동화고등학교 영자신문 제 10호 Publisher Kang, Gyung-suk / Publication Date 2010. 06. 04 / Director Won, Min-Seon / Advisor Hendrik Hans Jacobus Greyling & Seg Lim Donghwa High School Tel 031-551-0527~9 / Fax 031555-0354 / *116 Gyeongchun-ro, Donong-dong, Namyangju City, Gyeonggi Province, Korea 472-708
[Contents] Hello, Everyone! A Special Picnic to the Center of the City Ring the Science Bell!! Donghwa Sports days~!! Let Them Study Wannabe? 2010 World Cup: Close-up on Group B Aftermath of Cheonan Earth in Crisis Plagiarism in K-pop Epilogue
! e n o y r e v E , Hello Mr. Shin Sang-il (Biology) I think Donghwa’s students are very kind. I’m sorry that I can’t greet all the students who are greeting me. Students! Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Do your best all the time.
Mr. Kim Nam-jun (Science) I think Donghwa is a highly regarded school in Korea. Students are very enthusiastic and it makes me teach you with passion. I think you can achieve whatever you want. So, follow your dreams patiently; they will come true.
Mr. Kang Chang-won (Mathematics) I graduated from Donghwa in 2000, so I really want to teach you, my juniors, at this school. When I taught at another school, a student asked me about my high school. I just answered, “It’s the best school in Gyeonggi.” Then, the student said, “It’s Donghwa, isn’t it?” I felt very proud and I want you to feel the same way.
Mr. Lee Jae-young (Ethics) I think Donghwa is nice because the students are intelligent, and beautiful(?), and the teachers are passionate and capable. I want to be a responsible and wise teacher. I know I still have a lot to learn, but I’m trying, and I’ll continue to try to be the kind of teacher that I should be.
Ms. Choi Yeon-hee (Social studies) I was surprised at the hard schedule and very impressed with students who are trying to keep up with it. I’m proud that I’m a teacher of Donghwa. Donghwa’s students have a promising future!
Mr. Han Chang-hoon (Mathematics) Mr. Chang Dong-woo (Computer) I’m so impressed with Donghwa’s students and teachers because Donghwa has a vision and vitality; the students are sincere and teachers are modest. I think you will be the leaders who will create a strong society. Don’t waste your best CPU but improve it, so that you can live fruitful lives.
I was so impressed to see hard working students and passionate teachers. I know that Donghwa is a wonderful school already, but if you bow more frequently, and be more polite, Donghwa will become the very best school in Korea.
Mr. Hong Jun-ki (P.E.) I graduated from Donghwa in 2001, and I’m always proud of my school. “Enjoy what you can’t avoid.” Smile and create a happy school atmosphere. I’ll pray for you and Donghwa. Come to me whenever you need my help. Come On!
Mr. Park Jin-jae (Chemistry) At first, the school seemed to be a little bit old, but I could feel the energy from all these passionate teachers and students. There’s a term, ’Pygmalion effec t ’, which means the greater the expectation placed upon people, the better they perform. I want to be a teacher who believes in you and your dreams.
Mr. Kim Sung-il (English) It’s my pleasure to meet you and I love everything about DHHS; positive students, kind teachers and comfortable atmosphere. Although you’re having a rough time now, try to do your best and think positively. Then your dreams will come true. Remember, you are always the best.
김수연(2-8), 조슬미(2-8)
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Ring the Science Bell!!
Champion’s Interview To be honest, I was very lucky. Many questions were difficult, but I was fortunate to answer them all correctly. I want to participate in a similar contest again.
On April 12th, the third annual Donghwa Science Bell was held in Joshua Hall. The Science Bell is a unique and special event of DHHS. About fifty students who are good at science are challenged. All classes battled it out with ardent cheering and the challengers battled it out courageously. The first question was about shale. Fortunately, many students got the right answer to this first question. And it was followed by many in-depth questions which require a wide range of scientific knowledge. In the early stages of the competition, there weren’t many dropouts and the game went on smoothly. However, as time went by, the questions became more and more difficult. As the level of difficulty increased, more challengers had to leave their seats. The question that most students got wrong was about carbon nano tube. With around twenty challengers left, the chairman held a repechage. They gave one more chance to those who were chosen by lots. However there was a condition, Mr. Park Jin-je had to do the rope skipping and Mr. Hong Jun-ki had to do push-ups with a girl student on his back. After they successfully finished their tasks, the selected students continued with the competition. Close to the climax, the tension built up. Only two students were left, and the last question was about NARO. The closing bell rang and the champion was crowned. The champion of the 3rd Donghwa Science Bell was Kim Hyung-jun from class no. 3. Champion
1-3 Kim Hyung-jun
Winning Class
Best Spirit
1-15 by
김민경(1-10), 송신영(1-10)
Donghwa Sports Days O
n May 11th and 12th, we had very competitive Sports Days at Donghwa. We started out with preliminary matches for four different sports games; basketball, soccer, kick-baseball and soft-ball.
n the afternoon of the first day, we had a bit of rain but games continued. Though it was rainy, all the players did their best. On the second day, we had the finals for each of the sports and could hear more thunderous cheers from the students in the stands. In addition to these competitive final games, we had a lot of class-based team sports including tug-of-war and group rope jumping competitions, which united each class. The relays were the most competitive and especially during the hurdle race, the students of class 2-3 gave very hilarious performances and all the students laughed heartily.
ll in all, it was a wonderful experience. It was great to have a chance to socialize with the students and teachers outside the classroom and blow off some steam after last week’s midterms. 10th grade
11th grade
Winning Class of Girl Students
Winning Class of Boy Students
송영윤(1-4), 이후현(1-5)
ince stars like H.O.T. and Sechskies appeared on the scene, many more Korean teenage stars followed. And they are debuting at an even younger age. For example, when BOA became popular 10 years ago when she was only 14 years old, it was a big deal. But nowadays it’s very common. Even younger teens have made their debut.
he problem is that many of them give up school. Their companies want them to work harder, so they cannot help neglecting their studies. It’s alright if they become celebrities, but there are only a precious few who get the chance. However, many teenagers drop out of school to try to become successful in the entertainment industry. Most of them are eventually dismissed by the companies. When that happens, they don’t know what to do because they never graduated from university or sometimes even high school. There are no alternative plans for them. Society leaves them defenseless.
n countries like the US and the UK, teenage stars have a different experience. Even though they’re professional dancers, singers, or performers, they still receive an education, which is both compulsory and a right in their countries. For example, young actors and actresses who starred in the Harry Potter series in the UK were given time to be educated. Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson, who starred in the Harry Potter movies as Hermione, attended the highly regarded Brown University. Even though the others did not go to such top schools, they have other options if they decide to follow another career, because they received regular education, which is the platform for life. But in Korea, there are many other popular young stars who worry about their future because of the short life span of their performing careers. Many of them have not received good education which makes it hard for them when they leave the industry. They definitely need good education during their teenage years. Not only the companies and the juveniles who dream to be stars should change their thinking; the government should also make laws and regulations for them to continue their studies.
박한별(2-8), 이희수(2-8)
1. What made you choose this profession? 2. What are some benefits of this profession? 3. What are some drawbacks of this profession? 4. What do we need to do to have this profession? 5. Do you have any advice for students who want to choose this profession?
lawyer professor
1. Being a professor is very fulfilling and makes me feel that my life is worthwhile. 2. A good thing is that I am respected by my students and my peers. In return, I give back to society by being a good professor and giving knowledge to my students. 3. Being a professor means always studying and keeping up with your field. Also, everyone is always watching me, so I want to make sure that I’m a good role model, which isn’t always easy. 4. You should study all the subjects that you’re majoring in. Also, you should study consistently with an eagerness for knowledge. 5. Teaching others makes me feel happy. I can get social respect through my job. I hope that you will choose the right job and be passionate about that job. 경희대 국제 경영학과 정헌주 교수님
1. I choose to be a lawyer because I want to help poor people, including people who cannot defend themselves and anyone who have had a crime committed against them. I also want to make sure that the justice system is fair and anyone who breaks the law will be punished. 2. When I win a case, I feel satisfied and then I know that I’ve chosen the right job. When I do my job well, it’s not the money that matters but helping others gets justice. 3. Being a lawyer takes up most of my time because I am always studying to make sure I am up to date on everything to do with the law. 4. To become a lawyer, I had to study long hours, always reading newspapers, and keeping up with events including politics and economics. 5. First of all, you need to study hard because being a lawyer means you need to know everything about the law. Then, once you get into law school, you need to study even harder because you will have you pass the BAR exam before you can actually practice law. (주)한미 법인 김철기 변호사님
1. I was interested in many fields, such as economics, politics, people, places, and so on. So, I thought that being a reporter would suit me very well. 2. Being a reporter has many benefits, such as being able to cover a popular event, like the Olympics, which most people aren’t able to attend. I am able to see and experience different cultures all over the world. 3. Being a reporter means that I always have to be available, in case I get called and have to go and report on something. I don’t have much of a personal life. 4. You need to get into the habit of reading books, various newspapers and keeping up with current events. 5. I want to mention three aspects. Firstly, you have to develop the ability to express your feelings or options. Secondly, you need to be interested in the world and others. Finally, read as many books and newspapers as possible. SBS 경제부 이병희 기자님 by
2010 World Cup Close-up on Group B: Can we shock the world again?
South Korea South Korea is in group B with Argentina, Nigeria, and Greece. This is not the best group they can get. However, group B is a very nice group compared to North Korea in group G where Brazil is in. Although this group seems like an easy group, Argentina, Greece, and Nigeria are sure to test their mettle.
L e t ’s t a k e a b r i e f look at other countries in group B. Argentina is one of them. It is one of the strongest teams in South America. South Korea first met them in 1986. Argentina is undoubtedly a mighty team and we cannot argue with that. But, their coach is not very professional which they almost cost them a place in the World Cup. Their FIFA ranking is 9th.
In Greece’s qualifying round they had a record of 7 wins, 3 draws and 2 loses. They got through to the World Cup final two times and their best record was only to play in the group rounds. They are ranked 72th place in World. They played against Korea two times and their record is 1 win and 1 draw. Greece’s coach is Otto Rehhagel who is called Otto the Great in Greece, because in 2004, his team won the Euro Championships. He is treated with the utmost respect, just like Guus Hiddink in Korea. They are weaker than other European teams but we have to take note of the fact that they won the Euro Championships.
N igeria’s qualifying round record was 9 wins and 3 draws. They had a good qualifying round. They got through to the World Cup final 4 times. They ranked 35th place in the World. Their best record in the World Cup was to finish in the top 16. They played against Korea 3 times and their record is 2 wins and 1 draw. According to this record, Nigeria is weaker than Korea, but we can’t only measure a team’s strength by looking at records, because Nigeria is easier than the other strong teams in Africa. However, their FIFA ranking is way higher than Korea’s. Furthermore, they have John Michael Nchekube Obi who plays for Chelsea FC and he defends very well so we have to beware of them. We will play against Nigeria on June 22. It will be the last match in Group B.
김민재(2-7), 조환석(2-10)
Aftermath of Cheonan On 26th of March, the PCC(Patrol Combat Corvette) Cheonan sank in West Sea. Quite some time after the incident, the Navy sent people on a rescue mission, but a dense reef and high tides, and on top of that, the death of two UDT soldiers made the searching very difficult. After much hard work and sacrifices, the ship was recovered on the 15th of April. The ship was in a shocking condition, and all the people who weren’t rescued in the initial rescue operation have drowned. How did this happen? When this question was raised, the Navy said that it was ship-wrecked, but many people didn’t believe that. After recovering the ship, we could see that the ship was badly torn apart and when fragments of a torpedo were found, it led to the conclusion that the ship wasn’t shipwrecked. It is most likely that some other naval force had fired a torpedo at the Cheonan. Since this happened in the West Sea, there is a strong possibility that North Korea, who had constant conflicts with our country, launched a submarine attack on the Cheonan. The fact that fragments of North Korean torpedoes were found was the last straw. Some people argue that the sub is too small to launch such a large torpedo, but they aren’t very persuasive. This is because the North’s semisubmarine vessels have their torpedoes attached to both sides of their body so the torpedoes’ size does not matter. What makes us feel sad is that North Korean submarines are old-fashioned, which means basic submarine detecting devices would have been enough to avoid them. However, this wasn’t the case, since the Cheonan didn’t have such devices because the Navy was ill-prepared, and what concerns people is that the Army and the Navy are still not changing their idle attitudes towards matters related to security. Another thing that is becoming an issue is the government’s compensation towards the dead soldiers’ families. The government is unwilling to classify the dead soldiers as combat casualties, and hope that the dead soldier’s families would be satisfied with as small amount as compensation. People are saying that they should be classified as combat casualties, and the government should give a full-scale compensation, but the government doesn’t seem to take them seriously. In a country like Korea, many people are drafted to fight for the country, which means soldiers are first citizens of the country before they are soldiers. However, light measures taken when incidents like these happen would cause a serious effect on the morale of soldiers, making them think that they aren’t treated as they should be. Lastly, many experts say this incident could have been prevented, and even if the incident had happened, quick measures taken would have saved many lives. However, the Navy’s lack of equipment and discipline had been exposed by this incident, and we shouldn’t allow this to happen again. by
우진수(2-3), 조용석(1-6)
Earth in crisis We are faced with many disasters in the world. Unexpected natural disasters have threatened many people and brought about enormous economic losses. In Tibet, located in the north-west of China, six hundred people died and buildings were destroyed because of an earthquake. Last January, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 struck Haiti and there are still many refugees. Some time ago, a big cyclone which caused a lot of damage, hit India. Uaras in Peru, famous for the glacier mountain, nicknamed ‘Alps in South America’, suffers because of global warming and air pollution. Twenty-three percent of the glacier has already disappeared. Global warming is also seriously affecting the Andes. Their crops were damaged by frost and hail which is caused by a drop in temperature. Moreover, gas which comes from factories and cars indirectly caused these problems. Researchers in the Environmental Protection Agency (ERA) said, “Only a few glaciers will be left in 30 years. And we won’t be able to preserve our natural heritage anymore.” They warned us that if we don’t come up with a solution, our next generation will be faced with a calamity. In the 19th century, the British invented a steam-driven car by using coal as fuel. Coal was replaced by oil. Many developed countries build a number of factories that pollutes the environment. This accelerates global warming. Developed countries have to take responsibility for their ‘dirty development’ that has a negative impact on the environment. They have to take responsibility for global warming and help to avoid a disaster by working with environmentalists from all over the world. First, nations have to implement strict environmental regulations to prevent pollution. If they fail to do so, they should pay heavy penalties and be excluded from international relations. Second, all nations should begin to educate their children about the importance of the environment because we are responsible for preserving the planet for future generations. Third, we have to start finding ways to reduce pollution, e.g. by using public transport, recycling, and saving water and paper. Although we have caused a lot of damage to our planet, we must exert all our efforts to preserve our precious earth, and not repeat the mistakes of the past again.
이은동(2-8), 이혜수(2-8)
Plagiarism in K-pop It is hard to tell whether plagiarism is common in K-pop or not. Plagiarism is stealing. However, it seems that many people don’t think so. Some bad composers copy famous songs. A huge controversy started in 2009 when G-Dragon, the leader of the idol group Big-Bang, released his first solo album. The ‘idol of teens’ was very self-confident; many people were looking forward to his album. However, his fame was soiled because most of the songs on his album were suspected of being plagiarized. His single ‘Heartbreaker’ was similar to Flo-Rida’s hit single ‘Right Round’; ‘Boys’ was very much like ‘Not ur Girl’ sung by Katherine Macpee; and ‘Butterfly’ was very similar to Oasis’ song ‘She’s Electric’. The main problem was actually not the accusations of plagiarism, but the attitude of G-Dragon. Furthermore, his fans’ insistence of his innocence caused the number of anti-G-Dragon people to grow. Suspicions of plagiarism surfaced again in 2010. The rookie band ‘CNBlue’ became a very popular K-pop group this year. Unfortunately they are also suspected of plagiarism. CNBlue’s debut single ‘I’m alone’ sounded like ‘Blue Bird’, composed by YNot, a Korean Indie band. Unlike G-Dragon, CNBlue and his company have denied accusations of plagiarism strongly and kept their composure. CNBlue and his company said, ‘YNot created these rumors. They want to become superstars by using this controversy.’ Plagiarism damages the pop industry. It causes the quality and popularity of the songs to decline and damages the image of the industry. However, before we criticize those who are allegedly involved in plagiarism, let us first have a look at our own attitudes. If a song is similar to other songs, we should find out if it’s really authentic. This will prevent the emergence of another G-Dragon or CNBlue.
Donghwa Journal
Epilogue 이예은(2-8) It was hard to make our first newspaper, but I think it was worth it. 우진수(2-3) It was more difficult and tiring than I’d thought, but it was a memorable experience. 홍대한(1-4) I did my best and I’ll try to be much better next time. 송승 규(1-4) I enjoyed writing my article. 오유창(1-4) I realized that English was hard for me. 송영윤(1-4) It was so hard to write an article. 이후현(1-5) I tried to do my best writing my first article. 김도헌(1-6) I feel a sense of accomplishment in my work. Long Live Almond! 조용석(1-6) It is the best experience during my school life. 김도영(1-9) Although I couldn’t write my article, it will be a great experience in my school life. 송신영(1-10) I’ve learned a lot writing my first article. 김민경(1-10) Writing an article was a great experience for me. 채정민(1-13) Writing an article is not easy, but it was very meaningful. 최 소윤(1-14) It was much delighting to participate in making this newspaper. 유설화(1-14) It was a great experience for me. 유정화(1-14) It was a meaningful experience for me. 김민재(2-7) At first, it took for a while to write in English but it was a worthwhile experience. 이희수(2-8) Our club did so hard that I can’t wait to see the outcome. 박한별(2-8) We made it! It feels like I made a step forward to my dream. 이소희(2-8) Although I couldn’t join this time for certain reasons, it was a great opportunity to be an spare editor. 서예림(2-8) I hope this newspaper is instructive and interesting to you. 이혜수(2-8) It was a great experience. It will be the glory of my family. 이은동(2-8) I’m very proud of our articles. Thank you~ 조슬미 (2-8) It’s my pleasure to participate in this publication!! 김수연(2-8) It was very useful experience. I love it! 조환석(2-10) Personally, 2010 World Cup is the most interesting thing in this year and I am pleased to write about it.