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Expected Growth by 2023 EDUCATION PORTAL
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A university A university portal A university conventionally portal A university conventionally portaloffers conventionally portal other offers conventionally stakeholders other offers stakeho other offe av RESOURCE-BASED RESOURCE-BASED RESOURCE-BASED PORTAL PORTAL PORTAL RESOURCE-BASED PORTAL into the into university. the into university. Parents the into university. Parents are the eager university. Parents aretoeager see Parents are what toeager seetheir are what toeager child seeth is awhich portal, iswhich a portal, is provides aaccess portal, which access which provides to provides various access access to educational various to various educational resources educational resources resources is a portal, to various educational resources It provides experiencing. experiencing. State experiencing. legislators State experiencing. legislators and citizens State and citizens legislators are and verycitizens are inquisitiv and verycit State legislators ari online. Generally, online. Generally, online. these Generally, types online. these of Generally, types portals these of types contain portals these of adequate types contain portals of adequate contain portals search adequate contain search adequate search search what their what taxtheir money taxtheir is money what being is used being taxfor money used and for how isused and being thefor how univer used th what taxtheir money is being and links to facilities, other linkscontribute to relevant other linkscontribute to relevant organizations other relevant organizations or organizations institutions or institutions as or institutions as as facilities,facilities, links tofacilities, other relevant organizations or institutions as to thecontribute state’s to thecontribute well-being state’s economic and well-being economic improveme im on to the well-being state’s to and the well-being state’s and econ m a well as subscription wellservices. as subscription wellservices. as subscription services. services. well as subscription current current wonderful wonderful andcurrent challenging and wonderful challenging aspect aspect of challenging web aspect ofmana we current wonderful and challenging and positioned positioned by portals by is portals the idea is the of by creating idea of creating and positioned positioned by portals is portals the and idea is the managing of creating idea manag ofinfo cre an o a In many In instances, many instances, many these instances, services these services are these merged services are in merged a single are in merged a portal. single in a portal. single portal. any instances, these In services are merged in a single portal. whosepurpose chief is to purpose uphold positiv systems systems whose systems chief systems whosepurpose is chief whose to purpose uphold chief positive is to uphold is relat to
administrative rative amline and streamline administrative administrative higher application on rtals of in portals higher of in portals higherin higher administrative rative ss of for access administrative for administrative cial demic and n, financial aid, academic andaid, academic and academic cia d lances nd ke. eave the In balances and like. the In and like. the In like. In he ent ofand efficient staff use ofand staff use ofand staff and The education sector is booming at maximum pace but it is also standing out of the identity parameters of enterprises or any other business model. Moreover, the advancement of school education is also al ers akeholders other link a vital stakeholders link a vital link a vital link taking an active part in the online revolution. It is operating into two o hat rn children see are their what children are their children are are different models to cater to the learning needs of students of all ages, ens about very uisitive are inquisitive about very inquisitive about about interests, and demands. These two digital education solution models ow runiversity y and can thehow university can the university can can are as below: m mic dt.ovement. economic The improvement. The improvement. The The ement spect fmanagement web ofmanagement web management Dedicated Portal for Schools, Colleges, and Institutions mation managing g nginformation and managing information information matio nships uphold positive relationships positive relationships relationships Online Education Portal
Let us go through the concept and convenience model of these Portals for better understanding of their scope, abilities, and processings.
With the advancement of technology, students and parents are also advancing by participating more actively in accessing information about what they are being taught and how. This advancement compels educational institutes to keep their learning process updated with the latest innovations and enhancements. Education Portal is one such technically advanced and enhanced tool that performs as an innovative solution. The portal-based information sharing and processing add convenience as well as transparency for the students, parents, and teachers. Taking parallel objectives, Education portal also makes the learning process interactive. From class schedules to homework management, parents, teachers, and students all have real-time access to check the learning progress and student’s engagement with it. Apart from the streamlined learning platform the Portal also assists institutions in systemizing their admin process.
SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT PORTAL PORTAL FEATURES PORTAL FEATURES FEATURES The School The School The Information School Information Management Information Management Management System(SIMS) System(SIMS) provides System(SIMS) provides the following provides the following School the following School School Administration Administration based Administration features: based features: based features: School Administrators School Administrators Schoolare Administrators ableare to: ableare to: able to: PERSONNEL PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT: PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT: MANAGEMENT: Manage Manage TeachersManage Teachers (Add/update Teachers (Add/update teachers’ (Add/update teachers’teachers’ personalpersonal information, personal information, Assign information, Teachers Assign Teachers to Assign Teachers to to classes as classes class as or classes class subject as or teachers). class subject or teachers). subject teachers). Manage Manage SubjectsManage Subjects (Add, update, Subjects (Add, update, and (Add, update, and and delete subjects). delete subjects). delete subjects). Manage Manage Classes Manage (Create Classes classes, (Create Classes classes, and (Create classes, and and assign subjects assign subjects to assign classes). subjects to classes). to classes). Send announcements Send announcements Send announcements to to to parents/guardians parents/guardians parents/guardians through through SMS andthrough SMS andSMS and email. email. email. ENROLMENT MANAGEMENT: ENROLMENT MANAGEMENT: ENROLMENT MANAGEMENT: Add, update, Add, update, delete Add,orupdate, delete print student ordelete print student or print student details, parent details,details, parent details,medical details, parent medical details, records medical records records etc. etc. etc. GRADE BOOK MANAGEMENT: GRADE BOOK MANAGEMENT: GRADE BOOK MANAGEMENT: Subject teachers Subject in each teachers class areclass inable each toclass Subject teachers in each are ableare to able to record each pupil’s record end each of term pupil’s end of term record each pupil’s end of term marks/grades. marks/grades. marks/grades. Class teachers Class teachers are Class ableteachers are to view, ableare to print view, able or to print view, or print or send endsend of term endsend results of term endto results ofparents termto results parents and to parents and and guardians through guardians SMS andthrough email. and email. guardians through SMS andSMS email. All Test papers All Testfor papers Allany Testyear for papers any or term year for any can or term year can or term can be easilybe stored easilyand be stored easily accessed. and stored accessed. and accessed.
Parents can Parents receive can Parents results receive canof results receive their of results their of their children children for any term children for any andterm for year any and ofterm their yearand of their year of their child’s schooling. child’s schooling. child’s schooling. TeachersTeachers and parents Teachers and parents can and trackparents can thetrackcan thetrack the performance performance of each performance pupil of each in each pupil of each subject in each pupil subject in each subject from thefrom timethe of from admission timethe of admission time up of to admission up to up to graduation. graduation. graduation. ACCOUNTS: ACCOUNTS: ACCOUNTS: School administrators School administrators Schoolare administrators ableare to define ableare to define able to define when thewhen fees the are when fees payable the are fees payable at the areschool payable at the school at the school and howand much how isand much payable how is much payable per year. is payable per year.per year. School accountants School accountants School are accountants ableare to record ableare to record able to record pupil payments pupil payments and pupilschool payments andtransactions school andtransactions school transactions (i.e. income (i.e. and (i.e. income expenditure). and income expenditure). and expenditure). TIME TABLE TIME MANAGEMENT: TABLE TIME MANAGEMENT: TABLE MANAGEMENT: TeachersTeachers can create Teachers canclasses, create canclasses, assign create classes, assign assign subjects subjects for those subjects for classes, thosefor classes, and those generate classes, and generate and generate master timetables master timetables master for the timetables class for the as class well for the as as class well as as well as themselves, themselves, verythemselves, easily. very easily. very easily. CALENDAR CALENDAR OF EVENTS: CALENDAR OF EVENTS: OF EVENTS: Schools Schools are ableSchools are to keep ableare all to keep able their all to events keep their all events their events in one place. in oneThis place. incan oneThis work place. can asThis work a can as work a as a notification notification to show notification to what show allto what events show allthey what events allthey events they held during heldthe during year heldthe and during year their the and success. year theirand success. their success. PHOTO GALLERY: PHOTO GALLERY: PHOTO GALLERY: Schools Schools can haveSchools can a photo havecan agallery photo have to a gallery photo put to gallery put to put up pictures up pictures of campus up pictures of campus events. of This campus events. wayThis events. wayThis way students,students, parents, students, parents, and teachers parents, and teachers canand teachers can can access them access whenever them access whenever they themwant whenever they and want atthey and want at and at any timeany rather timethan any rather time restricting than rather restricting them than restricting to them a to them a to a notice board noticeinboard some noticein office. board some in office. some office.
SIMS canSIMS havecan a SIMS platform havecan a platform where where teachers have a teachers platform where teacc can havecan discussions havecan discussions and brainstorm and brainstorm have discussions and brainstorm ideas. It ideas. can beItaideas. can place beItto acan place keep to keep the all the all th be all a place to keep ideas noted ideas down noted sodown one can sodown one go back can go to it back to it ideas noted so one can go back easily. easily. easily. REPORTS: REPORTS: REPORTS:
School administrators School administrators ableare to run ableare to run Schoolare administrators able to run reports (both reports textual (both and textual graphical) and graphical) on on ) reports (both textual and graphical) school administration school administration such data, as list such as list schooldata, administration data, such as l and number and number of current of teachers, current classes,teachers, classes, clas and number of teachers, current as and subjects and subjects offered at offered the school. at the school. and subjects offered at the school.
Enrollment Enrollment (e.g. Enrollment enrollments (e.g. enrollments per enrollments per term, term, (e.g. per term and year, and pupils year, who pupils completed who completed or or and year, pupils who completed or stopped stopped school per school yearper including yearper including reasons reasons rea ea stopped school year including for stopping for stopping suchfor asstopping financial such as financial reasons, reasons,reason such as financial failing grades, failing etc.) grades, failing etc.) grades, etc.)
AccountsAccounts such asAccounts a such summary as a summary ofas payments of payments such a summary of paym per year,per pupil year, payment pupil payment details per details year,per year,per y per year, pupil payment details etc. etc. etc.
Grade report, Gradeof report, each year. of each Students year. Students Grade report, of each year. Students ranging from ranging topranging from of the topclass of the to to class to from topclass of the underwhelming underwhelming performing performing ones,performing asones, well asones, well as underwhelming as the students as the students who arestudents who topping are who topping theirare topping their as the thei class, can class, all be can looked all be at. looked Here is an Here at. is an beat. looked Here is an class, can all exampleexample of an annual of an grade annual report: grade report: example of an annual grade report:
o it
o ons
End of year Results: Grade 5
60 % Students
nts r,
35 % Students
5 % Students Above 80%
Between 80% & 60%
Below 50%
This is an example of the kind of report that an Education portal can generate. Yealy round up of marks of each school year, as well as other types of reports, per student, per year, among others mentioned above.
PORTAL : SYSTEM STRUCTURE The system will consider teachers, students, and directors as commanding users. It will have an administrator who will be responsible for troubleshooting and failure recovering. Additionally, the administrator will define new users, give privileges, freeze account, delete accounts, update the system by adding new functions and maintain the system security. This system would also provide engaging communication between the school administrative members, teachers, students, parents, and directors. Such features provide an easy, user-friendly, and fast communication. Along with it, the portal will also reduce paper communication drastically. Teachers will also be able to reach students easily and will be more in contact with them. Parallelly, students will also get an interactive mode of learning that is transparent, easily accessible via portal. Parents will also be able to follow up for the academic and behavioral information of their children conveniently.
Parents Students Marks School Schedule HomeWork Exit
Security and admin tasks
Administrators Course Management School Management Class Management My file Exit
Portal Access and Usability
DATABASE Portal Access and Usability
Students Students Marks School Schedule HomeWork Exit
Teachers HomeWork Management School Schedule Students Marks Homepage Exit
Organizational Task
Directors Student Management Teacher management Parents Management Section Management Class Management Homeroom Teacher Teacher Distribution School Schedule My File Exit 14
The Administrator The page Administrator consists of page consists of The Administrator page consists of differentdifferent functions different that mainly functions thatprovide mainly provide functions thatprovide mainly the control the the system. control The of the system. The the of control of the system. The administrative functions administrative within functions the within the administrative functions within the system are: system are: system are:
SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT Manage Manage school operations Manage school by listing operations school operations by listingby listing tasks, fee routines, tasks, teacher fee routines, listings, teacher listings, tasks, fee routines, teacher listings, co-curricular activities, co-curricular etc. activities, etc. co-curricular activities, etc.
COURSE MANAGEMENT COURSE MANAGEMENT COURSE MANAGEMENT Portal helps to helps manage, Portal and to monitor manage, and monitor Portal to helps manage, and monitor courses, courses, teachingcourses, strategy, teaching and strategy, and teaching strategy, and progress.progress. They can progress. alsocan add They andcan delete also and delete They also add andadd delete courses. courses. courses.
CLASS MANAGEMENT CLASS MANAGEMENT CLASS MANAGEMENT This feature This track feature of track curriculum keeps of curriculum This keeps feature keeps of track curriculum progressprogress in all classesm progress individually. in all classesm It individually. It in all classesm individually. It also enables thealso administrator enables the to administrator to also enables the administrator to assign classrooms, assign conference classrooms, rooms, conference assign classrooms, conference rooms, rooms, auditorium, and auditorium, other parts and of parts the other auditorium, and other of parts the of the infrastructure. infrastructure. infrastructure.
MY FILEMY FILEMY FILE Security Security functionSecurity that allows function thatchanging allows changing function thatchanging allows password. password. password.
End of work. End of work. End of work. EDUCATION PORTAL
The directors’ page Theconsists directors’ of page consists of The directors’ page consists of differentdifferent functions different that provide functions that an provide an functions that an provide administrative operation of the operation school administrative of the sch administrative operation of the school organization. It isorganization. important toItnote is important organization. It is important to note to no that the that director of the theorganization director of the organizatio the that director of the organization will alsowill have allwill thealso features that all the thefeatures a also have all have the features that the tha administrative department administrative has.department Thehas. Thehas. Th administrative department administrative functions administrative of the school functions of the sch administrative functions of the school organization areorganization the following: are the following: organization are the following:
ControlsControls the security Controls of teacher’s the security of teacher’s the security of teacher’s accountsaccounts by changing accounts passwords by changing for passwords f for by changing passwords teachers.teachers.teachers.
Add comprehensive Addinformation comprehensive about information Add comprehensive information abouton ab studentsstudents in their students profiles in their is which profiles in their which profiles is which is requiredrequired for managing required each for student managing each studen for managing each student individually. individually. individually.
Control the parent’s Control accounts the parent’s by accounts by Control the parent’s accounts by connecting parents’ connecting profiles parents’ with their profiles with t connecting parents’ profiles with their children’s. children’s. children’s.
ControlsControls the administrative Controls thetasks administrative of tasks of tasks o the administrative the classes, like maintaining the classes, like maintaining the classes, like maintaining attendance of students, attendance managing of students, sick managing attendance of students, managing sick g leaves, etc. leaves, etc. leaves, etc.
ut ut
SECTIONS’ SECTIONS’ MANAGEMENT SECTIONS’ MANAGEMENT SECTIONS’ MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT Add a new Addsection a new Add for section a anew particular Add for section a anew particular for section a particular for a particular school and school the and amendment school the and amendment school the to the and amendment the to the amendment to the to the existing existing personnel’s existing personnel’s profiles. existing personnel’s profiles. personnel’s profiles.profiles.
TEACHERS’ TEACHERS’ DISTRIBUTION TEACHERS’ DISTRIBUTION TEACHERS’ DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION Distribution Distribution of teachers Distribution of teachers to Distribution each of teachers grade to each of teachers grade to each to grade each grade according to subjects assigned according according to subjects according to subjects assigned to subjects assigned to those assigned to those to thoseto those teachers.teachers.teachers.teachers.
STUDENTS’ STUDENTS’ REGISTRATION STUDENTS’ REGISTRATION STUDENTS’ REGISTRATION REGISTRATION Control the Control registration the Control registration operation the Control registration operation the forregistration operation for operation for for the students and align them the students the students andthe align students and them align with and them align thewith them thewith thewith the right class,calendar, school calendar, right class, right school class, right calendar, school class, calendar, school section, section, section, section, andaccounts. parent accounts. and parent andaccounts. parent andaccounts. parent
SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHEDULE SCHOOL SCHEDULE SCHOOL SCHEDULE SCHEDULE See the course See theschedule. course See theschedule. course See theschedule. course schedule.
HOMEROOM HOMEROOM TEACHER HOMEROOM TEACHER HOMEROOM TEACHER TEACHER Determine Determine the homeroom Determine the homeroom Determine teacher. the homeroom teacher. the homeroom teacher.teacher.
MY FILEMY FILEMY FILEMY FILE Security Security functionSecurity function that allows Security function thatchanging allows function thatchanging allows that changing allows changing the passwords. the passwords. the passwords. the passwords.
End of work. End of work. End of work. End of work.
STUDENTS The students’ page consists of different functions that allow the students to view student related tasks and download/upload homework. The view functions of the students’ page are the following
HOMEWORK The portal will exhibit the homework that the teacher assigns students. Furthermore, provides the possibility for the students to answer and re-send their homework to the teacher in order to be evaluated.
SCHOOL SCHEDULE This function allows the student to see the course schedule, as well as their daily class schedule.
COURSE MARKS This function allows the student to see marks of the subjects and courses they have taken throughout the year.
ATTENDANCE It lets the students see their attendance, so they can make sure they are marked present in each class they attend. This also enables them to have a clear view of class(es) that they may be lagging in.
LEAVE MANAGEMENT This module allows the student to submit the reasons for a leave of absence, as well as upload a scan or image of a doctor’s certificate. This leave can then be approved by the teacher or the administrationand be converted into attendance, if and when required.
EXIT End of work.
TEACHERS The teachers’ page consists of different functions that provide administrative functions at the class level, which are:
HOMEWORK MANAGEMENT It represents the communication between students and teachers. Here the portal allows the teacher to upload homework assignments, assign it to students, receive the homework from students and grade them.
SCHOOL SCHEDULE It provides the course schedule to help them make the lesson plans and keep track of the overall course schedule.
STUDENTS’ MARKS This function can be used to feed in students’ marks as well as modify them if necessary. The teacher can also set grading parameters based on the marks. Individual grades of each paper can define the overall grade of the student.
HOMEPAGE This shows the teacher all the courses they teach in what class. As well as the number of classes they have taken for each course.
EXIT End of work.
PARENTS The parents’ page consists of different functions that give them access to view the status of their child/children in the school. The functions that are found in the parent page are the following:
STUDENTS MARKS Allow the parents to see the marks of all the courses that their child is studying.
HOMEWORK Allow the parents to see the homework that the teacher sent to the student, as well as the current status of the homework which includes statuses like due, completed or in progress.
SCHOOL SCHEDULE Allow the parents to see the course schedule.
EXIT End of work.
Online Education is one of the most advancing revolutions in the education industry. It is trending broadly and gaining colossal traction on the global platform at a good pace. Though online learning has its own limitations, it is a pretty productive option for millions of students worldwide who are willing to learn things that are not available around them. Studies show that today, students are increasingly opting for more online degree programs than ever and taking at least one course with their interest through a suitable online platform. Certainly, online education holds the potential to gain polarity with its attributes to the numerous advantages the platform offers. With this potential, eLearning and online education have revolutionized the contemporary education system, opening up some great opportunities for educators as well as learners. The online education has shifted the paradigm, and surely the future of education which is going to be more glorious. The global Online Education Market is also increasingly gaining momentum thanks to technological advancements. These advancements are proving to be impactful for enhancing the quality of education, making it accessible remotely as well as making the administrative process of education more efficient.
VIRTUAL CLASSROOMS The terms Virtual classroom and Web classroom are often used in the context of contemporary distance education and Web-Based Education (WBE) to denote any means of live or pre-programmed Internet broadcast of information and/or a Web-based environment meant to support teaching and learning. When learners and teachers "meet" in the virtual classroom, they actually simultaneously access a particular URL that is dispensing information. Such a computer-accessible, online learning environment can fulfill many of the learning facilitation roles of a physical classroom in more or less the same way a blackboard does for a real classroom. In fact, virtual classrooms are often modeled after the metaphor of a physical classroom. The interface of the supporting software may present a desk for each student, a teacher's desk, cupboards for resources, presentation board (virtual blackboard), module/assignment notebook, tools for chat and written communication among the teacher and the class or among the peer, access to online resources and tests, and even classroom posters. Note a difference between classrooms with physically present learners and virtual classrooms with remote interaction. In the former, Web technologies and other electronic devices and tools support teaching, learning, and communication in addition to live interaction among the students and the teacher(s). Such classrooms are also often called Web classrooms but are in fact technology-enriched typical teacher-moderated classroom situations with physical presence of both the students and the teachers. In the latter case, physically remote students and teachers u s e appropriate software environments and Web technologies as the means to interact, both synchronously and asynchronously.
ARCHITECTURE AND MODES OF INTERACTION Architecturally, a web classroom is usually a client-server learning environment. Students and teachers work in a real or in a virtual classroom; in both cases, students can learn either individually or collaboratively. The web technology connects the teachers on the server side and the students on the client side. There are at least four modes of a student's interaction with a virtual classroom: Authentication logging in for a new session. Learning Browsing, selecting and then consuming the material provided. The consumption of the content depends on the type. It is possible to have learning content in text, audio we well as video format. Assessment Answering questions the system asks after the le a module is completed.
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Validation The mode in which the system checks and updates the student module by estimating the student's knowledge about different topics from the material they were supposed to learn.
Some crucial contain Some reports crucial Some reports crucial Education Portals, are as belo Education Education Portals, Por are Digital video (searching digital video libraries and live digital video transmission). The global educat at Theonline global The onlin glob compound annual growt compound compou annut Internet television (high definition TV transmission over the period toperiod reach to aperiod total reachm to a Internet). increasing from US$159. $159. increasing increasin from U
Video conferencing.
Streaming media Webcasts (playing multimedia contents as they The global gm Thee-learning global Thee-lea glob get downloaded, without waiting for the entire download to CAGR to CAGR cross to $300 billio o CAGR cross to $3 complete). In a recent ofaState High In aState recent In rece A range of different local student computers (desktops, notebooks, report (Fall 2017), 87 pe report (Fall report 2017 (F tablets, etc.), all locally networked and with access to the student student enrollments rely student enrollme Internet. D2L Brightspace, e,D2L but Brig the D2L Brightspace winning the Editors’ winning winning the Choi Edit Live board and other devices and accessories. Likewise, depending remains the Blackbo rema on the domain and the pedagogical setting, differentBlackboard specific Blackboard institutions and 37 perce institutions institutio ande software components can be involved as well. or 21 heels, accounting for heels, accountin heels, ac Specific workspace tools for different domains, integrated with previousprevious year) and 27 pe previous year) an visual modeling languages and various construction kits (e.g., entity relationship modeling elements for the domain of database design), to help the students learn more efficiently by solving problems in the domain of interest. Different modeling and simulation tools, all with specific domain-related functionality and semantics; these can be defined externally, in the form of tool palettes that encapsulate domain dependent semantics.
General "discussion board". Editing tool for taking and collecting individual notes.
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