Sonobliss Reviews: Is It Legit? Effective Supplement Ingredients? Sonobliss is a dietary supplement that uses highly-concentrated African mango extract to relieve tinnitus. By taking 30 drops of Sonobliss daily, you can purportedly stop the ringing in your ears, solve other ear problems, and support overall ear health. Does Sonobliss really help tinnitus? How does Sonobliss work? Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about Sonobliss.
What is Sonobliss? Sonobliss is an ear health supplement sold exclusively online through Sonobliss.. The supplement uses natural ingredients to relieve tinnitus and other ear problems. Each serving of Sonobliss contains African mango extract, amino acids, B vitamins, and other herbal and plant extracts. These ingredients are designed to support ear health, helping to stop the ringing in your ears associated with tinnitus. According to the official website, many people have enjoyed rapid relief from tinnitus symptoms after taking Sonobliss. Sonobliss is exclusively available online through Sonobliss., where it’s priced at around $69 per bottle and backed by a 60 day moneyback guarantee.
How Does Sonobliss Work? Sonobliss comes in the form of a highly-concentrated liquid-based formula. You take 10 drops of Sonobliss 3 times daily, holding the drops under your tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing. This sublingual (under the tongue) delivery method lets you absorb the maximum amount of ingredients from each serving of Sonobliss. Like other concentrated liquid tinctures, Sonobliss uses the sensitive area under your tongue to reach your bloodstream as quickly as possible, helping you enjoy rapid relief from tinnitus and other ear problems. Each serving of Sonobliss contains natural ingredients to provide reliable results. Sonobliss uses African mango extract, L-ornithine, L-carnitine, L-arginine, L-glutamine, maca, niacin, pygeum Africanum, beta alanine, rhodiola rosea, and astragalus to create its formula. By combining these ingredients with a water and alcohol base, the makers of Sonobliss created an effective ear health supporting formula.
How Tinnitus Works To understand how Sonobliss works, it helps to understand what tinnitus is and how it works. Here are some of the key facts about tinnitus: Tinnitus is not a single condition. It’s a symptom of an underlying condition, like a nervous system
disorder, hearing loss, or physical injury to the ear. Although there’s no cure for tinnitus, it is treatable (similar to diabetes). At least 50% of people with ringing in their ears don’t have measurable hearing loss. 50 million Americans have some level of tinnitus, including 16 million Americans with severe tinnitus requiring treatment and 2 million with severely debilitating tinnitus that prevents them from functioning day to day To most people, tinnitus sounds like a high-pitched ringing in the ears; however, it can also sound like a whirring or whooshing sound in your ears, among other noises. We know how tinnitus works: in all cases, tinnitus involves the auditory cortex of your brain. This is the part of the brain responsible for hearing. Tinnitus occurs when some neural circuits no longer receive signals, leading to issues with hearing.
Causes of Tinnitus • Common causes of tinnitus include: • Age-related hearing loss • Stress • Exposure to loud noises causing physical injury to the ear • Certain disorders, illnesses, and medical conditions • Buildup of earwax • Ototoxic drugs Although these are common causes, many people develop tinnitus with no known cause. For millions of tinnitus sufferers, they have no idea where their tinnitus comes from – they just know they need relief.
What Does Sonobliss Do? To understand how Sonobliss works, it helps to break down its ingredients into separate categories. The biggest ingredient in Sonobliss is African mango extract, followed by amino acids and herbal extracts. Together, these three ingredient categories can purportedly relieve tinnitus, stop the ringing in your ears, and support overall ear health. Here’s how each type of ingredient in Sonobliss works: African Mango Extract: The first listed ingredient in Sonobliss is African mango extract. Although the manufacturer does not disclose individual dosages in its proprietary formula, the manufacturer lists African mango extract as the first ingredient, which indicates there’s more African mango extract than any other ingredient in Sonobliss. African mango extract is typically found in diet pills for its purported weight loss benefits. As far as we know, Sonobliss is the first dietary supplement to use African mango
extract to support ear health and stop tinnitus. Amino Acids: Sonobliss contains five amino acids, including L-ornithine, L-carnitine, L-arginine, beta alanine, and L-glutamine. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and your body requires amino acids for numerous crucial functions. Typically, we don’t see amino acids in ear health supplements. However, the fluids of your inner ear contain amino acids. By taking the amino acids in Sonobliss orally, you may be able to support amino acid profiles in your inner ear fluids and cerebrospinal fluids. Beta alanine is particularly popular as a preworkout supplement because it supports blood flow. If your ear health issues are linked to blood flow, then the beta alanine and other amino acids in Sonobliss may help. Niacin: Sonobliss contains niacin, a B vitamin found in many types of supplements. Niacin is often found in energy boosting supplements and weight loss formulas, as it’s been shown to support physical and cognitive energy throughout the day. Your body needs niacin and other B vitamins for overall energy. However, niacin has also been used as a traditional remedy for tinnitus for decades with various successes. Researchers believe that niacin helps with muscle relaxation while increasing blood flow to tiny blood vessels supplying the inner ear. If you take niacin in a high enough dose, you’ll blush – also known as the niacin flush. Some people experience relief from tinnitus by taking a niacin supplement on its own. In Sonobliss, niacin is one of 11 active ingredients. Herbal and Plant Extracts: Sonobliss contains two herbal and plant extracts, including maca and Pygeum Africanum. Maca is a root native to South America typically found in sexual health supplements. In Sonobliss, maca may support blood flow, helping support your ear health. Pygeum Africanum, meanwhile, is a bark extract typically found in prostate supplements. In fact, it’s one of the world’s most popular natural remedies for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPA). In Sonobliss, the Pygeum Africanum may support blood flow to help with ear health. Adaptogens: Sonobliss rounds out its formula with two adaptogens, including rhodiola rosea and astragalus. These two plant extracts have been used for centuries to support healthy stress response. Rhodiola rosea is particularly popular in traditional Indian (Ayurvedic) medicine, for example, which it’s used to support health and wellness. Together, these ingredients support ear health and stop the ringing, whirring, and whooshing in your ears associated with tinnitus, according to the manufacturer.
How to Use Sonobliss It’s easy to use Sonobliss. Here’s how the manufacturer recommends taking Sonobliss for tinnitus and ear health: • Take 10 drops, 3 times per day, or as directed by a health care professional • Hold drops under your tongue for 30 seconds, then swallow
• Sonobliss is exclusively designed for use in adults over the age of 18.
Scientific Evidence for Sonobliss As proof Sonobliss works as advertised, the makers of Sonobliss cite a dozen studies on the Sonobliss references pages. Samuel Harris, the creator of Sonobliss, also developed the formula based on his 15 years of experience as an ear-nose-throat researcher, which suggests Sonobliss was developed based on some medical or scientific expertise (although Samuel is not a doctor, nor does he claim to be). Can African mango extract and amino acids really stop tinnitus instantly? Can you really support overall ear health with a mix of natural ingredients? We’ll review the science below. The biggest ingredient in Sonobliss is African mango extract. African mango extract comes from the seed of the African mango fruit. You can find dedicated African mango extract supplements with a 4:1 concentration for weight loss. Many of the world’s most popular diet pills use African mango extract to suppress appetite, block fat formation, and help you lose weight in multiple ways. However, we can find no evidence that Sonobliss stops tinnitus, relieves the ringing in your ears, or supports ear health. The makers of Sonobliss do not cite any studies proving African mango extract helps with tinnitus. The second largest ingredients in Sonobliss are amino acids. Sonobliss contains five amino acids. Typically found in blood flow, preworkout, and bodybuilding supplements, amino acids are building blocks of protein. Your body needs protein for more than just muscles, however. In this study, researchers examined amino acid profiles in inner ear fluids. The fluids of your inner ear are crucial for balance and overall cognition. Researchers found 19 amino acids at varying concentrations within your inner ear. Other studies have validated the use of amino acids for ear health. Evidence shows that arginine, an essential amino acid and one of the five amino acids in Sonobliss, may protect against sensorineural hearing loss, which is one of the most common types of hearing loss. That study found a small number of amino acids play “a critical role” in converting sound waves to nerve signals. If you’re not getting enough amino acids from your diet, then an amino acid supplement may be able to help. Meanwhile, as researchers from Harvard found in 2010, the structure of inner ear protein is key to both hearing and inherited deafness. Niacin is another proven ingredient in Sonobliss. In fact, niacin is one of the most popular nutritional supplement ingredients for tinnitus and hearing loss. As the Mayo Clinic explains, niacin (also known as vitamin B3) is made and used by your body to turn food into energy. It keeps your nervous system, digestive system, and skin healthy. You can find plenty of anecdotal reports online of people using niacin supplements to help with tinnitus, although few studies have validated the use of niacin as a cure. Nevertheless, this 1982 study found evidence suggesting the three common forms of niacin (niacinamide, nicotinic acid, and nicotinamide) may support tinnitus relief in a small way.
The other ingredients in Sonobliss, including Pygeum Africanum, maca, rhodiola rosea, and astragalus, have not been shown to relieve tinnitus in any major clinical trial to date. However, you can find anecdotal reports online of people using some or all of these ingredients to help with tinnitus symptoms. Overall, the most science-backed ingredients in Sonobliss are niacin and the five amino acids. Studies show niacin and amino acids are crucial for ear health, hearing, and tinnitus relief. However, the other ingredients in Sonobliss have limited scientific evidence – including the largest ingredient in Sonobliss, African mango extract.
Sonobliss Ingredients Label The makers of Sonobliss disclose all ingredients upfront, making it easy to compare the supplement to other tinnitus formulas available online. All ingredients in Sonobliss are packaged into a proprietary formula. We know the overall dose of that proprietary formula (200mg per serving). However, we don’t know individual ingredient breakdowns within the formula. Many nutritional supplement companies use proprietary formulas to protect trade secrets, keeping competitors from emulating their unique formula. Here are all of the ingredients and dosages in Sonobliss: 200mg of a Proprietary Active-9 & African Mango Complex with African mango extract, L-ornithine, L-carnitine, L-arginine, L-glutamine, maca, niacin, pygeum Africanum, beta alanine, rhodiola rosea, and astragalus Other (inactive) ingredients including water and 20% USP grade alcohol
Sonobliss Pricing Sonobliss is priced at $69 per bottle on the official website, although the price drops when ordering multiple bottles. All purchases come with free shipping to the United States. You can exclusively order Sonobliss through Sonobliss, where pricing breaks down like this: • 1 Bottle: $69 + Free US Shipping • 3 Bottles: $177 + Free US Shipping • 6 Bottles: $294 + Free US Shipping Each bottle contains 120mL of liquid Sonobliss formula, or around a 30 day supply of formula.
Sonobliss Refund Policy Sonobliss is backed by a 60 day moneyback guarantee.
If Sonobliss does not stop your tinnitus symptoms or support your hearing in any way, then you are entitled to a complete refund. Contact the manufacturer to initiate the refund process.
About Sonobliss Sonobliss was created by an ear-nose-throat researcher named Samuel Harris. Using his experience in the ear-nose-throat research space and his passion for plants, Samuel decided to create a natural tinnitus relief formula. Samuel himself suffered from tinnitus. His tinnitus grew so bad that he was unable to safely fly. Frustrated with traditional tinnitus treatments and medications, Samuel turned to the natural world for help, creating Sonobliss. According to Samuel, he truly believes “this formula will change your life.” Sonobliss is manufactured in the United States using domestic and foreign ingredients. The company also claims to source ingredients from “local growers,” something we don’t see with other tinnitus relief supplements. You can contact the makers of Sonobliss via the following:
• Mailing Address: 19655 East 35th Drive Suite #100, Aurora, CO 80011
Final Word Sonobliss is a natural tinnitus relief formula that uses African mango extract, amino acids, and adaptogens to relieve tinnitus quickly. Created by experienced medical researcher Samuel Harris, Sonobliss can purportedly stop even the most severe cases of tinnitus, according to testimonials on SonoblissTo learn more about Sonobliss or to buy the tinnitus formula online today, visit Sonobliss. Each bottle of Sonobliss is priced at $69 and backed by a 60 day moneyback guarantee. RELATED:Mind Lab Pro Reviews: Effective Ingredients That Work or Cheap Pills?