most time-consuming. It is necessary to join our forces because a single country will not succeed”, declared Ugis Magonis, Chairman of Latvian Railways. “Using new technologies will boost collaboration in the 1520 area. We have to focus on the railway infrastructure modernisation. We are all aware of the reason that brought us together at the Forum. We are united by something significantly bigger than the 1520 gauge, we are a single transport system. Russian Railways have recently proved a constant transport growth in transports and currently 60% of the freight handled by Latvian Railways are coming either from Russia or through Russia. Recently,
Ulaanbaatar Beijing
Harbin Beijing Vladivostok
Международный региональный железнодорожный форум „ Стратегическое партнёрство 1520: Прибалтийский регион” состоялся в Риге (Латвия) 17 и 18 октября и собрал представителей национальных железнодорожных компаний, частных операторов грузовых и пассажирских перевозок, производителей оборудования, а также финансовых и политических кругов.
One authority, four types of infrastructure [ by Elena Ilie ]
When it comes for the rightful implementation of the First Railway Package provisions by separating the national infrastructure manager of railway operators, Sweden is a positive example taken into account by all those involved in the railway sector.Other states obviously complied rather quickly with these measures on the implementation of provisions which led to the support of the rail transport, of the profile market, as well as the support of fair competition between the modes of transport, but Sweden remains the main example by which the government wanted to identify support for social goals and to ensure a competitive balance to the benefit of public transport.
n 1988, Sweden split state railways into two separate agencies, long before the coming into force of the First Railway Package and since 2010 it has planned a second major reorganisation in the field of transports. Thus, Trafikverket was created, managing all modes of transport. Trafikverket is responsible for the longterm planning of transportation systems, implicitly of the rail, road, maritime and air infrastructure. The same authority deals with the construction, operation and maintenance of national rail and road transport networks; it also deals with accessibility as regards public transport, by the assignment of public service obligation contracts at national level. Trafikverket decides on problems regarding state subsidies granted to the maritime transport sector. Although its responsibility is the management of four different types of transport infrastructure, Trafikverket faces the
same challenges as the rest of the similar European authorities, therefore “constant issues relate to the construction of an efficient transportation system in terms of energy consumption, a well-adapted freight and passenger transport in metropolitan areas, the maintenance of an efficient intermodal transportation system for the trade and industry area, the maintenance of an efficient and consolidated infrastructure, as well as the achievement of efficiency following the amounts invested in infrastructure”, informs Bo Olsson, strategy director within Trafikverket, participant in the session dedicated to the infrastructure on the occasion of the Railway Days Summit 2011. For the first year, Trafikverket budget amounted to approximately SEK 46 Billion (EUR 5 Billion) granted for investments and maintenance, and SEK 15 Billion (approximately EUR 1.5 Billion) of them were intended for the railway sector and SEK 20 Billion (approximately EUR
EU27 Performance by Mode for Freight Transport
(data forfor 2008) (data 2008)
General data EU27
Population million
1 324,66
GDP (nominal) € billion
12 507
9 819
3 313
3 072
1 133
Real GDP growth (in national currency)
Exports € billion
1 307
1 565
1 447
€ billion
Source: Eurostat, United Nations, national sources
Source: Eurostat, United Nations, national sources
WCRR May 23 2011
Строители железных дорог поддерживают полезность заключения долгосрочных контрактов
1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1995
Comparison EU - World
Comparison EU - World
Relative GDP per capita in PPP (EU27 = 100)
EU27 Performance by Mode for Freight Transport 1995 - 2008 1995 - 2008 (billion tonne-kilometres) billio n to nne-kilo metres
2 Billion) for the road sector. Trafikverket representative also spoke about Green Corridors, an initiative of the European Commission, meant to intensify the competitiveness of the logistic industry and to create sustainable solutions, initiative that the Swedish authority as well as the Maritime Swedish Administration and VINNOVA support since 2010, by means of a governmental commission. Green Corridors initiative will allow large-scale and long-term transport solutions by the completion of an attractive infrastructure as well as by a sustained regulatory framework.
1996 Road
1998 Sea
2000 Rail
Inland Waterw ay
Source: Trafikverket
WCRR May 23 2011
2008 Air
Президент Европейской Федерации строителей железных дорог (EFRTC) Джозеф Юрлингс по случаю участия в работе Саммита “Дни Железных дорог 2011 г.” представил мнение Федерации и её членов по поводу полезности планирования исполнения работ, финансирования и заключения контрактов на долгосрочной основе. November 2011 |
PAntograph Catenary Interaction Framework for Intelligent Control Pr Ahmed RACHID - UniversitĂŠ de Picardie Jules Verne (Fr) ( Dr Simon WALTERS - University of Brighton (U.K.) Dr Augustin MPANDA - ESIEE-Amiens (Fr)
igh-speed trains are well developing around the world due to their numerous advantages. Indeed, they are safe, sustainable, energy efficient, convenient and comfortable for passengers. Amongst the few drawbacks of such trains is the current collection mechanism, generally implementedas a pantograph in mechanical and electrical contact with the overhead line equipment, the catenary. The Pantograph-Catenary (PAC) system is almost universally used for supplying the vital power to railway electrical trains. Despite offering a balance of cost effectiveness versus reliability, this important link in the railway power supply chain is also a listed cause of train failure faults. As train speeds increase, the reliability of power collection decreases; there is also a concomitant increase in the potential for accelerated component wear and failure to occur. Mechanical models are very useful, for | November 2011
instance: to predict the displacement of the catenary, to predict the contact force, to estimate the component fatigue life, and to analyse the wear induced by the mechanical friction. There is also a need for electrical models to facilitate analysis of (amonst others): power transmission, arcing, and electromagnetic compatibility. Much published work is available on the subject of PAC system modelling and simulation. The pantograph sub-model generally consists of 2 or 3 stages of mass-springdamper components. The catenary is a key sub-assembly and its structure is quite complex to model. This task has been carried out by many authors and numerical solutions have been proposed for an infinite or finite dimensional description of the catenary. Typical PAC models are:
PACIFIC (PAntograph Catenary Interaction Framework for Intelligent Control) is a research project which is part-financed by the European Union, under the ERDF scheme, as part of the INTERREG IV A France (Channel) England cross-border European co-operation programme. The project is working towards the design and development of a CAD tool (Computer
functioning. Furthermore, particular attention will be paid to compliance with European standards in this domain; specifically standard EN50318, as related to the PAC. Thus SIMPAC is a software platform which will facilitate: the testing of new materials, the understanding of problems of wear and tear, validation of control-command strategies, and the evaluation of the effects of breakdowns; in summary, to improve and optimise PAC systems without having to resort to heavy and costly experimental studies, previously accomplished by means of a range of live tests or test runs.
[[[Note: in some publications, equation for k(t) has ‘minus’ instead of ‘plus’]]]
Aided Design), named SIMPAC, for the PAC system. This tool is expected to offer numerous possibilities for study and design facilities, of which one can quote: - characterisation of contact strip according to: materials, thermal, mechanical, dynamics, and manufacturing points of view; - mechanical structures and active testing of pantographs; - diagnosis and detection of faults; - actuators and control techniques; - acoustic and aerodynamic studies; - measurements and sensors. SIMPAC will consist of a collection of simulation modules which are relative, on the one hand, to different mechanisms and components of the PAC; and on the other hand, to physical phenomena linked to its
In addition to the modelling and simulation work, a test-rig has been designed and built, as represented in the following picture. Further work is under consideration to finalise SIMPAC, as well as the test-rig, in order to implement developed techniques; for instance, active control algorithms for regulation of the PAC Contact Force, such as: PID, LQR/LQG/LQI, LMI, Sliding mode, Neural and Fuzzy Control. For further information, interested readers can visit the project website (http:// and are invited to the PACIFIC International Conference which will take place in Amiens (France) on 8th December 2011 (
November 2011 |
48 Policies & Strategies
Romania focuses on the modernisation of Corridor IV [ by Elena Ilie ]
The current condition of the railway infrastructure, as well as current and future projects aimed at reviving the infrastructure and, implicitly, the freight and passenger railway transport, were the topic of intense discussions during the Railway Days 2011 Summit “Relocation of manufacturing facilities from West to East. Opportunities and challenges for railway transport development in the Wider Black Sea Area”, organised in Bucharest by Club Feroviar and the Romanian Railway Industry Association (AIF), on 4-5 October. Present at the Summit discussions, the Romanian Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Anca Boagiu and Mihai Corduneanu, Deputy executive Manager, European Projects Directorate, CFR SA, talked about the priority projects aimed at modernising the railway infrastructure in Romania, with a special focus on the pan-European Corridor IV.
herefore, 211 km of railways of the pan-European Corridor IV are finalized at the moment, namely Câmpina – Bucharest (92 km), Bucharest– Fundulea (35 km) and Bucharest North – Bucharest Băneasa and Feteşti – Constanţa (84 km) sections. Currently, 152 km of railways are in execution, works being estimated at EUR 542.2 Million on sections Predeal – Câmpina (48 km) and Fundulea – Feteşti (104 km). For 2011-2012 the authorities expect the initiation of modernisation works, following European standards andthe implementation of the ERTMS on different sections of Corridor IV, the 41-km long Curtici – Simeria section (Section 1 – Border – Curtici – km 641), for which the tender procedure of the project is already underway, the 68-km long Simeria – Coşlariu section, estimated at 69.2 km after modernisation and the 99-km long Coşlariu – Sighişoara section. Also, the projects to be launched include the rehabilitation of Danubian ports, Cernavodă – 1.584 m and Feteşti – 970 m. The launch of these projects is scheduled for next year and investments amount to EUR 1.9 Billion. It is important to say that for the following section Simeria – Coşlariu ( Vinţu de Jos-Simeria, Varianta Podul Mureş Coşlariu – Vinţu de Jos sections) and Coşlariu – Sighişoara (s Sighişoara - Aţel, Aţel – Micăsasa and Micăsasa – Varianta Podul Mureş Coşlariu sections), the companies submitted offers for tbidding execution works, the offers of the companies being analysed by CFR SA who will select the winners of the tenders and then works will be initiated under schedule. Three sections await the initiation of works on the same Northern Branch of Corridor IV, with feasibility studies to be revised or elaborated. These sections are Curtici – Simeria section (Section 2, km 614 – Gurasada, 102-km long and Section 3, Gurasada – Simeria, 42-km long), Sighişoara – Braşov section with a length of 130-km and Predeal – Braşov, 26.9-km. Works will be initiated on the three sections in 2014 and are due in | November 2011
2020. As for the Southern Branch of Corridor IV, CFR SA develops evaluation studies for the elaboration or finalization of feasibility studies. The execution of modernisation works will be carried out on three sections as follows: Section 1 Arad – Timişoara – Caransebeş, 155 km, Section 2 Craiova – Strehaia – Drobeta Turnu Severin – Caransebeş, 226 km and Section 3 Craiova – Calafat, 107 km. For now, financing for these three projects is not ensured and financing demands will be submitted within the SOP-T 2007-2013 or in the next programming period 2014-2020. The coming projects is good news for all railway transport players, from industry to operation. However, Anca Boagiu underlined the fact that additional and long-run efforts are necessary from the players involved to bring the railways to the optimal competitiveness standards. “I will not try to dissimulate that after a year of mandate, we still have a lot to discuss about. I have nothing to hide about the current situation of the railway infrastructure. The railways have been “the unwanted child” of transportation. However, railway transport began counting progress and the initiation of rail restructuring programmes has made positive signs visible, after amending the managers’ contracts which now include clear clauses on the level of arrears and budget incomes. CFR SA cut costs by 47%, while CFR Marfă by 65%, while the number of passengers carried by trains increased by 40% compared to last year. Figures show that we can still be optimistic”, declared the Romanian Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Anca Boagiu. “2007 was a crucial moment in railway transport after Romania’s accession to the EU in a complex system where railways plays an important role. But I cannot help but criticise the fact that, all these years, Romania has lost figures. More explicitly, if railway traffic in the EU has increased by 6% in this period, in Romania has dropped by 36%, while the infrastructure degradation was constant”, added Anca Boagiu. The Romanian Minister
of Transport also referred to the high-speed project in Romania, “a topic all are sceptical about”. “The pre-feasibility study is currently elaborated so that we could initiate the project. Romania’s economic potential is great and its geographical position permits the development of this railway line”, added the minister. “A priority of the Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure is intermodal transport, the integration of inland waterways routes in the railway transport, as well as the sea-railway connection. The actual integration of the railway system into the intermodal transport can be made only through investments and the EUR 2.3 Billion allocated to the railways through cohesion funds for the rail infrastructure development are to be contracted. I know how important is the fact that Romania benefits from a constant financing for investments and infrastructure development”, concluded Minister Anca Boagiu.
Румыния сосредоточена на модернизации IV-го транспортного коридора Нынешнее состояние железнодорожной инфраструктуры и проектов, проводимых в этом году, и направленных на оживление инфраструктуры и объёмов перевозок грузов и пассажиров, были основными темами интенсивных дебатов в рамках Саммита “Дни Железных дорог” 2011 г. В дебатах приняли участие Министр транспорта и инфраструктуры Анка Боаджиу и Михай Кордуняну, заместитель генерального директора Управления Европейскими проектами АО “ЧФР”. Они затронули тему приоритетных проектов, направленных на модернизацию железнодорожной инфраструктуры Румынии. Основные работы, конечно же, ведутся по IV-му Панъевропейскому транспортному коридору.
Products & Technologies 49
Modernisation of the 12 substations of Electrificare CFR to be finalized in 2012 [ by Elena Ilie ]
Alstom Transport upgrades 12 electric substations pertaining to Electrificare CFR. The agreement was signed on December 23, 2008 and expands on 2 years. The transaction worth EUR 20.6 Million also includes the delivery of video survey and control equipments, systems covering around 400 km of railways part of the pan-European Corridor IV.
he project consists in the pursuit of the modernisation process of the railway power network and of the existing fleet of railway machines enabling the reduction of maintenance costs, ensuring interoperability conditions, aligning to European standards in terms of railway infrastructure availability, the quality of railway transport and maintaining traffic safety. The projects developed by the jointventure including Alstom Transport (France) and Alstom Transport Romania implies the complete modernisation of the traction equipments on the southern branch of Corridor IV starting from Arad to Craiova and which totals 12 substations and the related sectioning and subsectioning points. The project financing is provided by a credit from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) granted to Electrificare CFR. Maintaining in exploitation to a minimum level of technical conditions the obsolete electrification installations with long-exceeded operation cycle can cause the perturbation of the railway traffic and can affect the traffic safety thus increasing the risks of potential accidents or railway Southern branch of Corridor IV
events. Works consist in the complete replacement of all electric equipments, including foundations and supports.
the area and their centralised operation for massive energy savings. All equipments used in the process have a low maintenance cycle thus triggering less operating costs.
The modernisation works will be carried out simultaneously in four substations to ensure the permanent and uninterrupted power supply of the overhead line and thus a continuous railway traffic. The modernisation process is developed using performing equipments that meet the current Romanian and European standards and which have been delivered by Romanian and foreign suppliers and certified by AFER. The substations include remote command and control equipments that permit their operation without the permanent presence of the human factor.
At the moment, the first four substations are finalized and charged starting with the 15th of November and then the beneficiary, Electrificare CFR, will carry out the final reception. The modernisation of a new 4-substation lot will be then launched, all the 12 above-mentioned substations being due in 2012.
These equipments, as Alstom Transport Romania’s representative reveals, permit the interconnection of all traction substations with the power dispatch office in
Модернизация 12 подстанций, принадлежащих “Электрификаре ЧФР” завершится в 2012 году Компания “Альстом транспорт” модернизирует 12 электроподстанций, принадлежащих “Электрификаре ЧФР”. Соглашение было подписано 23 декабря 2008 г. сроком действия 2 года. Сделка насчитывает 20,6 миллионов евро и включает также поставку оборудования для видеонаблюдения и контрольных приборов. Данные системы покрывают около 400 километров железнодорожной сети, относящейся к IV Панъевропейскому транспортному коридору. November 2011 |
50 Policies & Strategies
More transparency in implementing TAC
(Figure 5). This has also resulted in an increased share of maintenance in total inland infrastructure expenditure (Figure 6). In CEECs, the volume of maintenance has not increased quite as rapidly as[ by investment Elena Ilieand ] hence the share of maintenance on total expenditure fell from over 45% in 1995 to less than 30% in 2008. The increase in maintenance in 2006 and 2007 were contributed by increased road maintenance in Hungary the track access varies lot2008 between member and theprevious charge declining levels. during these years.charge However, data afor seems to indicate states a return to the
The context for recalculating should be taken into account only after reviewing several aspects, especially state infrastructure financing volume of maintenance in the United States has grown slightly slower and compensation for meeting The public service obligations (whose absence in some member states has than the volume of investment. Both trends show decline in recent years. Similarly, in Japan overall budget cuts have a major effect on the financial situation of railway operators). This is thelevels, opinion of declining the Community of affected both investment and maintenance both strongly during the period 19992007. Companies (CER) expressed in a position document. European Railway and Infrastructure Figure 4. Trends in maintenance in inland transport infrastructure (1995=100)
Trends in maintenance in inland 2005 transport infrastructure (1995=100) at constant prices In a single European market, equal at constant 2005 prices business conditions are necessary for all competitors. Currently, the railways in Eastern and Central Europe are not capable to compete with the new entrants because they lack investments. The Commission should be more careful with this aspect and force these countries to provide appropriate financing to national state-owned railway companies”, pointed out Johannes Ludewig, the Executive Director of CER. The association agrees with the fact that the lack of harmonisation troubles the competition between railway undertakings as it affects their capacity to compete outside the country. However, CER doubts that it will be possible to international harmonise the TAC through the proposed measure considering that different member states have different Source: Trafikverket contributions for railway infrastructure. Source: International Transport Forum, Investment in Transport Infrastructure. Indeed, the absence of financial support from some member states will not only affect of the track access charge on the long-run, Consequently, CER recommends that the the TAC level in a year, but has a dynamic ef- a major uncertainty about future costs will EU guidelines should establish the minimum fect as the absence of investments implies an arise among railway operators. Consequen- period when track access charges should be increase of operation costs in time. Briefly, tly, it is difficult to establish the return of established. This period should be of at least without the harmonisation of the state fi- investments in rolling stock which has a life- three years and it should logically be the same nancial support, it will be impossible to have cycle of 30 years or more and this obstructs for any multi-annual contract signed by the a major impact in the harmonisation of the railway transport development. Moreover, infrastructure manager and the state. Whereas Western European countries have increasingly rail, Central TAC. Diversity is what currently prevents eachdirected membertheir stateinvestment relies on itstoward own method and Eastern European of countries are services investingbe-heavily in roads. While this trend was the development international of calculation for determining theirnoted own in our previous surveys, the last two years (2007 and 2008) seem to indicate a turn in the trend, cause the different parameters are used to set variables (for example tonnage, vehicles,with an Необходимо больше increase the level modal share of countries rail investment This the number second consecutive theinTAC in different and thisin 2008. number of isseats, of passengersyear car- with a significant increase. Rail investment, as a share of total investment in inland transport infrastructure, прозрачности в is the reason why the authorities don’t make ried), which could change from one year to reached 17% in 2007 and over 18% in 2008. The share had constantly fallen from over 35% at the end применении of Налога the best of decisions in cross-boarding activi- another. This leads to unpredictable levels of the 1990s to only 13% in 2006. While the volume of road investment has continued to grow strongly, на использование ties. charges and causes the lack of transparency the change in trend can be traced to the even stronger growth, in real terms, in the volume of rail Without anticipating the calculation level of charging mechanisms. инфраструктуры investment in 2007 and 2008 – especially in Hungary, Poland and Romania. of of infrastructure investment between modes, selected yearsyears Figure 3.Distribution Distribution infrastructure investment between modes, selected Euros,current currentprices pricesand andexchange exchangerates rates Euros, Western European countries 100%
Central and Eastern European countries 1.8
90% 80%
100% 90%
1.8 14.5
2.3 17.9
IWW Rail Road 84.4
0% 1995
Source: Trafikverket
Source: International Transport Forum, Investment in Transport Infrastructure. | November 2011
Контекст для проведения перерасчётов налога на использование инфраструктуры существенно варьирует в разных государствах-членах ЕС. Этот налог не должен рассматриваться без учёта некоторых аспектов - речь идёт особенно о финансировании инфраструктуры государством и о предоставлении компенсации для выполнения обязательств по общественному обслуживанию (их отсутствие в некоторых государствах-членах ЕС существенно сказывается на финансовом положении железнодорожных операторов). Таково мнение Сообщества Европейских компаний железных дорог и инфраструктуры (CER), и оно его выразило в опубликованном концепционном документе.
Products & Technologies 51
Modern overhead line plays crucial role in reducing infrastructure construction costs
[ by Teodor Turcu ]
Sicat is the name for Siemens’ family of standards for overhead line systems dedicated to direct current and alternative current railway networks. These systems are tested for exploitation at maximum speeds between 80 km/h and 400 km/h. Sicat SA Interaction pantograph – contact wire Uplift
Interaction pantograph – contact wire tandard variants are selected according to the intended purpose of the railway section. One of this standards is Sicat SA (Sicat Standard AC), designed in conformity with applicable interoperability requirements under the TSIs for 15-25 kV networks and for speeds of up to 230 km/h. So far, the system was installed in Hungary, Great Britain and Germany. Siemens’ new-generation innovation for overhead lines is the Sicat XS system. The benefits of this system consist in reducing the costs of the materials and equipments Source: Siemens AG used in the construction of the catenary (all values for one pantograph) system, as well as maintenance costs. An The Sicat XS was implemented in Hungaimportant advantage is the reduction of the tions per km of catenary. These innovating different spare parts used in the construc- solutions rely on the use of highly resistant ry within a pilot project on a 4-km section tion of the overhead line. Larger tension ropes, lighter catenaries to just 13.4 N/m part of the Bajánsenye-Boba project. lengths and, consequently increasing the and the tandem configuration of the zig-zag © Siemens AG – for internal use only 12 wire and Oct-11 distance between anchor masts, permits Page contact of the catenary aimed at significant savings with catenary anchor- reducing the wind force”, declared Cătălin ing supports on a specific length of the Pitigoi, Head of Business Railway ElectrifiКатенарная система, overhead lines: savings with anchor masts, cation, Siemens Romania. используемая компанией foundations and brackets. “The necessary Another principle aimed at reducing costs Сименс под названием SiSicat SA in – the Contact line for standard speed of 14 masts conventional system for a is selecting alternative, cost-saving matericat right line can be reduced to only 10 masts/ als, such as smaller cross-cut materials. This Index brackets with the Sicat XS. Thus, it helps principle is turned into account by Sicat Сименс внедряет новую систему save costs with 4 masts/brackets/founda- XS by using small diameter contact wires контактной линии, сертифицированную which helps reduce the volume of copper в соответствии с техническими and the weigh of the catenary. The copperIndex спецификациями совместимости magnesium combination increases the wear Катенарная система, используемая resistance compared to the classic copper Overview компанией Сименс под названием Sicat wire and increases the mechanic tension re(Siemens Catenary System) рассчитана sistance Dataup to 15 kN, thus reducing wear by и для сетей постоянного, и для сетей around 30%. Steel core cable can be used as Interaction pantograph-contact wire переменного тока, для скоростей от 80 до alternative to the copper-magnesium wires, they Quality 400 километров в час. Её преимущество as are highly resistant corrosion. заключается в сокращении затрат на design and installation of the system The References материалы и оборудование, а также затрат is precise and simple. It takes less time per на обслуживание, поскольку большое km to install the masts and brackets which расстояние между опорами, например, means less maintenance costs and less necпредполагает меньшее количество essary elements. Moreover, the height of закладываемых фундаментов, меньшее this system is reduced compared to the traколичество опор, меньше консолей ditional system to 1.40 m compared to 1.80 и меньше потраченного времени на m, thus saving more costs with materials. установку опор и консолей на один The installation and maintenance require километр. simple vehicles and tools. © Siemens AG – for internal use only
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November 2011 |
52 Policies & Strategies
Competition is useful, but in fair conditions for the railways [ by Elena Ilie ]
“One of the major and immediate objectives of the European Commission is the recast of the First Railway Package, which brings nothing new but clarifies the current implementation norms in the European Union’s member states, because, as already known, ten years after the implementation of the First Railway Package, its alignment to national legislations has not been completed, which led to the introduction of infringement procedures for many of the EU states”, pointed out Frank Jost, Strategy Director, Directorate General for Mobility and Transport, EU Commission, during the Railway Days 2011 Summit – “Relocation of manufacturing facilities from West to East. Opportunities and challenges for railway transport development in the Wider Black Sea Area”, organised in Bucharest by Club Feroviar and the Romanian Railway Industry Association (AIF), on 4-5 October.
he Strategy Director of DG MOVE made a short presentation of the major proposals included in the recast of the First Railway Package so that the financing and charging methods would hold an important position as they are defined by developing a financial architecture to stimulate railway infrastructure investments, detailing existing charging norms and the approval of more intelligent charging schemes. Currently, the recast of the First Railway Package awaits the European Parliament’s final vote. Another objective on the agenda of the recast of the First Railway Package is the competition policy. The DG MOVE representative believes that it was necessary to improve the transparency of the railway market, the railway operators’ access to rail-related services, but also eliminating potential interest conflicts and
discriminating the railway infrastructure access. The third goal is the inappropriate supervision of rail regulations by national authorities, more precisely the competences of regulating bodies. In some EU member states, transport ministries are responsible for these bodies and they also own and control state operators, which clearly generates a conflict of interest. As for the funds available for infrastructure to be introduced in the next financial period, 2014-2020, Frank Jost said that “the European Commission demanded EUR 50 Billion, but I cannot say what amount we will receive”. Referring to the current situation of Romanian state-owned railway companies, Frank Jost underlined that “CFR SA, CFR Marfă and CFR Călători have historic debts and most of them are accumulated
Passenger-Kilometres (billions) E urope * Afric a Ame ric a As ia a nd Oc e a nia W OR L D e s tim a te s
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 % 642,1 642,6 659,7 624,1 626,2 0,3% 20,7 20,8 21,2 62,2 62,3 0,2% 12,8 13,3 14,0 13,5 12,0 -11,7% 1 646,0 1 788,6 1 950,9 2 012,0 1 937,1 -3,7% 2 321,6 2 465,3 2645,8 2 711,9 2 637,6 -2,7%
Tonne-Kilometres (billions) E urope * Afric a Ame ric a As ia a nd Oc e a nia W OR L D e s tim a te s
2006 2 646,6 138,4 3 519,5 2 872,6 9 177,1
Source: UIC | November 2011
2007 2 813,6 135,4 3 540,2 3 095,9 9 585,1
2008 3 103,0 134,6 3 513,8 3 452,7 10 204,1
2009 2 411,4 137,1 2 973,2 3 466,2 8 987,9
2010 2 454,4 139,2 3 076,1 3 435,6 9 105,4
% 1,8% 1,6% 3,5% -0,9% 1,3%
before the liberalization of the market, so, from the start, they have a disadvantage against private, national or international companies. The International Monetary Fund, competed bodies and the government should reduce these debts so that the companies could be more competitive in the liberalised market”. The DG MOVE representative explained that for a better cooperation in cross-border transport, private companies communicate with one another, a fact not very common among Romanian state-owned companies. “I suggest you take the example of private companies in what concerns the railway competence and implement it in Romania as well”, said Frank Jost.
Соревнование полезно, но лишь в условиях справедливости в том числе для железных дорог „Одна из основных и первоочередных задач Европейской комиссии - это пересмотр Первого Железнодорожного пакета. Речь идёт не обязательно о внесении чего-то нового, а скорее о пояснении нормативов его применения в странахчленах ЕС, поскольку десять лет спустя после его вступления в силу, к нему соответствующим образом ещё не приспособлены национальные законодательства, а это привело лишь к применению санкций в отношении многих государств-членов ЕС”, уточнил Франк Джост, Директор по стратегии DG MOVE, в рамках Саммита “Дни Железных дорог - 2011 г.”.
Policies & Strategies
“We want to have an interoperable network in order to attract different EU operators”
[ by Pamela Luică ]
A year after announcing the initiation of the railway market liberalisation process, Kosovo Railways was split into two companies, the railway infrastructure manager and the company responsible with freight and passenger transport activities. In the coming years, the authorities plan to develop the railway system in Kosovo by implementing infrastructure projetcs that would integrate Kosovo’s network into the European railway system. They also plan to develop the multimodal transport system in the country. As for the modernisation of Corridor X, the company is considering several options: modernisation of the existing infrastructure (estimated at EUR 174 Million) and the construction of two parallel lines (EUR 513 Million). Xhevat Ramosaj, CEO of INFRAKOS (Infrastructure of Kosovo Railways JSC) talks about the implementation of projects and the development strategy of the transport sector in Kosovo.
Railway Pro: From September 2011, Kosovo Railways JSC is separated into two new companies. How does this influence the development of the railway system in Kosovo and the activities of newcomers? Does this mean that the liberalisation is on the right track?
Railway Pro: In November 2010, the European Commission supported the feasibility study for modernisation of the Railway Corridor X. What is the next step in the implementation of this project taking into account that there are more options?
Xhevat Ramosaj: From 1 September, Kosovo Railways JSC is separated into two new companies: Infrastructure of Kosovo Railways JSC – INFRAKOS and Train operations of Kosovo Railways JSC – TRAINKOS. This process has started a year ago and it was not easy because of the many agreements and different issues related to the separation. Since we are just at the beginning, I hope that this separation will speed up the development of the infrastructure and transport, but what is more important is that this process will make possible the liberalisation of the railway market and will open Kosovo infrastructure for other railway undertakings.
Xhevat Ramosaj: In November 2010, the feasibility study for modernisation of the Railway Route 10 was completed. There are three options for this route which require different amounts of investment. We planned to go with the option consisting in the modernisation of this line in order to achieve the projected speed, and this requests around EUR 174 Million which we don’t have now. The state is looking to find a solution to implement this project in phases and there are some contacts with different financial institutions in order to find needed investments. Therefore two parallel lines are prepared for the future which should be executed if other regional railways do the same. We have these options because of the financial situation. The modernisation of the existing lines is feasible, while parallel lines are not feasible in this stage and nobody will see any interest to invest in them. The state is opened for different investors and PPPs too.
Railway Pro: At the Railway Days Summit 2011 held in Bucharest, you said that the state is drafting a strategy for multi-modal transport development. Does this mean that the state has a real method for improving the logistics performance? How will the rail sector benefit from this strategy? Xhevat Ramosaj: Yes, the state is drafting a Multi Modal Development strategy for Kosovo, and part of this strategy refers to the railway sector. It is very important to mention that this strategy includes the Action Plan for railways based on which an investment programme until 2035 is foreseen. If the government approves this strategy, the railway sector will benefit very much because there are many projects which are waiting for financial support. We hope that the state will find solutions for railway sector investments through its budget and different IFIs.
Railway Pro: What is Kosovo Railways’ strategy for having an interoperable network opened to European companies? Xhevat Ramosaj: Our main line which connects Kosovo with Europe is Railway Route 10 and we are very much interested in developing this line. However, the construction of the railway line connecting Albania and Kosovo is very important in order to connect Railway Corridor VIII with Railway Corridor X. This is the future project which we consider important not only for Kosovo but also for regional countries. As I said before, by developing our railway lines (especially Railway Route 10), we think
to make an interoperable network in order to attract different EU operators to transport through our network. We have created all needed legislation for the opening of the railway market. We are very much interested to develop rail freight transport, as well as passenger transport, but in this stage of political and economic situation, it is very hard to make things move. However, we are ready and we are doing our best in order to increase the freight volumes in railway transport.
,,Желаем иметь интероперабельную сеть для привлечения европейских железнодорожных перевозчиков.” Спустя год после объявления о запуске процесса либерализации железнодорожной отрасли в Косово, Компания Железных Дорог была разделена на две компании. В последующие годы, власти намереваются развивать железнодорожную систему в Косово, внедряя инфраструктурные проекты, которые интегрировали бы сеть на европейском уровне, а также планируется осуществление развития транспортной мультимодальной системы. В том что касается модернизации 10–го коридора, компания учитывает несколько вариантов: модернизация существующей инфраструктуры (размер стоимости которой 174 млн. евро) и строительство двух параллельных путей (размер стоимости которых 513 млн. евро). О внедрении проектов и стратегии развития транспортного сектора в Косово велась беседа с Джевадом Рамосай, Генеральным директором ИНФРАКОС (Infrastructure of Kosovo Railways JSC). November 2011 |
StatisticS 54Infrastructure
investments: where, how much and how? Road vs Rail in Western Balkans The Voice of European Railways
Road investments dominate over rail investments in Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. (Percentages are calculated as ratio of total rail+road infrastructure budget) Source: ITF.
Infrastructure investments: where, how much and 4 how? October 2011 8 Road vs. Rail in BG, PL, RO 1992 - 2009
CER The Voice of European Railways
BG Road infrastructure investments (in EUR Ml) dominate over investment in rail infrastructure in all countries in Central and South Eastern European Regions. Source: ITF.
4 October 2011 | November 2011
Infrastructure investments: where, how much and how? Road vs. Rail in SK, HU, CZ 1992 - 2009
StatisticS 55
The Voice of European Railways
SK Road infrastructure investments (in EUR Ml) dominate over investment in rail infrastructure in all countries in Central and South Eastern European Regions. Source: ITF.
Infrastructure investments: where, how much and 4 how? October 2011 Road vs. Rail - TEN-T spending 122007 - 2013
CER The Voice of European Railways
Total TEN-T + Cohesion Policy contribution per mode 2007 - 2013 (Bl euros)
Source: EC â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Fifth report on economic, social and regional cohesion, 2010.
4 October 2011
November 2011 |
56 Policies & Strategies
Noise-differentiated track access charge could affect the railway market stability [ by Pamela Luică ]
To reduce the noise level generated by freight wagons, EC has initially reached the conclusion that equipping coaches with silent braking systems has proved the most efficient method. But due to competitiveness, companies which activate on the freight transport market have not enough resources or stimulus to finance the financing of the rolling stock fleet. Consequently, EC favours an European approach using a noise-differentiated track access charge.
Preconditions for the Implementation and Harmonisation of Noise-Differentiated Track Access Charges KCW | Steer Davies Gleave | TU Berlin
Fleet Evolution for Central Case Scenario (Retrofitting Rate at 60,000/year)
ccording to the final report “Analyses sumed to benefit those railway companies of preconditions for the implementa- mainly operating long and frequent running tion and harmonization of noise-dif- services, for example container shuttles, comferentiated track access charges”, the analysis pared to those railway companies with a wider of the intermodal competition showed that an range of services and a higher proportion of incentive system would make rail freight more less frequent and shorter services. However, expensive. This raises the risk of intermodal in respect to the specific market segments and shift away from rail. A pure bonus-system the intramodal competition the noise-differcould have positive effects whereas then the entiated track access charge seems to have the financing of the system needs to be examined. same effect for all players. The general concern of stakeholders is that However, in respect to intramodal competinoise-differentiated track access charge could tion an increase of costs due to the noise-diflead to higher prices for rail freight and there- ferentiated track access charge could be seen Source: KCW/ SDG/ TUB fore weaken the sector. as a threat for smaller railway companies or Consequently, the main risk of the noise- new entrants with a weaker commercial basis. differentiated track access charge for all types Larger railway companies, such as incumДифференцированный of railway companies is the possibility of de- bents, especially state-owned railway compaналог на доступ к ample of a wagon with a high utilisation is a container wagon on a medium-distance - 700km - shuttle creasing margins if the costs for rail transport nies are more likely able to absorb losses or operation, which can reach up to 250,000 km/year. On the other hand a typical example of a wagon железным дорогам в which is not highly utilised is a wagon for the transportation of long steel profiles or rail which covers increase. As a consequence, there is a potential reduced margins temporarily due to their fi10,000km/year or less. Within this range any distance value is possible and depends on the owner, the зависимости от шума type of traffic, the production system, the repositioning of trips, etc. risk for modal shift if railway companies are nancial stability, their ownership structure and As a result of consultation held with stakeholders, the following bands have been chosen as reasonable может затронуть forced to raise their prices due to higher costs their wider range of business. This means that model inputs. while other modes of transport are not treated such railway companies could benefit from a стабильность in the same way. This is particularly of concern situationMileage in Band which smaller or private railway % of total Fleet железнодорожного рынка for railway companies which offer services at companies are forced to raise their prices due the so-called “last mile” which usually are in to burdens of noise-differentiated track acДля снижения уровня шума товарных highest danger of substitution by road in case cess charges while stronger players keep their вагонов, изначально Европейская комиссия of a worsen cost-benefit relationship. price level stable to gain market shares. Thus, пришла к выводу о том, что оснащение This results in an average yearly mileage of 60,000km. This value is used for further calculations. I The significant difference between total costs and operational costs for K-block retrofitting Any track chargenoise-differentiated schemes must be drafted вагонов бесшумными системами торможения (causednoise-differentiated by the relatively high upfront costs) as opposedaccess to costs associated with retrofitting Treatment of New Wagons and Silent Wagons wagons with LL-blocks which are highly dependent on operational performance (indicated by the - наиболее эффективный метод.Однако, bonus related to mileage also be as- to attain noise protection goals whilst in the relatively small difference between operational andcould absolute costs for LL-blocks). Although new wagons procured in 2007 or later and already ‘silent’ wagons – retrofitted or having silent brake systems already – do not need to be modernised again for noise purposes, it seems adequate to ввиду развития конкурентоспособности, Please note that all numbers shown in figure 18 are calculated based on the ‘recommended’ upfront same time negative impacts on the rail freight values given in table 14, the vehicle mileage related derived in the above section and fleet compocompensate owners of such wagons in order not to discriminate industry stakeholders and include such Retrofitting Costs percosts Wagon Dependent sition characteristics. wagons in the incentive system in the same manner as future retrofitted ones. A new wagon, replacing компании, действующие на рынке товарных market are avoided. an old one, is an equivalent contribution to noise reduction as the retrofitting of an old one with silent on Remaining Lifetime and Brake Type Figure 22: Fleet Evolution for Central Case Scenario (Retrofitting Rate at 60,000/year) 700000 600000
No. of Wagons
500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0
Fleet Size
Retrofitted Wagons
New Wagons
Silent Wagons
Noisy Wagons
Source: KCW/ SDG/ TUB
Figure 23: Fleet Evolution for Low Case Scenario (Retrofitting Rate at 30,000/year)
Preconditions for the Implementation and Harmonisation of Noise-Differentiated Track Access Charges KCW | Steer Davies Gleave | TU Berlin
700000 600000
No. of Wagons
500000 400000 300000 200000
Table 18: Average Annual Mileage Band European Freight Wagons
100000 0
Preconditions for the Implementation and Harmonisation of Noise-Differentiated Track Access Charges KCW | Steer Davies Gleave | TU Berlin
0-40,000 km/a
40,000-90,000 km/a
> 90,000 km/a
Costs [¼]
New and Silent Wagons Evolution Europe
16,035 ¼
Figure 21: New and Silent Wagons Evolution Europe
12,956 ¼
No. of Wagons
11,479 ¼
12,000 9,235 ¼
9,409 ¼
10,794 ¼
9,878 ¼ 6,273 ¼
8,000 6,156 ¼
4,767 ¼ 7,658 ¼
3,078 ¼
6,152 ¼
3,136 ¼ 4,521 ¼
4,679 ¼
300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000
0 Young wagon (30 years remaining life)
Medium-aged wagon (20 years remaining life)
Old wagon (10 years remaining life)
TOTAL FLEET (averaged wagon)
K-Block Operating Costs
K-Block: Total Retrofitting Costs / Wagon
LL-Block Operating Costs
LL-Block: Total Retrofitting Costs / Wagon
Source: KCW/ SDG/ TUB
Source: KCW/ SDG/ TUB
50,000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Source: KCW/ SDG/ TUB Source: KCW/ SDG/ TUB | November 2011
Administrative Costs of the Charging System
All stakeholders have to bear administrative costs for gathering, processing and organising the necessary information to submit a declaration that enables them to receive the bonus from the IM. The transfer of the bonus to the WK involves also administrative costs. This includes – as discussed in chapter
Fleet Size
brake blocks. With the assumption of 20,000 new wagons per year and 10,000 silent units at the beginning in 2007, the following graph is generated.
Retrofitted Wagons
New Wagons
Silent Wagons
Noisy Wagons
Source: KCW/ SDG/ TUB
Source: KCW/ SDG/ TUB
Figure 18: Retrofitting Costs per Wagon Dependent on Remaining Lifetime and Brake Type
перевозок, не имеют достаточных ресурсов или стимулов для финансирования оснащения своего парка подвижного состава.Следовательно, Европейская комиссия способствует координированному подходу на европейском уровне с помощью введения дифференцированного налога на доступ к железным дорогам в зависимости от производимого шума.Схемы дифференцированного налога необходимо разработать таким способом, чтобы они способствовали снижению уровня шума при одновременном избежании отрицательных последствий.
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