TheLi ve& Work Townhouse Objecti ve ng thatcombi nesali vi ng spaceforaf ami l y, Theobjecti vewasto createadwelli wi th adedi cated workspace.Theeffi ci entuseofspacei sextremel yi mport anti n thi sproject,i n orderto maxi mi setheameni ti esand juxt aposedi fferentspacesi na comfort ablemanner.Atgrade,thetownhousecompri sesalargeworkspace–the t attoo salon –whi ch consi stsofawai ti ng area,backroom,and acli entwashroom. Anotheruni quefeatureofthehousei stherooftop,whi ch wasdesi gned asapai nter’ sstudi o and agarden. A lotofattenti on waspai d to li ghti ng and venti lati on,so thespacesarepri mari l y veryopen,often wi th onl yfrosted glassparti ti on wallsseparati ng them ( 2nd Floor) .Li ghti sableto travelthrough thebui ldi ng hori zont all y,through theopen spaces,aswellasverti call ythrough an i nteri orcourtyard thati sopen to thesky and endsallthewaydown i n thebasement.
I nteri orVi ew upon Entrance
Longi tudi naland TransversalSecti ons1: 100
Li ghtPathsthrough thebui ldi ng
Entranceto Salon
Plans1: 100
Ground Floor-Tattoo Salon
Plans1: 100
2nd Floor-Li vi ng Room & Ki tchen
3rd Floor-Bedrooms
4th Floor-Studi o and Pati o
TheAl tmejd Museum
EastElevati on
Longi tudi nalSecti on
Thi sobjecti vewasto desi gn amuseum thatwould houseworksofDavi d Al tmejd –theCanadi an sculptor.I n hi sartwork,Davi d Al tmejd often di splaystheconceptofmergi ng dream wi th reali ty.Based of thi si dea,Idesi gned abui ldi ng wheretheexhi bi ti on spacerepresentstheprogressi on from an everydayworld i nto adream oreven ani ghtmare.Exhi bi ti on spaceswi th Al tmejd’ sworkswi llstarton top floor–vi si torswould belead downstai rsthrough exhi bi ti on spacesthatform aconti nuouspath through thebui ldi ng,so theexperi enceofhi sworksi sgradualand uni nterrupted. Theexteri orofthebui ldi ng reflectsAl tmejd’ sapproach to someofhi sgeometri cal,archi tectural sculptures:thesenseofli ghtness,contrast,mul tilayeri ng,deconstructi on and theuseofglass.I n theexteri ordesi gn ofthebui ldi ng theconcreteenvelopei senclosed i n glassand aseri esofmulli onsthatparti all yenclosethemuseum,maki ng i tlookli ghtand mysteri ous.
4th Floor
I nteri orVi ew ofthegalleryspace-Davi d Al tmejd’ ssculptureson di splay
5th Floor
3rd Floor
2nd Floor
Ground Floor
I nteri orVi ew ofthegalleryspace-Davi d Al tmejd’ ssculptureson di splay
Art Work
Still Life Pencil, 24x36�
Life Drawing Pencil, 24x36�
Landscape: St. Nicole’s Church (St. Petersburg) Watercolour 11”x17”
Still Life Acrylic, 24”x36”
Abstract Piano Pedals Acrylic, 11”x11”
Abstract Stairs Acrylic, 24”x36”
Clay Sculpture “The Three Graces”
The End