Have Sales Leads? Here's How to Increase Your ROI with Salesforce Customer Relationship Management (CRM) doesn’t have to be complicated. If you’re using a cloud-based tool like Salesforce, you may be wondering how to gauge the effectiveness of your lead generation efforts. As a marketer, we’re always asking ourselves, “how can I get more ROI out of these leads?” Using Salesforce and accompanying tools like Pardot, you can actually measure the ROI of your leads, no matter which campaign they came from. What’s more, with Salesforce’s App Exchange, you can also uncover some hidden gems that will simplify and streamline the process even more. We’re going to learn how to do just that, but first… Why Use a Marketing Automation System? Salesforce and its plethora of companion products and add-ons are just one of many marketing automation tools designed to help marketing and sales more effectively capture and nurture their prospects. According to Salesforce and Pardot’s own study, companies who use automation have 53% higher conversion rates from responding to qualified leads, and achieve a 9.3% higher sales quota.
With so many positive numbers behind CRM Solutions and marketing automation, you may be wondering how to best put them to use. Let’s start with the basics:
Creating a Campaign, Filling it with Members and Assigning Member Status First, you’ll want to create a Salesforce Campaign. You do this by going to the Campaigns tab and clicking New to fill out all the relevant information about your campaign. Now, creating the actual campaign does nothing except give you a foundation. You still have to add prospects to it. The only field you’re required to fill out is the name, however it’s a good practice to be as specific as you can – like Acme-Widget-Conference-January-2015 instead of just “Conference”. You’ll then want to assign that campaign to a category, so that you can later generate reports and filter specific campaigns.
You can add members (prospects) to a campaign either manually, by way of the Add to Campaign link under Campaign History, or set up your web forms to pre-populate campaigns with referral information. There are a wide variety of email marketing and automation systems with third-party plugins and APIs that play together nicely with Salesforce. Then comes the most important part – assigning your prospects with Member Status Values. Going back to our Conference example, you could assign status values of “Attended”, “Registered” and “Downloaded” to assess where prospects are in their decision-making process and gauge their interests. The best part is, you can Clone this campaign to rapidly create other, similar campaigns in the future. How to Run an ROI Report in Salesforce To run an ROI report, you’d simply sign in to Salesforce, go to the Campaigns tab and click the Campaign ROI Analysis report in reports, while filtering data as needed. This gives you the scientific numbers behind your ROI, but in many cases, there are several things that go into a buyer’s ultimate decision. It may not specifically be your tantalizing email, your incredible coupon, your amazing webinar, but rather a combination of those things.
That’s where Campaign Influence Reporting comes in. To enable Campaign Influence reporting, you simply sign in and go to Setup > Customize > Campaigns. Click to enable the reporting and specify a time period between when the campaign was first associated with the prospect, and when the opportunity was created. You can also associate the lead with specific rules, with the Campaign Member Status we discussed above.
The Total Value Won opportunities is the calculated amount of all opportunities closed or won, where the campaign is the primary Campaign Source of the opportunity. In order to increase this number, you’ll want to make sure you’re working with your best prospects first. Lead scoring will help you do just that. Visit: http://crmperth.com.au/contact-us/ and do a mail enquiry@CRMperth.com.au you can feel free to call us: (08) 6102 7284.